Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 2, 2017


Aydens Eyes 18

"Rita, just a heads up. There will be a crowd here tonight because Nuts has a lot of surfing friends and I hear there's a bus load coming from Bells, they will all want to be fed, sorry it's short notice." He patted her hand.

"Well I had better get cooking then, maybe I will try out those Chinese recipes I've been reading up on." She winked.

"Well if it's anything like your curry, it will be a big hit." I smiled back at her.

"You cooked curry without me being here?" Poor Horse.

"Yes Horse, I will bring the one out in a minute that I saved for you." Very sneaky Rita, she always has a bit leftover.

The boys chilled on the porch, some slept, some talked. At roughly four pm I heard car horns coming up the road. A small bus followed by at least six carloads of guys arrived; I ran down the steps and motioned them to pull into the back yard, the guys came down and the hand shakes and man hugs started.

"Fuck me, Evan, hey Boyd it's fucking Evan," one guy sang out and ran across to where Evan was standing and gave him a man hug.

"Sam it's been years since I've seen you, how the fuck are you?" Evan asked.

"Boyd, hey Boyd, it's great to see you." I guessed from the smile on Evan's face these guys were his childhood mates - I knew he loved these guys.

"So where did you go mate, we have been looking for you for ages?"

"I went to college and became a lawyer, met somebody special and we bought this place, so I'm back on the beach."

"Wow, fuck me, hell you've done a lot mate, where's the little woman?"

"Over there, his name is Den." They looked at me then Evan, then me again, then they ran over and grabbed me.

"We always thought Evan was a bum bandit, give us a look." They prodded, pinched and pulled the back of my shorts out to look at my ass.

"We approve Evan, he's in top condition and nice ass, peck's and a good head." They both kissed my head. Evan was giggling his face off.

"Wait until you meet the cutest one in the family." He smiled at them.

"Who's that?"

"Our son."

"No way, you're too young and trim to have given birth to a son Den."

"He's sleeping, but after all this noise I better go check on him." I went up the back stairs and sure enough he wanted,

"Up dada"

I kissed him and checked his nappy and he was good to go. He was wanting to see what all the fuss was all about. I walked out the back porch and indicated to Evan to bring the boys around. When I got there Rita had placed coffee and cups on tables with a small menu, her prices tonight were very low, maybe just enough to cover the cost of the groceries and gas.

"Wow, fuck me Evan, he's beautiful. Look Boyd, he's got Evan's eyes, you're such a cutie bubby."

"Ayden, his name's Ayden," I said.

"Give me a go Sam, come on." Poor Ayden was slightly still dopey from his sleep but he joined in the festivities by bursting into his song. His lip dropped and the crying started, leaning to his side his little arms were trying to get to me. I apologized to the boys and took him and he buried his head into my neck while keeping one eye on the strangers, and anyway the guys were being very over animated. Maybe something else is going on with them tonight.

"He's just woken up so give him time guys, have some coffee and I suggest if you're hungry, you get your orders in early." Blue and Alex were on board with pens and pads in hand as the little stack of menus were passed around, more chairs were found and some of the guys started opening beers. Thirty or so guys of all ages and body types were on that porch. It was just amazing, I didn't know how many to expect but we could sleep four in each stay and a couple in the camper van, the rest will have to make do with their cars, trucks and panel vans. If worse comes to worse, Sam and Boyd can bunk in with us. I made a big mistake telling Evan my plan; he gave me such a sour look.

"What, you don't want to play hide the sausage with your mates anymore?"


"Sorry bubs." I giggled silently; they can sleep on the floor in the living room, better still they can have the camper.

Rita was rushed off her feet so was happy to let Horse and Tiny help her, she smiled from ear to ear, this life suits her.

"Den I can go stay at Riley's tonight, the boys can have my bed."

"No way, we have something to do and they will need breakfast, you certainly don't think I can cook that many eggs do you?" She laughed and patted my shoulder.

