Atlanta Bears

By Locked Cub

Published on May 18, 2022


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Atlanta Bears

Progressing to Control

Sunday, April 12, was an overcast day. It had been mild and spring was definitely on the way with a breeze out of the east. John sat on the top step to his apartment and breathed in the smoke from his cigar, relishing the slight bourbon taste that it had been infused with. Wes sat next to him and blew out a puff of smoke that lingered briefly before flowing away.

"Last day of being a sub," John said as he looked at Wes with a smile.

"Talk about a whirlwind of a session," Wes replied. "I know I have a lot of things I want to try on the other side, though. Tony is quite the experienced dom."

"Yeah," John said. "I am not going to lie. Trying to do all this and study for finals has been a bitch, but I am glad it worked out so far. It's been worthwhile. How's Bart been handling things? He's been quiet around me."

"We agreed he could fuck anything he wanted, but it had to be outside of the apartment," Wes replied. "I told him he couldn't touch me till Sir Tony allowed it, which made him upset at first, but he is ok now."

"Sorry things did not work out," John said as he took another draw. "Would have been nice to have all three of us working till the end."

"Meh," Wes said as he held out his cigar and looked up into the sky. "It is what it is. I think he learned some things."

John chuckled and rubbed Wes's back.

"Well, when we are done here, we best be heading over."

An hour later, the two found themselves naked and kneeling on the floor in Tony's house. As the older man entered, he smiled at them and pulled a chair over to sit in front of them.

"Well, boys. How are we doing today?"

"Good, Sir!" Wes replied. "Excited to see what is in store for us."

Tony smiled.

"I love how eager you are. Are you sure you don't want to remain a sub? I could surely use someone like you around to help with my boys."

"I don't think Bart would approve very much, Sir," Wes said with a grin.

"Fair enough," Tony replied. "For your final day of sub training, I am going to let you experience some play we have not yet approached. To prepare yourselves, I want you to lay down on the floor next to each other. Your head should be at the foot of the other. Stretch your arms out in a T formation so that your arms extend just past the feet of each other. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" The two replied as they got on the floor as Tony asked.

When they were in position, Tony used rope to bind their legs together tightly and then placed a blindfold on each of them.

"Do you trust me?" Tony asked.

"Yes, Sir," the two replied.

With their vision blocked, the two could only hear what was happening around them. The sound of a metal container and objects being placed in it could be detected from across the room. The next thing they noticed was Tony sitting between them and the clang of the container hitting the floor.

"Do not move your arms or legs," Tony said. "What is coming might be a shock but focus yourself and stay still as much as possible. I want you to be as quiet as you can be, too."

John did not know what to expect as he lay on the floor. He could hear something being removed from the container and the next thing he felt was a stinging sensation from his left nipple. It was cold. Very cold. Tony was placing ice on it. He gasped and the ice was removed. He felt it again on his chest and then on his arms and legs. Tony was moving in an unpredictable pattern placing the ice on him for various lengths of time and John felt his body shiver and jerk in reaction.

John groaned and winced when he felt the ice on his balls next.

"Remember to control yourself," Tony replied as he held the ice firm.

John felt his testicles react and retreat into his body. Tony removed the ice and placed it back on his nipples as they did so. It finally landed in the center of his chest, and Tony released his grip and let the cube sit there.

"Don't you move, boys," Tony said. "Sit quietly. I want to see how long you can take it."

John felt his skin starting to react and pain developing. He groaned and tried to control his movements. His arms moved from the floor and he put them back down. His legs twisted as the pain increased.

"One more minute," Tony replied as John clenched his fists.

"Fuck, Sir!" Wes groaned from beside John.

"You can do it," Tony said. "Thirty more seconds."

The pain intensified, and both John and Wes lost track of time. It seemed to be an eternity before the cube was released. When it was, they felt a flush in their skin as John rubbed the location where his had once been.

"Very good, boys!" Tony replied. "Ok, let's take this up a notch."

Wes felt a shiver through his spine as he awaited what was to come. Tony had gotten up and moved away for a moment. Wes felt his balls pulled down and a rubber ring placed around them when the man returned. A second and then a third ring was placed and his testicles felt as though they were being pushed far down in his sack. He groaned in discomfort and heard John reacting the same way. The next thing he felt was the coolness of the ice being placed on his balls again. Instantly his testicles tried to retreat, but they were trapped. The pain was instant. He felt electricity shoot through his groin and up his spine. John cried out beside him and he followed after.

