Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 22, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 38

I put bubs in his cot. He needs more sleep. And, to make him even happier, I went and got his painting, hanging it on the wall so he can see it. He smiled a lot as he sucked his dummy - sweet dreams son. As I went in search of coffee, Rita and Alex were sitting in her lounge watching a show on TV, so I went back to my usual seat after getting another large canvas out. Sitting by myself, I sifted through my book to find something to do and came across a small drawing I had done earlier in the year. I hadn't noticed it before, and while I looked at it, my right hand started drawing a copy onto my canvas.

Ayden was again in this one - I will use him and Evan. It was a drawing of them sleeping under the shady tree down the beach. Evan had nodded off and Ayden was laying on his tummy.

I put a big straw hat on my man and bubs had his sun glasses on again. The fairy folk were all asleep in various poses: the king and queen were resting in Ayden's open hand. Evan seemed to be smiling - his hair was awesome, the longest I had ever drawn. I started to bar up as I did his perfectly shaped face.

In the foreground I put four tiny fairy babies in colourful nappies - they were awake and were building a sandcastle. It wasn't an ordinary one either - it was a fairy tale kind with turrets and spires: the babies were giggling and falling backwards, one had tears shooting from his eyes, he laughed so much. Hanging out of the tallest spire window were two people that looked like they were yelling for help. I knew who they were, but I won't tell Spud.

There was so much in this painting: I will never get it done even if I paint over the castle and baby fairy. The strands of Evan and Ayden's hair will take me ages to perfect. Bub's hair was nearly as long as Evan's. I had put a small gold baby crown to match the king's and queen's on his head. With Evan I wanted to add gold paint into his strands. It was mostly in my head, but the basic drawing told me where to start and I can add my imagination later.

My son broke the moment - I could hear him laughing through the baby monitor. Into the room I went. He was having a conversation with his painting and then when he saw me he wanted up. I changed him and put some spiffy shorts on, then went to find him some food.

Evan was sitting at the table, I kissed his head.

"Bub, I'm glad you're here. I started a new painting today. Come with me."

I handed Ayden over to Alex, who put him in his highchair.

"Won't be a moment," I grinned.

"What now, Den? What's up?"

"Just come here - I need a photo." I took my phone out and he followed me to the bedroom.

"Just stand next to the bed, bubs"

"Groan." He said that one.

"Now drop your shorts - I want to snap something."

"My dick?"

"No, your treasure trail, Bubs. I need to do this one right."

He scowled at me as I got closer to take my snapshot.

"Don't move," I said as I put my phone on the floor and slipped his dick into my mouth.


"Sorry, couldn't resist."

"Well, resist away." He pulled my head closer so I could give him my best deep throating move.

He looked at the painting in Ayden's room and rubbed my back.

"Den, it's beautiful! You can't sell that one - it's awesome!"

"No, Bubs, I won't sell it. I did it for Ayden. He already has started to talk to it. It's in the right place."

We went to seek out our kid. Evan opened the shop and two guys went in to look. I found him in his high chair giggling at Alex's antics. Rita was still sitting in her lounge, so I went to ask if everything was okay.

"I still can't work out why Spud had to go to Queensland." She was confused, but, at the time, she was adamant he should go. I took pity on her and told her I had asked Bobby the same question. Then I passed his answer to her to read.

"That little bugger! Wait till I get my hands on him and Rory! I've been stitched up! " She looked at me then hung her head.

"I guess I have been overprotective a bit, Den. I will ring and apologise to him tonight. Jay is a lovely young man - he looks after Spud. He had no hesitation getting Spud away to safety."

"Well, you're just being a good mother, Rita. Don't apologise to him. Spud loves you because of your over-protection. I'm sure of that."

"Well, I'll bloody well ring him and tell him..."she paused...

"to have a good holiday, Den." Then she laughed. "What's Bobby's number?"

I gave it to her. I'm sure she just wants to have a giggle with him. I think they will become good friends.

I went back to bubs and grabbed him for a cuddle, then walked up to the table. My man was still serving the young guys in the shop. One of them came out and ran across the road. Three more followed him back with two girls in tow.

They were trying on all sorts of outfits -- all of it Cody and Rory's stuff. The girls were looking like they were at a new year's sale. After an hour of shopping, they walked out with bags of stuff. Evan and I had coffee. He told me they were pumped to find that sort of gear in his shop. He was cheaper than the city outlet, so they bought up big. Evan had put what he thought they were worth on them, but I see it wasn't nearly enough, even though he got it for next to nothing.

