Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 28, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 30

We had some lookers and Rita had backpackers and teens in to use the internet. The boys were thanked with a big hug each, then went off to help her. Bubs was stirring and wanted to see what the fuss was all about, so he crawled into the shop.

"Hi, bubs - just some more stock for dads," I grinned at him.

He wasn't at all interested and went into his favourite seat, waiting for the TV to go on. I collected the invoices and placed them on the coffee table for Evan to check.

Looking through the shorts, t-shirts and tanks, I was amazed at the different styles they had, and I stacked them into sizes as I unwrapped them. The place was looking a little over run with empty boxes everywhere, so I squashed them and threw them over the back balcony to burn later. I got some food for Ayden and sat on the floor to feed him. He's a good eater now, and I got most of it in him before he whined that he had had enough. Moving back to the shop, I counted the stock and ticked it off on the invoice - this is easy.

Evan and Horse came back around four. He was pleased that we got everything nearly back on track. I will get Tony to put his stock in our shop when his containers get here. Evan started looking over the invoices and passed the Surf's up one to me.

"They haven't charged me for this stuff."

"That's because Tony is a friend of theirs, so they gave you a bonus for the logo. The next time they will charge," Horse said.

"That's very generous of them, but I don't envisage I will sell it all before next Christmas."

"You will. There's plenty of long weekends coming up after Christmas. It will sell." I was being positive.

"When are you starting on Tony's house?"

"Next week - after the guys get back from holidays. It will look awesome, Den - the glass alone costs mega bucks."

"So, he is glassing in the porch then?"

"Yes he needs to keep the elements out."

Bubs crawled out. I suppose his cartoon was boring and he wanted to get onto Evan's knee this time. He lifted him up and he sat there and stared at him. It wasn't a good stare either - he looked like he was trying to figure something out.

Then I heard a very soft, "Da don' go."

"What's that, bub?" Evan said.

"Don' go."

"He's telling you not to go away again, and you take note too," I grinned at him.

"I was going to see if you would let me go to Hawaii to watch Blue, but, maybe not now."

He didn't look disappointed but I will oppose any overseas travel for a while.

"There's a big TV on the wall, bubs. You can watch it here," I smiled.

Horse was sniggering at Evan, I suppose he and Tony will go watch it live.

Ayden let out a very loud baby squeal - he looked happier now. He didn't let go of Evan. Even Horse couldn't entice him over to his lap. I felt something was going on in his brain, but couldn't figure it out. One of those baby moments, I guess. Thank god, I haven't got the urge to paint. That could complicate things. I took the cover off the rather large painting of Blue and turned it around.

"What do you think?"

"My god, it's just so awesome!" Horse cried out.

"It's not finished yet. Have you found a spot for it, Horse?"

"Yes, Den, just inside the door. I can see it from the loft."

"Well, give me a couple of days to fine tune it, then it's yours."

"Thank you, Den. I will cherish it for as long as I live," he smiled at me.

"Do you want a hand pricing the stock, bubs?"

"If you want, Den. The sooner the better." So he handed Ayden to Horse and we went to get the pricing stickers. Evan called out how much and how many and I wrote them out. Ayden appeared at the shop door and pulled himself up. He walked six steps to the counter, then started laughing. "Da da." He squealed and was pointing at Evan's dad's painting.

"Yes, bubs, da da." He sat down and stared at it.

Evan's hair was so bleached now he could almost be mistaken for his father, and as I wrote out price stickers, I rubbed my stiff on the hardwood counter. I wondered if he would be up for it again tonight.

The shop looked much brighter and healthier: the shelves were full and the boards and fishing rods stood proudly in their housings. We finished what we had to do, then I grabbed bubs and went to get something more for him to eat. Rita had been warming up pies and there were two small party ones for him. I put some tomato sauce on them Rita frowned at me. Then I grabbed a serviette and spoon and went to feed him.

"Let me, Den." Evan took him and they played airplanes while Ayden sat facing him on the table.

I spied Spud staring at me.

"What's up Spud?" I called.

He slowly came over, stopping to look as he did.

