Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Apr 16, 2021


This is a true story, taking place in the early 1990's. After originally meeting over the phone, Andrew and I decided to meet in person over Memorial Day weekend in 1990. Overcoming insurmountable odds, our long distance relationship was no more, as Andrew found work at the company where I worked at the start of 1991. Although our first year together as a closeted gay couple was one of extremes, we emerged most unscathed, and began 1992 still living together as one, still very much in love. However, just as winters' cold arrived, the incessant cloudy skies and cruel winds brought turmoil to our otherwise tranquil relationship.

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story!

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Austin and Andrew, Chapter 14

I think it's probably safe to say that we all fantasize. There are those of us who probably fantasize more than others, and those who hardly fantasize at all. Maybe it's due in part to having a creative mind, but fantasizing was something that I have probably done just a little too much of over the course of my lifetime. When I had that first sexual encounter and loss of innocence at the age of fourteen with my best friend next door, I began to fantasize about the size of guy's dicks almost all of the time. I began to be really skilled at casting casual glances and imagining how each of the guys that I'd glanced at measured up. I began to imagine which guys had the biggest basket, and which guys were just average. So, it is no surprise that the older I got, especially in my early twenties, the more I looked, the more this casual hobby became more of an obsession.

Since I had always been more on the quiet side, especially in group conversations, I could always satisfy my obsession. Only with one friend did I think I got caught. Jack, a cute tall, built blonde guy with small hands and what appeared to be a nice sized basket, must have caught me constantly staring at him when I thought he wasn't looking. Strange thing though, even though he was married, he still went camping with me on two or three different occasions. He thought enough about me as a friend to have me be a part of his wedding party. His wife, Tammy, was definitely hot, and they made a cute couple. But certain comments made me think that Jack wasn't as straight as I thought. In the church basement just before his wedding ceremony started, his dad came into the room to check on everyone and asked Jack if he was practicing kissing with his male cousin. Jack was obviously upset at that comment and I don't think anyone but me and Jack caught that comment. The dad's comment made me wonder if Jack and his cousin were caught doing something when they were younger? The other time was our last time going camping. We had been drinking by the campfire and were ready to go inside the six man tent to go to sleep, when he blurted out to me "Well are you going to fuck me in the ass now?" I did not know how to reply. I simply said "Whaaaaat?" acting surprised. His response was "Well I'm gay, aren't you?" I just laughed it off, but always wondered if he was dead serious. Incidentally, about a year later I ran into his wife who said that she and Jack had divorced. I was shocked to hear that. Maybe I was too naïve to really figure out if Jack truly had homosexual tendencies and I just didn't catch the clues. That was nearly forty years ago, and I haven't seen Jack since then. If he truly had been interested in having sex with me, I certainly missed the clues and the chance to make a fantasy come true.

Sorry to get off on a tangent there, but the point I'm trying to make is that as I navigated the sometimes difficult confusing waters of my life up to my late twenties, I fantasized a lot about wanting to be with the cute guys I would meet or see at the gym, the store, or at work. One of my biggest problems was falling for the incredibly hot, cute, and always straight guys, just like I fell for Jack. Of course, I never made a move on Jack, or any of the other straight guys I lusted after. Either way I always wound up being seriously disappointed when I found out they were straight.

Just as the dream I had about the cute guy on the foot bridge in the Hoh River Rainforest in Olympic National Park, most of the guys that fit the category as my ideal lover were guys that were my size or smaller, which would mean they'd be about 5'7", weighing 130-ish pounds. Josh fit that image almost perfectly. And he had a big dick that made my knees weak. That being said, you can imagine how smitten I was that this "perfect guy of my dreams" was interested in being with me.

Speaking of Josh, that second night together we slept together naked, and I woke up to Josh going down on me. It was light outside, but I didn't know what time it was. All I knew was Josh was an expert at sucking dick. It was my turn to go down on him, and we easily moved into sucking each other at the same time. My fingers explored almost every inch of his body while we brought each other close to blowing our loads. It wasn't long before he pushed me off his dick and I did the same, both of us coming at the same time, shooting our loads all over our chests. Our lips met, we kissed passionately for several minutes before we broke the lip lock and laid on our backs, basking in the afterglow of the very intense sucking that took place moments ago.