"Big profit, Den. I had no idea that stuff was expensive. Otherwise, I would have put more on it. Round two started an hour later - the girls brought four others back and they spent heaps.

I sat with him and bubs and told him about Bobby's message. He said he already had that worked out. I didn't know whether to believe him or not, so I just smirked at him. Bubs was in a spin about something, so he slowly got down from my lap and walked into the shop. I followed him through the lounge and into his bedroom. He stood there staring at his painting.

"They are still there bubs."

"Ups, dah."

I picked him up and he fell forward and kissed the king and queen. Then he wanted to play with his blocks for a minute or two. We ate our late lunch - bubs helped - he had a small vegemite sandwich in his gob, the black stuff was all over his mouth. I tried the wet ones, but I should have waited until he had finished because it was back again within seconds.

I rang Spud. He was having a blast, and he and Jay were going up to the big house for dinner tonight. He also said he was in love with Daniel Lawrence, but not to say anything to anyone. He giggled down the phone and told me he spent the day with Bobby in his studio.

"Den, you have to come and see it for yourself: his paintings are amazing. I will try and take as many photos as I can for you, but there's so much here."

"Well, maybe I can fly up and look for myself soon. We need a holiday and it sounds just right for us. Does anyone surf there?"

"Yes, Den. Most of the footy team surf on the weekends and Dan's brother and his boyfriend and Donny surf all the time. Bobby and Rory just watch." He giggled again.

Wait until I get my man up there - that will give them something to look at.

"And Den, there are two little kids - twins I think - who would make great mates for Ayden. They're so cute! I want to bring them home with me!"

"You do that, Spud. Has Rita rang yet?"

"No, Den. Is she really pissed off?"

"Yes, Spud. She's going to ground you when you get home."


"Yes, really." I chuckled down the phone because now Rita was sitting opposite me.

"Okay." I could feel him smiling.

"You have a wonderful holiday with your boyfriend and don't worry about a thing. Rita took care of your parents beautifully - they won't come back." I looked over at her.

"Good. Den?"

"Yes, Spud."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure, kid. Just have a great time, and if you want to stay two weeks, I will have a word with Tony for Jay."

"Thanks, Den. We'll talk later."

"Bye kid." I hung up Rita gave me that look. "He said he loved you."

She huffed and puffed. I gave her a nudge and said, "He's as pleased as punch you're going to ground him, so you better do that on the phone when you ring." I laughed.

"I'll let him have some fun before I do that."

"He's going to the big house for pizza tonight. Maybe ring him now."

"What's the big house?"

"Cody's place. It's where they all congregate. Some sort of beach house on the water. He said there were three houses and everyone's gay except the footy players that come down to train each week. He's hanging out to see that," I smirked. She passed bubs over to me and went to make the call.

Evan was totalling up his till. He had a big smile on his face as he put the elastic band around the notes.

"Well I know this is a one off, but the profit margin is awesome, Den. I might go out and buy us a present maybe."

"Not banking that lot, Bubs?"

"No, Den, the tax man will be on to me. Thank god they paid cash - I can stash this away for a rainy day," he smiled and patted his pocket.

Rita returned with a brandy for us both. Her eyes were red - she missed Spud.

"Den, Evan, I have been thinking that I might ask Spud to move out."

"What?" we both cried out.

"Only over to Jays. He may as well be doing it over there than down on the beach behind our backs. He's a good kid. I will miss him though," she sighed.

"Ask him, honey. Maybe he likes it the way it is at the moment. He's never mentioned that he wants to leave."

"Well, I thought maybe he might like to, that's all."

"Honey why don't you wait until he brings it up. He may not want to yet."

"Maybe I will, but I don't want him to think I'm holding him back."

"You have to decide what's better for him, but I still think he won't move - maybe in three months or more, but not straight away."

She got customers, so Alex called her to the grill for fish and chips. I took Evan's hand and squeezed it - he still had a smile on his face.

"What do you think about Spud moving, Bub?"

"I think he won't do it. He likes Jay, but I don't think he loves him."

"How's that. Bubs?"

"If he loved him, he would have moved in with him a few weeks ago. It's all new with Jay - maybe the feelings mutual. But I'm no expert."

I thought about it a bit and he's probably right - he usually is.

The boys came up for something to eat. I thought I might ask Nuts what he thought about it, but they started talking about Blue's competition that was coming up. Maybe another day.