"Fucking hell, Sir!"

"Calm yourselves, boys," Tony said as he removed the ice. "Take a breath. Remember that you are here to please me, and in doing so, you gain pleasure from that. You will be rewarded for your time. I intend to stimulate you to the heights of ecstasy before you leave here today as long as you do what I say. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," the two replied.

"Here we go again," Tony said.

The ice came down on their bound balls and both sub's bodies tensed up. Their legs shook and their hands became fists outstretched on either side of their bodies.

"That's it, boys," Tony said. "Ten more seconds."

When the ice was finally removed, John groaned as he felt his numb balls. The ice was placed on his nipples again and then moved around his body before resting on his chest for what seemed like forever. It was pure torture, but his body reacted with a wave of energy that almost felt pleasant when the ice was removed.

"It's amazing what you can do with the simplest of implements," Tony said.

Wes heard the metal container move and then felt Tony's hand on his. As his hand was moved and placed into the bowl, he felt the coolness of the water and then the stinging sensation as the ice inside dropped the temperature of his skin.

"Hold it there, boy!" Tony said as another piece of ice was placed on Wes's balls.

Wes cried out and winced as the burning sensation moved through his hand and groin. His body tensed and shook violently.

"Fuck, Sir!"

"Ten more seconds," Tony called out.

When the time had elapsed, he pulled Wes's hand from the container, removed the ice from his balls, and repeated the procedure with John. His body convulsed in the same way as the seconds ticked off till it was removed.

"Break time, boys," Tony said. "Take ten minutes to relax. I will put some headphones on you and then we will repeat the procedure."

John sighed as he felt the headphones placed on his head. After a few moments, he heard the soothing voice of Tony.

"Breathe deeply, sub. Your master has control. Release your inhibitions and put yourself in my hands. Take a deep breath in and hold it. Then let it out. As you do so, remember that you are here to give your master pleasure. You will be rewarded."

As Wes took a deep breath in and out, he heard the same mantra in his head. It played over and over again and he felt his body relax. He lost track of what was around him and felt as though he was floating. When the ice came down on his nipples again, his body shook and he gasped. The mantra continued in his head as Tony worked his body over. The ice was placed for more extended periods on his balls and the intense pain radiated through his groin, but surprisingly, he was able to withstand it.

John, too, experienced the second round of ice play differently. He felt as though he was outside his body, floating around the room. The pain was followed by a flush of energy that moved throughout him and he groaned and writhed under Tony's expert hand.

When the session was over, Tony removed the headphones and their blindfolds and carried a metal bowl over to the side of the room. John and Wes sat up and looked down at their balls. The bands were tight around their sacks and their bound testicles were a shade of purple and ached. John reached down and felt them. They were cool to the touch and he groaned.

"Not yet, boy," Tony replied as he returned. "I promise I will remove the bands before they harm you. Keep your hands off and lie back."

The two looked at each other concerned and then laid back down, putting their trust in their dom. Tony sat between them again with small crops in each hand. He rubbed the ends over their bound balls and then lightly tapped them. Each sub winced and cried out as the impact came down.

"Breathe, boys," Tony said as he hit them lightly again.

John cried out in pain the loudest at the third hit. It was the most intense pain he had experienced since training under Tony. His body shook and he could not hold himself still.

"Sir, I can't anymore!" John cried out.

"Me too, Sir!" Wes screamed. "Please, stop!"

"And we stop!" Tony said as he reached down and pulled the bands from their balls.

John looked down and felt the blood rushing down to his sore testicles and groaned. Wes was holding his and rubbing them as the color returned.

"How is that for intense play?" Tony asked.

"That was almost more than I could stand," John replied as he cupped his balls.

"But you withstood it," Tony replied. "You can see that it does not take much to cause extreme pain to a boy. Remember what your limits were. Understand that everyone is different. If a sub says no, or stop, you must stop. You can talk about the limits after and encourage them to push those limits, but you must and should respect them. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," the two replied.