We laid in bed touching each other while talking about random things for about an hour. He asked me if I considered myself to be either a top or a bottom. I told him either or, although I mostly preferred to be a bottom. Since he had told me earlier that when he was younger and living back home on the east coast, he'd hooked up with these two older men who were a couple, I just assumed he was a bottom, especially since he impaled himself on my rigid cock the night before. Apparently, the older couple he hooked up with had a house near the beach where they could easily pick up cute younger guys every summer to play with at their leisure. Josh was no exception, and he made a point to tell me that he was able to bottom for one of the guys (Tony?) who had a huge cock. Josh proudly admitted that he was able to take all of Tony's huge cock inside him. Thinking that Josh's cock was thicker than mine, I imagined that Tony's cock must have been massive if Josh felt that Tony's cock was bigger than his. It made me think that Josh was definitely going to be a bottom, but that wasn't the case. He was a self-proclaimed top. With that knowledge now stored in my mind, the fantasy of taking a huge cock up my ass was one step closer to becoming a reality.

Once again, we showered together, and I just absolutely loved feeling Josh in my arms under the cascading warm water. His small thin body was a complete turn on for me, and I ended up sucking him off in the shower again. I wanted him to be in me, but he reminded me that not until I got tested would he top me.

I didn't want our time together to end, but since it was almost noon, I felt it was best to head back home to Rockford. Josh didn't want it to end either, and he did ask me to stay again, but I told him I had to be at work at 7:30 in the morning. So, we said our goodbye's, and soon I was on the interstate driving south back to Rockford.

That is when the reality of my actions hit me, and the afterglow of being with another guy sexually suddenly took a turn for the worse and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks.

Pleasure soon gave way to remorse.

What would I tell Andrew? What would I tell Josh? Where would I go from this point?

I had become a cheater. My nice guy self-image faded away faster than a snowball's chance in hell.

If I did tell Andrew, what would he say? Would he move out? I couldn't afford to pay the rent on the apartment on my own, and the thought of having a different roommate did not sound appealing at all.

Would my time with Josh just be a one night thing? How could I let go of someone so cute whose body totally turned me on so much more than Andrew's body did?

At least for the moment I didn't have to answer those questions until Tuesday night at the earliest, when Andrew was scheduled to come back home. Turning up the music on the radio, I drove the rest of the way home mostly relaxed and tried to put the events of the weekend out of my mind for the time being. After all, I'm sure that Josh wouldn't want a long term, long distance relationship knowing that neither of us would move for the other.

I had been home for a few hours. I got settled in and was ready to watch some television when the phone rang. (Remember, it was 1992, so no cell phones yet!) Surprisingly, it was Josh.


"Hey sexy, how are you? This is Josh."

"Oh hi, how are you? Did you have a good afternoon?" I asked, not thinking much about anything of what was to come.

"Yes, but I just wanted to call and let you know that I miss you and am wondering if I could come down to Rockford to see you tonight?" Now I knew that I would have to come clean to him and tell him about Andrew.

"Um, well you know I have to work tomorrow, right? So it might be hard to stay over."

"Oh, okay, well I can leave before you leave in the morning if that'd be okay?" Now I felt my cock start to stir in my sweatpants. I thought for a moment, and the silence must have tipped him off to what was going to come next. "Wait, don't tell me you have a roommate or a lover?"

"I'm sorry Josh, I should have told you. It was just that I find you incredibly attractive and I really enjoyed spending the weekend with you. But yes, I'm um, in a relationship. He's not here this weekend, and I just, I mean, when we met, I just, well, I enjoyed meeting you, and now I'm thinking that I want to get to know you more, but I have to be careful." I wasn't prepared to hear his response.

"Well Austin, I too find you attractive and would like to get to know you more as well. I will respect that you're in a relationship but be prepared for us to end up together." I am not afraid to go after what I want. Judging what I've seen being with you this past weekend, you're who I want to be with. So if it's okay, can I come down to your place tonight?" How could I say no?

An hour later, Josh showed up at our apartment. As soon as I let him in the front door, he was in my arms, giving me a hug and a slow passionate kiss. I nearly threw him on the sofa and ripped his clothes off, since just touching him again had me fired up and wanting his cock in my mouth again, but as I broke away from our embrace, he asked me about my relationship with my lover.

I gave him the condensed version of the past two years of my life and how Andrew and I met, culminating in him moving here for work. He listened and finally spoke after I stopped talking.

"I take it that you guys are either free to fool around, or your relationship isn't as rock solid as you thought." He had hit the nail right on the head.

