Atlanta Bears

By Locked Cub

Published on May 24, 2022


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Atlanta Bears

Firm but Fair

Bart turned over and yawned. He had stayed up too late studying the night before and as he saw the morning light creep through the window, he realized he would be paying for it today at work. As his eyes adjusted, he saw Wes was twisted so his ass was facing him and his chest was on the bed. He had his head buried in the pillow with his arms around it and the only thing Bart could see was his hair.

Bart moved his hand down and gently caressed the hairy cheeks that peeked out from the tossed covers. It had been a month and a half since he had last fucked his boyfriend and he missed it. His cock stirred and lengthened as he licked his finger, rubbed Wes's crack, and let his digits move between and over his hole. As Bart wiggled his finger, Wes groaned but did not wake. A grin crossed his face as Bart pushed deeper. He used his free hand to reach down and stroke his cock as it swelled. He licked his lips, removed his finger, and moved over, so his cock slid across Wes's crack. He wrapped his hands around the warm sleeping mass and thrusted, letting the head of his dick push between Wes's cheeks. He could feel precum dribble out and coat Wes's ass and he moaned.

Wes stirred and felt the pressure behind him. He was still in a daze, but when he felt the cock push against his hole, he squeezed his ass tight and turned to see Bart gritting his teeth lustfully.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" Wes asked.

"I would think that is obvious," Bart replied as he went to grab Wes's waist.

Wes pulled away and turned to face him.

"I thought we already discussed this. I am off-limits at the moment."

"Fuck! Didn't you say you "graduated" to dom status now?" Bart groaned, adding in air quotes with his hands.

"I'm still in training," Wes replied. "I think you need to apologize to Tony before I let you fuck me again."

"What the hell!" Bart groaned as he grabbed his cock and turned on his back. "Do you even love me anymore?"

"Bart!" Wes growled as he sat up in bed. "I love you deeply, but I am still pissed at how you have acted recently. As soon as you apologize to Tony, I will be happy to make love to you again. If you cannot find the courage to do even that, then maybe we need some time apart."

"And what am I supposed to do with this?" Bart replied as he pointed at his hard, dripping cock."

Wes rolled his eyes and turned and opened the drawer to the nightstand and grabbed the masturbation sleeve. He then looked at Bart and tossed it to him.

"Fuck that while I shower," Wes replied as he got up from the bed.

Bart threw his head back against the pillows, growled, and then picked up the toy and slid it over his cock. Wes heard him fucking it furiously as he closed the door behind him and walked into the bathroom. John smiled at him with a towel wrapped around his waist as he did so.

"Sorry," Wes replied. "Are you done?"

"All done," John said. "You ok? You look pissed."

"Bart again," Wes said. "Woke up to him trying to fuck my ass. I told him he needed to give an apology to Tony before I would let him do that again."

"Ouch," John replied. "I mean, that is understandable, but I expect he was not happy."

"Let's just say that masturbation sleeve is getting a workout this morning," Wes said with a grin as he moved to turn the water on in the shower.

John moved into the hall and then knocked on Bart's door before entering. Bart was sitting on the top of the sheets panting with cum all over his chest and hand and the toy sitting beside him dripping, too.

"OK to come in?" John asked.

"Yeah," Bart said. "Sorry, I had to knock one out."

"Looks like you almost shot your chin," John said with a smile as he moved to sit on the bed. "Listen, I don't mean to butt in, but are you and Wes ok?"

Bart rubbed the cum on his chest, brought some to his mouth, and tasted it before groaning and laying his head back.

"He's still pissed at me," Bart said. "I think he wants to leave me."

"I doubt that," John said. "He told me what happened just a moment ago. Are you willing to talk to Tony?"

Bart rolled his eyes and looked at John.


"Tell you what," John said. "We were supposed to study this evening after school anyway. Why don't I pick you up and we go over there and get it taken care of today? Then you two can patch things up. I don't want to see you both arguing."

"Ugh," Bart groaned as he rubbed his chest.

"Come on, big man," John said as he reached over and played with Bart's cum-covered cock. "I'll swing us by the store and pick up beer afterward as a reward."

