Austins Dom College Roommate

By Jason Ross

Published on Nov 29, 2020


Austin's Dom College Roommate

This story is entirely fabricated and does not resemble real-life events. I hope you enjoy the fantasy.

The summer after senior year had come to an end, and like many, Austin headed off to University. Standing just shy of 6 feet, with dirty blond hair and a toned body from the gym, it was time to move on to the next stage of life. Little did he know what that would entail...

It began when he initially walked into his dorm room. His roommate, assigned randomly by the university, was already unpacked and was kicked back in a chair with his Jordan 1 Flights up on the desk. Austin noticed the size immediately. They had to be at least 14. Black nike dri fit's went up to his mid calf. He stood up as Austin entered and Austin finally got a feel for his size. The man in front of him was in peak physical condition. He stood at 6'4, arms bulging in his shirt, the definition in his legs visible even through his shorts. With piercing blue eyes and a tight haircut, he walked up to Austin.

"Hey man, I'm Alex" he extended his hand. Austin grasped his hand and Alex gave a very firm squeeze.

"Looks like we'll be together for the next year. I'm on the lacrosse team, but practice doesn't start until next week. My family has a small cabin about an hour away in the glades. I was thinking you and I could go hiking this weekend and get to know each other before practice starts up?"

"Sure man" Austin replied. "Sounds pretty sick. I have no real plans. I was on the soccer team in highschool, but not continuing at this point." In retrospect, agreeing to this trip turned out to be a decision that would define Austin's next four years...

The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Classes started. The two men checked out the dining hall options, learned the campus, etc. Alex came back from class Wednesday afternoon. "Hey man, let's hit the gym and get a workout in."

Austin was a bit hesitant. It's not that he didn't want to get a workout in, but he knew how inadequate he was going to look next to Alex. Alex could tell Austin was debating.

"Dude, working out is good for you. I'll tie you up and carry you there if I have too. I wasn't asking. Get changed."

It was just an expression right? Still, even in Alex's light hearted voice, Austin could tell there was force behind his words. It was subtle, but Austin really didn't feel he had a choice.

"Alright, give me 5 to change." Austin replied.

"That's a good boy," said Alex. He laughed and gave the top of Austin's head a tussle.

Five minutes later they were on their way. The workout lasted about almost two hours and Austin was exhausted. Alex certainly didn't skimp on the gym. His body was glistening with sweat, dark spots covered his pits in his tight shirt.

"Alright, I just have to squat and we can leave." Said Alex. Austin followed him dutifully over to the rack. Alex kicked off his Nike free runs without untying them. "I prefer to squat in my socks."

Austin didn't think much of it, until he caught a whiff of the scent. A mixture of sweat and salt, those socks had to have been worn at least a week without being washed. He looked down and saw them darkened with moisture. They were covered in white lines, Austin presumed from the continued drying and wetting from the sweat and salt.

Alex finished up his final set and looked over at Austin. "You look beat dude! Good workout though. Hey my legs are so wrecked I can't even bend over. Be a bro and untie my nikes for me and slip them back on my feet?"

Austin laughed, thinking it was a joke and didn't even reply. He quickly realized that was a mistake. That same forceful voice came back, from when Alex had commanded him to go to the gym.

"Austin, put my nikes back on my feet." He said, staring right at his roommate.

Austin, realizing he was serious, quickly replied. "Dude, no way. That's weird."

Alex moved toward him with speed that Austin was ill prepared for. Austin was in a headlock almost instantly as Alex's arm's crushed his windpipe. To make matters worse, Alex's sweaty body was now right against Austin's, drenching him in his roommates sweat. The moisture started to leak from Alex's clothing into Austin's and he could feel the warm moisture against his skin. He tried to struggle, but his oxygen slowly depleted. He couldn't talk and looked over at Alex with pleading eyes. Alex never broke eye contact. "Are you going to put my nikes on and tie them up like a good boy? Nod yes."

Austin nodded his head in affirmation, desperate for oxygen at this point. Alex held him 5 seconds longer and then finally released. Gasping for air, Austin shrunk to the floor. He gripped each nike and unlaced them, and then lifted Alex's massive foot into each one. The scent was intoxicating, and Austin thought he might actually be sick. To make matters worse, he was so out of breath, that he was forced to breath in the foot scent at an accelerated pace. It slowly consumed his scenes, totally overwhelming his respiratory system to the point where he couldn't remember a world free of sweaty gym socks and well worn Nikes. Finally he re-tied both, but not before two other guys had entered the weight room, saw what he was doing, and laughed in his direction. This was humiliating.

"Good boy, thanks for the help" Alex proclaimed and he pulled Austin up off the floor. "Let's get out of here!"

When they got back to the room, Austin wanted to be angry. But Alex had brushed off the entire situation like it was nothing. Maybe, Austin thought to himself, he was over-reacting? I mean, everyone had hard leg days at the gym and he knew that walking around and bending over post-workout could be a real nightmare. Alex seemed like a cool guy, the ultimate stud, and Austin decided it wasn't worth picking a fight with his roommate so early. Still, he went to bed that evening remembering the scent of Alex's socks.

The rest of the week passed uneventfully, and finally it was Saturday morning. Alex shook Austin awake at 5:00 a.m. for the hike. Austin was absolutely passed out, not expecting to be woken up so early, and he protested by rolling over.

"Get up, dude! It's time to go."

Austin still didn't stir. Suddenly, Alex was on top of him. He knelt on Austin's chest with his knees pinning down his arms so that he couldn't move. "Alright, you asked for it!" Still groggy and unable to protest, Alex slipped off his Nike and held it over Austin's nose with his left hand. With his right hand, he held the back of Austin's head, forcing it into his face. The intoxicating scent filled Austin's nose and started traveling through his head. It was so rank that even just being held to his nose, he was sure he could taste it as well. He struggled, to no avail, as Alex knelt on top of him laughing. "Don't worry buddy, this will wake you up!" Alex grinned. Alex held him in this position for about 5 minutes before finally getting up.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem?" Austin exclaimed.

