Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 23, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 26

It was four o'clock and the guys started coming up to shower. I opened the shop and Rita started to make hamburgers, chips and salads. Spud sat with us for a minute and said they would be on board to help out tomorrow with the shop. He didn't think Rita's would be that busy. I asked why he thought that and he said that Christmas Eve is for families and things: the kids will be swimming all day, and the mums would be cooking their favorite food. Some families celebrate Christmas that night, some the next morning. He thought that maybe the shop might be busy but not the café. He then walked off to do his thing with Rita.

"He's telling us something, Den. What have you got planned for tomorrow?" Nuts asked.

"Rita said she was doing seafood for Christmas lunch and salads - she wants to serve healthy food." I sort of felt mean I didn't organize anything.

"No she's not. She's just trying to throw you off the scent, Den. She wants this Christmas to be something really special," Tiny told us.

"So I don't need to feel guilty then?"

"Yes you do Den, because you sit on your bum and do nothing all day but paint," he laughed. I was offended.

"Do you really think Holly, Peter and Spud, let alone Alex and, god forbid, Blue will miss out on a traditional Christmas lunch?"

"Well, I believed her didn't I?"

"Because she doesn't need your help. You do enough for all of us as it is. Don't worry she's getting most of it pre-cooked she just has to do vegetables. She will go missing tomorrow afternoon. She wants it to be a surprise, especially for Spud and the littlies you know," he smiled.

Evan had touched my shoulder and kissed my head as he sat next to me. He looked at the faces around him and nodded his approval of his new found mates.

"Sorry, Horse just let me know when you want to go into Warragul."

"I'll run him in, Den. You might get busy." Tony offered.

"Only if you want to, Tony - the offer still stands." I said.

"It's okay I want to do some last minute shopping while Horse is being checked out." He smiled.

Which reminded me: our shopping is still in my car. I will have to start wrapping it tonight if I'm going to get through it. I hope everyone won't be disappointed I didn't give them paintings, but I hope Spud will be happy with his new I-phone. It was so hard to buy for everyone without making a big fuss out of it. Evan was good for shopping: he didn't like it, so he made really quick decisions which, I might add, made sense at the time. The oversized rocking chair we found in an antique shop for Horse's small porch might be a bit challenging for him. I think he will like it, but he might have to extend his porch out a little.

Customers were looking in the shop while they waited for their meals, and, again, Rita was run off her feet with orders. It was a normal night for us, but an abnormal one for her: everyone was out to eat. The boys helped as much as they could. They wiped the tables and cleared the dishes, and we had Donk manning the surfboards. Horse and Tony had left around five. I again apologized for not taking him. He pulled my face in and kissed me. I was so shocked I couldn't say anything else as they quickly drove away down the road. I bet they were laughing too.

"Did you get a fat, Den?" Evan was behind me.

"No." I tried to hide it from him but I failed.

"I see," was all he said.

"I wasn't thinking that really I wasn't, bubs."

"Well, when your stiffie goes down, let me know what you were really thinking then." He laughed so loudly he woke Ayden up.

I fumed a little then shoved bubs into his arms and said,

"Your son needs changing."

"Groan." That million dollar smile was shining.

I served a few customers and sold another two of Tony's items. There's not much left in the gift department now. Donk had talked a guy into buying the Rolls Royce of boards and he dropped nearly one grand into Evan's pocket. Kids bought T-shirts for their mates, and mums bought shorts or flip flops for their kids. Evan's clothing line was like Tony's art: there were empty spots all down his shelving. He had done very well this Christmas.

I served a kid of about sixteen or seventeen. He was a looker -- all blonde curly hair, suntan and white teeth, pretty tall for his age. He was looking for a gift for someone. I steered him over to the clothing but he said his friend wasn't into that stuff - he was more artistic. I wracked my brain trying to help him, but I came up with nothing, unless he wanted one of Tony's frames.

He looked at them and thought about it while he looked at the paintings. He particularly liked Spud's Milk shake mania. It was a great subject - the animated bright green Retro milkshake machine gone wild with milk splashes flying out of the painting in three D, amazing work. He was smiling at it.

"Can I ask you something and you not ask me why?"

"Sure you can. What's up?"

"Well, the guy I'm trying to buy something for is the guy that painted this picture." He went bright red - it didn't suit his tan. I faltered but quickly recovered.

"Spud? Oh, you want something for Spud ?." I guessed this kid had a crush on him and I knew exactly what Spud would like too.

"Over here." I pulled out the drawer under the counter where we keep the extra necklaces and leather thongs and hair ties. I opened a few packets and found the black and white shell pendant.

