Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Oct 24, 2022


This is a true story, taking place in the early 1990's. After originally meeting over the phone, Andrew and I decided to meet in person over Memorial Day weekend in 1990. Overcoming insurmountable odds, our long distance relationship was no more, as Andrew found work at the company where I worked at the start of 1991. Although our first year together as a closeted gay couple was one of extremes, we emerged most unscathed, but as 1992 came to a close and 1993 was about to begin, I had committed the ultimate sin and cheated on Andrew. Now after making amends with Andrew, 1994 found us together, a happy couple once again. But would we survive the year together?

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story!

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Austin and Andrew, Chapter 18

Lynette and I began our new lives together in my two bedroom home in South Beloit. The first two months together were good, real, good. So good in fact that I decided to buy her a ring and propose to her in April. It seemed like the right thing to do, and I was excited to think about us finally being together. During this time there had been no further contact between any of my previous acquaintances from the personal ads or with Andrew. Honestly, it felt good to be living a lifestyle where I didn't have to keep hiding who I was with or worrying about my father stopping by my house at any given time finding me in bed with a new gay lover. Sorry -- that was just who I was then.

But just as quickly as I found myself an engaged and soon to become a married man later in the year -- we set October 5th as the day -- things began to unravel faster than the wedding plans we made.

Since Dad and I were still doing landscaping jobs on the side, Dad wanted me to go back to working days so we could do jobs in the evening. When I presented this news to Lynette, this angered her for not consulting her first on the shift change. We talked about it over a heated argument, and she finally agreed to my work schedule change.

The wedding plans also hit a roadblock all too quickly as well. Since I was raised Catholic, I felt it was only right that we got married in the Catholic church. Reluctantly, she agreed that we could be married in my church, and also agreed that future children would also be baptized and raised in the faith.

We moved forward with the wedding plans despite her objections of not being comfortable in my church.

The year prior to dating and getting engaged to Lynette and prior to leaving Andrew, I took a new job at work, becoming leader of the shipping and receiving department, as well as the stockroom area. The significance about this position was that I had the luxury of working with two high school interns who had spent their previous two summers working on the grounds crew -- the same program where I'd worked at the other company location. Eric and Mike were two bright, intelligent, funny, and yes, cute, thin boys who were both sixteen.

From the first time I'd met Mike and Eric I was attracted to both of them; my attraction to Mike was stronger than it was to Eric. Mike had an electric personality. He was witty, and sarcastic to a point that was sometimes annoying, but overall it was just a front to hide the pain he'd suffered raised by a mother and father who were in a toxic marriage. By the time Mike worked for me, his parents had been divorced for several years. He hated his mother and eventually wound up moving in with his father who he didn't hate as much, but still disliked his father's new wife to the point where it caused a lot of pain between him and his father. I could just tell that Mike held in a lot of his pain because of his demeanor and willingness to swear like a sailor, no matter where he was or who he was with.

Regardless, Mike and I quickly became friends. Yes, I was definitely attracted to him, but because I met him before Lynette and I started dating again, I knew not to come even close to making a move on him since he was only sixteen. Boy was it tough though! One Saturday back before I'd finished the house it just so happened to be one of the Saturdays that Andrew had stopped at the house (not the same time that he sucked me off in the workshop) and we were outside talking when Mike's Camaro came roaring down the road, and he pulled in the driveway.

Before he got out of his car I told Andrew that he was finally going to meet Mike and to tell me what he thought about him. Totally dripping with testosterone, Mike shut his car off and got out. His smile was infectious, his sandy blonde hair full of curls and messy topped off his slightly built upper chest that gave way to what looked to be a prominent bulge radiating from his tight jeans.

"What the fuck man, you can't get any work done sitting on your ass!" was his usual mantra. I laughed and replied that we were just waiting for his sorry ass to get here so we could start working.

"Where the fuck have you been anyway?" was my response, eliciting a laugh from Mike. It was all good harmless banter -- the usual pattern to our conversations.

Mike hung around for a little while after I introduced him to Andrew. There were no negative vibes that Andrew was gay, or at least none that Mike picked up on that day. Obviously he didn't think anything of me since our friendship grew and eventually Mike worked for my dad and me doing landscaping. I'd told my dad about Mike and how much he liked to swear, which was right up my dad's alley, as he always seemed to be the one who wrote the book on how to swear. Our friendship grew, and it was evident that Mike enjoyed hanging around with me just as much as I enjoyed being around him.

