Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Sep 11, 2020


This is a true story, taking place in the early 1990's. After originally meeting over the phone, Andrew and I decided to meet in person over Memorial Day weekend in 1990. After spending almost every weekend together in June and July, August found the end of summer looming that could potentially spell the end of our summer fun..

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story! Also, please consider donating to! Without their support, aspiring writers like me would not be able to tell our stories! ; Thank you!

Austin and Andrew, Chapter 9

The days of the following week passed by quickly. Since I called in sick on Monday from the hotel in East Dubuque and decided to take Friday as a vacation day, the three days flew by. Andrew and I talked over the phone Thursday evening finalizing the plans for our camping trip to Ontario, Wisconsin, where we first met in person Memorial Day weekend.

I spent Thursday evening getting the camping gear ready to go, then headed the grocery store to get food and drinks for the weekend. Our food list consisted of chicken breasts, hamburgers, potatoes, onions, chips, cookies, a case of Pepsi and several other snack items to enjoy by the campfire. Once I returned home, I loaded all of the camping gear -- a six man tent, sleeping bags, clothes, charcoal grill, gas stove, lantern, firewood, and my clothes in the back of the truck. Andrew wasn't supposed to arrive at my house until Friday afternoon, but just as I had loaded everything we needed for the trip, his silver Buick pulled in the driveway, both of us now smiling from ear to ear.

"I thought you weren't going to get here until tomorrow morning! What a pleasant surprise!" I told him as he got out of his car with his duffle bag of clothes in his hand.

"I know, but my meeting for this afternoon got canceled, so I thought might as well head on over! It's so good to see you! How was your week?"

"Great, it went quick. I was busy at work, but it did go fast." After showing Andrew all of the camping items in the truck, we headed in the house. Immediately we embraced and kissed for what felt like an hour but was more like only ten minutes. As our bodies were pressed together during the embrace, our cocks reacted by getting hard immediately. I wanted so desperately to go to the bedroom, rip his clothes off and get busy, but we had been in the living room with the lights off, thankfully, as I heard a knock on the back door. Taking a moment to compose myself and make sure that my stiff dick was not too conspicuous, I went to the backdoor to find my neighbor Susan, who would be watching my dog over the weekend. She did seem to sense there was something going on, and although she didn't question anything, she gave me a look like she knew we were up to something. I gave her the key to my house and after a brief conversation, she left.

"Okay, the coast is clear. Where were we...?" I called out to Andrew, who was still in the living room. "Oh yeah, I remember now." I replied to my own question slyly, as I dropped to my knees, pulling Andrew's shorts and underwear down, freeing his semi-erect cock, which I immediately engulfed deep into my mouth, causing him to moan and tilt his head back as I felt him grow in my mouth. I sucked on his cock for a few minutes before he lifted me up, pulled down my shorts and CK briefs, freeing my leaking hard cock as well. With his right hand now wrapped around my cock, he pulled on me, causing a pearl sized drop of precum to ooze out of my dick. Before it could form a long string and fall to the floor, he eagerly took the entire drop in his mouth as he took my throbbing cock deep into his mouth. I thought I would cum instantly, but instead took a deep breath and tried to think of anything but depositing my three day load down his throat.

"Let's go to the room," I whispered as he released my cock from his mouth and our lips met, me tasting my precum as he snaked his tongue into my mouth.

