Avery Takes A Slave

By Erotic Writr

Published on Feb 28, 2015



Avery Takes A Slave (F/F, D/s, BD, Humiliation Toys, Consensual) by Erotic_Writr 2015 ============================================================================ Synopsis: Avery is an 18 year old Domme claims her teacher as a slave. ============================================================================ Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 1 ============================================================================ Avery Sexton wasn't your typical 18 year old girl. Typical 18 year old girls don't have a popular and active profile on the worlds largest website devoted to the BDSM community. They also don't have a converted garage with a rather large selection of bondage toys and furniture. Add to those, the fact that Avery loved to dominate and be served by women and the picture isn't that of a well rounded, typical 18 year old woman.Avery was a high school senior, smart and studious. She dressed well, was well liked and very popular at school. She didn't have the look of a Domme, at least not the warped, Fifty Shades of whatever idea of what a Domme should look like. Even without the popularized look though, she was definitely a Domme, and a somewhat demanding one.She had a few on again off again play partners, who would join her in her playroom for flogging or bondage or even an occasional suspension. But there was no full time, permanent type submissive in her life. This was one situation she hoped to change within the next year or so, because in six months she would be finished with high school and enrolling in college.She was recognized in the local BDSM community, she went to munches and play parties. She even brought sub dates to community functions, so there were women out there who wanted to be one of her girls. But still, she often found herself pouring through the FetLife profiles in search for the slave of her dreams.Her methodology was solid in its concept, find the girl with the hottest picture and contact her. She sometimes spent hours, exploring the lists of people in the area or nearby towns or even other parts of the state. Some profiles had no photos at all while others might have hundreds. Due to the need for anonymity most had no facial photos or at least no identifiable facial photos.It was during one of her excursions into the depths of the fetish website that she came upon a photograph that intrigued her. The face of the woman on the photograph wasn't visible, but what was clearly visible on Bamabisub99's photo was an unusual tattoo on the inside of her right wrist.It was a triskelion about two inches across. The discovery of a triskelion on a fetish website wasn't so unusual, but this particular tattoo touched a memory in the young Domme's mind. She was certain she had seen this very tattoo! Adding to her surprise was where she remembered seeing the image... on the right wrist of one of her high school teachers, Rachel Richey!Searching through the profile of Bamabisub99, Avery couldn't find any identifiable photographs, but the hometown of the profile owner was listed as Tuscaloosa. The time-line showed no activity within the last six years so the profile seemed dormant. The owner was described as bi, female, submissive and being the slave of a male whose profile described him as a Mobile resident but whose profile did show recent activity. Everything she saw tended to confirm her theory that the woman in the photo (bound, nude in a kneeling position) was Rachel Richey! She was a University of Alabama Graduate, so was her husband and about six years ago was when she would have been graduating and moving to Mobile.Armed with this information, Avery was torn as to how to approach her teacher. Could she use the direct approach:" Hey Teach, ever been tied up naked in front of a crowd of strangers?" Perhaps she should be a bit more subtle:"I love your tattoo Ms. Richey, it seems to be popular among bisexual female slaves."The approach she decided to take was a bit more anonymous. Avery created a throwaway email account and sent what was intended an as innocuous message to Ms. Richey's current personal email in an effort to make contact. "I happened upon your profile on FetLife. Reply to this message and we can set up a time and place to meet." her message read.The intent was lost in the translation, however, as Rachel immediately felt threatened with exposure of her past life.Avery was surprised when her iPhone chimed in notification of an incoming email to her throwaway account. It was from Rachel, but the tone and content of the message was certainly not what she expected."Who are you! What the hell do you want!" messaged Rachel. Well that was a bit abrupt, thought Avery. "I'm just someone who wants to meet and talk to you about your FetLife profile. No biggie." she replied.The reply was almost instantaneous as the two women were obviously using their phones for the email exchange. It was just now lunch time and Avery was walking toward the cafeteria. Looking ahead she saw Rachel Richey approaching the door so she shot off one final message."Sit alone at a vacant table and I'll find you." Shocked that she was obviously being observed, Rachel shot back a one word response: "Fine!" Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 2================================================================================A s Avery reached the door of the cafeteria she saw Rachel taking a seat at a vacant table near the front wall. All the tables on that side of the room were empty. With a line forming ahead of her and no real appetite for lunchroom food, Avery stepped out of line and headed to her rendezvous. Sitting across from Rachel, Avery got directly to the point and acknowledged the fact that her initial message was not properly formed."Look, I should have been less direct and more forthcoming in my first message. I didn't mean to be confrontational, and for that I'm sorry. As far as wanting to make contact with you about... our shared hobby... well no apology on that point so can we just talk openly and honestly for a minute?" she said.Rachel internalized a huge sigh of relief as she heard the explanation of the initial message. The last half hour had seen her struggle with emotions that would normally leave someone as a quivering heap and in tears."So, just to confirm then, you aren' t some insane blackmailer intent on making public, a private life that I left behind when I moved here." said Rachel."Not my intent at all Ms. Richey. I just wanted to meet the girl in the profile, I already know the woman she became, and I like her too much to cause her any grief." explained Avery, also relieved that the misunderstanding seemed to have been set aside."Wow, that girl hasn't been around in over 6 years, Avery." Explained Rachel." Yeah, I noticed that `her' profile hadn't been active in a while, but your husband, err Dom, His profile is active, I figured the two of you were back in the scene." Avery inquired."I'd rather not talk about John, Avery." Rachel said, becoming somber and quiet. "We are getting a divorce. It isn't pretty and I haven't told anyone at school about it, so if you would please keep my secret.""Certainly, Ms. Richey, I won't say a word to anyone about the divorce or anything else. I guess this wasn't a good time to contact you then, but I saw your profile and wondered if you were in the community locally." Explained Avery."Wait, You're on FetLife, Avery." Asked Rachel, astonished that one of her students was an active member of the BDSM community."Well, yes I am. That's how I came to see your photo, Ms Richey." Explained Avery. " My screen name is MistressAvery4f.""Amazing," Marveled Rachel. "But you recognized my photo... How, none of them show my face!"Avery smiled at her cute teacher without speaking and reached out to take her right arm. Turning her wrist up she exposed the triskelion on the underside and smiled knowingly. "I'm sure you've figured out why I wanted to talk to you, I mean you're a sub and I'm a Domme. Well I want to make a one time proposition. If you don' t want to do it I won't say another word. I'm certainly not going to harass or stalk you." Avery began, hoping there would be a connection. "I'm starting college at USA in the fall. My mom and I just closed on a house for me that's just a block from campus. I haven't gotten much moved in yet but I' ll be working there all day this Saturday. I'll make sure that nobody else is there. If you want to come over we can see if we have anything in common. If you don't want to play, we can just talk. It's up to you, but when this school year ends, I would really like to know that I'll still be in contact with you." Sliding a slip of paper across the table, Avery continued "Here is the address. If I don't see you there between 3:00 and 7:00 I'll know your answer."Without another word Avery stood and walked from the cafeteria. Rachel sat silently pouring over the note handed her by the young Domme. A million thoughts raced through her mind and a million reasons not to show up at the address on the note. Somewhere, deep in the recesses of her mind, however, was the knowledge that she would be there at the appointed time.The encounter in the cafeteria occurred on the last school day before the break for Thanksgiving holiday, so the wait until Saturday at 3:00PM had been excruciating for both women. Avery was faced with the unknown. It was unknown whether Rachel would even show up. On the other hand, Rachel was faced with the unknown of whether or not she would be able to muster enough courage to go through with her decision as well as the unknown of what would actually happen when she arrived. