
By Joe Collins

Published on Mar 5, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. The story and characters are fictional. However, the place names are real but the story does not take place here. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 12

Bruce and passengers arrived at the Long Ranch just in time for a large barbecue. They were meet on the front porch by the guests who'd already arrived. JJ was the first out of the car and went running onto the porch. He hugged Marge and then Mike. After that he was hugging everyone in sight. Bruce got out the car and took the hands of the youngest two Passmore Children. JJ came running back and took Jim's hand and led him onto the porch. Jim was introduced to everyone who gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Donnie and Betsy were getting the same treatment. Soon Bud and JJ took the kids to the barn to see the newborn calves. Of course they had to stop by and show off Red Dog and her new family. The horse corral came next. Bud pulled a sack of carrots from under his shirt and gave a carrot to each of the kids to feed the horses. Finally, they reached the barn which contained 4 newborn calves. Much "ohh-ing" and "ahh-ing" and "I wanna name that one" followed.

The three children who were terrorized when they arrived had completely relaxed now and were actually laughing and smiling. JJ and Bud knew just what to do to put the kids completely at ease. They had both gone through intense trauma themselves.

Beth and Bruce had a long kiss and were just standing holding hands. "So Bruce, when are you going to tell me about our honeymoon trip to Wyoming?" Beth said batting her eyes at Bruce, who was now getting a little uncomfortable.

"I was just getting ready to tell you. How did you know anyway?" said Bruce very meekly.

"I called Tom this morning and he filled me in with all that was happening at the office and that he had granted me three weeks vacation time, two with pay and one without. I had only earned two weeks. I was able to double up all of my appointments and finish them all today. So I am ready to go. I already have my bags packed" laughed Beth.

"Beth, what do you say about going to Yellowstone National Park on our way to Eastern Wyoming? We could spend three or four days there and then continue on with our journey. After we leave the kid's grandparents house, we need to think about where we want to go and spend the rest of our honeymoon."

Louie came out on the porch and announced dinner was ready. Mike went out to the barn to get the kids. Louie and Marge had fixed a small feast and Mike had barbecued steaks and chickens. The guests were left to find a place to sit. The Passmore's chose to sit with Beth and Bruce at the picnic table. Bud and JJ joined them.

"Bruce, why don't you, Beth and boys plan on leaving for Wyoming tomorrow. I know I asked you to sit in on the meeting with the prospective buyers of the ranch. However, since this will not involve a contract, I should be able to handle everything myself. I know we will have to have a survey done and a title search performed, but I can take of that myself. It is just a matter of calling some people and paying through the nose to have it done."

"Are you sure? I would be happy to stay and represent you." Bruce said.

"I know, and I really appreciate your offer, three weeks will go by very quickly so plan on getting a little jump start. We will do just fine. Thank you!" repeated Mike. "I think that we need to go to Google Earth and map a route for you to take. Bruce, I wrote a check for three thousand dollars. Stop along the way and get the kids some decent clothes, especially Jim. His clothes look a little worse for wear and I would bet that he has on all that he owns. The rest is my wedding gift to you and Beth. Why don't you take my van so that you can travel in comfort. I know your little compact is not big enough for five people."

"Thank you! That is most generous of you. CSD gave me a check to get clothes for the kids." Bruce informed Mike.

"I have an idea how far that will go. I would suggest taking a bit more and get them several more outfits. Those kids need all the pampering they can get," Since CSD gave you a little money, I would say that your wedding gift just got a little bigger." chuckled Mike. "I am just about ready for bed. Shall we call it a night? What time would you like to leave in the morning? I'll have breakfast ready when you decide on you leaving time. You don't want to leave real early because going east you will be looking into the morning sun and that is a major pain." explained Mike.

"What about 8:30?" Bruce asked.

"Sounds good to me. You know the song `where the deer and antelope play'. You will have keep close watch for them because you will be going through their playground all the way to Wyoming. Hitting one can really mess up your trip." said Mike.

"Hey, Bud! Why don't you and JJ go out to the storage shed and get sleeping bags and air mattresses for you guys and Jim. You can pretend that you are camping in the living room. We will give Donnie and Betsy your beds." Mike asked. "We'll put Bruce and Beth in the guest room. I know you boys will talk all night telling ghost stories. Just don`t be noisy or we will throw your butts outside in the cold!" laughed Mike.

