
By Joe Collins

Published on Feb 14, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 10

When Mike and the guys got back to the ranch, Red Dog was waiting on the porch to meet them, tail wagging furiously. Bud and JJ fell in love at once. Bud had never had a dog. JJ had one but the poor thing got run over and after that no dogs were allowed.

"Boys, I think we need to go to the shed out back. There is a surprise out there.' Mike said. It was plain to see that Red dog was nursing puppies. She had been bred to a pure bred golden retriever and Mike knew that her gestation period should be up. The caretaker told Mike she's whelped three healthy pups in one of Mike's check-n calls.

"What kind of surprise is out there." Asked Louie.

"Just you wait and see!" Mike responded.

When we opened the door, Red Dog led us in and carefully nestled into her bed with three tiny puppies.

"As soon as his eyes took in the sight of mother and pups, Bud begged, Dad, Can I hold one? Please!" Begged Bud.

"I want to hold one, also." said JJ pleading with his eyes.

"I don't know, you will have to ask Red Dog? Just go slow and be careful. She might let you." Chuckled Mike.

JJ picked up one little puppy and gave it a kiss. "I have a female. Can I have her Dad, Please! Please!"

"Sure you can," Mike said.

"I am going to call her Honey. She is just the color of honey, a rich golden reddish- brown."

Bud picked up one of the puppies clutched her to his breast. "Dad, can I have this one for my very own?"

"Yes. Boys, the puppies will be your responsibility and you will have to take care of them. However, you'll have to wait until they are older and weaned. Bud, do you have a male or female."

"I don't know. I have never had a dog before and I have never been around any." replied Bud.

"Turn it over and let me see," said JJ. "He has another female."

"How, will I know which is mine?" Bud asked.

"Simple take the string out of your shoe and we will tie it around her neck."

"Dad, I am going to call her `Shoestring'.

"That is a funny name for a dog!" Mike teased.

"No funnier than Red Dog!" Chuckle Bud."

"Louie, check and see if the other puppy is a male,"

"Yes, it is."

Stan and Cindy want a male and I told them they could have one," Mike said. "So that takes care of all the puppies. "Louie, I guess you got left out this time."

"That is ok. I'll just take Red Dog. She is already house broken. Bud and JJ evidently didn't realized that their nose will be rubbed in any poop left in the house by their puppy." said Louie roaring with laughter.

Once everyone returned to the ranch house for a quick meal, Bud and JJ wanted to see what their new home looked like. the ranch, so Mike and Louie obliged them with a tour. To do this, they had to get the four-wheelers(All Terrain Vehicle `ATV') out of the shed. Louie and Bud piled on one ATV and JJ and I on the other. Bud and JJ had never ridden on a four-wheeler before and they were flying high. Judging by their huge grins, Mike thought they were going to sour with the eagles. Now the guyswe could explore the ranch at their leisure.

After they had returned to the house and were just sitting around drinking a soft drink or tea, Mike said, "You know, Bud, we will have to take you in and enroll you in school, tomorrow. If we don't, you'll have to repeat your grade. JJ you weren't in school last since you said you have been on the streets for 7 months. I think we will get some books and home school you. Maybe we can catch you up so that you won`t miss a year."

"No, I wasn't in school. However, if I have to repeat a grade, no real big deal. I would rather repeat a grade than go thought with what I had to face before I met you." Said JJ.

"That is ok with me, too." Bud said, "I am looking forward to going to a new school. I won't be afraid to come home. I know there won't be a couple of filthy old men ready to rape my ass or make me suck their cocks or whore me out in the park. You know I bit my dad once real hard and I thought he was going to beat me to death . He use the buckle end of his belt. I still have scares. I made sure never to use my teeth on him again."

Mike scarcely knew how to respond to any of this. That fathers and supposedly civilized adult men could do this to their own flesh and blood sickened and angered Mike. After he took a few moments to collect his thoughts, Mike said, "Boys, we have all day Friday left before our appointment on Saturday. What do you say that we tour the country around here. You know I was born and raised here in Central Oregon. I would like to see my old home farm and stomping places once again. Judging by how much you liked your tour of the ranch, I think you might enjoy a sight-seeing tour. "

"I would love to!" said JJ. "I would like to get to know the area where my new home is going to be."