Horse walked by and I heard,

"Oors bub."

Me thinks Ayden's vocabulary is on the move.

Horse took him off me then grabbed a banana and mashed it in a plastic plate with a dob of ice cream. Umm now I know why Ayden wants to go to him every time he sees him. He went and found a spot on the big table where the guys were talking non stop, it was hard to hear any of their conversations but when we had a slight lull, I clapped my hands and got their attention. I told them about the extra beds and if they wanted power they could plug into the builder's power board. They cheered as Rita came out wiping her hands, they patted her on the back as she had done a great job. I also noticed her flashing sign had changed to open.

Around six thirty things got quieter, there were whispers and hugs and some tears. Nuts was holding up brilliantly, I moved to hug him and he said thanks. I said I knew how he felt and that's all I had to say. I was thinking about that painting Rita and I had to burn and hoped it would help him to move on, magic things do that sometimes.

I knew of an artist in Queensland who painted ghost paintings, he was brilliant and has made some serious money over the years. I have never met Bobby Thompson and only know him through his works that were catalogued in a magazine I had awhile ago. Maybe I'm like him, maybe I'm not, but something is happening to me sometimes when I paint. I haven't got time to work it out though, I just need to focus on the present.

The guys unhooked their boards and started climbing into their wet suits but the mood was somber. Even the sight of so many bums and cocks didn't do anything for me, but Evan did as he pulled me off the back porch. Someone had brought two buckets of carnations and the boys took a couple each then started running down the track to the beach. Evan kissed Ayden and me then before he left he said,

"Den, don't look at it please, promise me you won't look." There were tears in his eyes.

"I promise bubs, I won't look."

Rita must have shown him the painting somewhere along the line, he didn't get much of an answer from me so she was the next logical choice to ask.

As he ran down the back yard with his board I had an incredible urge to paint; it was compelling me to put pencil to paper. Ayden was happily playing with his cars on the living room floor and I think Rita was still in her kitchen. I grabbed a blank canvas and started drawing, I did Nuts lying on his board and the sundown in the background was golden. He was releasing two pink carnations from his outstretched hand and a floating tea candle lit up his peaceful face, my fingers worked themselves to the point they hurt and when I finally looked up, Rita was taking the pencil from my fingers.

"Den we have to do this now, somehow I know we have to do it now."

I nodded and she looked at the drawing.

"Beautiful Den, that's just bloody beautiful."

We lit the fire and when it was full of flames she went and got the painting. Without looking at it she placed it on top of the pile and it burnt within minutes, giving off a yellow hue. I felt my mood lift as something had moved from my body, but the feeling was that whatever it was, it was eternally happy. I looked at Rita and she slowly clasped her hands to her face then she prayed; I joined in, I knew she had felt the shift in the air.

Ayden had gotten bored with his cars and wanted up so I held him in my arms, praying he will have a stress free life ahead of him. He started kissing my cheek and I heard,


"Okay son." I smiled at him.

The boys didn't return for some time; they had lit a bonfire on the beach so we made hot dogs to take down to them. I will compensate Rita for her generosity later. I rugged Ayden up and with the help of a torch we went down the track to the beach.

The beer had been broken out and the first thing I noticed was Nuts, his smile was peaceful as he laughed at some joke that was being told, it was so heart warming.

Of course the hot dogs were welcomed. I saw Blue and Alex out on their boards in the moonlight and couldn't pass this one up, so I walked down to the shore and took many photos of them just sitting, waiting for a wave. It looks like I'm back to pretty much normal.

Evan put his hand on my shoulder and watched as I worked out the scene in my head.

"Did you get it done Den?"

"Yes bubs, but I had an urgent need to do a drawing of Nuts on his board, Rita put the other drawing in the flames. "

"Are you going to paint it?"

"Yes bubs, it's not for Nuts it's for Rita's cafe, it will remind everyone to be more understanding and generous towards strangers, everyone hurts in one way or another."

