Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Jan 29, 2020


Austin & Andrew, Chapter Three

After meeting and talking to Andrew, a college student from Iowa on the phone for nearly ten hours over two days, we decided to meet each other in person. This is a true story that took place starting in May of 1990.

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story!

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The time from Thursday morning until Saturday morning went incredibly slow. They say that time does stand still, or slows down, and I believe it. I could not wait until Saturday morning arrived so I could embark on the three hour drive from my home in South Beloit, Il to Ontario, Wisconsin where Andrew and I agreed to meet at eleven o'clock in the morning. The trip just about got canceled, thanks to a late ditch effort by fate to make me go to work on Saturday. Friday afternoon around one thirty my boss approached me and asked if I would come in to work Saturday around noon to water some of the freshly planted bedding plants. The forecast called for warmer than normal temperatures over the weekend, and since it was in my area I was the logical person to be called upon to work. I had to beg and plead and find someone to fill in for me, and finally five minutes before quitting time one of the old guys on the crew, Jack, agreed to come in. Since I explained to him that I had plans to go up to the Amish area, I had to promise to bring him some Amish cookies to work on Tuesday. Strange request I know, but it allowed me to get out of town and meet Andrew. So after talking with Andrew briefly on the phone Friday evening, we confirmed directions, meeting place and time and said our good-byes. The morning would not come soon enough!

That night I had trouble getting to sleep. The anticipation of what the day would bring kept going over and over in my mind. What would Andrew be like? Would he be just like his voice sounded - cute, sexy, hot - the guy of my dreams, or would he be some psycho? I finally fell asleep around 2 am and had a sexual dream about waking up in a different house in a different room and bed sleeping next to a very handsome guy. He had perfect short brown hair, a muscular upper body, and was sleeping on his left side. As I reached under the covers to slip my hand into his black satin boxers, I found the prize waiting for me, making my own prize swell to its length, pressing against my abdomen, the head sneaking out over the waistband of my black CK bikini briefs. Touching him, stroking him gently caused him to moan and roll onto his back, still asleep as I pulled his boxers down to reveal its beautiful hardness, which was now leaking a crystal drop of fluid. As I moved closer to him, my mouth opened and as my tongue reached out to touch the droplet that had formed - my alarm went off. Go figure! My own morning wood was as hard as it's been in sometime, a nice dime shaped wet spot had formed near my belly button, and I'm certain if the alarm would have waited another ten minutes, the wet spot would have been a lot larger thanks to a beautiful sexual dream that would have become quite wet. But since Saturday morning had finally arrived, I jumped out of bed, went directly to the shower and resisted the urge to finish what my dream had started. Luckily, the cold water caused my cock to return to its resting size, and the shower ended with it growing back to being hard again with the thought of meeting Andrew. Instead of taking care of it, I opted instead to slip on a clean pair of black CK boxer briefs, my favorite Cubs t-shirt, a pair of dark blue Nike basketball shorts, low white socks and my blue Nike running shoes. A shot of CK Obsession, some gel in hair, contacts in, and I was ready to eat breakfast. I quickly ate some toast, drank some juice, fed the cat, let the dog out, quickly called the neighbor to ask if she would take care of my dog (she always did - she had a crush on me), and finally I was ready to go. My one month old black GMC S-15 4x4 pick up truck sat waiting for me in the garage. I had chosen some CD's to bring with for the ride, mainly some smooth jazz and classic rock as well as CD's by Tears for Fears and Billy Joel. With ample music to survive the trip, I started truck and left the house right on time, at 7:30 am.