Morning arrived and Louie and Mike were in the kitchen cooking breakfast when people started showing up ready to eat. The three campers must have talked all night because they were the last to crawl out of bed and then only when Donnie, Betsy and Red Dog were turned loose on them. After breakfast, the newlyweds and passengers headed toward the rising sun. Mike and Louie cleaned the kitchen and decided to go and swim a few laps before they started their day. They invited anyone interested to join them. So, of course everyone accepted. Everyone was in the pool swimming and having a good time when Mike's cell rang and he crawled out of the pool to answer it. He slipped on the wet cement and fell. Louie was by his side instantly. Louie answered the phone . It was just the guys from Portland checking and making sure that Saturday morning was still on.

Mike's leg started swelling and really hurting. Louie and Marge were putting ice on it but even that didnt stop the swelling or kill any of the pain. "Louie, I think that it is broken and you had better take me to the hospital and have an x-ray taken." All hell broke loose! Mike had 3 boys that were complete basket cases. Marge was doing all she could to calm them. "Boys, Mike just has a little ouchee`. He is such a big baby that I think we should break his other leg and give him something to howl about!" Marge said, trying not to show the fear that she was feeling. This had the opposite effect on the boys - instead of calming them, it made them turn on Marge. This turned their attention away from Mike and focused on her. She started laughing and soon the boys and Mike joined her.

Tranquility somewhat restored, Marge and Louie organized a run to the nearest ER. Sure enough, the leg was broken. Lucky for Mike, the break was clean. The ER doc assured every one that it should heal with no problems. The doctor put a walking cast on and told him to use crutches for about a week and not to put any weight on it. Mike was released and all headed for home. Bud had called Stan and Cindy and they were at the house waiting for the guys to return. Cindy had dinner cooked and Stan had all the chores done. All Mike had to do was sit in the recliner and get waited on by six people who were all getting in each other's way. He just let them pamper him knowing full well that eventually it would all come to an end and he would be on his own.

The prospective buyers showed up right on schedule. They wanted to look the ranch over once again and start making a diagram or where they wanted to put up the new buildings and which of the old ones they wanted to keep. The boys went to the barn, saddled the horses and were off to rediscover the ranch. They'd return at lunch time. Mike didn't have much choice - much as he might wish he was in the saddle and riding his place with his beloved guys, he was resigned to just having to stay around the ranch house with his leg propped up on the hassock.

Marge went into the kitchen and started getting lunch ready. Mike was in the living room bored out of his mind. Every time he tried to get out of his chair, Marge made his sit back down. He even had to beg to go to the bathroom. "Mike, if you don't stay in the chair, I get a milk jug and make you use it and you had better not pee on the floor or I'll rub your nose in it." Marge roared with laughter. Mike took her at her word and stayed in the chair, he knew that she would probably hold the jug for him also and he really didn`t want that to happen.

"Marge, what happens if I am to big and it won't fit?"

"Mr. Macho Man, I think you are just bragging now. The owner always thinks his is bigger than it actually is." Soon they were both laughing so hard that tears formed in their eyes.

Mike and the buyers were able to complete the deal on the ranch. Mike told them that he would need two months to get out of his place and get all the cattle, equipment and other things moved. The buyers could however, start their building projects and he would just work around them.

Sunday morning arrived. The Long household were up early, completed their chores and headed for Mitchell. Mike had called his friend to let him know that they were coming and would meet him at the church about a half hour before the services started. They planned to do a little visiting before hand.

Reverend Carl Baker was shocked to see Marge and Mike. After introductions, Rev. Baker asked Marge if she would play the piano for them and she agreed. She also told him that the guys had agreed to sing as part of the service. He was absolutely delighted to integrate them into the service. After a couple of hymns, announcements and just before the start of his sermon, Rev. Baker introduce Mike, Louie, Bud, and JJ. Marge started playing the introduction to `In the Garden', an old favorite hymn. The impromptu "Long Quartet" sounded extremely fabulous; the congregation received them well. At the completion of the services, the Reverend announced there would be a fun hour in the recreation hall and invited everyone in attendance to stay for refreshments.

