
By Joe Collins

Published on Feb 4, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 8

That evening, Louie wanted to go to dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, a place where all the kids liked to get together. When they walked in, Mike noticed that most of the patrons were of Louie's age. Several of his old friends were there and he had a nice chat with them. Mike suggested that he might like to sit with his friends.

"Are you sure you want to do this. That would mean that you would be all by yourself."

"Relax, Louie, remember I had many meals by myself before I met you. Another one won't kill me. So get out of here and go join your friends. Catch up on old times!"

After a couple of hours, Louie came back to Mike's booth. "Mike, I am really scared now. I've heard my stepfather has been in all the papers. He has been charged with 2 accounts of murder, plus 14 accounts of statutory rape of minors and a whole bunch of other things. There is another man charged with the same things. I don't even know who he is. I just wonder how many others are involved in this whole mess!" Louie said with a worried expression on his face.

"Louie, you didn't do any talking, Did you? Just remember what Susan has told you. You really don't want anything to go wrong at this stage of the game. The trial starts tomorrow and soon it will all be over."

"No, I didn't. I was just a listener. Several times, I had to bite my lip but I managed to keep quiet All I had to do was look in your direction and got all the reassurance I needed," Louie said with confidence.

"Look, Louie. you were not involved in your step-father's wrong doings except as a victim and nothing is your fault. Remember that...only a victim You did the right thing. There will be many young boys who won't have to suffer as you have done, once he sent to prison. They will be able to lead a very different life. Be absolutely sure of one thing... I will always be here at your side."

"The whole town will know that I am gay." Louie said with a frown and concern written all over his face.

"Louie, that won't matter. I used to think the same thing. Look how many straight friends we have back home. We can go anywhere and people don't look down their nose at us. We are accepted by the entire community and can go to church and sit in the same pew with them. If there are people who don't like that we are together, they keep it to themselves. The loud mouthed ones who are like my cousin, Pastor Tom in Arizona, we don't want to know."

"I know but I grew up in this town. I know it will be different. I..." Louie just couldn't go on. He just sat there and started sobbing. A young men detached himself from the group of young men and women that he was with, came over and put his arms around Louie's shoulders.

"Louie, you have a lot to cry about. I want to tell you that in my books you are a real hero. I know that the most of this town feels the same way. Those that don't, I feel sorry for. I know that I won't have or want any of them as friends. There are many young boys and young men who your step-father deeply and permanently hurt. You are a super hero in their eyes, I know because I am one of them! Hold your head high and be proud of what you are doing. I wish that I could tell you more but I am going to be one of the witnesses that will be called. Hearing and reading about you gave me courage to tell my story, too. I just hope and pray that I can be as strong as you are."

"You will be young man. It took a lot of strength and courage for you to come forward. I am sure that the worst is over. You will have the rest of your life to live without looking back and hanging you head in shame." Mike said hugging both young men.

The young man went on, "I just wish that it was all over. Just as soon as the trial is over, I am leaving town and never coming back. I don't suppose

I'm violating Ms. Cooper's instructions if I tell you the other man on trial is my Dad, who owns local bank. I was sexually abuse by both of them on a regular basis since I was 15. I was planning to kill both of them but now I won't have too. I will finally be free." sobbed the young man. "I want to see them convicted and sent to prison. I wish that he would get the death sentence but he won't because I don't think he was involved with the killings but I may be wrong. I know that he was the camera man for the videos you turned over to the police. I found several more. I think the police have a very strong case against both of our dads."

"I can't keep calling you `young man'. What would you like for me to call you?" Asked Mike.

"My name is Aaron. However, all my friends call me Bud. I would like it very much if you called me Bud."

"Bud, I am Mike Long and of course you know Louie. It is getting late, so I will say good-night and see you in the morning. Bud, I don't mean to pry, but do you have a place to stay tonight.?

"Yes, I am staying with some friends. Thanks for asking. We can do more visiting tomorrow at the trial," Bud replied Bud hugged Louie and Mike, then returned to his friends. Mike and Louie hung out in the restaurant for a little longer, then went back to Louie's motel room. Mike and Louie laid out their clothes for the trial, had keep-your-spirits-up sex, and slept fitfully, until they went to the courthouse Going through security, they shared encouraging looks and found the court room assigned to "People of the State of Oregon v. Willis and Stetser". They were told they had to split up, Mike into the courtroom and Louie into a room with the other anticipated trial witnesses. An armed deputy Sheriff was stationed at the door to the room. Louie caught a last glimpse of Mike as he entered.

