Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Oct 9, 2020


This is a true story, taking place in the early 1990's. After originally meeting over the phone, Andrew and I decided to meet in person over Memorial Day weekend in 1990. After spending almost every weekend together in June and July, August found the end of summer looming that could potentially spell the end of our summer fun. But as the summer turned to fall, the winds of change blew in promising to alter the path of our lives.

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story!

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Chapter Ten

The following morning after calling in sick to be with Andrew, we awoke to a cooler, but sunny day. The aftermath of the severe thunderstorms that rolled through the area left downed branches, trees, and power lines throughout the stateline area. Numerous homes were without power, my home being one of them. For that reason and others, it made sense to call in sick.

We decided to stay in bed until the power came back on that morning. A repeat of the night before ensued, culminating in the same explosive outcome, minus the thunder and lightning, of course. The power eventually came back on around 11 am. We showered, got dressed and headed downtown to get a late breakfast at one of the diners on the east edge of South Beloit. The chatter between our waitress, who looked typical of any diner in any town, was talking with a couple of old timers about how many trees were down and how many homes were damaged by the high winds during the storm. We listened for a short time, but then the topic of our future came up, and the words and conversation going on around us about the storm turned into a murmur of background noise that was pretty easy to tone out.

"Tell me again what your plans are please." I asked Andrew, as he took a sip of his milk.

"I've come to the conclusion that I just cannot continue pursuing my master's degree at Iowa State. My heart is not in it. The program isn't what I thought it would be which only serves to make it worse. The people there are not very accommodating, so as difficult as this decision is, I've decided to leave Ames. I have no choice at this moment but to return home and begin looking for a job."

The news of Andrew leaving his scholarship and education on the table in Ames struck me like a lightning bolt from the storms last night. At that time, the significance of leaving a full ride scholarship never really hit me. And to think that he was leaving this chance to earn his degree free of charge ultimately to be with me, also was a notion that dawned on me several days later. As I write this story in the present day, to receive a full ride scholarship for a master's degree -- or any degree for that matter -- is huge.

"So here is what I've decided. I will leave Ames, go back home to Minnesota, and start looking for a job. I'll look everywhere around the Midwest -- including Madison, Chicago, and of course The Cities. I'm not sure that there is anything for me here in Rockford, but I will not rule it out."

"You could apply where I work and see if they would hire you. We have an in house computer programming department, so you never know, you could try here, if you wanted to be close to me." I replied with a heavy dollop of hope in my pleading.

"I can try. But if I did get a job here, we would move in together, wouldn't we? I mean I'd hate to get a job here and the two of us not live together. I think it would defeat the purpose, don't you?"

Suddenly the reality of living together with Andrew excited me beyond belief. The very thought that merely three months ago my life was going in one direction, and now it had veered to the left going in a completely different direction. Taking a long, slow drink of my coffee, I carefully crafted my response.

"I agree that if you did get a job here in Rockford at my work or elsewhere that it would be awesome for us to live together. But we know that can't be at my house. Neither of us wants to `come out', and I do have a house here that I'd have to sell. I've put my heart and soul into the house, but I'd have to come up with a major reason to sell it so my parents wouldn't question my motives for selling. I'll have to think about this one. But there is no denying that I'm head over heels in love with you, and to think that if we could pull this off, we'd be overcoming some pretty huge odds to be together."

Andrew agreed.

"Okay, well I'll start the ball rolling when I get back to Ames. I'm going to have to move back home, which means no more talking every night over the phone, and no more trips down here to see you until I get a job. We can cross the next bridge once I get a job here."

Swallowing the next sip of coffee hard, the idea of not seeing Andrew for an extended period of time seemed to be too daunting of a notion, but if the end result was us being together, it was a storm I would have to ride out. Thinking out loud, I set out a plan for holding up my end of the bargain.

