
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 28, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 7

January, February, and March passed. The snow had piled up but Louie and Mike didn't care. Their days were spent skiing, sledding, snowmobiling and just having fun. It felt to Mike and Louie like they were in paradise. The long winter nights were spent building a very strong bond between themselves. When they did go out into public, they were like Siamese twins. So what if they were gay? It felt like they were accepted as two people in love.

Finally Spring arrived. Life became very busy. There was lots of work to do as Mike's place was a working ranch. Calving barns had to be cleaned and prepared in readiness for calving. Fence lines had to be ridden and breaks repaired. Hay fields had to be put in shape. Manure had to be spread on the fields that would be planted in feed crops. Outbuildings had to be checked and repaired. Louie and Mike had many things to do and were busy from daylight to dark. The lazy days of winter were gone.

Stan stopped one day and gave Louie a summons. His step-father's case was finally coming to trial. "Two weeks, no more," Stan said as he handed the paper over to Louie. Stan pointed to the bottom of the paper, to a lawyer's name, address and phone number. He said, "Courthouse gossip has it that you'll be the first witness called. Expect a call from Ms. Trudeau soon. Almost as an afterthought, he said to Louie as he left, "She's a real tough cookie, but she's good at her job."

Staring at the summons in his hand, Louie felt like his stomach had just dropped down into his feet. He'd known this moment was coming, sooner or later. He had long waited for it to arrive, but now that it had, he felt turned inside out. Louie thought he'd gotten these demons of abuse and depression under control with help and Mike's loving kindness. Instead, all the suffering he'd endured at his step-father's hand came flooding back. Louie was almost to the point of hitting the panic button. He became almost a zombie. Louie told Mike about the summons but didn't show him the paper, and nothing Mike did had much calming effect on him. Louie became a bundle of nerves overnight.

Three days came and went. On the fourth day, Mike's phone rang and a secretary to the Assistant DA in Stayton was on the other end. She wanted to talk with Louie who was not in the house at the moment. Mike took her number and told her that he would have Louie call back when he returned. Now it was Mike's turn to start sweating, wondering what was going on that the DA's office wanted to speak with Louie.

Louie came to the house after fixing a hole in the fence on the backside of the property. "Hey Louie, why don't you go wash up. Lunch is waiting for you. After lunch, the DA's office in Stayton wants to talk with you. I told them that you would call them back."

"I wonder what they want. Did they give you any clues?" asked Louie with a confused look on his face.

"No, they didn't. So I think you'll just have to call and find out," replied Mike. He gave Louie the slip of paper that had the woman's name and phone number written on it. They ate silently after Louie washed up. Then Louie trotted into the den to place the call. He dialed the number. A receptionist answered "Stayton District Attorney's Office, how may I direct your call?"

"Hello, may I speak with Ms. Williams, please? After a short pause, he said, "My name is Louie Harvey, Ms. Williams called earlier and I am returning her call. That will be fine, I will hold."

"Mr. Harvey, I'm Sherri Williams, legal assistant to Assistant District Attorney Susan Cooper Trudeau. Ms Trudeau wants to speak with you. Are you free to speak with her now?"

"Ms. Williams, yes I am. Thank you."

"Ms. Trudeau also wants to speak with Mr. Mike Long at the same time. Is he able to speak with her now? Do you have an extension he can use?"

"No, there is no extension but I can put the phone on speaker and I'll get him to come in here and listen. I will be right back." Louie said, a little out of breath.

He went into the kitchen where he found Mike cleaning up after lunch. "Mike, can you come into the den, please? Ms. Williams would like for you to hear this as well. We are going to talk to her boss, ADA Susan Cooper Trudeau." At the mention of Cooper Trudeau's name, Louie saw Mike's face go pale, like he'd just seen the proverbial ghost. His eyes got that thousand miles away look. With a shake of his head, Mike took Louie by the hand and said, "Okay, let's take that call together."

"Ok, Ms. Trudeau, Mr. Long is here and we are on speaker."

"Hello, Mr. Long, Are you any chance the Mike Long who went to Bend High about 10 years ago?"

"Yes, that's me. Do I know you?" asked Mike, hoping against hope.

"I should think so! I am Susan Cooper Trudeau and we dated off and on during our senior year in high school. You must've stayed in Central Oregon after graduation."

