Aussies Dream

By Clinton D

Published on Apr 13, 2010


This story is fiction. Any similarities with people living or dead is purely coincidence; meaning that this is not an autobiographical story. Please navigate away from this page if it is against the law in your country to view this material. Moreover do not read if you are under the age of majority in your country, state or province. Please do not copy without permission.

Hey everyone! So here is chapter 5. Again please feel free to send comments and feedback to I'd like to send a big thank-you the way of my editor. Dude you're awesome and thanks so much again for editing for me. The time and effort you put in is much appreciated. Also a thank-you for your ideas and thoughts towards where this story is heading, and hopefully all of you out there enjoy reading it.

---------------------------------------------------- Aussies Dream - Chapter 5 ----------------------------------------------------

So I found myself getting ready for another Friday night out. I didn't want to go out but I hadn't been given much of a choice. Kelly had picked out my clothes and Adam had pretty much picked me up and dumped me in the shower, fully clothed and water running. He even had the cheek to pull out his phone and snap a picture.

"This is going straight on Facebook." He teased.

"You're an arsehole you know that."

"Yeah, but you love me. Now hurry up and get showered." He said leaving the bathroom.

A few weeks had passed since the party. I still couldn't get the moments I shared with Isaac out of my head. No matter how hard I tried to keep distracted, thoughts of him were always present. I tried to deny it, but I know deep down I had fallen hard and fast. Every time I started to think about it I would end up depressed at having come to the conclusion that nothing was ever going to happen. Why should my luck change now?

Over the last few weeks I had only seen Isaac a couple times and it was always when I was meeting with Adam or Kelly, never alone. I sensed something was a little off since the party. Whenever I was around he remained quiet and only spoke to me when asked a direct question, and it was always a short one or two word answer. It broke my heart deep down. Did I do something to fuck up our friendship? I tore myself apart wondering what I had done to screw up. One of the days I went out on a limb and asked him if he wanted to meet for lunch when I knew he was free, but all I got was 'I'm busy'. I knew exactly where this was heading; I had seen it way too many times before. The first step towards another friendship over before it had really gotten started.

"Hurry up in there! Stop pleasuring yourself and get your sexy arse ready." Kelly yelled from the lounge. I was purposely taking my time to annoy the two of them, knowing full well I would pay for it later.

I finally convinced myself to put it behind me and just get over him. Nothing was going to happen, I was sure of that, no one that perfect could possibly be gay. I decided I needed to look at the positives and just start to enjoy life. I now have Adam and Kelly and the opportunity to just let go, have fun and enjoy life to its fullest. No need to drag myself through all the misery of thinking about something I am never going to be able to have. It was going to be hard but I knew deep down it would be for the best.

So tonight, even though I wasn't in the mood to go out, was the first chance for me to start letting go. We were going back out to a small club that Adam and Kelly had taken me to a few times over the last few weeks. It was their place to go on the weekend, to just relax after a stressful week. It was usually pretty quiet on the weekend for a club, but I assumed it was doing well enough to still be open.

I finished my shower after I thought I had made them wait long enough. I wrapped a towel around my waist while checking myself over in the mirror. I thought to myself that it was awfully quiet, what are they up to? There was no chatter. I opened the bathroom door to head to my room, and was greeted by Adam and Kelly grinning their heads off. "What the..." I began.

"Quick, to the bedroom for the makeover!" Kelly exclaimed as the two of them dragged me to my bedroom.

"No! What are you doing?" I asked while struggling to get free from both of them.

"Keep him pinned to the bed Adam" Kelly ordered, and Adam did just that. He was sitting on my back and holding my arms down as I lay face down on the bed.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked again still trying to wriggle free, but it was of no use. Adam had me pinned.

"We're giving you a makeover silly." Kelly answered. "You need to look hot when going out with us." She continued with a mischievous grin planted on her face.

"What's wrong with the way I look and dress?"

"Nothing, you could just look a hell a lot sexier with some help." Kelly answered again, while winking at Adam when I couldn't see.

"Adam is this really necessary? Please you're a guy, you're supposed to be on my side." I said letting out a little chuckle, because I knew I wasn't getting myself out of this.

"Sorry Ben, but you should know by now we don't argue with Kelly." He said while chuckling. "It won't be that bad. She just wants to do your hair... and a little makeup haha."

"What? no!"

"Relax, no makeup ok? Now stay still so I can style your hair." Kelly ordered.

"Ok, but is Adam pinning me down necessary? I promise I won't run away."

"Of course it's necessary. Just so you can complain about it later." Adam mocked.