"This is what he wants badly. He looks at it all the time when he helps out in the shop." I sort of told a small lie then I showed it to him and continued,

"It comes with a leather thong and its thirty-six dollars."

"Cool." He took the pendant and looked it over.

"Yin and Yang - opposites attract, totally unsuited people are attracted to each other, black and white, Yin and Yang." I couldn't describe it any better, so I faltered in the end.

"You also get Spud's discount, which is half price, and I will supply a box and paper." I felt excited that Spud had an admirer.

"I'll take it." He grinned - he should do that more often it suits him. I charged him eighteen dollars and said it came with a free milkshake, then I wrapped it nicely. I asked him if he wanted a card, but he declined. I thought maybe he didn't want to put anything gay in writing. I wished him a Merry Christmas and he went up to Rita's. I was done for the night so I followed him up and whispered in Rita's ear,

"Spud's secret admirer - he gets a free milkshake." Then I stuck a hundred in her till while she stood there open mouthed. I winked.

Spud served the kid and both their faces were bright red - I think maybe it's early days. Rita stood close by and I shooed her away. She was about to tap me with her big serving spoon but I was too fast for her.

Evan locked up early. It was eight thirty and we were all buggered - even Rita started turning off lights and her open sign went to closed. The only customers that will come here are people looking for batteries or cigarette papers, small stuff. I had one more thing to do and then I was done. I wrapped up a silver surf board and lariat in Christmas paper just in case. It wasn't a large one - just a nice size for his new friend's neck.

Bubs was fast asleep in Donk's arms so I put him to bed and left him just in his nappy. I turned his night light on and the overhead light off, locked the back door and joined my man. Mike said goodnight and left us to it - he was looking a little worse for wear and very tired. He almost kissed everybody but he had to go. Rita slipped him some money and I paid him his wages. Spud came out and I detected aftershave or some kind of scent coming from him. He sat next to Rita and fidgeted. He found the guts to ask,

"Can I go down to the beach for a while? It's so hot under this porch."

Rita was struggling with something.

"I'll walk you down, Spud, if you like. I could do with a splash myself." I offered.

"No, it's all right. I can go on my own."

Rita took a deep breath and said.

"Of course you can, you earned some leave. I was very proud of you today taking work from Mike. It was a good thing. He's very tired: I suspect he missed taking one of his pills today." That's why he was so fidgety all day, poor little fella.

He jumped up and kissed Rita and started to go down the stairs.

"Not so fast speedy Gonzalez I need to speak to you for one minute." I looked at his face. I opened the shop, then closed the door after us. Picking up the small gift, I walked to our back door and let him out to the porch.

"This is between you and me, Spud. No one gets to hear this conversation. I want you to take this gift down to the beach with you. Hide it in your pocket and if what happens that I think will happen, you can give it to your new friend for Christmas."

"I wasn't going to do anything. Really I wasn't, Den." He looked startled.

"Spud, I love you like my own son, and I know you are a very adult, sensible young man. Your new friend maybe bought a gift for someone special while he was Christmas shopping today, so I parceled something nice up for you just in case you need it." I passed it to him.

"He seems to be a very nice young man, Spud. I trust you to be sensible, and if you need to talk, talk with me I am a good listener."

"Okay, Den. Thank you." He hugged me and scuttled off to meet blue eyes.

I didn't want to tell him the boy had bought him a present but I didn't want him to meet him empty-handed. I hope there's not full on sex involved, but with Spuds turbulent background I didn't think so.

I locked up once again and looked in on my best boy, then joined the others.

Rita was giving me signals she wanted to know what was happening. I let her off the hook.

"Do you trust me?" I looked at her.

"Yes, Den. Of course."

"Then that's all you need to know for now except he's okay." I smiled and squeezed her hand.

I yawned and looked at Evan I need some loving tonight or I'll burst.

"Bed bubs?"

"I was waiting for Tony and Horse."

"The car's there. They must have snuck in earlier. Let's go to bed."

He took my hand and we said our goodnights. I whispered into Rita's ear,

"Young love - they both are being sensible. Stay cool." I kissed her cheek and left.

"What was going on, Den? Spud was really eager to get to the beach tonight."

"Boyfriend in the wind. Did you see the blonde kid I was serving, the one that bought the pendant?"

'Yes, Den. He's a wave chaser. He's been hanging around us with those girls for the past week. It's getting a bit annoying because they expect to be fed. Some of the guys go without or share when Rita only sends enough for us."

"We should do something about that, bubs. Rita's not here to give out freebees. Anyway, he bought the pendant for Spud."