"We've had our challenges, especially last year. He started going out at night and wouldn't come home until after ten pm, and never would tell me where he'd gone. I asked him, but he wouldn't elaborate. Finally, I followed him and found him sitting by the riverbank in town. I never really got a clear answer out of him as to what he was doing, but he did admit he missed his hometown, and was having a hard time adapting to being away and not being able to go home. But through it all, I've remained committed to him until this weekend when we met." I honestly figured Josh was going to just up and leave, but again his words surprised me.

"Well Austin, I can tell you that if we were together, I wouldn't leave you during your time of need. It is not good that he left you at home alone when you needed him. You should move to Madison and I'll show you how good we could be together."

I'm sure everyone has heard the saying about the little head doing the thinking for the big head, right? Well, that's pretty much what happened from that point forward. To sum it up for that weekend, Josh spent Sunday night with me, sleeping in the bed that Andrew and I shared, convinced me to call in sick on Monday, and we spent the day together. I hated to see him go back to Madison Monday evening, but since we both had to work on Tuesday, and Andrew was due back Tuesday evening, we felt it was best to get back to our lives and see what the weekend brought. I did promise him that I'd be up to see him on Saturday and would plan on spending the night with him. We embraced once more, sharing a deep sensual kiss before he finally left the apartment.

Now I had no choice but to tell Andrew.

The good thing was that on Tuesday I was busy at work. The day flew by, and before long I returned home, expecting to see Andrew home. He was not. I was almost relieved. In fact, he did not get home until I had gone to bed. I was half asleep and knew that if he came to bed and woke me up, I would have to come clean with him. My heart was almost pounding out of my chest as I heard him walk up the steps to our room. Thankfully, he put his suitcase in his room, then went in and showered. I was almost asleep again when he came into the room.

"Are you awake?" he whispered, probably not really expecting a response from me.

"I'm awake now. How are you, and how was your Thanksgiving holiday with your family?" I asked. It was still dark in the room, and as he moved to the bed, I could smell his body still damp from his shower and smelling clean like the deodorant soap we used. He now was lying next to me, having kissed me gently on my lips; his tongue gently trying to make its way into my mouth, his hand on my side.

"It was good. It was so nice to see everyone, and we all enjoyed our time together. Everyone asked about you. They were sorry to hear about your hand and hoped that you were feeling better. I tried to call you Friday night and Saturday night several times but got no answer. I guessed that you were better and were over at your parent's house?" The time was now. As much as it was going to hurt both of us, I had to own up to my deceitfulness. My heart rate increased. I carefully crafted my response, one that I'd rehearsed most of the night before he returned home.

"I did feel better Wednesday night, actually," I began, and went on to tell him about Thanksgiving and how it just wasn't the same without my grandma around anymore. He did ask about what we ate, how my family was and so on. I thought I was going to get away with having to tell him more, but he brought it up again.

"So did you spend the rest of the weekend with your parents too? he asked, trying to get to the reason why I wasn't home both of those evenings. I had no clue that he'd called, since he did not leave a message, and we did not have caller ID yet.

"No, I did not see them very much at all this weekend. They were busy, you know, Dad in his shop, Mom and my sister out Christmas shopping all weekend. Dad tried to get me to come up and help him work on a truck, but I told him we had things planned. Good thing is that he didn't bring it up again."

Now Andrew's tone of voice changed, asking me once more.

"You weren't home then, right?" his response definitely prompted me to respond to him with the truth. I thought to myself, here it goes.

"Right. I... decided to go out. I was bored, so I went out."

"Oh, okay. Where'd you go?"

"I went to... Madison."

"And?" There was no turning back now. I suppose I could have punched him in the face and received the same kind of response. Perhaps a good punch to his gut would have done it as well. I owed him the truth, no matter how much it would hurt. It was now time for me to pay for my sins, my penance being whatever he felt about it, and how much it hurt him.

"I went to the bar." I calmly replied, my voice steady and sure, even though I was almost shaking.

"Did you meet someone?" his tone of voice was now defensive, the sense that in the distance anger was building inside, and I now feared what the wrath would be. Three letters or two. Guilty or innocent. Truth or a lie. The demons inside were causing a great chaos, knowing the hurt I was about to inflict on him, one I vowed I would never do. Man up or be a rat.


"Oh. Did you sleep with him?" His blunt question deserved the truth. No turning back now.