The three hour drive was flawless. A clear blue sky, temps already rising into the upper sixties greeted me as I drove on Interstate 90 past Janesville, then to Madison where I exited on to WI 12 & 18 which skirted the outer city limits of Madison, then west on Highway 14 to Richland Center where I stopped to use the restroom at a Kwik Trip, then north on Highway 80 to Hillsboro where I turned left and took Highway 33 to Ontario. This stretch of two lane road drives through a hilly, very beautiful area of trees and farmland that eventually squeezes through Wildcat Mountan State park before dumping into the small one horse town of Ontario. I arrived just before 11 am, driving into the parking lot of the Ontario Canoe Outfitter. Scanning the parking lot, I did not yet see a silver Buick with Minnesota plates, so I knew that Andrew had not yet arrived. I got out of the S-15, stood along side the bed of the truck sipping the rest of the coffee I had bought at the Kwik Trip in Richland Center. Fifteen minutes passed and my anxiousness and excitement began to wane. I was beginning to believe Andrew was not going to show. With no way to contact him, I figured after waiting fifteen more minutes, I would drive up to Wildcat Mountain and just hike the trails. Finally after waiting for five more minutes my patience paid off. A silver Buick turned right onto the gravel drive leading to the parking lot. As he drove past me and parked next to my truck, he had a huge smile on his face. He looked even cuter than he described! I suddenly felt a nervousness in my stomach that I'd not felt in years. When he stepped out of his car and came up to shake my hand, I was in complete awe. Wearing a Golden Gopher's t-shirt, cut off blue jean shorts, short socks, black indoor soccer shoes and the same style sunglasses as me - black frames with neon green arms, his had neon orange arms - I knew we were going to get along just fine. "Austin, right? Hi, it is nice to meet you. I'm Andrew!" he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Andrew, it is amazing to meet you. I am so happy that you made it! I was beginning to think you had changed your mind when you didn't get here on time."

"Oh man, I'm sorry, I took a wrong turn when I got into Wisconsin just after crossing the Mississippi. I'm usually always running late. I wouldn't have missed meeting you, trust me." This caused me to smile from ear to ear, and even blush a little. If first impressions are any indications as to what is yet to come, I was sold, hook line and sinker!

After chatting a bit, we agreed to take a canoe trip from Ontario down river to the boat launch ramp in the lower part of Wildcat Mountain. We added an extra hour to the estimated float time of 3.5 hours, which meant that we'd get picked up around 4 pm. At first Andrew seemed like it might be a problem since he had to be back in Decorah by six pm, but since the drive was just under an hour and a half, he was certain he'd be able to make it in time for his baccalaureate service that evening. And so the trip down the narrow and shallow river, which meanders through the rock formations, farmers fields and makes about fifty twists and turns, began. We talked about everything that was non-sexual and non-gay on the trip. He told me I was a great conversationalist; I told him he was as well. It was so fun talking to someone who shared the same interests or desires as me. I truly felt like I had found my long lost best friend. Halfway through the trip, we decided to stop on a sand bar and eat a snack. I had brought a cooler with some cans of Pepsi and ice tea, as well as some Doritos and potato chips. Four pieces of beef jerky that I picked up at the Kwik Trip was also a welcomed snack for us two paddlers. The afternoon had turned warm for May, with no breeze on the river at all. Several canoes floated by, the shirtless 20-somethings guys greeting us with a hearty "Hi guys!, Havin' a good time?" to which of course we replied that we were. I decided it was time to lose the Cubs shirt, since the boos from the Brewer's fans that floated by made me think I'd be better off without my shirt on. After taking it off, Andrew's face told me what he didn't have to say. My defined abs and upper body must have turned him on as much as I got turned on when he removed his shirt. Since other paddlers were floating by regularly, it was impossible to flat out act on my desires with Andrew. So I just hoped that my growing cock would be contained enough to not be visible in my loose fitting basketball shorts. Getting our fill of soda, beef jerky and chips, we resumed the trip to the take out point. The rest of the trip was the same as the first part. We didn't stop talking about anything and everything non-sex related, and soon we arrived at the boat launch where several other canoes had already arrived and were pulled out of the water and were placed along side the boat ramp in the grass. Twenty minutes or so later, the rickety old extended van pulling a trailer designed to hold eight canoes came rambling down the road that led to the boat ramp. Two late teen-aged guys wearing tight blue jeans and cut off shirts and baseball caps jumped out of the van, and began to load up the canoes from the outfitter on to the trailer. "You all can get in the van please. Coolers can go in the front, y'all can squeeze in the back. We're gonna have a full van, so don't be shy!" the driver of the van instructed us. Andrew and I were still shirtless, and without really thinking much about it got in the backseat of the van. I was next to the left side window, Andrew was next to me. A younger couple who looked to be in their early twenties squeezed in next to Andrew, pushing his sweaty body super close to me. As his arm touched mine, his side next to my side, my cock instantly began to get hard. How in the world would I be able to make the three mile ride through the twists and turns of the road back to Ontario with a huge erection? I didn't want to look but very quickly Andrew put his shirt on his lap, so I did the same. The look on his face told me that he felt the same. Thankfully, by the time we got back to the outfitter, my erection subsided a little, and I was able to keep my shirt in front of my shorts to hide what was left. Getting out of the van, Andrew quickly put his shirt on, the length covering up anything that might have looked conspicuous.