"Great idea; let's go!" he whispered as we walked hand in hand to the bedroom. We quickly took our clothes off and jumped in bed, kissing as the heat from our bodies caused the passion deep within to soar. I was now on top of him, our throbbing cocks nestled next to each other against our bellies, while our swollen balls also rubbed against each other as well. Using the copious amounts of precum that was oozing from my cock as lube, I began to move my body in a fucking motion; the warmth of our bodies and the slipperiness from my precum bringing us both on a non-stop destination of shooting cum all over our bellies was seconds from happening. And just as we locked tongues and lips in a deep, sensual kiss, holding each other as tight as possible, the second I felt his cock began to pulsate as his orgasm began to spew his hot seed allover his belly, my cock unleashed a flood of jism as well. The feeling of our throbbing cocks erupting at the same time while rubbing against each other was phenomenal. While the idea of cumming in each other's mouth at the same time was very sensual and usually produced a mind blowing orgasm, feeling his dick spasming at the same time as mine was super-hot as well. Once the euphoric moment of our simultaneous orgasms subsided, I rolled off of him on to my back. The combination of our loads made a huge mess on his chest. As bad as I wanted to taste the combination of our seeds together, instead I grabbed a couple of tissues and wiped the mess off his belly. This would be a memorable weekend, no doubt.

And indeed, it was. We arrived at Brush Creek Campground, which was located about four miles west of Ontario, Wisconsin. Nestled in the foothills on the west side of the Kickapoo River Valley, the campground was located on the site of a once operational farm. The typical huge red barn had been transformed into the main building that housed a small snack bar, game room area, the check in office, a small laundry area, as well as ten showers and two bathrooms. It really wasn't a fancy place at all; in fact, it was more or less a dive by some standards. But what was really awesome about this campground was the location of the campsites. The majority of the camping sites were located up in the hill behind the barn. While they were mostly primitive sites with no water or electric hook ups, they were separated from each other giving campers quite a bit of privacy. There was one site in particular that I came to love and request each time I returned to the campground later on future camping trips called the "Eagle's Nest". After taking a short downhill walk of about seventy-five yards or so, the grade leveled out and was a perfect area just big enough for a tent, a picnic table, and a fire pit. But for this trip, Andrew and I settled on a site located in the woods at the top of the hill. With plenty of privacy, we felt comfortable to "mostly" be ourselves, especially at night around the campfire.

Each night we did enjoy sitting close around the campfire. Friday night after enjoying a dinner of grilled chicken breasts and sliced potatoes and onions, we talked late into the night while listening to music. Around two a.m. once the fire died, we decided to take a short walk out to see the stars. It was a clear night, so the stars were as bright as I'd ever seen. Living in the city with plenty of light pollution definitely clouded the view of the stars, so seeing them from a mostly man made light-free sky was phenomenal. We even saw a few shooting stars, and both of us made wishes.

Saturday dawned early, and we made bacon and eggs on my little gas stove, then headed to Ontario for a repeat of the first canoeing trip we did over Memorial Day weekend. It was fun to reminisce over how much time we'd spent together since that Saturday. Both of us were amazed that we'd been able to spend mostly every weekend together since that day. Once the canoe trip was over, we did some hiking, and returned to the scenic overlook again.

I could not believe how different my life had become since the last time I'd hiked to the overlook. I'd fallen completely in love with Andrew, and he'd fallen in love with me. At the time, I had been afraid of taking a leap into a relationship such as ours, but now I didn't know how I could live without him in my life. We'd not only become lovers, but seemingly best friends. Before leaving the overlook that evening, I carved our initials in the wooden fence, and surrounded our initials with a heart. After showering Saturday evening, we made grilled hamburgers and had a bag of chips. Once again, we enjoyed the campfire, stars and making love in the tent. In fact, once the fire had burned down to embers and darkness surrounded our campsite, we started kissing and eventually took turns sucking each other by the campfire. Primed for another sensual lovemaking session, we moved into the tent, now clothing free. Just as we'd done in the previous weekends together, we enjoyed each other's sex as we laid naked in the tent. This time we sucked each other at the same time, taking each other to the edge several times before finally exploding in each other's mouths at the same time, swallowing each other's loads, then sharing a deep sensual kiss before we laid next to each other in the warm summer night, the stagnant air of the tent now filled with the smell of our sex.