I just rolled my eyes and let them have their way. While lying there I suddenly realised something was pressing into my back. Was Adam...? No he couldn't be... no way. Kelly announced she was going to get some hair spray and will be back. I decided to use this opportunity to make a comment to Adam and get myself free.

"Is all this action turning you on?" I whispered over my shoulder.

Adam leant down next to my ear and whispered "Just your sexy ass" and he ground his hips into me before he sat back up. Kelly entered the room again and began dousing my head with hairspray.

I was in shock. What just happened? There is no way! I convinced myself he was just toying around and tried to think nothing of it. I had to admit Kel did do a good job with my hair and clothes. I was looking pretty good by the time she was done with me.

We arrived at the club and I made my way straight to the bar where the owner, Dave, was pouring some drinks. I had gotten to know him quite well over the last couple weeks, which resulted in some free drinks which I wasn't complaining about. He was roughly 30, stood around 6 foot, had short dark brown hair, blue eyes, goatee and a cute little smile he would occasionally do. I hadn't failed to notice the definition in his muscles. I had my suspicions about Dave, I am pretty sure I've caught him checking out some of the guys in the club the last couple weekends, and some of the comments he has made, and the ways he has looked at me make me think not only that he might be gay, but that he knows I am too.

The club was fairly small. It had two levels, with the dance floor and bar on the ground floor, and a mezzanine that ran around the perimeter of the dance floor upstairs. The second level had tables and chairs situated all the way around so that you could escape to sit down and watch the action below. The bar was directly across from the entrance and to the right end of the room was where the DJ was situated. The stairway to the second floor was at the back of the dance floor, to the left of the entrance.

"How are you tonight Ben? The usual first round?" Dave asked as I approached the bar.

"I'm doing pretty good, drinks sound great, I'm ready to just relax. How're things here?" I answered leaning up against the bar as Dave began pouring a round of shots and a round of rum and coke's.

"To tell you the truth, not that great. Things have been kind of slow lately and I'm simply not making enough income. I always had dreams of owning a club, and well... now I do but I am not having much success. I mean look at the place it's basically deserted for a club on a Friday night. The place should be packed."

"You can't shut down, where will we spend our Friday nights?"

"I'm sorry but unless a miracle occurs I don't think I will have a choice."

I could read the disappointment, it was written all over his face. He really likes this place and doesn't want to give it up. I suddenly had an idea. It was a risk but I thought I'd give it a crack. I'm not sure what came over me, where the sudden burst of courage came from, but I wanted to do something to try and help. It will either come off or I'll crash and burn.

"I have an idea. Mind if I borrow your DJ?"

"Umm no." he replied looking confused. "What are you going to do?"

"You will just have to wait and see." I said grinning.

"Ben..." Dave attempted, but I grabbed the tray of drinks and set off towards the stairs to take the drinks up to Adam and Kelly.

"Here we go." I said to Adam and Kelly as I sat the tray down on the table and quickly downed both of my drinks. I was going to need a little liquid courage for what I was about to do.

"Whoa! Are you okay there, Ben?" Kelly quizzed.

"Yep fine. I'll be back soon." I answered, and I quickly left them and headed back downstairs and made my way over to the DJ. 'Man no wonder this place isn't going off' I thought to myself, the DJ needs some help..

"Hey!" I yelled above the music to get his attention.

"Oh, Hi! You want to do a request?"

"Sort of. I was actually hoping to help you get these people going." I said nodding my head towards the basically empty dance floor of zombies.

"Am I that bad?" He said while putting his head down, kind of embarrassed. It was at this moment I got a proper look at him, as his head moved into one of the lights. He was kind of cute. He had short brown hair and blue eyes, like Dave, but his eyes were deep blue, it reminded me of the ocean. "I'm sorry, I'm kind of new to this, I'm lucky the owner is giving me a chance, but I guess I'm blowing it." He continued.

"Hey, don't look so down! You're not doing that badly, you just need a little help getting these people into the groove. Want to hear my idea? Names Ben by the way."

"Name's Dean. Yeah sure, can't make things any worse then what they are haha." Dean said forcing a smile.

"Okay, well I haven't done anything like this before, but I was thinking along the lines of some karaoke? With me singing to your music." I said kind of nervously.

"You can sing?"

"Well, I've been told I can."

"Sounds interesting, what did you have in mind?"

"Well have you ever listened to the party people remixes that play on Saturday nights?"

"Yeah, all the time! You want to do one of them?" Dean said rather excitedly.

"Yeah I was thinking the mix of Ke$ha's Tik Tok, Beyonce's Sweet Dreams, and the Eurhythmics Sweet Dreams. Do you think you could mix that together?"

"Wicked choice. I'll give it a shot."