"Yes, I remember now, Ms Trudeau. I remember well...." Mike said, multiple emotions passing over his face, one after another.. Trudeau went on, not missing a beat. "I went to college at Oregon State and Daddy got me into Stanford's Law School. I came home and landed a job in the Stayton DA's office. So I didn't wander very far from the old home place. Mike, we will have to get together and revisit `old times'. As for right now, I am on the clock and need to talk with Louie but I need you to listen in so you'll know what is going on. OK?"

"Sure thing, he is sitting here with a dumb-founded look on his face. Go ahead!"

"Louie, I am sorry for taking so long but Mike and I do go back to our high school days as you heard. Now to get down to business," she said briskly. "Can you come over to Stayton tomorrow and stay until your step-dad's trial? The county will get you a motel room and will pay all your expenses. The reason that I ask is that we need to do some preliminary work before the trial. I need to go over what questions I will be asking you and at the same time get your responses to them. I need you to be available the whole week so if there are any testimonial inconsistencies among all the witnesses, we can anticipate and deal with them as much as we can in advance Also I need to discuss some avenues that the defense lawyer, a top notch hired gun out of Salem, might take. He is going to twist everything you say and will try his best to discredit you. His job is to get his client off and will do everything in his power to achieve his goals. Our job is to tell the true story under the law and see that justice is done. I want you to be prepared for any and everything. Do I make myself clear?"

There were a few seconds of silence in the ranch den. Old times and not necessarily good ones played through Mike's mind; Louie wondered what kind of human steamroller was prosecuting his step-dad.

Cooper Trudeau loudly cleared her throat at the other end of the line. "Ahem, Louie, you think you can make it?"

"Sure, Ms. Trudeau, I'll get Mike to bring me over. What time would you like to have us be there? I am sure that Mike and I will enjoy meeting you. He and I can share a room. We can make the reservations, that will be one less thing you'll have to bother with."

"Louie, we would prefer to see you alone. Remember what transpires between lawyer and client can't be divulged. You are 19, right?"


"You are therefore old enough to meet with us without a parent or guardian's consent. You won't need a lawyer of your own. We, you and I, have the same interest in common. We want justice and to put your step-father away for as long as we can so he can't hurt anyone ever again. You might say we are on the same team...." Cooper Trudeau paused for just a little longer than necessary. "You know, you, me, and the State of Oregon. We just want to make sure there are no slip-ups. So far, I think we have an airtight case. There should be no way your dad can beat the charges. However, we don't want to take any chances. So we will see you at 1:00 tomorrow here at my office in the Courthouse if that is agreeable."

"That will be just fine with us. So good-bye until 1:00 tomorrow." Louie hung up the phone and turned to Mike.

"Ok, Mike, out withit. Susan Trudeau sounds like one big sex-pot over the phone. I bet she is as cute as can be. She sure has a sexy voice. I want to hear all about your high school days and don't leave out any of the good parts."

"What's to tell? She told you everything that happened." Mike said, a little irritated.

"I think there is a lot more to this than you are telling-Just joking," said Louie.

"Actually, what I did in high school is really none of your business. So let's just drop the whole matter." Mike stated through gritted teeth.

"My, my aren't we the touchy one today. If you don't want to talk about it then it's dropped. I have lots of work to do to finish the job I started this morning." Louie said as he walked out of the room. Not only did this work need finishing but it took his mind off Mike's reaction to the phone call from Ms. Trudeau and his comments. He had never seen Mike act like somebody's dug up things better left buried. He was more than a little miffed that Mike mis-understood what was just Louie gently ribbing him like he had done about other things before. On the way backfrom his afternoon's work, Louie decided he needed to get to the bottom of what was eating away at Mike. He knew for many reasons this might be dangerous but he felt certain it was the right thing to do.

When Louie returned to the ranch house, he first went to the closet to hang up his coat and hat. He turned around and Mike was right behind him. "Louie, I am sorry that I snapped at you. I think we need to talk this out. I am so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you. Please don't be angry with me?

"Mike, have a chair, I will get us some coffee and will be right out. OK?"


Louie returned with the coffee. He could tell that Mike was just about to loose it. He set the coffee down and took Mike in his arms. That was all it took. Mike started sobbing uncontrollably. "Let it all out. Mike, you have always been there for me and now it is my turn to be there for you."

"Louie, I love you for this. Just hold me. I promise I will explain, but I need to get my head together." Louie's resolve `to get to the bottom of things', melted, dissolved by Mike's tears. They went to bed, made gentle love and went to sleep. Mike slipped off amid thoughts about explaining his past to this man lying next to him. Louie again wondered about what the next few days and week would bring.

