Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 27, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 22

I was given a basket full of hamburgers today so Spud again helped. I was going to paint on the beach and needed to take my stuff. Horse had taken Ayden down earlier, and when I found them, bubs was waist deep in the water bobbing up and down. Blue pulled up short after a good wave and then took Ayden for a ride on his board. He was slapping his hand on it, maybe trying to make it go faster. Spud couldn't wait, so put the basket down and went for a swim and that's when the boys spotted me and started for shore. Evan, whose smile was bigger than our son's, caught the last wave and rode it majestically to shore.

He was the last to arrive and he knelt down beside me and placed his hand on my back. The hamburgers were a treat and Ayden had a small bucket of nuggets to get through, however Tiny was helping him with them. I had a thought and moved him into the middle of the boys, then took a photo. I will paint that when I get a quiet moment -- yet another family painting!

When everyone was back in the water, I tied the twine to his ankle and my wrist, then placed him on my chest for a ten-minute nap. Spud took his pencils out and started drawing us as we chilled.

Ayden was making baby noises in my ear so I resisted going to sleep because I wanted to listen to him. When I woke Spud was gone and so was Ayden - they were playing on the shore. Horse wasn't too far away from them - he was lying on the sand watching.

I flicked all the sand off my legs before leaning against a tree with my canvas resting on my knees. I started with a light pencil, my subject with this painting will be the sand - the hot grainy white sand and tiny footprints. Not that I could see my baby's footprints in it because the guys know better - they have to carry him over it, but this painting will be different. In the footprints, I will paint a mini-rain forest with trees, vines, and maybe a gnome or two. I chuckled to myself.

"Da da dah." My boy was back, he was wet and cool to the touch. Spud took off with his board and started sliding along the shore and Ayden cheered him on. When he got sick of that, we found his truck and that amused him for an hour. Then, of course, he had to have another nap.

Evan came into shore at two o'clock - time to open his shop. He took his board and the picnic basket so I took our kid and my canvas. I was in front of him and because I had loosened my waistband, my shorts started slipping down, but my ass stopped them from falling any further. I could imagine what agony Evan was going through because I heard multiple groans. To make it worse my bum got itchy, so I needed to scratch quite thoroughly. When we got back he dumped his board, walked behind the corrugated iron shower wall, and had a cold one while I took the basket back to Rita and opened the shop.

Evan came up and grabbed Ayden, then rushed down to the café and dumped him in his high chair. He locked the shop and grabbed my hand, and I didn't even have time to protest. He had my shorts off and was on his knees within seconds, then he pushed me up against the bedroom door and I guess he wanted me to hump his throat. I did that anyway because he was so fucking good. The door banged just as I unloaded another stream of cum.

The shop was opened a half hour late because Evan looked like he could go a second time. I got us coffee when he got customers and smiled as I placed the mug on his counter.

"I'll get to you again later." He smiled.

"I sure hope you will." I grinned as I groped him and he was primed, I just hope he doesn't scare his customers away.

I went to get my boy as I missed him, and Rita handed me a juice as I walked by. She wasn't busy but I could smell something yummy cooking.

"That's for you and the boys tonight," she said invitingly.

"What's the smell, it's amazing?"

"Osso buco, an Italian dish, eaten with plenty of mash and gravy." She waved her spoon at me.

"Yummee." I was getting hungry but I had to wait another two hours for it so she handed me a sandwich and water.

Ayden sat on my knee playing with his crayons and paper and he was doing me a beautiful drawing of something, a mystery work of art.

While eating my sandwich I watched some caravans come up the street and move into the foreshore camping sites. It was filling up as the school holidays officially start on the weekend. The caravan park was almost full and our stays had seven backpackers staying in them. We decided to let the kids sort it out, like where the girls slept, but mostly they slept with whomever they were travelling with. The stays were mixed but the two at the house were left empty. Horse had handed us his bill and it was very cheap. He had tacked on the workers' wages which we were more than happy to pay. It would have cost us three times the amount if we had got someone else in to do the work.