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 3================================================================================When the time had finally arrived, Rachel was there, sitting in the driveway of the address on the note. She was as nervous as if she were a teenager prepared for her first date. There were still many repressed desires within her. She was in a position which guided, even forced, her to abide by social mores and to live in a manner disavowing her true nature. Now, for the first time in her life she was stepping outside the social boundaries placed upon her by others. Avery Sexton, on the other hand, had been born into a situation that invited and nurtured a life outside the lines of social ambiguities. She had not been forced, as Rachel, to assume a role that was foreign to her. Knowing her teachers situation, she wondered, as she watched Rachel sitting in her car, if there would actually be a play date today, or if the ghosts that had required quiet compliance from Rachel all these years would again win out and cause her to back out of the drive.A smile came across Avery's face as the door opened and teacher emerged from the automobile. She soaked in allure of Rachel's taut body dressed, in a white cotton, button front blouse, short denim skirt and heels. Running over in her mind, just how she had planned the afternoon to go, Avery was now convinced that there would be unbound enjoyment for both.As Rachel reached for the ornate knocker, Avery opened the door and greeted her warmly. Grasping both Rachel's hand in her own, Avery leaned close and kissed the woman on the cheek. "Welcome, Rachel." Avery said, calling the woman now by her first name for the first time ever. "I am so glad you came, and so proud of you for doing what I know was uncomfortable for you."With pleasantries out of the way the pair retreated inside and after a rather lengthy discussion about expectations, secrecy and the like the decision was made that their play date would in fact take place and the women headed directly to the garage which was being converted into Avery's dungeon. There was no pretense about why this afternoon was taking place. Rachel was allowing a total power exchange to Avery. For a couple of hours, she would be a helpless spectator and would for the first time explore her inner masochistic psyche. She didn't know exactly what to expect, but she did expect to feel pain and pleasure, humiliation and ecstasy, bondage and utter release.Avery's transformation of the garage of her off campus home was well under way and was even now a relatively well equipped dungeon. She had been practicing her avocation for quite some time and began acquiring the implements of her craft while still living in her parents home in her early teens. Rachel looked around in amazement at the floggers, gags, ropes and other implements lining the walls. She was struck by the organization of it all. A place for everything and everything in its place came to her mind. They had discussed the safe word and Rachel knew that all she had to do was say "red" to make everything stop but even though she was already out of her depth she had no intention of using the safe word. She would go through with this because it meant that much to her.Avery led Rachel to the center of the room. Lights were trained on the area as though it was a stage. A cable dangled from above. "Stand here and don't move. Don't speak unless I ask you a direct question. When I give you an order acknowledge it simply by nodding once. Do you understand?" Rachel quickly nodded once in affirmation.Turning to her implement wall Avery retrieved two broad leather cuffs. Standing in front of Rachel she took the subs right hand and placed one cuff around her wrist and buckled it firmly in place. She quickly glanced up from her work at Rachel's face and finding her sub returning her look she smiled at her and took the other hand. With both wrists locked into leather cuffs Avery picked up a spreader bar, a steel bar about 3 feet long with a ring at each end and in the middle. One wrist cuff was attached to each end having the effect of spreading Rachel's hands. The center ring was then attached to the cable lowered from above.With everything connected Avery pressed a button on the wall and the cable was retracted pulling the sub's arms over her head. The electric winch could have lifted Rachel completely off the ground but Avery stopped at a point where her arms were simply lifted comfortably over her head.For the first time, Rachel was completely helpless. Avery circled her, looking her up and down. Stepping close behind her sub she whispered in her ear "shall I continue?" To which Rachel nodded in concurrence. Continuing to stand behind Avery reached around the sub from both sides. Locating the top blouse button she nimbly opened it, followed in short order by the second, then the third and so on. As the blouse hung open, she slid her right hand inside and cupped Rachel's left breast. There was a sudden ragged breath as she fondled the breast through Rachel's bra.Minutes passed with both breasts getting equal attention and Avery nuzzling her subs neck. But there were other devices to use and other senses to heighten so she stepped away for a moment.Still out of Rachel's view, Avery was once again close behind. "Open your mouth, dear." she said.Without hesitation Rachel obeyed and a gag was slipped into her mouth. It was about 4 inches long and shaped like a penis. It completely filled the subs mouth and was locked in place by 3 leather straps. Avery used this gag on her subs as a humiliating treatment. The feel of a penis bumping against the back of the subs throat was meant to ignite a humiliating feeling and the Mistress was certain it was doing its job. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 4================================================================================Lifti ng the back of Rachel's blouse Avery unfastened her black lace bra. Reaching up to the spreader bar she then released the left cuff but never let go of the subs hand. Sliding blouse and bra off the left shoulder the cuff was then quickly reattached. Repeating the process on the right side, the sub was easily stripped of her blouse and bra. Turning her sub to face her, Avery seized the opportunity to fondle both breasts before lowering her mouth to first one then the other. She kissed each nipple in turn tracing it with her tongue before delivering a playful bite.Continuing to give attention to the subs breasts, Avery simultaneously reached behind her prey and slid the zipper of the denim skirt down before pushing it down over Rachel's hips and allowing it to fall to the floor.Standing before the Mistress, now clad only in black lace panties that matched the bra lying on the floor beside her, Rachel' s heart raced. Her breathing was rapid and shallow and she felt flushed. She was also aware of the increasing moistness of her pussy. But Mistress stopped everything looking at the black panties. She stepped back, having arrived at what would have to be called a teachable moment."There are rules that I must teach you and this is one of them." She said. "If you are to give yourself over as a slave, you may