Marge went to a table and joined some of her Mitchell area friends. The Bakers decided to join them. Bud and JJ went with a group of teenagers who were all gathered in one corner of the hall. Louie and Mike sat with Mike's friend Ben and his wife, Carol. Their two children, Sue and Bobby, went outside to play with some other kids. An older couple came over to their table and asked to join them. "Louie and Mike, I would like to have you meet Glen and Kathy Moore. They are very good friends of ours and have the ranch that borders ours." Ben finished the introductions and the group sat and visited while eating a big piece of German Chocolate Cake and drinking a glass of tea.

"Mike, you asked me if there were any ranches around Mitchell for sale. I mentioned your inquiry to Glen and Kathy. They are going to retire. They want to do some traveling and go back to Ireland and visit with relatives for an extended vacation. Their parents came to the United States around 1900 and both sets of parents homesteaded ranches that are now part of the ranch that belongs to Glen and Kathy," Ben said.

Ben continued, "The ranch has about 750 acres and borders National Bureau of Land Management for which the Moores have Taylor grazing permits. All or part can be transferred to new owners. Now for the good part. They have not even listed the ranch for sale yet and are prepared to offer you one hell-of-a-good deal.

"Mike, we would like to invite you out to he house today after this little fellowship and you can see part of the ranch. Tonight we have ordered food from a caterer and would like to invite your family to dinner. Ben and Carol have already said that they will be there. When we leave here, you can follow Ben to our place. We will stop and pick up the food and be out shortly," Mr. Moore said and rose and extended his hand to Mike and then to Ben.

"That sounds great. We will gladly accept your invitation. I'll round up the rest of the family and we can be on our way. Thank you! " Mike said with a big smile.

Ben and Mike finally got everyone into the cars and were on their way. Bud and JJ tried talking every one's ears off. They were excited about meeting new friends and were now ready to move tomorrow. Mike assure them that they would have to wait a few weeks until all the wrinkles were ironed out. Mike had to repeat this to them at least 3 times - buying and selling ranches was something that happened overnight. Marge was just about as bubbly and overjoyed at seeing her friends again and telling them that soon they would be moving to the Mitchell area. The drive to the ranch was most enjoyable. "Dad, did you see that?" "Look, Marge, there are some antelopes on the right." "Louie, don't hit that skunk" There was never a dull moment. Everyone acted like little kids in a candy shop for the first time and soon Ben turned of the highway and headed down a little paved country road.

Ben drove about a quarter mile, turned a corner, and pulled to the side of the road. Ben, Carol and kids all got out. Louie pulled in behind and everyone bailed out and walked up to Ben and Carol. "I just wanted you to get a good first view of the ranch. That house over to the right is where we are going."

"That is beautiful. It looks just like the place where I lived as a little girl." Marge said with tears in her eyes. "Just look at that sight. It looks just like a picture post card or a page out of the history book-the big two story white house, framed by big cottonwood trees and look at the big red barn.

"Mike, I don't have to see anymore. Buy it now before some else sees it!" Marge said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Dad, I don't want to hurt your feeling but this place is 10 times better than your old place. I bet there is a stair case with a big banister for slide down. I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!" squealed JJ.

"It gets even better as you get closer. The inside is better yet. It is just like stepping back into 1900." Carol said with a great big smile. "I just love this place. Ours is beautiful but nothing like this one! Wait until you see the back. You wont believe what you see I had better shut up. I dont want to spoil all the surprises."

Louie followed Ben to the house and was amazed at the large circular dive way. Ben got out of the car and went around back and came back with a key to the house. He let the guest into the house and Carol was absolutely right. Everyone just stood there and stared with amazement. The Moores had maintained the house in its original splendor. They had restored all the furniture to its original condition. Even the drapes and rugs had the 1900 look even though they were new. Kathy had researched and finally found a company that manufactured fabric with that antique look and appeal. So the ranch house could actually become a museum, if one so wanted.

Glen and Kathy arrived. Bud and JJ rushed out to help them bring everything inside. "I just love the house. It looks just like it is out of the movies." commented Bud. "How can you even think about selling it? If it were mine, I would keep it forever."