Even though they got to the courtroom early, Mike found the court room filled with people. It was a wood paneled, high ceiling room, like a shoebox, with the entry doors at the rear, the judge's bench, witness and jury box across the front. Several chairs were arranged below and in front of the bench and Mike noticed a court reporter with he distinctive stenotype machine sat in one chair while a clerk sat in the other. There were two long tables in front of the bench with chairs behind them. The jury had been selected earlier.

Everyone was just waiting for the trial to start. Mike found a seat in the spectator's section of the courtroom. He and the other spectators waited for the trial to start, And waited, And waited. After what seemed like a whole day but actually was only two hours, the uniformed court officer came out, followed by the trial judge.

"All rise, Oyez, Oyez, Oyez, The Superior Court in and for the County of Marion is now in session, Judge Charles R. Hannum presiding. All persons having business with the Court in the matter of "People of the State of Oregon v Willis and Stetser" draw near and give notice. God save the State of Oregon and this Honorable court. Please cease all conversation and turn off all mobile phones, pager and other devices if you have not already done so. Good morning, Your Honor."

The judge mounted the two steps onto the bench and sat down. "Good morning, Deputy. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. You may be seated. We'll now open proceedings in People v. Willis and Stetser"

With that, the members of the jury were escorted in and were seated in the jury box. The witnesses were brought in and found seating in the courtroom. Assistant DA Cooper Trudeau took a seat at the table closest to the jury box, alone. Two dark suited men took seats at the table next to the ADA. Finally the two accused men, were brought into the court room. Two armed guards apiece escorted the defendants to the counsel table and watched them with hawk-like intensity.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for the inconvenience and the long delay. I am told the accused Mr. John Willis and Mr. Ben Stetser, have reached a plea bargain agreement with the people. Is that understanding correct, Ms. District Attorney?"

"That is correct, Your Honor" Cooper Trudeau said.

Judge Hannum turned to the jurors in the jury box. With a practiced smile, he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, you may now be excused and leave the courtroom. Do not leave feeling that you have played no role in the matter as such a feeling would be both untrue and unjust to you activities in this case. Because of the prospect, the risk, the jeopardy of proceeding to trial, both the defendants and the people have come to an agreement that will dispense with the need of your continued service. Please lead the courtroom and return to your lives and occupations with the thanks of the Court and your fellow Marion County Citizens." A bailiff opened the jury room door and the jurors filled out.

After a brief pause as the last of the jurors and alternates disappeared in the jury room. The Judge looked at the defendants and said, "Mr. Willis and Mr. Stetser, please rise. Madame Clerk, would you please read all the charges against them.

The charges were read. It too an agonizing and terrible thirty five minutes as the detals of murder, rape, torture, and conspiracy filled the courtroom air, even in the legal phrases of the indictment.

"Mr. Willis, you had previously pleaded not guilty at your arraignment. Do you wish to change that plea at this time?"

"You honor, I plead guilty!" A stunned hush fell upon the galley. Several people, include ten young men started sobbing. Louie and Bud were among those that were crying.

The Judge turned to Bud's father, the town banker, and asked the same questions to all the charges, getting the same responses. Judge Hannum paused and began the set piece that is the guilty plea colloquy required by Law

"Gentlemen, you are pleading guilty to all the charges, You are doing this knowingly, willingly and voluntarily, correct?"

"That is correct Your Honor." the defendants said in unison.

"You do understand, that in making this agreement with the People you have explicitly and permanently given up certain rights given not to testify against yourselves, your right to a trial by jury of your peers, and your right to confront the witnesses against you, correct?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"You understand that in consideration that in consideration of you waiving the trial, the death penalty is no longer an option when I pronounce sentence against you. You also realize, however, that aside from removing the death penalty, neither you nor the People have made any agreement that will affect the potential sentence I may impose against you considering the fact outline in the indictment, the sentencing guidelines imposed by our state Supreme Court and in what you will state shortly."

"Yes, we do."

"Mr. Willis, please tell the court what you did."

Louie's step-father proceeded to relate the hideous details of his years of abuse. Louie recognized some of the story featuring Willis and his drinking buddy, now deceased. He did not recognize the rest of the story involving his step-day and banker Stetser. There was a gasp from within the room and then complete silence, only a quiet sobbing could be heard.

The Judge called upon Mr. Stetser who told his story and again there was the same reaction, only this time the sobbing and crying were more profound.

"The court will take a 15 minute recess. I would like to see Louie Harvey and Aaron Stetser, with their representatives, the District Attorney and the defense counsel in my chambersif any be present, in my chambers."