The canoe trip had now come to an end, and looking at my watch I saw it was now close to 4:30. Our time together was just about over. I felt a sense of sadness creep over me, and as we stood chatting by my truck, I waited for Andrew to tell me that it was time for him to leave. But instead he said something that caught me off guard.

"Austin, this day has been phenomenal, beyond my expectations. I don't want it to end, and I'm not ready to go back to Decorah. You know, I don't really need to go to the service tonight. I'd much rather stay and do something much more...exciting with you. Is that okay? Do you have to be back to South Beloit at a certain time?" Even if I did, I would have changed my plans. Finding something "exciting" to do with Andrew was exactly what was on my mind. Finding the place to do something exciting was the challenge. Then I remembered a hiking trail that led from the boat ramp area up to the top of one of the hills that culminated in a very private, scenic overlook of the Kickapoo River Valley. Andrew agreed that going for a hike sounded like fun, so we got in my truck and drove back down to the boat ramp, and began the 30 minute hike to the top of the outlook. The trail, which started out in the meadows surrounding the river, quickly escalated through the fragrant white pines, up several long switchbacks before leveling out into a smattering of maple and birch trees, running parallel with the split rail fence that prevented young hikers from jumping to their demise - a cliff that descended an estimated one hundred feet or more, back to the river below. As we finally approached the overlook, the sun was beginning its descent to the western horizon. My guess is that we had about an hour or so before sunset to do something exciting. The overlook must have been a popular spot. There were two groups of four people standing next to the fence admiring nature's picturesque beauty as it unfolded around us. The people greeted us as we approached the fence. One guy had a long telephoto lens on his Canon AE1 35 mm camera taking pictures of the valley, and another guy just had a point and shoot camera, doing the same. He asked if I would take a picture of his group, which I obliged. As we stood looking out and trying to wait out the other groups so we could be alone, finally they finished their pictures and gazing and began to walk away, leaving us finally alone. Andrew began to talk first:

"So let's talk about that elephant that's been in the room this afternoon. What are your thoughts about us meeting and maybe, shall we say, experimenting?" His voice quivered a bit when he said experimenting. My stomach was suddenly tied up in knots. After all of the wet dreams, the thoughts, fantasies about cute guys, reliving what I had done fourteen years ago with Joey and more suddenly had me scared to go further.