"Good idea," echoed Bud.

They spent the rest evening was spent looking at Mike's photo albums, eating popcorn and drinking hot cocoa. Mike was giving the boys a preview of some of the things he hoped to show them the next day. However, he knew that things had changed but they would at least have something to compare now and then.

Finally Louie suggested a visit to the hot tub. He did have a question, however, "Mike , what about our rule of no swimming suits allowed.?"

"Louie, I think we should ask the boys what they think." suggested Mike. "Bud and JJ, we usually go nude in the hot tub. Now the decision is up to you to decide what the attire will be."

JJ was the first to speak, "I don't think I am ready to go nude. I have seen nude men and boys before and I have been nude around them. Seeing a nude man makes me slide back to my past. I would really like to hold off for a bit. I want to ease into my new life style slow and easy."

"I have already seen both of you nude and it didn't bother me at all. However, I say no. If JJ is uncomfortable with it, then I can wait." Bud agreed with JJ.

"Boys, I appreciate you being completely honest with Louie and me. I will never ask you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. So swimsuits it is." Mike stated and Louie agree with him. They all had a good, non-sexual time in the hot tub, Mike and Louie were on their best behavior. But the lusty looks they exchanged told the story about what they'd be doing after their time in the tub.

Friday morning, after breakfast the guys all piled into the SUV and were off to see the country side. "Hey, Guys, first off I want to take you on a little detour," Mike said as he turned off the main highway onto a small country road. He drove for about a half mile and stopped the car. "See all the horses and cows out in the field and the beautiful house and barns in the background. This ranch is about the same size as mine, I mean ours. Only the road separates the two place. Beautiful isn't it. I am afraid that it won't be for long. The county zoning committee is meeting Tuesday and will vote on changing the zoning from agricultural to residential. Some very wealthy people from California purchased the property over a year ago. They have been trying to change the zoning since then. Our neighbors and I have fought it all the way but we have been fighting a losing battle. Before long, We will probably be neighbors to a high-end housing development. In other words, wall to wall houses, cars clogging the roads and the farmer and rancher`s way of life gone for good."

"That's terrible!," Bud said. "Isn't there anything we can do to stop the development?"

"I am afraid not. Money talks and all the new landowners can see are dollar signs flashing before their eyes. That is the reason, I got real excited when I heard someone was interested in buying our ranch. One thing for sure, I will never sell to the owners who are wanting to change our lives for ever. They can just go and stick their heads in the mud for all I care."

"Mike, what don't we continue with the tour. You are just about ready to come unglued and probably will if we remain here," Louie suggested.

"You are right, Louie. I am getting a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't know why this bothers me so. I know I am letting it get to me. I shouldn't worry about something that I can't change. I have been considering selling out and moving to a less populated area. Maybe as far as the wilds of Alaska or Australia.. My taxes keep going up and up. The ranch is starting to not show as much profit as it did. When I talk to the county officials, they say there's noting they can do. They say the law requires the land to be zoned to its highest and best use. Louie, I am going to become a modern day Daniel Boone or Davy Crocket and I want to move on when our nearest neighbor is more or less than 5 miles away. I need `elbow bow room' and lots of it, too."

"Mike, If you decide to leave, I am going with you. I follow you to the ends of the earth if need be. I can be happy where ever we are as long as my family is with me. And your are my family now." said Louie, choking up.

"We are not going to be left behind either. Mike, I am afraid that you are stuck with us. If we have to live in a tent out in the middle of the desert, that will be fine as long as you are with us," stated Bud. "Right , JJ?"

"You bet," JJ said.

"Boys, I have no intentions of leaving you behind. I just get a little emotional, when I start remembering how it use to be and what it is today. Let's head out and get out of this doom and gloom. Louie, would you like to drive and I will act as tour guide." asked Mike.

"Sure thing! Just tell me where you want to go." responded Louie.

"First stop, is the panoramic view point about 3 miles from here."

"I know just the spot. I was going to stop there anyway. Boys this has to be the most beautiful spot in Oregon. It is my favorite. You'll fall in love with it when we get there." beamed Louie.