Bart chuckled and looked at John.

"Ok, ok. I'll do it."

John smiled and leaned over and brought Bart's cock into his mouth. As he pulled the soft shaft in, he could taste some remnants of the man's load and he applied some pressure to pull it out. He then licked around the shaft and let it fall from his lips with a grin, savoring the taste.

"Damn, you have never put my cock in your mouth before!" Bart said with a grin.

"Must be some remaining sub training," John said with a wink.

Monday had been a grueling day. John had been stuck with a mound of paperwork to sort through at the law office and had an essay to turn in during one of his afternoon classes that he had put off to the last minute. As he walked down the hall to pick up Bart to leave for the day, he yawned and stretched. Bart saw him as he walked out of his classroom and smiled.

"Don't you start that. I'll start yawning too."

"I need a nap," John groaned.

"Same here," Bart said as the two moved down the hall towards the exit.

"Well, we have some business to take care of first," John replied. "I already called ahead and told Tony we are coming. Wes and I have to be over there tomorrow to meet the sub he is mentoring and training and I had a few things I wanted to touch base with him anyway about."

"I'm sure he will be pissed to see me," Bart groaned.

John reached over and rubbed Bart's back.

"You'll be ok, my friend. And just think. You get this over with and you can get back to fucking your boyfriend again."

Bart chuckled.

"That's a reward in itself."

John drove them over to Tony's house after stopping by the post office to mail something out. By the time they arrived, the sun was setting and it was getting dark. Bart followed John up the driveway and through the door into the play area. As the door closed behind him, Bart groaned.

"What's the protocol here?"

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"The last time I was here, I was a sub, remember?" Bart said.

"Well, you do what makes you feel comfortable," John said with a smile. "I'll go tell Tony we are here."

John turned and left Bart as he moved to knock on the far door and enter the kitchen. He looked over and saw Tony waving at him from his chair as he did so.

"Hello, John. How are you today?"

"Tired, if I am to be honest," John replied. "It's been a long day."

"I hear ya," Tony said. "Richard is out grocery shopping at the moment. Is Bart with you?"

"Yeah, he is waiting out in the garage play area," John said. "Wes wanted him to apologize to you, as I mentioned. He seems nervous about it, though. I think he is embarrassed."

Tony got up and smiled as he neared John.

"I understand."

"Listen, before we go out there, I just wanted to clarify some things," John said.

"Sure," Tony replied.

"So, tomorrow we will be working with your sub, Luke," John said. "Richard gave me the backstory on him. Is there anything we need to know to be careful about? I know he has had some trauma in the past."

"Nope, just act as you would around any sub," Tony said. "You can take cues from me if you want. He is in a much better place now. He loves being called "boy" and will likely be shy around you both at first, but otherwise, nothing to worry about. I do appreciate you asking, though."

"Ok," John said with a grin.

"Well, let's get this over with," Tony said as he moved past John and opened the door to the garage.

As John followed him, he saw Bart across the room. He had stripped naked and was kneeling with his head bowed. His clothes were folded neatly in the bin behind him and he did not react until Tony moved near him.

"Good evening, Sir," Bart replied as the older man stood in front of him.

"You can rise and face me, boy," Tony said.

Bart stood and glanced at John before staring at Tony.

"Sir, I wanted to be humble and apologize for my behavior," Bart said. "I upset Wes and he cut me off from sex. He asked me to come to ask for your forgiveness. That was my initial reason for coming, but I realized I was a jerk. I let my hormones get in the way. I just don't want to lose my boyfriend over this."

Tony smiled and put his hand on Bart's shoulder.

"Impulsive behavior is not good for anyone. For a dom, that can lead to abusive tendencies, but it can cause arguments and poor decisions for a relationship. You are young, so take some advice from someone that has been where you are now. Use it as a learning experience and choose to be better the next time."

"I hear you," Bart said as he hung his head. "I've always been hard-headed."

"Say no more. I've had more obstinate boys around here in the past. You just need not let your cock drive you. You are smarter than that. If you and Wes ever do get a sub of your own, you need to remember that while your pleasure might be important, how you treat them is important, too. I don't know where you are with your relationship with Wes, but you can tell him that I said things are fine between us. Let's shake on it and you can put your clothes on and leave."