So when Lynette moved in with me of course I introduced her to Mike. In fact, Mike became a regular at our house for dinner and Lynette had actually joked that he was like our adopted son. Mike seemed to enjoy the notion as much as I did and therefore liked being around. During that late spring/early summer Mike and I continued doing landscaping with my dad and although Lynette got used to the idea of me going back to work the dayshift so I could keep doing landscaping with my dad, I could sense there was a brewing resentment in her that was just the calm before the storm.

What seemed to be a huge problem initially didn't materialize as I'd feared. Mike and I had talked about taking a trip to Glacier National Park in Montana in late June. As I explained the idea to Lynette it was more about having a "guys only" trip which would probably be my last backpacking trip before getting married. I struggled with the idea of asking for permission of sorts to go on the trip. This had all stemmed from being sheltered by my mother while growing up and I felt like Lynette wouldn't like the idea of me going, so of course it made sense to ask rather than just tell her.

I was surprised when she had no problem with me going on a ten day camping trip with Mike. We started making plans to go and at first it didn't seem to bother her. Little did I know that the storm clouds were gathering, and it wouldn't be long until the wrath of the beast was unleashed and released its full fury upon me. I was completely blindsided as it caught me off guard until I came home and found a letter on the table.

While I do not recall every detail of the anger laced letter, I do recall that in her eyes I had gone from being "sweetie" (her pet name for me before she moved in) to being a worthless piece of dog crap. Everything that I'd done wrong in her eyes was detailed in the letter. She did say that she had to write the letter because if I'd been there to argue with her, she would have more than likely "thrown things at me". As I read and reread that sentence, all I could imagine was ducking from the sharpened knives in the drawer next to the oven being thrown at me by my pissed off fiance.

Yes, I was guilty on some of the accusations, but not all. I became very bravado and defensive of my actions, and when we did talk, it was not fruitful. In fact, I flat out told her that if she felt I had too many issues for her to overcome, then the best thing that we needed was time apart from each other. This statement was the final nail in the coffin of us not only living together, but engagement and impending wedding. A week later her brother helped her move out of our humble abode and once again I found myself alone.

The last few months since Lynette and I dated, moved in, got engaged, then fought and she moved out seemed like a very strange heterosexual dream. I didn't dwell on it too much, although Mike was always there to help cheer me up and keep me going. There was landscaping work to do with my dad, so that also kept me going. And of course the impending trip out west with Mike. As the weeks leading up to the trip began to go quickly, I began to get excited about going on vacation, camping/backpacking, traveling, and spending time away from home with Mike.

Finally the day arrived, and after packing up the truck with the camping supplies, we were on our way west. We left in the morning and decided to drive all night. Amongst the many conversations Mike and I had we did talk about gays. He told me he hated gays and didn't understand them. In fact he used the analogy of straight people having all of their mental screws tightened and torqued, which so happened to be terminology used at work, whereas gays had several screws that were loose. He made it very well known to me how he felt. Was this a warning to me that I'd better not even think of trying something with him? Did he suspect something about me that I didn't realize? Or was this all just a front for HIM hiding something about himself? Either way it didn't matter. I had made my mind up that no matter what I would never do anything deemed inappropriate with Mike. I valued his friendship and would not consider crossing the line that would ruin everything with Mike as well as risk losing my job.

The trip was awesome. We visited two other national parks on the trip: the Badlands in South Dakota and Yellowstone. Mike liked both places and seemed to be more relaxed and less of a sarcastic angry young man the further we got from Illinois. When we got to Glacier, the best part of the trip unfolded as we decided to take a nine mile hike along one of the most scenic lakes I'd ever seen to set up camp and stay for a few days. Despite the unusual warmth, the ever present swarm of literally hundreds of mosquitos and small snakes that crossed our path nearly every fifteen minutes along the hike, the hike was great. Since Mike liked to drink beer, I had bought a twelve pack of beer to have with us on the trip. Mike insisted on bringing some on the hike. Warning him of carrying too much in his dad's small army-issued backpack, by the time we got to our destination, he was tired and went to bed early the first night. Since there was a group of four college aged kids that hiked into our camp, I invited them to sit by my campfire.