I still hadn't got onto Surf's Up yet about sponsorship for him and I mentioned it to the boys. They said to leave it for now - when he gets into the top ten, companies will be falling over themselves to sponsor him. I also left that in their capable hands. My jobs are done for now, so I sat with the boys and listened to their conversations. Tony came by and sat with Horse.

"I'm going to open tomorrow. I don't expect a crowd but the sooner I do it, the better," he smiled then looked at me.

"I suppose I won't be getting any of your paintings, Den."

"Not at the moment, Tony. I have to stock up, but Spud's are really good."

"Yes. I'm happy to have his hanging on my walls - he's awesome."

I have to get him onto sending twenty to Paris when he gets back. I hope he can cope with the fame.

I am still getting invitations for interviews and TV appearances, but I decline each and every one of them. I would much rather play with my son than go into the city to pat myself on the back. There was even an invitation for me to enter the Archibald prize this year, but I also declined that. There are so many artists around that could do with the prize money, more so than me. I was set for life and so was everyone around me except Donk, and I would look after him in a heartbeat. Trip is always out and about fixing cars. He also owns a couple of tow trucks, so I guess he doesn't need the money.

The Bells' Beach Comp was nearing and the foreshore will be full at Easter for a week or two. Mike, Anne and Jack said they will be down for ten days. I told them they could store their caravan on the vacant lot next door, and, if they wanted, we could add it to our rentals - they could pick up some cash along the way. They are thinking about it. The caravan is old and heavy to lug around and they only use it two times a year.

Mike was looking forward to returning. He asked if it would be okay if his gran came and stayed in one of our stays. I immediately said `yes' and we would make it wheelchair friendly for her.

I got Horse and Blue on to that chore. All we needed was a ramp and maybe somewhere for her to park her chair out of the way. The first stay would be better for her - it was bigger and had a walk-in shower. I was looking forward to hearing her stories about Circus life, which I'm sure will be entertaining.

The next thing we had to tackle would be a ramp up to the porch. It can be accomplished easily and the railing would be made so it can be either permanent or temporary. It all would work.

I went and looked at the vacant lot, then I had a brainwave: instead of doing the renos, we could just plonk another transportable next to Jay's for her. Then she would be independent. I will talk to Evan tonight about it. I painted away thinking about my man, then I had an urge to see him straight away. I washed my brushes and grabbed bubbles from in front of the TV, changed him and walked down to the beach. Evan was smiling as he rode a wave in and bubs clapped his hands watching from the shore.

He splashed around for a while and, when Evan came over, he sat with us, just letting the small waves wet our legs.

"Truck?" He pointed over to the tree. I went and got it for him and he started washing it. Evan washed my mouth with his.

I told him about my idea and he listened until I was finished.

"Don't you think it would be overkill, Den?"

"No. We could rent it out when she's not here."

"Den, one day we will have to sit down and talk. I've been avoiding it for a while now, but I think it's time to clear the air a bit."

"Okay, Bubs. What's up?"

"I thought we might talk tonight. I'm not prepared right now."

"Well, get prepared, Bubs. I want to know what's on your mind."

He thought about it for a minute: it was as though he was maybe in court and had to make a speech in which he has to prepare.

"Den, it's going to cost more money than I have to spare to get another studio. I just don't have the sort of money available. You do. That's all."

"That's okay, Bubs. What's mine is yours - you don't have to worry about money. I'll pay for it you put yours away for a rainy day."

He mulled over it and eventually I got an answer - not one I expected, but one I had to think about.

"Den, remember when Spud met that surfer on the beach that night?"

"Yes, Bubs, I remember."

"Well he said he made him feel like a prostitute when he offered him the necklace for sex."

"Yes, Evan, I hear you. But what are you trying to say?"

"Well what if the guy really liked Spud? What if he was only being friendly and the blow job was just an afterthought. Think about it, will you? Just have a deep think." He kissed me again, then bubs. He took his board and ran into the surf.

Think about what? I was trying to work it out in my head. I almost ended up with a bloody headache. I put it aside, packed up bubs and walked him back to the house. He sat on the grass. I think he was mowing it with his hands and I sat with him for a minute. Something was niggling at the back of my head. I looked up at the new house and saw the new stays and I imagined the new studio and van, the air cons the heating and other things we had done to it, all of which Evan went me halves in. Then I added it all up in my head, it came to a lot of money - money Evan didn't have. He didn't complain because he loved me and I thought he was happy to do that. I'm such a fool where it comes to him. What's mine is his! I just thought I would pay for it all - I have the money.

