
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 14, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me, my address is

Avalanche Chapter 2

Red Dog came into my room and woke me. She wanted to go out. I drug myself out of bed, let her out and started making breakfast. The first thing I knew, Louie was in the kitchen with me. "Hey, Guy! How did you sleep last night."

"Absolutely great! Red Dog makes a nice foot warmer. That big bed sure beats the back seat of the car. Living on the street, keeps you looking over your shoulder, especially at night."

"You might as well get use to it because your days of street living are over! How do you want your eggs? I have hotcakes and ham all ready to go. You might as well get the hotcakes buttered and get them ready. Your eggs will be done soon."

"Could you please scramble the eggs. That is the only way that I like them."

"That is the way I eat them, also. I already have two cooked. So you might as well let Red Dog in and get started. Oh, by the way, she does not get fed people food regardless of how hard she begs."

I had just sat down to eat when the phone rang. "Good morning, Stan. No, you can't come to breakfast. I have not plowed the road yet. You say the highway department opened the road through the slide to emergency vehicles only, and you were able to get home last night. Great! How about in the morning for breakfast. I have to feed the cows yet and then my house guest and I are going into Bend shopping. This evening will be fine. How about you and the wife coming to dinner. Around 6 will be great. See you then."

"Louie, as you heard we have a busy day. How would you like to go with me to feed the cattle? I sure could use the help. It is a pain to do it by myself."

"I will be completely honest. I don't know the first thing about ranching."

"That is no excuse! You can't get out of work that easy. You are not too old to start learning." Laughed Mike.

Louie and I took the tractor and plowed a road to the feed lot, put the hay out, and filled the water tanks. Job number one complete. I have an electric rod that is inserted into the water tank to keep the water from freezing. I just have to be careful when I have it turned on. The cows don't like getting an electrical shock. So I have the water tanks inside a fenced area to protect cows. I have a switch that I can flip just inside the barn. It also turns on a red warning light in the kitchen.

The next job was plow the road so that we could go into town. Louie was having a ball learning to drive the tractor and plow the snow. I really enjoyed having someone to talk with besides Red Dog. She is good company but just can't carry on a good conservation.

We got into the pickup and headed for Bend to do some shopping and to stock up on some grocery items. Louie and I would have opportunity to do some planning and make some decisions as to his future. I needed to find out what some of his goals were and what we could do to turn his life around.

"Louie, I have been thinking. I usually have a hired hand to help around the ranch and in the summer I have 3 and sometime 4 men working for me. My hired man left last week. I have been looking for some one and so far I haven't found anyone. I would like to offer the job to you, if you want it." "Mike, as I said before, I know nothing about ranching. If you are offering this job as charity then I don't want it. I want to make it on my own. However, if you are willing to take on a greenhorn and you want someone who will carry his own share of the work, then I will accept the job." "Actually, this morning just about covered everything you need to know for the time being. Winter is taking care of the cows, making sure they have lots of feed and water. I have 200 that I keep through the winter. All the rest are sold early in the fall."

"The long sheds will have to be cleaned occasionally, like 3 times a week. The sheds have concrete floors and will just have to be hosed out. Most of the time the cows will just be in the lean-toos, where they get a lot of protection from the elements."

"Occasionally some of the cows get with the bull at the wrong time and will have a calf in the middle of winter. Then it is a little more work. We have to keep them in the heated barn. I have several windmills and solar panels to produce electricity. We may have to do a little repair work and make sure everything is in good working order. If it gets real bad then the cows are put into the sheds until the storm passes. If the snow gets too deep, then we have to plow the lots."

"Later on, things will pick up but for the time being, we will have lots of time to go cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and riding the snowmobiles. In the evening, we will have lots of time for reading and other indoor activities."

"What kind of activities, bedroom stuff or romping in the hay?" Asked Louie, grinning from ear to ear."

"No, actually I was thinking about popping corn in the fireplace or playing chess!" Chuckled Mike.

"Sure, you were! I think I like my ideas better!" Countered Louie.

"Come to think about, I do, too. You do have a cute little ass that I would like to sample." Mike said giving Louie a big wink.

"All in due time, my good man. I want to get to know you a little better. I am not one to kiss on the first date! The second date, MAYBE !" Said Louie.