Donk was on edge when he came up from the beach and seemed a little agitated. I was talking to a customer about a painting when he walked through, he had a beer in his hand and sat with Horse and Ayden. My customer said he would be back as he had to go check his bank balance and I watched him order coffee from the café, then use the Wi-Fi. With nothing to do, I thought I might intrude on Donk's conversation.

"Well enough is enough so I'm going to put her out of her misery tonight. I can't go on this way, something has got to give."

"If you're sure Donk, but what are you going to do about the tea rooms?" Horse asked as I sat.

"I don't have a clue. I think I'll try and sell it, but like Rita's, it's seasonal yet she seems to have existed through winter beautifully. She's got a good business head on her shoulders Den, has she run a business before?"

"Apparently not Donk. She's free balling it here and it's working beautifully for her."

"Well, I would love to pilfer her from you for the tearooms: it makes good money during summer. It's winter that's slow, but we manage."

"Is your wife leaving Donk?"

"Yes, I'm going to tell her tonight I know all about Cal and her and she has my blessing to go live with him. To be honest Den, I've been an asshole and she doesn't deserve what I've been dishing up to her. She was my best friend once and deep down she still is."

"Maybe it's a good thing Donk. It frees you up to do your thing."

"Well at the moment I'm sure she will jump at the chance, so that leaves me with the big problem of running the tearoom."

I thought about it but didn't come up with any solutions. Spud could do it, but he's too young, however Alex isn't. Maybe Rita should think about buying it for him and Blue, but they will still need someone to manage it for them. I'm stumped.

My customer came back with a big smile: his Christmas bonus had come through and he had always wanted to own a good piece of art. I gave him a discount on the painting then moved to the lounge room to wrap and secure it. He left with a big grin on his face, thanking me for doing it for him. I looked at Evan sitting behind the counter and he had the biggest smile on his face and as I walked over to him, I felt a tap on the shoulder.

I turned around and screamed as loudly as I could, "Susan, Patrick!"

We bounced up and down like schoolgirls and I was so pleased to see her, my tears ran and so did hers. The boys came in to see what all the fuss was about and after Susan hugged Evan, she immediately headed for Ayden who was still in Horse's arms. He dodged her and stepped back.

"It's okay Horse - they are old mates," Evan shouted. He reluctantly passed bubs over to her and she started planting kisses on him. His little legs were kicking furiously - I suppose he remembered her smells.

"Hello, you beautiful little boy, long time no see." Ayden smiled and scrunched her face. Susan took my hand and we went out to the porch because Evan had scored two more customers. Patrick sat with the boys and was talking about surfing while Susan and I caught up.

"This is absolutely fabulous Den. What a great piece of God's earth you own here."

"It works for us Sue and we are so happy here. Business is brisk, Evan's hair has grown, Ayden's got his teeth and is almost walking - give it another few more months, and I'm painting more and more, so it's been a good move. We have loads of new friends as you can see and Horse over there is Ayden's bodyguard."

"I can see that, Den. I can almost feel the daggers from here." She laughed and so did the boys which is good - that means they like her. She continually looked at Ayden then me.

"So Sue, Patrick, how long can you stay and how did you get down here?" I would have picked them up at the airport in the camper, but I suppose they rented a car.

"Patrick's dad and mum met us and the car is theirs - we borrowed it for a week, umm, Den, I have news for you."

"What, don't tell me you got married without us?"

"No Den, not yet. I have immigrated, I'm in Australia permanently and we are staying at Pat's parents' place for now however things are getting a little overwhelming. My two best friends will be here in a couple of weeks and we want to go around Australia for a few months, but then we have to look for a jobs."

Being the proverbial organizer, I ran everything through my head.

"No! This is perfect timing. Donk has a tearoom for sale in the next town and it does very well, you could buy that and live down here with us. Also Evan's got a camper you can borrow to go around Aussie in and if your girls want work, I'm sure Rita can give them some shifts. Patrick, what do you do?"

They both looked at each other and laughed. "I'm a chef Den." He laughed. Ayden laughed along.

