Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 16, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 37

Bubs was a bit distressed this morning: he had done a big poop during the night and was uncomfortable. I bathed him and that settled him down. He was still a bit antsy, but that soon changed when I got him a bottle. He sucked on it in his bean bag and then had another twenty minutes' sleep. I had a canvas ready to go and was eager to get stuck into it. It was different this one - I won't sell it - I will put it over Bub's bed.

I drew the king and queen with their golden crowns on. My butterflies were going haywire as I sat bubs between them. They were riding a very colourful jet ski. It was almost circus-like with its gold, red and green brocaded decals and logos. The queen was gorgeous: she was looking at bubs lovingly and the King was sitting upright and proud driving the ski. Again the other little guys were partying on their own tiny skis: some had ladies sitting on the back some had guys. But they all had smiles. Again, some of them used bub's flip flops as a diving board. Bubs was giggling into his King's back - I could see pure contentment on his face: his azure blue eyes were looking straight at me. I hadn't realized it, but I had put little baby bags under his eyes, they looked cute, but wise.

Exhausted, I looked over at bubs - he was staring at me. I felt loved and wanted to cuddle him, so I put my pencils down and took him into my arms. He continued staring until I kissed his forehead. It was then I realized he wasn't actually staring at me - he was looking at the canvas. He squealed as I turned it around, and started reaching for it.

"It's not finished yet, bubs - maybe in a few days' time."

He looked at me, then the drawing - I think he understood. I put him back in his bean bag and went to get him something to eat. Mike was telling Rita they had a great night and they didn't go to sleep until one. He went to see bubs while I grabbed a coffee and some coco pops for bubs.

"Den, you had better come see this - it's so cute." Mike was back in a flash.

I looked out at our end and there was Ayden, talking his head off hugging the drawing. He had pulled himself up so he could see it better and hung onto the easel. He talked and talked I didn't understand him, but the funny thing about all that was he was listening and nodding back.

I didn't want to disturb him, so I finished what I was doing. Mike leaned in and whispered, "I know - no ghosts." He had a small giggle then left to go meet Spud on the beach.

By the time I arrived I think they had said all they were going to say to each other because bubs had moved back to his bean bag. He got antsy again while I fed him, so I flipped the TV on. He was happy again. Buggered if I know what's going on, but if Ayden's happy then so am I.

Mike was in and out all morning. He came up to get the breakfast basket for the boys, then he helped Rita with a couple of customers. After that, he went back down to the beach and body surfed. He was always smiling and the boys loved having him around. I asked how his mum was going with her pregnancy and he giggled saying her hormones were going insane. Susan managed to come by on the Sunday morning. She spoke to him for ages as she cuddled Ayden. Spud grabbed him while Rita and she had a good chinwag over more coffee.

They were doing all right, she said. The customer traffic was settling down but the pizzas were still taking off. Pat was thinking about doing Sunday roasts every week during winter and the wi-fi was a godsend. Every local schoolkid that came by used it while they ate chips or had drinks. She told us that the girls missed the guys but they were still going good - they had scored a job each in the outback at a service station and will hang there for a few weeks. I asked if they needed money. She said no - they just wanted to experience the local ambiance. Pat's dad was coming down on the weekend and was going to help with renovating the house behind. They will put in a couple of stays for extra cash and hoped we wouldn't mind, which we don't.

After she left we all piled down to the beach. Ayden was looking for Blue, but a quick play in the water gave him a fix. Mike was zipping across the sand on his board and Spud and Jay were right behind him. He fell a few times but I guess he will get better as his weekend goes by. I took lots of photos to send to him so he can show his mates when he gets back to school.

Jay was showing Spud how to do a three-sixty. I could hear them laughing, and at one stage they hugged - just a quickie. I didn't ask if they slept in the same bed, but later in the day Mike let it slip that they all slept on the floor. I need to talk to Spud about what's going on, but out of earshot of Rita and the others.

Droopy eyes and the need to have a drink saw bubs and me pack up and start up the trail. He wanted to walk and I wanted a drink. In the end, he won. He kept passing me stones and flowers t saying, "Ta" with a giggle. I mimicked him as I handed them back. They were dropped when another interesting item would turn up.

We eventually got to the porch and I ordered water for both of us. Horse had been at the build and he had just showered so sat with us talking for a while.

"It's nearly finished, Den. It looks awesome. I am helping Tony dust everything off before he moves it in."

"It looks great from here Horse. He's a very clever man that boyfriend or yours," I smiled.

"I know. Every day he blows me away with some tidbit or two he knows about. I think we are on the same level, mentally wise. He always knows what I am thinking." He looked dreamy-like.

