Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 15, 2023


Chapter 110

There was something quite strange in the morning, my baby was in bed cuddled up with Evan and me. I could smell a kind of newness in the air and my bedroom window had been removed and a glass sliding door was in its place. I must admit it all looked very fancy, the guys had done a good job. We ended up with a new bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe, Ayden's bedroom was the mirror image and he had ended up with a bigger bed made out of surfboards of course. I didn't hear a thing but when my beautiful blue-eyed son woke he told me he had to crawl in with us the noise was driving him crazy.

Horse appeared and slid the door open, he looked around and gave his nod of approval, they just didn't rebuild the room they stretched it into the yard a further ten feet so the back porch was still there but the stays were gone. Ayden's bathroom was tiled with, bright fish, seashells, mermaids, wales all that type of seaside stuff and ours was a dark grey tile with an azure blue accent, it was simply stunning. Evan and Horse got ready for their early morning surf and Ayden wanted to use his new kiddy toilet.

He jumped back into bed while his pa went down to the beach with his friends, I lay there just looking into his eyes and imagining he was a baby again. Coffee and milk were delivered and us two had a sort of tea party.

"What are you up to today son?"

"Ise go to school dah, then surf then get hugs then burga."

"You got it all planned out have you?"

"Yes dah, same as always mes good at that."

I couldn't help feeling he was pulling away from us and his life was going on without me.

Susan and Patrick will do well, they already have loads of future bookings and the best day was Sunday because they will be putting on a Sunday roast at a very special family price. I don't think many of the holidaymakers cook one when they are down here and its a sort of tradition in Australia to have a Sunday roast.

While Ayden went to find some breakfast I looked out the back porch, it was brand new there were another four stays tucked in under the porch because the land sloped towards the beach there was plenty of room under it to do that. Rita's rooms had been pushed out too so she will have a better bigger bedroom and bathroom same with Spud and Ali. It all looked new and pretty swish in my eyes. I said to my self that's it that's all that needs to be done with the shack. Of course, that was until I went out the front porch and saw it had been pushed out a further five feet. It would have been more but the big old tree was in the way and father didn't want to disturb its roots by moving it too far.

So we had plenty more room, Rita could fit in six or so new tables and my table looked a little small sitting there all alone.

My son was plowing into a burger and I kissed his head as I walked up to the cafe to get a pot of coffee. Rita was amazed at the stealth the folk used she didn't hear a thing but woke up in a bigger softer bed she even had new linen in the cupboard, I had better check mine out, the stuff I use is from Evans old house, Ayden's is still pretty new.

Spud and Ali were moving furniture around and storing paintings into the spare room, their bathroom was like ours and very roomy.

Anyway, I shrugged it all off and went back to my son who wasn't there, I was told he had to use his new shower which was a kiddy size one only four feet off the floor. I didn't go check the temperature I know my father wouldn't place him in any danger.

I sipped my coffee and watched the foreshore wake up, kids ran everywhere and mums yelled at them, pretty typical day, two big motorhomes came up the road. I watched them maneuver into the camping ground and park. Lindsay got out of the driver's seat and waved, I suppose his eyesight was that good I could barely see him. It will be good to have him here it's been a while since he's been down fishing.

My old car drove up and parked, Mavis and Mike alighted and waved then headed my way. You would have thought she had a new set of legs from the way she threw them around. She ordered coffee from Tush then gave him the once over when he walked away, he gave her his regular butt show, then slapped it.

"Good morning my lovelies what brings you both here so early?"

"I had to follow Mike to the dealership he's getting his car serviced today, he wants to get in some surfing so I will pick him up later."

My handsome Mike gave me a hug and sat to have a milkshake. He was a handsome devil and growing so fast he's almost a man.

"Den, is Ali and Spud down the beach?"

"No, we had renovations done last night they are sorting out their room." He sent Spud a message; I don't know why he's only a few rooms away. One came back and he moved up the porch to go see them.

"Den now he's gone I want to talk to you about something."

"Yes Mavis how can I help?"