"Very nice thought Den, and yes place it there for the public to see."

He squeezed me for a while then I felt more arms move around my waist, Nuts appeared smiling as he hugged me then Rita who had moved into the center. The rest hugged and we had one big hug in. Nuts whispered to Rita and me,

"Thank you guys, I feel release at last, I don't know what you did but I am a great believer in the after life and I feel so at peace." He kissed both of us.

"They are eternally happy Nuts, they sort of told me they were sad because you were not happy, but they are happy now." He gave me an incredulous look then smiled, he looked ten years younger when he did that.

The guys started breaking up so while we put the fire out they took over the showers and I was surrounded by half naked men, but not for long, Evan steered me to the front porch for coffee. Ayden had fallen asleep in Horse's arms so he went to change him and put him to bed. I didn't mind, he's just making some great memories or bringing back some, I think.

Blue and Alex helped Rita with nibbles and some of the guys ordered more food. Sam and Boyd were in Evan's ear most of the night and he kept looking over to me as I kept putting my hand over my mouth yawning. Before bed I went and thanked Rita then went to go shower but there was no hot water, I'm not having a cold one so I put it off until the morning. I stripped naked and crawled into bed after I checked Ayden was fast asleep, I could hear him sucking on his dummy occasionally. Evan didn't come to bed until after one, I know because I had been watching the clock for two hours, he also kissed his son and checked he was dry.

"I'm awake."

"I'm sorry Den but they wouldn't let up, I had to relive every day we were together surfing, I had forgotten most of it."

"Night night." I kissed him and turned over to hold him. No dreams tonight just deep sleep, well that was nice until five o'clock came. Sam and Boyd woke Evan, he argued with them then sighed and I caught his boxers as he tried to stand up.

"Don't be long bub," I said then went back to sleep.

Over the next few days I didn't see Evan much as the boys had him occupied, surfing up and down our coast. I missed him but one fateful day he decided to take the van, to sleep in it for a few nights. Most of the other guys had gone back to Bells and Nuts and Donk had gone with them. Tiny had work to do in town and Horse sat and stared at me, his men finished the roof and installed the air con over the back door, so now I can close off the lounge room and our bedrooms will be warm.

Five days of not seeing Evan nearly drove me to distraction so I finished Nuts' painting and hung it in Rita's café. She was coming over every day to help feed the couple of guys who had stayed. Horse disappeared early one morning and by evening he was back and being followed by Evan's van. I breathed a sigh and watched him put it in the garage then he showered outside and walked up the back staircase.

His face was red and as he kissed me he apologized, he had my permission to go for two or three days, not five.

"Are you hungry?"

"Starving Den."

"Well sit with Horse and I'll get you both something to eat."

I found Rita already cooking fish and chips. Blue and Alex had bought all they will need for Queensland and I suspect were ready to go anytime soon.

Ayden was placed on Evan's lap and he kept hitting Evan while saying, "dah dah."

"He's reading you the riot act bubs." I smiled.

"I think Horse just did that this afternoon."

"Good." We went to bed early and I made slow love to him, and he was very apologetic until I shoved my dick in his mouth.

"Shut up bub and suck on this for a minute."

A wonderful deep sleep was welcomed by both of us and when the light started coming through the blinds, Evan moved to get out of bed.

"If you think you're going surfing bub, then think again," I whispered.

"Sorry Den." He moved over to my side.

"Good decision, now go back to sleep."

I put my arm under his neck and listened to his even breathing. He looked like he hadn't slept for a week and there was no way I was letting him surf today, he stays with us.

Horse had Ayden up and bathed by the time we got dressed and Rita greeted us with ham and egg quiches, with lots of toast. Horse had fed Ayden and was now giving him a drink of juice and his little arms and legs were going wild as he greeted us. I kissed his head then Horses.

"Thank you."