We proceeded to drink all of the beer that Mike had carried for nine miles. The next day he didn't seem too disappointed, thankfully.

When the hike had ended and we began the long trek back, we'd decided to spend the next two nights in a motel. The first night we were so tired, but I had to ask Mike if he was okay with sleeping in one queen sized bed if that was all that they had available. He did say yes, but thankfully there were rooms available with two beds.

The second and final night on the road we were in Minneapolis. Our plans were to visit the Mall of America the next day. After checking into a room with two queen beds, we got ready to go out for dinner. We both had beers, as he did not even get carded to verify his age. After a great dinner with about two or three beers each, we headed back to the motel. What was quite odd was that after I crawled into my bed and began to watch TV, Mike had come out of the bathroom which was next to his room and instead of getting in bed on the right side of his bed, he chose to walk between our beds wearing nothing but his red briefs, giving me a full view of what he was packing.

As tempting as it was, nothing happened. I couldn't. There is no way anything would have happened that night between Mike and me.

The following morning and the remainder of the trip, Mike was bothered by something. I couldn't pinpoint what it was, unless it was the fact that being inside the mall just wasn't his thing or was it the reality that we were both heading back to our lives in Illinois? As the trip came to an end, we were cool about the fun we'd had and went back to work like normal.

And so I picked up the pieces of my broken engagement with Lynette and moved on. Mike and I hung out after work at night in the fall when I returned to working second shift. One would suppose that after being engaged and enjoying a heterosexual lifestyle that I would certainly continue looking for a woman.

That was not the case.

In fact, prior to returning to the second shift, I went back to looking at the personal ads in the newspaper.

That's where I met Malachi.

We met on a Friday evening along the riverside park in downtown Beloit in mid-August. If there is such a thing as lust at first sight, I'd finally found it. Standing about six foot two inches, Malachi had brown hair that was perfectly combed yet somewhat messy, had dark brown eyes, a sparse black mustache, and must have only weighed about one hundred and seventy pounds soaking wet. He had a deep, sexy voice, big hands, and feet.

That first night we basically talked alongside our cars in the parking area. He thought I was cute, and I told him he was very handsome, and he was. Nineteen years old, I knew that I had to get this virile young stud and couldn't wait to get to know him more. Thankfully, we met again. This time it was at my house the next night.

So when he showed up on time the next night, I was prepared by having chips, salsa and of course beer ready when he came over. I was nervous and wondered if he would show up, but right on time at eight pm, his red Mustang pulled in the driveway. My heart raced with anticipation, and I felt my cock start to grow in my favorite black CK bikinis.

"Hey Austin, how are you?" he smiled and asked me as I opened the door to let him in.

"Hey Malachi, I'm doing well. How are you doing? Did you have a good day?" I replied.

"Yeah, work was the shit but otherwise it was okay." I smiled and nodded my head while drinking in the tall, dark, and yeah, handsome stud that was standing before me in my house. He looked so damn sexy in his black leather jacket, clean blue jeans, and a white tee shirt. The mixture of the faint scent of the leather jacket, his cologne, and the smell of cigarette smoke combined to put my senses on fire, a sexy concoction that made me dizzy with desire.

Since he'd not yet been to my house, I gave him the quick tour, explaining what I'd done to the house. He was impressed with the work I'd done, and he couldn't believe how bad the house looked prior to starting the remodel. He was in awe of the before pictures.

"Damn, Austin, you've got talent for this kind of work. I'd sure love to do some remodeling to my house. I'll have to get you up to my place and maybe you could give me some ideas."

The idea intrigued me, and I let him know that I'd gladly take a look at his house anytime.

We sat in the living room chatting about his work, my work, and other things about our lives. We both drank some beer, causing both of us to relax. After the first beer Malachi went outside to smoke a cigarette. I went to the bathroom to pee, then returned to the sofa until he came back in the house. More idle chatter continued about music and hobbies. He liked country music and stated that if he was really down about something he'd listen to Patsy Cline, stating that her music consoled him and helped him get away from feeling down. The conversation continued into the third beer when the subject turned to sex. We talked about our experiences, our likes, and dislikes. Then he flat out asked me what I liked to do.

"Well, I mainly like giving and receiving oral, but I'm also into being a bottom for the right guy." I told him. That's when he told me about the size of his dick.

