Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 29, 2017


Aydens Eyes 27

We had a great relaxing afternoon I wasn't worried about the shop so I didn't go back when it was time to open it. I played with my son in the water then we both had a nap, he has taken to talking in his sleep today and I did hear a small.


Someone was playing with my groin when I woke; I'll give you one guess who, he had laid next to us. I immediately went for the lips they were salty and welcomed.

"Do you want to walk me up to the shop?"

"Sure bubs, do that again." So he kissed me again.

"Not that play with my dick." He laughed and held his hand out, I placed Ayden on his side and got up. Then I grabbed him for an amazing smacker.

He took the basket and his board, I took the towels and Ayden. We walked up the track and he stopped dead then turned around and kissed me again.

"Your kisses are nice today." He smiled.

"I'd much rather a head job." I grinned.

He gave me a leer, I will put bubs in his cot and wait to pounce on Evan after he showers.

We finally got to the porch around three thirty, Rita was nowhere to be seen. The boys only had three surfers to serve and they there to use the wifi. I went and got drinks they told me she had gone into town for an hour or so. Evan opened the shop but we didn't expect any customers. Both Cynthia and Maggie had left thank you Christmas messages on my phone so I set about answering them, when that was done I was all Evans. He had opened a beer and was staring at me.

"What's up?"

"You would have to be the hardest one to buy for Den and the most important one to spoil."

"Same for you bubs, I hope you wont be disappointed, I got you a card."

"You bought the same thing I did?"

"I guess we both had the same idea."

"I hope it's not the same offer?"

"Probably." I tried to smile seductively into my water.

Poor Evan groaned deeper this time, my bum twitched in protest.

I heard bubs voice so I went to get him up. He wanted Evan so I guess I'm still on the outer. He needed just another ten minutes in his arms then he will be ready for his second Christmas eve. His first one I spent in a haze and no one wanted to celebrate it. I think Evan and I sat on the couch and had a glass of wine, but I was too out of it to remember. We didn't do anything about Carols anniversary which was three weeks ago, we thought we would just have a drink then move on.

The guys started to come up from the beach Spud was laughing at something Nut's had said. He went and made a milkshake and sat at the table with us. I caught him not long after he finished his drink, he had gone into the shop and was looking through to the lounge room. I moved up behind him and said.

"Come with me." He laughed as I dragged him into the room. The stack of presents had grown and had almost hidden the little tree.

"See those presents?"

"Yes Den."

"At least twelve of them are for you, so you don't have to sneak in here and see if you have any." I grinned.

"Okay dad, twelve, awesome." He once again punched the air as we walked back out. His grin was saying it all in the end.

Rita pulled into the drive then she drove around the back and I suppose she secretly started unloading the boot.

"I had better go help her." Spud said, Nut's touched his hand and replied.

"Leave Alex and Mike to do that Spud, chill." That got another smile.

"What are we doing tonight Horse?"

"I thought we might light the bonfire on the beach and chill out."

"Okay maybe we all should have an early night." I said.

They looked angry, hush my sensible mouth.

"Bonfire it is then" I stared at them.

I went to find Mike and asked him to join us and for him to go over and invite his parents along. While I was there Rita threw a big cloth over what looked like the biggest Turkey I have ever seen. I chuckled then left as Mike ran out the doorway over the road and disappeared into a very red caravan. I went out the back door and grabbed a load of beers for the boys they weren't quite ready to eat yet, I think the drinking is more important. Rita wasn't busy and we all sat around the table. My boy was raring to go when he woke so I fed him some mash potato and peas. Rita had things running around in her head and was looking a little distracted. I said to her that we should do the tables while she had all the boys around; for that I got a blank stare.

"Okay guys can you butt another two of Rita's tables up to this one?" Alex had it organized.

The boys settled the huge table and placed chairs around it I didn't know how many she was expecting but we had seating for about twenty, Blue started serving dinner. Rita had bought ten family pizzas in town, and Mike delivered a big bowl of salad to the table, there is no way she is cooking tonight the boys were rapt and the pizzas were delicious. Evan had two big pieces and I had one and a bite of his. I wasn't that hungry but he did talk me into sharing another piece later and I did have some salad. I wasn't going to drink tonight and was looking forward to holding my man down on the beach. When the guys were finished there wasn't much of anything left.

