Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 21, 2023


Chapter 115

"Did you hear what Rita was saying Den?"

"No bubs what?"

"She is going with Spud Abs and Hulk tomorrow to oversee the interview; she has to be with him she's his guardian as you already know."

"Are you going?"

"I thought I might Den, but Den."

"Yes, baby?"

"We will only be going for a day maybe only for a few hours. Your father is going to help us; he's going to talk to you about it."

"Oh good, then I won't miss you so much then. Maybe I should come with you."

"There's no need baby, but if you want to come you can."

"I want to watch you do your lawyering thing, you know it turns me on," I whispered out of the corner of my mouth to him.

He chuckled and replied.

"I don't have a good suit anymore just that old shirt and tie."

"Well, that will do, the cops will be all over you like a rash when they see how perfect you look in them. Why don't you wear that string bikini I bought you, in case they want to strip search you or something?"

He couldn't contain himself and started laughing and every eye was now on him, then Ra said.

"Go get it and show us, Evan, maybe I can pack my Horse into one too." He giggled.

"It certainly wouldn't fit his needs Ra, make your own."

He's a bugger of a mischief maker as soon as I said it all Horses clothes disappeared and he was left with only a string bikini on, his goods flopped out the sides and were on show for everyone to see. I looked at his shocked face then Evans and said.


"What baby?"

"Stop it." He blushed furiously.

It was well timed as Apple started sauntering down the porch with buns and coffee he screamed when he saw Hoses sitting there nearly almost naked. Ra swept his hand over and Apple's apples were doing the same, but they did it in a big big way.

"Is that what you wanted to see Den?" He laughed.

Fuck me they were huge.

"Thanks, Ra, now put them all back in their baskets please before Rita sees them." I couldn't stop laughing, Apple was still screaming and trying to hide behind a giggling Tim.

Poor Apple he wasn't prepared for that but it was interesting to actually see what he was packing away in those shorts.

A stunned Evan couldn't say anything, I knew he was feeling the after-effects of this mornings lovemaking and I also knew those string bikinis would be on his perfect body very very soon.

Spud was trying to pack a bag for the day, but I reassured him that he wouldn't need so much, just to wear his jeans and a top he's not staying for weeks just hours. I had a word with father or should I say he had a word with me and I pulled Trident into the conversation. He would be more than happy to escort the five boys to Adelaide, he even said they might take the scenic route.

My Ayden who was all eyes and ears wanted to go but I squashed his pleas saying he had school. Trident destroyed our plans by saying they could surf while the boys were fixing everything up. I was concerned that they may need Tridents help but he reassured me that everything will fall into place because he will keep one prong on the proceedings.

So I will have no baby and no lover today.

I kissed my men goodbye Evan had somehow found himself a new blue suit that got plenty of attention from me, and I made sure he had the nicest pair of see-through hipsters on underneath, all the good lawyers wear them - I believe. He looked awesome and my son looked just as good with his blues t-shirt on and his tiny boardies, we drew the line at him wearing a fairy dress, Trident had scored a new tank top for the long journey also.

I looked them all over and deemed them all good to go then from our beach they disappeared to go do some important family business.

I tried to make conversation with Apple first off but he just handed me a coffee and toast and blushed his way through making hamburgers for the kids.

I said my good mornings to them all then he pulled me aside.

"We will not speak of my private parts to anyone will we?"

"Of course I won't, but sometime this morning I want you to flop them out again so I can paint them." I couldn't help myself. He smiled then winked at me.

"You can hide them in that bowl of apples your going to paint for me." He giggled.

I didn't think of that, so I will do him a painting, god knows he's worked for it. He wasn't the best looking man but there was a sort of interesting shape to his face. I see beauty in everything, and to someone out there, Apples beauty will take their breath away someday, but I think his other assets will be a major factor too.

Ra is a crazy guy when he gets going and can't contain his funny side for shit. He gave us a good perve and I wondered if he could do the same with Bubble and Tush. I lost that thought because I don't know who's lurking in my head nowadays. Back to painting and a phone call from Evan later to say they had arrived safely, I started drawing Apple's apples. I was having so much fun with them I even thought I might go and have a pull I was so excited. No, I will wait for my man to get back; he will fix me up

"Dah, Dahhhh!!" I heard my boy screaming from out the back somewhere, I rushed through the shop and the lounge room and yelled.