Once again, we drifted off to sleep naked, next to each other sometime in the early hours of Sunday morning. A snapshot of us sleeping in the early morning light of predawn in the tent would have shown our naked bodies next to each other sleeping soundly, both of us with erections. I woke up somewhere around seven o'clock to the sound of the kids in the neighboring campsite talking loudly like most little kids do. The cool morning air had now permeated the thin fabric of the tent, and I pulled a blanket over Andrew and myself, then fell back asleep until around nine, when the early July day begin to build warmth outside, warming the tent even more.

Since it was Sunday, most of the campers were already breaking down their campsites and packing up to leave. Like every weekend since Memorial Day that we'd been together, our time was awesome. I'd grown to not like Sundays, since it meant we would go back to our solitary lives and be apart until the following weekend. Sure, I'd miss the sex, but missing my first true love and best friend was what I'd miss the most. We just were so complimentary together and we both felt like were each other's soulmate.

The three hour or so ride back home was good. As usual we talked basically non-stop about anything and everything. Andrew was doing a great job of convincing me to start taking classes at the local community college. Going back to school was something I'd always thought about but never really pursued. I told him that I'd look into it during the week. He was happy for me and was definitely supportive.

Upon returning home, Andrew helped me unload the truck before heading back to school in Ames. His leaving as always involved locking in an embrace for nearly ten minutes, kissing and hugging and feeling our erections firmly against each other. Finally, we broke our embrace and headed out the door, and with tears in the corner of my eyes, I waved to him as he backed out of the driveway and began his drive back home to Ames. As sad as I was, there was a feeling of content that settled in me, as for some reason I believed that our relationship and friendship would continue, and we would end up being together.

*** And so the next few weekends went much like the previous weekends of June and July. We managed to see each other every weekend in July, and as the month drew to a close, an impending darkness began to shroud my mood, as we both knew that Andrew would soon start his graduate courses, and I was now set to start taking a math class at the community college. But we still had three weeks left in the summer until the third week of August started, and we vowed to make the best of it.

The first weekend of the three found us Saturday afternoon sitting on a park bench in one of our local county forest preserves which was located not far from my house. As usual, we were having a deep conversation about the subject du jour. The early August Saturday afternoon lived up to its usual hot and humid weather for Northern Illinois. There weren't many people in the park, so we found a park picnic table which was in a moderately secluded part of the park and was about ten feet from the old growth forested area that grew along the eastern part of the park.

What was so unique and very memorable about that Saturday was the noise level in the park that day. The type of cicada that only lives for one summer and then hibernates for seventeen years was partying like crazy, knowing that there would be no tomorrow, at least not for another seventeen years. Above the constant buzzing noise, we were still able to talk about anything and everything that was on our minds. While I really do not remember the gist of our conversations, I vividly remember the cicadas. I also recall the significance we both felt and talked about. Essentially, we believed that like the cicadas, our love for each other was a love that only came around once in a lifetime. Strangely enough, I never imagined in my previous twenty-eight years that my first love would be with another man.

Since we had ridden bikes from my house to the park on a hot August day, we got home very sweaty and decided to take a shower together. Of course, the shower progressed into kissing, our wet bodies pressed against each other, erection on erection. Andrew had just got on his knees and began to take me into his mouth when I heard a knock on the back door, which was next to the bathroom. I peeked out through the shower curtain and through the mini blinds over the window to see my father standing at the door! We both froze, and I quickly shut the water off. My quick thought was to get out of the shower, towel off super-fast, and then answer the door. Finally, the knocking stopped and peeking out the window I saw my dad walking away. I breathed a sigh of relief only to see him walking to his truck, where he must have gotten the key to my house, and he was now walking back to the house. I very quickly dressed in my shorts and tee shirt, walked out, and shut the bathroom door just in time to greet my father as he walked in the backdoor of the house. Of course, he asked why I didn't answer the door right away, and since my hair was still wet, I told him that I just got out of the shower. He asked who was with me because he saw Andrew's car in the driveway. I told him it was my friend Andrew from Minnesota who used to work at my work, and he was in laying down on the bed in my room in the air conditioning due to his allergies. He bought my story, and thankfully did not ask to use the bathroom. Dad and I talked for a few minutes more, and then he left. When I went into the bathroom, Andrew was still naked in the shower behind the shower curtain, the lone exception being the towel wrapped around him -- his green eyes were huge, and I was almost shaking like a leaf due to the close call we almost had getting caught in the shower. Thinking back I'm glad I looked out the window and saw my dad, because if he would have let himself in when he first got to the house, it would have been quite awkward trying to explain to him why I was in the shower with another man. Our desire to stay closeted would have been gone, and everyone would have found out about us.