Alex and Blue got rid of the paper plates and box's all they had to wash was a big bowl and some cutlery. The boys each in turn thanked Rita and started down the beach. The fairy lights were starting to flicker and I could see dozens of fires burning on the park foreshore. The guys had set up their tents in the back yard they will sleep there tonight, no drinking and driving. Usually they just sleep on the beach the porch or in their vans,or go home, but tonight's special I think they just wanted to all be close.

We set off to go celebrate, I had Ayden, Evan had the drinks. Rita Blue and Alex stayed behind I think they are up to no good. The fire wasn't big but it was only for atmosphere, it was still too bloody hot to have a roaring fire going. I propped myself against my tree and Ayden was treated with some mosquito repellant on his legs and face. He was passed around but eventually ended up with me. I had a sip of Evans drink but I didn't want a full bottle. It was a funny night I don't think anyone was really in the Christmassy mood at the moment that will come tomorrow.

I noticed Spud had bought his board and was sliding along the shore on his own in the moon light it was awesome. I took a photo but I didn't think it would be as good as the real thing. About an hour after we got there, the rest of our group came down minus Rita she was having an early night. Mikes parents didn't come and Mike left around nine I walked him up to the house because I wanted to put Ayden to bed. After giving him his hugs and kisses I popped a milk into his mouth and he began his going to sleep routine.

I showered then curiosity got the better of me so I went into the shop, I looked at the table through the shops glass door it was magnificent. They had done a brilliant job of decorating it with a white tablecloth, candles bunting crackers and Christmas plates and serviettes. She had everything that I remembered from my childhood on that table, just bloody awesome. This is Christmas this is what its all about family, good will and kindness to everyone.

I yawned, so instead of going back I shot a message off to Evan that I was going to bed I was too tired to party.

He was in my arms within fifteen minutes, and as I made passionate love to him I could hear people on the foreshore singing Christmas carols, that's the real magic. We slept well but about twelve something woke me and it wasn't firecrackers it was Evan giving me a Christmas present. I tried so hard to hold on as usual but he was too dammed good. I let fly with a wad and he groaned deeply.

By morning my balls were aching, fuck me how am I going to survive this day. I suppose the two jobs I gave him was enough and as I opened my eyes he was staring at me.

"You want any more bubs?"

"Den if I have anymore I wont be any good for your special gift tonight."

"Me neither." I smiled at him, he looked disappointed but we did do a lot of happy Christmas morning kissing. I went and got bubs after he started his morning waking up drill. Putting him in between us we kissed him so much his face was now pink.

We bathed him and put a pair of red shorts over his nappy then popped a Santa hat on his head, I quickly took photos before it was swatted off because he wasn't having any of that today. We both took deep breaths and walked through to the porch. Spud was grinning from ear to ear as he surveyed the table.

"What time did you get up?"

"I haven't slept." He grinned I remembered I did that too.

"Shit I forgot to do Horses chair'" I looked at Evan.

"I did it before I came to bed Den, he's probably sitting in it asleep now."

He laughed.

"Is Rita up?"

"Yes Den she told me to wait for everybody, I think she's been up cooking there are some pretty good smells coming from her kitchen."

I walked up to get coffee and milk and was greeted by Blue, he had it all done waiting for us. I kissed a very flustered Rita then hugged Blue giving them my best as I did.

I left with the tray but couldn't help myself.

"I didn't know you had to cook seafood so early Rita." That spoon appeared and she chased me up the porch. She kissed Ayden then Evan, gave Spud a big smile then said.

"We are having a traditional Christmas dinner today Spud, all the trimmings and heaps of over roasted potatoes just for you." He grinned and it didn't let up until everyone was on the porch.

Horse thanked us for his gift and Tony piled some more gifts under the tree, the other guys did the same.

Alex appeared around nine then Riley and the kids.

