Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 25, 2017


Ayden's eyes 43

There was no doubt about it, that was Spud in the painting and my fairies were having a party, so much color and the smile on Spud's face was perfect.

"How on earth did he know about Spud?"

"He didn't but that's my David, he painted it for me just before he was flown to Switzerland for treatment. I held him in my arms while he quietly slipped from my life. I have been on medication since and the only thing that helps me is this image, his fairy folk, your son, your friends."

"Holy hell, this is unbelievable." I stood up and looked at David's painting and saw the king, queen and Bubs in his red shorts, his shoe was being used as a diving board and the giggling I could hear in my head, and it calmed me.

"Can I show Bubs; I want to see his reaction?"

"Of course Den, we are all family but I also have something else David painted for me and it also travels with us." He pushed another button and I nearly passed out. A panel opened and there was Ayden's king, queen and prince all staring back at me, they weren't on a jet ski but they were almost the same people.

"This is not happening, this isn't right."

"It is Den, the king is my father, the queen my beautiful mother and the prince is me. It's almost a mirror image of your painting, although your faces are a little different."

I looked back and forth at the two paintings.

"And David painted these?"

"Yes my friend, just take your time, now you know why I had to come here, I had to know I wasn't going crazy."

I looked closely at the works, they were the same folk as mine but the strokes weren't mine so they couldn't be fakes, he just couldn't make this up.

"I need you to help me with Spud."

"What can I do? Please don't hurt him, he's so precious to us."

"That's not why I'm here, I already love him, but I know it's maybe a leftover from David so I have to restrain myself. When I saw your paintings on Cynthia's site I had to have them at any cost, because my David and his fairy folk were in them. My David was skimming on the water's edge with Ayden and his fairy folk."

It was part of the set of six but it was Spud.

"I spoke to Cynthia and she sent me more images, my David was in several of them."

He took a deep breath.

"Spud is David, he is the same as David, his nervousness, his laugh, his smile is almost the same. I will not hurt him but I need to know him and love him. What do I do Den, I won't hurt him in any way, but I can't leave him?"

He was wiping tears from his eyes as he spoke, he was just a young man who's lost in his grief.

"Have you told Spud?"


"Good, he already loves you, I saw it yesterday in his eyes, he grew up instantly when he came face to face with you Ali. I don't have an answer for you but if he's helping to heal your heart then so be it, let him. I know Spud, he's been waiting for you for a long time, so has my son. Just love him as Spud the artist who lives on the beach, he will be different than David but Ali, maybe David sent you here because he wanted to heal your hurt."

"Maybe Den, maybe your right, I am already thinking I can't leave this place, it's calling me. Last night on the beach we talked for hours. I was beguiled by him, enchanted and drawn into his heart. He told me everything about his life, and I mean everything, it was almost like he knew he could tell me, just like my David. It didn't phase me one bit, my problem now is what to do about this." He pointed to the painting.

"Show him, tell him all about David and let him make his own mind up. He's a bright kid, he wont let you forget him, but if I know Spud he will do everything in his power to help you."

"Thank you Den, so you won't mind if I hang around for a week or two?"

"Of course not, but he won't leave the bay, you know that already don't you?"

"Yes I know." He nodded as his head bowed and rested on my shoulder.

"So much pain but it leaves when I see Spud, and David's butterflies attack my stomach too."

"That's his way of saying he approves."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, Ayden is already linking you both in his words so it's only a matter of time before Spud realizes it is written in the stars." I kissed his beautiful head and smelt him.; he does smell like me.

"I am sorry Den but I had to get your approval before I went ahead with Spud, if you didn't approve I would have gone home."

"Back to your dark secret rooms and cold empty bed."

"Yes Den."

I lifted his chin and looked him in the eyes.

"Never going to happen again my boy, never will I or anyone else here let you be that lonely again."

He smiled and kissed me then hung onto me while he cried some more. Eventually he offered coffee but I missed Bubs so said,

"Come on, let's get you a skim board then we have to take breakfast down to the guys." I wanted to think, and I wanted to include him in our everyday lives.

He followed me across the road and I outfitted him in some great gear, he looked like one of the guys by the time I had finished, then I went down to the cafe.

I grabbed my baby who wanted to walk today, then taking hold of the basket I winked at Rita and called to Spud who was in his room.

"Come on Spud, we are going to feed the boys."

"Not today Den, I am going to paint." He sounded melancholy.

"Ali's here and he's wearing his board shorts." I smiled at Rita.