not wear panties at any time when you are in service, nor may you wear the color black. Black is a power color and as a slave you will have no power. Wearing panties has the effect of covering your pussy and that is not your prerogative. The slaves body belongs to her Mistress and the Mistress may display or cover it as she sees fit. Do you understand these rules?" Rachel quickly nodded in affirmation.Her lace panties slid down her firm legs, Rachel stepped out of them as a rush of arousal flooded over her as she stood helplessly naked and secured in the center of the dungeon. Behind her, out of her view Avery held a black leather flogger in her right hand. She too was becoming aroused as she prepared to mark the ass of her new submissive. Without warning, there was a sudden crack as the leather strips of the flogger landed on the soft flesh of the subs ass. She was shocked as she felt the pain as it rippled through her. Barely recovered from the surprise first blow, she felt the sting of another, then another. After a dozen or more blows, Avery leaned near the reddening ass cheeks and ran her hand over the small welts that were beginning to form. Happy with the coloring of her work she was ready to move on.Placing her right foot between the subs feet she tapped on the inside of each ankle. Recognizing that she was to spread her feet, Rachel moved them apart, another tap had her move them more. Finally with her feet shoulder width apart she was just as Mistress desired. Reaching between the subs legs from behind, Avery reached up to her navel area then slowly raked her nails down across the subs flat belly into her pubic hair. Repeating the movement several more times brought about the desired result of having the sub beyond being aroused. With her movements lingering lower each time, Avery finally let her middle finger trail through the mound of pubic hair and continue to separate the sub's labia and brush against her clit causing her entire body to shudder and convulse.As quickly as the pleasure enveloped her sudden shock did as well as Rachel felt the strips of the flogger between her legs, wrapping around and landing along the same paths that Avery's nails had traced moments earlier. The blow wasn't hard nor even painful, but the mere thought of having her delicate pussy be the target of the blows left her in a masochistic stupor she had never felt before. Quickly tears were in her eyes and Mistress knew the exercise had achieved its desired outcome.Reaching up, Avery released one cuff then the other from the spreader bar. Wrapping the sub in her arms from behind she held Rachel close as the sub sobbed into the penis gag. "slip off your heels, dear, we are going to do something else now."With the barefoot sub in her arms Avery stood behind her until she regained her composure. After a few minutes, she took the sub by the hand and led her out of the dungeon and back into the living room. Not wanting to lose any of the mood she had gained, she was quick to pull the subs arms behind her and clip the wrist cuffs together.Then unbuckling the straps holding the gag in place she pulled it from Rachel's mouth remarking "This doesn't mean you can speak, only that I will be putting your mouth to use." Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 5================================================================================There was a beige Victorian chair near the front window. Rachel was led to the chair and made to lie on the floor in front of it. Stepping over the submissive, Avery sat on the edge of the chair looking down at her. With a smile, she presented the bound sub with the heel of her stiletto and instructed her to suck it. She observed as Rachel seemed to revel in the debasement taking the heel deep into her throat. The heel glistening with the subs saliva when it came out. Running her tongue over length of the shoe having her tongue contact Mistresses foot between the tiny straps. Even running her tongue over Mistresses toes at one point, then returning to suckle the heel with abandon. Reaching down, Avery slid her other shoe off and shifting slightly in the chair stood and stepped onto the prone body of the submissive.Standing on her now, she turned to present her bare foot to Rachel, who without hesitation, opened her mouth and accepted mistresses toes, first a single toe, then another and another. Soon she was sucking on all of Mistresses toes as she was supporting all her weight on her athletic body. Stepping off only long to remove her other shoe Avery stood back upon the bound submissive with one foot on her chest and the other on her lower abdomen. Carefully balancing herself she again presented the toes of her left foot for Rachel to suck while wiggling the toes of the right to slip between the moist lips of the subs pussy.For several minutes the balancing act continued, as Rachel sucked with abandon her Mistresses toes. She teetered on the edge of orgasm as her pussy was manipulated. Recognizing the subs approaching orgasm, Avery stepped off and knelt beside her.Slapping her subs face to gather her attention, she reminded Rachel that she was not allowed to cum without asking permission first and that she was allowed to speak only to ask permission.Pulling the sub away from the chair, Avery stood with one foot on each side of the sub. Looking down at her she knew that Rachel had an unrestricted view up her dress. Lifting her skirt she deftly slid her thong down and off. Taking the undergarment in her hand she placed a knee on each side of the sub straddling her chest. Leaning forward, she gently held the moist thong under the subs nose. The musky aroma invaded Rachel's nostrils. The desires effect had been reached.Shifting forward, Avery grasped Rachel's hair with her right hand and pulled her face forcefully into the Domme's crotch. Knowing instinctively what to do Rachel feasted on her Mistress's pussy, sliding her tongue as deeply as she could into the moistness. With her other hand Avery reached behind to give her sub's pussy the attention it deserved. She quickly reached for Rachel's clit and began to roll it between her thumb and index finger sending shudders through the sub that resulted in an even more fevered servicing of her Mistress. Rocking back and forth, riding her sub's face much like riding a horse Avery felt a wonderfully massive orgasm welling up inside her. She quicken her pace, both of riding sub and of stroking her subs pussy. Finally in one last thrust of her hips, she felt herself let go in a hard earned orgasm. At the same instant Rachel breathlessly shouted "MAY I CUM PLEASE?""Yes, cum for me slut!" replied Avery as she collapsed on the floor still intently toying with the subs wet pussy as Rachel's orgasm crashed over her leaving her convulsing with pleasure!Taking the sub in her arms, Avery kissed her exploring her mouth with her tongue. Then with a smile to cradle the panting submissive in her arms. Within minutes, both had drifted into an exhausted sleep. Rachel Richey wasn't a total novice as a submissive. After all, in college she and her husband/Dom regularly attended play party's with the local community. She had been the subject of demonstrations of bondage and was even suspended once or twice. Nothing she had experienced before came close to the experience she just had at the hands (and feet) of Avery Sexton.The pair had fallen a sleep, exhausted after their first play session, and now as she began to open her eyes, Rachel found herself happily in the arms of her Mistress. Not wanting to awaken her sleeping Mistress, Rachel lay quietly still, only turning her head slightly to look at the face of Avery Sexton.No one had ever created as eruptive an orgasm in Rachel as Avery had done earlier. She had been with women before, each time in the context of the submissive relationship with her husband and always at his behest. This time she had been with a woman of her own choice and the outcome had been nothing short of amazing! Even now there was still a tingling sensation and twitching of her labia. She was also excited that she had been able to bring her Mistress to an orgasm and still wore her now drying juices on her face. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 6================================================================================ As Avery began to awaken, her submissive wanted to maintain an air of servitude so even though she was facing Avery, Rachel diverted her eyes downward and remained silent as the good little sub she was.. Rising to a seated position, Avery turned the slave slightly to enable her removal of the wrist cuffs. With her hands free Rachel was able to rub them together and get the blood flowing once again. Avery took both the slaves hands in hers and brought them to her mouth. Kissing them and rubbing them gently. "Are you okay, sweetie? I did get a little rough with the trampling and then I left you lying on your hands for too long." She said as she continued to caress the slaves fingers."Oh no, I'm way more than okay. I'm ... well, I'm satisfied. More than I have been in a long, long time ... maybe more than I ever have been." Confided Rachel."I'm glad!" Said Avery now pulling Rachel closer and wrapping her arms around her feeling closer than she ever had to a woman sharing her bed. "It's gotten dark outside," She whispered in the subs ear "will you stay the night? We both need a shower now and I can order a pizza. I already have beer in the fridge."Rachel thoughtfully considered the proposition. Truthfully, she wanted to jump at the opportunity.There was no one at home, so she would be alone there. Perhaps it would give them a chance to discuss the fact that there was still half a school year ahead of them. "Okay, but I have two conditions before I agree""Oh, so now my newest slave is setting conditions on her service is she." Jested Avery with a smile."Only two Mistress." Chuckled Rachel. "But I am afraid I must insist on them both. No anchovies," she laughed.Both laughed at the anchovy requirement as Avery agreed. Then in a solemn, serious tone Rachel added. "And that Mistress will allow me to bathe her."Without a word, but with a smile on her face, Avery walked to the table where her purse lay and retrieved her cell phone. Pizza Hut was on speed dial and she placed the order and provided the credit card information. No anchovies was specified and the operator told her that the delivery time would be a little over an hour due to the order volume at 7:00 on a Saturday night.With that chore completed Avery walked back to her sub and extended her hand. "I like slow circular motions on my back" she said as she helped Rachel to her feet and led her upstairs to the bath. With only an hour until the pizza arrived there wasn't time to wait.Avery's bathroom was magnificent, with an Acquinox tempered glass shower with a 4 person whirlpool tub and all the little extras like 6 shower jets, a removable hand held shower head in addition the main shower heads in the ceiling. There was even a bottom shower spraying upward, underwater lights in the tub, a radio and a hands free phone! All Rachel could say when she saw it was "Wow!""This is why I wanted this house!" Said Avery, with a giggle."It is an excellent place to entertain isn't it" replied Rachel.With the water flowing over them, Avery passed a loofah and a bottle of Neutrogena Body Clear body wash. Without a word, Rachel looked down at the loofah and began squeezing the bath gel onto it.As the pink grapefruit scent filled the shower, Avery turned around and Rachel began to gently lather her back. Slow circular motions began at her buttocks and proceeding up to her shoulders, then back down again as both women were silent except for an occasional "mmmm" escaping Avery's lips.After several minutes, Avery turned around and presented her front to her slave for attention. As her occasional noises became more pronounced with her increased level of arousal Rachel was beginning to make guttural sounds of arousal as well.Avery wanted so much to take Rachel! She wanted to drop to her knees and simply devour her sub's pussy right there in the shower, but to do that would betray all that she was as a Domme. She would have to wait, but how could she!For no reason, other than divine intervention, She looked suddenly to her left and immediately her eyes fell upon a pair of handcuffs lying on the bathroom counter. She remember that they had been in a travel bag that she emptied earlier today. But they were her answer. The simplest of toys, that she could use to display her dominance and still enjoy the debauchery of bringing her slave to a thunderous orgasm with her mouth. "Stay right there." she instructed Rachel as she opened the shower door.Rachel watched, in mild confusion as her Mistress walked across he bathroom and retrieved the pair of handcuffs. Reentering the shower, she took the slaves left hand in hers and snapped the handcuff in place. Pushing the open manacle through a grab bar above the slaves head she secured the other wrist so that Rachel was held in a standing position.Without a word she kissed the slave firmly on the lips and worked her way down to her breasts, taking first one then the other between her lips. Rachel's moans became louder and more pronounced.Soon the Mistress was on her knees in front of her securely bound slave. Without the binding of the handcuffs, this would not have been a proper thing for a Domme to do but simply adding the handcuffs defined everyone's role.Rachel squirmed and moaned against the wall of the shower, pinned there for use by her mistress. As her tongue separated the slaves labia Avery decided that, as a test, she would not remind her slave to ask permission before cumming. She would test her to see if she was able to keep her head and remember her place. With both hands on her slaves perfectly proportioned ass cheeks, she pulled the slave tighter into her mouth, devouring her and savoring her juices and aroma.After several minutes moans turned to ragged breaths until, in the beginning waves of an orgasm the slave exclaimed "May I please cum Mistress?" With a knowing smile Avery replied "Cum for me baby, cum for me" raising her hand to the slaves pussy as she stood she vigorously massaged her engorged clit and her slid her other hand around the slaves waist to help her support herself. Face to face with the slave, she gently kissed her as she tried to remember just where the handcuff key was. Completely used up by the orgasm, Rachel slid down into one of the whirlpool seats still hanging by her wrists from the grab bar. "Oh my god, I'm not sure I can survive many more orgasm's like that.Thank you Mistress." she said with her voice trailing off to a high pitched squeak and tears of joy filling her eyes. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 7================================================================================Disappearing for a few minutes, Avery returned with keys in her hand to free Rachel from the handcuffs. They stood in the warm stream of water from the shower holding each other for what seemed to be several minutes. Avery then released and reached to turn off the water before they both exited the shower. As they took turns drying each other the sound of the door bell echoed through the house. Both women looked at each other and like little children yelled in unison "PIZZA!"Avery slipped on her long, plush white terrycloth robe then, just before running downstairs she laid out another robe for her slave. It to was a thick, plush terrycloth but being the slaves version of her mistresses robe it was shorter, barely covering her pubic hair and not quite covering her ass.Rachel heard the conversation with the delivery driver as she came down the stairs and waited on the last step before being in view until the door closed. Stepping into the living room she asked "Is this appropriate wear Mistress?""Quite appropriate for eating pizza with Mistress my dear." Replied Avery "bring beer and plates, we'll have pizza in the living room and talk." "Yes, Mistress," She replied Rachel soon returned with two plates, two forks, napkins and two bottles of beer and they sat on the sofa, like two schoolgirls."I hate to be blunt, but I've been out of the lifestyle for a few years. Does this all mean, that you are claiming me?" Said Rachel, getting right to the point."I don't know if it does or not." Replied Avery, trying to maintain a Domme air of control. "For my part I would say yes, but is that what you want?" "Oh I do, without a doubt I do" continued Rachel."But I am going to be your history teacher for another six months. That has to be considered." After a brief pause as she gathered her thoughts, She continued, "Another thing I have to consider is that I am getting a divorce, and I am afraid to do anything that can cause me any more problems with that""Are you having problems with your husband Rachel?"