"Den, did you trance doing Blue's painting?"

"No, Spud, I don't think so. Why?"

He didn't say, only turning and heading back to the cafe. Then he turned again and very slowly walked towards us. He let out a big giggle while he took his new phone out and snapped a photo.

"What's up, Spud?" Horse was curious.

"Oh you've got to see this, Horse. Come here," he beckoned Horse over and made him face the painting, which was twenty-five feet away. Horse looked, then Spud nudged him and giggled again.

"What the fuck!!" Horse roared.

Rita sang out, "Language, Horse. Baby within earshot," from the kitchen.

I had to see this. Something's got them going, so I walked up and stared.

"Okay, what am I looking at?"

"Umm Den, the tunnel wave - look at the darker shades each side."

I looked and my face went red as a naked figure appeared. I didn't see it up close but I did see it as plain as day. I had painted Horse naked in the wave. I started laughing because his dick was oversized and he looked awesome in the nude.

"Did I get your dick size right, Horse?"

He started laughing and replied, "Close enough, Den." He had puffed up. Evan by this time had walked over with bubs he was silent.

"Like that one, do you bubs? By the looks of it, you should have given Horse a free shot," I whispered. "Groan." I know where bub would like to put that appendage and I wished mine was as big.

"I will paint over it, Horse. I didn't realize it had turned out this way."

"Well, I kind of like it, but can you blur my dick out, please? I don't think Blue will want to be staring at his dad's dick when he visits," He roared laughing, then said, "Thanks for the size, Den." He winked.

"Spud, can I see your phone for a minute?" Horse walked up to the cafe. I heard Spud giggling as Horse deleted the photo.

Customers arrived and were ordering dinners. I turned the painting around and put the sheet back over it. Tony did look at it later on - he giggled - but I reassured him by the morning the shading will be gone. Mike had brought out some pies and chips, then winked and put tomato sauce sachets on the table. We snapped them up before Rita saw them.

"Did you get it all done, Tony?"

"Yes, Den. Now all I have to do is send it to my workroom. I will have to go over to Indonesia in six weeks' time to check on the progress and quality."

"Oh, you get your stuff made in Indonesia Tony?" I asked him.

"Yes, Den. I have a workroom there that can turn out my designs quite quickly," he smiled.

"Good thinking," I smiled back.

"It was made by my hands, Den. It's a one-off."

"What's that, Tony?"

"Your table it's a one-off: I made it. I make all the big tables myself," he smirked.

"I didn't think anything else mate," I lied.

"Okay, just so you know," he grinned knowingly.

The others arrived and so did more pies. I was a late afternoon for them - they had Blue surfing as much as he could and I suppose they were giving him endless tips.

The cafe was starting to get a little busier now, and Evan got some lookers - I even heard the cash register going a few times.

Rita sent Mike out with an email she had printed off for me. It was from Spencer - he was concerned about my popularity and my prices. He wants to add an extra zero to every art piece because now he is getting inquiries from all over Europe. He also had a PS on it: `Don't worry about Cynthia - she will pay any price. I know this because she's my cousin, lol.'

I laughed. I sort of knew there might be a link between those two. I will go with anything he suggests and the first thing I do is recall all my works from the galleries in Melbourne. I will also ask Spud to consider tripling his prices, as I don't want him to miss out.

"What's that all about, Den?" Evan had arrived and he sat with us, grabbing one of the last pies.

"Spencer is adding a zero to my prices. He says I'm too cheap."

"Cheap? Well, I suppose he would know, Den. He's the expert."

Horse grinned at me. "What's my artwork worth now, Den?"

"A shitload more than it was worth twenty minutes ago. Lindsay will be very happy with his investments."

As if on cue my phone alerted me to a message: 'I'm not surprised. I always thought you were too cheap. Welcome to my world. All's good. Love Cynthia xx'

"I am a bit worried about the shop, bubs. My customers down here won't pay those sort of prices."

"Use the shop as a gallery. Even if you sell one a year you will make a good living, so don't sweat it. And anyway, Europeans spend that sort of money. Make the ones here cheaper for our market. As you know, customers won't fly in just to buy a painting, Den." God, Tony's a godsend. He's right - I might just up my and Spud's prices eighty per cent, maybe.