Tony smiled and reached over to remove the binding around their legs. He then had each of them sit facing one another cross-legged and grabbed a chair to sit next to them.

"Now, I want each of you to look the other in the face and tell them what you have learned and what has been most impactful to you as you have taken on the role of a sub," Tony said. "What surprised you and what do you think you will take with you from this experience? John, you can begin."

"Well, for me, I think it was just taking a second to think about the other side. I'll be honest, looking back on how I acted just a few weeks ago with a subby guy, I realize I treated him like shit even though he brought me a lot of pleasure. I think the other thing is just understanding what a sub goes through. Since I had never submitted to anyone before, it was not something I even thought about. I know this was truncated and only a glance, but it makes me want to learn more and do my best to model better behavior."

"I think you are a little hard on yourself," Wes replied. "Yeah, you can get carried away and be somewhat of a hard ass at times, but I have never seen you abuse anyone else or push them beyond their limits. I will say that I am glad I had an opportunity to relive some of my subby tendencies. I started that way and evolved to want more of the dom lifestyle over the past few years. I see now, though, that having that sub experience benefitted me. I can empathize with their situation and can alter how I treat them accordingly."

"Good job, boys," Tony said. "Well, I think it's time to give you your reward. Wes, please go inside and talk with Richard while you wait your turn. I can only do this one at a time. I will start with John."

"Yes, Sir!" Wes replied as he smiled at John, stood, and left the room

"I have a special treat for you tonight, boy," Tony said to John. "Get up on the table and let's get you strapped down."

John stood and walked over to the padded table and laid down. After Tony strapped his legs and arms down, the older man reached down and stroked John's cock. Reacting immediately to the stimulation, it filled with blood and stiffened.

"So, be honest with me, boy," Tony said. "Apart from the milkings you have had the past few weeks with me, can you honestly tell me you have not touched, jacked, or used your cock in any way for pleasure?"

"No, Sir," John groaned as he felt Tony stroke him. "I have not. Apart from that dream, I told you about in the first week."

Tony smiled and leaned over and brought John's cock into his mouth. As the sub watched, Tony fondled his balls and applied suction to his shaft. After five weeks without stimulation in this way, the sensation sent a shiver through John and he groaned.

"Fuck, Sir! That feels so good."

Tony moved up and down and swirled his tongue around John's shaft as he expertly gave him head. It was like no blow job John had ever had before. As he felt his balls roll in the man's large hands, he growled softly and pulled against his bindings. Precum spurt from the tip of his cock and Tony slurped it down, looked up at John, and smiled. As the cock fell from his lips, the older man kissed the tip and rubbed John's belly.

"Now for the main event."

John watched as Tony moved to the side of the room and grabbed a cart that had equipment hanging over it. He wheeled it over to the table and John saw what looked like a large, sealed container with tubes coming out of it. The tubes connected to what looked like a milking device you would put on a cow's teat.

"Is that what I think it is, Sir?" John asked.

"A milker," Tony replied with a smile. "Modified for the male genitalia, of course."

John watched in curiosity as Tony applied lube to the inside of the device and slid it over John's cock. He then pulled a strap around the sub's waist and secured lines to it that held the device in place. As Tony stepped back, he turned and switched on the device. A whirring sound could be heard, then the pumping of a motor. The suction came next and John felt the device begin to undulate over his cock and pulse.

"Oh, fuck!" John groaned as the device took hold and milked him.

"Sit back and relax, boy," Tony said. "You aren't going anywhere till those balls are shooting blanks."

John closed his eyes and moved his hips back and forth as the device ramped up and pulled on his shaft. As Tony sat down to watch, the device pumped up and down and pulled relentlessly. John moaned and squirmed in pleasure as it did its work.

"I didn't know something like this existed!" John exclaimed.

"It's a fun toy," Tony replied. "I like to use it on my subs that agree to a long-term arrangement with me. I usually pull several loads out of them and then put them on a strict chaste lifestyle after."

"Fuck!" John groaned as he arched his back and thrust his hips forward.

The device had moved into a sequence where it sucked hard for a specific time and then ramped down before up again. The cycle took a total of a minute, but it was doing its intended job. John could feel the sensation deep in the root of his cock and his balls were primed.

"Oh, I am going to cum, Sir!" John groaned.