"Mr. Horse we made you a present but you can't open it yet because daddy said so." Poor Holly her and Peter were jumping to get started.

"We have to wait for Nana then we can start." I announced.

Spud took off to the Cafe at top speed. I had elected Nuts to hand out the presents we even bought him a Santa hat, he pulled a chair up as close to the tree as he could and when Rita finally appeared everybody cheered then he started.

"Evan from Tony."

"Blue from Tiny."

"Holly from Nana." Screaming coming from her corner.

"Bubs from dad." He kicked his legs so Evan took the small parcel for him.

He was put on the floor with the other kids, and was more interested in their presents and wrapping paper than his bright ball.

"Spud from me." He gently took the rather large present from Nut's and took his time opening it, he didn't want to tear the bright paper. His face lit up when he pulled out a new cut off wet suit. I noticed he folded it up neatly and put Nut's card in the box with it.

"Den from Horse." It went on and on for another hour, Mikes pile was put aside for him and it was growing.

Cards were exchanged and the guys were very appreciative. I got some serious stuff, I can't remember getting so many gifts. Rita was sporting her new bangle and I got Evan to put my gold chain on that I got from her. Horse and Tony had bought us a very large TV for our porch and the boys had organized Foxtel to be installed. The kids went ballistic when Horse opened their present. They had drawn Horse on a Horse their dad had it framed for them. Horse was pretty emotional as he told them it was the best present he had ever gotten, even though his feet were touching the ground.

Spud was setting his phone up that smile was permanent. Poor Trip was hounded to install Blues lights and Alex took plenty of photos. Holly and Peter were shooing my kid away because he thought their presents were better. He eventually flopped forward onto his forehead and bawled his eyes out so I spent some time with him on the floor opening his gifts, his late morning milk was a lifesaver his eyes kept looking at the TV so I turned it on, no sound and he curled up on a bean bag with his drink.

I handed Evan his card and he handed me mine. He opened Ayden's gift and apparently bubs had also bought me some very sexy undies.

He blushed and winked, I did the same, what the fuck did he want to do? I've never heard of it, but I'm keen to try.

Rita handed one more gift to Spud it was his court order that confirmed she will be his guardian from now on. His tears got the better of me and I joined in.

Mike and his parents popped their heads in around eleven he was sporting a new wristwatch and clothes, Nut's started again, giving him and Anne and Jacks presents out, Mikes face was priceless. He loved his necklace and got Evan to tie it on for him.

Rita had disappeared with Alex and I heard her clanging around in the kitchen, Christmas music was heard from everywhere. He came out with big prawn cocktails and jugs of ice and water if the guys want to drink they can help themselves. We all took our seats at the table and the guys started eating.

We cracked our crackers and put the party hats on, we took turns of reading the jokes that came with them and I made sure the tiny toys weren't given to Ayden. The cocktails were delicious and the table was cleared of excess rubbish. The very big turkey was produced along with the vegetables and gravy, lots of chicken pieces and a large leg of lamb. I was full just looking at it; Alex then produced a big platter of ham. The table was overflowing and Rita was congratulated as she sat at the head. I made a small dish up of different stuff for bubs then put some gravy over it. He loved his Chrissy dinner as he wanted more and more. He had finished and I thought I had better ease up he's got pudding to come but I don't think he will take to it.

Evan took up the others positions and sat back with his hands on his stomach, I could hear kids screaming from their new bikes rolling by. The foreshore and the caravan park were celebrating. Not much beer was drunk but Horse had a few bottles of champagne to pass around, it was quite nice but I only had one drink; I had a big date with Evan tonight.

We decided we would have pudding later every one was stuffed, we all helped Rita to wash up and store the leftovers which we can have later on. She sat on her sofa and immediately dropped off to sleep. Horse and Tony went for an afternoon nap, Mike and his parents went home with some leftovers. The guys went surfing so Ayden Spud and I went down to watch them, maybe I will get a little nap in.

Ayden was playing with his ball, and Spud was zipping across the waters edge. I saw a kid watching him from afar, but he wasn't the right one for him he seemed a little lost without his girls. I wondered who they scabbed Christmas lunch off this year.