"I'll start doing things to my house to get it ready to sell. I'll probably put it up `for sale by owner' in hopes of getting more money for it. Depending on when and if you get here, then we'll look for an apartment first and go from there."

While those two sentences were formed by words I didn't think I'd ever say, especially the word `apartment', as much dismay as the thought was, the idea of being together with him caused an erection to return, including a slow stream of precum to leak into my CK briefs. Being in love does strange things to a person, and it was doing exactly that to my brain and pretty much consumed my every thought.

We left the diner and headed back to my house. The day was rather breezy and cool, but sunny with clear skies. Andrew decided to head back to Ames, so he could start executing his plans to find a job. Of course, we found ourselves naked in bed once again, and the end result of the unknown between us fueled our passion, taking us to heights we'd not yet experienced. I'd never felt so in love with another person. Lying in bed next to him, our arms wrapped around each other, chest to chest, cum drenched abs to abs, my still hard cock to his softening cock, legs to legs, I could feel his heart beating next to mine. It was a feeling of completeness, togetherness, and to souls yearning to be one. If time would have allowed, I would have never wanted to break that bond between us that afternoon. But as things go, we did eventually get out of bed, showered once again, said our tearful goodbyes, and with tears streaming down my face, I tried to muster a smile as Andrew's Buick came to life and carried him back to Ames.

The weekend came quickly. I did not have work, so I slept in on Saturday, ran some errands and stayed home relaxing that evening. Sunday morning, I went to church for the first time all summer with one of my older friends. After church, we went to eat breakfast at the very same diner like we used to before I met Andrew. Jim was happy to see me once again, and as hard as I tried, I barely contained the tears that so desperately wanted to fall from my eyes. Jim noticed, and tried to ask what was wrong. I really wanted to expose my secret to him, but being in a restaurant full of other people -- many of them members of our church -- I thought better of it, and just told Jim that my allergies were bothering me and that I forgot to take any medicine that morning. He seemed to buy my story, for now at least. Once the food arrived at our table, I composed myself and felt like I'd returned to feeling normal, if there was such a thing as being normal?

The following week went fairly well. I received a call from Andrew on Tuesday after work. He shared his plan, as updated as it was for that moment. He was going to drop out of school, like we'd talked about. From that point, he would move back home to Minnesota to his parent's house and would start looking for a job. I had told about applying where I worked, and even gave him the address of the company and the person to send his resume to. He did tell me that this would probably be the last time he would be able to call me. From here until he got a job, he would have to call me collect, as it would be virtually impossible for him to call from his parent's house. I obliged and told that it would be fine.

We talked for close to two hours again, and finally we decided it was time to say goodbye. He did tell me that he would be sending an envelope to me with all of the letters I'd sent to him over the summer. I would hold on to them until we got together again, whenever that would be. We said our goodbyes and Andrew told me he would call when he could.

I didn't hear from him for the rest of the week. Since I had to work all day on Saturday, my mind was occupied with work and then doing things in my house to consider what had to be done so it could be put up for sale. I still vividly remember coming home from work that afternoon, driving up to the mailbox, pulling out my mail, and nearly breaking down sobbing in the truck. Andrew had sent me a huge envelope that had all of the letters I'd sent him over the summer, just like he had planned. On the outside of the envelope he'd drawn little pictures of everything we'd encountered of significance during our time spent together. There were pictures of the canoes, the campground, the hikes, the outlook where we'd looked over the valley and kissed the first time. There were other little things as well. I tried to hold my composure together long enough to back my truck into the garage. As soon as the truck was in and the garage door was closed, I lost it. Every image he'd drawn on the envelope reminded me of our time together, and was causing me to weep like a baby. I missed him so much, and the unknown was killing me. Would we see each other again? Would we ever be together again? Would I ever hold him again? There were no answers for those questions. Finally, after about a half hour, I went in the house, fell on the bed, and literally cried myself to sleep.