"Mi!!" Bubs screamed. It frightened me. He wiggled down off Horse's lap then suddenly took off towards the kitchen calling Mike, but was stopped when a lady put her arms out to pick him up. I didn't like the customers playing with him. They feed him all sorts of rubbish and he does get smelly when he craps sometimes.

Mike saved the day by serving them and picking him up at the same time. Good save, my lad. He took him into the kitchen where Rita started talking to him. I was worried about his outburst and made my way into the cafe. Mike had Ayden on his hip and was talking to him.

"Mi ok?"

"Yes, bubs, Mike's okay." "Oh?" Poor bubs looked confused. I took Ayden off him and looked at Rita. She spread her hands as if to say, `what?' I looked at Mike and then bubby - they both seemed okay.

I returned to the table, but bubs had a hold of my neck and kept looking at the cafe.

"What's up, Den?" Horse asked.

"I don't know, but something's got him going, something to do with Mike, I think."

I let it slide and sat down, but bubs still had a steel hold on me.

"How did you go in the shop, bubs?"

"Good, Den. Those guys picked up an order and the others were trying on shorts, so I sold three pairs."

"Good. So, do you feel like a run into the city one-day next week?"

"What for?"

"I need to pick up my paintings. Some of them will be pre-accident, so I want to put them aside. I think they will be worth a lot in a year or two." "Stay at my place, Den. I still have the lease on it. That's, of course, if you want to stay overnight. But you will have to take the blow up bed," Tony offered.

"Thanks, Tony, but I think it will be a day trip. I don't even know what they have left in stock. I don't keep track of them."

"Den, give them a ring - you might not even have any left on their walls." Evan was trying not to make the trip.

I laughed to myself because I had an idea. I would sms Cynthia and tell her where they are. I'm sure she will do a deal with them before my prices rise. If not, Lindsay will take them for sure.

I sat there looking up at the cafe. Mike and Spud were running around like normal. I settled down a bit after I looked at Ayden's eyes again - they were his blue.

Nuts wanted to go down to the beach after dinner. He thought he might get a wave or two in as the wind had picked up. The others said they would join him.

I looked at Evan and said, "Thank God Bub, we get the next hour or so to ourselves." I held my face straight he looked a bit forlorn.

"Want me to come with you to watch Bub?" He leapt up and started for the bedroom - I think he wants help with his wet suit. The others yahooed, then they moved to the back yard to get changed again.

We were a little late for the beach because Evan wanted to go the whole nine yards. The salt water will help his bum heal faster I think. Ayden played in the sand for a while, then he wanted a cuddle - he was quite off. I didn't put him in the water as it was coming on dusk and it will be cold for him. He prattled on and on about something I quite didn't understand, but it had something to do with Mike. All of a sudden he got very agitated and started screaming.

"Bub, what's up? Tell dad."

He pointed to the shack, then struggled to get away from me. He was heading towards the house all the while he was saying, "Mi, Da, Mi!!!"

I grabbed the towel and ran with him in my arms towards the house. As I was hurling up the back yard I saw the local ambulance, its lights flashing, lighting up the driveway. Bubs was almost screaming by now, he was so upset. I looked at his eyes they were still normal, not black, thank god. Anne and Jack were talking to the ambos and Rita was being held by Alex she was sobbing and shaking all over.

"What's happened Alex, Rita?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Jack. He pulled me aside. "He will be all right. It's happened before - just a little turn, Den. He needs to go to hospital for some treatment."

"What's wrong with him, and don't give me that ADHD bullshit either."

"I will tell you, but I must talk to Mike about it first. He trusts us not to talk about him. We made promises to our son I can't break, Den. Please trust us."

He put his hand on bub's face, stroking it. He settled down a little, then I said to him, "His eyes are normal. Mike's going to be all right, Jack."

Jack looked confused, and then he hurried the ambo's up. I went over and smiled at Mike. He tried to smile back, but I think he was in pain, or was that a panic look I detected? Ayden flopped on his side so I put him near to his face and he kissed him.