Neither of us were ready to cross that bridge just yet.

That first weekend in August ended like the rest. The second weekend was mostly like the other weekends of the summer -- going out to eat on Friday, wild passionate sex on both nights, and a tearful good-bye on Sunday.

The third weekend before both of us had classes did resemble the other weekends, with the lone exception that we decided to venture up to Madison, Wisconsin for a night of fun. We had both talked about finding and going to one of the gay bars in town. After trying to find the place, we realized that we were not going to find the name in bright pink neon lights, or a door marked with a pride flag. Instead, there was a plain glass door with the street numbers glued on in the middle of the door.

When we got to the top of the stairs and were about to enter the club, we had to show the man at the top of the stairs our I.D.'s and paid him the cover charge. Finally, we were inside. Walking hand in hand, we both felt like little kids entering a candy shop. There were cute guys everywhere in the bar! I knew that I had come with Andrew, so of course he was who I wanted to be with, but who couldn't refuse or complain about a little window shopping? Andrew noticed the cute guys too, and it was there that he admitted to me that he was attracted to younger guys, just as I was. But despite having a mutual attraction to all the cute twink-like guys in the bar, we never spoke to any of them. Instead, we enjoyed the dance music, and stayed at the bar until close to two in the morning, leaving just before last call.

Out of all the fun things we'd done together over the summer, going to a place like the gay bar in Madison was one of the best, since we were able to be ourselves, who we had become without being judged or ridiculed for being a couple.

Since we didn't get back to my house until nearly four in the morning, we stayed up to see the sun come up around six-thirty, then headed off to bed after we showered together. Believe it or not, we were super tired, so after the shower, we fell asleep in each other's arms, dreaming about the cute boys we'd seen at the bar.

We awoke sometime in the early afternoon. Of course, being a Sunday, we knew a tearful good- bye was looming. We'd both realized that for probably the next few weeks we would not be able to see each other, since both of us were starting school. Andrew had his grad classes, I had full time work plus a math class. But we vowed to try and get together during the middle of September, with me taking a trip to Ames. I asked if he would like to visit for Labor Day, but he told me that he had to go home to Minnesota that weekend to see his parents, whom he'd not seen all summer long, because he was with me. I understood and vowed I'd make the best of it and would try not to miss him too much.

And a tearful good-bye it was. But before he left, our first attempt at parting wound up being overly passionate, which of course found us naked and kissing like crazy on my queen-sized bed. As we'd become accustomed to, I would end up on top of Andrew, my hard cock grinding next to his, my pre-cum providing all the lubrication needed to lead us both to intense orgasms. Once the euphoric feeling passed for both of us, and I rolled off him -- our cum mixed together, stringy and part sticking to my belly and the rest to his -- we laid in bed for a few minutes basking in the afterglow before we both got up, wiped the semen off ourselves and then headed to the shower.

After the sensual shower where we both nearly came again as we took turns sucking each other, we finally got dressed and made it through our good-byes. Another incredible weekend together was now over, and the solitude and sadness slowly began to creep in as Andrew drove off in his silver Buick. I was tired from the night at the bar and not getting home until four a.m. Since I fell asleep watching television around six p.m., around eight I woke up, let the dog out, and then crawled into a messy bed shortly thereafter.