"Wow!" I yelled and punched the air. "We will talk about it later, but for now I get you both for a week, is that right?" I asked.

"Yes Den, not long enough." She blew bubbles on Ayden's tummy and he was giggling. Horse was watching.

"Susan was Ayden's nanny for almost the first four months of his life Horse." He seemed to relax, but his hands still were itching to take bubs back.

"We will have a serious talk when everyone settles down okay?" Donk looked at them both.

"For sure Donk, but first we have to meet Rita. We have heard so much about her, she's almost become one of the family." Sue looked around.

"Oh there are plenty of others for you to meet Sue. Two of them are still surfing and Rita will be in the café."

Evan came out smiling - maybe because he had another few sales.

"Has Den organized you yet?"

"I think so. It's all too fast for me but I think I've got a job and a means of transport to get around Australia."

"It was really bought for you and me, Sue. I only need it on trips if I'm staying overnight, but you can have it most of the time," Evan said to her.

Evan won't need it for a while, at least for the next four months as he will be busy with the shop. I spied Rita coming up the porch with a plate of sandwiches.

"Now who's this gorgeous girl? It's just a guess but I'm thinking Susan and Patrick?" She asked.

"Correct, and you're Rita."

They hugged as Ayden fell to the side to get to me. I took him so Sue and Rita could do a proper hug and a quick catch up. Bubs was looking at her and probably thinking, `Where have I seen her before?'

The kids came up and were introduced and Spud as usual, was tongue-tied. I think Susan threw him for a sixer - she is a gorgeous woman and couldn't have come at a better time. She and Pat could run the tearooms for six months then take off for six. Well, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here - the deal's not set yet.

It was getting near to six o clock, so I helped them get their backpacks out of the car and showed them the stay they would be using. Susan wanted a shower and I suppose Pat thought he might have one too. I went back and sat with my big bubs who was so happy to have her here again. Ayden had disappeared into Horse's arms and he was feeding him baby food mixed with chicken pieces as I leant over and talked quietly to him.

"I'm sorry Horse. She looked after Ayden when we were living with Evan after my wife died. She was a godsend and I will do anything for her to repay the kindness she showed to us all. She literally gave up her holiday to look after us." He accepted that but held Ayden securely. Nobody will get him without his say so.

I was thinking about Horse's need to cuddle Ayden: he had Blue for the first four or five years of his little life, then nothing for the next eleven or so years. Maybe he's making up for lost time so I didn't mind, and when I mentioned it to Evan he didn't have a problem with it either. He was rather saddened that Horse missed out on those years and words can't express one's feelings when you lose your child for that length of time. I should know: every minute he's away from me, I feel down.

Sue and Pat came back and they both had beers as Rita brought her big slow cooker out and a very large bowl of mashed potatoes. Blue brought out the plates and Alex, the knives, forks and napkins. We were quite hungry so we all dug in and I heard Pat ask Rita later on what her secret ingredient was. She promised to write it down for him.

They went to bed early because they both still had jet lag, but Susan helped Evan bathe Ayden and they had a good little catch up as they placed him in his cot. He had his big boy's pajamas on tonight, gone were the jumpsuits, another item from his baby days. It was hard to do but I put them in the goodwill bag, I kept two for keepsakes and will put them with his "little bub's clothes" tomorrow.

We talked for a while then Evan closed up - he had done well today. Rita wished us all goodnight and she and Spud had hired a movie to watch but Blue and Alex were knackered and eager to go to bed. Evan was even more eager tonight - we didn't even shower. He was so onto me as soon as my head hit the pillow and didn't stop until I was covered in his sticky white stuff.

Patrick woke Evan early and his knocking also woke me. I watched him slip into his wet suit and as usual, he looked so gorgeous. I cupped my balls and moaned.

"Get to you later Den." He kissed me and smiled as he eagerly went out the back door. I was wide awake now so went to say good morning to my son but he wasn't there, somebody has kidnapped him. I turned the kettle on and went out to the porch where I found Susan with Ayden and he was playing with his plastic cars.

"Da Dah." He looked up at me with his legs going at twenty miles an hour.

