Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 30, 2017


Aydens Eyes 13

Blue and Alex arrived back and they looked a little water logged - and red faced.

"You had better put something on that sunburn Alex, have you got anything?" I casually asked.

"I've got something thanks Den," Blue replied.

"Put some on his bum while you're at it," Horse said and the others snickered.

"What do you mean by that?" Blue immediately got fired up.

"Just that, I think Alex's bum got a bit burnt out there today, he was showing it off or didn't you notice?"

Blue flew across my beautiful table and milk shakes went everywhere, he had Horse by the throat.

"You shut your filthy mouth, do you hear me."

Evan and Tiny pulled him off then tried to calm him down but Horse was staring at him like he was going to eat him.

"Boy are you totally hooked," was all he said.

"So what, he is a nice guy so don't you go around bagging what we do. I've seen you several times with your pants down in the bushes." Horse cleared his throat and apologized, he also went scarlet.

The others stifled snickers that could be heard down the street.

"Blue, give me a hand will you?" Rita called him into the kitchen. Later he and Alex emerged with some pies and sat at another table to eat, it wasn't deliberate, there was no room at ours. Horse later apologized properly to Blue, some friendships are hard to break- they were good. Rita's was filling up tonight so the shop was left open and I chased a few lookers then Ayden was tired so he got his milk and went to sleep in Horse's arms. If ever I wanted a bodyguard for him Horse would be it, he doted on Ayden and I wondered if he had a family hidden away somewhere - again I didn't ask.

The cold beers started appearing from the back fridge as Alex and Blue served tables and helped Rita in the kitchen. Evan was sitting on a beanbag with his legs apart and I could see a hint of pubic hair so I nudged him.

"Open your legs just a little wider," I whispered.

"Why?" he whispered back.

"So I can see the full package."

"Den, what?" he screamed then shut his legs, so much for my perving moment. The fairy lights and colored bulbs we had put up added a great soothing touch to the verandah, people were chatting and glasses were clinking. We had a fridge on the back porch full of beer, the boys chipped in and bought a case every now and then, so it all worked. I heard Ayden stirring and took him off Horse, his eyes opened and he gave me the biggest of smiles.

"Da da." His legs started pumping.

I almost wept into his jump suit but instead I kissed him then soothed him back to sleep. He still slept with one eye half open sometimes, and tonight was such a night. He nodded off then Evan and I put him to bed. I locked the back door put his fan on and took his jumpsuit off just leaving him in his nappy because it was a hot night. I then switched his night light on and kissed him goodnight before I returned to the boys with another round of drinks.

It was getting late and some of the guys had fallen asleep on the bean bags but Rita sat with us and had coffee she was stuffed, it had been a big night for her. Blue and Alex had gone off to bed.

"He said he's leaving next week for Bells and won't be back for three months."


"Blue, he said the waves are dead here and he wants bigger ones."

"He can't do that to us, to Alex," I whispered to her.

"Alex is very upset, they are in his room talking."

"Right, that's it, leave the little shit to us Rita." Horse had overheard our conversation.

"No Horse, he has to stay because he wants to, you can't bully him into it, he has to want to stay," I said to him.

"I'll make the little bugger stay, bloody kids."

"He has to take a leap of faith Horse, it's his decision."

Evan hugged me closer.

"Anyway he's going to Cows with you for the next few days maybe he will change his mind," Rita added.

"He makes me so mad sometimes, he finds what he's looking for then dumps it for a wave or two, silly bugger." Poor Horse, he was upset.

"Horse, leave it to me," I suggested.

"What are you up to Den?" Evan was curious.

"Nothing much bubs, I just thought I might invite Tony down this weekend, he has money to pick up." I smiled to myself.

"It's okay, you boys will be away so maybe I can get a pic of Tony and Alex then send it to Blue." I laughed so hard Evan slapped me on the back.

He hauled me off to bed not long after, I was laughing so much, he stripped me and we got into the shower. He turned it to cold the bugger, he knows I hate cold showers.