"Oh, come on man, it's just a bit of fun! You didn't wake up and I was ready to go. Now you're awake, problem solved with no harm done!"

Again, Austin took the high road. He supposed Alex was right. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal after-all. And he was excited to go camping for the weekend. He grabbed his pack and a fresh pair of nike elites. He glanced over and saw Alex had put on a second pair of elites over his first. Probably for extra padding, he thought to himself. Austin laced up his ultra boosts and Alex his Nike free runs. They headed out to Alex's car and made the hour drive to the start of the hike.

It turned out to be a pretty warm day, reaching almost 80 degrees. It was sunny, and with the closeness of the air, both men were sweating. Still, the hike was incredible. They passed by an alpine lake, two small waterfalls, and spent some time at one of the overlooks that viewed the valley beneath them. It was about a 15 mile hike, much of it uphill and on rocky terrain, before they finally reached the small cabin. Entering inside, it was just a one room type of deal. Three beds, a small sink, fireplace, and a door to what Austin presumed was a bathroom.

"So there's no electricity, of course." started Alex. "And we won't need the fire. I wanted to talk to you about something, Austin." he sounded serious.

Austin glanced over and tried to play it off casually "Sure, man. What's up?"

Alex moved over to him and sat down on the bed next to Austin. "I'm a dominant guy. All my life, I've been the alpha. Sports came easily to me, all the time i've spent in the gym. There's a good chance I'll go pro for lacrosse after university. I don't have time to date chicks and risk pregnancy scares or distractions. It's simply not worth it for my career. But that said, I need a sub to channel my dom energy into. My sub will massage and worship my feet, essentially obeying my every command. I'll control his ability to get off, the clothes he wears, etc. And as my roommate, I've decided you're the perfect fit."

Austin wasn't sure if this was a sick joke, or even what was going on at this point. "Surely, you can't be serious..." he started to say. Looking at Alex's expression, he could tell immediately that the question was futile and that he already knew the answer. "Look, Alex, i'm just a normal guy. I like hanging out with you, but i don't want anything like that..."

"If you fight me on this, you're going to lose. You've seen already over this week, you don't have a chance against me. You're meant to be my sub, little buddy. It won't be so bad, and I'll even reward you for good behavior."

"This is ridiculous." Austin replied and stood up from the bed. "I'm out of here." as he made his way to the door. He never got there. Alex gripped his arm from behind and Austin turned around swinging. He should have known better. Without missing a beat, Alex caught Austin's fist in his own. He tightened his grip and forced Austin to the floor. Kneeling on his back, Austin struggled as he felt ropes going about his feet. Suddenly they were also around his wrists as Alex pulled them taunt behind his back. A third rope then connected the two, and Austin realized he was being put in a perfect hog-tie. He began to yell, but realized they were in the middle of the forest, and that this was absolutely useless. Alex stood up, leaving Austin on the floor.

"I think you just need some time to adjust buddy. I'm going to let you think about it tonight. But I'm not very happy with your response so far." Alex sat down in front of Austin now and slipped off his Nikes. "I think some time at my feet will help you learn your place."

Austin struggled again, hopelessly attempting to get free from his ropes. As he did, Alex's sweaty socks made their way closer to his face. The first thing that hit Austin was the scent. After being double-socked for an entire day of hiking, the smell was rank. It reminded him of a locker-room, permanently etched with the scent of thousands of sweaty men, all changing socks after working out. The stinky, sweaty sock smell filled his nostrils and his eyes began to water. It was all consuming and completely overloaded his sensory system. As Alex's socks neared his face, he could feel the heat on them, radiating outward in his direction. He tried to plead and beg, but Alex was unrelenting. His size 14 socks made contact with Austin's face. The trapped moisture began leaking out of Alex's socks, permanently staining Austin's face with his scent. His pores began to absorb the sweat from the warm, moist socks. Austin finally lost the last of his will power, and he gave in. He knew what Alex wanted, and as he opened his mouth, Alex drove his sock in.

"Lick them, buddy. Suck all that moisture out of them." Austin went to work on the socks. He knew that the sooner he complied, the sooner this would be over. The salty taste was horrific, and Austin started gagging against the sweat stained socks. His tongue tasted of jock feet and he didn't think the taste would ever leave his mouth at this rate. Alex slowly peeled back the socks to present his bare-feet. The size 14s with perfectly shaped toes invaded Austin's mouth.

"You'd better make sure you get in between the toes" Alex commanded. Austin went to town on Alex's sweaty toes. He dutifully wove his tongue in and out of the crevices, sucking and licking away any of the resilient sock and toe gunk. He swirled his tongue about the toes, and when he was finished, Alex had him clean his soles from top to bottom.

Finally, Alex stood up and walked over to his pack. "You've done well, bud! But i'm worried you're going to forget my scent by morning." He extracted packing tape and a gas mask with a long nosil from his pack. "Open wide" he said as stuffed both of his elites in Austin's mouth and sealed them over with packing tape. "I just want to make sure you have some flavor for tonight's rest!" he grinned. Then he took the gas mask and attached it over Austin's face. The only way he could breath was through the hose. Alex promptly buried the hose into his Nike free run and taped the nosil to it. As Austin started to breath, his eyes began to water over the scent of the Nikes.

"That's a good boy. We'll talk more tomorrow, okay?"

Austin layed on the floor of the cabin, restrained in a hogtie, with sweaty socks in his mouth and every breath filtered by Alex's Nikes

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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