
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 22, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 6

We woke up the next morning still wrapped in one another's arms. Much as he wanted to revel in the sexy warmth and closeness of his newfound love, Mike had other pressing concerns. "Louie, I have to get to the bathroom and in a hurry."

"OK, Mike, but you know, I can think of better ways to deal with morning wood than just peeing. You coming back to bed?"

"Afraid not! It is almost 9:00 and there are a lot of cows looking for breakfast. I need to get some food for us started, too."

"It is Christmas. The cows can wait. I want another present from you."

"You got more than your share of Christmas presents last night. If you are a good boy, then maybe Santa will reward you next Christmas!"

"You mean I have to wait another whole year?" Asked Mike.

"No way! There are a lot of holidays between now and then, plus a whole lot of days between. Think about it: I expect we can give new meaning to Dick Clark's New year's Rockin' Eve."

"OK, long as there's something good to look forward to soon. By the way, how is your butt today. I bet you won't be able to sit for at least a week and then it will be time to start all over." Louie said with a laugh. "So get you Lazy Ass in gear. We have work to do. I will get breakfast while you shower. Then I will get in the shower.

"You know the shower is big enough for both of us. I never did get a chance to try you out for size. All I need is just a little sample!"

"Alright, Mike you talked my ass into it. It has really started to twitch. Race you to the bathroom."

But before either of the guys could get into the shower, there came a pounding at the ranch house's front door

"Who can that be knocking on our door on Christmas morning?" Asked Mike.

"I don't know but their timing sure stinks. Why don't you put a robe on and go see! My ass will wait until later." giggled Louie. So Mike went to the door, opened it and found the Deputy Sheriff. Hi, Stan! What brings you out so early?

"You must be getting' lazy in your old age, Mike," In the first place it is not early, especially for a rancher, or a law man. We're always on call, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but its Christmas, Stan," Mike said.

"Yea and a very Merry Christmas to you and Louie, but here's the deal," The Sheriff said , pointing toward the road and all business all at once.

"There was a five car pile up right close to your turn-off- road. I need some place to get everyone involved in that mess out of the weather until I can get some transportation up here. Which may take a couple of hours maybe more. The slick roads have really caused a bottle neck. Fortunately, no one was badly hurt. Just some cuts and bruises."

"Of Course. We'll help, Stan. You bring them here to the house. I'll get dressed and help you bring them here."

"I think the first thing you need to do is close your robe. From the looks of things, I would say that someone was just about to get lucky. By the way, Nice piece of hard meat, you have there pal! Sorry, but it won't do you any good right now. I have a bunch of women and kids waiting in the car. So I would say go get dressed while I bring them in. You had better just stay here and help from this end. They are really upset now. We had better move and in a hurry."

Mike ran to the bedroom and found Louie already dressed. "I heard and I am on my way. Get rid of that hard on, get dressed and come help me, Horn Dog!"

Louie met the people at the door and ushered them into the living room. "I'll get a fire started and the we can see about cleaning everyone up. Then we can all have breakfast.

While Louie busied himself with the kindling and the logs for the fire, a little boy about 7 ran up to him and threw himself into Louie's arms. "I am scared."

Louie threw his arms around him and said "I am scared also. Shall be scared together?"

Red Dog came into the room. "Come here, Red Dog. I bet this little boy would just love to hug you neck. Right?"

"Oh, yea! Can my little Sister hug her too?"

"Sure can. Red Dog never gets too many hugs." Louie turned to a boy about 14 and asked, "Would you go on the front porch and bring in some wood, please?" He was more that glad to do so. Soon the fire was burning and heat started to fill the room.

"I think that Red Dog will take care of the kids but first, she needs to go outside for a couple of minutes. Would you ladies like to come to the kitchen and help me get breakfast started?" They shook their heads yes, and they all headed for the kitchen.

"Mike, Red Dog is supervising the kids in the living room, and we were just going to the kitchen. Why don't you play nurse and start cleaning the kids up. I would but I don't know where you keep the first aide kit."

"It is not much of a kit but a band-aid and some attention will sooth a lot of ouches . I'll get these kids taken care of. Stan just drove up with another group."

Stan had a good first-aid kit in his car. After another load, He left to get the last load of people. The first groups were starting to calm down and it had good effect on the newcomers.

Mike's ranch house had a near-restaurant sized cook stove for his summer time work force. It had a huge grill on it so Louie could and did cook many hotcakes, hash browns, ham, and eggs all at the same time that morning. There was lots of milk for the kids. Mike' pantry was well stock with several home cured hams, lots of potatoes, egg and egg substitutes. So everyone could be fed.

Stan had returned with the last of stranded people. Soon every one was fed, doctored and sitting in the living room visiting. A teenage girl asked if she could play the piano and Mike said she could. He went into the den and came back with a box filled with Christmas song books. She started playing and the rest joined in singing. Of course the youngest ones were still `loving' Red Dog.

Mike asked two of the older boys if they would like to go and help him feed the stock. They jumped at the chance to get out of the house. Mike found some old snowsuits and insulated gloves and boots and they were off. A couple of the men went out and started chopping some wood. Louie took the older kids to the barn and they started cleaning the stalls. Some of the women got out their needlework and the other women went into the kitchen and started cleaning.

Time seemed to fly and four hours passed very quickly. A school bus pulled into the drive and would take the people to the high school gym in town. The Red cross was going to use it for a shelter until all the people found ways to get to their homes. No one wanted to leave. What started out as a disaster turned into a impromptu Christmas party. Friendships had been formed. Mike was able to hire two young college men to help on the ranch during the summer. So all in all, nothing was a total loss.

Once the school bus was fully loaded, it drove off with Deputy Sheriff Stan providing escort. The house was finally empty. Mike and Louie were just sitting relaxing from their unexpected disaster relief efforts having a cup of tea. Mike laid his hand on Louie's knee and he looked at Mike and smiled. "I bet I know what you want, you horny old man. I know I told you that you could have my ass later on. But Honey, I am so tired and I have a headache! Not tonight! Maybe tomorrow!" said Louie with a chuckle.

"I have just the thing to relieve all your tensions and relax you completely." Mike joined in the laughter. They start getting out of their clothes and started kissing.

"Louie, let's go to the hot tub. I can't wait to sample that cute ass of yours. You had your fun last night, so tonight is my turn."

"You are not going to get an argument from me. I like to bottom as well as well as top. I think we need to go to town and get a large supply of the ugly old rubber things. What do you call them?" Laughed Louie. "Also, I noticed you lube supply is getting a little low."

"Come with me, I want to show you something. Mike led him into the bedroom and pulled open the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers. It was packed with sex goodies. "I think we will have to go 24-7 for about 6 months before we run out. Laughed Mike.

"Let's not waste any time and get started. I have a itch way down inside me that need to be scratched. Race you to the hot tub" Louie took off running. Mike was right behind him. TBC (I would like to credit and Thank edinpa for the supper fine job that he is doing editing and proofing Avalanche for me. Again edinpa take a bow and thanks again!!!! Joe Collins)joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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