"I want to ask you if Tim's found the X yet?"

"I'm not sure I know what you are asking Mavis if its the buried treasure then yes he has." Her ears pricked up and she was dying to ask me where it was, but I had my answers well rehearsed so she won't ask again.

"Where did it end up being Den?"

"In the bushes along the beach my lovely, the folk are the treasure they always have been."

She looked disappointed and I don't quite know if she believed me or not.

"So the folk are the treasure of the bay, it makes sense Den."

"Yes, it does Mavis perfect sense, why? have you run out of things to sell?" My father had arrived and brought his big mug of coffee down.

"Good morning son, Mavis how's business?"

"Good thank you, Mr. King, although my supplier is running dry with his one-off objects de art. I feel there's more to be had somewhere so I will have to go further out to resource them."

"Well you need to know where to look, could you do with a hand? I can send out my researchers to find things for you if you like they are well educated in ancient and fine art."

Her eyes lit up she's a crafty old bugger, maybe that was her intention all along to get someone to do it for her.

"That would be marvelous if it's okay, yes I will take you up on that offer."

"Done then, I will talk to them this morning we don't want you missing out now." He smiled at me Mavis dropped her head and blushed.

"Dah is this good?" My son came out his hair had been done and he had his red shorts and Blues tank top on.

"Perfectly acceptable son, you look beautiful." He ran up to me for a hug. If I didn't know better, I thought I smelt a waft of Evans aftershave on him.

"You smell nice son, what have you got on?"

"Nothings dah, the water smelled like pa, like a clears river running through a forest Gardie says."

"Oh, well it smells awesome."

Mavis smelt him and nodded her head in agreement. He climbed up on my lap and started to talk to her about surfing, her limited knowledge got her through the worst of it as my father giggled into his oversized mug.

"Hey, how's my favorite magic baby today?" He struggled down to greet Lindsay who immediately picked him up. He couldn't see my father and he already knew Mavis.

"Goods Mr. Lindsay how have you beens keepings?" My son greeted him as he sat and placed him on his knee.

"I hear you are going to school, I hope you are enjoying it. I loved school but hated learning so I couldn't wait to get out and start earning some money." He laughed.

"Ise doing very well my teacher says so, and I knows so." He scrunched his hands up because he is clever.

"Well, I must go see Rita she told me there's a new seafood restaurant in town and I need to know where it is."

"Just down the road and turn right at the shops you can't miss it," I said.

"Mys Susan's house, she has plenty of fish for you." Ayden nodded his answer.

"Good I will make a visit at lunchtime hopefully it's a decent meal."

"Oh, believe me, we had the seafood platter the other night it was more than enough for four people." Mavis offered.

"Good then I'm doubly looking forward to it, any new paintings I can't afford Den?"

I laughed because I always have a spare one for him he was so kind to me when I first came here so I never charge him. I don't mind that he asks either because we have that sort of relationship we are both pretty cool with each other.

I went to get it for him, one of my new mermaid ones will do, I can always do more. He wasn't feeling too well when I displayed it on the easel, I think he was almost fainting.

"My god Den, where do you get these ideas from, your mind must be like a Museum, full of paintings."

"It is actually Lindsay; one day I'll have a really good clean out." I laughed.

He knew the value of this painting, he's an art lover and knows his stuff. I never ask him for anything but he has offered quite a few times.

Some pretty damn good looking kids came by and wanted to walk Ayden to school, so he kissed me and said goodbye to the others and went through to the cafe. Lindsay wasn't fairy folk so he only saw three human kids going to school.

"Where's the school Den?"

"On the beach at the moment, next year we will do something more permanent in our lounge room." I hated lying to him but he did ask.

"The kids are mates from town and Susan gives them lessons to do and the boys check it, it all works he's very advanced for his age."

"That figures he has the magic in him, don't forget to tell him education isn't the only thing he should have, he should experience life too. Look at me self made millionaire with no education to talk about." He puffed up.

"We know Lindsay that's why he studies on the beach, he has to have fun while he's doing it." I laughed.

