
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 13, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 1

I had just finished the dinner dishes and had built a fire in the fireplace. I was getting set to curl up with my book and dog, when the phone started ringing off the hook.

"Hello, Mike here."

"Hi, Mike. I hope that I am disturbing your peaceful evening. If I have to be out in this terrible weather, then I am going to bother everyone that I can and you are the first person on my list.' Stan chuckled.

"Stan, I know this isn't a social call, so what is up and what does the sheriff`s department want now?"

"You have that right! Not a social call. I am at Hog Rock and headed your direction. We have had a avalanche up here. It is not a big one but has closed the highway and we have stopped traffic in Sisters and in Idanha . There is one vehicle that must have slammed the brakes on and rolled. Evidentially, there was only one person in the car. I found one set of footprints leaving the scene headed in your direction. No blood and from all investigations, he has not been hurt. If he is, his prints don't show it."

"I get the picture, Stan. You want me to brave the elements and go look for him. Right?"

"Mike, as you know, your place is the only one up here. It will take a long time for search and rescue to arrive. The poor man would probably freeze by then. I followed his tracks across the snow-slide . He made it across and is headed you way. His motor is still warm so it has not been all that long. The snow is really coming down and it won't take long to cover his tracts."

"Stan, my road is completely snowed in. I will take the snowmobile and an extra snowsuit with me. It will probably take me half an hour to arrive on the scene. I'll call when I get there."

"Thanks, good buddy! I owe you another one."

"So when are you going to start paying some of the favors back?"

"You know what my wife would do to both of us, if she knew that you were trying to get me in bed with you."

"Just kidding, Stan! Just giving you a bad time! I would not have it any other way. Enough idle talk, I had better start moving. There is a man out there that needs our help. Later ."

"Just give me a call when and if you find anything. Later!"

I started getting all my gear together and would soon be on my way. Oh! What a night to be out! I knew that somewhere out there, someone needed my help. I just hope that I found him in time! I don't know why I had negative thoughts earlier. I am in my element when I am riding the snowmobile!

On the way to Hog Rock, I had plenty of time to think. My past started running through my head. Stan and I were local boys. We had grown up in this area and had gone all the way through school together and had been best friends forever. After graduation, Stan had gone to the police academy and I had purchased the ranch that I now live on. So we are still together.

Stan had met his lovely wife while in school and had married her. Me, I am 30 and still single. There are several young ladies that would like to rope and hog-tie me but I still holler, NO! Living in a small rural, conservative community, one just doesn't broadcast that he is gay. I am still in the closet and I tried to find ranch workers who also like men and will be discrete. My last `helper' was a city boy and did not like living in the country, evidently the work was hard and no social life, so he left.

I made it out the main highway, so now I would have to give all my attention watching for the stranded traveler. No vehicles had traveled the snow covered road, that meant that the man was still out there somewhere.

I was just about 1 ½ miles from Hog Rock. There he was sitting by the side of the road.

"Hey, I am glad that I found you.!"

I got no response. I pulled the snow mobile up closed and then he moved. I think he must have been asleep or had passed out. I laid out a tarp on the ground and laid him on it. I covered him with another. I crawled under with him.

"We have to get you out of those wet clothes. Can you do it yourself, or do you need help?"

"I can't stand so you will have to help!"

I stripped him and finally got him into some long johns and the snowsuit. "Hey, that should really warm you up. Here let me put this fur hat with ear flaps on you and then you will really be warm. Also here is a pair of ski gloves and a pair of insulated boots for you. Let's just sit here under the tarp and I have to make a phone call and then we can head for my house. No, don't try to talk there will be plenty of time for that later. I dug out a thermos of hot coffee and handed it to him. Be Careful! Don`t burn yourself."

"Stan, I found the young man. He is very wet, cold and exhausted. I will take him home and warm him up. So will call later. No, hold off on the ambulance until I have a chance to get him home and look him over. OK. Later."

I got the man on the snowmobile and crawled on in front of him. "Grab me around my waist and hold of . Do you think you can hang on by yourself or do I need to tie you on?"

"I think I can hang on. I am starting to warm up and I am not as dizzy now."

"Then, let's move on out!"

Soon the ranch came into view. "We are almost home. Now, you will really get warm. I am Mike and you are?"

"I am Louie. I am glad that you came along. I had gone just as far as I could. How did you know to come look for me?"