"Are you happy?"

"Yes, Den, more than happy. He does it for me and I'm content with what I have. I think my tiny house is good for us - there's not a lot of cleaning and Tony likes the intimacy of it."

"Good! When are his first tenants arriving?"

"Soon, Den. He has to go buy some linen for the beds this weekend. We will be in town for a day if you need anything."

"No, I'm pretty right, and Evan has plenty of stock, thanks to you both. I really don't need anything."

"Good. Just let me know if you think of anything."

"I will."

Bubs was waking, so I reached down and grabbed him. He slumped over my shoulder and I heard him say, "Ta da da." Giving him five minutes to fully wake, I asked Horse if he wanted coffee. He went to order two. Alex was on board - he had a sort of spring in his step today - must have been that drive-in the other night.

"How was the drive-in?"

"Good, Den. You should try it sometime - so different than watching things at the theatre or TV," he grinned.

"Last time I went to a drive-in, I spent the night in the back seat with a gorgeous blonde. She wanted to watch the movie - I wanted to slip her a length," I laughed. Alex didn't because he had seen the look on Evan's face, who was quietly standing behind me.

"Hi, Bubs! When did you come up?"

"A few seconds ago, Den." He leaned down and kissed bubs and me, then went to get a coffee. He smelt so nice.

"He heard you, Den," Alex whispered.

"Oh!" I felt stupid. I never talk about my past because I really don't have one, except for Carol. The blonde was a fifteen-year-old school friend, she wasn't going to let me get into her pants, and I was just doing what any fifteen-year-old would do. There nothing for Evan to get jealous of, but if he wants to, so be it.

He came back and sat on the opposite side of the table with Horse. They started talking about the surf today and Horse asked him to give him a hand with the heavy lifting in the morning. He was going to ask the others too. Evan kept looking at me. He was half listening to Horse's plan of attack. I knew he felt awful, but I also knew we were well past the adolescent stage of out lives.

Bubs was passed over to Horse, and Alex, out of embarrassment, went back to work, taking the empty mugs with him.

He couldn't stand it any longer. His face got redder and redder until he blurted out, "Can I see you in our room, Den?" He still looked mad.

"Sure, Bubs. Horse, can you babysit for a minute?"

He didn't have to answer that one - he just held Ayden closer.

I'm in for it now. I hope this doesn't hurt too much - I hate being shouted at. I followed him into the bedroom he closed the door behind us. He then pointed at me to sit on the bed. Then he did something strange: he dropped his shorts and underwear, then lost his tank top. He lay face down on the bed and said, "Pretend you're at the drive-in, Den. Play with me, then fuck me."

I read him wrong - that image I had placed in his head had turned him on.

"I was only fifteen, Bubs. She was the same. There was no way she would have let me fuck her."

"Den, pretend your fifteen again. Now fuck me!" he ordered.

"Yes, I can do that. Would you like some sweets and a coke to eat while I do it?"

"Den!!!!" he was shouting at me... I told you I hated him doing that!"

I started doing a wonderful tour of his ass and legs. He moaned loudly as I probed his bum. He lifted his leg and I gave him another one of my best. I figured if I cum too soon he would forgive me because I was only fifteen.

We cleaned up and Evan shook his hair he looked magnificent. As he turned to put his shorts back on I pushed him on the bed and said, "Sorry. I'm not completely finished yet."


The next day everybody was on board. I noticed a few caravans had appeared overnight on the foreshore. Rita was on top of it all and provided breakfast for everyone of us. Ayden was excited because he gets to go for another walk down to Tony's.

Tony opened three containers full of stuff. We started taking it into the shop/house while Mike looked after bubs. It didn't take long, but some of the furniture was quite heavy. We placed it where Tony indicated, then the smaller stuff was unpacked. Four rooms of art were done and a wrap-around enclosed veranda had a nice amount of larger furniture displayed on it. The lighting was adjusted as the last container was emptied of beds and assorted furniture for upstairs which was unbelievably beautiful. He even had a view of the ocean, but not the beach - the trees saw to that. Spud came over with morning tea and we all sat on the veranda to have it.

Bubs once again had cuddled up to Horse and I had my arm around Evan. Tony was telling us his first customers arrive at the end of next week - a honeymoon couple wanting a beach getaway. I noticed that the kitchen and bathrooms were fully stocked with all the necessaries: Tony was on top of it all.

The place looked really good. I can't wait to see it at night. I don't have any paintings for him at the moment. I am still thinking about doing some just for his shop, but he has hung a half dozen of Spud's around just for colour.