He was good to go with that and kept looking at the painting I think he wants to gloat about it to his friends. He went to talk to Rita for a while and Mavis said she would be back in a couple of hours when Mikes car is ready. She said her goodbyes and my father again said to leave everything to him.

I watched her drive off then turned to dad.

"What have you got in mind father?"

"She really is basically a good old soul son, she just wants to leave a big legacy for her grandchildren Mike and Emma, we will find some beautiful stuff for her to sell. The Dwarves aren't the only ones that can seek out antique jewelry and such." He grinned.

"Well don't make it too rare otherwise the museums will be onto her and thank you for our lovely new home too. It's beautiful."

"Our pleasure son, anything else just come to me."

I smiled, he really was a generous king. He finished up his drink and went to see Rita I think he thinks Lindsay is chatting her up in there. Not the case, Lindsay's wife is the most down to earth person I know she's a bit like Rita in a way.

I wrapped up his painting then took my current work out to give it it's finishing touches. It turned out beautiful like the others. I noticed quite a few campers were coming up for breakfast and Tush and Bubble were starting to get busy. Alex and Andy arrived and he was dumped in my lap for some morning hugs and kisses. He wasn't in his usual good mood but we got it done. Alex bought his drink down and I asked him, he said he was very restless last night they had to put him in with them.

I thought maybe Andy wanted to go surfing the oceans with his dads and was waiting to be asked. He brightened up when his eyes suddenly found something behind me, I will ask Ayden if Andy can see Trident. I also heard a deep cooing and some kind of baby talk, then Andy giggled with smiles for miles.

He finished his drink and went to sleep so I shifted him over to the bean bag then caught Tush who helped me move my table to the front a few feet. Good, it's not so cramped now there's plenty of room. Tony was on board today he came for coffee, then he was going to go see Cyn and David for a while. I asked him how Joe was he said he was perfect, he was absolutely in love and his life was exactly the way it should have been. He told me Joe and birdy were conspiring behind his back and feels they are going to attack another one of his new tables very soon. He doesn't mind, the only thing he does mind is he doesn't feel the need to sell them, they are too beautiful.

"Has Cyn been selling much Tony?"

"Yes Den, she's bloody busy this time of year thank god she has assistants now that know the job. The auction site almost runs itself she doesn't do much except count the money." he laughed.

"Good more time spent with little David then."

"He's an angel Den, I love him to bits and I want one just like him." He smiled.

"Maybe you and Joe should go to the Arab states and rescue a child, I'm sure Joe will know where to look." I smiled at him.

"Not that easy Den, it's bad where the fighting is, very dangerous in some areas. I don't know if there are any kids left there."

"I suppose you would need to talk to Arras about it first."

"Yes, I don't like to talk to Joe it will bring back bad memories for him and I don't want to do that."

"Well maybe I will talk to the king before he and Aisha leave for their, baby show off." he laughed.

"When are they going, Tony?"

"Soon I think, they wanted to stick around for Christmas but the family wants them at home before Souma gets too old."

"They haven't said anything, I must ask them." I was curious because they don't celebrate Christmas over there they have their own ceremonies. Tony left and then there was just me and Andy who by now was running in his sleep, his little legs were moving like he was surfing. Maybe a big dream, maybe Trident has taken him for a ride.

I sketched a sunken ship, a Spanish galleon with a great hole in its side. It wasn't beat up like they usually are but there was a bar set up in the hole with dim lighting. Susan was serving cocktails to my mates who were back in their colorful boardies sitting on large oyster shells. Ayden and Evan were swinging from the huge mast having a sky surf and Trident was laying flat in the sand with a cocktail glass in his hand, I think he was drunk. The air bubbles contained my folk they were having rides to the surface. One oyster shell was open and a huge pearl was lighting up the painting with its aura. I got a tap on the shoulder it was Lindsay saying goodbye. He invited us for lunch but I said I couldn't go because lunch around here was usually around afternoon tea time.

"Do you want to take the burgers down Den?" Rita had her basket in hand.

