Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 6, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 24

Mike will start work today and I want it all looking good for when he arrives. Ayden woke and was a little antsy, so I walked back from the beach with him. Susan was working on her tan and the boys were chasing waves.

I put him in his walker then opened the shop. He followed me everywhere as I dusted and tidied up. That completed, I went to get juice for him and coffee for me. Evan came home around two and sat with us both. I had taken Ayden out of his walker and was showing him how to stand by himself. He wouldn't put his whole foot down just the balls of his feet which annoyed me. Evan was laughing into his coffee. We saw Mike coming across the road dressed like a teenager: tank top and shorts, his hair combed but flopping into his eyes. I introduced Evan to Mike, then ordered him a milkshake.

He sat at our table and, firstly, he apologized to me, then Evan. He didn't know why he did it: he said he just had the urge to use the marker. I told him that I was disappointed that his mum had to pay some compensation for his silly decision, but it was in the past now.

With that out of the way I told him what I wanted him to do. I wanted him to dust Tony's art and sweep the shop out when he arrived. He could have a ten-minute break after that, then he had to straighten up Evan's side, replacing stock if there were any vacant spots on the shelves. I took him down to the garage and showed him where the stock was kept. After that, we sat and had a coke. Spud came over and welcomed him. They seemed to bury the hatchet, but Blue and Alex were nowhere to be seen. I couldn't expect miracles but I could expect a little forgiveness from them.

He told me he was sorry about twenty times until I had to say,

"Stop it, Mike! No bloody more! It's in the past."

Susan arrived and had taken hold of Ayden. I wanted him to walk some more. I introduced her to Mike. He blushed: she's a good looking girl and her boobs were poking over her bikini top. He was getting an eye full.

"The van only sleeps three, baby. What are you going to do?"

"Get a couple of tents honey. The van is just to keep us out of the elements, like if it rains and, of course, we will need the gas stove for cooking. It's okay - we will cope beautifully. I am so looking forward to it"

"I bet you are. It will be awesome."

Evan got some customers so he went off into the shop, I watched as he put on his best smile and those butterflies were back.

The gang then arrived.

Horse looked at Susan.

"It's okay, Horse. I will be leaving tomorrow," she laughed.

Horse smiled. Trip sat on his knee.

"I can be your baby, Horsey. Try me - smack my bottom, feed me a bottle of milk. I would make a great baby." He did all this in baby talk.

Horse started humping him. He broke free and ran up to the cafe, calling for Rita.

Evan came back and sat down with us. He indicated he wanted to talk to me so, I left the table and went into the shop.

"Den, he's not here for a party."

"I know. It's his first day and I thought I would go easy on him."

"Has he done any work yet?"

"Umm, well, I showed him the storage."

"I thought he was here to sweep floors."

"Bubs, he is, but tomorrow, not today. He has to feel comfortable at work."

"So, you have been feeding him hamburgers and milkshakes?"

"No, just a milkshake, but he has to have afternoon tea."

"So much for hiring some help around the shop then."

"Tomorrow, bubs, tomorrow." I smiled at him.

He shook his head and walked behind the counter. Maybe he's going to shove a broom in his hand. I rejoined the boys then felt guilty so I got the broom out and swept the shop. I think Evan's pleased I did it - I can still hear him laughing. Jack and Anne came over the road. Mike was laughing at Tiny's jokes. They thought they might have a family dinner out tonight, so they introduced themselves and told Mike they will wait until he knocks off to have dinner. By this time, it was five-thirty, so I told him to join them. Evan again laughed his head off. He's so going to get it tonight.

Alex served them and was talking to Mike like he was an old friend. Blue only stared at him -- I had no idea what was going on in his head, but at least he wasn't rude. Our side of the porch was full tonight: Rita was offering stew with mash. The orders were taken and the guys had beers or water. Evan kept looking at me and smiling: maybe I'm in for it tonight. I must go to bed early methinks.

We talked into the evening. When Jack and Anne had finished, they said their good nights and Mike stayed with us. He was a nice kid and I think chilling with the big blokes was doing him some good. Spud helped Rita finish up, the kitchen was spotless for tomorrow's onslaught. He talked to Mike for a few minutes then I saw the biggest smile on his face as he ran over to his caravan. They were going to watch a movie together. I don't think Rita was involved, not after the last time. Looks like he's making some different mates. I heard the next morning that all four of them watched some vampire movie in the caravan. Nothing was said - just happy smiles.

