
By Joe Collins

Published on Feb 27, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 11 The Guys moved Marge into the guest room and spent a couple of days unpacking, of course she had lots of help. Marge supervised, " Put that here. No, that goes over there." Now that everything was unpacked and in the wrong place, Marge kicked everyone out of the room and set to work reorganizing, getting her space in the order she really wanted.

Louie continued to do all the cooking. Marge was amazed at his ability. "Mike, why did you hire me when you have a much better cook than I am. Louie is one the best!"

Mike answered, "When we sell out and get a bigger ranch, Louie wants to become more involved in running the place. Marge, please don't take this the wrong way but the main reason that I hired you is the social worker who is handling the adoptions of Bud and JJ thought it would best to have at least one female in the household. My lawyer agreed with her. For some reason, people seem to get a little squeamish and paranoid about a single gay man adopting kids. Not only does this apply to gay men but single men in general. For some strange reason women are different. I did not have one woman in the house but now I have one of the best. Marge, I apologize, I should have told you this from the very beginning."

"What about after the adoptions are completed." asked Marge.

"Marge, rest assured. I have no intention of letting you go. You'll have a home with us for as long as you want it. I just hope that it is forever." Mike reacted giving her a great big hug.

"Thank you, Mike. I like that! I already feel like part of this family." Margie replied.

"We already think of you a family member, `Grandma'. And you will have a full say in all family matters and decisions. Saturday, the gentlemen from Portland are returning to complete the purchase of this ranch. I think a week from today, we will start looking seriously for a new place. I have been thinking about the Mitchell, Oregon area over in Wheeler County. We would like to have you go with us when we go looking for a new place."

"Mike, I would love to go. I have some friends living in Mitchell and I would dearly love to see them again. It has been almost a year since I have seen any them. You remember Reverend Carl Baker, don't you? He took a call from a little non-denominational church in Mitchell. I would like to walk in on him on Sunday. I just know his upper teeth will hit the floor when he sees us."

"Marge, I would love to go to church and see Reverend Carl again. You remember Ben Winkle, the kid that ran around with Jeff, me and the rest of the gang. He has a ranch just outside of Mitchell. I want to call him and see if there are any ranches for sale in the area. I know that he goes to church in Mitchell. I think there is only the one but there may be two churches in the town. I'll have him make motel reservations for Sunday and Monday night." Mike said. "By the way, Marge, how is Jeff doing. Is he still in the Marines. It has been over a year since I have seen him."

"Yes, Jeff is still in the Marines. He has a little girl now and he is stationed in Texas. I just wish he was closer. It is fruitless to wish for something that is not to be. I`ll dig out some pictures and show you, later."

" After we get the ranch business all straightened out and the adoptions taken care of, I think that you will have earned a paid vacation and can go see him. Maybe we will just tag along with you. We will need sometime away from this rat race," Mike told Marge with a beam in his eye.

The boys came in from cleaning the barn, and Mike and Marge told them of their plans. They were overjoyed and started talking all at once. "Hey, boys, remember only one at a time. You know I can't walk and chew gum at the same time. How do you expect me to understand three conversations going on at the same time?" smirked Mike.

Marge just shook her head and smiled. "Mike, now you know how I felt when your gang hit the front door. Only I had 5 to listen too. Guess what, I survived and I think you will, also."

"I think I'll go into the den and give Ben a call. Be right back Boys why don't you go take a shower. I hate to say this but all three of you stink." Mike said holding his nose.

Louie responded, "Mike, that is just our new cologne-`Corral # 5'. Just to keep you happy, Mike, Hit the showers Guys, then we will see what treats Marge has hidden in the kitchen. Something good, I bet."

Mike watched as Louie left the room followed by the other two. He went into the den and made his call to Ben in Mitchell. Just after finishing that call, Mike's phone rang. Bruce Conway-Martin, the adoption attorney, called and told Mike that he and Beth Conway-Martin would arrive at the ranch around noon. Mike told them to not eat on the way over and that lunch would be ready when they arrived.

Bruce let Mike know in their call that the ten people Mike had listed for personal references on the adoption application had all returned their forms and letters to Mrs. Conway-Martin. Bruce asked Mike if he could call everyone and set up appointments for their formal interviews for Wednesday-Friday. Mike asked Bruce if he would be available to meet with the prospective buyers from Portland on Saturday and he agreed to do so.

Mike left the den and walked into the kitchen. He found the boys were sitting around the table eating brownies fresh from the oven and drinking milk.