"Okay, my lovely." I took it from her and started my journey down to the beach. My son was surfing again it must be playtime, he spotted me and came in with the rest of the boys. As usual, he passed Blues burger to him then they found their biscuits just in case one of the boys pinched them.

"How's school this morning son?"

"Good dah, mes learns abouts the stars today, I knows all their names and I knows some more that I can't see too."

"Good its always a good thing to know where you are in the galaxy." He nodded his understanding as I got a kiss on the neck. Evan was last to appear he had his hair up today, I told him he looked like an old woman with it like that so he let it down again. That's better I like it that way.

The men were excited to see our renovations they had been hearing all about it and Trip said he wouldn't mind doing something to Mel's house to bring it into the modern era. I told him to talk to the king he would organize something for them. He doesn't mind really it gives them something to do.

The Ogre king came and sat, he took up a lot of room in his human form.

"Why don't you ask the Ogre Trip, we can build stuff too."

"Okay, can you update our house for us when you get the time?"

I didn't think that was a good idea because Ogres can be a little lazy and it might not end up being very stylish like ours. Later Trip got worried, he was sort of talked into letting the Ogre do his renovations, but he would have much rather the Dwarves and Elves do it. I told him if he doesn't like it he could change it. He had spent an hour with the king explaining what he wanted it to look like, the king nodded his understanding and said he would get his men onto it shortly then he asked him how many caves he wanted underneath it. Poor Trip and Mel god knows what they will end up with.

Horse put the fear into him when he said he should get Abs to check out the work when it's finished it might be stapled and glued together.

"I've done something really stupid Mel, don't get mad at me please." Trip was on the phone to the little wife. I didn't want to talk to father about it because he might take over and then the arguments will start again. Ayden kissed us goodbye then went back to school, Evan lingered around his hair was half dry and I so wanted to run my hands through it. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to dance or surf, the surf won out when my father arrived; Oh shit I'm in for it now.

"What's this I hear about the Ogres doing Trips alterations?"

Evan said a quick goodbye and ran off laughing.

"He overheard our conversation and pushed his way in, I think Trip didn't want to insult him so he said okay."

"Good, it's been a while since their builders did anything, worthwhile son, back in the time of old the Ogres were great builders but they got slack when they came here, it will be interesting to see how they handle this one, don't worry they can out build the Elves and Dwarves when they want to."

I felt a little better and must word Trip up because he is very worried.

Back at the porch, I waited around for Ayden to finish school, I started doing the paint on my new work just to fill in time. Mavis turned up to pick up Mike to go get his car, and after a few minutes Evan came up. It wasn't late he just wanted to be with me.

"Is everything all right Den, you seem a little preoccupied lately?"

"I'm okay bubs, just feeling like I'm losing Ayden to school and the beach that's all, I hardly get any time to spend with him now with all his mates around."

"You know he has to grow up sometime Den, you couldn't keep him a baby forever."

"I know but it's hard to deal with it sometimes."

"You have the baby blues Den; some mothers get it when their babies go off to school it's a sort of separation depression."

"You reckon?"

"I reckon Den, there's a cure for that you know."

"What is it bubs?" As if I didn't know. We christened our new bedroom soon after and with so much more room there was also an opportunity for me to bend over the small sofa that had been part of the new furnishings. My legs were spread and Evan got a got his tongue out.

We ended up on the new carpet square if someone had a camera it would have looked like we were all distorted because I wanted him to try it a few different ways.

Birdy's end of year presentation was on tonight, he checked with me several times to make sure I was going, Ayden wanted to dress up he wanted his yellow shorts on with a t-shirt this time, Blues pattern of course. I think Trident was coming I could feel his excitement, and my boys, of course, all gathered on the porch with their wives and partners. Rita had a day dress on and Jay was overly excited to go watch him get his final award, that's if he gets one that is.

"Seven messages since playtime Den." He whispered to me.

"Six Jay, and that's not counting the phone calls." I laughed.

"He's so excited and I'm so proud of him, he hasn't struggled but the accident put him a little behind I think."