"That same thought has been running through our minds. We decided that we would not sell to some land developer or someone who would not take care of it. Ben and Carol have been like our son and daughter. Their two kids are more like our grandchildren than our own who are now about the age of your two boys. Ben and Carol have been talking about Mike and his family for quite sometime. When they told us that you would be in church today and that you were serious about buying a ranch in the Mitchell area, we decided to offer you first choice." Kathy spoke with pride. What really impressed her were two teenagers that willing to spend some time with a old couple and to show an interest in the place that she had loved for a long, long time.

"Ben, have you taken these people of a tour of the house, yet?" asked Glen.

"No, I haven't. I thought that you and Kathy needed to have that privilege. We have just been here in the living room admiring the beauty of this place," replied Ben.

"Then let's not waste any more time and go upstairs and work our way down. Donnie and Sue, you get one trip down the banister for the time being. JJ and Bud, you can have one trip also. Don't any of you fall off, because if you do you will have at least one broken leg and will hop around on crutches like Mike is doing." snickered Mr. Moore.

"Donnie and Sue, I have never slid down a banister before, you'll have to show me how because I don't want to break my leg. Someone has to be able to walk and take care of that old man on crutches." JJ said.

"Did he fall off a banister?" asked Sue innocently.

"No, he did something worse. He was running in the pool area and slipped and fell" laughed JJ.

"JJ, you have better be careful, or I'll use one of these crutches and break both of you legs and your neck, too" laughed Mike.

"Mom! Is Mike really going to hit JJ with his crutch?" shouted Donnie.

"No, Honey, he is not. He is just teasing like you do with your sister all the time." Carol answered.

"Good, I like JJ and didn't want to see him get hurt!" Donnie said running over and giving JJ a big hug.

"Now, it two against one and between us we can handle one old cripple, can't we, Donnie?" teased JJ.

The kids took a turn on the banister, while all the adults stood at the bottom of the stairs to pick up all the broken pieces, if there were any. The group now headed up the stairs to take a look around and discovered 4 big bedrooms and two baths, one of which was in the master bedroom. Mike took his time and had one boy behind him and another in front to break his fall, if he should slip.

Now it was time to explore the downstairs. Marge fell in love with the kitchen, which had modern appliances but with a turn of the century flare. A formal dining room, 2 bedrooms, a den and a formal living room were housed in the downstairs section of the house. Every room had high ceilings which really made the rooms look larger. They didn't even go down to the basement but the Moores told them that it contained a family room complete with a pool table. That was all it took, the boys took off almost on a run.

"Be careful on the stairs, the railing is not very strong but it just serves the purpose to keep you from falling," cautioned Mrs. Moore.

The back yard turned out to be a real treat. It contained several large cottonwood trees, a fruit orchard which contained apple, peach, plum, apricot and pear trees, a large garden area and a fabulous flower garden. The big hit was the large covered area that had a built in barbecue pit, ample outdoor furniture, and a table and chairs for outside dining and two porch swings to be used in the cool evening breeze. The whole area was surrounded by one huge flower garden. The big hit was the Olympic size enclosed swimming pool, two hot tubs, and a large sauna that would hold six people. What more could one ask for?

After the tour of the ranch house, everyone sat down on the patio. Mrs. Moore brought out soft drinks and cookies. She also brought out several photo albums and they were all passed from person to person. The guys enjoyed looking at pictures of the ranch, family pictures, and some scenery pictures of nearby places. Mr. Moore told us about the ranch.

"This ranch is actually comprised of 3 ranches. Originally they were 3 homesteads. One belonged to my grandfather Moore. One belonged to Kathy`s family. We purchased the third one about 40 years ago from an old bachelor whose dad had homesteaded it. Two of them, are located in the mountains and we now are in the 3rd one. They are all joined together and form a triangle. The upper two borders BLM land, upon which we have Taylor grazing permits. In the Spring we move the cows to the mountains and in the fall we bring them back down. This place is only used to grow hay and grain for the winter and hold the cattle during the winter months."