"Oh shucks. I was thinking about right now." Responded Mike. "Louie, I have been thinking about selling out and buying a larger ranch and go into ranching big time. So far all, I have done is talk."

" You might want to get serious. It won't be long until I have some money. I haven't given any though as to what I am going to do with it. I would consider becoming a partner in you ranch. At least, we can talk and give it some consideration."

"That certain sounds like a good option and we can explore it more later on. Louie, have you thought about getting a GED(General Education Diploma)?" Asked Mike.

"Yes, but that is all I have done is just think about it. I have been so busy just trying to survive." Answered Louie.

"If you would like we can swing by the ESD (Education Service District) office and pick up the material for you to study for you exams. I can help you and goodness know we will have lots of time to devote to studying. We need something to help pass the long winter days, nights, and the many snow storms."

"I would rather be doing other things. However, I am all for it and I really appreciate everything that you are doing to help me. I just hope that someday, I can repay you for all the favors that you are doing and will do. My mother is the only one who ever showed any interest in me and my well being."

"Louie, all I ask in return that you live by the `Golden Rule' and make me proud of you. If you ever run into a person who is down on their luck, do your best to help them as I am doing for you."

"Not a problem, I think I can handle my end of the bargain."

"Louie, Please don't think that I am prying into your private life or affairs. That is not my intention at all. I am just trying to get to know you and figure out how I can best help. You life is yours and you don't have to tell or do anything that you want to remain private You can always say NO!"

"Not a problem. You can ask me anything you want to know."

"Louie, did your stepfather ever sexually molest you. I know that he was physically abusive but did he ever take you against your will?"

He did once and I screamed and my mother came to my rescue. I know there was a big fight and I heard my mother yell, "If you ever try anything like that again, I will take a butcher knife and slit your throat. You had better not hit me or I will do worse that slit your throat and you will spend a lot of time in jail. I know about your past and there are some videos and I have all proof in a place that you won`t be able to get to. If any thing ever happens to me or my son, I have a letter on file with my lawyer to be open only when the situation arises. Do I make myself clear? Don't just shake your head. I want to hear you answer me."

I went to their bedroom door and opened it. "That goes for me also. Don't think I won't do it. I know that you are bigger and stronger than me but just remember you have to sleep sometime and one night you may never wake up!" I slammed the door and stood there a little longer listening.

"I want your sorry ass out of here. I will give you until the end of the week and then you are history. Your place will be on the davenport and not in my bed or my son's for that matter. Now Get!"

"Can't we at least talk this over?"

"No, you made your decision when you raped my son! I said get out!"

"The next morning when I woke, I found him asleep on the davenport. He heard me and woke up. I remember his exact words to this day."

"You damn rotten little son-of-a-bitch, just you wait. I will get even with you someway and your sorry ass will belong to me to use , abuse and kick anytime I feel like it. You won't always have your mother to protect you, Now get out my sight!" he growled very angrily .

"I always wonder what would of happened if Mom hadn't been killed in that car accident. I know this was the reason that she left him out of her will and I know he would have carried out his threat to kill me. I just wonder what Mom knew about his past? Now you know why I ran away from home!" sobbed Louie.

"So you have no idea what your mother was referring to when she said `I know about your past', I feel that it must be criminal in nature and should probably not be forgotten." Exclaimed Mike.

"Not entirely. Mom got a safety deposit box in both of our names. She gave me a key and I still have it. I have an idea that `something' that she was referring to is in there. She just told me not to open it unless something terrible happened to her." Louie said.

"Louie, I think that you mother was trying to insure yours and her safety. Stan and his wife are coming to dinner tonight. Would you be willing to tell him your story and he can advise us on what the next move should be." Mike explained.

"Mike, I haven't given it much thought but I think you are right and yes, I am willing to co-operate with the law. You had better call Stan and tell him the key is in a magnetic box under the dash on the driver's side of the car. He could stop by and pick it up even though it was located just out of his jurisdiction . If he has to break a window, so be it!.

I made the call. Louie and I finished our shopping and we returned to ranch in time to start dinner. Louie turned out to be a great help in the kitchen. He spent a lot of time helping his mother and seemed to enjoy cooking or at least helping.TBCjoecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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