I protested but he shut me up with his mouth. He did my whole body then he put his white zippers on and it was my turn to dine on him. He was almost squealing into the pillow by the time I finished him off, the vibrator was placed back into his drawer but his legs were still up in the air, he was suspended in time.

I lifted myself up and said,

"One down, two to go."

He groaned as he dropped his gorgeous legs slowly onto the bed.

"I don't think I can go again Den, you've worn me out."

"Okay bub, I'll save the fingering until you get back."

His legs immediately lifted- fuck me Evan, you should know you're not going to get out of this too lightly.

With Blue away I helped Rita, Alex was still in a sullen mood every now and then and would run to his room then come back red eyed - I couldn't help him. Blue has to believe he's wanted here, no, needed here. He's a bit like Evan, he is still thinking like a single bloke. Evan promised he wouldn't say anything to him while they were away and Rita had slipped him extra cash so he won't starve but Alex was nowhere to be seen when they left. I saw Blue looking for him but he must have gone for a walk down the beach early.

When they all left I grabbed Ayden and headed for the beach, I took my book and started sketching scenes I liked. The beach was an encyclopedia of ideas, especially this one. A rusty hulk arose from the sand begging to be painted before it finally collapses on itself.

I spied Alex coming down the beach, he was walking very slowly with his head down and as he got closer I called him over. He sat with us while occasionally wiping sand away from Ayden's mouth, he sighed a few times.

"He's only gone for the weekend kid, please don't get yourself into a knot."

"I can't help it Den, I love him too much he's all I ever dreamed of to be in my life."

"Well don't make any sudden moves, he's coming back."

"Den, was your offer to buy me a ticket to Nepal genuine?"

"Yes kid but you don't want to go back there, stay with your mum and us, we need you and Ayden needs his uncle."

"No Den, I can't go through this again, I loved my brother and he shit on me, I love Blue but he's also shit on me, can I book my ticket?"

"Yes of course you can, I'll give you my credit card later today, but Alex please think about this thoroughly, this is big, wait and see please."

"My decision is made Den, there's no more love in my world than there is in Blues, we just don't match." He started crying and I held him for ages.

He left on a bus three hours before the boys came home, Evan searched me out and kissed Ayden and I then lingered on my neck and moaned,

"I missed you so much."

"How was the surf?"


"Well you know what to do next time then, don't you?"


"Check the weather forecast." I started laughing.

"Where's Alex?"


"Gone where Den?"


"Oh my fucking god, all Blue talked about was him, he never shut up, we are in for it now."

"Why did you buy him that fucking ticket Den?"

Blue barged into the shop.

"Because he wanted to go back to Nepal Blue."

"For god's sake, I was only gone for three days, we have a lot of things to talk about."

"Oh, I thought you made it clear you didn't love him and wanted to move on."

"Yes, no, of course I love him, I wanted to surf the coast that's all."

"What for three months, leaving Alex here to pine for you?"

"Yes, he should be able to take it."

"Yeah right, he can take it so well he's now removed himself from your life."

He went dead quiet.

"Let me ask you something Blue, did you ask him to go with you?"

"No, he's working here with his mum, why would he want to come with me?"

"Umm, because maybe he loves you."

He was stumped and ran his fingers through his gorgeous hair, I guess he didn't think about that one. Rita bought him a coke and gave him a big hug then knuckled his head.

"You hurt my son, you hurt me, I am so fucking disappointed in you Blue, why the hell did you start something with him in the first place? Something you had no intentions of going through with, now drink your coke and pee off to Bells, I'm going to bed." I have never seen Rita so fired up, I think she's been taking lessons from Horse. She turned on her heels and slammed her cafe door, locking it in the process, her little sign changed to closed. Blue stared at her closed door and slumped down into a beanbag.

"Blue I'm sorry, you can sleep in the spare tonight, you can stay until you decide it's time to leave, goodnight." I flipped him the key and took the still shocked Evan to our bedroom.

Minutes later Blue burst in.

"What time is his flight?"