I finally got Evan to myself. He was a little merry tonight and wanted to play, so who am I to deny his passion? I climbed on board and wiped that grin right off his face.

"He will start work tomorrow, bubs. I just wanted him to get comfortable with the boys first. Otherwise, he would be hiding around corners not knowing who the enemy is."

"I understand that, Den. I was just pulling your chain, baby." He grinned.

"Well, pull on this. It's still not empty." I put my dick in his hand.

Moan, moan, moan, moan, moan. That was my wake-up call this morning. Evan moaned because he had to get Pat up for his last surf, and Ayden moaned because he could. No one's going to chastise a moaning baby and my kid knew it, but when he saw me poke my head around his doorway a big display of acres and acres of smiles and kicks greeted me. I talked to him for a few minutes telling him how much I loved him, then I blew raspberries on his cheek while I gave him a thorough change and a wipe down with a warm cloth. Susan appeared and wanted to dress him, I pushed her out of the room and told her to get coffee because I was having a father and son talk with my baby. She laughed as she walked through the lounge, shop, then up to Rita's. This is my time with Ayden and I cherish every moment I have with him alone.

When he was ready for his day, I shoved a big bottle of milk into his mouth - no more formula or very little from now on - but he can have all the milk he wants.

He sucked away as I walked him out to the table. My coffee was ready and so was Susan. I sighed, then passed him over. I really felt like fleeing into some imaginary woodlands with him for the rest of the day.

She cooed and tickled, he smiled and sucked on his bottle and I drank my coffee and wondered how Evan felt this morning: he did have a little too much to drink last night. Maybe the surf will wake him up.

I spied Mike coming across the road, he seemed all excited about something.

"Good morning, Mike. You're up early!"

"Den, I wanted to ask you something. You can say no if you want, but I have to ask."

"Shoot kiddo."

"Can I dust and sweep the shop first thing in the morning, and then do it again in the afternoon?"

"Like an hour in the morning and one in the afternoon, dusting sort of thing?" I asked.

"No, I will still come here for the two hours in the afternoon, but I wanted to know if I can straighten the shop up before you open it."

"If you want to Mike, but it's unnecessary. Why?"

"I got nothing to do, so I thought last night maybe you will let me hang here for a few hours you don't have to pay me or nothing - just let me hang here." I could see a little loneliness in his eyes.

"You can hang here all you want Mike, and if you want to clean the shop, it's okay. That will make it easier for you in the afternoon." I smiled because I usually give the shop a sweep out before we shut up at night, so it's good to go in the morning.

"And, for payment, I will give you access to my account in the café. Just don't overdo it on the hamburgers - your mum will kill me."

He slumped like I had taken a load off his shoulders. Maybe something else is going on here. I thought about it for a while as I watched him mop out the shop and do some dusting. It was almost like he was hiding from someone. I am as thick as a brick sometimes - I should have known he would still be getting stick from his ex-mates.

Susan had well and truly taken care of Ayden who had enough milk and was again fast asleep. I went to grab my large pad and started drawing. His likeness was uncanny. I drew him skim boarding along the beach. He was holding a big silver cup which said `winner' on it.

I then wrote Mike Smith, Employee of the Month' and a big Congratulations Mike' for good measure. I pinned it on the notice board.

Spud came out to refill our coffees and I asked him how they went last night. He told me that Blue is going to show Mike how to use the skim board properly and then he laughed.

"He is a nice guy, Den, just a bit over active, but he wouldn't shut up about the big guys he had met, and he wanted to know if Rita had some shifts for him to do so he could hang more with us all." He grinned then went back to his job. He did stop and look at the poster then I saw his arm punch into the air. About half an hour later the basket of egg and bacon rolls appeared. We took one each, and then I asked Mike to take them down to the men. His smile was beautiful as he rushed down the back stairs to the beach.

"Slow down - take your time!" I shouted out to him.

"You are going to make a wonderful father for Ayden, Den," I heard Rita say when I washed up our cups.