Everyone rose and followed with the bailiff and into the judge's chambers. Once inside the Judge was seated behind his desk. The lawyers were standing in a semi-circle next to the floor to ceiling bookshelves, two chairs were in place before the Judge's desk. The Judge rose to his feet and motion to the boys to have a seat. "Boys, I haven't met either of you so would you please introduce yourselves. Thank you."

"I am Lewis Harvey but I go by `Louie."

"I am Aaron Stetser but I go by `Bud'."

"I am Judge Charles Hannum. You are the main surviving witnesses. You are also victims of horrible, unspeakable abuse and betrayals by these two men. I am obliged to order a pre-sentencing report that I will be given to read before I pronounce sentence in about 60 days. At that sentencing hearing, the law requires me to give the victims an opportunity to explains what impact the defendants' crimes have had on you. You are not required to make a victim impact statement but you may if you wish. It may help you deal with these circumstances, so you should give that some thought. What will happen next today is we will shortly go back into the courtroom and I will accept the defendant's plea bargain."

"While I am handling , the criminal case against Willis and Stetser, your situations have come to my attention, thanks to ADA Cooper Trudeau. This conversation with you is coming a lot sooner than I had anticipated. I can and will take jurisdiction of your personal cases for the time being. Bud, since you are under age, you are now a ward of the State of Oregon. Your case will be placed with the Children' Service Division and you will placed in a foster home. Louie since you are 19, the court will appoint a legal guardian for you until you reach the age of 21. I can do that for you today temporarily, pending investigation and approval by CSD. Do you have anyone in mind that you would like to have as your guardian?"

Neither Louie nor Bud had expected any of this. Looking straight at Judge Hannum Louie said "Yes, I do. I would like to have as my legal guardian, Mr. Mike Long of Deschutes County. He is here in the courtroom."

"Thank you both. I would like to say that I am glad for your sakes, that the worse is over. Now you can start healing and rebuilding your lives. We must go back into the other room and finish the proceeding. Then I would like for you both to return and bring Mr. Long with you. I will also have a representative from CSD in the room also. Let's go and finish the job before us."

The bailiff said in a loud clear voice "All rise, court is back in session." The judge went up on the bench and sat down. He looked up and said "You may be seated."

"Mr. Willis and Mr. Stetser, please rise. Thank you." The two defendants and their lawyers stoop up. "From the indictment and your own word in your plea agreement colloquy before me, it is clear to me that your shocking and depraved conduct has hurt many people. I am revolted by what I have heard, but as a Judge I have my duty to do."

Turning to Assistant DA Cooper Trudeau, Judge Hannum asked, "Are the People satisfied with the defendants' statements on the record of their crimes as part of the guilty plea colloquy?"

Cooper Trudeau lookd from the Judge, to the defendants, to Louie and Bud then back to the Judge again. "Yes, Your Honor, the people are satisfied."

Judge Hannum looked at the defendants through narrowed eyes. "I reluctantly accept your guilty pleas. I find you guilty on all accounts, with an open, non-capital pleas as to sentence. Formal sentencing shall be set for this courtroom before me in sixty days. The Probation Department shall prepare the appropriate pre-sentencing report, with comments in aggravation and mitigation from the defense and the People. At the sentencing, victim impact statements will be heard and considered. In the meantime, all bail is revoked and both defendants will be transported to a state correctional facility, tomorrow."

"You may be seated because I would like you to hear the rest of what I have to say, even though you may not agree but all if any control has been removed from you now."

Louie rose to his feet, "Your honor, I know that I will get my change to tell Mr. Willis what I think and how I feel. However, I would like to meet with my stepfather in a room and I would like to have Mike Long with me. This can be off the record."

"I would also, like to meet with my dad! I would like to have Mike also." requested Bud.

The Judge looked to the prosecution table, where Cooper Trudeau looked up from her note taking and said "The People do not object." The two defense attorneys, having saved their clients from death, said, "No objection, your honor.

"Boys, this does not surprise me any at all. I am going to grant your wishes. However, I will instruct the Sheriff's Deputies to be sure both defendants will remain cuffed and shackle and there is to be armed guards in the room. Would you like separate rooms or would one room be sufficient?" asked the Judge.

The boys looked at each other and did some whispering. "Judge, one room would be just fine. Since our fathers committed their crimes together, then it is only fitting that they hear us as part of their punishment, together." stated Louie with Bud agreeing.