"K, Mi ok?" As Anne got in the ambulance Jack went to get his car to follow.

I looked at Rita and said, "What happened?"

"He was looking really uptight when you all left. He was okay before that - you saw him -- then, he just fell on the floor. Den. He had some sort epileptic fit. All I could do was hold him while Spud ran to get Anne and Jack. My god, Den, it was horrible. That poor, sweet little thing doesn't deserve that. What can we do?"

My head started hurting so much I thought my brain was going to pop out of my eyes; the shocks, it was the shocks that hurt, so many shocks. Electricity was pouring through my body. I had to hold onto the porch to get my balance. Then, it stopped as fast as it started. I looked at the frightened faces around me and said.

"Paint -- it's the only way. I have to paint. I have to know." And I did have to paint - the urge was pumping through every vein in my body. The butterflies had sent the shockwaves away and they stayed in my tummy, protecting me. "Spud, go get Evan. Alex, get mum a brandy. I have to paint."

I calmed Ayden down with some kisses as I changed his nappy and put fresh clothes on him. He had settled down a lot and was even starting to smile a bit. Evan ran into his bedroom asking for answers that I didn't have.

"Mi ok?" he said again.

"Yes, bubs, Mi ok." I kissed him again. "Bubs I have to paint. Can you look after our son for an hour or two?"

"Den, please don't do it - not now not with Mike being so sick, please."

"I have to know, Evan. I have to do it. If I don't, something bad will happen to him." And I had to do it, the pull was so forceful.

I took my paints onto the back veranda where I would get some peace and quiet. I could hear the guys coming up the beach track. They showered and dressed, but by this time I had begun to draw Mike's face. Then something took over and I tranced.

No one came near except Evan. He sat beside me. I could feel his hands on my shoulders giving me a wonderful massage.

I don't know how long I was under for, but it was pitch black when I finally looked up to the sky. My eyes didn't look at what I had done. I took a deep breath, then quietly stood up and moved to Rita's end of the porch. I knocked gently at Spud's bedroom window - he was at the back door instantly.

"No matter how bad it looks Spud, I need to know what is happening with Mike. Can you look first?"

"You haven't seen it yet, Den?"

"No. I don't want to see it if it's awful. Spud, I will wake Evan he can hold your hand."

I moved back to where Evan was dozing on the couch and gave him a gentle touch.

"Den, how are you feeling?"

"Relieved, I think -- just an overwhelming feeling of relief. Bubs, can you hold Spud's hand while he looks at the painting? I haven't seen it yet."

"Okay, Den. Stay here."

He got up and walked over to the easel and they both pulled the sheet up. I heard gasps. My stomach knotted, but when I looked up, I saw them smiling.

"What is it?"

"It's beautiful, Den. This is the best painting you have ever done - even better than Ayden's eyes," Spud whispered to me.

Just then, Rita came out and the first thing she did was hug me and look into my eyes.

"You okay, baby?"

"Yes, I think so."

She rubbed my arms and we both stood to look at the painting.

I had done Mike on his board skimming along the shore. His smile was as large as a dinner plate and, on his board, I had painted Ayden laying between his legs on his tummy laughing. He was surrounded by a lot of fairy folk who were having a big, what looked like, drunken party. Some were falling off, some were chasing the board and Ayden had some in his hands.

Mike's face was tilted towards the sun and a star-like image seemed to be shooting out of his forehead and heading towards the hot orb. That image had a black centre. I tried to pull away from it, but it caught my essence and dragged me into the picture along with my soul. I really felt like I was in that painting and joining in the party. My butterflies were going a million miles an hour in my stomach, and I grabbed it and slightly bent over. The feeling was awesome.

"Den, what's the matter?" Evan held me up.

"I'm okay. Mike's better than okay. My butterflies are telling me everything's okay." I smiled.

"What does it all mean?" Rita asked.

Spud of course had one answer. "Mike had a black spot in his brain. It's left his body now and we all should celebrate, Rita. Mine's a cold beer." He grinned.