"Does he talk about it?"

"No Den, but he knows he can anytime he wants. I think that jewel the king gave him helps a lot."

"Well, he knows not to use it all the time otherwise he will get lost in the fantasy world."

"I watch him Den, it's just used as a good night thing, and sometimes for him to have his mums bread with them." He smiled and his eyes sparkled.

He was Jay's son there was no doubt about that, he took over that role when Birdy arrived and was quickly catapulted into adulthood. Jay is the epitome of a good father and between him and Hulk they put Birdy first and all his needs. Hulk is still his brother but he is also his hero, Birdy looks up to him all the time. Jay is the disciplinary one, when they are both naughty they both get sent to their rooms; no argument. I had to giggle to myself, Jay loves them both it's just a role play thing he's taking on.

We met Susan and Patrick at the school along with Mavis Mike Anne and their mob, we took up half the seating in the room. The boys were giving up their seats for the other kid's mommies and aunties and Trident stood up the back, undisturbed.

I couldn't tell you how many of the folk were there they were all invisible, but I felt their excitement building as twenty-two kids slowly took their places on the stage. Birdy's smile was the biggest when he saw us all. He sat quietly and was being very good as the awards were given out, they were actually their end of year reports. We cheered as Birdy stood and went to collect his, his face changed to a beetroot red we were so loud.

Then the principal handed out some personal awards, best student most popular student dux in the class; things like that.

When he got to the most popular student it bought the house down when Birdy's name was called. A lot of hooting and clapping came from us all. He was also called up for the final one too, top of the class, he had topped everyone's scores for the year and came in first place. I was so proud of him I nearly burst out singing and Ayden, not to be hobbled ran up to the stage and gave him the biggest hugs.

That was it all over rover, he jumped down from the stage and ran up to us almost crying and shaking like a leaf and it was beautiful to see, it was Jay that got in the first hug from him. I got the fifth one not that I was counting. I picked him up and gave him a massive hug he didn't mind this time because that's what all the other parents were doing to their kids.

He showed us his report it was awesome, and Hulk said Jay will make a frame for it. We partied after at Susan's restaurant, Spud and Ali wanted to handle the music but Rita stopped them from going anywhere near the music machine.

We took up four large tables outside this time and the food didn't stop coming, we had to call a halt to it because there were cakes and ice cream to be had.

Some of his schoolmates were there too and they did shoot off for a play for a while they were all happy because its the start of the school holidays for them. I noticed big cakes being placed on their tables too, thank you, Millie.

I never in my wildest dreams imagined Birdie would be so popular here, it was hard to wipe the smile off his face all night, except when he got his chocolate dessert. Everything went really well and Patrick had to be congratulated on the food, he did a wonderful job we were very happy for them.

It was straight to bed when Birdie got home he was exhausted; Jay was going to read his bedtime story to him, then he was going to say goodnight to his parents. My son was also tired and as I pulled his covers up I looked into his eyes and told him how much I loved him. He smiled, then I heard his deep snores.

"Did you have a good time?" I said to my ever-present friend.

"Yes, it was different but heartwarming."

"Are you surfing with Blue tonight?"

"Yes, I'm just waiting for them to go to sleep."

"Well don't forget they need human sleep too, otherwise they will be exhausted in the morning."

"I would like to take my prince too."

"Don't make it a big night please." I couldn't argue with him because my son will find out and resent me if I said no.

Evan walked in he was disappointed Ayden had gone to sleep but he kissed him anyway.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Trident he had a marvelous time tonight." I smiled at him. I was watching his lips move, and had a very nasty thought. He grabbed my hand and took me to bed, I forgot that sometimes he can read my mind.

Ayden wasn't any different in the morning, he crawled in with me and had his milk, then toilet then a burger. I asked him if he went with Blue last night, which I suppose I shouldn't have done because he was telling me about some caverns he had been in, they were all filled with gold. When I asked him where they were he made an arm sign and said.

"lots of lights years from here dah, lots and lots."