On Sunday I went to church again with my older friend Jim. I did a better job of keeping my composure this time. In fact, it almost felt like perhaps the pre-Andrew me just might be returning. And as odd as that might seem to some, it felt good. The day came and went, and soon it was back to work on Monday. The week was going well, and before I knew it the weekend arrived once again. Since I'd had plenty of trouble with the math class, dropping out of the class seemed to be the best option. Although Andrew had encouraged me to keep going, without his help and the unknown future between us, all confidence was lost; I'd fallen behind, so like many other things I'd started in my life and didn't finish, I let it go. Disappointed in myself? Sure. Lack of self-confidence? Yup. Perhaps next semester I'd start again.

I didn't hear anything from Andrew until the following Wednesday. He called me collect, one of the many times that he would do that. We talked for nearly an hour. So far there was no phone calls or job prospects. He did apply at my work, so all we could do was hold on to the hope that perhaps an interview and job offer would come through. But unfortunately, these things take time. He did invite me up to Rochester, Minnesota for a weekend. The plan would be for me to get a hotel room in Rochester, and he would make the hour drive from his hometown to meet me there. We would spend a Saturday afternoon and maybe night together. He would tell his parents he was going to meet his female friend from college who lived there, so it would be the perfect cover.

This plan did not come to fruition until some three weeks later, towards the end of October. Despite not having cell phones, we were able to set the plans in motion from my home phone and him calling me collect. We ended up meeting at the local mall at the set time. It was so good to see him that we went directly back to the hotel room. But as much as I thought it would be like it always was at my house, it wasn't. I was so horny and ready to attack him, but when I went to embrace him and kiss him like crazy, he seemed to be rather reluctant, almost nervous-like. So I backed off, and suggested that we go out for dinner. We went to a burger joint, ate a decent meal, then went driving around Rochester. He showed me where the Mayo Clinic was at, and several other places as well. It seemed like a decent town.

We finally returned back to the hotel around 9 pm. I asked him if he wanted a back rub, to which he agreed that he did. That's all it took. About fifteen minutes into me applying lotion on his back and rubbing it all in, my hands reached under his chest to playfully squeeze his nipples and that got him started. Pulling off his jeans, I rubbed his strong leg muscles, and as I rolled him over, he was obviously interested, as his six inch cock was pointing to the left and was as hard as could be. He stood up, pulled my shirt and pants off, revealing the dime-sized wet spot near the end of my own hardon. Immediately, he pulled my CK white bikini briefs down and in one motion took my cock into his mouth, sucking it like his life depended on it. The feeling of him once again going down on me was phenomenal.

Whatever hesitance there had previously been earlier in the evening had now completely evaporated. He brought me to the edge in no time, and I had to pull away before I shot my huge five day load down his throat. With him sitting on the edge of the bed, I pulled his underwear down and wasted no time taking him all the way into my mouth. It felt so good, so right, so natural to feel his hot pulsating cock head punishing the back of my throat. I sucked him for several minutes while he ran his fingers through my hair. We then moved to suck each other at the same time, bringing each other to the edge at least three times, before we backed off to kiss. The taste of my precum mixed with his saliva put me in a euphoric state of being. The memories of our times together over the summer came flooding back, and he was now on top of me, our cocks met each other, side by side, lubricated by my constant flow of precum. We were both close to cumming, and I motioned for him to spin around on top of me so I could feel his cock shoot down my throat. No sooner did his slippery cock, lubed up from my precum enter my mouth, did he begin to shoot his huge load into my mouth. At the same time, his hot and wet mouth pushed me over the edge as well, and I flooded his mouth with what felt like the biggest load of cum I'd ever shot. The orgasm was unbelievable, and like me, he didn't stop until the last drop had been sucked out of my spasming rock hard cock. Our mouths found each other again, our tongues sharing each other's saliva mixed with semen. The taste was something I'd missed greatly since we were apart. We kissed for what seemed like an hour, his body on top of mine, his semi-erect cock nestled next to my still hard cock. The stickiness and warmth of our bodies together gave me such a calming feeling, once again being in his arms. We laid next to each other spooning then, me wrapped up in his arms, silently enjoying the moment for what it was, a moment where two lovers shared what we'd both missed so much. The unknown of when we'd be together again when this weekend would be over and I returned back home to Illinois and Andrew back to his home not far from where we were in Rochester certainly played in our minds, and helped us to hold on tightly to the moment. Eventually we fell asleep without showering, the remnants of our lovemaking kept us together all night.