"I can see no reason to prevent this from happening. I think both of you boys need to tell your dads what and how you feel. When this case is closed, both Mr. Willis and Mr. Stetser will be made available," remarked the Judge. Looking out into the spectator section, Judge Hannum said to Mike,

"Mr. Long, Louie and Aaron, I need to see you in my chambers again after you meet with the defendants. We have some legal paper work to complete. I will wait until after you have met with the defendants. Court is adjourned."

Mike, Louie and Bud were taken into a room next to the court room. Willis and Stetser were sitting handcuffed and shackled. They were sitting on a bench on the wall with their restraints passed through a large metal stanchion attached to the floor that severely limited their movements. Both of them wore looks of total dejection. They appeared to be broken men and each had tears rolling down their faces.

The boys had asked Mike to do the talking for them. He, however refused. "Boys, I think you need to say what is in your hearts. This maybe will the last time you will ever have to tell your dad what you think and how you feel."

Bud was the first to speak. "Dad, You're no longer my father. I will be getting a new dad and I know that it will be very easy for him to replace you. From now on you will just be called Mr. Stetser and just a bad memory for me. I don't even know if Mr. Stetser is a good term to call you. I have lots of names that I want to call you but I am not going to lower myself to your level. Don't say anything, I don't even want to hear it. I will never forgive you for all your evil doings. Rest assured that I don't hate you only the things that you did. However, it is very hard to separate one from the other. I know that you will pay for all your mis-doings many times over and I can see by the look on your face that you have already started paying. I have heard rumors about what the other inmates do to a child rapist. I just hope that what I have heard is the truth. You will wish for the death penalty before all of this is over."

"I am not even going to waste my time by calling you dad or Mr. Willis. I agree with everything that Bud said. I would like to line every person you hurt and have them march past you and even spit in your face if they so desired. I would like to add the life without parole is a long, long time. You will have many long days and nights to think about what you have done. I just hope and pray that you will keep your sanity so that you will realize what a bad and evil person you really are. Mike, I am ready to go." said Louie. He rose and started to leave.

"Boys, please stay and talk with us." begged Mr. Willis.

"I am afraid not. You were partners in crime so talk with each other!" said Louie as he was going out the door with Bud and Mike following close behind.

Mike, Louie and Bud were escorted into the Judge's Chambers. "I can tell by the looks on your faces and from your reactions, That justice has been served. First of all, I need to make some introductions of those in this room. I am Judge Charles Hannum and I know every one but you young man, looking directly towards Mike. You must be Mike Long from Deschutes County. Am I correct?"

"That is correct, you honor."

"This young lady is Beth Conway and she is with the Children's Services here in Stayton. She has been assigned Aaron Stetser's case. Mrs. Conway, Aaron prefers to go by `Bud"

"Now, down to business. Mr. Long, Louie has requested that you be appointed his legal guardian. I want to chat with you a little to satisfy myself and that Louie's wishes be heeded here. We can then make you temporary guardian, as it were. This would involve you acting in his behalf on all legal matters until he reaches the age of 21. We will need to have CSD make a character investigation but temporarily, I can appoint you to that post, if you agree. Then at the conclusion of their investigation, assuming the Division is satisfied, you guardian status can be made permanent. If you agree, then all you have to do is sign this document. Before you sign I need to have the court reporter present so she can notarize it and make it all nice and legal" Mrs. Conway could you get her for us, please and thank you."

"Mike, while we are waiting, may I ask how you know these two young men and are you related to either of them?"

" I am not related to of either Louie or Bud. After Louie's episode with his stepfather, he ran away from home and he'd apparently been living on the streets. The week before last Christmas, he was driving over the Cascade Mt. Pass. There was a snow slide and he tried to miss it but landed in the ditch. He was almost frozen to death when I found him. I took him to my ranch and he has been living with me since I found him."

At this point, Louie could contain himself no longer. "Judge Hannum, Mike doesn't bive himself nearly enough credit. Not only did he take me in, he showed me how to ranch and he got me professional help to deal with my abuse. He's stood by me like a rock in preparation for this trial and all the re-hashing of old memories it brought up."

"This true, Mr. Long?"

"Yes, Sir," Mike said.

"OK, what's your connection to Aaron Stetser?"

"I just met Bud, I mean Aaron, last night. Louie and I went to a pizza place that Louie likes and Aaron was there." Mike then explained the scene from the pizza restaurant from the night before.