"But he's straight."

"So am I baby, so spread `em or I'll cum in my pants."

He obliged after we showered, then he made urgent love to me. Well, I said I was randy.

The morning was welcomed and if Spud was right, the shop won't be busy at all. I washed and dressed big bubs in his shorts and tank. I made sure he was covered in sunscreen then sent him off surfing, insisting everything will be okay. My little bubs woke as Evan kissed him good morning. I also washed him and dressed him but just in a nappy and shorts today -- it's still too hot.

I started with coffee, he started with juice, then Rita sat and fed him scrambled eggs with a daub of tomato sauce on it.

"When did he get home?"

"Just before midnight, Den. He was being very quiet." She giggled.

"It's new, so I don't think they are doing anything too heavy. He should be wearing a new necklace today and a smile for yards." I giggled.

Bubs was looking at me he wanted in on the joke. I tickled his foot - he laughed.

"What do we do about it, Den?"

"Be quiet, don't smirk or laugh, give him some space, I think. He's a good kid. The other kid is a wave chaser - he hangs with some girls that have been surfing on the boys' beach, but I think secretly maybe he likes Spud."

"Okay I will give him some space, but the first sign of any trouble. he is grounded." And she wasn't joking.

Horse arrived and took Ayden who started telling him his news. I hope Horse can understand him because we couldn't.

"Is that right, Spud escaped to the beach last night and he didn't take you? And then what bubs?"

He held Ayden close to his ear and took on the look of shock.

"He what, bubs? No, surely he didn't! "He couldn't keep it up he started to laugh at our faces.

"I saw him leave from my window."

"Secret boy's business, Horse. He's found a beau," Rita whispered.

"Well that beau must be a real nice sort of prick. Spud came home around midnight. I heard him crying all the way up the track. I didn't want to intrude, so I watched him go inside, just to make sure he was safe." I looked at Rita. What the fuck happened?

We sort of talked about it for a while after which it was time to open up. Rita cooked Horse and me toast and eggs, and I tidied up the shop a little. In the cash register, I spied the small gift I had given Spud - he must have crept in to put it there.

Mike was suddenly behind me trying to explain he had missed his medication yesterday: he just plain forgot because he was having so much fun. I held his shoulders and said it didn't matter as long as he was okay. He said he was and he slept like a log, and felt much better this morning. I decided he has to take it easy today, so I went to talk to Rita while Mike talked to Horse.

"Do you need Mike today? He was off his medication yesterday as you noticed. It exhausted him."

"No, Den. He's only here because he wants to be. Maybe I will get him to work the counter - that's easy." She smiled.

"I will pay him to sit with Ayden while I'm looking after the shop."

"We can send him home early - it is Christmas Eve after all," she smiled.

We both agreed that he's not to be rushed today. I started it with asking him to take breakfast and his board down to the guys - he might like a body surf while he's there. He agreed that he would like that. I told him to take his time as we weren't busy and I had already done the shop floor.

Spud came out and looked at me. I could tell he had a million things on his mind. I nodded my head towards the back of the building. I think he understood.

I met him halfway, then he fell into my arms sobbing his heart out.

I soothed him with quiet fatherly words and let him cry it out until there was nothing left. I saw Rita pop her head out. She slowly closed the door and went back inside.

I sat us both down on the old sofa that we got with the shop. I dried his tears with my tank top and looked into his troubled eyes.

"He only wanted a head job, Den. He wanted me to be a prostitute."

"What happened? Start at the beginning."

He gulped in some air and started relating the story.

"I met him on our beach. We sat and talked about surfing and painting. I really thought he was into me," he sniffed.

"He gave me a pendant, then asked me for a head job. It felt like he was trying to pay me for sex. I don't know how he knew about me. I was forced to do that stuff, but he sounded like he guessed some of my history." Again he sobbed. I held him.

"What did you do?"

"I shoved the pendant back into his hand and ran. I ran as fast as I could and ended up miles away. I nearly made it to Cynthia's place." He laughed - that's a good sign.

"Well, maybe he doesn't know about your past, kid. Maybe that's how he gets his kicks. I was told he is a wave chaser and he just follows the girls around. Do you think maybe he's a little bit off balance?"

"Maybe, Den. Those other guys, you know when I was, you know, working - some of them were pretty mean and fucked up. I usually managed to avoid them mostly, but there was one or two I missed and got beaten up bad a few times." My heart sank.

He was opening up to me and I couldn't fathom what he was doing with those guys. But if I ever saw one of them, they would be fucked for the rest of their lives.