"I'm not a small guy. I'm pretty good sized. I just want to let you know that." I smiled and felt the butterflies in my stomach fly around in pure adrenal fueled excitement.

"I'm about average I guess. But I've not had any complaints." I told him So then I asked him what he liked to do.

"Um, yeah, ugh, I like sucking and getting sucked. I also like being the top guy. I've not been on the bottom before, and just don't think I'd like it." I told him that it wasn't a problem with me. I could tell by the way he was moving in the sofa that he was getting hard. I wanted so bad to touch his leg, running my hands up to his crotch. But I wasn't brave enough yet to make the move I probably would have gotten away with. So as the conversation went on, he finally took charge.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked. I nodded my head yes. He then moved closer to me and with my heart now almost beating out of my chest, we got close to each other and slowly our lips met.

I had never kissed a guy with a mustache before, so when his fine black hairs that comprised his mustache touched my upper lip and the bare skin above, it felt strange at first, but then the very thought about what I was doing turned me on more than ever before. First lips met lips, then ever so slowly our tongues met, and it was game on. He tasted like beer and nicotine, which would have turned me off in most cases, but this stud was also a pure romantic at heart. Again and again our lips met, then our hands found each other. He ran his hands all over my chest, my back and then to my sensitive nipples. He playfully pinched each one, causing me to flinch a little, but mostly moaning in sheer delight.

We must have kissed for close to fifteen minutes or so on the sofa in my living room. A sizeable wet spot was forming in my bikini briefs. It didn't take much longer before I boldly asked the question I'd been wanting to ask since the moment I'd met him.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I whispered into his ear as we broke away from another.

"That sounds like a great idea." He whispered back, now wearing a smug little smile on his smooth face, his dark brown eyes looking dreamingly into mine.

As we slowly moved in each other's arms kissing and touching each other as we walked down the short hallway to my room, any thoughts of my previous failed engagement and love I'd made to Lynette in the same bed where I was about to dive back into gay sex, were now the farthest notion from my mind. In fact, it felt so right, so natural, and so fucking good to be in the arms of my dream guy, on the way to living out a fantasy of being taken by a hot, hard stud with a big dick.

The kissing continued as he slowly took my sweatshirt and white tee shirt. I returned the favor all too willingly to remove his white tee shirt. I about died as I saw his bare hairless tanned chest -- his skin perfect, his flat abs and tight pecs, accentuated with two brown nipples, perfect in every way, shape, and form. A small treasure trail of fine black hair crept up towards his belly button.

Our bodies met as we resumed kissing while standing along the side of my queen sized bed. When our skin touched, it was electrifying. When the front of our jeans met and I felt him against me, I nearly came right then and there.

Taking control now, he laid me on my bed, lying next to me, kissing me again. I was on fire with passion, and he could have taken me and fucked me hard and fast.

But he didn't.

We continued to kiss and caress each other for what seemed like a half hour, when I sat up in the bed, my back against the headboard. I took one of my pillows and put in behind my back. Malachi now knelt over me, straddling my legs. The wait was soon over as he moved closer to me, his bulge now mere inches from my face.

I could smell his musk, and the scent was intoxicating. Running my hands up along his sides, my fingers found his taut nipples and as I playfully squeezed each one, he began to moan in delight. As my fingers boldly moved down his chest to his hairless abs and belly, the light touches caused his skin to contract.

I couldn't wait any longer. With my index fingers, I hooked the soft waistband of his bikinis and in one motion pulled them down. I gasped in disbelief and shear hunger as his erect cock was released from its confinement. A nice patch of curly black pubic hair surrounded the root of his manhood and covered his average sized nut sack. Pointing nearly straight up, his cock had a natural upwards curve that would be the delight of every woman he'd ever fuck, but as I soon found out, this boy was far from ever fucking a woman.

Never had I been so close to a cock this big. It had to be close to eight inches long and thick, maybe as thick as my wrist. All I knew is that I needed him in my mouth. He brought it closer to my mouth and willingly I obediently opened my mouth and tasted the smattering of precum that had littered the beautiful purple head. My mouth was now stretched as far open as it could go, and as he pushed his length as deep into my mouth as it would go, my head was swimming with desire and pure ecstasy. For several minutes I basked in the glory of pleasing him, treasuring every second and every thrust into my mouth and as deep into my throat as he could go.