"Good morning beautiful. Coffee?"

"Yes please Den, and a good morning to you too." I leant over and kissed her cheek then blew a raspberry on Ayden's. He giggled that deep baby laugh so I guess he's pleased to see me.

I made coffee and sat with her and it was nice - just us three.

"I grabbed him when Pat woke Evan, he's been changed but I didn't know what formula to use."

"You can take him anytime - just don't tell Horse." I laughed then went and got a made up bottle from the fridge, I had warmed it and passed it to Susan.

"Is Rita up yet?"

"No Den, she's still closed. I haven't seen her - only the men as they all ran away to the beach." She giggled.

It was nice to hear her giggle; I had missed it. She laid Ayden back and fed him his milk and he occasionally would look at me and kick his legs. I smiled at his enthusiasm.

"I didn't know Pat surfed."

"Yes Den. He was going stir crazy in London and I love Australia, so we packed up. It's like coming home again, especially seeing you three." She kissed Ayden's head and he rewarded her with another smile.

"Well I think we are all here to stay, and you are going to love it down here."

"I hope so. Was Donk serious about selling us his tea rooms?"

"Yes honey. He's going to ask his wife for a divorce. She's been having an affair for awhile with the guy we bought this place from, so I'm afraid she will be out the door as soon as possible." I laughed.

"That's sad, but that's life I guess. Do you know how much he wants for it?"

"No. He didn't say, but it won't be that much. Down here it's seasonal work so you will both work your asses off in summer to make it through winter. But I have never seen the tea rooms and don't know what its menu is like."

"Pat and I will go and suss it out sometime today or tomorrow maybe. That's if I can get him off that beach." Another of her gorgeous giggles.

Just then Rita opened and came down the porch with a big pot of coffee in hand. She looked tired so I suppose Spud kept her up.

"Good morning Susan, Den, bubs. Did you all sleep well?" She kissed bubs and also got a smile out of him.

"Yes thanks. The stay was very comfortable. You?"

"Oh Spud and I watched the most amazing film that's ever been made, however I tossed and turned all night so could do with some more sleep." She poured coffee for us all.

"What movie was that, Rita?" Poor Susan, I know what's coming. He's only sixteen so it wouldn't have been `Gone with the Wind' I can assure you.

"The Undead," she replied and laughed. "It kept me awake all night. That kid has a cruel streak in him."

We laughed at her face. Poor Rita.

"Pizza oven, we need pizzas down here. I saw a good second-hand oven on Gumtree when I went to look for one, but I really don't have the room. They are cheap to make and will see you through winter. Just a thought Sue." Rita's just trying to help.

"Well, we will see Rita. We are going over there this afternoon or maybe tomorrow to have a look. I have no idea, but Pat has some running around in his head."

"Well it's a tea room and they sell cakes, pies, coffee, tea and sandwiches. When I was there it was quite busy, plenty of tables and chairs -- oh, free WIFI gets the younger ones in too. They don't have that at the moment."

"Okay, thanks for that. I don't think we will be able to get Pat off the beach today so we will go tomorrow then. He's been hanging out to surf."

"I'll do some bacon and egg rolls for their breakfast and you could take them down. Won't be a minute." She took her coffee and headed for her grill.

"She's lovely Den and I think we are going to be good friends."

"You will, I'm sure of it. She will help you both as much as she can. She started doing curries and Chinese during winter and did very well too."

"She's very clever." She was burping Ayden so I told her to put him over her knee to get the last bit out, which she did. He wanted my cuddles so his arms shot out to grab me and I kissed him again for miles. His blue eyes were normal and I thought of Evan... a big mistake because I spent the next half hour trying to get my stiff to go down.

Later we walked down to the beach with the picnic basket and Sue was impressed by her man, he was up on a wave looking like he was in his element. I found Ayden's truck and he started moving sand again, until he heard yelling and started off for the water. I picked him up and took him down to the edge so he could paddle around, his screaming let me know he was happy.