"Yes." I heard him almost gasp, the sigh clearly a kick in the nuts, a punch in the gut, a slap to the face. The knife slashed deep into him, my simple three letter word cut a wound so deep into his heart, I wasn't sure if he'd ever recover from the shock of hearing that I'd cheated on him. With disbelief, he responded.

"You're joking, right? You didn't... hook up with someone from the bar of all places, did you?

"Yes." The affirmation of my confession had indeed unleashed the type of response I had thought he would say.

"Oh my gosh, why did I know you were going to do something like this? So you have the nerve to go and sleep with another man while I'm gone and expect me to be happy about this?" The tears began to flow as he got out of the bed and started for the bedroom door. "Everything that I gave up to be with you! All of this time together, and now you cheat on me? Why?

I couldn't find the words. I guess in some sense, I thought he'd take it better. But now it was time to try to do damage control. I wanted to throw it back on him that he must have never trusted me from the beginning, and out of all the times he left me at home those nights alone that I did trust him, when in fact he could have easily been fucking around on me. Then it occurred to me that I was the guilty one right now, so I'd best tread lightly in hopes that he would be lenient. So I began.

"Look Andrew, I'm sorry. I didn't go there looking to meet someone. I just wanted to go there so I could, you know, somehow feel comfortable in a place where we would go so it would be like you were there with me. It all hap--" Andrew interrupted me...

"I don't buy that sorry excuse for a single moment. Stop trying to put a spin on it that it was my fault that you `had' to go there. You could have easily stayed home, but no, you CHOSE to go and meet someone, AND HAVE SEX WITH HIM!" How do you think that makes me feel? Well? Come on cheater! Tell me! He had me and was right. But yet I still remained defiant.

"Look, you have to believe me. I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. I'm sorry." I got up out of bed, and we were now standing less than a foot from each other, with the light on in the room.

"Did you just sleep with him once?"

"No, I did not." Now he was really pissed. He came after me, and in one quick surprising motion, coiled his left arm and in a snake-like motion backhanded me across my face and I fell back on the floor in the bedroom, surprised more than hurt. I got up and tried to get away from him, but he grabbed me as if he was going to hit me, or throw me on the floor again, or something. We began to push each other around -- all I wanted was to get him out of the room. We both fell on the floor wrestling around, I don't know what for, but I was trying to get away from him. His robe was open and his flaccid penis and sack looked small and looking back at that scene that played over and over in my mind, he let himself be vulnerable by being naked, and I easily could have chastised him for being a faggot that deserved to be cheated on, but instead I felt bad about what I'd done to him, with him getting home expecting to have the type of sex we had when we got together those first few times. I quickly snapped out of that train of thought when I figured that I'd better get him out of the room now or be afraid for me life if he got a hold of something sharp. Finally, he left the room and went to his own room, where he had his old bed that had not been slept in since we moved into the apartment. He shut his door and as much as I wanted to hold him and console him for my errant ways, I listened to him sob openly, and decided it was best just to go back in our room and try to get some sleep.

I crawled back into our queen sized waterbed and tried to relax. My skin was warm and sweaty from wrestling around on the floor trying to get away from Andrew and my face was starting to hurt where he backhanded me. I was still trying to regain composure of myself, but my heart was beating so fast that it was almost hard to catch my breath. I tried to listen for any sounds coming from Andrew's room, but heard nothing. Eventually, around one o'clock in the morning I fell asleep. The alarm would sound way too soon at six. I tried to maintain my normal morning routine, which usually involved getting ready before Andrew, but also involved interacting with my boyfriend by eating breakfast together and talking about our day ahead, as well as what we had planned for the evening.

This morning, however, there was nothing but silence. I did say good morning to him when he came downstairs, but he did not respond to me. Rightly so, I thought to myself. Clearly, both of us knew it was my fault for what happened. I had apologized to him, so now I would have to see how or when he would accept my apology and when we would try to move on. But the apology wasn't accepted, and no further words were spoken between us for the rest of that week. He left Friday evening and did not come home until late Sunday night. Just as planned I went to Madison Saturday morning, and did not come home until early Sunday evening, spending the entire time with Josh. Once again, it was a magical, sexual weekend and I just could not get enough of playing with his cute boyish body and his huge cock.