"One thirty am." He looked at his watch and counted down, he had four and a half hours to make a two-hour drive to Tullamarine.

"Evan can I borrow your car?" Evan passed the keys to him.

"I hope I'm not too late."

He dashed out the door and we heard Evan's car spring to life. A bit of gravel surfing and he would be on the freeway within ten minutes.

Evan gave me such a look.

"Is this a set up?"

"No bubs, not at all, Alex is going to Nepal so let's hope Blue says the right things to him." I giggled, because I suspected it was a set up, set up by Alex.

"Oh Den, it's such a mess, poor Alex and as dumb as Blue can be sometimes, I do feel sorry for him too."

"Well they will work it out; do you need some lotion?"


I made love to Evan and he thoroughly kissed every part of my body, my legs were everywhere and so was his gorgeous mouth. An hour later we were totally exhausted and the only noise we heard was the surf and the gentle whirring of Ayden's fan.

"It will be winter soon and the waves will be a lot bigger here."

"Oh you surf in winter too?"

"All year round Den, that's what wetsuits are for, so we don't get cold."

"Oh I didn't know that, I thought they were invented to make you look sexy on a board."

I was helping him get into his suit, well I was holding onto his dick but for some reason it had grown and it wouldn't stuff into the rubber.

"Den, give me a minute until it goes down."

"Okay bubs, think of something gross, like me with my legs in the air and your tongue planted firmly in my special place, something like that."

"Fuck you Den." He pushed me onto my knees and moved his hot car into my warm garage.

When we hit the verandah Evan looked like a god with his suit sitting on his hips, he had picked up Ayden on the way and as I opened the shop door, five burly surfers who all looked the same, met us. They had come up for coffee and a big breakfast before heading to the surf, which by the sounds of it was rough today.

Rita was happily making plates of eggs and bacon when I found her. I made coffee for Evan and I.

"You okay Rita?"

"Sure Den, sorry I had to do something to get him going otherwise he would still be here." She giggled

"Well for what it's worth we are all rooting for them, I take it they aren't back yet?"

"No Den, I'm a little worried." I went out the back of Rita's and checked the driveway but no sign of Evan's car so I served my man his coffee. Rita started bringing out plates with everything on it and we even got one. The guys polished theirs off then sat back looking very satisfied and tired like they need an extra hours sleep.

Tiny's phone rang.

"Yes Bert, great, that's good news, thank you very much, I owe you." He hung up.

"Evan's car just used the turnoff at Longford and there are two occupants." The guys started cheering and slapping hands so Rita came to see what the fuss was all about.

"They will be here in ten minutes." She almost cried then said,

"They will want breakfast." Then she ducked back into the kitchen.

"I had Bert up at four watching the turnoff for me, Bert's my brother in law, we were so worried about them I don't think anyone slept last night."

"I did," said poor Evan.

"Yeah but you were probably fucked into la la land," someone said, he blushed.

Ten minutes later Evan's car pulled into the drive and the two occupants got out, Blue grabbed Alex's backpack and the guys were hanging over the railing watching them. They didn't go through to the back, just came up the front.

"Good morning guys, no beach today?" Blue asked. I heard a lot of mumbles and excuses.

"Welcome back Alex," Horse said.

"How could I leave you, you big hunk." He smiled then sat next to me. Blue had gone in to talk to Rita I think, with some apologies and hugs in order. Ayden was passed around and talked to anyone who listened but then saw Alex and made a beeline for him.

"Up, up."

Alex hugged him and kissed his head as he snuggled in to maybe try and get some more sleep.

Rita and Blue came out with more plates of food and everyone was dead quiet watching the two of them, it was like watching the clowns at the local carnival.

Then Blue sat with Alex and took his hand.

"Before you all start in on me, I would like to inform you that Alex and I are a couple. I am staying right here but I'm allowed to surf the waves for a week or two, wherever they are. Finally, I would like to say that Alex has promised to learn to surf so he can come with us." A big round of applause then the backslapping started. Alex was blushing furiously then Blue pulled his head in and gave him an almighty kiss; more applause and more backslapping.