"Awesome." I still didn't know what the hell I was doing, but I was determined to go through with it. I wanted to go out and be free tonight, and enjoy myself. All while I was talking with Dean I could feel Adam, Kelly and Dave's eyes on me. When I turned around all of them were watching me with a expression on their face, as to say, what are you up to?

The room went quite as Dean prepared for the upcoming track, and everyone in the room suddenly had their eyes on me. They also had expressions on their face, like what the hell are you doing? I went and grabbed the microphone and spoke as calmly as I could.

"Ok folks, tonight we are going to try something a little different." and I turned and motioned for Dean to start, he obliged with a wink.

As the intro music started up I motioned for Adam and Kel to come down on to the dance floor. As the music continued and I was waiting for the cue to start the song, everyone was still staring. I think by this stage everyone had figured out what was about to happen but they all still had worried looks and were probably thinking, 'oh no we are about to get tortured'. Even Kel looked worried. The only one who had a smile on their face was Adam, and when I looked over at him, he gave a wink.

I knew full well I had to let go of all my inhibitions in order to make this work. I had to be free, as if I was living a dream, for some reason I knew deep down that this was going to work. I was sure of it. The start of the song finally arrived and I began to belt out the first verse to Tik Tok. By the end of the verse there still wasn't much movement on the floor. I'm not sure whether it was because they were surprised I could actually sing or they didn't know what they were supposed to be doing.

By the time the chorus began everyone had started to sing and dance along, led by Adam and Kel, and those that were still up on the second floor began to filter down.

"Don't stop, make it pop DJ blow my speakers up" everyone sang along.

I was a little in awe that it was actually working. It was the most alive I had seen the dance floor.

"Tonight, I'mma fight 'Til I see the sunlight" I continued and turned to look back at Dean who was immersed in his mixing.

"Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no" I finished the first stanza of the chorus and I looked over to the bar at Dave and gave him a wink. He was just shaking his head in disbelief.

About 5 minutes after I begun Tik Tok I was finishing off Sweet Dreams (are made of these) by the Eurhythmics. By this time the dance floor was fairly crowded and more people had started to pile in through the door to check out what was going on.

When the song finished, Dean chucked on what would be known as an intermission song, and he came over to see what we were going to do next.

"Wow, you were awesome Ben."

"You weren't too bad yourself, that mix was pretty sweet."

"Yeah but it was nothing without your vocals. So what do we do now?"

"Well I was thinking of doing a few more, but I was thinking that we would put it out to the crowd to suggest 3 songs at a time and we would attempt to mash them together. How's that sound? It would be all up to you to be able to but the beats together and I'd just sing along."

"Well it sounds like a challenge, but yeah let's give it a crack. Go ask the people what they want." Dean said with a smile and he turned and went back to his equipment.

I turned to face the crowd of people on the dance floor and see whether we could make this work. The music died down and everyone turned to face the stage again. I introduced the concept to the crowd and people immediately started yelling out song names.

Once the first 3 songs were locked in Dean began orchestrating the mash up.

After an hour of rather successful mash up's and mini mixes Dean and I finished up and went and joined Adam and Kel at the bar. The club was now packed top to bottom. More and more people had streamed in throughout the last hour and the dance floor was now pumping, people sweating and bodies grinding.

"Oh my god Ben you were amazing!" Kelly said excitedly embracing me in a hug.

"Yeah that was nuts!" Adam said while also giving me a quick hug. "Told you you could sing sexy" he whispered in my ear while still hugging me.

'Sexy?' I thought to myself.

"Well it was a joint effort. Guys this is Dean, Dean this is Adam and Kelly."

"Nice to meet you both." Dean said shaking both of their hands.

"Dude those beats were sick." Adam said complementing Dean.

"Thanks." Replied Dean with a smile from cheek to cheek.

At this point I was attacked from behind, with a pair of arms wrapping themselves around me. "What the..." I began and I turned around to find Dave standing there with a massive grin on his face. "Dave!"

"Will you look at this place? You two have... Wow. I've never seen this place going off with this many people before."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You're welcome Dave."

"How can I even thank the two of you?"

"No need for thanks." Dean butted in.

"I have to repay you for what you have done tonight. You may have just saved my club."

"Well if you feel so obliged to thank us, how about a round of free drinks?" I suggested.

"The rest of the night is free for the four of you." Dave said as he made his way behind the bar. "How about a round of shots for my rescuers?"

"Sweet!" chimed an excited Adam, Kelly and Dean.