I lay down with bubs on my chest again, he wanted a sleep after his big day and I was tired. I don't know how long I slept for but when I woke Ayden wasn't there he was with his father on the shore. they were having time together, I heard a branch snap. I sort of looked out of the corner of my eye, the kid was looking at me through the bushes.

"If its a head job your looking for piss off, if it's an apology for making a fool out of me piss off again. You know what, why don't you just piss off period and take the other idiots with you." He didn't answer he gently moved away from our spot. That was the last time I saw him. I didn't tell Spud or anyone I was a little unhinged by the fact he had his dick out and was masturbating over me. I wasn't mad I did feel a little special, but hey what would I know about that sort of thing.

I walked down to the beach and started playing with my two boys, they were pleased to see me as Evan splashed around with bubs. I swam out into the cool water where Spud and Mike were swimming around with their boards.

"Hop on Den we can take you for a ride."

"It's okay Spud I'm not the best on a board."

"Hey Mike look after Ayden for a sec will you?"

"Sure Evan."

My man walked his board up next to me and both Spud and Mike got out of the water and started playing with Ayden." Horse was riding a big wave in and when he landed he walked over to supervise.

"Get on Den."

"No! I don't surf you know that."

"Just lay on it for a minute." I looked at him he's up to something I know he is.

I threw my leg over the board and he settled me, I hung on like grim death as he jumped on behind. He was kneeling between my legs and was paddling out to sea. If he thinks I will ride a wave back he had better think again. He all of a sudden was laying on me, oh that feels good. I could feel his stiffy on my crack, not now Evan; tonight.

"Hold onto the board Den, I'm going to do a turn."

I held on and wiggled my ass he groaned.

There was no warning, but suddenly he changed positions and started paddling faster, we were ripping along on a wave. Then he stood up, my face was being blasted with salt water. I was surfing with my Evan and it was exhilarating at the very least.

I screamed and my hands were hurting from holding on. He was laughing, but we soon wiped out because he didn't allow for the extra weight so it was a twenty meter or so ride but so much fun. I went under he pulled me up to the surface then he helped me back to shore.

I decided then I would stay on dry land from now on.

"Hey that looked great Den, let me have a go." It was Blue.

"No bloody way are you getting behind me on a board sunshine, go find Alex." He looked sad.

I went back to Ayden as Evan laughed with the boys, he did a few more runs and then he came to sit with us.

"You enjoyed it Den, admit it." He grinned.

"Well I enjoyed the first part but the second part wasn't quite the ride I was planning." I grinned back as I passed him my bottle of water. He drank most of it and looked at me seriously.

"Den we have to discuss this, it hurts like crazy the first few times. I don't think your built mentally for the pain I really don't. And I don't want to hurt you it would kill me to see you in agony."

"You don't want to fuck me then." I wasn't sad I was kind of relieved but I still have to give him a present.

"Den I like it, I really get off with you screwing my ass, it suits me I'm built for it, but I don't think you are. I love you for even offering but there are tops and there are tops that prefer to be bottoms if you get my meaning." I thought about it for a minute and of course Evans not a top he prefers to bottom.

"I do bubs I still have to get you a present though."

"Den the best present you can give me is your cock in my ass, I yearn for that twenty-four seven baby, it's all I need."

"So what's a blue ring fuck?"

He laughed then said he made it up, but he will show me when we get to bed, apparently the blue comes before the ring.

I imagined all sorts of things but this really had me stumped. We packed up it's been a big day Evans cock was as stiff as a board he dropped his top and wrapped it around his waist. I covered my stiff with a towel.

Picking bubs up and our rubbish we walked back to the shack. Isaw Horses chair sitting proudly on his little porch, I hope he spends many nights just sitting there contemplating his new healthy lifestyle.

Rita was up and surprisingly open; she had a few customers mainly the back packers from the stays, she was serving them roast dinners she had warmed up. I don't think she was charging them.