"Why's that Rita?"

"Just a feeling, Den, a deep beautiful feeling." She nodded to the poster on the wall then smiled.

Mike didn't come back until it was time for Pat and Sue to leave. He helped them pack the car and shook their hands. Evan told me he had been having so much fun with the guys: they had him up on a board and then he used Spud's boogie board for an hour while Spud and Nuts surfed tandem. He did see the poster on the wall eventually. Tears were not his thing, but I could tell he was humbled.

I said my goodbyes to Sue and Pat and saw them on their way with a bit of a ping in my heart. Horse immediately grabbed Ayden and didn't surf for the rest of the day, he sat on the porch and did crosswords Ayden helped him.

"I'm thinking I might buy an electric bike and do home deliveries for the holidaymakers, Den. Do you think that's a good idea?" It was Rita behind me talking.

"Great idea. Buy two cheapies and hire another kid to do it with Mike. Ask Trip - he will know where to get them."

She grinned because I had read her mind. The holidays will go on for another six weeks. She does get asked if she delivers, and Spud's curries have always had delivery requests. It's maybe a good idea, Rita.

What am I thinking? I might lose my best employee if that happens. Well, my only employee that is. He came back with Spud and hung around all afternoon. Sometimes I would catch him sneaking a look at the poster and sometimes he was laughing in the kitchen with Spud and Rita. He swept the shop out and dusted again, then he did the windows until they sparkled.

Anne had come over around four to chase him up because she hadn't seen him all day. He showed her the drawing and she smiled at me. He went and got us a coffee then served us. While he was there, she leant over and whispered a big thank you. She was amazed at my power of forgiveness and the fact I am the only person in his short life that gave him a second chance.

"He's had very mild ADHD since he was small, Den. He knows his faults and works very hard at covering them up. He takes a tablet three times a day but sometimes he misses some. This is no excuse for his behavior, but it will explain his quirks. He knows what he did was bad and he is trying really hard to make up for it the only way he knows, and that's to be as good a person as he can be."

"I couldn't tell Anne - he hides it so well."

"It's mild and the symptoms are dulling over time as he gets older. It's been a long, hard road. His mates don't understand, Den. It's not only the shame picture -- it's his unnatural attitude sometimes. They just don't understand."

"Well, he's more than welcome here. The guys like him - maybe they understand more than a couple of stupid kids. He is a little quirky, but so are Spud and Blue - they all have something different to bring into our lives. Even Ayden has his quirks. He just has to look me in the eye and my whole soul recenters itself and the calmness I feel overwhelms me."

"My son does that to me too, Den. It's called love." She smiled.

"I second that." Horse looked up and said. Anne went red.

"It's okay, Anne. The guys are on to it - they won't let anything happen to him. You can relax and enjoy your holiday -- we've got it sorted." Horse, the most intelligent of all, had it all fixed. I smiled at him as he laid bubs on his knees and rubbed his back. I think Anne was impressed with my six-foot-three pure Aussie beef of a mate.

Mike came back with our coffees and put the tray on the table. He smiled as he handed out cups. Anne poured the drinks.

"Did you forget something, young Mike?"

"No...what Mr. Horse?"

"A nice juice for the baby, please. Not too cold, thank you."

"Oh." He giggled.

"Coming up."

He ran smiling back to Rita's. We had a lovely time with Anne. She told us that her grandparents owned Worth's Circus, a now defunct travelling show from the fifties. She had a lot of stories and jokes from those days, but she only knew what her mum had told her. However, she had tons of memorabilia stored away.

"You should have an exhibition one year. Hire a big tent and display all your mum's posters and stuff. Charge five bucks a look." I laughed.

"Good idea, Den. Young Mike can run it." Horse offered.

"I think Rita's going to buy a couple of electric bikes and do deliveries to the holiday makers. She's got Mike tagged for that job."

Mike came back with the juice.

"There you go - not too cold, not too hot." He passed it over to Horse who tested it.

"Just perfect young Mike."

He grinned as he popped it into bub's mouth. He sucked away and caught my eye - the butterflies in my tummy went absolutely mental.

Blue and Alex arrived with some of the others. Nuts had been left there - he had been caught by three lovely ladies and he was showing them his moves on his board. I dream of better times for that man.