My intention was to take him to orgasm, but he stopped short to now move down to my throbbing, wet dick. Nearly taking me down to my pubes, Malachi sucked me with the expertise of a seasoned cock sucker. My breathing increased, and he could sense that I was getting close. Moving down back on to the bed, we moved into position to suck each other at the same time.

It didn't take long. He moved off of my cock and spun around so he could shoot his load on my chest, jacking his big dick until he shot his load all over my chest. A stream of cum hit my face, several more painted my upper chest and then my groin including my pubic hairs. I was now jacking my cock for all it was worth, and soon shot a massive load of my own, first one shot in the air, then several more onto my chest, mixing with his load.

Malachi laid down on his back next to me in silence as we both rode the sexual high we were on for several minutes. Finally I got some tissues from the box in the bookcase head board behind us and began to wipe up the mess.

We both laughed at the amount of cum on my chest. He moved close to me, and we kissed deep kisses like lovers do before he laid back down on the bed staring up at the ceiling, his eyes following the edge of the light from the lamp on top of the bookcase headboard.

"I really like you, Austin. I'm glad we met, and I hope you feel the same way about me." He whispered as I tossed the soiled tissues in the wastebasket next to my bed.

"I like you too, Malachi," I replied, still in awe of this young stud who was lying in bed next to me, telling me that he liked me. Wow.

We embraced, and I contemplating asking him to spend the night, but before I got the chance he told me that he had to get up and head back to his house in Beloit. Apparently he'd made plans to be there to help his female roommate with something that was basically unimportant to him, but was a promise, nonetheless.

After getting dressed, Malachi used the bathroom and we talked briefly about when we'd get back together again.

"So you're soon going to be working nights too, right?" he asked. I told him that I did and would be open to late night visitors. He then told me he'd call me early in the week and we'd go from there. After putting on his black leather jacket he told me that he couldn't wait to stop over and see me again. We hugged; he kissed me again before leaving.

I couldn't believe that I'd finally met someone as hot as Malachi who clearly had the body of the guy of my dreams. As I watched him drive away, I could only think of him and longed for the next time we would be together.

Despite just shooting a massive load on my chest that mixed with Malachi's massive load, my cock was still half-hard in my gray Adidas running shorts. Remnants of our loads were still stuck in my chest hairs, so I wisely went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. As the hot water cascaded down on my body, the very thought of him sucking me and me sucking as much of his big dick as I could made me hard once again. But what made me even harder was the notion that if we got together again, I just might get to live my fantasy of being taken by a huge cock. Ever since I was with Josh and didn't get the chance for him to fuck me, the yearning to be taken and dominated by a well-endowed guy was something on my bucket list that I longed to check off.

So it was only natural that as I stood in the shower washing the mess off my chest that I envisioned Malachi's big dick penetrating my tight hole, giving me what I so desired. My left hand found my cock, my right hand grabbed my sack, squeezing my balls. I then moved my right index finger down to my wet hole and rubbed it gently in a circular motion, as if Malachi was rimming me. When I couldn't take it any longer, I slowly inserted my finger past the first knuckle, then the second and couldn't go any further. I imagined his big dick going in as I inserted a second and third finger. That's about all it took as the pressure of my fingers caused me to go over the edge, spraying my second load of the night all over the new tiled walls of the shower.

Spent and now tired, I washed my cum off the shower wall, finished rinsing my body off, and then figured it was time to go to bed.

I didn't fall asleep right away, but instead reflected back on the past few months of my life. I thought about Mike, and how many times I'd fantasized about being with him, knowing that it would never happen. My biggest fault: constantly falling hard for straight guys and wishing that just once one of them would be like me. I also thought about how earlier in the year Lynnette was lying in bed with me, satisfied after I'd given her a good fucking. I thought about the trip we took to Florida where we had sex in every place we stayed, and how satisfying it was. But then I also thought about leaving one hotel room we'd stayed at on the beach, walking past two incredibly hot young guys who were basking in the early morning sun laying in chaise lounges near the pool. As good as the sex was with her, I'd gladly had done either of those two studs just as I'd just worshipped Malachi's incredibly hot body. Sighing to myself, the realization of who I was only became clearer. I drifted off to sleep in anticipation of meeting up with Malachi during the upcoming week.