He ran out then followed me up to the shop.

"These paintings are beautiful Spud; you are a genius." Ali said, Spud puffed up.

"I will take them all Spud and will send my men to help you pack them up." Spud shook.

"You can have them; they are my gift to you my prince." I suspect that is what David called him because Ali smiled broadly.

"Up, up." Bubs was walking up to us.

"What took you so long, we have been waiting for ages bubs?" I laughed.

He giggled as I passed the basket to Spud who was staring at Ali. Kissing my baby, we started for the back door, but before we got there Ali said,

"Six million for Ayden's Eyes."

"Never going to happen Ali, now get down to the beach."

"Get the boards Spud, let's go." That broke the moment and he actually laughed. What I didn't see was the sullen look on my little boy's face.

What a glorious day it has turned out to be. I could hear Evan's laughter as Blue wiped out. Ayden wanted a ride; and the jet ski was being driven by Tiny today.

As the boys started skimming I heard a new kind of scream coming from Ali, it was a freedom kind of one. his minders had taken up residence under our big tree and the boys were coming in for breakfast. I watched with Horse while my son laughed himself through another death defying ride; he was getting good at this.

"I will only tell you this Horse, he showed me a self portrait of his David and he was the spitting image of Spud. Bubs was in the painting too and so were my fairy folk. David painted it just before he passed away."

"Fuck me Den, are you sure it's not a copy or something?"

"Yes I'm sure, his strokes are not mine and Ayden's eye color wasn't quite right."

There were a few differences I saw in the works as I stared at them, the biggest was that David did look like Spud but it wasn't Spud in that painting, my keen eye saw that when I really looked at his shape. Also, my king and queen were not exactly the same but the fairy folk were exactly right. I guess Horse is going to google it later on, I thought he's learning so much and giggled.

"What's so funny Den?"

"Nothing my friend, nothing." I patted his back.

Everyone was eating, even the guards, Spud and Ali joined us and Bubs had finished his ride so he was pestering Evan to take him on the board.

"Come on Bubs, let's go." He picked up a screaming baby and threw him over his shoulder then walked his fine ass down to the shore, Horse wasn't far away, then Blue joined them.

"I will give you two million for the four finished works Den. I must have them," Ali whispered in my ear. I didn't know what to say, I would give them to him of course.

"You can have them, but in return I have to paint you."

"No, I must pay, and you can paint me anytime."

"Okay leave it to me for a few days, I have something in mind."

"Okay my friend, and I want Spud's bank account numbers to deposit money for his works. I will hang yours with David's and Spud's in his separate, special gallery."

"My god how big is your house?"

"It's a palace Den not a house, there's plenty of spare rooms and empty walls."

"Oh," was all I said. I formed a plan in my head and it was foolproof.

Eventually everyone left and it was just me, the guards and Bubs.

They were all watching Ali and when he fell off they stood up. Deeming no damage was done they relaxed until the next time.

"Aren't you guys hot in all that gear?" I said to the largest of the three.

"Our king demands it sir."

"But he's not here."

"He has the eyes of a thousand dragons so he will know."

"Oh thanks, I didn't think of that." I laughed to myself and noticed they laughed too.

"Bubs, they are yours, I am gifting them to you. Please take them."

"Why would you give them to me Den?"

"Because I don't like them after all, they are yours now, a present for you, I can do better ones." I had placed the paintings on the bedroom wall along with Evan's nude.

"Well if you insist Den, thank you." He was confused but accepted the gifts, he liked them after all.

We finished our business then he opened the shop. Spud and Ali were having milkshakes and laughing their heads off as I looked at his bulky guard who was smiling.

"Have you thought about my offer Den?"

"I'm sorry kiddo, they are not mine to sell, I gave them to Evan so you will have to negotiate with him." Spud giggled.

"Oh, okay then, I will." Good luck with that I thought.

He waited until Evan had finished serving in the shop then told him he would give him two million for his paintings. Evan grinned and looked sideways at me.

"They're not for sale, they were a very precious gift."

"Two and a half, no more."

"Nope sorry."

"No more, thanks Den, you cost me money." I felt sorry for him, but Evan was having a ball.

"Three and that's final." Ali was getting hot under the collar.

"Sold." Evan laughed.

"Good, now I want Spud's bank account details and yours so I can transfer the money." Bubs just got a shit load of money, I was so pleased for him.