Evan told us that the guys wanted to relive old times but by the third day he'd had enough yet they talked him into staying that extra two. He liked their company but they were hard assed surfers and he didn't even have time to go find a phone signal. He also said they didn't eat much, just wanted to drink and party.

"Must be the drugs bubs."


"They were on something bubs, on the go all the time and not eating, yes, sounds like drugs to me."

"No, they didn't say anything Den."

"They are on drugs Evan. I should have warned you but they were your friends. I couldn't tell you they were slowly destroying themselves," Horse intervened.

"How do you know that Horse?"

"They asked Tiny if he could score in town for them."

"Bloody hell, I didn't even suspect, bugger me."

I didn't want to do this to Evan and I really don't know how he feels about it, but I had to say something to him, throw caution to the wind like.

"Bubs you have some great mates in the most beautiful place in Australia, you don't need them and I'm sorry to be the bad guy but I don't want them around here or around Ayden."


"If they come here again they can stay on the foreshore." I felt a pang of regret but that's the way I felt about drugs, the kids are destroying themselves and ignoring the beauty that surrounds them, it won't end happily for them.

"Den, of course they don't get to come here anymore, fuck me. If I had known, I would have told them they're not welcome. I don't want that stuff around you or Ayden, in fact I wanted to get a sign made, `Drug Free Zone,' to put over the doorway." I leant in and kissed him while Horse patted his leg.

"Good man," he said.

Blue and Alex left the next morning they had enough food to last for two weeks, and after a lot of hugs and tears they drove off on their own. They will go by the coast road and surf wherever they find some waves. Horse looked a little lost so I made Evan take him down to the beach to catch some waves.

I then went to clean out the van, there was sand everywhere so I backed it out and vacuumed it thoroughly then I washed the sheets and Evan's clothes. Ayden was inside with Rita and she was teaching him how to have an argument. They bantered back and forth while she made more pies. She had given him a piece of crust which he chewed on, in between telling her off; maybe he wanted tomato sauce with it?

The workers did their best on the stays and finally Horse's little home was move in finished, they had done a brilliant job on it; even putting a small loft across the back. He couldn't stand up properly but it held a king sized bed and plenty of storage. The bathroom had a double shower in it and he had designed it well. The week after it was finished Horse moved in, he had taken three of my paintings I had done with all the boys in them and Blue's baby one was given pride and place over a sideboard he had bought off Tony. I never asked Horse if he was well off but the fittings and furnishings were top shelf. He had a separate power meter installed and would pay that bill himself. We were more than happy to have him live with us because he had become a very important member of our little family.

The night he moved in he had Rita make a chicken curry with all the trimmings then invited us in for dinner. His table was only a four seat but it didn't feel cramped. The curry was awesome and again I asked Rita when was she going to do the curry nights.

"Soon Den, I think I will start next Wednesday; I have to print off some posters - Riley can give me a hand with that."

"Well we will help on the night and if you show me how to make these samosas, I will even cook the rice for you." Horse laughed.

"That's the easy part, I got a big rice cooker the other day, but you can help by cutting the meat up if you like." She giggled.

Surprisingly, Horse had opera type music playing; it suited him and it was kind of nice and relaxing.

"Tony's coming down next weekend," he mumbled.

"Good, I will get one of the stays ready for him." I laughed, poor Horse, he glared at me, then he cleared his throat.

"I knew I was gay at an early age Den, but, I also craved a family, that's when I got my ex pregnant. I married her and Blue was born and I was the happiest man in the world, there was nothing I wouldn't have done for them both. Except make love to my wife, I tried a few times but that's when I made my big mistake, I told her about me. She changed overnight and I didn't blame her, as long as I had Blue, I thought I was complete."

"Horse, you don't have to tell us all this, we kind of guessed your story." I touched his hand, he gasped.

After a few minutes he wanted to say more.

"When I met you guys and Rita I knew I couldn't hide anymore; I was only fooling myself. I want so desperately what you have and I would like it with Tony, if he will have me."