"Thanks, Sir," Bart replied as he held out his hand and gripped Tony's.

Tony smiled and then turned and patted John on his shoulder.

"I'll see you and Wes tomorrow, John. Have a good evening."

"You too, Tony," John replied as the older man went back inside.

Bart looked at John and took a deep breath before turning to grab his clothes. John smiled and walked over to him.

"I wasn't expecting you to do that. But I know Tony appreciated the gesture."

"I just hope Wes will accept me," Bart replied.

"I'll get the car started," John said. "Come on out when you are finished."

When Bart was dressed, he joined John in the car and they drove over to the store to pick up some beer and a frozen pizza for dinner before heading home. As they walked up the steps to the apartment and opened the door, they saw Wes standing in his boxers.

"Well, how did it go?" Wes asked.

"John told you, huh?" Bart said as John came in behind him.

"Yup," Wes said as he crossed his hands over his chest.

"All is forgiven," John replied. "He even knelt naked in front of Tony in the process."

"Oh really?" Wes said as he looked at Bart.

"I don't want to lose you, babe," Bart said as his eyes welled with tears. "I'm sorry."

Wes smiled and came over and hugged Bart.

"Good. Well, if John can handle getting the pizza in the oven, we can go back to the bedroom and have sex, if you want."

"Thanks, babe," Bart said as he kissed Wes before following him down the hall.

The following day, Wes and John found themselves walking up the driveway of Tony's house. They had grabbed dinner already as they had no idea how long they would be here nor what to expect. An old VW Beetle was in the driveway when they arrived and they assumed that it belonged to Luke, Tony's sub in training. John reached the side door first and as he walked in, he saw a naked young man kneeling beside the door in the same spot that he and Wes had occupied just the week before. Luke did not move and had his head bowed and his hands behind his back. John looked at Wes and smiled as they closed the door behind them.

"You two are just in time!" Tony said from across the room as he came in from the kitchen dressed only in a pair of tight black jeans that accentuated his package. "Boy, stand and introduce yourself to these two men."

Luke got to his feet and looked over at Bart and Wes. The boy was on the thin side and had a darker tone to his skin. It was apparent he had some Caribbean DNA in him. His head was cut short and he had a patch of thin chest hair on his upper torso. Around his waist was a metal band attached to a plate that covered his groin. He was wearing nearly the same chastity device that Richard wore. He smiled at John and Wes before he spoke.

"Good evening, Sirs. My name is sub Luke. I am in training under Sir Tony to learn to serve men. I am pleased to meet you."

"Good to meet you!" John replied with a grin.

"Indeed," Wes said. "You're a cute one!"

"Thank you, Sir," Luke said with a blush.

"The boy just arrived about fifteen minutes ago," Tony said. "I wanted to wait for you to arrive before we started anything."

"That sounds good!" John replied. "Do you mind if I take my shirt off? It is warm in here."

"Make yourself comfortable," Tony replied.

John and Wes removed their shirts. They hung them on a peg on the wall and then took their shoes and socks off before walking over to where Tony was standing. Luke watched them and licked his lips and John smiled when he saw the reaction.

"You like what you see, boy?" John asked as he rubbed his chest.

"Yes, Sir!" Luke replied. "I love furry, dominant men."

Wes chuckled in response.

"Well, you will have three to work with today!"

Tony smiled, grabbed a flogger, and looked at Luke.

"Ok, boy. Why don't we start with some impact play this evening? Do you mind if Sir John starts with you? I promise he is well trained. You can trust him."

"Of course, Sir," Luke replied.

Tony handed the flogger to John and then led Luke over to the cross and bound his arms and legs. He then walked back over to John and Wes and smiled.

"He is all yours, John. Remember what you experienced as a sub these past few weeks. Don't go as long or as hard with this boy. A light flogging is all he is getting today. Some redness in the buttocks and lower back is fine. Communicate with him and earn his trust. He will call out the safe word "vanilla" if he needs a break. You can switch off to Wes if you wish at any point. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," John replied before catching himself. "I mean, Tony."