"Where are you, what's happened?"

"In toilets, had to do poos." I relaxed as I opened the door Trident was standing in the corner Ayden was on his little boy's toilet.

"What's the big rush?"

"Dah cans you wipes me, Ise can't reach."

"Why can't you reach baby?"

"My hands are busy." He was holding down his wee wee with them both. Sometimes I think he deliberately does this so I can clean him up because I'm better at it than him.

He pulled his shorts up and started running for the cafe.

"Whoa hold on there a minute, aren't you suppose to be in Adelaide?" I looked at Trident he chuckled.

"Burga dah then goes backs." Ayden yelled, I could tell he was excited.

"He needed to toilet and I couldn't help him and he wants some lunch while he's here." He chuckled.

"How is it all going?"

"Very well sire, Spud has made his statement, now they are on their way to the house to secure it. We went for a surf, everything's okay and I will bring them all home soon."

Ayden had his hamburger in hand and one for Trident but I don't think he eats food, maybe he does, who knows. I kissed him and they both disappeared again. It was nice to see him for five minutes I did miss them all. I flushed the toilet and swished around some disinfectant I may as well clean it while I'm here, then I took a pee myself. Back at the porch, I grabbed a coffee and people watched, the foreshore is full and there were many of the usual vans and campers parked in their usual spots. I hadn't had time to work out who was folk and who wasn't, but if there are loads of them they haven't made themselves known to us. Father did say they aren't ready to reunite with the fairy, they mostly have many more lives to live but eventually, they will see the folk.

I was daydreaming about Evan and why I couldn't remember his real name. Maybe I had deliberately blocked it from my memory, but I felt I should at least have known it. I couldn't fathom why I would do that. It was about then I saw a flash of steel out of the corner of my eye, my gorgeous boys were back. Ayden jumped up on my knees and kissed me.

"Did you have a good time?" Evan kissed my neck then proceeded to take his tie off, I was disappointed but he looks good in shorts too. I remembered something and talked him into having a coffee before he changed, he still has that underwear on I can help him with, I'm such a deviant.

"What happened, and is everything okay now?" I looked at Spud. He smiled and held Ali's hand as they all sat at the table while Apple took the orders.

"Yes Den, my mum fixed it all up, she was onto them every time they started accusing me of something. I think they think I had something to do with my parent's disappearance. Rita and Evan set them straight so now they have no clues as to what happened to them."

"That bad was it?"

"Well it started out bad but I put them straight, Spud hasn't left the bay for over a year now, he wasn't in Adelaide when they disappeared he was with us on this very porch," Evan said, he would know he's a lawyer.

"The house is secure?"

"Yes Den, Spud here says there's nothing he wants from it so he will organize a charity to clean it out, he only took his parents jewellery and some photos but there's time for him to go have another look before its sold."

"Evan is going to look after that for me and do the wills and funeral, I suppose I will have to go to it but I don't want to." Spud looked down again.

"You don't have to Spud the funeral will only be full of their like-minded cronies and politicians, the ones that liked them. You don't have to do anything you owe them nothing." I said.

"Well, I will think on it then." Ali took his hand and kissed it, then his smiling face was back.

The drinks came down and everyone relaxed, my son relaxed so much he fell asleep, I wanted to ask him where he surfed today. I placed him in his bean bag to make room for my second son who I could see running up the street.

He had spent the morning decorating his new bedroom, he got the bigger better one that overlooks the foreshore and you can see the ocean from it, Jay and Hulk took the back one they said it is a quieter room. The boys will shift their furniture over tomorrow, not that they had much but we will go shopping in the next week to fill it up maybe. Tony didn't charge them anything for the flat he just signed it over, Evan had done the paperwork and it was all done within three days, miracles do happen down here sometimes.

Birdy was telling me after he got his hugs that his Camel looked so nice in his room and it smiles at him all the time, he loves it so much. He and Joe are going to do some carving in the morning while the boys shift the furniture he didn't want to get in the way, so he's keeping busy. He asked if I wanted to go watch him practice on Saturday and I told him I wouldn't miss it for the world I would be there, we decided on a time and I placed it in my head diary. Abs left to go see his wife and son and Hulk had some packing to do, Horse went to find Ra, and Rita was singing in the kitchen again talking to her kids, they had missed her too. Ali and Spud eventually went for a laydown and Ayden woke up to go find food with his mates. I looked at Evan and he blushed then we both headed for our bedroom.