Bubs was bored and he wanted to go see Rita, so we excused ourselves and walked back to the cafe. It looked a little old-fashioned when I looked at it on the way, but there will be no updating it. I liked it just the way it was. I heard the boys whoop it up as they all ran down the beach. They had finished for the day so wanted to get some surfing in.

Mike had a wonderful weekend away and, as Jack picked him up on Monday, he couldn't stop hugging everybody, though he was keen to get home to see his mum. We said we would all see him at Easter, kissed his head and they were on their way.

His room was spotless, so I just changed his bedding and threw it in the wash. I did have a feeling of loss when he left and it put me in a down mood for a while, but my son soon pulled me out of that when he got his head stuck in the porch gate. He had been trying to figure out how it worked. Now he was struggling to get away from it. I bet he won't do that again in a hurry.

I got a text message from Susan. She was worried because there were two well-dressed people with what looked like body guards with them. They were asking around about Spud and where he lived. I had the same thought: his parents. Spud had once told me that they were upper-class people, which fits.

I told her to sms me when they are heading this way.

I went to the cafe and pulled Rita out the back.

"I think Spud's parents are on the way. They are at Susan's in Longford asking about him. She's going to ring me when they leave. If they are headed this way, I want Spud to go to Jay's and stay there until they leave. It might mean an overnighter, but I don't think they will stay in town."

She moved to the hand railing and looked out at the back yard. I couldn't read her face, so I went and stood next to her.

"How do we get him up to Bobby and Rory's?"

"I hadn't even thought of that, but maybe we won't have to. But, she did say they had two bodyguards with them."

I remembered what Bobby said - we should have planned for this. I wasn't worried for Spud - I was worried for Rita because I know she has been dying for this moment to happen. Like others here, she has some very important words for them to hear.

"I don't want him here, Den. You heard Bobby - he has to go there while this is happening."

"Fuck! How do I do that?"

"Leave it to me." She hugged me and walked into Spud's room and put some clothes in his back pack, then carried it out to the front porch and up to Tony's. After ten minutes, Jay came running out and down to the beach. It was like I was in the audience watching a movie. She and Tony came over, and when she reached the porch, she nodded.

"He's going to go with him, thanks to Tony. He will drive his car to the airport and leave it in long-term parking. After he rings with the flight details, can you ring Bobby to pick them up?"

"Of course, but what are we going to do about his parents? I don't want them coming back upsetting him all the time."

"I have sort of a plan," she smiled.

I saw Tony run down to the beach - maybe he was rallying the troops. Then Spud and Jay raced up the path. He ran up the stairs and hugged me, then Rita.

"Go, my boy. Leave this to me and you're not to worry about a thing. Just remember what Bobby told you." She kissed him and Jay.

"Den, can you ring me later on?"

"Of course, kid. Go have some fun and don't worry about those two idiots." I smiled and hugged him.

They both took off to Jay's car and we watched as they drove up the road heading for the airport.

"What's happening, Den?" It was Horse with Tony in tow.

"The parents are on the way."

"Right," He sat down at the big table. Tony picked Ayden up off his bean bag.

Evan was next and the other six boys. Alex and Blue headed for the cafe and Rita came out with coffee and sandwiches. She placed them on the table just as my phone rang. I spoke to Susan and she said they were on the way.

We sat in silence while the waves crashed noisily on the shore. The boys were doing something in the cafe but I couldn't see from where I sat. A big black SUV rolled up the road slowly and Rita got up and looked at us all.

"No interfering unless things get bad. Then you have my permission to throw them off the property."

Tiny had his phone in hand then went into the shop to make a call.

Two men in black stepped out of the car followed by a well-dressed woman, her hair pulled back into a bun and a skinny lanky guy in casual gear who I decided was Spud's father. They surveyed the area and the heat got the better of them so they moved up to the porch for shade.

Blue came out and asked if he could help them. One of the bodyguards said, "We are here to see Richard Wellman. He works here."

"Not here, bro. No one by that name works here." He dusted off the table with his tea towel and the lady said, "This is senator Wellman and I'm Mrs. Wellman. I believe our son is working here under the name `Spud'." She almost spit that out.

"Oh you mean Spud. He's not here at the moment. He's in London doing a portrait for one of the princesses. He won't be back for months." Blue's ten-million-dollar smile was beaming at them.

She seethed as she said, "Then is this Rita person here?" She looked down our end and we all looked elsewhere.

"Rita, it's for you," Blue yelled.

The woman jumped. They sat at a table. The bodyguards walked four steps to the stairs and guarded it. I almost laughed - I think Bubs did.