She looked at Spud with a stern motherly stare. "Okay if you want a beer, I suppose you can. The boys are still on the cafe porch. I will put some coffee on. You go get some coldies." She smiled at him.

"Ayden?" I asked.

"With Horse, Den. Come - he will want to see you. He's been very quiet."

Sure enough when I appeared his arms shot out. "Dada!" he laughed.

"You did good, bubs. Dad's so proud of you."

He giggled. I turned to the guys. I had no idea what the time was, but I said a sincere `thank you' to them all.

"Where is it?" Donk asked.

"On the porch. Go have a look. It's amazing!" Spud said.

They got up and all went to see the painting. Rita and Blue came out with the coffee. It was then I looked at my watch - it was one-thirty. I had been at it for five hours, no wonder my back ached. Evan, thank God was giving me a wonderful shoulder massage.

Spud reached for a beer then he looked at Rita and smiled. "Just joking."

He then took a coke.

I saw two people coming across the road: it was Anne and Jack. They were smiling.

"How's Mike?" I asked.

"Wonderful, Den! He's on top of the world again. He will be home in a day or two," Anne said. She looked ten years younger.

"I know, his tumour has finally dissolved and is nowhere to be seen in his body." I lightly smiled.

"How the fuck did you know that?" Jack almost shouted.

"Go out to the back veranda and look at the painting." I then punched the air and slapped Spud's and Blue's hands. They went through the shop to the back porch. The guys came back. They were speechless. Ayden was slapping my face and I kissed his milky neck - he must be so tired.

Anne and Jack came and sat with us. They were speechless for quite a while, then Jack said, "We talked to Mike and he wants you all to know what has been happening." "He has had a small tumour on his brain since birth which makes him go a little crazy sometimes. We had to tell him when he was around eight years old and he got it into his head he could drop dead at any time. He doesn't sleep well and he worries about it all the time. The mere fact it was in his head drove him absolutely crazy."

Rita clutched her chest and said. "That poor little boy! What an awful thing for him to put up with."

"Well, Rita, the morning pill was a calm-me-down pill and the night one was for sleeping. There was another one - it was to try and dissolve it gently. We had to give him the mild sleeping pill because we would hear him weeping in the night. He's just a scared little kid and the constant worrying kept him awake a lot."

"And now?" Horse asked.

"The tumour dissolved today and has been absorbed into his body. There will be a tiny micro-scar there, but the doctors deem it non-life threatening." Jack looked relieved.

Everybody shifted and blew out their breaths. I could feel the whole table relax. If I wanted to take it one further, the whole house relaxed. I was looking at Rita when I felt it, she smiled and winked at me, and so did Ayden.

"We had to promise him that we wouldn't tell anyone about it. He thought if some of his school mates knew they would treat him differently, so we came up with the ADHD plan," Jack smiled.

"Our boy's going to be okay. Thanks to you all for believing in him, and to you, Den and bubs, for healing him." Anne cried.

"I didn't do anything except paint."

"You did more than that - we are convinced. You and Ayden are surrounded by fairy folk and they are the ones that look after your friends. We saw that in the painting. Maybe you didn't, but we sure did." He smiled again.

"I saw a happy, vibrant boy who was being pulled along the shore by some fairy folk and Ayden was driving the board," Tiny said quietly.

"I saw a baby holding fairy folk and I felt real magic coming from them into bubs and Mike," Nuts also said.

"We all saw different things. I saw a black spot flying from Mike's head into the sun, where it could never return," Trip added.

We were all stunned for a minute then Rita said, "Well I suppose nobody's interested in what I saw, but I'm going to tell you anyway," she giggled.

"I saw Evan holding Ayden with Den by his side watching that star."

"What?" Evan yelled.

"In Ayden's hair, it was as clear as daylight. They were all naked." She smiled and blushed I think.

Everyone went out to have another look, but we couldn't see anything. When we got back there was a fresh pot of coffee and biscuits on the table.

Rita was smiling to herself. "Well, I think I did." She started laughing, which started everyone off again.

"And Mike's okay with it all now?" I asked Anne.