"I will get you the codes to Den's account ." Evan smiled at me. Well maybe not, I'll have to think of a new plan to get money to my man.

We laughed so much even the guards were smiling.

"Now six million for Ayden's eyes."

"What??" Evan was amazed.

"Six million, I want that painting."

Ali and Evan bartered back and forth for the next hour and in the end I told them both to shut it. Ali was up to ten million dollars and Evan was holding out for more.

Across the table was a very small boy listening to all this talk about his painting. He went very quiet and laid his head on his arms at the table, then all of a sudden he screamed.

He screamed so loud that everyone ran out to see what was happening to him. Then the crying started and he was so agitated I couldn't calm him down.

"Tell me Bubs, tell dad what's wrong." I checked his nappy, his body but nothing was hurting him. Then he bent over, hitting his head on the table and cried out,

"Da no sel my eye, no sell my eyes to prin, da no sell my eye." I was flabbergasted and pulled him back into me. Evan sat there in shock and Ali started crying, he got the bigger shock.

"They were only joking bub's, da not sell your eyes to prince, he keeps your eyes for you when you grown up."

"Daaaaaaah, my eyes, my eyes."

He was so distressed and Tiny checked him out, he wouldn't have a bar of Evan or Rita, he just wanted me. I had enough of this so I held him tight and walked him into his bedroom. I took all my paintings down except the kings and carols but he didn't quieten down and kept saying,

"Dah, no sell my eye." His voice was heartbreakingly sad.

I took Ayden's Eyes off the lounge room wall and placed it in Ayden's room.

"There bubs, your eyes safe in your room now. Look they here, dad no sell because he doesn't own them, you do." He relaxed a little as I stroked his back. Evan had followed and was trying to talk to him about not selling the painting ever. He wasn't listening.

"Go way," he said. Evan was shocked and I was too, but he still held fast to me.

"Leave him for a minute Bubs, he still thinks you're going to sell his eyes.' He didn't go far, just to the doorway.

I sat in the chair and kissed my boy and he was calming down a little but was still very upset. I pointed to his painting and said,

"Look Bubs, it's here, safe in your room with you. Now you can look after it because dad give it to you, and you can look at it anytime you want. They are your eyes and no one can sell them."

`Dah, my eyes?"

"Yes, your eyes, not dahs, not prince, not Horse but your eyes, no one else's."

"My eye, dah?"

"Yes, your eyes, dah being silly with the prince, he no sells it, he loves it."


"Now how about I give you a bath, and can da Evan help me?"


Evan was immediately in the room, his eyes red and all of a sudden Ayden yelled,

"My eye?"

"Yes your eyes son, only yours." He looked at the painting and smiled and kicked at last, his drama over and done with.

We gave him a cool bath and a four handed massage, then Evan dressed him and hugged him with plenty of kisses. When we finished we joined the others.

Ali was still upset so I leaned over and said,

"That's the magic at work, he's fine now but let's not go on about it, I'll paint you a copy."

"Sorry Den, I feel so awful."

"Well Ali, I think it's all going a bit over the top at the moment. Why don't you leave Spud's paintings and mine for now, after all you don't really know for sure where you will be living in the near future, and Spud and I will always paint extra for you."

He smiled and replied,


"It's okay son, I know you're rich and I know you only wanted to please us, but your laughter and smile is all we really want to see. Have fun and get to know Spud better, our paintings will always be here, you don't have to buy them when you can look at them for free."

He hugged me and then Spud took over. I hadn't seen them kissing yet but I'm sure when they do, it will be from the heart.

Spud changed the pace and started showing Ali how to skate on his board, up and down the porch. It was really a distraction for Bubs who clapped and screamed because he wanted a ride. But then Ali fell and the guards picked him up, he screamed,

"Go chill out you lot." They bowed then ran across the road, their eyes watching from afar.

"You know Ali, they would be less conspicuous and cooler with tanks and shorts on, they must be stinking hot in that gear." I said as he woofed down one of Rita's delicious pies, Alex had snuck sauce down to us.

"I am punishing them Den, they party too much behind my back." He winked.

He grinned then he waved the big guy over.

He spoke to him in Arabic but Bubs looked like he could understand it, he giggled in my lap and looked a whole lot better now.

The guy ran off, then moments later he was back with twenty men and they all went into Evan's shop and were trying on his wares, it was bums for miles, nice ones too.