All of a sudden something on the dance floor caught the corner of my eye and I did a double take. My jaw dropped open for a split second and I felt my heart break. There in the middle of the dance floor was Isaac, and he wasn't alone. He had some brunette grinding herself into him. 'Maybe she is just a friend' I thought to myself. Next thing they were furiously making out and my heart shattered. Nope, not a friend. Anger began to rise inside. No Ben, don't let it bother you. I quickly composed myself and turned to the bar to join everyone else.

I downed the shot Dave had just poured. "Another!" I requested rather abruptly.

"You okay Ben?" Kel asked looking at me rather surprised.

"Yep, fine, just give me another drink already!"

"Is something wrong?" she enquired again.

I just shook my head and downed the newly poured shot.

Both Adam and Kelly did a scan of the room to try and see what had caused my sudden mood swing. I think they must have spotted Isaac in the middle of the room as well as they began whispering. I still don't know what they were saying. Meanwhile both Dave and Dean were oblivious to my sudden mood swing as they were in deep discussion.

"So Dean and I were discussing the possibility of having a star attraction every Friday or Saturday night." Dave suddenly said to me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"So that means you're not shutting down then?"

"Well only if I can get my start attractions in every week." He said with a grin.

"Oh and who might they be?" I said with a grin knowing full well whom he was referring to.

He just rolled his eyes. "So will you do it?".

I looked at Dean and asked "You up for it?"

"You Bet."

"Well Dave, looks like you have 2 star attractions booked."

For the next couple hours the four of us enjoyed each other's company, downing our fair share of free drinks and venturing out onto the dance floor whenever there was someone's favourite song. Which for Kel, was pretty much all of them. Got to love the girl though, she is one hell of a dancer. Guys constantly swoon over her on the dance floor, but if any attempt anything she sends them packing empty handed. No she doesn't bat for the same team, she just doesn't want the drama of a guy in her life right now.

Throughout the night I caught numerous glimpses of Isaac amongst the mass of people on the dance floor. Every time I would get a rush of mixed emotions. Sadness from the fact I couldn't have him, anger for the fact I let myself fall for him, and confusion over what I was going to do. To make it worse he caught me looking at him once, but all I got was a cold emotionless stare before he went back to making out with his brunette.

We finally decided to call it a night and we thanked Dave for all the free drinks and assured him that we would be back next Friday. The four of us decided it would be better if we hailed a cab to get home, as none of us were really able to walk straight. First we dropped Kel off and then Dean. I was surprised to learn that he only lived a couple blocks away from my apartment. I payed the taxi fare and Adam and I made our way to my apartment.

Adam had clearly had a few too many as I had to support him to just stand while we rode the elevator. Once inside the apartment I made a beeline straight to Adam's room dragging him along. He was in no state to do anything but go straight to bed.

As I was trying to de-tangle myself from him and lay him down on the bed, he simply flopped onto the bed pulling me down on top of him. I was now laying directly over him, our noses almost touching, staring into each other's eyes.

For the few moments we stared into each other eyes a million things ran through my mind. What was going on? How have I found myself here? Is it possible Adam likes me? Or is it just the alcohol? Is it possible I like him more than friend? What about Isaac?

I had to get off and away from him. I couldn't do anything with Adam. Not right now. No matter how much alcohol I have consumed, it wouldn't be right. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have created over a stupid drunk incident if it happens that either of us regretted anything in the morning.

I was snapped from my thoughts when Adam started to try and kiss me. I completely freaked and pulled away. "Whoa, calm down Adam" I blurted out. I regretted everything as soon as the words came out of my mouth. The hurt look in his eyes killed me.

"Oh right I forgot, it's all about Isaac." Adam spat out.

Next thing I knew I was thrown off the bed and into the wall with a loud thud. I gingerly got up and just stared at Adam.

"Get out." He uttered.

I ran from his room and went straight into mine closing the door behind me. What the hell is going on? I am so confused and can't take too much of this heartache anymore. First I fall for Isaac, get my hopes up thinking he was flirting with me, but end up getting my heart ripped out and trodden on, with finding he is indeed straight. Second, I am now faced with the dilemma of Adam. Not knowing what the hell is going on there. Does he actually like me and I've been blind to see it, or is he just acting on a high from the alcohol. Either way, I don't want it to ruin our friendship, and if something is going to happen I don't want to start it on a drunken night out. I guess I need to answer the question of how I feel towards him.

I was suddenly overcome with the emotion of the last couple weeks. I began to sob, and eventually cried myself to sleep while holding tightly onto my pillow.

Thanks for reading the fifth chapter of my first story. So if you have any comments, feedback or criticisms please email me. Again if you want to be on a notification list for when future chapters come out, since new chapter will be a bit staggered, please email me and let me know and I'll gladly put you on the list. I hope you all had a fantastic Easter and I look forward to hearing what you all thought.

Next: Chapter 6

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