The week began and slowly my work routine kept me occupied. All day long during odd times I thought about Malachi. Mike even noticed that I was somewhat preoccupied as he asked me a question to which I didn't even pay attention to him. He called me on it again and I just apologized to him. He asked if I was doing anything after work, as he wanted to hang out, eat some pizza and drink some beers. Since I'd not heard anything from Malachi, of course I told him that would be fine.

I had one more week to work the dayshift and then I'd be heading back to the night shift, working from two-thirty in the afternoon until eleven pm. I was excited to get back to nights, since then I could sleep in and stay up late. It also meant that if Malachi did want to stop by and even spend the night, I wouldn't have to worry about anyone stopping by the house to catch us. The thought of him spending the night with me usually gave me an instant erection.

Mike stopped by that Tuesday evening, bringing a large cheese, sausage, and mushroom pizza with him. I had beer in the house, so we sat down at the kitchen table drinking beer and eating our pizza, talking about work and how he was after this really hot girl that started working in his area of the assembly department. We both agreed that she was "hot as fuck" and that Mike wanted to fuck her in the worse way. I agreed, since she was very hot and sexy, and loved flirting with the older guys at work. We pondered the idea of what it'd be like to be with her and Mike even told me that I'd probably have a better chance with her than he would, since it was quite obvious that she like guys my age. Flattered, I told him that maybe once I got over the whole Lynette debacle, that I might consider dating again. But for the moment, being single and unattached was the only thing that I wanted at that time. Mike agreed, and couldn't fault me for my choice, claiming just as I had maintained, that she "was a bitch" and he was also glad that she was gone.

We pretty much finished a little more than a six pack of beer that night between us. I was feeling no pain when Mike left. I had told him that he could stay at the house overnight if he wanted, since I didn't want him to get pulled over and take the chance of losing his license due to driving under the influence. He said he was fine, that he'd driven in worse condition than the condition he currently was in. Reluctantly, I let him go. I told him to not go speeding down the main road leading into town, since if he got caught, they'd trace the alcohol back to me, and the last thing I'd need would be getting charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The following evening around five thirty my dad had just left after talking with me for close to an hour. I walked in the house just in time to hear the phone ringing. I picked it up just before the answering machine did. A few seconds after saying "Hello?" a familiar sexy voice answered back.

"Hey Austin, it's Mal. How are you doing?" It was Malachi, causing me to smile and almost instantly getting a hard on.

"I'm doing great, how are you doing?" I responded in a cheery mood, hoping that we'd be able to see each other that night.

"Doing great. Hey, I have the night off. Just wondering if you'd like to come up to my house in Beloit and check out what I was telling you about what needed fixing in the house?" I told him that I'd love to come up and that I'd leave shortly after hanging up the phone. He gave me his address, and after changing into a UW sweatshirt and a clean pair of jeans, I was out the door and heading to Beloit.

Malachi's house was on the not so good west side of Beloit, but as I pulled up in front of his house, I felt somewhat safe seeing the surrounding area. He was waiting for me on the front steps, smoking a cigarette, wearing a navy blue tee shirt with a Miller Lite beer logo on the front. His tight blue jeans accentuated what I hoped would soon be in my mouth again.

"Hey man, found the place okay, huh?" he asked, taking the last drag on his now short cigarette.

"Yup, no problem. Looks like a nice place you have here. So you own the house, right?" I asked, somewhat skeptical of how a nineteen year old could afford to own a two story older house.

"Yeah. Thinking about selling it though. It needs a bit of work done to it, and, well, I'm not as handy as you are when it comes to do carpentry work like what you've done."

"And a house like this can take a lot of money to do the rehab and upgrades right. You'd learn a lot as you go and would have to realize that it just takes time to get it done." Looking around the house I could see that it did need a lot of work, mainly in the kitchen. Someone had started putting newer cabinets up and a counter top with what looked like a newer sink. But beyond that, the house didn't appear to have any other new upgrades. Adding up the costs of the potential upgrades Mal wanted to do to his house, I speculated that the end cost would result in about ten grand. I sensed that he was interested in knowing if I wanted to do the work and that he would be willing to either pay me for my time or help me. I was quite skeptical of working with someone, especially the homeowner, as I pretty much prefer to work alone.