Asked Avery, with genuine concern in her voice."Beginning to cry, Rachel began telling Avery the whole awful story of her divorce. "I'm having more problems than I feel that I can handle, Avery." She sobbed "The first I knew about the divorce was when I was served the papers at school. The same day as that he took all the money from our joint bank accounts and canceled all the credit cards. The only money I had was an old personal checking account that I've had since I was in high school. I only kept mad money in it, about $200 so that was all I had until I managed to get my payroll direct deposit changed." "Do you need money, I can help if you need money" offered Avery, feeling for Rachel's plight."No, its fine now, my direct deposit comes into a safe account now and I can make ends meet." She explained, "But now he wants the house in the house in the divorce. If he gets what he wants, I will have nothing to show for the last ten years of work. No savings, no home, just a five year old car that might be worth ten grand. He has all the savings and I can't even find out what he has done with them.""Wow, don't you have a lawyer?" Asked Avery "Laughing through her tears Rachel explained "I do, but he is almost useless!" She said. "I checked around and the good divorce lawyers wanted way more than I had for a retainer. So I took what I could afford and I'm getting what I paid for."Avery paused in thought for a moment. "We can't let the divorce take a part in your decision. There might be something I can do to help, but give me a few days. I think I know who can be of assistance." "Okay," Replied Rachel. "No thinking of the divorce, then. What about our teacher, student situation though, can you live with being my student in class?" asked Rachel"I want so much, to go in public with you on my arm," Said Avery. "but I realize that can't come for a while. So, until school is over, and your divorce case is over, we will have to keep our Mistress/slave relationship to ourselves. It isn't the best situation possible, but I think you are worth it, so I am willing to compromise if you are.""Then, yes, Mistress Avery, I wish for you to please claim me as your slave!" asked Rachel with yearning in her voice.Finishing of their beer, the two women ascended the staircase, arm in arm and prepared for bed. Avery came into the room wearing a long, silk and lace nightgown. Rachel was already in bed, the satin sheet covering her nude body as she lay on her right side. When Avery came to the bedside, the slave threw back the sheet to invite her into the bed. Doing so she exposed herself as her face lit up with an impish smile.Smiling down at her slave, Avery lifted the frilly, feminine gown over her head, before slipping into the king sized bed with her new slave. This was the first time Rachel had seen Avery totally nude. Her gorgeous perfectly rounded, perfectly sized breasts were so pert and so perfect it was as if they had helium in them and were perpetually lifted.For the first time their bodies were together with the sometimes distracting implements of BDSM play. Both Rachel's arms wrapped around her Mistresses neck as they kissed passionately, their tongues molding to each other. On top of her slave now, Avery broke off the kiss and turned her attention to her breasts, nuzzling first one then the other as her right hand slid down to caress her perfect ass.As Rachel rolled back on top of her Mistress, Avery slid her knee between Rachel's legs pressing her thigh against the slaves pussy. Rachel moaned as she slowly rolled her hips against her Mistresses leg.Avery then assumed the top position and with her slaves head resting in the bend of her left elbow, kissing her deeply, as her right hand ventured down below Rachel's waist running her fingers through her bush. Rachel's moans were very vocal as her labia were parted by her Mistress who then began to massage the slaves engorged clit. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 8================================================================================As the pair became more and more aggressive in their foreplay their moans and guttural sounds became louder. With Rachel on her back Avery lifted her hips and slid a pillow under them. Then slipping between her legs, lifting them and spreading her labia Avery's pubic bone slid between Rachel's labia as she wrapped her legs around her Mistresses waist.Rachel grips Avery's hips pulling her in thrusting upward. With her legs apart, her labia opens like a flower allowing her Mistresses vulva to work its way inside of hers. As her arousal increases Avery's engorged clit will actually penetrate her slit. At the top of Rachel's stroke Avery' s clit is nuzzled between the bottom edge of her slit, then as her hips slide back, the Domme's clit will slide along between her labia until their clits mash together. As they get closer to their orgasm, their motions become more frenzied and Rachel pulls Avery downward increasing the pressure. Rachel cums first and a flood of her hot juices pour out and coat their meshing vulvae. The thrill of Rachel's screaming orgasm combining with the wet sound of their meshing pussys and the feel of her warm cream flowing into Avery's vagina was all that was necessary to push the Mistress over the edge. The positioning of their bodies was so comfortable and thrusting so effortless it was as though their bodies were designed to have sex together. They continued without wait to press each other onward toward more orgasms. The thrusting is so natural as their breasts mold to each other and there kissing is more and more passionate. They become a pulsating mass of intertwined arms and legs, their breasts, mouths and vulvae merged as into one body as they cum time and time again until they both collapse in exhaustion, wrapped in each others arms.Across the room from Avery's king size bed, was a pair of wide floor to ceiling windows. The windows were positioned to receive the morning sun so on Sunday morning, when Avery and Rachel were still laying in each others arms when the bright rays of the morning sun lit their faces. As they awakened, the troubles of Rachel's divorce seemed miles away and a beautifully sunlit, late November Saturday would have nothing but enjoyment in store for them. Before they could manage to get out of bed Avery's phone rang."Hi mom. " Rachel answered, lying back onto the warm bed."yeah, she's right here with me" she said with Rachel's expression becoming quizzical knowing she was obviously the subject of Avery's conversation with her mom."Sure, mom. Do you want to talk to her, or should I just tell her.?" asked Avery, now making Rachel completely confused."Okay mom, I'll call you later" she said clicking the end button on her cell."Were you just discussing me with your mother? " asked Rachel."Well, uh yeah, we were talking about you." replied Avery, still trying to figure the best way to explain the entire situation."Okay, so that's new information," she said, with uncertainty in her voice. "and does that mean your mother knows I stayed here with you last night?" She asked. "Well, she probably has a good idea you stayed the night," explained Avery. "because when we talked yesterday afternoon I think I said you probably would.""I need to recap before I lose my mind" Said Rachel, beginning to panic slightly. "The mother, of the girl I have fallen in love with knows that I stay over with her daughter." She began."You've fallen in love with?" Questioned Avery excitedly."So not a big deal, except" Rachel continued. "The girl I've fallen in love with is my student. She is 18 but will that matter?"