Evan came up behind me and massaged my shoulders.

"Have fun today, bubs?"

"Yes, Den. I think I'm a bit waterlogged. I reckon I wiped out on every wave."

"Well did you catch a fish for dinner?"


"I suppose not. Nuggets for tea again then, bub." My kid rewarded me with another smile from under the bottle teat, and a couple of kicks.

"I have swept the shop, Mr. Evan. It's good to go."

"Good, lad. It's your break time now, isn't it?"

"I think so. Is it, Den?"

"Yes. Go get a milkshake and join us." He scooted off again.

I took my phone into the shop and rang Rita. She answered straight away.

"On your tab?"

"Yes, please, Rita. I'll come and fix you up later."

"Yeah, and I'll take it, I'll bet."

She hung up. I could hear her laugh from the shop.

"Well, I must go. You men must have a lot to talk about and I have to go see if Jack's caught any fish." She laughed as she went up to Rita's to hug her boy. I sipped my coffee and watched Horse. He had fallen asleep. Ayden was looking fine laying on his chest, his eyes closed and his hand holding Horse's collar. I was dreaming, I think, of another painting.

It hit me full force. Electric shocks hurled themselves through my body. The butterflies immediately attacked them. I suddenly had a compulsion to paint. My head hurt and stomach ached. The feeling stayed with me all evening and, in the end, I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Bub, I have to paint. This is serious. I have to do it now. Do you mind?"

"No, of course not, Den. It's that feeling again isn't it?"

"Yes. It came on when Anne left. I know I have to do it today. I can go out the back. I'll see you in an hour or two." I kissed his sweet lips and he helped me move my stuff out onto the back porch. The shocks had left but the butterflies stayed. I felt I had to do this painting urgently.

At two in the morning I was putting the finishing touches to my work. It was pitch black out the back except for one overhead light that highlighted my canvas. A hand rested on my shoulder, which brought me out of my trance. I looked at the painting and nearly vomited. Jumping up, I dry retched over the balustrade. My shaking started and I nearly screamed into the dark night. Strong arms held me as I tried so hard to calm down, and when I turned and looked, I saw Evan's beautiful eyes.

"Help me." The shocks were back and they hurt.

The blackness enveloped my every nerve ending, and one by one they shut down along with my mind.

I was aware of Evan spooning me, and holding me tightly. I knew his eyes were on me -- I felt them boring into my head. I took deep breaths, one long one after another.

"You okay?" he whispered.

"I don't know."

As if on cue Ayden screamed and I threw myself out of the bed and ran to his side. Evan was steps behind me. Ayden looked asleep but was restless -- maybe a bad dream. I picked him up and took him back to bed with me then I placed him between us. His eyes opened for a second - they were black.

I started shaking again. I couldn't help it. Ayden didn't even stir - he slept on. Evan tried to calm me down as four men burst into the room. Tiny took over and asked questions. Evan told him I was seeing things.

"His eyes are black - they are black." I yelled.

Tiny looked at Ayden, felt his forehead, then lifted his eye lids.

"Den, can you look at his eyes, please? They look normal to me."

I didn't want to look. I didn't want to face death in the eye, but Evan held me and helped me like he's always done, so I looked. My body slumped and I wept as I watched my son's sleeping body.

"It's okay guys. I got this. Thank you for sticking around. We are going to rest now." Evan was calming everything down. Rita had arrived with a very scared looking Spud. They must have heard the commotion. The boys slowly left us alone, not wanting to go but wanting to stay and offer their strength.

"Look into his eyes, Den."

"No, I can't."

"Look, Den. They are normal." I knew Evan wouldn't lie to me. I know he won't, so I slowly wiped my eyes and looked at Ayden. He was stirring. I lifted his lid with my shaking finger and I saw azure blue for miles. Then I heard,


His eyes opened and he was smiling. His hands reached out for a cuddle. I cried into his pajamas like I've never cried before. The confusion in my brain was dreadful. It was very early morning by this time and I knew there was something urgent I had to do - it had something to do with that painting: a bursting heart that appeared from Ayden's black eyes. I panicked again and went to get it from the porch. I took Ayden into my arms gently and said to Evan,

"We have to get him to a hospital. Please, Evan, we have to. It's urgent."

