Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Jan 28, 2020


Austin & Andrew - Chapter Two

The following is a recollection of a period in my life - where I came to terms with who I am. I was twenty-eight years old and met Andrew, a twenty-three year old college student, in a most unusual way. Thank you for reading my story. Please feel free to email me: Thanks! Austin T. Charles. Please consider donating to!

The cool late May evening breeze carried the scent of the Lilac blossoms through my bedroom window, filling the room with the fresh, clean spring air. I was ready for bed, exhausted physically and mentally from already cumming twice that evening from having phone sex with strangers who had listened to my recorded voice message on the 900 phone service. The first guy was in his forties, and had a fetish that involved tying me up in the loft in an old barn. His fantasy certainly got me off, as I shot my first load all over my smooth chest just as I imagined his eight inch cock sunk balls deep into my yearning, tight hole. The second caller, a guy in his mid-twenties, had a fantasy about having sex while camping on the beach. Once again I came all over my chest and abs after imagining him doing me doggy style on top of sleeping bags in a tent on the beach, with the sound of the waves crashing in around us. Just thinking about it now makes my cock stir in my boxer briefs, knowing that sometimes fantasies do become realities. So when the phone rang around 10:30 that evening, I hesitated answering it, knowing that I'd have to get up early at 5:30 to get ready for work. Looking back now, some thirty years later, I question just how much different my life would have been had I not answered that call. But since we cannot go back in time and change what has been done, we just hope that it was part of a plan, and that the ride was enjoyable.

When Andrew and I met over the phone that evening, his voice touched something inside of me that was way different than any sexual encounter or fantasy had ever touched me before. As our conversation began, I sensed him to be the type of guy I had been looking for: an intelligent, down to earth, "normal" guy just like me who was curious about meeting another guy. In fact, he almost seemed like the best friend I had been looking for since my childhood best friend had moved away. "So Austin, I'd like to get to know you. What made you decide to put your number on a gay message board?" Andrew inquired. "Well, here's my story." I began. "So I've kind of known for sometime that I've been interested in guys. I, um, had an experience when I was fourteen with my next door neighbor. He and I were only a month apart in age. He was a month older than me, and clearly was a bit more experienced, having lived in the city of Rockford, Illinois prior to moving to Rockton, the small town just south of the Illinois - Wisconsin border. He was an only child, and other than my sister who was ten years younger than me, it seemed like I was an only child as well. One day were hanging out in his house while his parents were at work and he pulled out some porno magazines from his dad's workbench in the basement of his house. As we thumbed through the pages, the images of the studly looking men with their huge cocks and the sexy women doing all sorts of sexual things made both of our dicks get hard in our tighty whitey briefs. One thing led to another, and several days later after looking at the same mags, he asked me if I wanted to get naked so we could see each other's body. Well of course I did, as I was curious too. I went behind a chair to take my clothes off, while he took his clothes off and set them on the sofa in his living room. Since I was so shy, I emerged from behind the chair covering my growing five inch dick, which had a scant growth of dark pubic hair and a few fuzzy hairs growing from my otherwise smooth, small sac. Joey, on the other hand had a nice patch of dark brown pubes, a thick cock which looked to be about six or seven inches in length. He had a larger ball sac than me, and his thick cock was pointing straight at me, hard as can be."

"Wow, are you serious?" Andrew asked, completely engrossed in my recollection.

"Yeah, it is true." I replied, feeling my dick starting to grow in my black CK briefs.

"So what happened then, did you guys... do anything more?"

"Joey then suggested that we go to his room. So I went behind the chair, picked up my t-shirt, shorts and underwear and we walked down the hall to his room. Since his parents were both at work, we didn't have to worry about them coming home and finding us since it was just after noon. So we walked into his room, completely naked and sat on the edge of his full sized bed. He kept staring at my now hard dick, and I was staring at his as well. Mine was pointing up to my belly; his was pointing straight out. He then asked me if had ever jerked off before. I asked him what that was - as I had no clue - to which he told me how to do it and started stroking his cock. I was kind of embarrassed, but my curiosity got the best of me and I then asked him if I could touch him and try jerking him off. He said 'okay, sure why not' and so with some hesitation, I reached over and wrapped my hand around his cock. It felt hard, hot, and oh so sensual. Deep inside I felt my yearning and desire reach a level never yetexperienced. The new feeling of touching him caused something clear to start oozing from my cock, and Joey noticed. 'Hey, are you cumming?' he asked. I don't think so, but I'm not sure. He then reached over and touched my throbbing dick. The feeling of having someone else touch me was phenomenal. His index finger smeared the slippery clear fluid - my precum - around the head of my dick as I continued to pump his cock with my right hand. Suddenly, he grabbed his dick with his right hand, pushed mine away with his left. His breathing increased, and seconds later his cock started spurting out a massive load of white semen onto his smooth abdomen and chest. The sight of him cumming was such a huge turn-on, and for the first time I reached down and started jerking my own cock. The feeling was starting to get real good, and as I watched Joey clean the cum off his chest with a couple of tissues, I sensed something brewing from deep within my own body. Just then, someone started knocking on the front door. 'Get your clothes on, it's your mom!' Joey nearly screamed with panic in his voice as he looked out the window of his room I threw on my clothes, waiting for my cock to soften a minute before going to answer the door."