"It really doesn't make sense, Spud. He took his time to buy you that pendant. He used real money. He loved your paintings. If he was trying to pay you for sex, why didn't he just give you money?" I couldn't understand it.

"I don't know, but he expected me to suck him off, Den. That I am sure of. I don't want to go back there. I want what you and Evan have, and Blue and Alex"

"Well, let's not let him get to us. Let's look at the positives: he's now the proud owner of an eighteen-dollar pendant, because I won't be taking it back for a refund anytime soon." I smiled.

"That cunt! He told me he paid fifty dollars for it. I'll fucking kill him."

"That's my boy. Don't be sad - get angry, fuck him! There's plenty of spunks on that beach just waiting for an amazing artist like you to be their boyfriend. Someone that has a wonderful big heart like yours, baby."

"Do you think so?"

"Really! You don't believe you could pull a spunk off our beach?"

"No." He blushed.

"Okay. When I see someone looking at you who seems interested, I will alert you and, fingers crossed, pray he hasn't got two heads." He giggled his heart out. That's better - no more crying. We talked some more and I told him his family all loved him to bits. He looked a lot better after our talk. I told him to go kiss Rita with his happy face and bring a juice down for me and to get himself one too.

"Put it on my tab," I laughed.

He giggled his way back to the café. I think he was more embarrassed than anything: he had a hot date and he felt special for a moment. His pride took a minor beating, but I think he will be okay. I went back to the porch. Horse and Tony were playing with Ayden. I apologized to them and Horse asked how Spud was. I didn't want to say much because he could turn up at any minute so I did an Alex.

"Boyfriend wanted to give him a pendant in exchange for sex. Spud refused his offer. I'll kill the little cunt."

"Do you know where he hangs?"

"With you guys mainly. He's with the girls that are hanging around."

"Blonde, good skin, blue eyes, sort of sleazy in his manner?"

"That's him." I panicked because Spud came down the verandah with our drinks.

"Good morning, Spudley, my man. How's tricks?" Horse put his foot in it.

Spud laughed his head off and replied.

"Well, the last one wanted to buy my mouth for a cheap trinket. I reminded him he could have bought Manhattan for that years ago, so why didn't he go there and try his luck." He laughed as he opened his drink and mine. He's so polite.

Drama avoided and customers were coming over the road for breakfast. Rita gave a big sigh and went back to her grill. She had been telling us she's going to scream at the next customer that wants a photo with Ayden - he's become the talk of the town. She got up and laughed all the way to her café doors.

"Coming, Spudley?" She lilted.

Spud gave us a big grin and saluted, then snapped his ankles military style.

I put the necklace back in the display case, then filled in some more holes in Evan's side. There wasn't any reserve stock left, so I took my time making it look like he had plenty, but, in reality, very little. His board rack was nearly empty, so I took the last three and installed them into the display. I had a few lookers again, just the ones that were up for breakfast, but they were looking at my kid as they passed. He had gone back to sleep in the bean bag. Nothing sold for the first hour. A pretty girl came in and bought three hair ties. She was polite and I thanked her, putting the cash into the till. I went to see how my baby was. Horse was watching him and the lookers. He answered their questions and said he had been polite.

Horse and Tony took my appearance as an opportunity to escape to the beach, and I had forgotten to ask him how things were. I took my boy into the lounge room and placed him on the floor with plenty of pillows for him to lay on.

I sorted out the drawers and then went to sit back outside because I wanted to paint. As I sat down, I suddenly remembered I had a chore to do today - wrap Christmas presents.

I put my things away and went down to the car and dragged six big plastic bags out of the boot. I stood at the counter and started wrapping them. Horse's chair will be placed on his porch late tonight with a card - it was too big to wrap.

I did Spud's I-phone, Blue's four large spot lights for his truck - Trip said he would install them for me. Alex ended up with a waterproof camera and selfie stick - he can take photos or movies of them surfing. Tiny, Donk, Trip and Nuts were hard to buy for, and that's where Evan came in handy.

He suggested we give each of them a three-hundred-dollar gift voucher for the shop: they can replace their wet suits and get some clothes, anything they wanted really. Rita was easy - we had found in the antique shop a beautiful Art Deco gold bracelet. It was just beautiful with blue, yellow and green semi-precious stones, making an awesome geometric pattern around it. It wasn't cheap, but she is well worth it.