Mike was there giving her a hand his watch sparkled in the lights along with his eyes. Evan showered then took bubs to let me go wash and I washed everything three times just in case he changed his mind. When I got back there was a big platter of cold meats and rolls with a pot of gravy on the table, funny enough I was a little hungry again. Evan had already loaded up a roll for himself and was feeding bubs some baked veggies with a little meat. He looked like he loved his meal as he swallowed spoonful after spoonful. He was grinning at me and I felt that rise in my shorts coming back. for some reason I was randy.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes of course I do."

He slid a bottle of water over and a blue pill.

"Take that."

"No not before I know what it is."

"Viagra, your something blue." He grinned.

"Evan I don't need that you know I don't." I pleaded with him.

"I know but I have a plan can you just take it?"

I had taken Viagra before a few times when I made love to Carol she had got them from a guy at her work. They increased my staying power, so I knew what he was up to.

I popped the pill into my mouth and drank some water then I made my roll. I couldn't contain the smile on my face or the redness. We wont be going to bed for another three hours or so. I wondered why he wanted me to take it so early. I did ask him but all he said was.

"You'll see."

It wasn't more than twenty minutes when I put my hand down to adjust an itch I felt it. I was hard as a rock, I couldn't even attempt to bend it so I left it laying against my belly. He smiled, I growled. He deliberately did that so I would get a horn and have to sit at the table all night knowing if I got up my shorts would tent. He also didn't tell me his foot would be rubbing on it and he didn't move it until he got up to put bubs to bed. I was in raptures all evening.

The kids were going to have another movie night, something about a world full of Zombies. Rita declined their offer to watch it in her lounge room by rolling her eyes. Tiny was going home tonight and Nut's had to go too he had a date lined up. Donk and trip had gone to install blues lights and I think they will be testing them before the movie which they accepted the invitation to the caravan to watch. Tony and Horse are having another early night. He's looking after him beautifully, but Tiny had told us the stent fixed everything instantly.

I really didn't think Mike was the right kid to watch that sort of horror movie, but he did run and ask his dad if he could. He said he's watched that kind of movie before and he liked it. My lounge room was still full of toys and gifts I will find spots for them later maybe tomorrow. My dick was my second problem I had to stretch my tank down as far as it would go to hide it. as the boys ate another big meal. Blue bought out a big bowl of sweets and a bowl of potato chips for their movie night.

The backpackers got the same treatment, they were a good bunch, a mix of French and Italian there was one Asian guy I couldn't stop looking at him he looked fourteen but I was assured he just turned eighteen, he was also looking at Spud every time he walked past. He had come here on his own a few days ago and shared the mixed accommodation. He was welcomed by the others and included in their plans, instead of driving he was riding a bike around Australia. He apparently had a small tent he hauled around with him.

I thought about it for a moment then I said to the guys.

"Be back in a minute."

I walked past the table and had a good look at him in he light, he was so fucking cute I nearly tripped over a chair. I had to be careful because my cock was very sensitive. I grabbed a juice and leant in to Spud.

"The Asian kids looking at you."

His eyes lit up like spotlights.

"Invite him to watch the movie with you tonight." I wiggled my eyebrows. He was speechless and almost dropped the plate he was washing. I don't know if the kid was invited and I don't know if Spud got to talk to him at all. I bathed my baby and put him to bed with endless kissing and his milk. Evan did the same then passed me a small package wrapped in Chrissy paper.

"Go to the bathroom and open it, then put it on."

I looked at him my grin started and I rushed to our bathroom. I opened it and was met by a long strip of leather with studs on it. I worked out that I had to snap it together but I didn't know what to do with it. I must have been in there for ages because Evan poked his head in and asked if I was wearing it yet.

"What is it?"

"A cock ring."

"What do I do with it?" I was whispering like I was doing something naughty.

He came in and took it from me then dropped my shorts he then placed it around my very rigid cock. He gave it a few tugs then sucked on it for a minute. He then told me to go to bed.

I never went back to say goodnight, and Evan didn't return for another half hour.

"What are you doing I've been waiting for ages you're killing me."