I know Spud's friend was not on the up and up because he tried to get it on with me, but Evan's a different sort of surfer: he's honest, and if I really want to get my brain around it, he is the head of my family. I suppose I have been a little too free with his money. He's worked hard to amass what he's got and all I do is spend it. I thought about Spud and how he felt when he thought he could be bought with a trinket and I was doing the same with Evan, only I was sending him broke in the process. Maybe he feels like Spud did, like he was being bought for sex -- not for a relationship. Now his money has almost dried up, thanks to me.

The realization was hitting me hard. How could I do that to Evan? But he didn't argue when I told him to pay his apartment off with my money. Maybe he didn't do that in the end. I had to know - I have to fix it. I marched bubs up to the shack and the first thing I did was to get online. I checked back to when I got Carol's insurance and saw one large payment - that would be my mortgage. But there was no sign of Evan's payment. I immediately wanted to ring our accountant and instruct him to pay it off. Something held me back. I have to talk to Evan. He has all the answers and I should have been talking to him about money all along.

Firstly, I will forget ordering the new studio, the other one is a lemon along with the block of land. The stays pay for themselves but I had let Alex keep some of the money he made on them, which I can't take back now. Evan's shop does well and I know he has a lot of cash hidden away in the safe, but that's his money. He works hard for that, plus he has to pay for his stock no matter how cheap he gets it. I could ask Spud to pay rent on the walls in the shop, but that's just tacky. I looked again to see what had been put into Bub's account for when he gets older - it was a very sizeable amount. He won't need for anything.

I sat there for a long time just working it out in my head. If Evan thinks I was just paying for sex, then I have to change his mindset. I have no idea what he has in the bank, but I always thought he was well off - maybe he isn't.

Bubs was crying out to be fed, so I closed down the computer and picked him up to go find something. When Rita saw us she took bubs and put him in his high chair, then took a dish out of the fridge and heated it up. She kept looking at me as I made coffee.

"Penny for your thoughts, Den."

"Uh? Oh, nothing - just got some heavy stuff to work out." Having said that off the cuff I reached into my pocket and placed two hundred dollars into her till. I did this weekly now. I didn't know if it was enough or too much, but I did it religiously.

I stood there looking at it for a while then I took it back. I felt guilty.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Is two hundred enough, Rita, or is the bill adding up to more then that?"

"It's just right, Den. As you know, I don't pay rent here and you shouldn't be putting anything in my till. The boys pay their tab off every now and then, but I don't run one for you and Evan. As a matter of fact, I put your money aside. I thought I might give it to Ayden for his twenty-first or something," she smiled.

"No, don't do that. He's got plenty in the bank. Use it for yourself. The shop costs us nothing but it costs you food and drinks. Please bank it with your money - it will make me feel a lot better."

"If you say so, Den, but what's up?"

"If Evan tries to pay. take it off him."

"He's tries to pay just about every week, and I always tell him you took care of it."

"Well, not anymore. If he offers take it and bank it."

"Okay. I guess I got my answer after all. And for what it's worth, Den, it's the right thing to do." She smiled.

"I have to stop spending his money, Rita. I feel awful."

"Don't worry about. At as long as you are aware of it, that's all that matters." She gave me a big hug.

"Thanks my friend.

"It's okay."

I took my coffee down to the table and looked at my latest work. I wanted to drown out the awful thoughts I was having, so I continued on with the project. Then, I had a small light bulb moment: it's when he can't go me halves anymore we will have a problem, or, should I say, he will have a problem, because then I would be paying for everything and he will feel like a prostitute. I guess I have to settle down, and I need to talk to him about it. I need to know if he's in financial difficulties or not.

I painted away, but my heart wasn't in it - too much going on in my mind. I covered the work and decided I can't let this go on any longer. Picking my towel up, I walked down to the beach.

I stripped off my shorts and waded in to waist height, then I just floated on my back. It wasn't long before Evan came over to see if I was all right. I held onto his board while he drifted beside me.

"How much do you have left, Bubs?"

"Not a lot, Den. The rent on the house and apartment take care of the repayments. I have about twenty in the bank and what's in the safe - about another twenty - but that's it."

"You should have stopped me. You should have told me ages ago."

"I'm sorry, Den. It was easier to go along with you, but I did start to worry when you bought the land and studio."

"Well that turned out to be a dud. I can't even ask Jay for any more rent money now he's settled in, and I doubt he could afford it anyway."