"Where did you get that suit from bubs?"

"Your father had it made for me; well it just appeared."

"Oh okay, have you still got those sexy shorts on?" He smiled and said.

"Of course I have, why would you ask me that?"

"Oh I don't know I thought when they searched you at the police station they might have taken them off you, they being a deadly weapon and all that."

"A weapon, okay what are you on?"

"Nothing bubs but they are a very powerful weapon in my eyes, and I'm going to unload them, just about now." I fell on my knees and started playing in his suit pants. I thoroughly took care of my man, to the point he couldn't move for some time, that was until our boy wanted entry to tell us all about his surf today.

We scrambled for some shorts then lay on the bed with him.

He told us Trident took him to the Titanic wreck, I was amazed because I believe its four miles down in the Atlantic Ocean. He said they went looking for that beautisill necklace that was in the movie to give to nanny, but they couldn't find it. I didn't have the heart to tell him it really didn't exist. He had watched part of the movie with us, but only because the sea and ship were in it but he fell asleep through boredom. Evan and I had played with each other under a blanket for awhile then went to bed. It really wasn't our type of movie either but we had heard from father it was very good.

I never trusted my father as a movie buff after that, he has some crazy takes on them, but I suppose it's all new to him and all his movies would be wonderful.

He's busy at the moment tying off loose ends with the holidaymakers. He wants his people to be safe and secure so he's put a blanket spell over them so no one but us can see them, not even the part folk holidaying down here. It works and I am pleased I wasn't asked because I don't have a clue how to do it.

"So you went all that way and didn't find anything bubs, that must have been disappointing for you."

"No dah, wes finds something for nanny buts it was too bigs to bring back."

"What was it?"

"A swimming pool dah." He giggled.

"Oh, yes that's too big for our back yard baby best you left it there then."

"Dah cans I go with Tridents to see my mermaids sometimes?"

"When do you want to go?"

"Tonights dah."

"We will see it's been a big day for you today and I want you to gets some sleep."

"I will dah, I always gets sum sleep."

I tickled him and called him a tricker. He jumped off the bed and grabbed Evans arm.

"Come on pa times a wasting we have surf's to do." Evan looked at me and I said.

"Go." I kissed them both and put a top on and went back to my easel.

Rita came and sat with me because as soon as Ayden had mentioned surfing all her kids disappeared to go down to the beach.

"Did it really go okay today my lovely?"

"Yes Den, I was ready for a fight but it really didn't even get off the ground. I have to talk to Spud though he's given me all his mums jewellery and there some serious stuff amongst it. Maybe he would be better off getting Cyn to sell it."

"Or maybe he just wants you to have it, because you're his true mum." I grinned.

"Would you like to come to Tony's with me I want to take a look at Birdy's new place and try and figure out what to buy them for a house warming and for Christmas presents."

"Sure lead the way." I followed her up to the apartments, Jay was there putting some kitchen stuff into the drawers. Rita looked and told him he needs liners so the utensils don't scratch the insides. He quickly replaced the stuff back into the box and said he will go to the store tomorrow. He showed us around, Tony hadn't spared a cent when he outfitted this place it was all top quality.

"Where's my eldest son Jay?"

"In his room talking to his camel." He groaned.

"What's the matter kiddo?"

"He's been talking to it all the time it's like the thing is talking back to him. I am a bit worried he's been at it for a couple of hours now." I was a bit confused because Birdy said he loved the thing but it was just because of its glittering seat and headdress which was covered in baubles and beads. I poked my head in and they were having cuddles, Birdy was having a small hugging moment; I heard him say.

"I love you, Brian, thank you for the talk." He turned around and saw me then his smile was put back on his face.

"I got this if you don't mind my friends." I looked at Rita and Jay.

They went to make coffee and Rita wanted to have a good look around. I closed the door and hugged my special boy. We sat on the floor because there was no furniture in the room just the overstuffed camel. I pulled him in and held him close, for some reason I became very protective.

"You called him Brian?"