"I have a friend who is a deputy county sheriff. He had been attending a conference in Salem and was on his way home He found your car by the snow-slide. He followed your tracks across the slide and called me on his cell. I jumped on the snowmobile and here we. Shall we go in and get warm."

"Louie, is there anyone that you should call and let them know that you are ok?'

"No, Mike, there isn't. I have no family and no friends. I have been living in the back of my car. It looks like I am completely homeless now and will be living on the streets since I wrecked my 'house'.

"Louie, I think a good hot shower is probably the first order of business. By the way, are you hungry?"

`Yes, very. I haven't eaten for two days. I used the last of my money to put gas in the car and I had just enough to get to the next town when I flipped in the ditch. It was either that or hit the slide head on."

"Let's go down the hall to my room and I will get you some clothes. We are just about the same size so that will be no problem finding something that will fit."

"Are you sure? We can just dry mine by the fireplace and I can put them back on and you can save yours."

" No, Way! Not a problem. You will need some underwear because when I changed you, I saw that you didn't have any on. So we might as well fit you from the inside out. While you are showering I will get you something to eat. Then we can sit in the hot tub for awhile and watch it snow."

"Hey, Mike! You forgot to get me a towel!" Louie yelled from the shower.

"Sorry, I will be right there with one."

I knocked softly on the bathroom door, "Room service!"

"Come on in, I am not bashful and besides you have already seen me in all my glory."

"But it was dark and I would like to see you in the light. I think I might enjoy a little eye treat."

"You will have to strip so that I can get my share of eye candy."

"Not a problem, when we go to the hot tub, no clothes are aloud! We are the only people for miles around."

"Good, I will be anxiously waiting."

I made a scrambled egg and ham omelet, milk toast , a large homemade cinnamon roll and large pot of fresh coffee.

"Hi, Stan. Just me again. I have the young man warmed up and fed. He says that he doesn't hurt anywhere, not dizzy, nauseated and no bruising. I checked his pupils and they appear to be normal. I don't think there is cause for concern at the present time and he does not want to go to the hospital to be checked out. That is what I thought also. I will be keeping him here at the ranch for a few days and keep an eye on him. Stan, when the road is opened, call a tow truck and I will pay the bill. Yes, I will keep you posted and notify you if there is any change. Sure thing, I'll let Cindy know that you are in Marion Forks and shacked up with an ugly blonde. You wouldn`t do that would you? I am rather attached to my nuts. .Later!" Laughed Mike to himself.

"I think that Stan threatened to castrate you."

"Louie, wait until you meet Stan. You will just love him and his wife Cindy. They are my very best fiends and we carry on like this all the time. I would never do a thing to hurt him or break up our friendship."

"Louie, now that you have some food inside your belly and I have completed my phoning, what do you say about moving this little party to the hot tub. The heater on the swimming pool is broken and I have parts ordered. I don't think that you would like swimming in with icebergs. If you want you can but I am going to sit in the hot tub and watch you." Laughed Mike.

"I think that I will just pass on the swimming and join you in the hot tub. I have been cold enough for one day." Responded Louie.

We went into the bedroom, stripped and put robes and slippers on and headed for the tub. We were in a covered area with large plate glass windows, we could see the snow falling and the lights reflection of the snowflakes was just beautiful. We were in for a very relaxing evening.

I wanted to use this time to get to know Louie and gain more information about him without being so obvious that he would realize that I was prying and would close down. So we were just sitting there visiting , discussing our like and dislikes, politics, the weather, and etc.

I wanted to take this conversation one step higher. So I told him about my family. My mother's had died 3 years ago from cancer. My father, an airplane pilot, had become a crop duster. He hit a power line one day and wrecked his plane. He was killed instantly. Being an only child, I inherited everything and collected from their life insurance policies. I had used about ½ of the money and bought the mountain ranch which I dearly love, even in the winter.

Louie was very hesitate to talk about his past. It became very clear that he had a trouble one and needed someone to listen to him and give a lot of TLC (tender loving care). He didn't know that I had a big soft spot in my heart for those less fortunate and I would do every thing in my power to make his life a little better and give him some opportunities to turn his life around.

"Mike, Why did you bring me into your home, feed me and treat me like a long lost friend. I could be a very bad person and do you bodily harm plus steal everything that you have."

"Are you a bad person and do you plan on slitting my throat and robbing me blind? Louie just be honest with me, I can tell if you are lying."

"NO! But you did not know that. I could have been!."