The following morning it was back to work as usual. All day long while mowing grass all I could think about was how my life had changed since meeting Andrew over the phone that last week of May. I had fallen head over heels in love with him, and we enjoyed an amazing summer together. Now the fear of not seeing him crept over me and left me in a deep melancholy mood. The closest contact we would now have would be limited to letters and phone calls. Just as we'd spent a lot of time together over the summer -- almost every weekend -- we'd also written letters to each other every week. Remember in those days in 1990, access to email or cell phones was something that was limited to rich people if they were even available at all. Nonetheless, I looked forward to getting home to find a letter from Andrew, and I would always write him back. One week turned to two, and then a third began. My routine quickly returned. I began to stop and see my parents again, successfully avoiding much talk about Andrew. They suspected that we might have been more than just friends, but perhaps were afraid to ask me. The last thing they wanted to hear from their only son was that he was not as straight as they first thought.

My math class started as well. I had tested into Intermediate Algebra, which was a total surprise to me. I was lost at first, and as the third week began, the homework started to get overwhelming. I remember being incredibly frustrated by it and struggled mightily. Certainly, I thought, that if Andrew had been here to explain it to me, it would be easy to understand. Then I started imagining dropping to my knees in front of him, pulling his shorts down and taking him deep in my mouth. Now I had a full blown erection in my own shorts and lost complete concentration of trying to complete a simple math problem. My first instinct was to put one of my porn VHS tapes in the VCR and take matters into my own hands. Instead, I opted to go outside and look at the stars.

Music was something that Andrew and I shared a mutual interest in. Pop music in general was what we loved the most. One song in general had become our song: "Somewhere out there." Taken from the movie about a mouse who got separated from his parents, the lyrics spoke directly to us. They went something like "And even though we know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star..." That line brought me to tears every time I heard it. Standing in my driveway on an almost hot September evening, I looked into the heavens above to find the big dipper and the north star, tears streamed down my face as I sang that very line softly, humming the remaining lyrics and music trying to gain my composure.

God, I missed him.

For a September evening, it was warm. It had been hot all day, close to ninety degrees. The wind was still blowing from the south, adding a nice breeze through the windows of the house, keeping it from being unbearable in the small open area of the living room and kitchen. The forecast was for a chance of strong storms a little later due to a strong cold front that was dropping down from Wisconsin. As I gazed back up to the sky once again before going back in the house, it seemed like the weather forecasters were wrong once again. My right hand rubbed my thin tight chest, finding my left nipple which I pinched so lightly, wishing it was Andrew's touch and not mine. The warm breeze felt good as I walked back in the house to resume doing the math problems.

Math frustrated me so very much. I must have had a bad math teacher somewhere along the line in grade school, or math just clearly wasn't my thing. Either way, I spent almost twenty minutes looking over a simple algebra problem that just did not make sense to me. The more I studied it, the more frustrated I got. Self-confidence was fading fast. Quite simply math was something I had concluded that I just couldn't do.

Frustrated, I slammed the thick book closed, threw my pencil down on the table in disgust, and put my hands in my head in anger and felt some tears form in my eyes. Memories of high school came pouring back in mind, memories that always ended in failure. Memories of why the dream of pursuing a college degree seemed so far out of reach.

As if it was scripted with perfect timing, (and it was not scripted, trust me) I heard a car coming down the street, slowing down as it approached my driveway. No way, it can't be, I thought to myself. It's not possible! It can't be Andrew!

It was Andrew! Tears of joy erupted from my eyes as I ran out the back door of the house to greet him in the sidewalk between the house and the garage.

"You're here!" Was all I could think of to say as I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as we embraced, with me trying to regain my composure by burying my head into his neck.

"Yes Austin, I'm here. I -- I just couldn't concentrate at school, and I had to come and see you." The wind was rustling the leaves of the stately white oak tree between the house and the garage. The clear, starry night was now obscured by high, thin clouds that appeared to be racing in. As I lifted my head off his shoulders, I thought I caught a flash of distant lightning. Still warm with a temperature that had to be in the upper seventies, my shorts were now tenting due to my cock being fully hard pressed against Andrew's shorts.