"What was the planets name?"

"I forgots summthing likes the goldens planet, it gives me more magics dah."

"So you are all topped up with magic then?"

"Yes dah, plenties now, plenties for everyone, plenties for Birdies and pa's jewels."

I don't know why I even asked, it worried me that he can travel into other dimensions with Trident and Blue.

"He is safe with us my king." My shadow popped into the bedroom after Ayden left to seek out his breakfast hamburger.

"I know, but what if something happens and I never see him again?"

"It won't my king, I am too powerful to let that happen."

"So your magic is stronger than Ayden's?"

"Yes sire, I have infinite power more than everyone on this earth and in the universes. I don't want to seem big pronged but I have more power than you. When I am with Blue that power is ten times what it normally is."

"Okay I get it, then you have been around forever then?"

"Yes sire forever, it was me that helped the great white one create life, he had used me as his shepherd's staff. We toiled for eons until we got it right and for my part in it he granted me untold power and a soul, then turned me into a trident."


"Well you are the only one that's asked me, nobody else has bothered over the years. He told me to look out for a great warrior on my travels who will increase that power ten times when we joined, and that warrior's life partner would bring ten times more. He said there were others he couldn't tell me about and I think you and the prince are among them."

"Do you know when I will get to use my magic?"

"When you see your world with different eyes sire and not a minute before."

"What do you mean?"

"I have secrets I can't part with my lord, but I can tell you two things. One is that when you do, my power and the little princes will double, and two you will be more powerful than us together. Please don't go too silly with it." He let out a bellowing laugh then went off to watch some DVDs. I lay there stunned into silence. I really didn't want to hear that, I am quite happy with the folk around me, and my Evan and son with our friends. I also noticed I had been holding him and reading more or his runes.

Different eyes, what the hell did that mean, maybe I will tell Horse he can figure it out. It was about that time I decided to just go with the flow again, it was all too much for little old me. I threw back the covers and headed for the shower. I could hear Rita's soft music playing on the porch as I arrived for coffee, she gave me a big hug and I watched Ayden destroy another burger. His mates were around and I saw an empty platter on the table I guess they are waiting for their ice cream. I kissed Ayden's head and he stared at me, just a fleeting moment but it said volumes.

"Do you know when?"

"No dah it frightens me, I don't think on it toos much."

I reeled because I don't want him to be frightened so I gave him a daddy hug and whispered in his ear.

"Okay we will leave it as it is then, I don't want more magic anyway it scares me too."

"Can't stop it dah, I try but too powerful." I will fix this if it kills me. I walked my coffee back to my seat and sat in stunned silence.

"Trident come here please."

"Here your great majesty."

"Ayden's frightened he might lose me can we fix it so my magic doesn't come back?"

"No sire, it is already written in the golden book that you have to be woken."

"Can we make him less scared then."

"As you wish sire, I will have a quiet talk to him, there are things he can know but you can't." I could hear that devious pitch fork smile.

He drifted off and I was so depleted and I so wanted Evan to hold me for a while so I skulled my coffee and ran quickly down to the beach, then up to where the boys were surfing. I waved him in and stood to wait for his arms which didn't take long to go enclose me. We stood there for ages and I had started crying into his shoulder. He moved me under a big tea tree and sat me down. His strokes were soothing my hurt and he didn't ask why I was upset.

The moment I looked into his eyes we were sitting at his mums back table, he was doodling in the dust and telling me he had to go to London. My stomach dropped because I wanted him to stay with me I didn't want him to go away.

"Evan loves who?" I whispered in his ear.

"Evan loved Den." He whispered back.

"Stay with us always, I love you Evan and I need you."

"You don't need me, you need to get on with your life."

"I do need you and any fool can see I love you too Evan. Please don't go."

"Den are you okay?"

"Yes just living in the past for a moment bub, I will be okay its Ayden I am more concerned with." we came back to reality.

"Tell me." He rubbed my back.

I told him what Trident had told me, he listened patiently then I told him what our boy had said.

Next: Chapter 112

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