"Yes Poppa, I couldn't call him Sandy now could I?" He giggled.

"What were you and Brian talking about?"

"Nothing much poppa, he just asked if he could meet my poppa and momma sometime. I told him I would arrange it. He wants to meet you too he knows all about you and baby Ayden already."

The pure innocence of this boy is amazing, he's such a trusting soul, but I had my reservations about Brian being legit.

"He needs a friend sire, I placed some magic into the stuffed one's hessian body."

"But he has plenty of friends Trident, why one that hides in his room, it seems pretty scary in my book."

"No sire he needs a very very special friend, just for a while until he settles in, this place is so big for him he will get scared during the night, and Brian will glisten in the moonlight. He will also be a friend who listens and advises him sometimes when the going gets tough. Sire he doesn't remember that awful place only that his parents were deceased some time ago. Like all boys he needs a special friend to tell his secrets too he's a little tad lonely. I think he bought it to talk to, its a little kids thing he will grow out of it, but in the meantime, he's here to make him feel safe in his new big house."

I don't think Birdy could hear Trident he was still staring at Brian and then I heard.

"Pleased to meet you, my king, your boy is more than safe with me you needn't worry." The goofy camel was looking at me and if I didn't know better his head looked like it was bowing down.

"I am pleased my wonderful son has found such a splendid special friend, you look after him won't you and make sure he doesn't have any nightmares and he sleeps very well."

"I will great one I already love him and will protect him with my life." He had a softer muted kind of voice and I kind of liked him now, so I had better trust him and Tridents judgment.

"Well he's a very handsome camel son, and I like Brian for a name do you think he plays football?" He giggled into my chest and said.

"Nooo." I tickled him then got up and held him on my hip. I kissed him again then placed him on the floor.

"You are getting really heavy for this old poppa of yours to carry around."

He laughed again and said.

"Brian said I was too heavy for him to give me a ride too." Laughing we opened the door and Rita and Jay smiled as we sat at the small round table that seemed to be the only piece of furniture in the place.

"When do the beds arrive Jay?"

"Tomorrow Den, Birdy's is the biggest softest one." He smiled at his son.

"Good you and Brian will sleep well in it then." I laughed at Birdy's face, I guess he didn't like that idea. There was a knock on the door and Joe poked his head in.

"Good afternoon my friends, Birdy do you want to start on that special something now or will we do it tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow uncle Joe, if you like." He answered.

"Okay no problem it can wait; do you want to come to the beach with me for while?"

"Can I Jay?"

"Of course you can baby. Go and get your swimmers on I won't be long."

I kissed him goodbye and said.

"Not taking Brian with you?"

He giggled all the way downstairs because I had made a funny joke.

"He's okay, Trident placed some magic in the camel so Birdy will have someone to tell his secrets too. and to make sure he gets a good nights sleep." I smiled.

"He's doing us a table, it's under a sheet in the workroom I haven't seen it yet but I'm hoping it's as good as yours Den. Jay smiled.

"Now we have to work out what you need Jay, I want to buy you a house warming present so shoot and I'll make a list." Rita was being official like.

A pad and pen suddenly appeared and she got ready to make a list, how the hell did she do that?

"It's all taken care of my friends, Abs said that Hulk's job comes with an unlimited credit card to use, we already got new beds and linen, some drawers and heaps of electrics and stuff. It's all being delivered tomorrow, but if I think of something I will tell you okay?"

"Okay, then we are stumped what about a new painting may be of the three of you?"

"No thank you Den, we love the one you did for us it's going to take pride and place on that wall over the fireplace." He smiled, he really is resisting our ideas.

"Okay, then I will get you some lovely table cloths for your new table then." Bingo Rita.

"That's something I didn't think about I will give you the size when I can sneak a look, thank you, Rita."

"My pleasure son."

"Then I will get you some nice glass wear."

"Done." He held his hand out to shake mine, phew I'm glad that all over and done with. As I got up a stack of Waterford crystal boxes appeared with a happy housewarming stamped all over them. Jay jumped and I sighed, back to the drawing board then, and thanks Trident or was it that father of mine.

We walked back laughing and when we got home my boys were sitting having an early dinner except for Donk he had got take away to have in his new awesome kitchen with his equally awesome wife.