"They are military Den, hard bodies and big dicks, and they are mostly gays. My father thought they might sympathize with my lifestyle, he also is protecting them from some evil people in my country, some are straight but mostly the cooks and cleaners are gay." Fuck me what a life, my brain ran rampant.

As they left they placed the price tags on the table for the gear, they looked a lot happier and were even happier when he told them to chill out for the day, there was no work for them.

His bodyguards stayed and watched though, and when the big guy came out, he gave me the thumbs up.

"I will use my credit card for the stock Den, please total it up."

"Yes at last." I punched the air again because Bubs get's some more serious money.

"Will he be pleased Den?"

"Oh yes, they have nearly cleaned the shop out completely now." I was so happy.

"He will get more Den; my guys surf and will need boards." I gulped.

"It's curry night tonight isn't it Spud?"

"Yes my prince." Spud blushed.

"Do you need a hand? You can use my cooks."

"No, it's nearly all done, except the roti."

"What time do you need it?"

"Around five," Spud said off handedly.

He again spoke to his guard who ran off.

"Good, then we get you to ourselves longer, it will be delivered at five."

"Thank you please, my prince." Spud was gone as his tears flowed, he couldn't take it all in and I know his heart was breaking because Ali would leave him here. I also knew Spud wouldn't leave us and was saddened by that thought, so I got up before my own tears arrived.

"I will total this, can you watch Bubs for me?" He picked up Ayden who started kicking like crazy.

"Spud, Prince, my eye." He laughed.

"Yes, your eyes bubby, no one else's, I am sorry," I heard Ali say.

Fuck me, Evan's shop was nearly emptied and there were vacant spots everywhere. By the time I had finished, there was a two grand bill facing me, of course I gave him a discount. I then wrote it on a piece of paper and passed it to him and he passed it to a guard who produced a credit card.

"Thank you so much Ali, Evan's going to go friggin nuts."

"He's worth trillions Den, his family is very wealthy, they have oil fields. I googled him and there's plenty on his father and brothers but so little about him. Yet he is one of the wealthiest men on this earth." Horse sat with me while Spud took Ali down to Tony's. I suppose Ali's dropping a grand or two there but I hope he's not, he's got nowhere to store anything.

My phone rang and it was Cynthia.

"Is he still there Den?"

"Yes Cyn, for a week or two, are you going to visit?"

"Yes, I'm on my way."

"He offered us ten big ones for Ayden's Eyes."

"Fucking no way."

"Yes, but we knocked it back."

"Okay, let me have it, why?"

"We gave it to Ayden and he doesn't want to sell."

She roared with laughter.

"You fucking dick head Den, see you soon."

Ayden was kicking away and sucking on his milk when I finished the call, I leant over and kissed him and he said,


"Happy Bubs?"

"Dada bub habby." He smiled, Horse took him up, he squealed then settled in for his nap. Evan and the boys arrived but he didn't look too fucking happy.

"What happened to the fucking shop Den?"

"I had a mid year sale Bub." I smirked.

"What the fuck happened to all my stock?"

"It's all in the till Bubs, chill out will ya." I laughed as he stomped into the shop, then we heard,

"What the fuck?" I think he's going to have to have a lie down and very soon.

"Ali Bubs, the guys he's with forgot their beach gear and they will be back for boards in the morning, so get Donk to help you bring the rest up from the garage."

He slumped in a chair as Horse and the boys giggled under their hands.

"Want a lie down for awhile Bub?" He smiled at me and screamed up the porch,

"Rita, bring brandy."

"Coming up boss, is Den at it again?"

"Something like that Rita." He skulled the first one but sat on the second. Rita had one and held his hand.

"I had better get to ordering more stock."

"Tomorrow Bubs, you don't look too good at the moment."

He punched my arm lightly.

Spud and Ali returned just as Cyn arrived, they were laughing their heads off.

We introduced Ali to her and she was smitten, and even more smitten when the big guy came over and gave Ali a message. He slipped it in his pocket and smiled.

"Den, when we are on my island the guys chill in everyday gear and they have brought their casual gear with them. I wanted to help Evan out that's all, but also the guys love the Cody Mitchell stuff. I like to keep it casual when we are alone on my island but if my brothers or father visit, they wear official dress. This was all for show Den. I didn't know I would feel so welcomed here so I made it an official visit."