"You said it again, you said fallen in love with, you said it twice" exclaimed Avery"She is my student. Her mother knows. I'm going to jail... Oh my god, I'm going to jail" exclaimed Rachel.Avery grasps Rachel by the shoulders and shaking her says "Listen to me!""What, Okay, Avery, I'm going to jail" said Rachel in a somber tone."You aren't going to jail Rachel!" said Avery trying to calm her slave."I'm not?" questioned Rachel in a stupor." Rachel, listen to me! Did you say that you had fallen in love with me?" Questioned Avery."What, love, fallen, yes I did, I did say that." answered Rachel still trying to come to grips with the information overload."Stop thinking for a moment!" exclaimed Avery. "Rachel look at me and stop thinking for a moment, please! I love you." said Avery looking into Rachel's eyes."I love you to, Avery. Will you visit me in jail after your mother has me arrested?"

asked Rachel. "She knows and you're a student and I'm going to jail." she rambled."You have to stop saying that! You aren't going to jail, my mom is on our side and I told her about you because I want her to be your lawyer" said Avery, finally getting through to her lover."Did I know your mom was a lawyer? I don't think I remember that." Rachel queried, unsure of herself. "I thought I met your mom in a conference a couple of years ago and she owned a tech company?" continued Rachel."You did meet her, different mom." Said Avery confusing Rachel even more. "You met Bree, she and my other mom have been together since high school. Today you will meet Carol, the mom who gave birth to me." explained Avery, knowing that further detail would be necessary. "It's a long boring story, but here goes the cliff notes version, Bree and Carol - lesbian girlfriends in high school here in Mobile. Both ridiculously smart. Accepted to Vanderbilt. Bree top in her class computer engineering, Carol, same in law. Flash forward a few years, Bree starts a tech company Carol is a high priced entertainment lawyer they live in Nashville. Some old fart country singer comes on to Carol ends up raping her on his bus, she turns out to be pregnant" Avery pauses, pointing at herself before continuing. "Flash forward to now. Carol still big time entertainment lawyer, offices in Mobile and Nashville. Goes to Nashville a few days each week , Bree- big time high tech mogul lady. My moms! The end" Says Avery.As Rachel soaked everything in, she had been holding Avery's hands in her own as they sat cross legged, facing each other in the middle of the king sized bed. As the sat in silence for several minutes, both were processing new information.Rachel processing how the woman she love came to be. Avery processing that Rachel loves her.With the end of the holiday break and coming of January and the new year Rachel Richey was poised to begin the difficult last five months of keeping her sexual servitude to a student secret. December had been her most fulfilling month ever, both in an erotic sense and from the viewpoint of her impending divorce. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 9================================================================================As November ended she was floundering with an inept attorney and an estranged husband who was on the verge of taking all the marital assets and walking away to leave her destitute. But with December came the introduction of Carol Sexton, or as opposing counsel and their clients know her, The Demon Lesbian Lawyer From Hell!Simply by showing up to the first hearing, Carol struck fear in John Richey, his lawyer and even many in the gallery totally unrelated to the case. A few simple motions later and all the couples assets were magically produced. Three days later at the first meeting between the parties, a deal favorable to Rachel was tendered and accepted, everything signed off on and the two were able to go along their merry way as ex-husband and ex-wife. Rachel kept the house, all the marriage's financial assets were split down the middle and the savings account that Rachel held before they were married was returned to her intact. All in all it was everything Rachel wanted and to top it all off, When Carol presented Rachel her bill for services it was marked paid in full'. When Rachel questioned her about the paid bill she simply replied " It's the least I could do for the woman I expect will be my Daughter-in-law at some point in the future."New Years Eve brought a memorable stay home evening for Avery and Rachel. The evening began with the two of them preparing an elegant dinner and having Rachel's moms, Carol and Bree over to enjoy it with them. After dinner and a bit of wine, Carol and Bree excused themselves to leave the couple to an evening of play. Their departure didn't come without an admonition from Carol to both of them, that this evening should be one of the last overnight sessions they would enjoy and that for the rest of the school year, Avery's main residence must be with her and Bree and that there could be no spur of the moment rendezvous or quickie in the bathroom at school! They could, perhaps have a well planned and well disguised stay over at Avery's house but it must be carefully planned and could not be common practice!With Bree and Carol off to make the rounds of the Gulf Coasts better New Years Eve parties, Avery cuddled with Rachel on the living room sofa. It was still four hours until the televised ball drop in Times Square. "This is your evening, Babe. What do you want to do for the next four hours, because at midnight I'm taking you to my bed and fucking you until sunrise"The thought of bed with Avery almost made Rachel say take me there now' but she fought the urge. It had been some time since they had spent any time in the dungeon, and knowing how much Avery enjoyed her play time Rachel opted for dungeon play. "I want to put on that red cup-less bustier you got me and the matching hooker heels and have you take me to the dungeon and work me over until midnight.""If you'll go put it on I'll be waiting here when you get ready" replied Avery.With a kiss, Rachel headed upstairs to dress for her mistress. As she headed up stairs, Avery quickly ran to the dungeon, to dress for the occasion herself. Quickly pulling on black hose and heels a black thong and camisole with garters and a sheer black wrap she barely made it back to the sofa when she heard Rachel at the top of the stairs.Her slave was a vision of loveliness. Her pert breasts lifted just so by the bustiers underwire while being fully exposed since it had no cup. The garment ended an inch or two above the slaves neatly trimmed and waxed landing strip pubic hair. The 6 inch platform heels were difficult to walk in but looked amazing and had the effect of visually lengthening the slaves legs. The best accessory, however was the addition of her collar that the two had picked out some weeks back at an area adult toy store. Carrying a neatly folded leash, Rachel knelt before her Mistress and with head bowed offered the leash with both hands.Pleased with how her slave had taken to the subservient role Avery took the leash and without a word shifted forward on the sofa and lifted the slaves chin to access the collar.The slave knelt with arms crossed behind her as her Mistress snapped the leash in place and stood. Continuing to kneel before her mistress, slave kept her eyes down.Mistress stepped close to the slave and opened her sheer wrap. With her left hand she pulled her thong aside baring her pussy, inches from slaves down-turned face. Tugging the leash with her right hand she signaled the slave to look up.Before the slaves eyes as she looked forward was mistresses wonderful pussy. Slave dared not lick, kiss or even touch until told to do so. For what seemed an eternity, slave knelt only an inch away but not allowed to devour her mistresses body.Finally Mistress spoke to her "Kiss my pussy slave." Rachel responded by gently placing her lips on the Mons Venus of her Mistress and holding them there. Then moving ever so slightly downward inching closer to the upper folds of the labia, but still not using her tongue because she had not been instructed to.Having reached a point where she could move no