Rita handed me a piece of paper with 'Coffee machine' written on it. Good one I will get onto that soon. I thanked her and folded the paper up before anyone saw it; like Trident.

My son was tucking into some serious looking Chinese wontons, he said they had a prawn in them, he had seed millions of them when he surfed with Trident and they were very tasty. It was Chinese tonight and I was hungry. I didn't have to order, everything was brought down to the table for us all to share. My boys loved their Chinese as much as their curry and it was again a race to get the best pieces. Evan passed a dish to me and I stood up to reach the rice dish, this bigger table isn't suited to my body type. It was wider than my old one so I really had to stretch, that was when Evan reminded me there was a rice dish right in front of me, how silly I am sometimes, I didn't see it.

I had been having sight problems for a few weeks but my father said it was all a part of the process so I went along with him this time. I thought I may go and get an eye check just in case. Well the meal was delicious and Rita's cafe was jam packed again, they were run off their feet tonight and there were some very sexy waiters giving the guests a good show. I was waiting for Ra to make an appearance but Horse said he was in a meeting with his men. The talk was all surfing and how the waves seem to be getting bigger as the days go by, I think the fairy has something to do with that, but I didn't want our beach to get washed away in the process.

Young Peter the elf sauntered up the porch juggling a milkshake in one hand and a doughnut in another, all that sugar is going to make him fat, I thought. He flopped down in Ayden's bean bag and started eating, Ayden got off his seat and sat with him, they started whispering and giggling but I couldn't hear what they were saying. As Horse got up to take another big scoop of stir fry he nearly screamed as his big fluffy pink fairy dress appeared out of nowhere around his waist.

"What the hell are you doing Den?"

"I didn't do anything Horse, maybe the kids know." I looked at them and they were both rolling around the floor laughing their heads off.

"Hey Bubby, get rid of this thing will ya?"

"Ummm, not Hoth." That started him off again. Horse flopped down and tucked it all in, he wasn't going to argue with my baby tonight and he could have easily slipped it off at any stage. I think Horse likes being folk, and he did put a serviette in his lap so he wouldn't spoil his new dress.

About an hour later the boys decided to go surfing again so as they ran down to the beach fairy dresses popped out of nowhere, again they looked beautiful. I wondered what they would look like without their shorts on underneath.

Ayden was behind them he had decided that they were all going fairy tonight even me, so I walked up the beach in my rainbow one and of course got plenty of compliments from my folk on the way. I watched my boys have fun in the evening surf with the folk from the tree I had claimed. My mind was on other things as I struggled to come to terms with what I saw as uncontrollable chaos.

My son goes off when he likes, my boyfriend is always heading to the water's edge and my friends are whooping it up, and to be expected everything they want isn't earned anymore, its given freely by either Trident or the folk. There isn't a way of calming it down so I have to go along with it. It is amazing and I must admit I use the magic more often than I would like with my paintings. Spud and the boys should have flown over to Adelaide and Ayden certainly shouldn't have gone. I have to find a way of getting back to basics,

As my mind drifted I thought about the folk and for eons, they were trapped in my head. I couldn't bear to imagine them hidden away again. They were my folk, my family and I guess my selfish inner self will have to put up with it. Cyn plopped herself down next to me and immediately placed David in my arms. I looked down at the little mite who was sleeping peacefully then kissed his head. I also had a good smell of his baby smells while I was there. It bought back memories but my heart didn't ache for my baby this time, maybe I have moved on, maybe I have grown up a bit.

"What's Mavis up to Den, do you know?"

"No, what do you mean Cyn?"

"She's given me some serious jewellery to sell along with its provenance which is spot on. I was wondering if she's found a new supplier."

"I think my fathers helping her, she's only looking out for her grandkids. I think he's sent out his buyers to procure the stuff."

"That explains it then, the baubles aren't the kind of thing you would find here in Australia it's more European by the looks of it."

"Is it stolen or legit?"

"Legit Den she will get a king's ransom for it though."

"Are you worried?"

"No, I'm thinking that's all, you should have a look sometime its beautiful stuff."

"I will in the morning Cyn, how has bub's been?"

"A delight, he's perfect Den, I really don't hear a peep out of him that's of course if Ali and Spud aren't around. When they are near he's chuckling away like crazy."