"Let's go inside. You have your things? How long will you be staying?" I asked with hope in voice.

"I'm probably only going to stay a couple of nights, then I'll have to head back to Ames. I only have one class for the next two days, so it seemed like a great night to come here. How is your math class coming along?"

"Well, that's another story. Let's go in the house."

In the house we went. We resumed kissing in my galley style kitchen, breaking after five minutes or so to sit at the kitchen table so I could show Andrew my homework. Since he was a math major, he showed me the solution to the problem I was working on. He made it seem so easy, and so simple. We then talked about his classes and it became clear to me that we both felt the same way about school at that moment. Both of us were distracted by the events that happened between us over the summer. Both of us longed to find a way to make this relationship work.

We talked for another hour or so and I listened to Andrew talk about his classes, and how much he really did not like what he was doing. It wasn't really the path he wanted to go, despite receiving a full ride scholarship for his master's degree. I hated to feel selfish, nor did I realize at the time just how much of a deal the scholarship was for him. All I could think of was just how we could find a way to be together. The wind was increasing as the storm crept closer to us. The sound of thunder was getting closer as well, with flashes of lightning dancing across the sky becoming closer and brighter in intensity. Andrew sensed my nervousness and questioned me as to what was wrong.

"Sorry, you know I'm afraid of storms living here with these trees that surround the house."

"Come here, let me hold you."

Without hesitation I fell into his arms where he began to hold me tight and kissed my neck, my cheek, and then my lips. Our tongues met each other, and soon we were on our way to my bedroom. He pulled my shirt off; I did the same to him. Embracing again, we resumed kissing, our hardened members now pressing against each other. Breaking our embrace, Andrew kissed and sucked on each of my taut nipples, then kissed down to my shorts, pulling them and my black CK's down to release my erection, which he immediately engulfed its entirety into his mouth. His warm, wet mouth nearly caused my knees to buckle, and as he removed my shorts and CK's, I fell back on my bed, waiting as he took his clothes off. Now on top of me, our naked bodies became one as our erections met each other. He resumed kissing me and I could taste traces of my leakage in his mouth. The sweet yet salty taste pushed me to a higher level of passion causing more to leak onto my belly where it provided the lubrication necessary for our cocks to move with our movements, slipping around, pushing us closer to orgasms.

Outside the storm hit South Beloit with all of its fury, the lightning strikes and subsequent thunder tearing down from the heavens in what seemed like mere feet from the house. With each blast that shook the house, Andrew held me tighter, keeping me from shaking. We now alternated edging each other, stopping just in time before ejaculating. Each time we embraced, kissing, mixing our sweet nectar in each other's mouth before breaking away to sixty nine each other just to the edge of the abyss. I really wanted to feel him inside me, but I was so lost in the heightened sense of passion that just feeling him inside my mouth or against my pre-cum smeared belly was satisfying enough for the moment as we continued to edge closer and closer each time. Wrapped in Andrew's arms I felt safe from the torment that raged outside. Never before in our times together had he held me with such passion and care; never before had we brought each other so close only to delay the release we so desperately both wanted. As if we were keeping time with the storm which was still raging for close to an hour, complete with continuous lightning, thunder, wind and what sounded like a torrential downpour, we broke our embrace to once again take each other in our mouths. As I continued to work his rigid cock while breaking away momentarily to suck on his balls and lick his sack, he did the same to me. I could sense that I was quickly approaching the moment of no return like a freight train that wasn't going to stop. Andrew knew this, and as he positioned his tongue just on the underside of my cock, the movement brought me closer to the point of no return. I sucked him with fervor and could sense he was almost there as well. Just as a huge bolt of lightning crashed just outside the window, striking my neighbor's tree causing my body to jump, I felt Andrew's cock reach its fullest in my mouth just as mine was as hard and huge as it's ever been. The first stream of molten seed fired deep down my throat from Andrew's cock, causing my own cock to explode deep down Andrew's throat as well. What seemed to last forever, the massive orgasm that was unleashed from our bodies caused us both to shake and hold on so tightly to each other as we drank down each other's juices like it was the sweetest nectar we'd ever tasted. Our bodies writhing in a heightened passion we'd never felt before as the storm continued to rage outside.