further downward because of Mistresses stance, slave slowly moved back upward with her kisses along the same path back to Mistresses Mons.Feeling the moisture building, Mistress decided it was time to retire to the dungeon with her slave. "Rise." she said adding a tug on the leash, and the slave stood as Mistress turned slave followed to the dungeon.The slave was led to a large upright steel frame. The frame had a series of pulleys and cables that were obviously designed to suspend a human body in mid air.Removing the leash mistress turned the slave around to face her as she began to fasten large leather cuffs to the wrists of the slave. These were larger than any other s used on the slave before. "These cuffs are designed for suspension, Rachel." She said. "they distribute the weight evenly throughout your hand and if you need it there is a bar in the palm to grab on to. This makes them safer."Rachel nodded that she understood.As she attached the other cuff she gave the slave one last admonition, "This is still suspension though and its an arm suspension. If you feel too much pain in your shoulders or elbows use the safe word. Say red and I'll lower you immediately."With wrist and ankle cuffs in place and all the cables connected Avery was ready to suspend her slave.This was the first time she was suspending Rachel and she was a bit nervous. She had done this dozens of times and was always true to the first paradigm of BDSM, her dungeon was safe.In front of her slave and ready to press the button to lift, she took one final opportunity. "Remember, red if it hurts" She said"I'll be fine. I love you! Please, make me fly!" implored the slave.As she pressed the button Avery kissed her slave, her tongue darting between the slaves lips as her arms were lifted over her head, then the kiss was broken as she was lifted by her arms off the ground.Her arms were pulled toward separate upper corners with the lifting being stopped when her feet were just off the ground. Another button then took out the slack on the leg cables and they were pulled apart, each toward a lower corner of the frame. When she was finished Avery had successfully placed the slave in a suspended spread eagle. "Are you comfortable slave?" asked the Mistress."Yes Mistress." replied the slave.Standing close behind her slave, Mistress reached around her with both hand and fondled her breasts roughly eliciting moans from the slave. The moans of enjoyment quickly turned to sounds of pain as the fondling turned to aggressive pinching of her nipples. One hand slid down across her firm abdomen and with a familiar ease a middle finger slipped through the labia too find ample moisture to lubricate an invasion of the helpless slaves pussy. First one finger then a second and soon a third stretched the opening, and bringing a glistening to the mistresses hand from the slaves arousal. Lifting the drenched fingers to the slaves mouth, Mistress had the slave lick her own juices from her fingers.Continuing with the theme of assaulting the slaves pussy, Mistress was positioned again in back of the slave, this time with a flogger in hand.Without warning, the flogger's lashed were brought up between slaves outstretched legs, wrapping around her crotch and landing with their ends around the slaves navel. A second blow, then a third each blow increasing in intensity and beginning to leave their marks on the belly of the slave.Moving in front of the slave but continuing to use the flogger, the blows were now directed more at the pussy of the slave, but also having every third or fourth blow landing on the breasts.Soon the belly, breasts and the pussy were reddened and marked by the flogger. Then came time for the cane, a more targeted attack is possible with a cane. Not just the breast as a whole but the nipples can be targeted as well and the clitoral hood, the Mons Venus or the labia. All would feel the cane before Mistress put it down.Being satisfied by the markings her slave now bore and the requisite pain inflicted Mistress turned to the application of pleasure for the slave. She reached from behind and slid her fingers down through the tiny strip of pubic hair and opened the slaves labia. Sliding a finger inside, she used her other hand to press the head of a Hitachi against the clitoral hood.Sliding her fingers along the labia and constantly moving the Hitachi, Mistress was working the slave into a frenzy.As she pushed closer and closer to orgasm the struggling and bucking of the slave caused the frame of the suspension device to creak and the chains and cables to rattle. The slaves moans became louder and her breathing more erratic as pleasure filled all the welts left by cane or flogger.Mistress would not remind her slave that it was mandatory that she ask permission to have an orgasm. The slave should have that rule permanently in her mind by now. As the application of the Hitachi continued, slaves pulse quickened and as she approached the point of orgasm, she cried out "May I cum, Mistress?"Unlike all the other times she had made the request, this time Mistress immediately removed the Hitachi and quickly stopped fingering her slave "You may NOT cum slave!".Slave was shocked, but the impetus was gone, there was no Hitachi generating waves of joy, her Mistresses fingers no longer elevated her pleasure, there was no stimulation at all and she was helpless to stimulate herself so she descended into a whimpering mass of raw nerve endings unable to gather that one morsel of stimulus needed to press over the edge and fall into glorious orgasm.All she could do is whimper, "Please Mistress," she pleaded, crying helplessly. "Please make me cum Mistress."When Mistress felt slave had suffered enough she flipped the Hitachi on again and as she touched the vibrating head to the slaves clitoris, she said the words her slave longed for "Cum for me, Baby." As she heard the words, it was as if her body were being controlled by Mistresses mind. The waves of orgasmic pleasure flooded into her very being.Knowing that the withholding of the first orgasm would elevate the possibility of multiples Mistress continued to press the Hitachi against slaves pussy, but she also invaded her pussy with her middle finger, turning it so she could bend it forward toward slaves Grafenberg nerve bundle. When a recognizable shudder coursed through slaves body she knew she had found the spot and whispered to the slave, "Now, cum for me again."Within seconds the slave again tensed and bucked as another orgasm washed over her, this time causing her to squirt copious amounts of her juices all over the floor and to convulse almost uncontrollably.It took three or four minutes for the slave to return to her senses, stop convulsing and making animalistic sounds.The first thing slave realized as she came back to her senses was that Mistress had released her right leg and that she was now securing a rope around the ankle replacing the leather cuff."Welcome back to the living." Said Mistress, when she recognized that her slave was somewhat coherent now. With that she stood and bent slaves knee pulling the bound ankle up to the slaves thigh. With a couple of double wraps the completed the frog tie on the right leg before continuing to the left.Next she silently released the tension on the left leg lowering it. In a repeat of the actions taken on the right leg, she doubled the length of soft cotton rope and wrapped it around slaves ankle twice before anchoring the wrap with a knot. She then folded the leg as before and secured the frog tie of the left leg.Standing on front of the slave with the winch control, she lowered slave just a few inches until their faces were level with each other.Stepping close to slave and placing her arms around her waist she kissed slave passionately before asking her "did you enjoy your orgasms, dear?""Oh, yes Mistress, thank you for making me cum." she said "Mistress, how many times did I cum, I think I completely passed out and I have no idea what happened then." she continued."You had your share, slave" said Mistress with a laugh. Bur now it's going to be my turn slave ."Yes Mistress, please let me give you pleasure" said Rachel. With that, mistress pressed the button