We spent two days touring the ranch, which meant we had to extend our stay at the motel for another day. The boys and Mike were really impressed. Marge was thrilled beyond belief. Mr. and Mrs. Moore wanted to be out of the ranch by October 1st. They were going to sell the ranch, furniture, all the equipment, cows and all the other farm animals--literally everything. All they wanted to take were the family heirlooms and personal items like their china and silverware. They wanted to get everything they were taking in one large U-Haul truck and take it to their son's place in Colorado.

Finally, an agreement to purchase the ranch had been hammered out. Mr. and Mrs. Moore offered the ranch at a price that Mike couldn't refuse. Mike wanted to leave a deposit with the Moores, but they said that his word was good enough for them. All that was left to complete the deal was draw up the final papers, write a check, and move in.

The Moore's wanted to take a tour bus and visit several of the western national parks, then take a cruise ship to Alaska, ride the Alaska railway and fly home to Ireland. A trip to Australia could be in the near future.


Things were certainly falling in place for Mike and his family. The transactions for the ranches became final. Mike was not much help being on crutches, however, Louie, Bud, and JJ plus four men who were hired were able to get the cattle, equipment, and everything the Longs wanted to take to the new ranch packed, moved and re-intergrated into the new, bigger operation in Mitchell. Mike signed a contract with a moving company and they would bring out all the trucks needed for the move. The furniture, appliances and other small things were taken to Salvation Army. Marge stepped in and took over as supervisor and director of the moving process.

Bud and JJ"S dad received the maximum sentences, life without parole. Both boys were able to tell their how they felt in court at the sentencing phase of the trial. They needed this to help bring about closure. Now they could move on with their lives.

Mike and Louie became domestic partners. Both of their names were included on the final adoption decree. Both Louie and Mike were strutting around like proud peacocks for awhile. Marge thought that she would have to nail their feet to the floor to keep them from flying off into space.

Marge loves her new family and would not leave it for any circumstances. Mike and Louie bought her a plane ticket about every three months so that she could visit with her son and family.

Louie had gone to college at Oregon State University, Bend division and received a degree in Veterinary Medicine. He choose to operate his business from the ranch and became a traveling vet' going where he was needed. Mike became very active in running the ranch which was a lot more involved and different from his old hobby' ranch. Their love continued to grow and flourish.

While in school in Mitchell, both Bud and JJ were very active in sports and other school activities mainly drama, choir and band.

They are both in college now. Bud was scheduled to graduate at the end of the semester with a degree in social work. He plans to put his emphasis on working with abused and neglected children. Bud has meet the girl of his dreams and marriage is in the near, near future .

JJ is still trying to make up his mind on what to do with his life. He is leaning toward the ministry. Louie and Mike are not trying to influence him but this would please them both to no end. They have gotten very involved with the church and do a lot of volunteering with the youth groups. So far, JJ is confirmed bachelor. However, he has narrowed his dating field down to only one girl. He maintains that nothing is serious yet but the rest of the family think differently.

Stan gave up his job as deputy sheriff and has taken the position with the Mitchell police force. In fact, he is the police force. Mitchell has only one policeman and that is Stan. Cindy is a stay-at-home mom. She has a set of little twins to keep her busy. Stan and Cindy are foster parents for 3 children whose parents were killed in an auto accident. When all the paper work is completed, they will adopt the children.

After visiting Wyoming and meeting the Passmore children's grandparents Bruce and Beth decided to leave their jobs in Stayton and move to Wyoming. They have a little boy plus a little girl due to arrive in about 3 months. The grandparents were get quite elderly and Bruce and Beth wanted to give them as much help as possible. In fact, Bruce and Beth sold their houses in Stayton and bought an extremely large house next door to the Grandparents. The children stay at their house and just `visit' Grandma and Papa as much as the like. Bruce and Beth filed for adoption of the Passmore children and the adoption was approved.

So after the most unusual and gloomy beginnings, things are looking up for the Long family and all their friends. Now all of them walk in the sunshine and are taking time to smell the roses. The dark and stormy days are all behind them now. Only the future lies ahead of them filled with love.

(Thiscompletes the story "Avalanche". I hope that you have enjoys taking the journey with us. Thanks. Edinpa for all your help. You can relax now . Just walk in the sunshine and God Bless! Joe)


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