"Lucky I took out insurance Den," he whispered to me, then he grinned and winked.

You little bugger, I knew it was a set up.

"I want Blue, I have never met a man like him before, I love him dearly and I know he loves me. I don't want to have to go through all this again, get my drift Den?" This is part of the conversation I had with him later.

Alex helped Blue into his suit then all the guys whooped it up as they back slapped him all the way to the beach.

"I'll clean up then will I?" Alex laughed so much he had to sit down again.

It would be three days before that smile would disappear; but some dark clouds were appearing on the horizon and not very nice ones either.

The holidaymakers were still lighting their campfires at night, the red headed kid wasn't seen again and Rita was very busy. Blue and Alex surfed every day and the feedback is Alex is going to be excellent. They touched, caressed and generally horsed around in the café and Rita actually poured a bucket of cold water on Blue in front of everybody one day, when things were getting too hot between them. Of course she had an audience who cheered, whooped and clapped.

I was sitting on the porch with the guys sipping my coffee when I noticed a car had turned into the driveway, the occupant sat at the wheel for some time before he emerged and I heard Alex moan behind me.

"Oh for fucks sake no," he said and stormed off down the stairs. Before the guy knew it Alex had him by the throat, so I went to get Rita who looked over the balcony then took off after them. She got in between them and was shouting at the bloke who I assumed was Riley, the one married to the bitch.

The screaming match went on for several minutes and Donk commented,

"This is interesting." Just as Blue heard the commotion and took off after them.

"Blue, stay out of it," I shouted.

"Horse go get Blue, he will only make it worse." He jumped up and hurled himself down the stairs and within seconds he had Blue in a head lock and was talking to him like a father talks to a son. He calmed him down and eventually got him back to the table, and the boys held him there.

Evan is a good mediator so he calmly went to join them and by this time they had moved closer to where we were.

"Your nothing but a low life bigot, how dare you show your face around here you fucking cunt." Alex was fired up as Evan stepped in.

"You all have to calm down, nothing's achieved by screaming at each other."

"Mum I want to talk to you please, I need your help."

"No you don't get her help, you gave up that privilege when you married that bitch," Alex screamed again.

"Alex I'm your brother and have always loved you no matter what, please let's talk."

"Calm down Alex, he just wants to talk, so hear him out kid," Evan was saying.

"You never loved me, you chose fanny over family and I can't stand you for doing that, now piss off."

Riley broke and pulled a struggling Alex into his body then stroked his hair, he started sobbing his heart out.

"I've always loved you Alex, you're my brother and mate I'm sorry," he wept into Alex's shoulder.

Alex in all his teenage wisdom pushed him away so Riley who was still shaking like a leaf turned to Rita.

"Mum, I need your help, I've got nowhere else to go. I've kidnapped the kids and we all desperately need your help.

"What was that Riley, the kids?" Rita's face lit up.

"There in the back of the car, I took them last night and don't have anywhere to hide them, please mum, help me." He was so distraught and flopped down on the garden seat.

Rita calmly moved over to the car and looked in, she then opened the door and helped a little girl and an even littler boy out into the cool air.

She hugged them both and took their hands but they ran to their daddy and hugged him, I heard the little girl say,

"It's okay daddy, we will look after you." Riley wept and shook so hard even Alex started crying. I moved inside and poured three small brandies while Evan sat down next to Riley. He was talking to him calmly while Rita was in shock, her grandkids had appeared out of the blue and I bet she makes the most of it too.

I gave Alex, Rita and Riley a brandy each.

"This will calm you all down."

"Hey kids, want a milkshake? Come in and help me make them," I offered and their eyes lit up.

"Can we daddy?" the little girl asked.

"Of course you can, that will be the first treat they have had in their lives, thank you."

He managed a sort of smile my way.

As soon as Ayden saw the kids he took off crawling down the porch while talking ten miles a minute, but they were very wary of him.