Tony chuckled.

"It's ok."

John walked over to the bound boy and rubbed his hand over the lad's upper back. Luke shook and John could see he was nervous.

"It's ok, boy. I will not harm you. You say the word and I will hand this over to Sir Tony at any time. Take a deep breath and relax for me, ok?"

"Yes, Sir," Luke replied as he let his lungs fill and empty.

John stepped back and lightly let the flogger hit the lower back of Luke. The boy barely moved and Tony came over and smiled.

"You can go a little harder. Here let me show you."

Tony took the flogger from John and demonstrated how to whip it in a circle and let it impact Luke's skin. The boy flinched with the impact but did not cry out.

"Try it now," Tony said as he handed the implement over to John.

John stepped back and mimicked Tony's movements and as the leather straps came down and hit Luke's back, the boy groaned.

"That was good, Sir."

John smiled as he gained confidence and repeated the procedure a few more times before moving up the boy's spine. The impact made Luke grimace when he reached the boy's shoulders, but he still did not cry out.

"Excellent, John," Tony said. "Now, let me show you how to work some color in the boy's cheeks."

John passed the flogger over to Tony and the older man stood behind the boy and moved the flogger in a circle as he brought it down repeatedly over Luke's right ass cheek. Over several seconds, the sound of the impacts bounced through the room and Luke groaned and squeezed his ass. Tony stopped and rubbed the boy's butt before passing the flogger over to John again.

"You do the left side."

John smiled and practiced his movements behind the boy before moving forward to deliver a similar set of impacts as Tony had done. As he came down for the last hit, the boy brought himself to his toes and cried out.

"Thank you, Sir!"

"Excellent, John!" Tony replied.

"Do you want a go?" John asked Wes.

"Sure," Wes replied.

Wes took the flogger and walked over and rubbed Luke's ass. He could feel some slight heat and see the pink of the skin reacting to the hits he had received.

"Are you ready, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" Luke replied.

Wes stood back and repeated the same movements that John had done. He began lightly on Luke's lower back and moved up towards the shoulders before moving down and ending with some harder, faster strokes to the boy's ass and upper legs.

"Excellent job!" Tony replied. "Don't forget the aftercare!"

Wes smiled and handed the flogger to John before moving over to rub Luke's ass and lower back. As his hands moved over the boy's skin, he could feel the warmth radiating outward. He wrapped his arms around the lad and gave him a gentle squeeze letting his furry belly rub on the boy's back. Luke groaned in response.

"Feel good, boy?" Wes asked.

"Yes, Sir," Luke replied. "Thank you, Sir. I'm straining in my cage right now."

Wes chuckled and noticed his crotch felt tight, too.

"You aren't the only one straining."

Tony laughed and grabbed a crop from the wall and moved behind Luke.

"Are you ready for what is next?" Tony asked.

"I'm prepared, Sir!" Luke replied.

Wes moved backward and Tony stepped behind the boy and brought the crop down hard on Luke's upper ass cheek. John saw the waves of energy move outward and undulate the skin. The smack of the impact was short and loud and Wes gritted his teeth when he heard it. A second impact followed a third and a fourth. Luke lifted his weight onto his toes and cried out as his ass clenched. Tony stopped and rubbed the skin and Luke reacted by twisting his body.

"Quit struggling, boy!" Tony replied as he brought his arm around the front of the lad and bear-hugged him. "Remember to breathe for me. Feel my warmth and energy. I care about you. I am not here to harm you. Turn the pain into pleasure."

"Yes, Sir," Luke replied as he relaxed and his feet went flat against the floor.

Tony pulled back and rubbed Luke's ass again and then moved to pick up a small paddle which he used to deliver five quick hits to each side of Luke's ass. When he was done, they glowed red and Tony smiled as he rubbed them.

"Feel him now, men," Tony said as he motioned to John and Wes. "This is a good color for him."

The two reached over and felt the ass of Luke and John noticed the heat immediately. As he moved around, Luke whimpered.

"You'll be ok, boy," John replied.