Louie pulled into the overlook and both boys squealed with delight. There below them was a crystal clear sparkling blue lake with reflections of three snow capped mountains which were framed by majestic tall ponderosa pine trees. Louie had barely stopped the car, when Bud and JJ were out and were running around squealing like moonstruck tourist.

"Hey, boys, come over here for a minute." called Mike.

"Ah, do we have to leave already. We just got here." pouted JJ.

"No, we are not leaving. I have something that I want to give you." Mike said with excitement.

Mike reached into his backpack and pulled out two camera carrying cases each of which contained a high-end, point and shoot digital camera with a high powered telephoto lens. Mike very quickly showed Bud and JJ how to use the cameras and gave one to each of them.. They grabbed Mike and started hugging him, thanking him. Louie was grinning from ear to ear. Mike had previously given him an identical one in this very same spot.

"Mike, when did you buy the cameras?. I have been with you all the time and I never say you buy them!" asked Louie.

"I didn't buy them. Stan picked them up for me . Remember when I had to use the restroom when we were in Martin's office. I called the camera shop and told them exactly what I wanted and paid for them with my credit card. I called Stan and had him pick them up."

"Someone is getting real sneaky in their old age." Said Louie grinning.

The boys had a very good `shoot' and wanted to ride in the back so that they could look at the pictures they had taken and compare them. They would hand the camera to Mike and he had to look at the pictures also. Louie just grinned and drove the car.

"Louie, take the next right. I have something I want you all to see. This will be new to you also, Louie. I just haven't had time to show it to you. Well, to tell the truth actually I just could not do it emotionally." "Boys, in about a Mile I am going to show you where I lived as a kid and until I graduated from high school. My dad had a 60 acre farm where we raised potatoes, and alfalfa hay. You won't even recognize it as a farm now. It went by the wayside just like the ranch next to our is going. If I get tears in my eyes just hand me a hankie."

"Louie, why don't you pull over and stop and we can get out. You see all those ugly brown and gray, two story frame houses all jammed together. Notice how much space is between them, I would say all of 3 feet. That is the farm where I lived has been turned into.. When I get home, I'll dig out an picture album and show you the before pictures. You will have to take the after ones." said Mike with sadness in his voice.

"Shall we go on? Louie, go three more blocks and turn left and go four blocks. I want to show you the one thing in the whole ugly mess that I am proud of. I know that I will break down, but I will be ok. So don't be too alarmed when I start crying because I know I will. I do every time I come here which isn't very often.

Following directions, Louie pull into the parking lot of the Long Museum. That is when Mike completely lost it and started crying. JJ reached into his pocket and handed me a handkerchief. "Mike, does this mean that you are connected to the Museum in some way?" Asked Louie.

"Yes, this was my grandfather's house. It was originally in a logging camp about 4 miles west of here. My dad and his five brothers and sisters were born and raised in this house. The house has all the original furniture still in it just the way the family left it. We will go in and you will be given a complete history of the house and my family. Shall we go in and I will tell you more as we go through the house. Be sure to take time to read about all the exhibits.

"Hey, I am feeling better already." said Mike. The guys got out the car and JJ ran up and took Mike's hand. Mike looked at him and smiled all the time fighting to hold back the tears.

They were greeted at the door, by a woman about fifty years of age, when she saw Mike she ran to him and started to hug him. "Boys, I want to introduce you to a dear, dear friend of mine. This is Marge Olsen. She lived on the farm next to ours. Her husband passed away three years ago and the owners sold the place she lived on. She had to move into one of those 'beautiful houses' we passed on the way in. Her kids and I grew up together. Marge, this is Louie, Bud and JJ my three sons or they will be when the adoptions are completed." Marge and Mike took some time to catch up with one another.

The museum is staffed by volunteers, many who are descendants of the early residents who lived in the logging camp. Marge had just taken a batch of cinnamon rolls out of the oven of the old wood stove. She made them for visitors to sample while going through the museum.

"Mike, this is going to be my last week here at the Long Museum. I am going to work at Coyote Creek Restaurant. I hate to leave but I can't go on living in the past and that is what I am doing here at the museum. Besides my funds are starting to get very low."