The last room we went in to was his bedroom. An unmade twin-sized bed with a small wooden headboard and footboard sat near the side window of the room. The sounds of traffic going by could be heard from that open window as we sat on his bed discussing the ballpark figure of the rehab costs. Once again as he got close to me he asked if he could kiss me. Of course, I obliged.

Boldly I moved my right hand under his tee shirt and felt for his right nipple. He began to moan as we kissed, our tongues wrestling, lips sucking lips. He grabbed my left hand and moved it down to his jeans, and as I felt his erection nearly busting out of his Levi's, he whispered in my ear, "You want to suck it?" I nodded my head while hissing back in a low, sexy voice "yessss". Not wasting any time, he undid his belt, unbuttoned, and unzipped his jeans. I buried my face in the front of his bulging red bikini underwear, my lips meeting his huge shaft that was bent off to the left, the head of his massive cock nearly touching his hip bone. He lowered his jeans, then lowered his bikinis to the point where his cock jumped out and nearly hit me in my face. Without hesitation, I engulfed his moist cock head in my mouth as far as it would go. With each stroke, I was able to take more of him in me while he moaned a low guttural moan. I could feel a stream of precum oozing from his piss slit each time my lips reached the tip. I was really getting into it when I heard a girl's voice from somewhere outside call his name.

"Malachi? Are you up there?"

"Who is that?" I inquired, coming up for air.

"Oh shit, it's my friend Lissa. What the fuck does she want?"

I stopped sucking him now as Lissa kept calling his name.

"Malachi! I know you're up there. What are you doing up there? Answer the door!"

"Damnit Austin, I'm going to have to answer the door. Hey, if we can get out of here can we go to your house to finish what you've started?" He looked at me as if he was afraid of getting caught.

"Um, yeah, sure that's fine." I was so damn horny if he would have told me to get a room at the nicest hotel in town I would have spent my entire check on the best room in the hotel. When we left his room and went downstairs, he let Lissa in and introduced me to her. She was young, probably the same age as Mal, not even twenty. She looked at me with skepticism, wondering why he was with someone like me in my thirties. He introduced me to her and after talking to each other for a few minutes, she seemed to relax. He told her I was there to look at some of the projects he wanted done, so she was fine and actually started to be friendly to me. We talked for a few minutes longer and then he told her that I had to go, and he also had to leave.

"Okay Austin, let me know what you think money-wise after you figure up the estimate. I'll talk to you soon." Mal said after giving me the professional sounding response, erasing any fears in Lissa's mind that Mal and I were doing anything sexual in his bedroom.

I left his house and headed home as fast as I could, still savoring the taste of his cock in my mouth leaving me hungry for more.

Patiently I waited for Malachi to show up at my house. Nearly an hour had gone by, and I figured that he wasn't going to show. Sitting on the couch drinking a beer watching Cubs baseball, it seemed like he wasn't going to show.

I must have dozed off because the ringing of the doorbell startled me awake. I lifted the blinds on the side window and sure enough, Malachi's red Mustang convertible was now parked in the driveway. The sight of his car caused my cock to grow with excitement in my sweats, apparently a little too much since I was only wearing boxers. I opened the door and invited Mal in the house. Immediately he apologized for being late. Lissa wouldn't leave until finally she got the hint that he didn't want to talk to her, so she left.

"She's a good friend but there's no way in hell I'd date her." Mal explained. They'd know each other since grade school and were just good friends. He quickly changed the subject to something more interesting and exciting, that caused my dick to go in full staff, which he noticed in an instant. "Someone's awake" he said coyly. I smiled and nodded as we walked into the kitchen.

"Do you want a beer?" I asked, the beer I'd drank had me relaxed and ready for fun.

"No man, I'm good, but how about we take a little walk to your room?" he said just before kissing me. A kiss that was felt all the way down to my toes, nonetheless. Pulling me to him as my erection pressed against his leg, I could feel his monster already rock hard against the waist of my sweats. I nodded my head in agreement as we walked the short few feet into the bedroom.

He lifted me up on the bed after taking off my tee shirt and pulling down my sweats, leaving my boxers on. I didn't have time to take his shirt or jeans off, he was already down to his tight black bikinis that showed the outline of his monster erection.