Judge Hannum paused for a few moments. He then signed the papers and had Mike do the same. He turned and looked at Louie. "Louie, I've had a search or two run here in the courthouse and as a result, I know that you inherited all of your mother's estate and it is held in trust for you. You may or may not know, however, that Mr. Willis legally adopted you. He recently received a large inheritance from his parents. I can't be your lawyer, but I strongly urge you and Mr. Long to consult one. Our Legislature has adopted the "Civil Death Act", such that a felon like Mr. Willis is presumed civilly dead and any inheritance or other property go to his heirs. Mr. Willis has some cousins that have already filed suits to be his legal heirs. However, Louie, you are most fortunate that Mr. Willis legally adopted you before the death of you mother. So legally you are his sole heir and everything will go to you. You need to get a lawyer and finalize that.

"All things being equal with the Children Services Division investigation, I suggest you petition the Probate Court to have Mr. Long appointed you new trustee. As guardian and trustee, he will have to approve all transactions. He is at liberty to invest any way he sees fit. But he'd have to get the court's approval before any large transaction can take place. He will have to report yearly to the court and account finally when you turn 21. That will be another task for your lawyer.

"Your honor, can I change my name from Harvey to Long. I want to sever all connections to my step-father.?"

"You may Louie, if this is agreeable with Mike. But again that is something that has to be done formally in a separate court proceeding." "This is the next best thing to adoption. I would like to have him be Lewis Long. You Honor, is there any way that I can adopt Aaron or at lest become his foster parent or legal guardian?" asked Mike.

"Mrs. Conway, this is yours to handle," said Judge Hannum.

"Mr. Long, in short the adoption would take a little longer. You will have to apply, a formal investigation will have to be conducted and the Juvenile Judge would have sign off on it. However, I don't see any problems." She opened her brief case and handed Mike the application papers. "You can take these home and return them in a week. If the Judge will sign some papers, I can put Aaron in your care as a temporary foster child and later after an investigation he can become permanent until his adoption is approved. The Judge can to handle the legal guardianship."

"Bud, what have you to say about all of this? Does it met with your approval.?" Asked the judge.

Bud was crying so hard that all he could do was shake his head yes. Mike and Louie moved closer and took him in their arms and wiped away his tears.

"Mike, I would like to make you Bud's guardian until the adoption is complete. I am going to release his inheritance, which is a rather large one as well under the same conditions that I just spoke about concerning Louie's inheritance. You will need to get the proper documents filed promptly, Do you agree?"

"Absolutely!" Exclaimed Mike.

The court reporter went to the other room and returned with the forms to complete this transaction.

"Mike, you were over earlier with Louie when he turned all the evidence over to the police. I must say that this was the big turning point in the case. Up until that point, we were at a dead end and we were stymied. Louie, you took a big chance, knowing that you could have been killed. The other man in the tapes was accidentally killed. Mr. Stetser was the camera man and he did participated in the killings.

"It was no accident that Bud just happened to be in the pizza joint. We knew that Bud would need some place to go and we, that is Mrs. Conway and myself, meet secretively and decided to offer you the position of temporary foster parent. You made a mistake and called Stan, the Deschutes County deputy sheriff and you told him where you were going to eat. It took some doing but one of Bud friends got him there. All it took was the offer of a free pizza. Bud, you will have to thank your friend Leon for being a super undercover agent. We wanted you to meet Bud before the trial. Our plans evidently worked to the tee."

"I am glad that you two are on my side," laughed Mike.

"Boys you are free to go to your homes and get what you want to take. Mike can get a moving company to come in and move it for you or you can get a u-haul truck. You have to decide what you want done with the property and what is left behind."

"I already know what I want done with my house. I want it to be given to the city to be used a shelter for homeless children and run-aways." Said Louie.

"I want my house to be use the same way, only I want it to be given for the use of abused children while they are waiting to be placed in foster homes." Bud declared.

"I want to donate $75,000 to be used to get both houses up and running." Said Mike. "I must say that I am please beyond belief, about how you have handled this entire matter. Thank you! These two boys will have more love than they know what to do with. I am just going to completely spoil them rotten." grinned Mike as he grabbed both boys in a big bear hug.

"On behalf of the Community of Stayton and the State of Oregon. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You, two young men, probably saved untold young boys from a very tragic and sorrowful life, plus you were instrumental in getting two very dangerous and wicked criminals off the streets. They won't be hurting anyone ever again.Thank you!" As Mike, Louie and Bud left the Judge's Chambers, more than a few hard-boiled courthouse veterans were dabbing their eyes with their handkerchiefs.


(Thanks again edinpa. You have been a big help especially in the legal field. The story takes on a new meaning and a new direction , all because of your help.

Thanks. Joe Collins)joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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