"Holly, Peter this is your cousin Ayden," I thought I might introduce them.

"We have a cousin?"

"You sure do, he's a little younger than you Peter but he's very friendly, aren't you bubs?" He prattled on about something.

"Now what flavor would you like, chocolate, strawberry, caramel or honey?"

"Mister can we have chocolate; we've never had chocolate before?" Holly's big eyes begged.

"Two super duper chocolate milkshakes coming up, how about we find you a seat and I'll bring them out in a minute?" I picked Ayden up and dumped him on Tiny's lap.

"Make sure he doesn't tell them any family secrets."

"Uh?" He looked at me.

"This is Holly and this is Peter, boys introduce yourselves and keep it clean." I sat the kids in the spare seats and the boys were all of a sudden being very polite; there was a little lady at the table. I half expected them to run off down to the beach.

I made the shakes but before I did I looked into the yard where Alex was still standing there stunned and Riley was talking to Rita and Evan, his sobs were still with him. When I came out with the shakes I placed them on the table in front of the kids.

"How do we eat them mister?"

"You take this little straw in your mouth and suck," Horse took over.

They tried and Peter was winning then they grinned at each other like they had been naughty.

"Come on, suck it up before the ice cream melts."

"Okay mister Horse."

Evan came over and grabbed me and whispered in my ear,

"I'm going to take Rita and Riley over to see Jack the queen's council. This is so fucked up, he kidnapped the kids because the bitch was abusing them but he thinks he has no hope of getting custody even though he says Margaret has a screw loose, they are fine for now. I just want him to talk to Jack, I need his confirmation on my idea."

Rita joined them and they disappeared across the road towards the big motorhome. I went to sit with Alex who had taken up residency on the bench.

"He's terrified Alex, what kind of a woman makes her husband terrified of her, and I assume the kids are too?"

"The kind that gets into a guy's head so he can't think straight, the kind of woman who manipulates everyone around her." He still angry but not at Riley.

"Well you have a niece and nephew up there who want to meet you and they're really cute." I smiled at him and he cracked one too.

He bounded up the stairs and stopped at the scene before him, six big blokes with three little kids, it was like a tea party.

"Are you really daddy's brother?" Holly had questions.

"Yes I'm your uncle Alex, your daddy's brother." He smiled at them.

"Mummy said daddy's brother was a p, po, poo." I interrupted.

"Poor relative Holly?"

"Yes that's it, poor relative I think, is that right Peter?"

Peter, a man of few words nodded while he spooned more ice cream into his gob, Alex gave me a longing stare.

"Let's go with the poor relative okay?"

He smiled, first time in hours.

Blue was still mad with Horse, he reckoned he could have handled it on his own so Horse got mad at him.

"You were always an ornery little bugger Blue, even at school you bullied the other kids, now shut up, there's a lady at the table and I don't mean Alex." He laughed

"How do you know what I was like at school, were you stalking me or something?" Horse had said too much and blushed.

"I just know that's all." He played with his napkin and Blue let it go.

I stared at Horse for a long time then Blue, I know my colors and I know my shapes, they had the same eye color and shape, bingo! I should have seen it earlier. Horse caught me staring so I blushed and looked away.

Alex was having so much fun getting to know the kids that he forgot all about Blue, whom I might add looked a little jealous.

"So you are going to just let him walk back into your life and pick up from where he left?"

"Blue it's really complicated." His eyes were begging Blue to drop it, but oh no, not Blue.

"Wait until they get back, he will feel my knuckles and..." We didn't let him get it out because of the kids, Tiny's hand covered Blue's mouth. Alex was looking at the guys and seemed like he wanted to say something to calm the situation.

"I have some words for you all, listen carefully."

The boys sat forward.

"Abuse." He indicated with his eyes at the kids.

"Neglect, blackmail, servitude, imprisonment, absolute nut case."

The boys all let out a breath and Blue finally calmed down, then said,

"Weak prick."

I shushed him up.

"Holly did you bring any shorts and tops with you?"