I had sent Cynthia and Maggie a very large bunch of flowers, wishing each of them a Merry Christmas. I did that over the phone last week - they should receive them today sometime. Riley, Holly and young Peter were taken care of: we deliberately didn't buy any clothes for them. Riley got a new I-pad and the kids got some great toys and computer games. Ayden will have to be content with his two dollar balls and cars - he's still a little young to buy big stuff for. Tony also got a gift voucher from the hardware store. He can go to town with top shelf fittings for his new place.

Mike was the hardest of our friends to buy for, and everything I looked at didn't sit well with me. I finally came up with something different - the idea came to me only yesterday. I wrapped up a Yin and Yang pendant with a leather thong and a short note to say he was now a permanent member of staff and there will always be a job here for him. Then I went to get Rita to sign it alongside Evan's and my signatures. I also popped five hundred cash in the card to go along with it - Rita had gone us shares in his Christmas bonus.

That brings me to my awesome friend. I said Mike was the hardest, but Evan was even harder. I agonized for weeks over what to buy him: he had money and he had security, he had everything he needed to exist in this world. So in the end, I bought him nothing but a very loving Christmas card.

I wrote on it:

'My awesome friend and partner, I have everything I have ever wanted in this life and I know you have too. Tonight I will drop `em, get the lube and lay on my stomach. You can do anything you want to me sexually, as long as you let me do you after.

Merry Christmas bubs.

I love you so dearly. xxx

I gave him my ass for Christmas - that was the only thing I have never given him. My nerves started as soon as I wrote it. Now I have to go through with it, the deal's done. Ayden gave him a big bottle of body lotion and some cool leather bracelets.

The sales weren't as good as yesterday's and I wrote a note to say the shop was closing at six tonight. Spud was right: Christmas Eve will be for family and friends. I could hear laughing and glasses clinking from where I stood coming from the foreshore. The presents were placed under our modest tree in the lounge room alongside Holly's and Peter's gifts. Rita said she will sneak her's in through the back door tonight.

I put Evan's 'Gone Surfing' sign on the door and grabbed Rita's hamburger basket. My son was now wide awake and we walked down to the beach with lunch. I spread the towels out but Ayden was eager to go for a swim.

"In a minute, bubs. Just let me settle in a bit." I was concentrating on setting up.

He glared at me, but he knew he couldn't go on the sand - he will hurt his legs again. I waved to the guys who had started coming in, and that's when the shit hit the fan. Major dummy spit coming up. He fell slowly sideways onto the towel - his screaming and crying would have woken the dead. He got to me - my heart sank - what a terrible father I am!

Just as I was about to fall on my side and scream alongside him, Evan came up - he's the good father isn't he? He ran over and swooped Ayden up then ran down to the foreshore with him. By the time the rest of the guys were here, I could hear baby giggles. Could that be my son? No way!

The basket was opened and I couldn't make out what Rita had done today. There was so much stuff in there: I passed out rolls with roast beef, gravy and fries in them. They looked delicious, so I had one too. I put aside one for Evan because everyone would want seconds. Mike had one, then went to play with the now happy baby so Evan could eat. Horse wasn't too far away.

"These are awesome, Den. She really out did herself today," Tiny said as he snacked away.

"But there's more," I said.

She had put a dozen mini-Christmas puddings and spoons in with the rolls, so they were given out too. At the very bottom were ten Christmas parcels. Everyone got one - they had sweets in them. Great job, my lady friend, but so much trouble.

I spied some kids walking up the beach then looked at Spud. He was on to them. He turned his back around so he wouldn't have to look at them.

The girls came over - the blond guy held back. They tried to act like they were old friends in order to maybe score some food. They were good at their craft. Living off the beach must be so tough for them - not! My guys totally ignored them to the point they all turned their backs - it's a surfing thing I think. Mike and Ayden came back laughing and the last I saw of the hangers on, they were walking back up the beach with blondie close behind. A couple of days of that treatment and they would be gone. Nothing was said and Spud's mouth was still open, but the men did good by him today. I was more than proud.

"How many of them did you tell, Den?" he whispered to me.

"They are your family. If you get hurt, they get hurt. That's what families do for their kids, Spud. I didn't tell them - only Evan, and Rita knows a little because she's worried. I had to tell Horse because he heard you coming up the beach crying. He's very concerned for you and this little display is showing you they are one hundred per cent behind you. They are your brothers, your family."

He started crying again I held onto him. The next thing I knew, the big guys had grabbed him and dunked him in the ocean. He was laughing now. Their screams would be heard in the next town. There were a lot of happy guys out there today and I noticed Blue and Alex were the happiest. They had restarted their lessons again and Blue was teaching him the 'I'll get you up on the board from the water in the behind' position. But my old eyes might be deceiving me - they could have been resting.

Next: Chapter 27

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