
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 17, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 4 Louie was a nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. We had been driving about a half hour when he went to sleep. You would think that he had been hit on the head with a hammer. He was completely out, which was good. Not only did it relax him but gave him the much needed sleep.

As we were pulling into the police station, Louie re-joined the world of the living. "Where are we. What are you stopping for?"

"We are at the Stayton Police Department. You have been asleep all the way across the mountains. I saw your car and it has been totally trashed. Sure doesn't take long when a car is left along side the road for the vandals to completely destroy it. Louie, you have to calm down. I will be by your side the whole time. I will even hold your hand, if that will help."

"Mike, what will people say?"

" Know what? I could care less. If they have a problem, then they can just shove it where the sun never shines. In other words, they can just shove it up their ass."

"Man, I hope that I never get on the wrong side of you. I bet you can be a mean one!"

"In my younger days, I have been known to come home with a couple of black eyes but I gave better than I got!" Chuckle Mike. "Just remember, Louie, say absolutely nothing when we get to you house."

We were met at the front office by the police sergeant. He said "I think that we will go in a police car. I don't want him to know what type of car you are driving and I sure don't want him to get a license plate number. This little adventure could get a little hairy. I ran your step father through our files and found several arrest for disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and the like. Nothing serious enough to lock him up but not exactly a model citizen, either. So be on you toes and if something should develop, I want you both to get out of the house immediately and let me handle the situation."

"You are scaring the crap out me!" Said Louie. He sounded both surprised and a little excited

"Sorry about that! I just want you to be aware that we may be walking into a hornet's nest. So be prepared for anything. There will be another unit about a minute away if I need help." said the police Sergeant. "Let`s roll."

"I need to use the restroom. I am so scared that I may just piss my pants, if I don't use the facility soon." Louie pleaded.

"Sure thing. The restroom is the second door on the right. We'll wait for you here." Louie was off in a flash.

"Mike, just as well as I wanted to get you alone for a minute. The sheriff from your county told me that Louie has a key for a safety deposit box which may contain some important information. We have been looking into some of the old unsolved files. We found two that we sure could use some help in solving. This may be a lot more serious than we realize. I didn't want to scare the kid any more that we already have. I think we will stop by the bank and take a look before we go to his family's house if that`s OK. I see him coming now!"

"Louie, Sergeant suggested we should stop by the bank and look at the material inside the safety deposit box. Then we'll go on to your house." Mike explained.

"That's just fine with me. I am dying of curiosity myself. I know that it is important. Mom didn't comment on the contents and told me never to open it unless things got real bad. I think that it is time to open the box. I know the old man will just hit the ceiling when we go up to the house. Sergeant don't take any chances. There were a lot of guns in the house at one time. I would probably prefer an unmarked car and an undercover agent. I know a uniformed man in a police car is going to really set him off."

"Thanks, Louie, you know best and we will follow you suggestions. I want the two of you to stay in the car which will be parked around the block. Again I think we will use another unmarked vehicle. We don't want any nosey neighbors getting involved."

"You probably will want to park south of the house. My step dad use to have a drinking buddy that lived in the next block north. If he is still there, he would most likely call and let the world know that we'd arrive."

"Louie, have you ever thought about going into police work. You have good cop instincts. We can always use some good young men to take over for us old farts." the Sergeant said with a laugh. "Let's go to the bank. It is only 3 blocks from here. Want to walk?"

"No, I think we should go in Mike's truck. I was born and raised here and I don't want someone to recognized me and upset the apple cart." Louie said.

"Hey, Kid. You never let up, do you? I bet before the day is over, you will have my job." the Sergeant said shaking his head. "Here take my briefcase and then you can return here. That way you will not be seen with me." Said the Sergeant.

It took Louie and me about 30 minutes to clean out the safety deposit box. When we walked into the station, the Sergeant and three undercover agents met us. We all went into a conference room and sat around a large table. I handed the brief case to the Sergeant. I told them all that everything was in 3 large manila envelopes, we hadn't opened any of them and we had no idea what was in them. They had been sealed and we would all see the contents at the same time. The Sergeant had Louie and me put on latex gloves. He and his colleagues were already gloved when we entered the conference room. There were a few tense moments while the envelopes were opened. The Sergeant and his colleagues poured the envelopes onto the table one at a time. One plain clothes cop took the papers out of the pile and described each paper to his colleague, who recorded the description in a tablet.

Inside each manila envelope were more envelopes. They were numbered and there was note to open them in order. In the first envelope was a letter addressed to whom it may concern . The sergeant read it a loud. Louie's mother had outlined why she had put the envelopes into the safety deposit box . She explained she had a real concern for her safety and that of her son. The material had been found in a small box after her husband and drinking buddy had tied on a good one. Each thought the other had the material. She didn't know the whole context or importance of all the things that she had put everything into the envelopes and sealed them.

The second envelope contained a jackpot. There were two video tapes in the envelope each with a date written on them in black magic marker. One of the undercover agents placed the video into a VCR and turned it on. It showed two men raping a small boy about 10. There were close-up shots of each of men's faces and several of the young boy. The men were taking turns using the boy. Louie was able to identify both men in the video as his step dad and his drinking buddy.