"Sorry, Dad, there are no more left for you. I guess you just got left out this time, " said Bud laughing out loud.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. There is a new batch ready to come out of the oven. I'll just give it them all to Mike. On second thought, I might help him eat them," chuckled Marge.

"No fair!" exclaimed Bud.

"Bud, everything is fair in love and war and this is war!" laughed Mike. "Ok, can you find something to occupy us till bedtime?"

Bud got out the Yahtzee game and every one gathered around the kitchen table for a game or two. Marge and Mike had taught the boys how to play the game and now it had become a favorite. The boys had several video games but they liked the `old board games' the best because it gave them a feeling of closeness that they had missed in their own families. After two games, it was time for bed. Good-nights and sleep tights were said and off they went.

The next morning, no one had a chance to sleep in. Mike was up early and got everyone up so that all the chores would be done by noon. The boys saddled horses and went to the far pastures to check on the cattle and to do a little fence riding. They didn't want the herd roaming free and scattered all over creation. Mike had to work on one of the water pumps and so that it was operational again. Marge did a little cleaning and then spent some time in the kitchen making some extra nice goodies.

Beth and Bruce arrived and after introductions, the group went into the living room and started visiting. Mike and the boys wanted know about the wedding. It didn't take Beth and Bruce long since it was just a very small one with just a few close friends in attendance. They had decided on keeping both names hence the name Conway-Martin.

Marge came out of the kitchen and announced that lunch was ready. She had laid the lunch places outside on the picnic table since it was a nice sunny and warm day. The party moved outside. Marge had peach and blueberry cobbler with French vanilla ice cream for desert. She knew that this was a favorite with all her boys. The guests were in for a special treat.

The conversation turned to the adoption of Bud and JJ. "The whole process is moving right along and is looking quite good at the present time. A couple of days ago, I had my fingers crossed. My supervisor Ms. Evers became very opposed to the whole idea and told me that she would never approve it and if I tried to move it forward she would fight it all the way. It became very evident that this adoption would become a political football in her little agenda of political maneuvers and ambitions of getting into politics ." Beth paused to organize her thoughts before moving on.

"I knew that I had to work fast and get a hearing date as soon as I could. That's the reason we are here now. Bruce and I wanted to get all the necessary paper work done, filed and a hearing date scheduled before Ms. Evers can get her act together. We still want to get our ducks in a row but quite unexpectedly there has been a big change of direction in our favor. Some one higher up in the system started an investigation of Ms. Evers. She has placed her on administrative leave while the investigation progresses. She has been accused of several serious charges, including embezzlement and misuse of funds."

When Beth dropped this bombshell, JJ got very pale. "Mrs. Conway-Martin, May I talk to you in the den please?" JJ asked shakily.

Beth didn't know what to expect but seeing him, she knew something extremely important was bothering him. "Sure thing, JJ but I think that Mike need to be there too. I'll just get a coffee refill and I will come right in. JJ went directly upstairs and came immediately back down. Beth looked at Mike and they both just shrugged their shoulders and headed to the den.

"I don't know if I should be telling you this but since Ms. Evers is being investigated, I have some information that someone should know about. I just didn't know who to talk to. I am just going to give it to you and then you can give it to the proper authorities." a very nervous and scared JJ said. "I have a letter that I want you to have but first I need to tell you what I know and how I came to have this letter." taking a sealed envelope out of his back jeans pocket.

Beth said, "JJ, you're shaking like a leaf. Here let me hug you for a bit and see if I can calm you down a bit." . As Beth took JJ in her arms, she said to Mike, Come hug JJ. too."

"I wanted to do this on my own but I don't think I can continue. Maybe just having Mike in here will help me. I am so scared!" JJ said sobbing uncontrollably."

Beth said to Mike and JJ, "Excuse me a minute while I go out to talk with Marge and Bruce. Mike, just hold JJ."

In a quiet voice and with calm strides, Beth walked over and spoke to Marge and Bruce. "I don't know what is going on with JJ but it is something very serious," Beth went on with a very concerned look, "I think we need the two of you calmly to herd the rest of the guys and yourselves out to the swimming pool and hot tub. Mike and I will take care of the situation in the den. Marge, you are in charge of this crew. Bruce, it's time you got some Daddy practice. It is up to you both to defuse the powder keg that is ready to explode."

When Beth walked back into the den, she looked JJ in the eye, "Are you feeling ready to tell us what is on your mind?"

JJ said, , "I think I can go on now. Before I was trying to protect one of the boys from the group that I was living with on the street. He gave me this envelope and told me that if something happened to him, I was to give it to a policeman. I don't think I can wait any longer. Before I give you the letter, I want to tell you what led to him to give me the letter." JJ took a deep breath before continuing with his story.