"Yes, he said he's so happy he won't sleep tonight, but for the right reasons not the sad ones. But Den, it could have gone the other way. I shudder to think about losing our boy." She was sad.

"We will all go to see him in the morning. However, I don't think he will need cheering up," Horse grinned as he pulled Tony in and whispered in his ear.

"Don't drive home tonight, guys. Take the empty stays." I looked at Alex and he went to get the keys.

It had been a big night, and as we said our goodnights to a very tired looking Anne and Jack, Evan closed the shop door and we put Ayden to bed. He didn't seem to want to go to sleep so we put him in with us. He immediately snuggled into my arms and nodded off, his dummy going ninety miles an hour in his mouth. Evan's hand found mine and just the contact sent me off to sleep.

We woke late and I could hear shouting coming from the beach. Ayden's and Evan's eyes were on me, so I stared back at the most precious things I possessed and said, "Go on, and make sure bubs has his hat on."

Evan scrambled into his wet suit and I changed my bubs. As if on cue, Spud arrived and took him in his arms. "Today bubs, we learn how to surf."

Bubs squealed as the three of them scooted out the back door. I walked over to the painting and looked at it. I won't give this one to Mike. I will treasure it on my Lounge room wall along with Ayden's Eyes. I could have sworn I heard little giggles coming from it when I walked away to find some much needed coffee.

I said my good mornings to Alex and Rita. They were both all smiles and couldn't wait to go see Mike in hospital. Rita had baked his favourite chocolate cake and was in the process of icing it in-between making some early customers' breakfasts.

I took my drink and my light heart out to our table. Horse was sitting there on his own.

"No surfing this morning Horse?"

"No, Den. I have to meet the builders in an hour, then I'm off to the hospital. I will have a check-up while I'm there too."

"Good. He will be pleased to see you. God, I think he will be pleased to see all of us!"

He was quiet and was mulling something over in his head. I could tell because he scratched his hair and his chest a few times. Horse was hairy he had a thick mat of hair running down his torso. Mine wasn't as thick as his, but we matched in a sort of way: he was taller than me and much bulkier - pure Aussie beef if I wanted to describe him better.

"Den, I need to ask you something."

"Yes, Horse, anything."

"When you get that sudden urge to paint, what would happen if you didn't do it?"

"I don't know my friend. I have thought long and hard about that and decided if I didn't do it maybe something really bad would happen. That's why I have to give in to that sudden urge."

"Then you're thinking what I am: if you hadn't done the heart, or the Mike painting, we both wouldn't have survived."

"Maybe, Horse, but Ayden has something to do with it too. I don't want him to feel bad - that's why I immediately paint. He seems to calm down after I do that." I don't have any solid answers for him or myself.

"Just one more, Den."


"I know your father was Italian. What is your mum's heritage?"

I thought about it and blue eyes flashed into my head. I, for some reason, gasped.

"Irish." Butterflies started in my stomach again.

"What are you feeling, Den?"

"Butterflies - millions of butterflies. I feel them when I get the urge to trance and I feel them when Ayden and Evan kiss me or even look at me sometimes. They are filling my stomach now and are overwhelming my insides, but I don't feel the urge to paint."

"They're telling you something, Den. They are your magic folk. I have heard a lot of yarns about Irish fairy folk and read a lot about them, too - just folklore that's all - but it all sounds like you have inherited something from your Irish ancestors and Ayden's got it too." He took a deep breath.

"Den, do you think your mum has those same feelings as you do?"

"I don't know - I never asked her. Why?"

"Because if she does, then she might have some answers."

"Maybe, Horse. Mum's a little strange sometimes. She left for Townsville just after Carol and I got married. If I recall rightly, she was in a hurry to get away citing she had a life to live. She also disliked Carol. She never said anything but I could feel the vibe coming from her towards my wife."

"Do you think Carol knew?"

"No, she never said anything. I could tell because I knew my mum's habits and moods: she really didn't like Carol." I grabbed my stomach it was starting to hurt, then my head started again. Those shocks were back. I stood up to make room, but it was all in vain as I collapsed on the deck.

Next: Chapter 31

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