The boys all converged on Susan and her rolls. She suited that picture, so I took a few photos while Horse snaffled bubs and played with him. Blue is never far away and was getting in on the game too and Evan put his hand on my leg. That got me started off again but I didn't care this time -- if you've got it, flaunt it I say!

"How much are you going to ask for the tea rooms Donk?" I enquired.

"It's a done deal Den. The kids will take over in three months and the wife knows, she has agreed with the divorce settlement. Pat has agreed with my terms and I suppose somewhere along the way Susan will get to know." He grinned at me.

What about me? Do I get to know? I suppose not.

We waited until the guys finished their rolls and drinks, then packed up and took bubs down to the water again. Susan was pulling him through the surf so he was in giggle heaven. I watched my man and tried to indicate to him not to be long and made a `phone me' sign. He got the message.

"I might stay here for a while Den, it's so beautiful."

"Well tie this twine around your wrist and Ayden's ankle. He will drop off on your chest, so the rope is insurance in case he wanders."

"Sure, we can do that, can't we bubs?"

I packed up the basket and kissed my boy, then started off to the house, I hadn't gone more than ten paces when I heard him crying.

"Da, da, da!" I went back, said sorry to Susan and took bubs with me. He settled down as soon as my arms were around him, resting his head on my shoulder. I talked quietly to him and he fell asleep.

I placed him in his cot and returned the basket to Rita who was busy with kids and some anglers. I opened the shop and dusted some of Tony's stuff when a kid came in and started looking around. I left him to it and moved out to the porch from where I can keep an eye the shop. Spud spied me and brought bottled water over. He looked a little worried so I made him sit down and tell me what he was thinking.

"Well I suppose it's a small thing but when Maggie does the write up in the papers, I'm a bit worried dad might see my picture and come after me."

"Oh Spud, hasn't Evan talked to you yet? He was supposed to do that last week."

"No he hasn't said anything. What was he going to talk about Den?"

"Well it won't hurt Spud. There's a law in Australia that a sixteen-year-old can leave home as long as he has a roof over his head and can support himself, both of which you have. Evan's been working on your case off and on but he's nearly to the point where documents have to be signed. You need a guardian to look out for you."

"But Rita does that and you and the guys. Why does it have to be made official?"

"We don't want your parents taking you away against your will. If they try, your guardian can stop it happening."

"Oh. I don't think they know where I am, but I am a bit worried if they see me in the paper."

"They don't know where you are kiddo. You were taken off the missing register and they were contacted, but didn't respond. At the moment they have to talk to Evan first if they want to see you."

"What do you mean at the moment Den?"

"Talk to Rita."


"Just talk to her."

He didn't say anything else. I will get Rita and Evan to talk to him as he has to know. My looker had left the shop and I was once more left on my own, so I grabbed my canvas and tried to finish it. My mind wasn't on it though so I checked my baby boy who was still in the land of nod. Walking back through the shop I knew something was wrong and when I looked at the paintings on my wall and it hit me. That fucking kid has defaced two of them with a black marker. I was so mad I took them off the wall and smashed them over the back of a chair on the back verandah and threw them into the back yard.

I stormed out the front and ran across the road because I wanted to kill him. I got halfway into the foreshore park, heading for the beach, when I suddenly thought about Ayden. I rushed back and unlocked the shop doors then went to check on him. I took him into my bed, smelt him, stroked him and kissed him and he calmed me down a little. I felt like I wanted to smash every painting I had ever done. What kind of a prick ruins something so beautiful? I pulled my son in closer and he was waking up as his hand reached up and touched my face lightly. I immediately calmed down and watched his awakening smiles when there was a gentle knock at the door.

"Come in." It was Rita.

"What's happened Den? Why were you running around like a chook with its head chopped off?"

She sat on the bed and took my hand.

"Nothing honey. I had a bit of a dummy spit, but I'm okay now." I looked at bubs.

"What happened to kick it off?"

"A kid defaced two paintings with a black marker and I felt like killing him."

"So you went looking for him?"

"Yes but Ayden was by himself so I came back. I'm okay now. Thanks honey."

"Did you get a good look at him?"