In the morning we both awoke at the same time in the same position. Andrew kissed my neck and nibbled my left ear. His left hand began rubbing my smooth abs, and eventually found my erection; a slight pearl-shaped drop of precum began to escape from my slit. I could feel his manhood pressing against my crack, and I slowly lifted my leg up and pulled him between my legs, so his cock was nestled in my crack. I could feel his pubes against my butt cheeks, and the hot wet head of his cock was now positioned tightly against the back of my sack. I wanted to feel him inside me, so rolling over, I took him in my mouth while he began licking my eager hole. It always felt good when he rimmed me, and as his tongue darted in and out of my hole, the desire to take him inside me reached a high I'd not yet felt before. This time, instead of him being on top, I got up, took his wet cock in my hand and guided it to my slippery hole. I wanted him so badly that at first I just pushed down on his cock and tried to force him into my tight hole with no success. Good thing I brought some lube with me, so reached into my backpack that was on the chair next to the bed. Squeezing out an ample amount, I quickly lubed up his stiff dick, the applied the rest on my hole, while inserting my middle finger deep into my rectum to get my hole to open up a bit. I straddled Andrew once again, and this time his erection slipped inside me until I felt his dark bush touch my shaved balls. He felt so good that my cock was about as hard as it's ever been.

"Don't touch yourself, Austin, I'll take care of you when I'm done. I just want to shoot my load inside your ass, then I'm going to suck you off and swallow your load."

"Oh baby, that sounds great." I replied, getting more excited by the second.

From me being on top of him, to him fucking me on my side, to riding me doggy style, to him finally fucking me deeply while I was on my back, I stayed hard the entire time and felt sensations I'd never felt before. It was then I realized that the entire time his cock was hitting my prostate, which was sending me to another level of pure bliss, and I didn't want to ruin it by jacking myself off. With my legs in the air like the bitch I had become, Andrew fucked me like he'd never done before, and seconds later I could feel his cock getting harder than it'd ever been right before I felt him explode, his hot seed shooting deep inside my bowels. He pumped me full, and as his rhythmic fucking of my ass slowed down and eventually stopped, I was almost disappointed when he pulled out of my ass. The empty feeling quickly subsided, as Andrew wasted no time taking my dripping, still hard cock into his mouth in one swift motion. The feeling was totally euphoric, and about two or three moments later, I felt my orgasm develop from deep within. As much as I tried to delay it, Andrew's sucking and jacking my cock reached a point of no return, and my huge load shot down his throat, and he struggled to swallow every drop. The orgasm was so greatly enhanced by being fucked first. My body seemed to feel waves of electricity as they radiated from inside. It was an orgasm like no other, and I knew it was solely due to Andrew fucking me first. Although he'd fucked me several times before, Nothing could replace this new-found level of pleasure that I felt being fucked first, then sucked off. To this day, nothing ever has. We showered together, got dressed and headed out for breakfast.

We found a place that was a restaurant chain only found in Minnesota. It was Norwegian themed, as I later found out from Andrew that there are a lot of Norwegians who settled in the area. Relaxed and satisfied from our lovemaking, my appetite led me to eating a huge breakfast consisting of pancakes, sausage, eggs, and hash browns. The place was packed, so we had to remain careful in what we said and how we acted. It was 1990, after all and acting like a gay couple in a conservative family restaurant would not have been very acceptable. Thinking about it now I realize just how far our society has advanced in the past thirty years.