"He likes you a lot Horse, even loves you I suppose, so you don't have to worry about him," Evan said.

"Well I would like to ask him to move in here with me but he has that big old warehouse to run in the city. I want a relationship where I can spoil my man, not a commute every now and then."

"Has he said anymore about buying that old house?"

"No, he's not mentioned it for awhile now."

I felt sorry for him, he wants to live the gay life, no more hiding, and I believe he loves Tony to bits even though he tries so hard to hide it. I heard someone calling out so I opened the door to see who it was.

"Mr. Roberts?"

"Call me Cal Den, where is everybody?"

"In here, come on grab a plate."

I had finished so I gave him my seat then went and sat on the sofa with Ayden.

"It's good to see you all. Rita, you look as lovely as ever." He actually took her hand and kissed it.

"Thank you Cal, it's good to see you again, are you here to surf?"

"Yes, I close my shop up for two months in winter, no business around so I thought I would book in here for awhile and do some surfing, where is everybody?"

"Off to find bigger waves but Tiny is still around, Nuts and Donk will be back next week. Evan and Horse are here for you to surf with but Ayden hasn't got a board yet." I laughed.

"Give him another year or two and you won't be able to keep him off one." Cal smiled.

"So can I have a room for a few weeks?"

"Of course, mate's rates and I don't think Rita's closed completely, so you might get fed."

"How did Nuts' night go?"

"Really good, it was exactly what he needed to do and there were plenty of friends here for him."

"I couldn't come but I will catch up with him next week."

"Everything looks great Horse, and the new roof is awesome, I heard about the storm from a customer. There's been a lot of work done here, it all looks great."

He smacked his lips after he took his first mouthful of curry.

"Marry me Rita, this curry is the best."

Poor Rita, she liked Cal but I don't think she has any plans to remarry, and he only wants her for her curries.

Horse showed him the two share accommodations and he was very impressed but when he tried to pick Ayden up he screamed and went to Evan instead.

"Give him time Cal, he doesn't know you properly yet." I think Horse too was secretly hoping he didn't get to know Cal.

All three of them surfed and Rita still did the drop offs and some pick ups. Then suddenly after spending a day in the kitchen, her sign switched to open, it was Wednesday night curry.

She did very well, her tables were full and there were plenty of takeaways being picked up.

"Bloody hell Den, I've taken four weeks' wages in five hours." She was stunned.

"So it will be a weekly thing?"

"For sure it will, they have cleaned me out so I had better make more next week." I was helping her wash up, luckily she had the foresight to buy paper bowls which can be thrown away, she wouldn't come at plastic spoons and forks though.

We sat inside because it was getting cold and Horse had Ayden who was fast asleep so I took him and placed him in his cot kissing him many times; Ayden that is, not Horse.

"How many dinners did you serve Rita?" Cal asked.

"About a hundred Cal, and that's not counting the dining in crowd which would be another forty."

"So you took a few grand for the night?"

"About that Cal, I haven't checked the register yet."

"Excellent, my dear departed wife always said this place was a goldmine for a good cook."

"She wasn't a good cook then Cal?" I asked.

"Yes but she was preoccupied, she really didn't put her all into the cafe, she was too busy raising the three kids."

"Fair enough then, it's a wonder she opened at all." i laughed.

"Well we were as bad as each other, I hardly opened the shop either." He laughed back.

Evan looked at me and I shrugged. Rita went to do her cash up and to turn her lights off, she was taking a long time so I went up to the cafe to check. There she was, sitting at a table feeding a young boy who looked more like a hobo.

"Everything okay here.?"

"Yes Den, I've got a late customer so if it's okay with you can I have the other stay for a night for my new mate Spud here?"

"Sure, any friend of yours is a friend of ours, will Spud need a shower?"

"Yes Den, he can use mine and I will find him some clothes among Alex's stuff."