"Yes, I would know him if I saw him again."

"Draw him and put his picture on the wall out the front. Embarrass the crap out of him!"

That's an idea - I didn't think of that. I kissed and thanked her.

We gathered up and changed bubs but he looked tired still so I carried him out the front in his sling. Rita went to get me coffee and I ripped a large blank page out of my sketchbook. After securing it onto my easel, I started drawing. My coffee was delivered and a milk for bubs and he was very grateful. Rita sat and watched me draw. When I finished, she made me put Wanted' across the top and For Vandalism' across the bottom. This should embarrass him no end, and I will tell him if I get to talk to him. He's not to come anywhere near the shop or café in the future. My drawing was a good likeness.

"What's going on here?" It was Horse.

"Nothing Horse, just a little bit of vandalism in the shop, that's all."

He had the two paintings in his hands and dumped them against the wall.

"Did you catch them?"

"No, but this is him, so if you see him around, kick his ass!" Rita said.

"No, don't do that. You will be up for assault. You know how delicate kids are nowadays." I was now trying to calm them down.

I undid the sling and passed bubs over to Horse and he sat down and started burping him. Susan and the rest of the guys converged, so I put the easel away and sat back at the table. I looked at my Evan who was a bit confused looking so I took his hand and Rita's then squeezed them.

"It's time you both talked to Spud about the guardian stuff. He was asking about his parents and is scared they will come here. I only told him minimum stuff."

I got up and put the drawing on the notice board in pride of place. Evan saw the paintings and looked blankly at me.

"I'll tell you later. Go talk to Spud, will ya'?"

"Sure Den. Is everything okay?"

"Of course it is. Did you get my message?"

"What message?"

"I wanted you to ring me."


"You know... earlier on the beach? I wanted you to ring me."

He was now totally confused.

"It's okay bubs. I can tell you got sea water in your ears again."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Go talk to Spud."

He slowly moved up to the café while looking back at me, so I did the `call me' move again. Poor Evan nearly tripped over a customer but I think he got it, however I had thought that the first time.

Susan was looking at bubs and Horse was looking at her. I think they should toss a coin for him. I went into the shop and rearranged some paintings so the vacant spots weren't so obvious then served a couple of kids who wanted boogey boards. They went and got their fathers who were in the café to pay for them and while I went back to the table, Spud ran out and hugged me.

"Thank you thank you."

"Our pleasure kid, and you're happy Rita will be your guardian?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Thank you!" He ran back to the café.

"What was that all about?" Donk asked.

"Rita's going to apply to be Spud's guardian until he turns eighteen." Everyone clapped.

Bubs was now wide-awake and trying to eat a blue plastic sedan but his dribble is an endless river and is pooling on the table. I wiped him and his spit with a tissue, then went to Rita's to get something for him to eat. I found Spud cooking his heart out and with the biggest smile on his face, every now and then, Alex would walk past and kiss him on the cheek. I think his life is returning to normal so all I can hope for now is that his family stay away, at least until he's a stronger person.

It was curry night tonight and by the looks of it, Spud will be sold out early. He sent a big pot down to the table where everyone filled their bowls. Somehow Ayden had moved to Susan's lap and she was feeding him his chicken pieces. I leaned over and took him so she could eat, I can have something later.

Evan finished with a few customers and reached for a bowl then filled it and took Ayden. He passed the bowl to me.

"Eat something Den."

All of a sudden I was hungry, so I didn't argue with him. Ayden banged his hands on the table as he chewed on a bit of chicken however Evan was watching me eat. He had a concerned look on his face but really needn't worry about me so much. Shit happens -- it's no big deal. Both Horse and Susan put bubs down because Evan made me shower. I got my kisses in after I'd finished and he steered me to the bed and helped me in, then jumped in beside me. He pulled me into his arms and whispered,

"It's just a few paintings Den. I know how hard you work, but they can be replaced. You have to clear your thoughts because no one is out to get you and it wasn't a personal attack - just an idiot thinking he's being smart."

"I know but I'm worried because I wanted to kill him for destroying something so beautiful."