lowering the bound slave to the floor. When the slave was kneeling on the floor, one arm winch was released while the other was kept taunt. The leather cuff was removed from the loosened arm. The second arm was then released and the cuff removed.With her arms free but her legs frog tied slave could do nothing but kneel with her arms folded as Mistress retrieved a forty foot length of cotton rope. Centering the rope, she formed a double coin knot and pulled two loops from it. Pulling the slaves arms behind her she slid one loop up each arm and tightened them at the level of the lower shoulder.About four inches below the double coin, she created a double loop and pulled enough slack in the loops to pass them over the slaves hands. Then the slack was taken up to tighten the loops just below the original loops.This step was then repeated and loops tightened just above the elbows. Twice more double loops were added, passed over the slaves hands and positioned just before the previous loops. The result was the classic dragonfly sleeve, which immobilized the slaves arms in a artistic tie. The loose ends of the rope were passed between the slaves legs. Mistress determined the position and tire a square knot in the pairs that lay on top of the clit of the slave when the rope was pulled tight. The ends were then tied off to each shoulder loop and tightened effecting the crotch rope so that any movement would cause the square knot to arouse the clit. Avery Takes A Slave Chapter 10================================================================================Mistress was now ready to use her slave to her own benefit. Standing in front of slave, she removed her robe and slipped her thong down her legs and tossed it aside. Stepping closer she pulled slaves face into her crotch. The slave began to explore Mistresses familiar labia with her tongue, slipping it between the ridges and tasting her familiar juice. She savored the scent and reveled in her submissiveness to the woman she loved with all her heart. As the practiced tongue located the Mistresses clit, a sigh of pleasure escaped her lips and she urged the slave on. "mmm yes right there, suck it. " She demanded and slave responded by closing her lips around the tiny bundle of nerve endings and suckling them much as a hungry baby would suckle its mothers breast. But slave wasn't hungry for mothers milk, instead she was hungry for the sounds of pleasure emanating from Mistresses mouth.The slave had been so thoroughly pleasured by her Mistress just minutes before that she felt compelled to provide pleasure to Mistress.The feeling of fulfillment that comes from pleasing their Domme/Dom is as addictive for the slave as heroin or cocaine is for the drug addict. Just like the addict will do anything to feed their habit, a truly submissive slave will do anything necessary to please their Mistress or Master.Rachel was doing just that, serving her Mistress with abandon, as she probed and sucked, making every effort to bring her Mistress to an explosive orgasm.Reaching for a nearby table, Avery grabbed a gag harness with a dildo gag attached. The short side went into the slave mouth and an 8 inch dildo protruded from the other side. She quickly pushed the gag into Rachel's mouth and fastened it in place with its three straps. Mistress lay back with a sofa cushion under her hips as the slave leaned forward. With the dildo poised at the entrance to her pussy Avery pulled the slave closer. With the dildo fully inside her mistress, the slave moved her head back to withdraw it then forward to enter again. The slave knelt shamelessly between her mistresses legs. Even though she was helplessly bound she somehow found a way to thrust the dildo in her mouth into and out of her Mistresses pussy. It was her duty in life at this moment to fuck her Mistress as best she could. Soon her Mistress began to hunch back, meeting her thrusts, she continued bob her head up and down almost as though giving a blow job as she was burning with the desire to bring an orgasm out of her mistress.Wanting another approach, Mistress pulled away from her slave and lifting her to her knees, she turned to present her ass to the slave. On her hands and knees, she guided the dildo into her pussy and slave continued her thrusting from behind. With this entry, mistress was able to then reach between her legs and manipulate her clit as she came closer and closer to orgasm.The new position also afforded the slave the means to vary the angle of entry and the speed of her thrusts. She tried anything she could imagine to increase Avery 's pleasure. Mistresses moans of pleasure were like words of encouragement egging her on as she pummeled her pussy without slowing.Soon Mistress was on the verge of orgasm as she vigorously rubbed her clit and humped the dildo as her slave tirelessly fucked her with a passion. "I'm cumming," she moaned as she pushed back firmly and Rachel pressed forward with all her strength. The orgasm that flooded over her was only the beginning however as she fully intended to ride her slave to another. Mistress quickly pushed her slave onto her back and grabbed the Hitachi she had used on the slave before. Straddling her slaves face, she slid the dildo into its familiar home then leaning back and holding herself up by her arms Rachel began fucking her again this time using a nodding motion. With the slave between her knees, she had much more ability to move now and took advantage by riding the cock and thrusting forward and back. The slave matched her movements to add to the effectiveness. Rachel was pushing harder and harder to bring her Mistress to a climax. Every motion she could create would bring an increase to her Mistresses arousal. Wanting to help her mistress support herself, Rachel put her bound legs together and pulled then up as far as she could so that her mistress could lean on them and leave her arms free. This enabled Mistress to pick up the Hitachi and employ it again to bring her closer to an orgasm.Soon the moans and the increased pace of the thrusts and the more vigorous use of the Hitachi signaled that Mistress was reaching her peak. She urged her slave more directly now bidding her to "Fuck me, harder slut, Fuck me" she hissed through gritted teeth and slave obliged by quickening her pace and pumping harder and herder with every movement.Soon, guttural almost demonic sounds were coming from some hidden recess of mistresses throat and as she shifted forward, pinning her slaves head between her crotch and the floor, she buried the dildo in her pussy. Her moans were transformed to high pitch shrieks as again and again she was rocked by multiple violent orgasms, at one point almost losing consciousness, just as her slave had done earlier.Her next recollection was lying on the floor of the dungeon in a quivering heap with her hand on her still convulsing pussy. She opened her eyes to see that she was beside her slave, still bound and gagged, her head turned toward her Mistress.It was all she could do to reach out to the buckle holding the gag in place. Somehow she was able to loosen it and pull the harness from around Rachel's head."Damn," said Rachel not being able to find the words to describe the session they had just had."Yeah, damn" replied Avery.It took several minutes for Avery to regain her composure and strength enough to pull the knots on the dragonfly so that Rachel could wiggle out of it. With her arms free, the slave set about freeing her legs as her Mistress still lay in a heap on the floor.When all her ropes were removed, she also slipped off the bustier and then snuggled close to her mistress. As they relaxed in each others arms. The dungeon was now still and quiet, the only sound was the breathing of the two lovers. It was so still and peaceful that turning an ear toward the kitchen door they heard the television in the living room and recognized that they heard the countdown to New Years. As the lay in each others arms they began to count down along with the crowd at Times Square. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... "Happy New Year," they said in unison as their lips touched.


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