"Marge, I am so glad we stopped when we did.. I have an offer for you. I need to find a cook and house for these boys. I would like to offer you the job. You will receive all your room food and board and a room of your own plus a very lucrative salary to be determined if you decide to accept the position. You will have two day a week off. The only draw back is you will have four raunchy, spoiled boys to contend with, I include myself."

"Gee, that sounds might interesting. I will certainly give it some thought." said Marge.

"We will go ahead and look the museum over and we can talk later." replied Mike.

"This is just the way the house looked when Grandpa and his family lived in the house. It is actually two railroad boxcars side by side with a 3 foot hall connecting them. There was no indoor plumbing so an outhouse had to be use. There was a public shower room but the family always used a old tub in the kitchen to bathe maybe once a week, as Grandpa used to say "Whether we need it or not. The whole family used the same water. Dad and my uncles and aunts did that until they got to old and then they use the public shower room. My dad's job was to take the red wagon and haul the water from the shower house to the house. Mom, had an old wringer washing machine and a washboard, so Dad had to haul all the water for his mother to do the laundry. Another brother had to chop all the wood for the cook stove and heating stove. The bedrooms never had heat in them." Mike said and pause for a few minutes remembering the fond memories from his childhood.

At last he continued , "My dad bought the farm when he and Mom got married. I was born in the old house that was home for me until I graduated from high school. Our house was just across the street but as you can't see it because the bulldozers took care of it. There are 4 of those ugly houses where the old home place stood," again Mike had to regain his composure before he was able to continue with his story.

The logging camp closed in the 80' and all the houses were sold or destroyed to make room for a new high school and a couple of churches. Dad purchased Grandpa's house and kept all the original furnishings. This is the house the house that we are in now. Grandpa moved in with us. Dad kept ½ acre of land and ownership of the cabin. When he sold the farm, he made Grandpa's place into this museum. So now it belongs to me and I will never sell it. I have thought about moving it to the city park but I am just afraid that the vandals would just break in and steal everything and destroy the building . I think that I will just leave it here where it is a little more protected by the neighborhood watch committee."

"Boys, take you time and look at everything. Just don't break anything, because if you do Marge and I will break you into two pieces. Right Marge." "I don't know about breaking you but we will sure beat your butts with this broom handle." chuckled Marge.

"Marge, why don't we go sit in the porch swing and catch up on old times?" Asked Mike.

"Sounds good to me, and we can discuss my employment offer at the same time." replied Marge.

Marge and Mike came to an agreement and she was hired on the spot. She would start to work on Monday. Mike agreed to bring the boys in and help her move.

"Hey, boys are you ready to go. If so come out here for a minute. Marge and I want to tell you the good news," Mike said smiling from ear to ear.

"You guessed right Marge is our new cook. She has agreed to supervise any kitchen activities that you boys would like to participate in and some like washing dishes and mopping the floor that you don't want to participate in ," Mike said as the boys rushed her and started hugging and kissing her.

"Marge, you are hired only if we can call you `Grandma', Bud said. "JJ and I never knew our grandmas. So you will officially be our Grandma, Okay?"

"Boys of course you can. Mike and Louie have to call me grandma also. You don't know how happy this makes me. I rarely get to see my grandchildren they live so far away. They usually come for about 1 week a year and then it is at holiday time and a lot of activities going on. I rarely get to spend quality time with them. So I am just going to spoil you rotten, after you do your chores of course." laughed Marge.

"Well, are you ready to continue our little sight seeing tour. I want to take you to lunch at a little café that was here when I was a kid. It was my favorite eating place, in fact it was the only eating place in town. We will get an homemade ice cream cone for desert. Of course it will cost a lot more today than when I was a kid but it still taste just as good!"

The day was slowly coming to an end, the tour was completed and Mike and his boys headed back home to the ranch. "Now, you have some idea why I want to move. This area is just getting way to crowded and I am still living in the past and probably always will be." Mike said, now able to completely control his emotions.

Louie pulled into a rest room so that everyone could use the facilities. Mike was the first to go into the one person room. "Bud and JJ do you know the song `Don't Fence Me In' that was sung by Bing Crosby and written by Cole Porter?" Louie asked.

"Huh" JJ responded.

"Nope" replied Bud.