Breakfast was eaten; we knew our time was short. Andrew had to get back home, and I knew that I had a five hour drive ahead of me. We talked about what move we were going to make next and decided that this might be it for a while until he would get a job offer near my home. The parting was once again difficult, but carefully we hugged as we parted ways in the restaurant's parking lot.

The drive back to Illinois was uneventful. Soon the weekend was over, and I headed back to work on Monday, with thoughts of the incredible time we had together, especially the incredible orgasm I experienced and the chain of events that brought me to that point. Would it ever be replicated again? If it meant becoming a bottom-only boy, I'd never want to be a top again.

Time began to pass quickly. September turned to October, then November came, and soon I was so busy at work preparing the Christmas decorations that the company lavishly spent thousands of dollars on decorating the front lawn of the factory, as well as the common areas inside the building. I was primarily responsible for the inside of the factory, so along with working ten hours a day, it was mandatory to work 8 hours on Saturday.

Andrew's collect calls continued, and we talked for about an hour each time he called. Most times it was two to three times per week. There had been no move on the job scene for Andrew in my area. With no internet those days, it was hard to find out about jobs in his field -- computer sciences unless one attended a job fair. Since he was not living in the area, it was difficult to find out about the companies that were hiring IT people. We were starting to resign to the fact that this is where it all would end, especially if he got a job in the Twin Cities, where he had applied to several job openings. I began to sense that this friendship and love affair that we started back on Memorial Day weekend was soon going to die off and be done for good.

The idea of losing him in my life saddened me greatly. Yes, we were lovers, and I'm sure another lover would be found, but never like the relationship he and I shared. Besides being lovers, he had quickly become my best friend. He completed me. But at that time, I just couldn't fathom getting a job in Minnesota and leaving my family and job to move five and a half hours away. So I began to think about delving into the scene in Rockford, or even Madison. Remember there were no apps to meet guys online, so the only way to meet guys was at a bar. I had even contemplating going back to the bar in Madison over Thanksgiving day weekend, but since I had to work both Friday and Saturday, I thought I'd best save my hours of sleep to help me keep from getting sick during the holiday rush. The lazy nights of the weekend felt good, although not being with Andrew since we met in Rochester several weeks ago had me horny as could be, a thirst that could not be quenched by my right hand, especially giving me the explosive orgasm like I'd had while being fucked and then sucked off by Andrew.

Speaking of Andrew's collect phone calls, they began to taper off as well which turned out to be a blessing in a way. My phone bill reached nearly $300 for one month due to his frequent collect calls! I was almost ready to tell him that I couldn't take anymore of his calls, and vowed that the next time he called, I was just going to let the answering machine answer the phone, If I had not been working a lot of overtime, there is no way I could have paid that phone bill!

My thoughts soon turned to trying to find someone around my home. Since I was afraid to visit the only gay bar in Rockford, that was not an option for fear of being forced to come out by someone I might possibly see at the bar. I didn't want to the 1-800 calls again because of the steep price that each call charged. Instead, I decided to just immerse myself back in working out at the YMCA three nights a week. Slowly the work out regime helped me get my mind off of Andrew, and I did get see all of the cute guys that were exercising when I was there. Yup, it was time to face a new beginning in my life without Andrew. While it saddened me beyond belief, I knew that reality was a bitch sometimes and sure enough she was going to slap me across my face telling me to get the fuck out dreamland and back to reality. So after spending four months together, the best relationship I'd ever had was soon going to be history.

I believe it was a Monday, the first week in December. The work that day had been hectic, and after eating macaroni and cheese, I covered myself with my favorite Mexican blanket I'd bought on my February trip to Cancun earlier in the year. Watching some dumb show on cable, my eyes started closing, and I was about to fall into a deep sleep, dreaming about going hiking somewhere cool.

And then the phone rang, jarring me out of my dream.

Next: Chapter 11

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