"Jim , is 4 years older than me. In other words he is 17. He is from Stayton. His mother is somehow related to Ms. Evers, head of the CSD in Stayton. Mrs. Conway-Martin when you said that she was on administrative leave, bells started going off in my head."

"When Jim was 14, his parents mostly his Mom started physically abusing his little sister and brother. However, there was no sexual abuse. The Parents would whip them for no reason at all and send them to their rooms without any thing to eat. Sometimes, they would go all day with no food at all. What they had to eat was just what Jim could sneak to them. Finally, Jim could not take it anymore and went to the CSD office to talk with Ms. Evers. He was told she was on a business training trip and would be gone all week. So Jim talked with one of the other case workers. She came to Jim's house and talked with Jim's parents, which only made matters worse for him. Now the father started on him but at least now his brother and sister were being left alone."

"Ms. Evers returned from her trip and immediately came to Jim's house. Jim was pulling weeds underneath the den window, which was open. He could hear everything that was going on. Evidently, Ms. Evers and his parents had some kind of scam going on. Ms. Evers was using CSD money and paying Jim's parents to be foster parents... to their own children! The parents were using phony names."

JJ continued, " Beth, I just about had a heart attacked when you said Ms. Evers was being investigated. I think it is time for you to have this envelope." JJ said handing the envelope to her.

She opened the letter and started reading it. Beth let out a little gasp and turned a very pale white and looked like she was going to pass out. "Mike, I think you and JJ had better go out and get Bruce and have him come in here. Stick close and we will be out and talk with you in a few minutes."

After summoning Bruce to the den from the pool, Mike and JJ joined the guys and Marge in the pool. Beth and Bruce were in the den reading the letter. Beth finished and handed it to Bruce to read. They could not believe what they had read. Bruce read it again, this time out loud. Bruce went out and returned with JJ and Mike.

"JJ, I want to thank you for having enough confidence in Beth to give her this letter. It contains a lot of information and your friend Jim did a very fine job of describing exactly what was happening. He provided a list of families, dates, places of those involved. He found a log book that belonged to Ms. Evers in his parents bedroom. They were evidently keeping it for her. Ms. Evers is a cousin to Jim's mother."

Bruce turned to his wife and asked, "Beth, do you think you can handle the interviews by yourself. I am going to take this letter and leave for Stayton early in the morning. I have to give it to the proper authorities who are investigating Ms. Evers. This is certainly bigger than anyone suspected." Bruce inquired.

"Of course, This is part of my job and I have done it many times before. I just may not be able to concentrate on the interviews. I will manage, however. Mike, do you have a car that I can borrow. Bruce will be taking ours and I really don't relish the idea of walking all the way into town."

"I am sure that you can use Marge's Honda Civic. If you would like to be chauffeured around, I am sure that we can find a driver for you.' responded Mike. "I think I will go out the pool and talk with Marge. She said yesterday that she needed to do some shopping and also visit some friends."

"I would love to have someone to drive me around. I don't know the area and I hate a GPS with a passion," Beth said with a big grin.

Bruce turned to JJ, "JJ, do you have any idea how I might get a hold of Jim? He is holding all the keys to this investigation. It is hard to tell how much information that he may have and just didn't get it all written down," Bruce asked.

"If he is still on the streets, I would know where to look for him. I can take you directly to his house in Stayton but he is probably not living there and hasn`t for some time." replied JJ.

"JJ, how would you like to ride to Stayton with me . After we drop the letter off, we could drive on it to Salem and see if we can located Jim. JJ, do you think that Jim will co-operate with the law enforcement or is he just going to run and go into hiding."

"I think if I go by myself to find him, I could persuade him that he was not going to be arrested or punished. If he sees you or a cop, I know that he would be gone and would not even look back over his shoulder. So if I go over, I want to be dropped several blocks from where he might be. You can wait for me at the drop-off place. Deal?" JJ suddenly sounded like a street kid. "Bruce, you know that there is honor and trust between street kids. I must protect Jim at all costs. He would do the same for me. If he says no! Then no it is!"

"JJ, I realize what you are saying. There is not way that I would ask to betray your friends. It is through their efforts that you were able to survive," Bruce said shaking JJ's hand. "JJ, would you like for Mike to go over with us?"

"No, I don`t think so. I will be with you and I can rely on you if I need help or questions. After all you are my lawyer and I know that you will look out for my best interest. How early are we leaving in the morning?" JJ asked.

