
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 16, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Avalanche Chapter 3

Stan and Cindy arrived and after introductions, we went into the dinning room and Louie and I brought out the food. We had the most enjoyable meal and Louie and I served the chocolate cake that he had made earlier. After dessert, we headed into the living room.

"Louie, I have bad news for you. Your car was broken into and the radio and stereo were ripped off. Everything else seemed to be in tack." Stan said.

"No, big loss. The car was not worth anything anyway." replied Louie.

"Stan, have you had it towed yet? When you do send me the bill." Mike asked.

"No, I haven't but I did find the magnetic box, you requested. I am curious. What is all about? Questioned Stan.

"Louie, tell him your story and be as exact as you can. Don't leave anything out. I am sure that he will want as many details as possible." Mike suggested.

Louie told his story and when he was finished Stan said, "Louie, this certainly sounds like something that needs to be investigated. I need to ask, where your stepdad lives, his name, birthday and anything else you can tell me about him."

Louie gave Stan all the information he had requested. "Louie, is there anything in the house that you want. I can contact the police department in Stayton and have them get a court order for you to enter the house and remove anything that you want. Actually it all belongs to you. I bet you would like to get him out of your house and we can work on that also. I will request a police escort and that they remain there as long as you are there. I will also include Mike's name along with yours in the request. All of this will all be included in the court order. You can also go to the safety deposit box while you are there. I hope that you don't read anything you find inside of it. Just don't say anything to your step father. Let the policemen do all the talking. If there is anything, this may wind up in criminal court, we don't want to do anything and I mean anything that may complicate or jeopardized prosecution and conviction." Stan explained.

"You bet there are things that I want from the house. I have nothing of my mother's and my grandparent's now, no pictures, memorabilia or anything else. I just hope that the rotten no-good man hasn't disposed of any of it." Said Louie.

"When would you like to go over? Pick a day that both of you have free and I will try to set it up. If I can't, then we will have to go with the date the judge picks. Should not be a problem however." Stan responded.

"Don't worry about the cows. A couple of my friends and I can take care of them. You forget we are country girls and we have done it before." Offered Cindy.

"Only this time, Cindy you will get paid for doing it. Like how about that hot tub you have been wanting?" Stated Mike.

"Too much Money, Mike. Maybe something a little cheaper like a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates for each of us." Retorted Cindy.

"Stan, why don't you get in contact with police department in Stayton and we can go with their schedule." Mike suggested. "I think that we can continue this discussion in the hot tub. Only this time, Louie, you'll have to wear a swim suit. You guys did brings yours with you, didn't you?"

"Sure did! I even have them here in my bag. Let get into the swimsuits and head out for some relaxation." Exclaimed Cindy.

We just sat, relaxed, told jokes and watched the snow fall for quite sometime. Finally, we decided to get out. "Stan, tomorrow is your day off. Why don't you and Cindy just spend the night and go home in the morning. Louie can get up and cook breakfast for us all." Teased Mike

"Sounds good! Stan what do you think?" Asked Cindy.

"I was not looking forward to the drive home in this weather. I get enough night driving in snow storms when I am on duty. I can make my calls from here as well as I can at home." Agreed Stan.

"Then it is all settled. I will have to put you in another room. Louie is in the guest room and I am in no mood to change the beddings. A bed is a Bed. Right?" grinned Mike.

Everyone woke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee perking. Louie was the first to wake and had breakfast ready when everyone finally came into the kitchen. He had biscuits and gravy, and a ham and egg omelet all ready.

"Hey, Guy! I was just kidding last night when I said you had to cook. I won't complain because it is nice to eat someone's cooking beside my own. This looks absolutely delicious. Thanks!" Said Mike.

"Hey, dig in everyone before it get cold. I love to cook and try to get into a kitchen every chance I get." Beamed Louie with pride. Stan made his call to Stayton. Then he and Cindy left for home. Stan had been able to get the court order in two days. So plans were made for Cindy to do the feeding.

After Stan and Cindy left for home, Louie and Mike went to the feed lot. After putting out the hay and grain in the feed troughs, they went into one of the sheds to clean. They found a cow that had given birth to a little heifer calf during the night. The cow had died in the process. "It looks like we will have to take this little one to the barn near the house. It has heat in it and I have a milk cow up there. We can use the milk for this calf."

"Hey, Louie, have you ever milked a cow? You haven't, then it is high time you learned. This calf belongs to you now and it is your job to care for it. We will have to drag the old cow down away from the feed lot and the wild animals with clean it up for us. I have a bone yard about a ½ mile away. I must say you are getting introduced to ranch life in a hurry. I'll have remember to call Cindy and tell her we have added another chore for her." After we had finished, we took the calf and headed for the barn. We tried to get the cow to accept the calf and much to my amazement, she accepted it. The calf really started nursing. Poor little tyke was just about starved to death.

"Hey, Louie, you really got lucky. The cow will do all the work for you. All you will have to do now is keep the stall clean. The old milk cow will do all the rest. I am surprised, she usually won't have anything to do with a strange calf. Her last calf has already gone to market but she'll stay fresh until we wean the calf. We will have to double up on her feed now that she will be producing more milk."

`I was looking forward to watching you milk and then trying to feed the calf from a bottle. Oh, well, there will be others. I have 3 more milk cows, that will be giving birth soon and then we'll have lots of milk for several more little orphans. You can relax because I have a small milking machine. It sure saves a lot of time and energy. Just joking about you milking."

We loaded the car in preparation for our trip to Stayton . Louie was very agitated. There was absolutely nothing I could do to calm him. So I just sat on the davenport and held him in my arms. I slept the whole night just holding him. I must say it was a good solid sleep. I shouldn't have any problems diving over the mountains to Stayton.TBCjoecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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