I got the feeling I wasn't invited into their conversation so I excused myself and went to check the stay was clean, and by the way Spud was hoeing into that food, I didn't think he had eaten for a month.

Evan and I went to bed and he was very passionate, every part of my body got a workout then I did what he loves the best, after he passed the lube to me. He doesn't have to do all that to get me going; but I really didn't mind one little bit.

He kissed me and touched all of me as he tried to get comfortable, but as hard as he tried he couldn't crawl under my skin. His breath on the back of my neck told me he was still looking after me and his deep snoring told me he had gone to sleep. I got up and checked on Ayden, covered him up then crawled in beside the man I now love. My butterflies were back as I moved him onto his side.

"What?" he whispered.

"Unfinished business bubs, won't be long."

His laughing told me he was happy as I unloaded another bunch of babies into his awesome body.

There were no early wake ups this morning, I think everyone was having a sleep in. I heard Ayden stirring so went and changed him, wiping him down at the same time. It's going to be a rainy day today and the wind is icy cold so I rugged him up warmly. I am trying to wean him off the formula so he just had milk, he loves his milk. I made coffee and took him out to the front porch as it was less windy there, I plopped him on his beanbag and will do some food for him later. He's not quite awake yet so I suppose he wants another few minutes sleep.

A young man came up the stairs and I couldn't help but notice the terrified look on his face but he managed to say,

"Where's the lady, is she here?"

"Okay chill Spud, Rita's inside the cafe, come on."

I produced my key and opened the door for him. He dashed inside as Rita appeared from the lounge room ready to start her day. She hugged him then sat down with him at a small table she had in her kitchen.

He was about sixteen, he had dyed his long hair black and he had a sort of Goth appearance, he was so pale.

I excused myself then went back to Ayden but Spud had unnerved me, his face looked so haunted. I had my coffee then restarted painting my current work, it had the biggest wave I could fit into the space and surfing down it was Blue. Apart from his excellent looks, he was the epitome of what a surfer should look like. So I made his waist trimmer and his wavy hair longer, I put a pair of blue board shorts on him - no wetsuit. I must get some gold paint next time I'm in town, I want to highlight his curly locks to the max, I do use a lot of it, especially on Evan's hair.

Rita appeared with her arm over Spud's shoulder and made him sit at one of her tables and have some orange juice while she winked at me, then she went back inside to make breakfast.

I didn't get to talk to him because he immediately stood and followed Rita inside. I painted away, lost in my wave, it was almost finished so I cleaned my brushes and sat back to look at it.

Evan came out and I went to make him coffee while he played with his son. Spud wasn't to be seen but Rita pulled me out to the front of the cafe.

"Den, he's terrified of people, he's been kicked from pillar to post and he's homeless, so give him time to get used to some nice decent people."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"A wave, a smile but don't touch him, he's terrified of being touched by men."


"Yes, oh." She nodded.

"Den I will keep trying to get him to sit with you, but for now he's clinging onto me, he can have Alex's room. I believe he slept by the cafe door late last night, he was so scared."

"Well if there's anything we can do just word us up my friend."

"Leave him to me for now." She rubbed my arm.

I went back with the coffee but before I could stop him, Ayden was off to greet Rita. She waved and picked him up, I could hear him give her his breakfast order.

"Scrambled eggs coming up bubs, Spud how are you at feeding babies?" I heard.

"Poor kid, how do they get into these situations Den?"

"Crappy parents, bullying, a lot of kids just give up trying to fit in, a thousand things bub."

It's hard to tell how old he is but I reckon about fifteen or sixteen, we will give him all the time he needs to trust us all.

"Are you surfing today bub?"

"Yeah Den, after I have breakfast, looks like Horse is sleeping in and there's no sign of Cal."

"I'll come down and keep you company, maybe you can surf in the nude today?" I smiled.

"Do you know what that will do to my balls Den?"

I thought about it then said,

"On second thoughts, maybe you should wear your wet suit."


Next: Chapter 19

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