"Well I think that will settle down as he gets older, he won't remember them I believe."

"I hope so Den, but I feel sorry for Ali he so much wants to talk to him."

"He can talk all he wants but he won't get the answers he's seeking; David won't remember his past life and rightly so."

"Well I hope so, I don't want my son growing up being someone else, I want him to have his own history."

"He will Cyn, don't worry about it, have you heard from Maggie?" Change the subject.

"Yes Den, she landed yesterday and is hurrying her mum to pack and get down here, I don't think she's going to sell her house just in case she doesn't like it here."

"You and I both know she will love it. I suppose she has to make her own mind up though."

I thought about getting my father to renovate the shop and dwelling but maybe I will leave it until Maggie gets here, she will have it done the way she likes it.

We sat and watched the chaos for a time and then we saw them.

Four camels were swaying up the beach, an eastern man was leading them. They were all decked out in their finery and I could hear the bells ringing as they sashayed from side to side. I heard Birdy scream and run up to them. The guy placed him on the back of one, then my son wanted to ride too. Abs and Hulk went for the next two and they rode off down the beach whooping it up. I could just make out Birdy's smile it went from ear to ear and I knew he was happy he could ride a camel at last.

We sat for ages just watching the boys take it in turns to have a ride then I felt a cool chill coming in, Cyn called Abs and I called Ayden. They went home after the boys had a cuddle then a fire was going to be lit. Evan put a stop to that because the folk's villages were near and we didn't want to damage them with a bush fire or heat. If the guys want a fire they have to go down nearer to the water's edge. They weren't too fussed and agreed it might be dangerous and started packing up their boards to dump in our back yard, then they were heading home.

Tim and Nut's were staying they thought they might take a run before they turned in. I watched as they ran up the beach then I grabbed my son and boyfriend and headed for the shack.

It was nine before I got our son into bed he was dead tired and went to sleep after I kissed him goodnight. My Evan wanted to have a beer with Horse and I wanted to go to bed, so I left them to it. Over at the foreshore I could see some campfires burning, several kids were running around but I could hear mothers calling them in for bed.

We slept well, no dreams or disturbances but Trident did tell me the next day that he had surfed with Blue and Alex on the hurricane planet, it was a blast, he said.

My boy had showered and done the toilet and was yapping away at me while I changed his bedding. I needed to do a wash today, he was telling me about his camel ride last night. I asked if he went out after we went to sleep he said no he was too tired, and I believed him. I really don't want him going into other dimensions, I know that when Alex went with Blue eons ago they didn't come back to the folk lands for hundreds of years, I can't have that now can I, not with my boy.

Alex was sitting at the table with Horse and Ra this morning, Andy was full of beans and laughing into Horses mighty fine chest. I looked at him and wondered if he will start to surf with them soon, I must ask my friend.

Alex stood up to go and help his mum and he swayed he grabbed the table and smiled.

"I guess I'm still in surf mode, I did nothing but dream about it last night." He then laughed. I think his memory is coming back, I don't think his brothers are folk otherwise they would be here with Rita and him. The diners were thinning out and my lady friend came to have her morning toast and coffee and a cuddle with Andy. She was half smiling; I think she's up to something.

"What's up?"

"Nothing Den I just had a nice thought that's all."

"Oh, I like nice thoughts." I giggled.

"Yes, we know you have them all the time, especially when Evans around." Her smile got bigger. I wondered if she could read my mind or was she just tricking me into telling her what I got her for Christmas. I had talked to father and he promised she would get a very special present this year, he also told me that earth fairy were a bit slow because they were more about keeping nature in pristine condition. When the great war was on I had hidden them with my folk, only the wise ones were left to tender the earth. With what I saw yesterday with the pad and pen and Rita's ability to change into her real self I don't think her magic is too far away. When she reunites with her husband I think things for her will be a lot better.

"What are you thinking about Den?"

"Nothing much my love, Christmas and all that stuff."

I left it at that, and I didn't mind if he came back into her life, that will put my father into a spin I guess, let the games begin.

"What do you really want Den?"

"Nothing my lovely, what can anyone buy me that I don't have already. A kiss and hug is the best present and if you don't mind maybe some new paint brushes." I giggled into my coffee.

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