The next morning arrived, Louie and Mike jumped into the loaded pickup and camper and headed for Stayton. Many unanswered questions hung in the air, but the day had to be faced. They reached Stayton in time for them to grab a quick lunch from one of the fast food joints before they went to the DA's office. Louie relaxed completely and was actually looking forward to going into the courtroom. He was positive that justice would finally be served and he would be finished with this wicked stepfather.

They walked into the elevator lobby on the DA's floor and gave their names to the receptionist. Sheri Williams appeared and ushered Mike and Louie into an office. There they were met by a tall, statuesque brunette. As she came around her desk, she extend her hand first to Louie and then to Mike. She introduced herself as Susan Cooper Trudeau. She then proceeded to give both of them a kiss on the check. Louie looked at Mike and winked. Mike had just-barely suppressed anger which was written all over his face.

"Guys, let's go into my office. Today is really a just getting to know you day. We will get down to serious business later. "Mike, I can tell that you are very ill-at-easy. How much did you tell Louie about our past?"

"Actually, I told him very little. He knows that we dated briefly our senior year in high school and that is all." Mike said with a very embarrassed look on his face.

"Louie, I am not trying to ignore you but I want to talk with Mike for a few minutes. Would you mind waiting out in the other room . Thanks, sweetheart!" said Susan. Although she said it like a request, it was clear to Louie that he was expected to leave the two old acquaintances together, alone.

Louie got up to leave and he could tell that Mike was fuming. He was not sure what would happen once he was gone but he left the room anyway.

Susan spoke first after the door clicked shut behind Louie. "Mike, try to relax a little. You are acting a little scary right now. We have serious work to do here on this case. Before we can get started on it, we, that is you and I, had better get rid of some of that excess baggage we both seem to still be carrying."

"Susan, not us. I don't have any baggage, Susan, excess or otherwise, where you are concerned," Mike said. "It was a long time ago and maybe the past should stay that way, in the past.

"Right, Mike, You know I've seen all kinds of people and heard all kinds of stories in this job. One thing I've learned to recognize...Denial isn't a river in Egypt. What really went wrong between the two of us?"

"Susan, not us, Me, Just me. I expect you've heard that line , too. In high school, I though that you were the most beautiful girl there. I know that you were one of the most popular and all the boys wanted to date you," Mike paused to collect his thought before proceeding.

"What happened to us?" Cooper Trudeau asked. We seemed never hit it off. I thought you were Prince Charming, I was thrilled when you asked me for a date. All the girls were green with envoy. Daddy even liked what I told him about you. That spark just wasn't there. I don't suppose you would like to give it another try, would you?"

"No, Susan, I wouldn't. I would like to explain what was happening then. I will tell you the whole story and then I am out of here." Again Mike paused before going on with his story.

Cooper Trudeau said, "I don't see a wedding band on your hand. What is it? Do I scare you? Does Daddy being the richest man in Marion County scare you?"

"Susan, money had nothing to do with it, then or now. When I was in the 10th grade, I discovered that I was gay. One of my cousins and I developed a gay relationship as you remember, being gay in those days was not accepted. So we decided to stay in the closet and not tell anyone. We decided to date a few girls just to keep down the gossip. You were the girl that I chose to date. I couldn't tell you but that is the reason that I broke up with you. I didn't want to hurt you but I did because I was living a lie and that meant I was being false to you, using you very badly. I am so sorry and would like to apologize for my actions," Mike said with tears in his eyes.

"What happened to your cousin?" she asked.

"After high school graduation, he moved to Arizona, found God and started preaching. He presided over a mega-church there. We have only met once since that time and he started preaching `hell and brimstone'. I told him I had enough and to save his sermon for someone who would listen. That was the last time I saw anything of him. The last I heard, someone in the church found out about his little episode with me and a few others. They sent him packing."

With a wintry smile at Mike's story, Cooper Trudeau said, "Mike, I would like to apologize I was not entirely honest with you, either. The group of girls that I ran around with made this little bet. The first girl that got a date with you would have her choice of the boys in school. All the other girls would leave him alone. I won the bet and choose the football team captain. He turned out to be a complete jerk but I dated him until graduation. Then I let him go. I must say that I have never been in any serious relationships since then. Sure I have dated but I have never found a guy I wanted to take home to meet my mother."

"Susan, it appears that we were both pretending to be someone we weren't. Maybe now, we can walk down the street without looking back over our shoulders," said Mike. "Susan, I am glad that we have had this little talk. I will tell Louie good-bye and that I will see him when the trial starts. Treat him nice. He is rather special to me." Mike said.