Rita came out wiping her hands and looked at them. I think she was measuring them up.

"I'm Rita. How can I help you?"

"We would like to see our son, and we want you to pack his things so we can take him home with us."

"Who's your son?"

"Richard Wellman."

"No, never heard of him, but if it's Spud you're looking for he's going nowhere."

"We didn't come here for confrontation. We just want our son back," Mr Wellman said.

"Okay, mister, keep your shirt on. Why do you want him back?"

"My husband and I think our son should be home with his family, not here with you lot." She stuck her thumb over her shoulder indicating us.

"Oh, is that right, Mrs Wellman? Then my answer is to both of you: that boy is going nowhere with anyone. He stays right here." The security guards stood up straight. My guys bristled.

"I am Senator Wellman and there's no need to be so rude." He was pissed off.

"Senator, Prime Minister, President, tomato, potato -- it's all the same to me, honey. Pollies are all self-serving, snivelling cowards leeching off the Australian public."

"Have some respect," one of the guards said.

"Come here, young man." Rita twisted her finger at him. He was reluctant but made three steps forward.

"Listen to me carefully. I have children and friends in this house that I have a lot of love and respect for. The most beautiful child I have ever had the pleasure of knowing is Richard Wellman, or Spud as he likes to be called nowadays because he's so ashamed of his darling parents to use his real name. "

"It's really none of my business lady."

"Oh, but I'm making it your business, honey, because you need to know before it's too late what kind of people you are working for." She lifted herself up just as Mrs. Wellman was going to say something else.

"Keep it shut, honey. No one's interested in your pompous dribble."

"Well I never!"

Rita looked her over and replied,

"Oh I bet you have, darling."

She turned back to the guard.

"These two were quite happy to stand back and watch when their son tried to hang himself in the garage. They weren't concerned about their son then, and they weren't too concerned when they locked him away so no one could hear his cries for help. They weren't too concerned when he had to run away from home working jobs that no child on this earth should do. And they weren't too concerned to find or fight for him sooner to take him home to his loving mum and dad."

"It's none of your business!" the lady screamed. Rita ignored them.

"How about you and your friend get off my property, and tell your friend to stop reaching in his jacket to fondle his imaginary toy gun. These nice folks and I are going to have a very adult talk about child abuse, newspaper reporters, and street walkers, aren't we Senator?" That statement dripped off her lips.

"I have heard some very interesting stories about your nights on the streets of Adelaide, Mister Senator." She gave him a filthy look.

I think I saw him cringe. His wife sat up straight then coughed.

The two guards left to go sit in the car. I think they thought better of the situation, especially when Horse stood up to go get more coffee from the cafe. Rita called out to Alex to bring some drinks as she sat with them.

"Now which one of us will start?"

They said nothing, but Mrs. Wellman was glaring at her husband.

"Okay I will start, shall I? Over there is Spud's lawyer, and sitting before you is Spud's guardian. If you were really interested in your son's welfare, you would have been in court fighting for him. He's a very talented boy and under the guidance of his mentor over there, the one holding his baby son, Spud is already, at an early age, the toast of the art world. He is going places and he doesn't need baggage like you two low lives. I know you're only here because you already know this, and you want to lock him back in his room so he won't embarrass you both."

"Now I have a proposition for you two," she smiled. "How about you get your bums off my property and don't come back, ever! And I will make sure the news doesn't talk to him about his past. Associating with street walkers, Senator, needs to be addressed with your Psychiatrist. If you don't have one, get one. I will make sure you do, because I have eyes everywhere and so does my new son. You see he watched you crawl the gutters from the filth he was living in. And lady, don't be so condescending towards the fool you married. I don't know which one, but the bodyguard that makes a lot of noise in your bedroom during the day should really get his lungs checked out. All that huffing and puffing. I believe it didn't sound too good, or was it just because you forced him to do it."

The woman stood up and raised her hand. Rita was too quick she put her foot out and the lady almost fell flat on her bum. Her hair went everywhere. I could see the grey roots from here.

All of a sudden there was clapping, stomping and whoot-whooting coming from our end. Ayden giggled the loudest. Then the boys stood up and all eight of them escorted the visitors to their car.

"I'll have you for assault, you bitch," was the woman's answer.

Rita got into her face and replied, "Then I will call every newspaper in Australia and tell them Spud's story. Maybe you should consult with his lawyer from now on."

They protested bitterly as Evan bade them a good day. He handed them his business card. They screamed up the road at full throttle, and, when they were out of sight, everyone let their breaths out.