Just like last time, he straddled me as I propped myself up against the bookcase headboard of the bed. I drank him in once again, his smooth, tanned chest and abdominals literally in my face now. My heartrate increased as I touched him all over again just like before, stopping to squeeze each nipple before finally going for the prize that was hiding in its confinement. Just like before as I lowered his bikinis and released his huge cock, its head immediately pointed up, the upward curved shaft providing the lift needed. I wrapped my right hand around the meaty shaft and caressed his furry nuts before burying my nose and mouth in the dark brown forest of pubic hair surrounding the root of his steel rod. I couldn't wait any longer, so licking my way up the throbbing shaft, I deliberately licked everywhere but the sensitive spot until I couldn't take in any longer and completely engulfed the head in my mouth, tasting his sweet precum mixed with the remnants of my dried saliva from sucking him in his bedroom.

Taking just as much as my mouth could take, I worked his cock and savored it like it was the tastiest sucker I'd ever had in my entire life. I'd gone into complete sexual overload, finally getting what I'd wanted to experience. The deepest animal like pure sex fiend in me came alive as I was in sensory perception overload once again. His precum was flowing continually, and so was mine. I could tell that Mal wasn't going to last long based on his breathing and how he now began fucking my mouth while now holding the back of my head. My end game was to enjoy this as much as I could and enjoy it I did. When his breathing increased with his fucking motion of my mouth, I knew he was getting close. I could feel him grow even harder and bigger just before he deliberately grabbed the back of my head and pulled his cock as deep into my throat as it would go without me choking.

The first spasm hit and flowed right down my throat as I tried to swallow as much as I could. I timed my swallowing with his jets, so after about the fifth or sixth spasm, I didn't worry about choking. Finally he was spent, but his cock stayed hard as he pulled out of my mouth. I grabbed his wet rigid fuck tool and kissed the head and shaft just like a cock whore should, I mean I now knew my place, servicing what I'd craved for so many years.

"Damn Austin, that was fucking great. You give a great blow job. Now it's your turn." He kissed me on the lips, his tongue thrusting deep in my mouth as he tasted what was left of his load. He was still hard and now I had hopes of at least taking him for another round.

Kissing his way down my chest, sucking on each of my nipples, my cock was flowing with precum that had run down the shaft of my cock to my balls. When he got to my crotch, he sucked each ball, nestled in their smooth, precum slickened sack, causing me to moan in sheer delight. As he kissed his way up my shaft to the head of my cock, I was ready to explode the moment he took me in his mouth. It was then that I noticed his cock was dripping again.

The animal lust inside me knew exactly what I wanted next. Since I'd made sure to take the proper steps to ensure I was clean before he got to my house, I was ready for him. Sensing this, as he moved to suck my balls again, I shifted my ass up a little and he took my subtle hint, and began licking my perineum, mixing his saliva with the copious amount of precum that had gathered at my hole. When he touched my hole with his tongue, I nearly fainted from pleasure.

I slid down the bed just a bit and shifted the pillow to the small of my back, raising my butt slightly. No words were spoken as he moved close to me. When the hot, wet, throbbing head was near my hole, I felt the heat which about drove me wild. I wanted him so bad. I needed fulfillment from him, that I paid no attention to anything but focused entirely on the yearning and desire my hole was begging for as the tip finally touched my eager, sensitive man pussy. I reached down and held him, rubbing the wet head on my hole that was now opening automatically, knowing what it wanted. The precum felt so fucking good and within seconds I'd taken his thick cock head in me and was working on getting the thick shaft in me as well. Slowly he pushed, pulling out enough to allow me to get acclimated, which surprisingly I didn't need.

He felt so damn good inside me. My yearning to be fucked by a big, young, virile cock was now a reality, and it was so fucking better than I'd imagined that I knew what I'd become. If I was thirsty, this quenched my thirst like no other drink ever had and I was in pure uninhibited sexual bliss.

Even though he'd cum not more than fifteen minutes before, I felt his cock start to grow super huge again and as he pulled out just in time to blow his huge load all over my cock and sack, I couldn't hold out any longer. Mal instantly started sucking me again and as I exploded, he let my load go in his mouth but then he let the volleys of cum finally fall out of his mouth onto my pulsating cock and cum drenched sack.

Once the spasms of our orgasms subsided, he pulled me to him and we kissed like lovers do, our spit and cum mixing as his still hard cock ground against mine, mixing our cum together. Eventually we collapsed on the bed, basking in the afterglow of the absolute best sex I'd ever had.

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