Morning arrived and the Long household became a beehive of activity. Bruce and JJ headed over the Cascades to Stayton. Beth and Marge went in the other direction. Louie and Bud headed for the feed store in Bend. Mike was left at the ranch. He had some equipment to repair and get ready for the hay season which would start soon. In the early afternoon, the wanderers started returning to the home base except for Bruce and JJ.

Mike called Louie and had him stop by Papa Murphy's and pick up 3 unbaked pizzas and a couple of family size salads for dinner.

After the `gourmet dinner', Marge went to the piano and everyone gathered around and had a big song fest. Beth was amazed at how well Mike, Louie and Bud could sing. Marge suggested that when JJ came back that Mike and the boys rehearse a song and sing it in church when they went to Mitchell. The guys thought that this was a wonderful idea.

Beth had canceled her motel reservations and was staying at the ranch until Bruce came back and then they would get a motel room. The newlyweds were already separated (temporally). However, they could have a honeymoon later after all the pressing work had been completed.

Bruce and JJ turned the envelope over to the proper authorities and took off for Salem. JJ was able to make contact with Jim Passmore, who agreed to meet with Bruce. Bruce was able to convince him to return to Stayton and talk with the authorities and CSD. A judge issued a search warrant for Jim's house and one for Ms. Evers.

A CSD case worker, Tom Wallace, talked with Jim for a long period of time. Finally he came out of his office and went to the waiting room to see Bruce and JJ. I have to go to the juvenile judge and get a court order to remove Jim's brother and sister from the home where they are living.

Jimmy lost control and folded his arms on the desk and laid his head on them and started crying. JJ walked to Jim and put his hand on Jim's shoulder. Jim looked up and rose from his chair and started hugging JJ. "JJ, If you could tackle your problems all by yourself, I think I can solve our problem with your help. I mean my brother, sister and mine. Thank you for coming back and finding me. I have been thinking terrible things." Jim said through his tears and sobs.

"Jim, you are not fighting by yourself, you have Mr. Wallace, Mr. Martin and me all in your corner. I don't know exactly what will happen but I know something will." JJ reassured Jim. "I see happy days ahead for the three of you and you will all be together once again!"

"Jim, listen to JJ! He is right! We are going to be with you all the way," said Mr. Wallace. "I must go now and see the juvenile judge, I have called him and he is waiting for me. Very soon you should be re-united with your brother and sister!"

After getting the court order, Bruce Watson drove the office van to the Passmore residence. He noticed that the law enforcement team was still at the scene, Mr. Watson breathed a sign of relief. He knew things quickly could get very nasty. He rang the door bell and was greeted by a uniformed policeman, who escorted him into the living room where the Passsmore's were seated. Mr. Watson walked over to Mr. Pasmore and handed him the court order authorizing him on behalf of CSD to take the children into his custody.

After about 20 minutes of all sorts of verbal abuse, Mr. Watson came out of the house with the two children and carrying two suitcases, one for each of the kids. Both of the children were crying hysterically. "Donnie and Betsy, I know you are scared to death and really don't understand what is going on. I think that you are both older enough to realized that what I am doing is in your best interest. Jim is back at my office and he is the one who got CSD involved and will tell you all about what is happening." Mr. Watson explained. Both children looked at each other and started hugging the other.

"Thank you!" Donnie whispered which was almost not audible.

Bruce and JJ were having a hard time keeping Jim calm. Jim kept looking at the clock and every few minutes would ask, "What is taking so long? I am sure that he is having troubles! Something has gone wrong. I know it!" cried Jim in agony.

The door to Mr. Watson's office opened and he and the children walked in. Jim looked up and saw them. They came running to Jim and threw their arms around his neck. "You are alive! Mom said that you were dead! I prayed every day for you. I just knew that you weren't dead," said little Betsy.

"Thank you Betsy! I said a lot of prayers for you two also. I think our prayers were answered," said Jim with tears starting to run down his cheeks again.

Jim did not let go of the children. He had an arm around each. "Tom, will you promise not to split us up? I know it is going to be hard to find some one who will take a 17 year old street boy and his younger brother and sister?" asked Jim with fear in his eyes.

"Jim, I promise. I know that is going to be a hard promise to fulfill but this is one promise I intend to keep." Tom promised.

"Jim, I am going to help. I'll make the same promise." said Bruce.

"Jim, do you have any relatives or friends in the area that you can stay with?" asked Tom

"No. Our father's parents are the only family that we have that might take all three of us but they live in Wyoming or they did the last we heard from them. Mother`s parents were killed in an car accident." replied Jim.

"Jim, do you know where in Wyoming , an address or phone number anything to help us locate them?" Tom continued.