"So, John or Wes, do you need your balls drained?" Tony asked as he moved to hang the implements up.

Wes laughed.

"Well, my dick is still straining, but I promised Bart some fun this evening. So, I will pass for now."

"I sure could use a good draining, in that case," John replied.

"Good," Tony said with a smile as he moved to remove the restraints from Luke's arms and legs. "My sex drive is not what it once was, so the boy does not get to be used in that manner as much as he could be."

Once Tony had Luke off the cross, he turned him around and looked at him.

"Are you ready to pleasure this man?"

"Yes, Sir!" Luke replied.

John smiled as he unbuttoned his pants and stepped out of them. He groped his heavy balls as he stared at the boy who knelt in front of him. Luke moved forward, put his nose in the fabric that covered John's crotch, and breathed in. The scent of the man permeated his boxers after a long day of work and school. John smiled as the boy moved his head back and forth and pushed his nose forward. He reached down and grabbed the back of Luke's head and held him until the boy forced his head back for air.

"You smell so good, Sir," Luke said as he looked up.

John grinned and put his thumb in the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down slowly. Luke faced forward and watched in anticipation as John's bush appeared first, followed by his shaft and balls. As the boxers fell down his legs, he stepped out of them and Luke moved his head forward and ran his tongue over John's left testicle. The boys sucked on the skin that covered it and then pulled it into his mouth, savoring the intense musk that radiated out.

"Good boy," John replied as he groaned and closed his eyes.

Luke took his time and rolled the orb in his mouth, covering the loose skin with his saliva before moving to the other one and doing the same. He moved his mouth around the back and took in more of John's scent as both his balls landed on top of the lad's nose. As Luke moved to pull his tongue up John's shaft, he saw that the man's cock was nearly erect and engorged to its full extent. He marveled at the girth.

"Your cock is perfect, Sir," Luke replied as he moved to put the broad head into his mouth.

As it popped in, John felt the boy swirl his tongue around it and pull his dick deep. With no gag reflex, John reached the back of the boy's throat and the man growled in approval.

"That's a good boy!"

Wes, aroused by the attention John was getting, rubbed his crotch. His pants barely contained his erection.

"Damn, that looks like it feels good!"

John smiled as he looked at his friend.

"You sure you don't want any of this?"

"I'm good watching," Wes replied with a grin.

Tony had trained Luke well. The boy had a way of applying pressure on John's cock as he moved up and down on it that made the man's legs shudder. Luke lightly rubbed the underside of John's balls simultaneously, and they jumped in response. John reached his left arm out to steady himself on the nearby wall as the boy worked him over, but he knew that he wanted more than the boy's mouth.

"You feel like giving that ass up to me, boy?" John asked.

Luke backed off the cock that was down his throat and smiled. A thin cord of spit connected the head of John's cock to his lips and it fell as he licked them.

"Of course, Sir! I am cleaned out and ready to take you."

"Good boy!" John replied. "How about you mount the fuck bench."

Luke rose and nodded as he moved over and climbed onto the leather-padded piece of furniture. His ass hung at the perfect position for John as he moved over to him. Tony handed John a bottle of lube that he used to apply to his shaft. He then brought two fingers to the boy's hole and felt it. It puckered in response and then opened to let him in. John could tell the boy was not tight, but he gripped his digits as he pushed them inside and turned them. Luke moaned as the man fingered him and his feet flexed.

John pulled his hand back and tossed the lube to Wes as Tony gave him a towel to wipe the lubrication off his fingers. He then put the towel on his shoulder, grabbed his hard cock, and pointed it towards the ass waiting in front of him. As his head slipped inside Luke, the boy moved his head upwards and moaned loudly. John reached up and put his hands over the metal band that encircled the boy's waist and connected to the chastity cage in the front. He held on to it as his cock slid forward and felt as the boy's ass gripped him as he went deeper.

When John's balls hit the boy's ass, he groaned and began to thrust. Each movement forced the boy forward just enough to make the fuck bench creak. Luke gripped the sides firmly to steady himself as the man pounded from behind.