The policeman stopped the tape and left the conference room. When he came back he told us he'd gone into the dead files and found one file with pictures of a missing boy. The youngster had gone missing on the same date as the one on the video His body was later found floating in the river three days after his apparent disappearance. There was unidentified DNA from two males found inside the boy. No suspects had been interviewed and no killer or killers had ever been arrested or charged.

The other video contained the same thing only this time , the boy was a little older maybe age twelve. This boy put up a struggle but to no avail. The second video showed Louie's step-dad and his buddy raping the twelve year old. His body was also recovered from the river and also had unidentified DNA evidence. The Sergeant went out of the conference room for a few minutes. When he came back, with a file folder in his hand, he said the cold case file on the second kid noted that the unknown DNA and the injuries matched donor DNA from the first murdered boy. So it was assumed that the killers were the same for both boys. This body was recovered exactly three weeks after the first body. Again the dates matched those written on the video tapes.

The third envelope contained a hand written diary . Two people had written in it. Unlike the two videos of the rape of the two prepubescent boys, the diary described several accounts of consensual sex with several older boys.

Envelope #4 had a dozen pictures of nude older boys. The policemen recognized most of the boys, who were young men in the area now.

After view the video cassettes and the contents of the envelopes, the Sergeant and his plain clothes colleagues excused themselves. The Sergeant was gone for at least twenty minutes. When he came back his face revealed a series of contrasting emotions. In quick succession, Louie and Mike saw disgust and rage, followed by steely resolution. After a long pause, the Sergeant said since you've been gone, you step dad's drinking buddy got drunk one night and was staggering along the River road. He was hit and killed by an out of town driver.

"Louie and Mike, it appears that the situation has changed. We cannot allow you to go inside the house or any where near it. Your step dad will be arrested and the house will be completely searched. It will be a while before you will be allowed in. A SWAT team has been dispatched to the address and your step dad will be arrested. We will take a DNA sample from him and get it sent to the lab for analysis. We sill probably need to exhume his buddy`s body to get DNA from it." The Sergeant elaborated.

"Louie, we will need a statement from you. One of the officers will interview you and record your responses. This will be typed and you will be asked to sign it and we will have it notarized. When the case goes to trial you will most likely be called as a witness."

"Mike, since Louie is still technically under age and has no living parents, would you be willing to act as his guardian?"

"Yes, Of course I will." Answered Mike.

"Good, I will contact the juvenile authorities and the Family Court judge. I'll ask them to get the ball rolling to appoint you Louie's legal guardiand the judge and have him fill out the necessary paper work and appoint you his legal guardian. So guys, have a seat and we will get this little game started."

"Sarge, Could you send out and get us a pizza? I am just about starved. In fact, get several and we can all eat. My treat." requested Mike.

"That I can do." said the Sergeant.

" The intercom in the conference room buzzed, then a voice said, Sergeant Young, you have a call on line 2." .

The Sergeant grabbed the phone on the conference table and punched one of the blinking lights. Ater a few minutes of silence from his end, the Sergeant said "That is absolutely great. Are you ready to transport. Be sure to read him his rights. We don't want to leave anything for some lawyer to get the case dismissed because we didn't dot an I or cross a T." Commented the Sergeant. "See you when you get here with our guest. I hope that everything works out and we can mark the two cases closed. OK."

"The arrest was made and everything went smoothly and we got our man without any incidents. We got him before he realized what was going on. Thanks to you Louie, I think justice will be served. Without your help, we would still have two cold cases and you would be walking into serious danger."

"No, I don't think so, Sergeant, all the credit goes to my mother. She was the one who recognized what was happening and did something about it. I just wish that we had done something sooner." said Louie.

"Louie, we might as well head for the ranch. I don't think that we can do anymore and the police are going to be busy for awhile." Mike said. "Mike, I want to be here when they bring him in. I want him to see me and realized that my mother did him in. This will be a big payback for all the misery that he has caused us and all the other abused boys in town."

Shaking his head, the sergeant said "Louie, I would advise you not to say anything to you step-dad. Just walk on past him like he wasn't even there."

"The look on his face will be enough to satisfy me. I will get my rewards in the courtroom." said Louie with a small, determined smile.

Louie did not have to wait long and his step-dad was lead through the doors cuffed and shackled. When he saw Louie he started cursing at the top of his lungs. "I might have known that you were behind all of this. Listen to me you little bastard, you had better hope that they convict me , because I will get you if they don't. They don't have anything on me, and I will be out of here just as soon as I talk with my lawyer. Take your dirty hands off me and call my lawyer."

"Come on, Louie! I think we had better be going." said Mike.

The Sergeant escorted Mike and Louie to the door, shook their hands and told them they would be hearing from them soon. "We were able to get a DNA sample before he asked for a lawyer. He agreed freely to have one taken. I doubt if he knew how serious things were getting for him. I know that lawyer would never agree to one. What we did was completely legal. Have a good trip home."TBC (Notice anything different with this chapter. I would like to credit and Thank edinpa for the supper fine job that he did editing and proofing this chapter. I am looking forward to working with him in the future. Again edinpa take a bow and thanks again!!!! Joe Collins)


Next: Chapter 5

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