"Ohmigod, so you didn't cum then?" Andrew interrupted.

"No, not that time." I replied, not really wanting to divulge more just yet. "There is more to the story, but we can save that for another time." Looking at the clock I noticed it was almost midnight, thinking that I should have been sound asleep by now.

"So was that the only guy on guy experience you've had?" he asked.

"Yes" I lied with hesitance in my voice. "I have, however, had a few girlfriends, and did lose my virginity at the age of 21. But that's a whole other story. Tell me more about you and your life." I really wanted to know more about him, and was tired of talking about myself.His life was almost like mine, in the sense that we both grew up on farms. He was from south central Minnesota, the oldest of three kids. He really didn't want to live on the farm, or carry on the farm life that his parents had lived. "I hate driving tractors, I hate baling hay since my dad always would make me work in the fields even though I have allergies so bad" he recollected. For that reason, he decided to go to Luther College in north eastern Iowa. He was going to graduate in a week, excelling in computer science and mathematics. He would soon be leaving Decorah, IA, returning home in two weeks for one week, and would then be heading to Ames, Iowa to start his summer internship at Iowa State University. He certainly had a bright future ahead of him - vastly different than mine. I was in my fifth year of working at an aerospace company in Rockford, Illinois, where I worked on their grounds maintenance department. Since I had no clue of what I wanted to do in life, working for a good company that provided a decent living seemed like a good thing to do. Since I had my own place and had just bought a brand new black 4x4 pick up truck loaded with all of the toys, I felt like I was doing pretty good for myself. But knowing that Andrew was going to have a college degree which would lead to a much better job than mine made me a little envious but yet excited to meet someone I felt I could connect with on an intellectual level. The more we talked that evening that was now stretching into the wee hours of the night, the more I liked what I was learning about him. We talked about music, movies, books, places we'd been and wanted to see. Before I knew it, it was almost three twenty-five in the morning. Finally I realized I had to get some sleep.

"Oh man Andrew, I really have to get to bed. I have to get up in two hours! But I am enjoying our conversation so much that I don't want to hang up. Will you, or can you call me again? I really would like to get to know you, despite the distance between us." He agreed.

"Yes Austin, I feel the same. Can I call you around 8 pm later tonight?" he asked.

"Absolutely. I will make sure that I'm home. I cannot wait to talk to you again!"

"Okay, thanks for answering the phone! I'll look forward to talking to you later tonight!" We said our good-byes, and as I collapsed on my queen-sized waterbed, my mind was a flurry of activity trying to process the information that Andrew and I had discussed. On one hand, it was cool to meet and talk to someone new that seemingly had the same background and feelings as me, but on the other hand, I realized that feelings I had about wanting to have sex again with a guy - feelings I had suppressed for over fourteen years, were now coming back to the surface with a vengeance.

After getting a mere two hours of sleep that night after talking to Andrew, somehow I made it through the day at work. I honestly felt like a zombie, just going through the motions at work. At one point one of my co-workers asked me if I was okay. I just mumbled something to the affect of "just leave me alone and I'll be fine" and he did just that. Luckily the end of the day came soon, and I headed home, showered, ate some mac and cheese and fell asleep on the couch. The phone calls from the 900 service kept waking me up every twenty minutes or so. Luckily when the horny guys called my number, they asked for Austin, and since I didn't recognize their voices, I knew none of them were Andrew, so I just told them that Austin was not home and wouldn't be back until next week. Finally, when the phone rang at 8 pm, I was relieved to hear Andrew's voice on the other end of the line."Hi Austin, how are you? Did you survive your day at work?"

"Barely. I've never been so tired! But it was worth it. I sure enjoyed talking to you. In fact, I couldn't get you out of my mind. How was your day?"

"Good. I was tired too, but got something like five hours of sleep. I had some things to do for graduation next Tuesday, but otherwise took it easy. Finals are over, and I just have to get my things packed up for the ride back home to Owatonna where my parents' farm is located."

"Oh cool. So getting back to our conversation from last night," I began. "you didn't tell me about your experiences that led you here."

"Yeah, you're right. Well fair is fair. So I always thought since about the time I was twelve that I was not like other guys." he recalled. "In fact, the idea of being with a girl sexually appalls me. I just can't fathom it."

"Really!?" I replied, in a surprised tone of voice."