"Well it was a nice thing to do for him. I'm sure we will survive without it."

"What can I do, Bubs? I am your partner and we should be helping each other mentally and financially. Can I at least give you a personal loan so you won't be paying so much interest on your loan repayments? You can pay me back monthly with an amount you are comfortable with."

"That's very generous of you, Den. And yes, I will accept that, but please talk to me if you have any more ideas that involve money."

"Of course, Bubs. And so you know, I'm not thinking of buying another studio anymore. If we want something we can save up for it."

"Good! Now you can kiss me."

I did kiss him and it was beautiful. There was no shouting match or crying - we just got it done. I will ring the accountant and get him to organize the transfer of Evan's final account. Then I will buy a blue book to enter his repayments in. I wish he would accept that I don't want the money back, but he's a proud man, so I guess this is the next best thing.

We managed to pull ourselves off beside the board without anyone seeing but I wished we were in bed doing it. I dried myself off then headed for home. I could hear Evan screaming as he took another wave. I called the accountant and he said to leave it to him. I would receive something in the mail to sign within the week. Feeling a lot better, I went and abducted my son. It would be a good time to check his nappy and change him.

I made a bath up for him and stripped him off. He was looking at his painting and smiling. His ducks were played with and his hair washed. It was getting quite long now but I have a deal with Evan: I won't have it cut, but I did do something dreadful to my son. I put two ties in it. He all of a sudden had two ponytails. It looked cute - he looked cute.

Horse nearly fainted when he saw him. When he gathered his wits, he started laughing. Poor Evan freaked and destroyed all my good work.

"Da Da, ta ta." Ayden fell into a giggle.

Maybe bubs didn't like looking like a girl. The boys had lunch then took off again. Evan opened his shop and I swept it out Ayden helped by unstacking the bottom shelf of shorts. I looked over at my man and butterflies leapt into my stomach. He was watching me, but nothing was said. When he went to Rita's to organize coffee, I dusted some shelves and replaced the shorts onto the bottom one. I picked up my destructive son and marched him out to the table.

Tony actually had three cars parked in his car park. One I recognized as being Cynthia's, but I didn't know the other two.

Evan came back with the coffees. He was smiling and he handed bubs a pop-top juice. He sucked on that until his eyes drooped. The last thing I heard from him was, "Da."

We held hands. I told Evan I had rung the accountant, and what he said. He thanked me and that was it - all done and dusted. While he was talking about Tony's shop, I had a brilliant idea and looked Evan in the eye.


"What storage?"

"The block next door. It's a lemon. I know we got it cheap but why not make money out of it while it's doing nothing."

"Like how, Den?" He rolled his eyes.

"Storage, Bubs, We store caravans for the regulars that come down here - saves them towing them back and forth. Let's say at a starting price forty bucks a month, we would get at least twenty on that block. That's eight hundred a month - four hundred each bubs." He looked at me - he thinks I'm mad - but after a few minutes of him processing it, he answered.

"Make it fifty a month - that's five hundred each."

"I'll do a sign tomorrow and put it out the front." I did something right for a change and it didn't cost him anything. We could also do the same with the other block, maybe. I like making money for my boyfriend. Maybe I will get good at it after all.

We had a light dinner because of the late lunch and the boys started drinking. I saw Tiny hand some money over to Donk who put it in his pocket. Maybe Tine's helping him out. Sometimes I wish I could help too, but I had better stay out of it.

"Donk worked four days this week for Tiny just doing lawns and odd jobs. That's his pay," Evan whispered in my ear. Then he said, "Thank you Den for everything."

"That's okay, Bubs. I just wish I could do more for you. Are you sure I can't transfer a mil or two into your account?"

"No way, Den! You have done enough for me. It's time I started doing stuff for you."

I moved so we were face to face.

"You do everything for me I need, Bubs. There's nothing more I want in this world."

"Good but if you think of something let me know."

"You can pay half of Rita's bill - a hundred bucks a week."

He grinned at me and said, "I got her down to one fifty - that's seventy-five each."

That bugger! I will have a talk to her in the morning. I didn't say anything - he had started kissing me.

"Pass the lube, Bubs." He started laughing again.

I have now joined The Story Lovers site


I have started listing my stories on there. The format makes for easier for reading and of course Aydens eyes will be posted on there first. I am also posting a rewritten version of Never Give Up and hopefully will be adding plenty of new chapters to that favourite story in the near future.

Of course my stories will be hosted on Nifty and Castle Roland as usual.

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Next: Chapter 39

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