"Ok, quick, find the lyrics on my I-phone, down load the lyrics and we'll sing it for Mike when we get back into the car. I will start it and you guys can join in. I think we should make it our theme song and encourage him to sell the ranch and move." explained Louie. Both Bud and JJ agreed.

Mike was driving now and Louie was in the back seat with Bud. Louie tapped JJ on the shoulder "on 3. 1, 2, 3 "

"Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above, Don't fence me in Let me ride through the wide open country that I love, Don't fence me in Let me be by myself in the evening' breeze And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me off forever but I ask you please, Don't fence me in......." The boys sounded great and Mike even joined in and sang with them.

"What was that all about? I think I have an idea but want to hear it from you."

"Mike, after the tour today, and seeing how you really felt, We are just trying to say `sell out and let's find the place we can call home. We are going to sing this song every time you start feeling melancholy and blue." Louie replied.

"Boys, I think you just made my mind up. I am going to be very serious tomorrow when we meet with the guys from Portland. I just hope that they offer a good price." Mike said with a sigh of relief.

The next morning, the prospective buyers arrived in a large Beaver Coach .. They were planning on staying for three days.

The first thing they wanted to do was look the place over once again. Two of the guys were the same one that were here before. The third one was a brother and equal partner of the other two. So out came the ATV's once again. Louie, Bud, and JJ saddled the horses for them to ride. One of the buyers wanted to ride a horse so Bud said he would ride on a ATV. Off they went.

The exploring party was way out in the back forty and went onto the forest service land that bordered the ranch on the southwest side. They came to a little lake and decide to rest for awhile. Louie had made sandwiches and put them in his backpack. Bud had cold soft drinks in his. JJ had homemade cookies in his. Mike was totally surprised and very proud of his 3 boys. The little party found some logs to sit on and had lunch. Soon they left to finish their tour and headed back to the ranch house.

Louie put a pot of coffee on and came into the dining area where we had all gathered. One of the men said they had some liquor in the motor home if we wanted a drink.

"Thank you but none of us drink." said Mike.

"I have to be completely honest with you. I know that you came here hoping to purchase this ranch and I hope you do. However, I must let you know right up front that the zoning commission will probable change our zoning on Tuesday from Agricultural to residential. A lot of big money has purchased the ranch that borders this one. They would like to have the zoning change so that they can put a high-end residential development on the property which would mean mega bucks for them. I have heard rumors that they would like to have my property as well."

"Thank you for being honest with us but this comes as no surprise to us. We have looked at their property and they want way to much money for it. Now it our turn to be honest with you. We are indeed very interested in your property but not for a ranch. As you know that we are a big development company located in Portland. We would like to develop your ranch into a summer/winter private resort for our workers and CEO's as an extra little fringe benefit. Frankly that is not the main reason for our interest. We are looking for a big tax write-off, so by purchasing your ranch we will be killing two birds with one stone." One of the men said and the other two nodded their heads in agreement.

Another of men started to speak, "Mike, we know of the zoning change about to take place. We are not opposed to it, in fact, it is in our best interest to see it go through. We know how you feel and under different circumstance, we would most like feel the same as you. We are not here to rip you off. We are prepared to make a very lucrative offer for your ranch. Do you know what your neighbors paid per acre for the ranch next door?"

"Yes, Sir, I do. It is a matter of public record." said Mike.

"We also know for the same reason. We are prepared to offer their purchase price plus 10%. All of the farm equipment will be separate and we will give you fair market value for it. All of the livestock will be yours to keep. I just saw your chin drop and hit the floor. Rest assured our offer is legitimate.. You can take a couple of days and check our reference if you would like. Would a week from today be long enough? We can come back nest Saturday if you like or you can give me a call to reject the offer if you so wish, we certainly hope that this is not the direction you will take."

"Thank you. I am overwhelmed with the offer that you just put on the table. I certainly need a couple of days. However, if you have swimsuits with you, we would like to invite you to use the pool and hot tub. The boys and I will start barbequing some steaks for dinner. We have friends coming but dinner will be for everyone."

"Thank you. We do have our suits with us and will go out and put them on. Are you sure about dinner?" one of the men asked.