"You are a part of our family now Ali, nothing more, nothing less, you will always be welcome and safe here with us." I said as I detected a tear hanging from those gorgeous long lashes. I thought long and hard about his situation and added,

"Maybe Ali you should start a new life with a clean slate. My paintings remind you of your precious David and maybe it's time you stopped searching for him. I don't think you should buy my paintings, be content with the ones David has done for you. Like if anything happens with Spud he may think you are buying my works to remind you of a past love. Perhaps you should place some of Spud's next to David's, they should be on your precious wall too. I will do one especially for you of Spud and my fairy folk." He started crying.

"That's why I'm here, I prayed so much you all would help me Den, and I would find some answers. I know what your saying and I will think about it, but I can't disappoint your friends by not buying your works, that is not wise."

"You would do no such thing; our friends would only love you more for showing restraint, you don't win friendships by throwing money at people."

"I will think on it."

"Talk to Spud about it, show him David's paintings and tell him, he's not an idiot Ali, include him." I hugged his body to mine, he's got a lot of self healing to do.

"Coming my prince?" Spud sang out.

"Coming Spudley." He actually rolled his gorgeous eyes, I giggled.

They were off to the beach again with the entourage in tow, the guards looked so much better in their beach gear. I helped Evan do a quick stock take while Cynthia looked through my paintings, and Spud said he would ring Rory and try and con some of those samples out of him he had sent the last time. I thought yes, he probably will too.

Cyn wanted to go down to the beach and I guessed she wanted to have another perve at the big guy, he was gorgeous, I hope he's straight. While my big guy pushed my little guy around on his board, I talked to her about Ali and our apparent connection. I told her about David's paintings and how alike they were to mine, she got excited but sad when I finished the story.

"You know Den I knew something like that had happened to him, many nights we would sit on the internet talking about Australia and the Bay. I knew he was coming because he stopped bidding on your works, and somewhere in the back of my head I knew he was coming to meet you and Spud."

"That's the magic Cyn, the sooner you move here the better."

"I have to talk to Tiny about buying some land, it's about time I put some roots down here."

"Oh yes, talk to Tiny." I smiled to myself.

The big guy hung around in the background as his mate watched Ali, he was watching Cyn.

"He's watching you Cyn."

"Who Den?"

"The big guy."

"Oh." She stretched her glorious long legs out to give him a better view.

"That better Den?"

"Yes." I giggled.

"I think he might want you for his harem."

"Then he can think again Den, I'm a one-man woman." She giggled.

"Yes, and going by the bulge in his shorts I think you're on his mind."

"Shit Den, I can't see from this angle, take a photo."

She handed me her phone.

"Pervert." I smiled at her as she tried to look over her shoulder.

She stayed for dinner and we talked into the night while the big guy, I think was going to bust his balls on the spot. Ali leaned over and said,

"He's straight, ex army and single, and has a very loving nature, also, he's very, very available." Cyn pretended she hadn't heard him.

Later on I saw Ali talking to Rita, she was listening to his words intensely then she nodded, but not before that ladle tapped him on his shoulder. He came back all smiles and sat next to Spud who immediately took his hand.

"Something up Rita?"

I had to know of course.

"He wanted to know if Spud could have a sleepover, such a polite young man he is Den."


"I said yes, a sleepover but no hanky panky. I have the eyes of a thousand dragons and I will know if he has spoilt Spud during the night." She let out a screaming laugh.

"I think he's going to show him David's painting."

"I think so too Den, let's hope Spud takes it as it is; a new friendship and a cherished memory."

"He will Rita, I have the utmost confidence in Spud. He won't make a rash decision and will look at it from every angle."

"I hope so Den, I like Ali, he's good for Spud, even I can see that."

Cyn started talking to Tiny and Evan squeezed my hand, here it comes. My butterflies were working as Cyn turned her head and glared at Evan. She screamed,

"NOOOOO, you frigging ass hole!!!!!"

Evan couldn't hold it in any longer and started laughing at her stricken face.

"I'm open for offers Cyn." He smiled. Tiny looked stumped and Tony was trying to find out what had happened.

"What's up Cyn, why the dummy spit?" Poor Tony, he's going to cop it now.

"He's bought Tiny's four blocks, now we have to deal with him, fuck me, do I ever get a break around here?"

"You what??'

"I own the land now, so you deal with me, that's if you need to." Evan smirked.

"No, no way am I dealing with a thieving shit like you Evan Spicer. I would rather rot in hell before I had to even mention money with you again." Tony was flying tonight, he pointed at me.

"It's you, it's your doing Den, bloody hermit painter, you talked him into this, thanks a bloody lot."

"Tony, I had nothing to do with it."