"So as far as experience goes, I started masturbating at the age of twelve. I didn't have my first orgasm or ejaculate until I was thirteen. But the subject of my jerk-off sessions was always this same guy at school, Collin Williams. He was so freaking hot: Blond hair, piercing sky blue eyes and a swimmer's build. He was also the biggest jock in school, and was very much straight. Although one time on a bus trip to a high school baseball game in the back of the bus he and another guy, a junior named Allen who was just as cute mutually masturbated each other in the back seat of the bus. I was reading a book in the seat in front of them and heard the other guys talking and laughing about what they were doing, almost as if it were a dare. I turned around just in time to see Collin shoot his load into his spare baseball shirt, which in turn caused Allen to do the same. It was like no big deal to them, and after it was done, the other kids on the bus said nothing or did nothing. It was like this sort of thing happened all the time. I got home that night and had one of the most intense orgasms I recalled thinking about those two jacking off in the back of the bus."

"Holy crap! That's insane!" was all I could think of to say as I felt my own cock start to grow in my shorts. "So did you ever do anything with Collin, Allen or anybody else in high school?"

"Um, no. Collin continued to be the subject of many fantasies, even after I got here at Luther College. Even though Luther is fairly liberal, I stayed in the closet, not wanting my family members who live here in Decorah, or any of my friends who came to Luther from back home to find out about the real me. The only other outlet I've had was to go to a bookstore in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Have you been there before?"

"Yes, I've been to LaCrosse, but it was a long time ago when I was in high school. I haven't been back since, and didn't know that they had an adult bookstore."

"Well I actually almost sort of met up with a couple of different guys that hung out there, but they were very creepy and I didn't do anything with them. At least I got to watch some of the gay male porn videos in the booths there and bought a couple of gay porn mags. That's where I found this 900 number. Speaking of which, where did you find this number?" he asked me.

I then went on to tell him how I had to go to Springfield, IL for work with three other guys from work. We were working at the CEO's son's house for several days. After we finished working one of the nights, the guys wanted to go to the strip club. I really had no desire to watch some woman strip in front of me to some cheesy dance tune, so instead I spent my time in the magazine area. I did watch a few gay pornos in the booths, but feared literally being caught coming out of a booth by my co-workers. So instead I bought a straight mag with sex stories in it. It might have been "Penthouse's Forum" magazine, but all I remember was that on the back of the cover it listed this number, 1-900-LOVE MEN. Since I tried calling and found my phone bill sky rocketing with the pay per minute scheme, I figured why not put my number on there so the guys could call me. Since I lived alone, it seemed harmless. As our conversation continued deep into the late May evening for the second night in a row, I had a growing desire to find a way to meet Andrew. So the time seemed right to ask him how we could meet before he had to move back to Owatonna, MN. There was a beautiful area in southwestern Wisconsin where a tiny river perfect for canoeing, the Kickapoo River, meandered through the Kickapoo River Valley, in the heart of Amish country, touching the borders of Wildcat Mountain State Park. I'd spent several weekends with friends canoeing and camping in the area over the past five years, so I deemed the place safe enough to meet a stranger, even though I felt like Andrew was quickly becoming a long lost friend than a being a stranger to me. Would he feel the same way about me? I had to ask him, to see if the feeling was mutual. There had never been a yearning so deep inside to meet someone like the way I so dearly wanted to meet him. Finally, after talking another three hours on the phone, I asked the question.

"So Andrew, I know we've only 'known' each other for a day, but I have to ask. Would you like to meet in person? I know you have to go home next week. I don't have to work this weekend, and I know a great place halfway from you and halfway from me. It's three hours from here, about two hours from you. If you don't have anything to do Saturday, I would like to meet you Saturday around 11. We could go for a canoe trip down the river, have some lunch, do some hiking, and talk. If you don't want to do this, there is no pressure. If you feel threatened by me, by all means I'm not going to be offended. I just feel like honestly you're someone I do not want to not know - and would love to at least meet you if for only one time. I hope you feel the same?" Talking non-stop, I feared that maybe he'd hung up the phone halfway through my proposition, or maybe he'd just simply tell me no, and we'd go our separate ways. Anxiously I waited for his response, each second that ticked by seemed like an hour.

"Well, I do have time Saturday up until about 6 pm. We have baccalaureate service that I need to attend Saturday evening. But yeah, looking at the map, I see the route I can take, and since it's not far from LaCrosse, I think I can do it."

"Great!" was all I could think of to say. I was so ecstatic that I was ready to burst. Saturday would not get here soon enough! The excitement of meeting this intriguing guy gave me expectations that hopefully did not lead to disappointment. Since it was now close to three o'clock in the morning again, we agreed to talk again the next night (Thursday) and would finalize plans on Friday. Remember, the internet was not yet a public thing, neither were cell phones. So no email, no texts; we had to rely solely on landline phones. Would this chance meeting in Ontario, Wisconsin on Saturday, May 26th 1990 alter my life, or would Andrew and I go our separate ways, never to cross paths again?

Next: Chapter 3

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