Wes had his hand down his pants and felt his shaft as the precum spurted from it and covered his hand and soaked his underwear. He had told Bart he would save himself till he got home, but he questioned if he could keep the agreement as he watched his friend fuck. John was grunting as he forcefully penetrated the boy bent over in front of him. The impact of his groin against the lad's ass was loud and was mixed with the sound of the lubrication allowing his cock to move forward and backward with ease. The man threw his head back and growled as he closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure he was receiving.

"Use me, Sir!" Luke replied. "You feel so good!"

"Fuck yeah, boy!" John growled as he fucked.

Tony was watching from the side of the room and groped himself, too. The scene was hot enough to arouse him and make him contemplate taking a ride later. After ten minutes, John could feel that he was close as he fucked. He let in a breath of air and expanded his chest before releasing it in a primal growl. He gritted his teeth as he felt his balls start to lift.

"Here it comes, boy," John shouted. "You are going to be bred deep!"

"Yes, Sir!" Luke replied. "Please!"

John went over the edge and felt the sensation flush over his whole body. As his cock forcefully dumped his seed deep in the bowels of the boy, he pulled forward and gripped Luke's waist tight. His legs shuddered and he growled yet again, more loudly this time.

"Fuck yeah!" Wes groaned. "That is so fucking hot. Breed him John!"

John hung his head and closed his eyes as the intensity of the orgasm crested in his body. He felt his cock as cum seeped out of the boy's ass. He had truly filled him. The fluids came out and fell onto the floor in audible "plops" as he pulled out. John stepped back and gasped as he caught his breath and spread Luke's ass.

"Thank you, boy," John groaned. "That was awesome!"

"Thank you for the honor!" Luke replied. "I am happy to please!"

John looked at Tony as he caught his breath.

"May I reward the boy?"

"You may," Tony replied with a smile as he continued to grope his crotch.

John smiled and pushed his finger into Luke's cum covered hole. As it moved forward, he felt for the bulge behind the boy's bladder, and when he located it, he rubbed it gently.

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Luke cried out as he felt the sensation deep inside him.

Almost instantly, fluids drained from the hole at the base of his chastity cage. His caged nub released weeks of stored prostate fluids. Luke gasped as he felt them flow out and he closed his eyes and moaned.

It took several minutes for the flow to stop, but when it did, John pulled his finger out and wiped it on the towel over his shoulder before using it to wipe his forehead. He then moved to rub Luke's ass and patted it gently.

"You did a good job, boy. Tony trained you well."

"Thank you for milking me, Sir," Luke replied. "I am humbled."

"That's the first milking he has had in about ten days," Tony said. "You did that expertly. I am happy to see you thought of that as soon as you were done."

"It was the least I could do as a reward," John replied with a smile. "I remember well how much I needed it from you after being pent up for several days."

Tony came over and patted the man's shoulders.

"You're a good dom and a quick learner."

John smiled as he moved over to where Wes was standing. The man had his hand down his pants and there was a wet spot on his jeans.

"Make a mess there?" John asked with a smile as his cock hung limp in front of him.

Wes chuckled.

"A mess of precum. That was fucking hot! Bart better be appreciative that I controlled myself!"

John smiled as he tossed the towel to the side of the room and moved to grab his underwear and pants. As he dressed, Tony helped Luke off the bench and the boy moved to kneel near the door as the older man wiped down the equipment.

"Luke here has some chores to do for me before he leaves," Tony said. "Would you gentleman like something to drink and relax for a while inside?"

"It sounds awesome, but I think we both need to be heading back," Wes said. "Besides, I need to drain my balls after that experience. I might even bend Bart over tonight."

John and Tony laughed and the older man gave Wes a thumbs up.

"Very well then," Tony said. "You two can go. Next time you are here, we will discuss limits, rules, and guidelines with a sub and some scenarios where you may need to be more strict to correct bad behavior. I look forward to seeing you again."

"Yes, Sir!" the two replied as they turned to grab their shirts and put their shoes and socks on.

Luke waved at them both as they left.

"Have a good evening, Sirs. It was a pleasure serving two hot men such as yourselves."

"You too, boy," Wes replied with a smile.

Next: Chapter 10

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