The following weekend, the second weekend in December, I believe, was exactly the same. Andrew left for the weekend, and so did I. It became evident that he knew where I was going, and I had no clue where he went. That was until Saturday evening. Josh and I decided to go to the bar dancing, getting there around 11 pm. The bar was just starting to get busy, and we had been dancing for several tunes, having a great time mingling on the floor with the other patrons, the same cologne, smoke, and pheromone filled air permeating our lungs. I loved being out there with him and watching his cute body move around the dance floor. We had just hugged and kissed each other as a song ended, his sweaty body felt so good against mine, filling me with the anticipation of how good our naked bodies would feel together later on that evening once we were back in his room.

I don't know why I glanced to the south side of the dance floor. As my eyes scanned the crowd of patrons, most laughing, drinking, and enjoying the evening, one familiar face stuck out like a ghost in the crowd, as if Andrew was the only one standing against the wall. Our eyes met; his green eyes locked into mine, burning an image in my mind I can still see today. I looked back and he was gone. I told Josh I had to go use the bathroom, and as I quickly made my way through the crowd, I tried to find Andrew, but it was too late. I even ran down the stairs to the exit door, but he had vanished into the cold night air, just like a ghost. He had busted me now and saw for himself his boyfriend cheating on him in person. I went back inside the bar to the dance floor and found Josh. I asked if he wanted to leave, and we did.

I honestly expected to find some damage done to my truck when we got to the truck in the parking lot. But there was no damage, and no sign or sight of Andrew anywhere. I confessed to Josh that I'd seen Andrew there, and all he said was something like "Well, you're here with me now, and we're going to have fun being together." I nodded my head as we headed back to his apartment.

The drive from downtown Madison to Josh's apartment took about twenty five minutes. All the way to his place he tried to calm me down from seeing Andrew at the bar. "I know just what you need to calm down, my dear. I will relax you I promise. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and began to rub my neck. Instantly I felt my cock respond. Josh could sense what he was doing to me, and he moved his right hand to my crotch and stroked my growing erection. By the time we got back to his apartment, the wet spot in my briefs was quite evident, and I was ready to hop in bed right away. But Josh had other ideas, so we each had a bowl of ice cream, then watched some television. As we laid on his bed, our heads and backs supported by the seemingly mountain of pillows, we held each other's hands, then he laid against my chest while we spooned for a while. It didn't take long for me to put Andrew's appearance at the bar out of my mind for the short term, anyway.

We worshipped each other's body with our mouths for the next hour, or so it seemed before drifting off to sleep, as we were both tired. Surprisingly, we both fell asleep without shooting our loads. The following morning, Sunday, we both woke up hard and horny and ready to complete what was started six hours earlier. We decided to shower, and I distinctly remember kissing before entering the shower, our naked bodies tight against each other. Josh told me to sit on the countertop, so I did. He spread my legs, found my quivering hole, and began to rim me. The sensation of his expert tongue on my hole felt amazing. My dick was leaking precum like it never had before, and in my mind, I was anticipating what might come next. Sure enough, Josh moved up to kiss me, and I tasted myself for the first time on his tongue. I was so fucking horny I just wanted to feel him inside me. The thought of his huge cock torturing my tight hole had me on a higher level of horniness than I'd ever been before. I wanted him now, so I whispered "fuck me" in his ear.

"Do you want my cock?"

"I do, in my hole, please?"

"Do you think you can take it? It's pretty big..."

"I want to try."

With that, he got in position and moved the head of his throbbing monster near my saliva covered hole. I hadn't been fucked by Andrew in quite some time, so I was undoubtedly very tight. Sure enough, as he slowly tried to enter me, he met resistance. I was so fucking horny that as I touched myself while he was trying to break through my sphincter, I felt a huge orgasm building that I could not stop and shot all over myself and his groin. I apologized to Josh and told him I'd suck him off in the shower, which I did. With the warm water of the shower falling down on us, I got down on my knees and sucked him like there was no tomorrow, my own cock getting hard again. Just before he was ready to shoot his load down my eager throat some ten minutes later, he grabbed my hair, pulled me off his cock, and shot his load all over my face, in my hair, and on my chest. I couldn't help but smile when he told me that he loved fucking my face, to which I replied that I liked him blowing his load all over me. It made me feel like a complete subservient, a role that I gladly accepted, worshiping his big dick. Later I fantasized about having him inside me, thinking that if I came by him just barely putting part of his dickhead inside of me, what would happen once he fully buried his cock deep in my hungry hole?