"Okay, Den. Does he need changing?"

"No." I cried.

"It's maybe too late. I left it too late Evan I can't save him."

Evan's face drained of any blood - he was ashen. He ran out through the shop calling Tiny's name then rushed back. Tiny opened Ayden's top and with his wrist watch and ear he listened to his heart. I heard a car start up, then another, then another.

"He's okay, Den. His heart beats strong. There's nothing wrong with him." Tiny was confused.

"Look look what I painted. Look! "He looked at the disgusting painting and still didn't get it. Rita didn't know what to do. She wanted to take Ayden off me but I wouldn't let her.

Spud was looking at the painting, then he yelled.

"Quick! We have to get him to the hospital. If he's not sick now, he will be soon. How long until sunrise?"

"About an hour - why?" Rita answered.

"Hurry! Get him ready! We have to go!" Spud was adamant.

Tiny looked at him. I ran for the back stairs, my baby holding tight in my arms, my tears flowing.

Evan and Spud got in the back with us, Rita sat in the front, and Horse drove. I wouldn't put my baby in his ride. I hung on to him. He kept smiling at me.

He almost laughed when we turned onto the freeway towards Warragul hospital. He yelled,

"Da Da Dah" all the way. When we pulled into the emergency, he all of a sudden went quiet - the sunrise had started.

"No, no, no, no, you don't. You can't have him! You can't have him! "I screamed as I ran into the busy emergency room. The nurses were on to me instantly.

"Heart attack... my baby... heart attack." I was hyperventilating.

It was then I heard a loud moan, then a thud. When I turned around, Horse had crashed to the floor. Tiny went down with him. He had him on his back instantly then called,

"Crash cart, Stat!"

I didn't know what was happening. I wanted them to look at Ayden, but when I looked at him, he was smiling back at me. His blue eyes shone in the bright lighting.

"Den, Horse has had a heart attack. Please calm down, please, for me."

Evan was crying so bad and Ayden was smiling at us. What the fuck is happening?

"It wasn't Ayden, Den. It was dad we had to get to hospital - dad is the one that's sick." Blue held my face and talked to me. Then he hugged me and said,

"Thank you, thank you, God bless you, Den, thank you." Blues tears streamed down his face. He looked at bubby and said,

"And thank you, my wonderful nephew."

Ayden kept smiling and his legs started to work as he reached for Blue.

I reluctantly passed him over to him and they both calmed down. I suppose he wants his milk now.

Rita had it all in hand. She had a couple of bottles in her bag and warmed up some milk in the waiting room microwave. Horse had been carted off to the back rooms. I had calmed down enough to hold Evan in my arms - he was still shaking.

"Well, that's some kind of powerful magic your son's got, bub." He let out a deep breath and then started laughing or was he weeping?

"You're such a dick sometimes, Den."

A doctor came out looking for Blue. He looked a bit confused.

"We have him stabilized but he won't calm down. He's calling for you and he wants to see bubs."

"Right," Blue said as he calmly took Ayden off Rita and followed the Doctor into the back rooms. I heard later when Blue placed Ayden into Horse's arms he calmed down completely, everything stabilized and Ayden wouldn't stop kicking and smiling. Blue had held his dad's hand and Horse looked from Ayden to Blue then back. Tiny was in the room. He was flabbergasted at the way things had played out. He said it was enough for him to go back to medicine and specialize in the healing powers of babies. (Over the next two days he grilled me relentlessly. I didn't have a clear answer for him.)

We hung around the hospital until midday when Tiny came out with Blue and bubs. He said that Horse was resting and in good spirits. They had found a blocked valve and were going to insert a stent this afternoon. It wasn't life threatening now.

"Den, if it wasn't for you, Horse wouldn't be alive today. He was within an inch of losing his life, and when they got him in the backroom. He had another attack. If he hadn't have had the blockers, he wouldn't have survived it."

My mouth opened but I couldn't say anything. I just couldn't talk. I didn't talk again until I sat at the table with the guys. Ayden was still in my arms and all I could say was,

"God bless you all for believing in me, and thank you." I broke down. It was then Rita handed over a glass of brandy. In between my sobbing and sipping my drink I managed to say,

"What? You making me drink alone? You know you're my drinking buddy." I stared at her and she picked her glass up and said.