"Sort of edging you Den, getting you close then backing off then doing it all over again. It's all part of that four hours of lovemaking I promised you, we now have an hour and a half." He stripped off his clothes and he had those backless whites on. I groaned because I was ready to shoot any minute.

"Evan I'm ready to shoot." I was still whispering and I didn't know why.

"Good then you can make love to me for ages afterwards, and if you shoot again, you might like to shoot more later." He grinned.

He climbed on the icy pole and sat down easing me up inside him then he moved up and down laying on my chest kissing me deeply. I came not long after, the Viagra and cock ring kept me solid as a rock. I kissed him deeply for ever then started moving up and down again. He rolled on his side and pulled his leg up I had a better shot and lasted for ages, it was like I couldn't cum but I absolutely wanted to. It was fantastic to be in him for such a long time and after he laid on his back I felt I should release my second lode. I was exhausted by the end of it and when I looked at my watch we had been at it for two hours. I couldn't stop thanking him and kissing him. We settled in and slept, but during the night Evan had backed onto me again and I went for number three.

I was still stiff in the morning we did number four in the shower Evan was nearly cross eyed by this time.

"Thank you Den, thank you he puffed out as he came down from his orgasm.

"Did you like it?"

"Oh yes Den, I loved it but I'm so numb now."

"Did I hurt you?"

"Never Den, never and thank you."

"Well Merry Christmas bubs, do you want your real present now?"


I took the cock ring off and pulled him out of the shower then fucked him again over the sink. I whispered in his ear.

"Just so you know this wont be happening every night okay?"


He had to clean up again and I had to go see if bubs wanted up. He wasn't there but I found him bathed and dressed in Horses lap.

"I grabbed him about halfway through the fuck me Den, and the bend over the basin moaning." He laughed, I went to get coffee bloody smart ass. Tony was sleeping and there was no sign of the kids anywhere, Rita was up and raring to go. I got our coffee organized then went back to the table I looked at Evan he looked buggered totally fucked. I started giggling because my fat hadn't gone down one bit, I was hoping it would last until tonight.

"Are you having the clearance sale bubs?"

"No Den there's not much left I had better start getting my orders in if I want to trade until the end of the holidays."

"I can help you with that."

"You can get as far away from me as you can, go down to the beach and paint." He crossed his fingers at me.

He then started making a list of things to order. Looks like another trip to the city.

"Evan order what you want and see if it can be picked up before New Years Eve. Tony wants to collect the Christmas takings from his warehouse manager and maybe get some more stock for here. I can pick up whatever you want while I'm there." Horse offered.

"You should be resting Horse." I said rather sternly.

"No, I'm good to go, the doctors are very pleased with my progress, they had me running on a treadmill while I was there."

"When do you have to go back?"

"I don't Den and if I feel a little off kilter I have to get to the doctor asap."

"Good then Tony wants to put more stock in the shop?"

"Yes Den, he will close down the warehouse and start hauling his stuff down here in the next few weeks. He can use the big shed for storage. And I know he's itching to get some more tables done. Apparently Cynthia sold four in the last few weeks." He smiled at us. Tony will do very well more than he does in the city I suspect.

"Are you still going to live in your house Horse?"

"Yes Den, I want my own space and it's closer to the beach."

He chuckled and Ayden kicked he wanted down. He started crawling down to the Cafe, I called out to Rita.

"Baby on the loose."

"Right got it." Was her answer, he will probably be looking for breakfast.

"The kids must have had a ball last night, I heard laughing coming from the caravan." Horse grinned.

"The movie must have been a comedy."

"I don't think so but I did see Mike leave very early in the night, Spud walked him home."

"Must have been scared Horse, he reckoned he would be okay, but hey he's fourteen they are really brave at that age, I know if I saw a scary movie when I was that old I was awake all night."Evan said.

"You experienced one last night didn't you bubs."

"Umm yes Den." He was thinking.


As some of you know I have been overseas for the past two months, and yes it was awesome. I did try to keep up with the emails but if I missed returning your letters I apologise, it wasnt intentional.

Next: Chapter 28

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