There was a long silence in the office. All that could be heard was the ticking of the clock on the wall. "Well, Mike, I think that I had better get Louie back in here and start trial prep with him. I think I am going to need all the time I can have with him," Ms. Trudeau said, all business again.

"Susan, I need to have some time alone with Louie. He should be climbing the wall by now. I think we will go down by the river and have `a little talk'. I know your time is running short but so is his. I can't and won't leave him without putting him at ease. If you haven't guessed by now, Louie and I more than friends. I know that we are both about to go crazy with this whole screwed up affair," Mike stated, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Mike, this is not new to me. I have known all along. I agree, Get him out of here and make it right with him. He deserves that much at least after all he has been through. Take all the time you need," said Susan, who had done a complete about face.

Mike went into the outer office, took Louie in his arms and just held him for a few minutes. "Louie, let's go down and sit by the river. I have lots that I want to tell you. Things that should have been said before but weren't. I just couldn't do it then but now I can after my talk with Ms. Trudeau." Louie was more that glad to get the opportunity to get Mike alone.

Cooper Trudeau watched them with a look on her face that gave nothing of her thoughts or future plans away.

Louie and Mike went to the river and found a park bench. Mike spent a little time bringing Louie up to date about his conversation with Mr. Trudeau. Louie began to relax now that he knew the reason behind Mike's strange and different behavior. For some reason, just talking about his relationship to another person had a very calming effect on him. Louie and Mike spent most of the time they had together, just sitting and holding hands. For some strange reason, this was the only physical contact that either of them needed or wanted right then.

Finally, Mike took Louie back to the courthouse and kissed him good-by. Mike took Louie in his arms and said, "Louie, just remember that I love you! I will call you on your cell phone in the evenings. Regardless what Ms. Trudeau has said and done, I still don't trust her. She has a super ego so be on your toes at all times. I love you," Mike said and was gone before Louie could reply.

Until the trial date came, Mike busied himself with ranch work. He'd been told Louie was a sequestered witness, so no personal contact was allowed, due to the high profile of the case. Mike went against Ms. Trudeau's advice and called and talked to Louie on Louie's cell phone in his motel room every night for several hours each time. They were extremely careful not to talk about the upcoming trial.

When the trial date was set to begin, Mike got in his pickup and headed for Stayton. He was one day early. Mike wanted to see Louie. He just didn't like being away from him. He arrived just at noon and decided to give Louie a call and see if he was available for lunch. Louie answered and told him that he was at the China Buffet with Susan and they would like to have him join them.

Mike walked into the restaurant and saw Louie and Susan sitting by the window. They were holding hands and they had their heads close together. Sheri was talking with Louie in almost a whisper. "What do you two think you are doing. I suppose this has been going on all week! Sequestered witness my butt! I am out of here and you two can just have your little fling. I am through with both of you." Mike turned and headed for the door.

Susan jumped up and caught up with Mike just outside the restaurant's front door. She took him by the arm and started talking to him in a low intent voice. Mike just tried to push her away. Susan wasn`t being pushed. "Mike, listen to me. You jumped to conclusions. There is nothing going on between Louie and me. He was very down in the dumps and was missing you badly. He was talking about skipping the trial. With that little show you just put on, I am afraid that he will for sure. I was just holding his hand trying to calm him. He needs this trial to get closure with his past and the community needs him to get a serious predator in jail where he belongs. Go back in to him before it is too late for any of this."

"Susan, are you on the level."

"Yes, I swear!"

"I am just a super ass!" Mike ran back into the restaurant and took Louie in his arms, apologized with all his heart and soul and kissed him. Susan and Louie convinced Mike to stay and have lunch with them. Neither Mike nor Louie ate much after the scene Mike made but things went forward a little more calmly. After lunch, Susan said that she and Louie had finished all their prep work and there was nothing more to do but wait for the trial to begin. She told Mike that Louie`s sequestration was over but they should remain in Stayton until Monday.

"Louie, I know I have told you this before, but please don't talk about the upcoming trial with anyone and I do mean anyone, including Mike. We don't want a monkey wrench to be thrown into the works. Promise?" said Susan.

"Yes." whispered Louie.TBC (Once again, I would like to thank edinpa for the supper, supper job he is doing helping me get this ready for publication. His efforts have improved this story 100%. Thank you, edinpa. Joe Collins)


Next: Chapter 8

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