"I know their name and where they used to live but that is all. I am sorry that I am not much help but I have been on the streets for 2 years now and I have lost all contact with everyone."

"Just write down what you can remember and we will try to locate your grandparents for you." encouraged Tom Watson.

"Sir, May I speak?" said Donnie, Jim's younger brother.

"You certainly may!" replied Mr. Watson.

"When Dad was helping me pack my suitcase, he taped a letter on the inside bottom of the suitcase. He whispered to me to give it to someone like a policeman. Do you want me to get it for you?" asked Donnie very timidly.

"I certainly would like to see what you have. It must be very important. Would you like some help getting it." asked Tom.

"Yes, Jim can help me." Jim picked up the suitcase and sat it on the Tom's desk. He opened it and took out the letter and handed it to Donnie. Donnie handed it to Tom.

"Thank you, Donnie. Let's see what we have." Tom took a letter opener and slit the top of the envelope. Inside were two pieces of paper. Evidently, Mr. Passmore knew that eventually he would have his children taken from him because he detailed what should be done with the children and had attached a safe deposit box key and box number. He went on to explain all his legal papers and the children's birth certificates and etc. would be found in there. At the very bottom of the letter was listed his parents names and address along with a Wyoming phone number.

"Jackpot!" said Tom. "Donnie, this is exactly what we needed. You saved the day. Now we can contact your grandparents. They live in Wyoming which is in the mountain time zone . Let's wait to call until the first thing in the morning."

"Now I need to get busy and find a place for you to stay tonight.. We have several foster homes that we can call and unless they are filled we'll find a place." Mr. Watson stated.

"Tom, JJ and I have to get a motel. I could get two connected rooms with 2 queens in each. JJ and I could take one and the other 3 in the other." Bruce Martin suggested.

"Sounds good to me. What do you think kids? Responded Mr. Watson.

"I think I like that better that going to a strange place!" declared Jim.

"I need to call Judge Shaffer and get a court order to open the safety deposit box and also I would like to give you, Bruce, temporary custody of the kids until we can place them. That would mean that you can make legal decisions for them, get medical attention if needed and take them across state lines.. But Bruce, you know all that so I don't have to explain it. Judge Shaffer can sign those papers at the same time."

"Tom, I think I will take the children and JJ and head for Salem, go to dinner and get a motel." When would you like for us to be back in the morning?" Bruce asked.

"Sounds like a good plan to me. What about 10:00 here in my office? We can call the grandparents then. So have a good evening and I'll see you in the morning." Tom said.

Jim said that he would like to go by and say goodbye to the other boys he has been living with under the Market Street Bridge.

The next morning, Bruce and party arrived a few minutes early for their appointment and were taken directly to Mr. Watson's office. "Good-morning, every one. I have had one busy time and thanks to JJ, Jim, and you Bruce, we have uncovered enough evidence against Ms. Evers and others to take it all before the Grand Jury next week. She is scheduled to appear next Thursday and is under house arrest until that time along with 8 other people. I must say she is one mad camper and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. I have been appointed temporary supervisor until one can interviewed and appointed."

"The police Sergeant and I were able to get into the safety deposit box and found a power house in evidence against Ms. Evers and co- conspirators. Jim, your dad did a very good job with his record keeping. We found names, phone receipts, bank accounts and all that good stuff, plus he called the Sergeant and wanted to turn state's evidence. The case against Ms. Evers is almost air tight and she will probably get a long prison term." Mr. Watson reiterated.

"Now, for the good part, Here are the birth certificates and other legal papers for all three of you Passmore Children. Your Dad and Mother have given up all parental rights and we have signed and notarized papers. They realized that they will probably go to jail and CSD with take control of you kids. Bruce, I am going to release these papers to you and here are the legal papers giving you temporary custody of the children.'

"Jim, all that is left to do is for you call your grandparents or would you rather Bruce or I make the call for you," asked Mr. Watson. "I think I would like to call them. It has been a long, long time since I have talked with them." Jim was handed the phone and Tom dialed the number. Jim talked for a long time and then handed the phone to Donnie, who only talked for a very short time and started crying so he handed the phone to his sister. She talked for a long period before she also started crying and handed the phone to Bruce.

Bruce talked with the children' grandparents and told them everything that had happened and that he and his wife would bring the children to Wyoming and would see them in a few day. He said he would call when a better schedule was established.

He asked for vacation time for Beth and Mr. Watson, acting supervisor, immediately approved it.TBC (Thanks, Edinpa, for all the help that you have given me. It won't be long now, may just one more chapter. Joe)joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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