In what seemed like an eternity of orgasmic pleasure never before felt, our now sweaty bodies collapsed in each other's arms, as our lips met lips, tongues met tongues. The taste of our juices mixed in a bond of love and passion. Finally as the storm outside started to subside to a downpour of heavy rain, we laid next to each other on our backs momentarily before I rolled on my side to face my lover, my finger tracing the trails of sweat on his smooth chest. This euphoric state of pleasure elevated me to a level of content and peacefulness I'd yet to experience in my young life, where I felt as if I was ready to give my all to Andrew at any cost. Nothing more mattered except being with him. Oddly though, I began to sense something in Andrew that made me believe he was troubled by something.

"Is something wrong, my love?" I cautiously whispered into his ear, holding him close to me.

"I suppose this isn't the best time to bring this up, but we have to talk about it." He replied with a nervous, almost fearful tone of voice. As if that fear emulated from his body directly to mine, like a lightning bolt it pierced the euphoria, sending me crashing back to earth. He began. "I, um, I don't know how to say this, but here it goes. Austin, I love you so much that this hurts me to say this, but after tonight, I just cannot make any more trips here to see you."

His words cut through me like a dagger, causing my body to reel instantly in pain and disbelief and sadness.

I began to sob, the tears raining down on my pillow as I buried my face to try and find some sense of composure. Maybe I was expecting him to embrace me, telling me it wasn't true, but I immediately felt that the incredible and amazing yet surreal relationship we'd built over the summer, surviving most odds to be together was now losing control, like a car losing control and flying off a mountain road, crashing into a fiery explosion as it reached the valley below. Trying to gain control of my weeping, through flooded eyes I tried to form the words that I didn't want to utter.

"So does this mean we are going to, you know, call this the end?" With my voice wavering, I waited for Andrew to reply, fearful that the answer would be yes.

"I don't want it to be, and I know you don't want it to end either. We've had such a fun summer together. But we have to be realistic in knowing that I've put so many miles on my car this summer coming here. I know you can't travel to see me that often because of your job. But I have school now and need to be in Ames. It is so hard right now because I want to be here with you. My heart just isn't in it, you know, school. My choices are simple. Either I stay in Ames and stay in school, or I go home to Minnesota and hope to find a job here. Would you like that? I mean that's the only way we can be together."

I stopped crying and tried to regain my composure. We were holding on to each other still -- our warm naked bodies still felt as if we were one with each other.

"Sure, I would love if you would move here. But I only have one room here in this house. I don't think we could maintain living straight lives while living in a one bedroom house. My family would know right away, and yours would too. I guess I could, you know, sell my house."

Suddenly my mind began swirling with the very idea of moving away from my little house. Wouldn't that raise suspicion just as much as if we were living together in my house? So much to think about.

"You would sell this house, you know, to be with me? You've worked so hard fixing it up. Are you sure this is what you would do?"

He put me on the spot, and as badly as my logic told me no, my heart knew deep inside what it wanted me to do. In the end, doesn't the heart always win? Moments passed as Andrew began to kiss me again. The taste of our seeds still lingered as his tongue probed my eager mouth, causing my cock to stir against his body. The storm outside had completely subsided. As I felt his erection pressing against mine, I rolled on top of him. Hard cock against hard cock, I moved to take him in my mouth again, my saliva providing lubrication. The yearning to have him be mine, to commit to a future together was greater than any other force I'd felt in my young life. Moments later, as our second orgasms culminated in a hot and sticky mess on his belly, we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, anxious to take our relationship to the next level.

Next: Chapter 10

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