"Go for it, boy!" Tony replied. "You have a long way to go."

John didn't even hear the final thing Tony said. The orgasm hit him and his cock exploded inside the tube. As the suction ramped up, he saw his cum being pulled through the tubes and down into the container below. The suction continued as every drop was pulled away and the intensity of the orgasm nearly made him black out. As he came down off his high, his sensitive cock was still being massaged and pulled by the device. He squirmed and fought against it.

"Oh fuck, Sir! I need a break in between."

"This time, I am not going to heed your request," Tony said with a smile. "You are going to stay there and have orgasm after orgasm until you are literally running dry."

"Fuck!" John groaned as he let his head fall backward.

The device continued its cycle of faster and slower movements and John felt his cock deflate slightly. Tony reached up to help steady the device so it would not fall off and within a few minutes, John's cock swelled again, moving towards another round.

"There we go," Tony said as he let the device go and sat back to watch.

The process began again and this time, it took about ten minutes before John was shooting cum through the tubes again. He screamed in pleasure and pain as the device continued to pull on his ever more sensitive shaft. No matter how hard he fought against the restraints, he was not going anywhere. Tony just sat back and watched, only moving to help steady the device as John went soft.

The third load took fifteen more minutes to free itself from John's balls. Only a trickle of cum came out when it did, but the squeals of delight and pain from John filled the room. He fell onto the table, exhausted. His balls hurt, not from blue balls, but from the sheer amount of cum that had been pulled from them. He panted and begged for relief and Tony smiled at him as his cock softened and the device fell.

"Ok," Tony replied. "I'll give you a reprieve."

As the device was removed from his limp shaft, John groaned.

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you!"

"You don't have to call me Sir, John," the older man replied. "Tony will be fine from now on."

Tony moved to release John's legs and arms and helped him to a sitting position. John smiled and panted, felt his sore cock, and pinched a small amount of cum that remained from the tip before swallowing it.

"Wow, that was intense."

"Good man," Tony said as he patted John's cheeks. "I'm proud of you. You have put a lot of effort into actually listening and learning from me. Now I'll try to pass on my knowledge of good dom behavior to you and help you model it. I've got a sub I am training on Tuesdays. If you and Wes can swing it, I would like you to stop by next week to work with him."

"Sure," John said as he moved to get off the table.

"Regain your balance and dress," Tony said. "Doms have the privilege of clothes in my household. When you are ready, go and get Wes and I will help him graduate to the same state, too."

"Bart is going to be pissed he missed out on this," John said as he reached down to inspect the milking device.

Tony smiled and cleaned the machine as John crossed the room and dressed. After he slipped his shirt and pants on, he walked by Tony and into the house. Inside, he found Wes and Richard sitting on the floor talking in the living room. Wes was surprised to see John dressed, but Richard smiled in reaction.

"Hello, Sir," Richard replied. "Is Master ready for sub Wes?"

"He is," John said in response.

Wes rose and looked at John with a curious look and the man chuckled in response.

"Just wait, boy. I think you will like the graduation to dom status that Tony has planned for you."

Wes laughed and walked by and into the garage, closing the door behind him. John then took a seat in Tony's chair and talked to Richard as Wes was hooked up to the machine and milked. They both could hear the squeals from Wes on the other side of the room.

"I guess you heard me yelling too," John said with a laugh.

Richard smiled.

"Yes, Sir. Sub Wes was scared you were being harmed, but I told him not to worry. That machine is something else, isn't it?"

"For sure," John replied. "I need one of those."

About a half-hour later, the door opened and Wes walked in buttoning his shirt. He smiled when he saw John and shook his head.

"Fucking hell, man! What a reward!"

John got up and walked over to Wes.

"Well, how many did he pull from you?"

"Four," Wes said as he reached down the grope his balls. "I can't believe he got the last one. I nearly passed out!"

"Better than me, bro," John replied. "I stopped at three."

Richard smiled and stood.

"I'm glad to see you both had a good time, Sirs. I look forward to seeing you again soon."

"We will be here Tuesday to help work with Tony's sub, Luke," Wes replied. "We still have some training to go."

"Good," Richard replied. "Will see you then."

John patted Wes's back and the two turned to head home.

Next: Chapter 9

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