"I am very attracted to you", I began. "But now faced with putting reality into what has been fantasy, I'm nervous. Nervous in thinking that taking the next step will make me realize that after all of these years, I could be gay. What if I'm really not? What if we do something, and I don't like it? What if you don't like doing something with me? He turned towards the setting sun and hung his head, clearly disappointed with what I said. "I am sorry, I don't mean it in a bad way. Look, the past few days we have connected on an emotional and intellectual level. Since we have a lot of things in common, I feel like I don't want to lose you as a 'friend'. I don't have a lot of friends, and your friendship means a lot to me. What if, because you have not yet been with a guy, find it appalling? me appalling? I guess I don't want to lose you as a friend. Also, as much as I've struggled with this idea of my attraction to guys, what will happen if I take the step off this cliff and plunge into this lifestyle. Would I be able to climb back out and live a straight life, with a wife and kids? I mean I do love having sex with a woman. Would I miss that? I really want to have kids, and be a dad. I guess I'm just a little more fucked up than I thought." We were both watching the sun as it touched the horizon somewhere in Iowa. The waning daylight cast a glow on Andrew's face, and a small tear had formed in his right eye. Without talking, he turned to me, pulled me into his arms, leaned forward and kissed my quivering lips. My immediate reaction was to turn away and break free from his embrace, but a burning passion from years of pent up emotions consumed the fear that wanted me to run. I gave in and felt his kiss permeate my body like lightning coursing through me, electrifying my entire being, causing my groin to swell instantly as I felt him react the same as he pressed himself against me. Our embracing and kissing reached a fever pitch as our two hungry souls raced to become one. Slowly he reached under my shirt and his hand explored my abs, my chest, and his fingers found my nipples. He lightly squeezed first the right, then the left, causing me to moan as his tongue drove deeper into my mouth. I felt as if I was going to explode into my boxer briefs right then and there. As my shaky hand found the bottom of his Gopher's shirt and my fingers touched his skin for the first time, he began to breathe deeply and I could feel his swollen groin firm against mine. Everything I had said about "what if" five minutes earlier disappeared over the horizon with the setting sun. As darkness began to creep in, the overwhelming desire to drop to my knees and take him in me every which was possible grew to an animal-like desire. Just as I was about to make that move, I heard someone whistling coming up the trail. We broke our embrace as fear of being caught stopped us cold. It was the State Park Ranger!

"Gentlemen, Good evening! Say, are you guys the ones with the black S-15?"

"Um, yes sir, that's us." I replied, trying to pull the bottom of my shirt over my basketball shorts to hide my erection.

"Well guys, the park is now closed. I'm going to have to ask you to hike back down and leave so I can shut the gate."

"Sure, sorry. We were just enjoying the... sunset and the beautiful scenery and forgot that what time the park closed." I quickly said.

"No problem guys, just please try to get back so I can lock up and go home to the misses."

Ten minutes later, we were back in the truck and were heading back to Ontario. We didn't speak at all until we got back to the parking lot. Andrew announced that he was hungry, so we walked up to the ball field in town where a Memorial Day celebration was taking place. Since it was close to 9 pm, the food people were starting to pick up. They did have one piece of chicken left, along with chips and some cole slaw. I paid for the food, and as we set at a picnic table sharing the chicken, we knew our night was just about over. Andrew was the first to speak.

"So you know I have to go home back to Minnesota next week. In two weeks, I'll be heading to Ames to start my internship. Would you like to come and spend the weekend with me there? We could have a fun time there...only if you want to and can. I can call you when I get to Ames?"

"Sure, I think that might work. So I'm not going to hear from you until you get there?" I asked, hoping my assumption was wrong.

"Right. Unfortunately my parents will not know why I'm calling a guy in Illinois, since I've never mentioned having a friend there. It's awkward, I know, but it's just the way things are, and I don't want to raise any suspicion. I will try to call if I can. But more than likely it will be when I get to Ames."

I felt like crying, but held back and just smiled instead. We finished up eating, threw the plates and chip bags away and began walking back to the parking lot. The outfitter had long since closed, so it was just our vehicles left. My truck and his car. It then came time for us to part ways.

"Are you going to be okay to make the the three hour drive?" he asked.

"It should be fine. I like to drive. How about you?"

"Oh yeah, the same. I love to drive. So I guess this is it for now. I can't wait until I get to Ames so that we can meet up again!"

"Me too! This has been, wow, amazing. I'm so happy we could meet!"

With that, we said our good-byes, and he gave me a hug and a quick kiss, before pulling away from me. I could have stayed in his arms forever that night, but let him break away, watching him walk to his car. I got in my truck fired up the engine, and started to drive out of the parking lot. As I reached the stop sign to the intersection of Highway 33, I put on my left turn signal, Andrew was behind me with his right turn signal on. We both entered the highway and as I crossed the bridge over the Kickapoo, I watched his tail lights until they faded into the night. I tried to wipe the tears away as the three hour ride home began. It would be a long three weeks until we would have the chance to meet again.

Next: Chapter 4

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