I looked at my phone and there was a message from Jay telling me what flight they are on. I forwarded it to Bobby. They will be safe there. But for the life of me I don't know why they had to go. Maybe the parents will be back with an army.

"Fuck, mum, you're a death adder when you get going." Alex hugged her as Blue handed her a brandy.

She had to sit down. Then, she skulled her drink. Another was immediately produced.

"Phew! That feels better! Are you going to let me drink alone, Den?" She smiled.

I laughed as Blue poured me a small one. I didn't feel like it but I am her drinking partner.

Tiny was still laughing. I think I know where this is going.

"Okay you can tell me now." I looked at him.

"They are going to be pulled up for a spot check in Longford, then Sale, then Pakenham, then followed all the way to the city by a divvy van. My brother-in-law is organizing it. They will get the message to not visit here again." He screamed with laughter.

"God, honey! I bet that felt good," I said to Rita.

"Liberating, Den. I feel awesome - like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Bloody awesome! "She giggled along with bubs.

I didn't think they would come back. They were only interested in what Spud will tell the media when he gets really famous. I loved Rita, and she did do well for someone that doesn't like confrontation. No, strike that - you touch one of hers, she will hurt you. Blue arrived with more drinks and we sat back relaxing in the afternoon heat.

They will only take an hour-and-a-half to get to Brisbane. I hope Spud isn't a crying mess when he gets there. I really don't know why he had to go. They didn't go down to the beach looking for him and for all they know he might have been hiding in his room. However, the holiday will do him good, especially now he has Jay with him.

I thanked Tony for giving Jay the week off, and if he wanted a hand, I was more than happy to help him. He said he could cope for a week and Rita had made the same offer. He was fine with it. Horse took Ayden off me and fed him. His bright eyes never left me or the painting I was working on. I guess he wants it finished as soon as possible.

A few guys from across the road came up and ordered meals and drinks. Rita went back to the kitchen with a big smile on her face and a spring in her step. It will take a day or two to wipe that smile off her dial. Evan rubbed my back and Donk drank his beer up, then left to go to back the beach. The rest followed and I nodded to Evan to go have some fun - I will be down later on. In the end, it was just bub and me. Tony had left to finish something in his workshop.

Bubs started laughing, so I put him in his walker and turned my painting around. I once again layered it with colour and bling. The more I did, the more excited the butterflies were in my tummy. It got to the stage where all of a sudden they stopped. I was finished, but I did a sweep over with my brush thinking if I missed a bit, the folk would alert me.

Nothing jumped out and I stood back and looked at it from a distance. Bubs was going ape shit in the background. His little hands clapped and his head was in every position. He was happy with his painting.

"All done, bubs. We can hang it later on, when you go to bed, hey?"

"Da da," I got an answer.

Blue sighed as he looked it over and Rita had to sign off on it.

"Its lovely, Den. Are they the ones?"

"Yes baby, that's the king and queen." She curtsied. I thought I heard giggling.

"Come on, bubs. Let's go see dad." He screamed with glee.

I put his floaters on and pulled him around in the water. Then he wanted to do things on his own. Horse grabbed him and took him out a bit dangling him in the cool water. Ayden's arms were tightly locked around his neck and he was chuckling in his ear.

I went and got his bucket and spade. We started making sandcastles. It wasn't long until I saw his eyes droop. Sitting with my back against the tree, I was happy to watch Evan surf the rather large waves while bubs slept on my tummy. I had done the twine just in case, but I wasn't really tired. I was thinking, `Why wasn't I warned that they were coming?' Like, do a painting. Maybe Bobby was the messenger, not my works. And why the hell did Spud have to go to Queensland? Fucked if I know.

My phone alerted me to a message. I picked it up and read:

'Boys got here safe. We will make sure they have a good time. Will send them home in a week ...or two. Bobby.'

I wrote a `thank you' back, then I thought, "Hang on a minute!

Why did he have to go to Queensland, Bobby? They were only here for an hour.'

He didn't answer right away, but as I started to pack up my bubs and towel, one came through.

'Oh, he's here to have a holiday with his new boyfriend. That lady in the cafe is way too serious with them. I hope she got a lot of her angst out today. Spud's as happy as Larry. he gets to have his beau to himself at last. Have fun! lolololol, xx'

That little bugger! He set this all up: Spud and Jay get to hang out together twenty-four seven while Rita's not around. That had nothing to do with the folks coming by, even though Bobby must have felt it happen. He's out-smarted Rita and me. I chuckled as I walked back with sleepy-head on my shoulder. `Good one, Bobby and Rory.' I was pleased as punch for Spud and Jay. I can still hear them all laughing at us.

Next: Chapter 38

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