"No just dresses, mummy won't buy that stuff for me, all I get to wear is stupid dresses."

"Alex take them in and outfit them with shorts and t-shirts, I think it's time you boys introduced them to the beach."

They all jumped up while Alex raided the shop for some casual wear and they looked more like kids when they came out.

"Is this okay mister Horse?" Holly has found her bodyguard- Peter went along with everything. I watched as the two kids walked with the boys down to the beach and Blue ran back to the porch and swooped Ayden up, I could hear his laughing until they disappeared through the bush. I went into the kitchen and started making sandwiches, they won't be as great as Rita's but at least I gave it a go.

Later the three if them came back and Evan had paperwork in his hands, Riley's eyes were as red as beetroots and Rita was somber.

"Where are the kids?" Riley asked.

"Alex and the boys have taken them off to the beach for a bit of a distraction, we outfitted them in shorts and tees and the boys have plenty of sunscreen, they will be safe with them."

"That would be the first time Holly has had a pair of shorts, that bitch kept her in dresses, ribbons and bows. Den I couldn't stop her, she threatened to take the kids and disappear. When Holly was three she had her making the morning coffee and when her slob mates came around she made Holls serve them. I hope you will never have to feel what I have been through; they are my kids for Christ sake, but I had no control."

He wept again and Rita hugged him.

"Jack has secured a restraining order against Margaret and he's now filing for full custody.

Riley has plenty of evidence and witnesses so Jack is confident the kids will stay with him." Evan smiled and I breathed easy, what a mess.

"Den if you don't mind could Riley and the kids have a room for a few weeks, I'll pay their way?" Rita wasn't thinking straight so I set her mind at ease.

"They get the larger room and Evan will help me move another bunk in there. Rita, and as you know only too well, family don't pay for a thing so put your purse away, you know us better than that." She hung her head and slowly nodded.

"Do you want something to eat baby, it will make you feel better?" she asked Riley.

"The kids?"

"They are safe and well but you need to eat. I've made some sandwiches to take down later, you can help, oh, I'm Den by the way." I put my hand out.

"I know who you are, you're the one who saved my mum from going nuts in the suburbs, I thank you."

"No problem, she's a changed woman and for the better now that you're here."

"Well I haven't been the model son, I thought she was okay when I married her and when Holly was born everything changed. I spent most if my free time protecting the kids, it was a fucking nightmare."

"Well it will soon be over, no more," Evan assured him.

"Go on bubs, your work is done for the day."

"You don't mind?"

"Go get your board."

"We will talk later, okay Riley?"

"Sure Evan and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did today."

Arriving at the beach with my sandwiches I was greeted by a wonderful sight, Blue was in the shade lying with Ayden on his chest and both were asleep. A piece of strong twine was tied around Ayden's ankle and the other end tied to Blue's wrist.

Riley's kids were screaming at the waves chasing them and two of the boys were watching them while the rest including Alex were surfing. The waves were big today so that should make them all happy.

Riley ran over to his kids and they screamed and laughed with him as the two minders took off to surf. The guys spotted me and I went to sit under the tree, I don't know what took them so long but the boys swooped up the kids and dragged them over to the shade. I handed out sandwiches and Blue woke and moved Ayden onto a towel where he continued to sleep.

"Oh mister Horse the beach is so much fun, can we stay here with you?"

"Better ask your daddy missy."

"Daddy can we stay here with Mr. Horse and Tiny and Donk, can we daddy, I don't want to go home?" Peter ran into his father's arms and screamed,


"Well if you be good for nana and all your uncles, I can't see why not but I have to find a job first."

They both jumped up and down then screamed and clapped their hands, I passed them a sanger each.

"What kind of work do you do son?" A new voice entered the conversation, it was Nuts.

"Anything, I'm actually a printer by trade but I can do almost anything."

"We will talk later," he said as he looked at the other guys.

"So sue me," was all he added, Tiny sniggered.

"Shut up Tiny," he gruffly said.

Next: Chapter 14

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