"Oh, yes! This dinner was planned when we found out that you would be here today. It was all Louie's idea. He just looks for an excuse to get in the kitchen and make a mess. Just kidding, Louie is one of the best cooks and I have a couple of extra pounds to prove it. So hop into your swimsuits and enjoy." said Mike. The three men made an exit.

"Louie, How do you want to work this."

"Mike, why don't you do the steaks. Bud, JJ and I can do the rest. I want to see how well JJ wraps potatoes for baking? Bud can chop lettuce for salad and I can do macaroni salad. I talked with Cindy earlier and they are bringing homemade ice cream and chocolate cake. So we will take care on the inside work and you concentrate on not burning the steaks," said Louie with a grin.

After the meal, the men from Portland, excused themselves and went to the motor home. Everyone else put on their swimming suits and went to the pool and hot tub.

The little party swam a few lap to get their heart pumping and adjourned to the hot tub. "Mike, I am just about to die of curiosity. How did your meeting go. Hurry up and tell me!" exclaimed Cindy.

"Yea, Dad tell us also, in little bitty words that we can understand. I don't know if you were offered a good deal or not.!" JJ said with a frown.

"JJ, if the look on his face when he heard the offer is any indication, I would say that we had better go in and start packing our suitcase. I think we will be homeless very soon." said Louie.

"Oh, no! I have been there and done that!" laughed JJ. Bud just sat there grinning from ear to ear.

"Mike, the suspense is about to kill me. I can't wait! I want to know now." begged Cindy.

"Cindy, It is like this. The offer was so good, I am still pinching my self to make sure that I am not dreaming." said Mike and he went on to explain the offer to Stan and Cindy and the boys only Mike converted the offer to dollars and cents.

Now JJ was jumping up and down. "JJ, you had better calm down. If you don't you'll drown us or you will splash the tub dry. I just hope it is the later," teased Bud.

"Mike, I am happy for you. I knew that a good offer was forthcoming. I just didn't know how good. I would suggest calling your lawyer and have him run a background check for you. He should be here and help work out a contract," advised Stan.

"I'll call tomorrow after church and talk to him. I think he will be over here on Tuesday or Wednesday. He and the case worker handling the adoptions are going to be over here running checks on me. Cindy, your name is at the top of the list. I want you to say something nice about me, OK?" Mike asked.

"Oh, don't worry, I tell then what a rotten ass you really are." laughed Cindy.

The boys and Stan couldn't keep it all together and broke into a fit of Laughter. Mike didn't have a good comeback and just joined the laughing. "Mike, I hate to eat and run but I have early shift tomorrow and I need to go so I can get my beauty sleep." Stan mentioned.

"Stan, I think you had better give up trying. I can't see that sleep has helped you any at all. You are still as ugly as ever." hooted Mike.

"See Stan! You just won't listen to me." roared Cindy with laughter. Bud and JJ just sat there with their mouths wide open.

"Do you want to shower before you leave?

"No, Thank you. We just put our robes and shoes on and shower when we get home. Thanks guys for the outstanding dinner. Really enjoyed the evening." said Stan. Cindy hugged everyone and said good-bye.

"Family discussion time! So what do you think. Remember say what you feel." said Mike.

"Mike, I think you know how I feel. I know how hard you have fought the zoning committee and you have been offered an outstanding deal. I say take it!" Louie said giving Mike a great big hug.

"Dad, I agree with Louie. I am still overwhelmed that I actually have a say in this matter. I vote yes!" JJ said with a big tear in his eye.

"I like it here but the only way that I will vote yes is if we get another ranch. I know that we are going to be surrounded by houses and people but this is home." Bud said with downcast eyes.

"Bud, I will guarantee you that we will always have a ranch unless something unforeseeable happens and we loose our ranch. So it looks like I have 3 yes. Guess what! I voted yes before we voted. I will give the Portlanders our decision tomorrow. I still want to wait until Saturday to sign any papers. I want to have a complete and comprehensive background check run. I am going to call Mr. Martin tomorrow and ask for his help. I think it is time to hit the sack." declared Mike.

"Louie, just tell him no unless he gets down on his knees and really begs." sniggered JJ.TBC (Thanks, edinpa for the job well done. I hate to do the editing part, so keep up the good work. Joe)joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 11

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