"Louie, you aren't and that is the main thing. We must have some trust in our fellow man. You forget, that my good friend is the deputy county sheriff and you can bet that he has already checked you out. If the least little thing was found, even in the gray area, he would have called me by now. I would like to hear about your family and your past. Just remember, you don't have to tell me anything and only what you want me to know. What you tell me stays here in the hot tub and will go no farther. You can start by telling me your age. I would guess that you are 19 or 20. How close did I come?"

"You hit it right on the head. On December 28, I will be 19. That is only 7 days away."

"Hey, that means we will have to go Christmas and birthday shopping. We can fire up the tractor in the morning and plow the road out to the highway and then it is only 35 miles into Bend. You have to give me some ideas on what to get you."

"Mike, you don't have to get me, anything."

"I know, I don't have to but I want to. There is a big difference, you know." Responded Mike. "We will at least have to go clothes shopping unless you want to wear mine. Your decision! Now, I want to get to know you. Tell me all about yourself."

"I lost my dad at an early age. For a long time, It was just mom and me. When I was 14 she remarried. Mom, had inherited a large sum of money from her parents and I had a fair amount from my dad. Mom put every thing in a trust for me and it is being held until I reach the age of 21. When I was just 16, my Mom and one of her friends went into town to do some shopping. They had an accident and both were killed instantly." Said Louie. "I need to take a break. It is just to painful to go on." Sobbed Louie.

"Not a problem. I think I need to get out anyway. My skin is getting all wrinkled and I think I am starting to look like an old man and all my manly equipment is shriveling up to nothing ." Laughed Mike. "Let's go in and see if we can find something to drink. Don't expect any liquor. There is none in the house. I am a teetotaler. I am an alcoholic but I have been clean for 6 years now and I don't plan on starting again." I messed up once and that is enough for me.

We toweled off and moved into the kitchen. Louie and I decided on a chocolate milk shake so ice cream, milk, and chocolate syrup went into the blender out came our milkshakes. We took them and sat by the fireplace and drank them.

"I think I can go on with my story now." Said Louie. "You haven't heard half of it yet. About 2 weeks after Mom's death, we got a call from a lawyer and he set up an appointment for my stepfather and me to come in for the reading of her will. This was brand new to both of us because we didn't even know that one existed. "My stepfather was very upset that he was getting absolutely nothing from my mother's estate. Mom gave him $1,000 and that is all he was getting. She even had a pre-paid funeral plan and an insurance plan to pay off the mortgage on the house. I was to get a monthly allowance to pay for my living expenses. The house was to go to me when I reached the age of 21." He got a lawyer and filed all the paper work to contest the will."

"I think, I can see where you are going, but please continue. I want to hear it all from you. Part of the healing process is being able to talk about what has happened to cause all the built up anger inside you."

"We got a court date and went before the judge who ruled in my favor. I told the judge that I was not given any money to buy food and all I had to eat were left-overs and not very much of that. He appointed Mom's lawyer as my guardian. He is in the process of getting my step dad out of the house, which could take years of appeals to court rulings. Counter law suits and etc. My allowance was to go my lawyer and he would give it to me to buy food."

"Life was become almost unbearable. My stepfather figured out that if something should happen to me, then he would get my inheritance. He told me that he would just kill me and then all the money would be his. He tried beating me to death and I ended up in the hospital. I think he thought that I would die and took me to the hospital. He told them that I slipped and feel down a flight of stairs. In actuality, he hit me and knocked me down the stairs."

"I was afraid that he would carry out his threats. I took what little money I had, loaded Mom's car and headed for parts unknown. I wanted to leave no trace so that rotten old man could not find me. I lived on the streets and did part time work at McDonalds and Wal-mart. Until Wal-mart ran an ID check on me and found that I had lied about my age. My money ran out and here I am!"

"Louie, you have had it rough, but I think all of that is about to change. It is getting very late. Let's go to bed and we can draft a few plans in the morning. I have 4 bedrooms so you can have your own room. Of course, which ever one you choose, you will have Red Dog in bed with you. If you haven't noticed, she has been by your side all evening. I think she has adopted you. She will give you lots of love and attention. I don't know what I will do now, she had been my dog until now and is a lot of company to me."

"Red Dog is a funny name. Why do you call her Red Dog. Lady or Gracie, anything would have been better that Red Dog."

"You can tell that she is a dog and she is red in color." You wouldn't want me to call her Horse or Turtle. Would you." Laughed Mike.joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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