"Well you can repaint them anytime you want. And if you want, we can claim them on our insurance."

"No. They're lost now. I won't repaint them. How did you go with Spud?"

"Good Den. He's on top of the world and we aim to keep him there. Rita will do that."

"Okay bubs. Thanks for looking after me." He kissed me tenderly then his hand slipped down my belly.

"Bub, can we not make love tonight? I'm so tired. Can we just hold each other?"

"Of course we can Den. I love you very much."

"I love you too bubs."

I drifted off in Evan's arms. No dreams tonight - only blissful sleep.

He woke me when he got out of bed. The surf was waiting for him and Ayden was moaning today so Evan changed him then put him in bed with me. We lay there looking into each other's eyes and he kissed my nose -- well, he held onto it. I felt a lot better and yesterday's upset was forgotten. We dozed off and on until he started getting restless, so I put him in his walker and took him into the bathroom so I could shower. When I finished I washed him in his bath and put his new t-shirt and overalls on. He looked so cute - I had to have a photo.

Rita was banging away in her kitchen as we walked up her way. I looked at the drawing and there was a name written on it, actually, it was written several times. I took it off the notice board and thought I would forget it so chucked it in the bin.

"Good morning Den, did you sleep well?"

"Yes hon, had a good sleep - no disturbances at all."

"Good, now get your coffee and I'll call one of the boys to come feed bubby."

"It's okay, I can feed him, I don't get to do that too often nowadays." I laughed as I placed him in his high chair and found Blue had strung a rattle thingy across the top of his tray, so he started jingling it.

"How did Spud go last night?"

"Excellent Den. He was sold out by nine. So unfortunately his remaining customers had to settle for hamburgers." She laughed.

"He will have to make double next week."

I took a hundred dollar note out of my wallet and handed it to her. "Give this to him too, it's for our meals."

"No Den. The boys took care of it last night. All's good."

"Okay, just put it in your till then."

"We are square Den. Now put it away."

"Did you hear what Donk charged Sue for the tea rooms?"

"You don't know?"

"Of course I don't! I'm always the last to know."

"He's renting it out to them for a minimum price -- lock, stock and barrel - and has given them the option to buy it in the future if they think they can make a success of it."

"Okay, that's nice of him. He really doesn't know them."

"He knows us - that's enough." She smiled.

"Can I feed him?" Susan poked her head in the door.

"Okay, I'll bring your coffee down. He's got porridge today." I smiled at my kicking boy.

Sue took him up to the table where she fed him and his smile said it all.

"I bet you can't wait to have kids Sue. You will make a great mother."

She laughed at me and replied, "Not too soon Den, I'm enjoying my body while it's still in good shape, so maybe later on."

I was watching her sip her coffee and another painting crowded my head. I hadn't done much of Susan, but I think I will do this one. I picked my phone up and took a photo.

Ayden had finished his meal and was placed back in his walker. He banged around in it for the next hour until Rita came out with the boys' breakfast. We again walked down to the beach and the guys were almost running over themselves to get a bacon and egg burger. I could see Evan standing on the shore just staring out to sea. He was wave watching, so I made sure my boy was safe and walked down with his meal. I put my arms around him for a minute and he turned around and kissed me full on, in plain sight of everyone. He held me for a few minutes then stroked my face and my butterflies were back, and he smiled as I looked into his eyes. I passed him his roll and we sat on the water's edge while he ate.

"You can call me later on if you like."

"I will be home early. The boys want to do some things."


"Just Blue, Alex and Spud. They want me to witness something I think."

"You don't know what?"

"No, they will let me know later."

"Okay." I didn't really want to know. I was more interested in watching him eat.

I heard a little laugh behind me and noticed Susan was taking bubs for a swim. She had stripped him naked and we watched as she gently pulled him through the shallow water. He laughed his head off and butterflies filled my guts.

"Den, are you okay now?"

"Yes bubs, sometimes watching him takes my breath away."

"I know that feeling all too well - it happens with me too."

"Same, same," I replied.

Next: Chapter 23

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