"Cheers, Den."

She skulled it then poured another. The glasses were filled and Evan laughed along with Ayden. The guys started to get into their wet suits in the lounge room. Rita cleaned up and went into her shop - Spud and Alex had it all organized. Blue was still at the hospital. Evan looked at me and he smiled.

"Go, do some screaming with your men bubs, and do some for me - I'm okay now."

He gently kissed me and he knew I knew that it had frightened all of them, so there will be a bit of screaming coming from the surf this afternoon.

"I won't be long," he said.

"Go on -- leave an injured man on his own, bloody cretins." Hush my big mouth when it's a little bit tipsy.

Tiny and Donk lifted me up and marched me out the front down to the beach and tossed me in. Evan played in the surf with me for ages and when I looked over to our tree, Ayden was waving. He had hitched a ride with Nuts and Mike.

After a very passionate play in the ocean, I told Evan to go surf. I wanted to be with bubs. He kissed me and left taking his favorite board with him.

I was passed a towel which I placed around my waist then my shorts dropped in the sand.

"It's okay guys - go do your thing." I held onto my very clever son and told him how much I loved him. He rewarded me again with more smiles and giggles.

Tying the cord on us we decided we should have a nap, and that's just what we did, my son resting on my chest. My head was at peace. Rita sent Alex down with hamburgers. The guys must be hungry by now. Ayden slept on as I gently moved him onto the towel.

"Have you heard anything?"

"Yes. He's out of danger. They have put a stent in his heart and expect a full recovery. They said he will be out tomorrow. How good is that?"

"Medical wonders, Alex - miracles and magic." I whispered.

"I agree. If it wasn't for you I don't know what would have happened."

"Let's not dwell on it. Are you going in to see him tonight?"

"I wanted to talk to you about it. Can mum pilfer Mike for tonight while I go be with Blue?"

"Of course she can. Just tell her not to confuse him too much."

"It's okay, Den. He told us the other night we are on top of it." He grinned.

"Do you want to take Ayden with you?"

"Would be nice, Den, for Horse's sake, but I think Blue's company is doing the job at the moment." He winked.

"I will let you know if he's coming home tomorrow. Blue said he told him he hasn't felt this good for a long time."

"Well, he was clogged up and probably felt a bit slow at times. I just wish he would've said something."

"I have rung Tony. He will be at the hospital now, and he wants you to unlock Horse's unit so he can stay here tonight. He will probably get here late."

The boys had done their thing and had started to come over to get their burgers. Alex kissed my cheek and thanked me, then left.

When Mike came over, I asked him if he wouldn't mind helping Spud and Rita tonight until about ten. His face lit up and he eagerly said yes.

"Den!!' Here we go, Evan again.


"That's a bit much."

The guys were laughing and pointing. My towel had shifted and my bits were on show to all and sundry.

"It looks a bit gross at the moment, bubs, but I'm sure you can make it look better tonight." I grinned then flipped the towel over to hide the offending dick.

"I could take care of that for you, Den."

"Take care of what, Tiny?"

"Snip, snip, foreskin gone." He laughed.

Poor Evan gave him a terrible look then answered,

"Just try it and I'll show you snip, snip!" He growled.

There was no way Evan would ever let me be circumcised: he thinks he owns my foreskin. I suppose because he has my heart, he can have the rest of me too. Yes, I think he can. I leaned over and kissed him. Mike didn't seem to be shocked, and I whispered in Evan's ear,

"Don't ever think I don't love you. And thank you for this morning, for believing in me."

"Den, I love you so much, but can you put your shorts back on?"

"They're wet. I will go back soon -- shop's got to be opened."

"Leave it for tonight. Keep it closed."

"Why? Do you want to fool around with my foreskin?"

"Yes." He smiled and groaned at the same time. I heard lots of welcomed laughter in the background.

I know you all love a good read, so if you are not already reading Jack Schaffers "Forever" do yourselves a favor. Jacks been a good mate of mine since day one and his story is right up there with the best. Thank you all.

Next: Chapter 25

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