The weekend ended, and like the past few weekends, we parted after hugging and kissing for what seemed like an hour, and I was on my way back to Rockford. At one point during the weekend, we had a conversation about the idea of me moving to Madison. I was certainly open to that idea. I loved Madison and thought that living in the city or surrounding towns would be magical. In reality, the only thing keeping me in Rockford was my job, and to some extent, Andrew, but that would not have stopped me if I found a job in Madison. I actually did apply at one factory, and waited to hear from them, but that phone call never came.

I returned back to the apartment later Sunday evening, and Andrew had not yet returned. I was getting used to sleeping alone in the room and was getting used to the silence between us. I knew that sooner or later that had to change, but as long as we continued the way we had been, in my mind the silence and coldness could continue indefinitely, or as long as I was with Josh.

Finally, the silence between Andrew and me broke. Monday evening, he got home right after work. I had just finished talking to my mom on the phone when he walked through the door. He actually looked like he was going to be civilized, or so it seemed. In reality, he owed me nothing. I was the cheater, the bad guy, and the one that should have been kissing his ass to take me back into our seemingly doomed, fragile relationship. Since my mom asked how Andrew was doing, I told her I would tell him that she'd asked about him.

"My mom said hi. She wanted to know how you were doing."

"Did you tell her that her son has been treating me like shit and is soon going to be living alone if he doesn't get his shit together?"

"No, I did not tell her that."

"Well, you should have. Look, we need to talk." I agreed that we did. As he walked up the stairs to his room to change, I told him I'd be on the sofa waiting. When he came back from his room, he had his sweatpants on and his favorite Minnesota Gophers hoodie. He spoke first.

"So that is Josh you were with at the bar, huh?"


"Well, I can tell I have nothing to worry about. I don't know what you see in him. He looks like he's going to go bald soon, and what's with those goofy looking glasses? I'm not going to worry about losing you to him." I was surprised to hear what he had to say about Josh. Fair enough response I suppose. Definitely warranted. I deserved it. I didn't know how to respond. After a few minutes of tense quietness, he resumed talking.

"Look, I don't want to lose you. We've come this far to be together. If you truly feel like you'll be better with him than with me, there's nothing I can do about it. I know that I love you, and probably always will. But before you make that move, you need to think long and hard about what you're going to lose if you choose to move to Madison to be with him. First, you're going to lose your job, and your home, your family, and me. But hey, it's up to you. So, what do you see in him anyway? Let me guess, he's got a big cock?"

He had me. I wanted to be mean and fire back with a response to that question but thought the truth would be too hurtful. If I wanted to salvage our relationship at some point, then now would not be the best time to be sarcastic, even if it was the truth. I had to respond to his questions, so I tried to craft a response that wasn't accusation filled or one that intentionally degraded him sexually, even if that may have been the main reason I was so into Josh. I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Look, like I said before, I did not intend for things to get where they are. I didn't plan to find someone. is just still all so new to me, and yes, I do love you. I am so happy to be here with you, but I like being with him too, as a friend more than everything thing else. It's funny, I actually thought maybe we could have had a three-way together - "

"Um, NO. I don't think so. He's not my type at all," Andrew interrupted me vehemently denying any interest in my idea. "The thing is, Austin, is that you can't have both of us. You're going to have to make a choice. I can wait, but don't expect me to be here forever. This whole thing has had me so nervous and upset. I went to visit Emma the other weekend and had to come out to her so she would understand why I was so upset with you." Emma was Andrew's friend from school. We had met a few months back when she came to stay at the apartment for a weekend. She was really nice to me, and Andrew told me later that she thought I was very cute.

"I'm sorry that you had to come out to Emma. How did she take it?" I asked, trying to change the subject to get on a normal conversation.

"She was okay with it and was not totally surprised. She's not happy with you, but said she'd get over it once she was able to get a hold on the idea that we were together. But that's all I am telling you because I am still mad at you."

All I could do was hang my head and put my lower lip out and give him my best puppy dog eyes look. I felt the ice starting to break between us. But instead of him asking me to get dinner with him, he grabbed his coat and keys and said that he'd be back later. I got up, warmed up some leftover pizza that I'd made the night before. After eating the pizza, drinking a few beers, showering, and relaxing, I was asleep in my bed and did not even hear when he came home. The last few thoughts I had before drifting off to sleep alone in bed that night were the conversation Andrew and I had, what the future held for him and me, wondered how Josh was doing, and then finally my last waking thought was Josh's big beautiful, sexy cock and how wonderful it made me feel.

Next: Chapter 15

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