"Liar." He didn't believe me, how rude.

"What's going on Evan?" Tiny was confused.

"You just sold me four blocks of prime real estate and I think Cynthia and Tony wanted a couple of them, we were just going to use them for caravan storage." He smiled, Tony was not amused.

Tiny thought about it and started laughing, so did the others, they got it finally.

The big guy who I named Abs because of his eight pack, came up and said,

"You Australians should teach your women to be more respectful and lady like, in my country Cynthia would be locked away in her room for such language." I guess he couldn't take Cyn's teasing any longer.

Here we go, she's going to eat you alive big guy.

"My room is twenty-five kilometers down that road and if you want to lock me in my room, you can do it yourself."

He held his hand out and said,

"May I escort you home lady Cynthia?"

"Of course you can, we will talk later Den. Evan get stuffed."

"And where are you off to, you stinking desert camel?" Ali asked.

"Seeing a friend home seed of your father's loins, I'm taking the night off, you have Spud to keep you company."

"Okay have fun, see you tomorrow." Ali chuckled then waved.

Cyn got the big guy in her car and drove off at top speed towards her home. Boy she's quick and so fucking lucky.

The guys whooped and punched their arms as she drove by and the big guy had an even bigger grin on his face.

"Company?" Spud asked.

"Spud, would you do me the honor of having a sleepover at my place tonight, just a sleepover, I have something I want to show you?"

The guys laughed and cheered as Spud's face went red as a beetroot.

"If you want to my prince," he squeaked out.

"Rita, can I have a sleepover with Ali?"

"Of course you can Spudley dear, have fun." She giggled.

Spud looked stunned, his mouth wouldn't work, I guess he wasn't expecting that answer.

They left shortly after for their sleepover, Tiny wouldn't stop laughing and Tony was literally blowing a gasket, so Horse had to take him home.

As for Evan and myself, we bathed our boy and put him to bed, I said goodnight to his king and queen and then I had my man to myself. I made him put the stretch hipster shorts on then played with him for the next hour. He stretched as I entered him, and moaned when I pumped harder, but went silent when I came. After, he lay there panting.

"Was that okay Bubs?"

"Perfect Den, like always you're perfect."

"You're not so bad yourself Bubs, I love you so much."

"Me too Den, just perfect."

"Come on let's get some sleep." I enveloped my Bubs in my arms, smelt his smells and ran my hand up and down his gorgeous thigh.

"Do we need lube Bubs?"

"Groan." I took that as a no, so I slipped in for another quick upload.

In the morning I had Horse on my doorstep, he didn't look so good but was pleasant. I dumped a still sleepy boy in his arms then went to organize coffee.

"Is he home yet?" I asked Rita.

`No Den, I don't expect him until mid morning but I must admit I was a bit lonely last night." She smiled, she's a great mum.

"What's up with Horse?"

"Don't know Den, he was there when I got up."

"Okay." I took the coffee back and sat with my friend.

"What's up Horse, you not feeling so good?"

"Apart from Tony moaning all night, I'm fine Den. Why didn't you tell me Ali and Evan upset the little fella?"

"Horse that was yesterday, everything's fine now. We gave the painting to Ayden and it's hanging in his room now, no one is going to get it away from him."

"Good, I was worried that's all." He lifted Ayden up and kissed him.

"Den, when did your fairy folk start to arrive?"

"In Evan's painting Horse, they appeared when I did that one."

"And not before?"

"No mate."

"Then why did the little fella get so upset?"

"I don't know Horse; I don't even know whether he thought we were selling his real eyes or the painting."

He thought about it for awhile and he rubbed his chin.

"Can I go have another look?"

"Sure, knock yourself out." He took Ayden with him and walked through the shop to Ayden's room. He came out with Evan five minutes later.

"Den, do you have a magnifying glass?"

"Top drawer in the sideboard." I looked at Evan and shrugged, but thought I might go see what he's up to.

"What's happening?" Horse was standing there riveted to the spot and while Ayden's eyes watched me, I felt butterflies going wild.

Eventually with tears in his eyes he passed the glass to me and said,

"Look at his eyelashes and eye rims."

I put the glass to my eye and looked, it stunned me, it rocked me, and it then fucking floored me. I had never noticed that before and it's near impossible to grasp. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't have seen it.

The king, the queen, the little prince and the fairy folk, the party it was full on and living within Ayden's lashes and rims, surfing, skating, drinking and playing catch, they were all there.

"That's impossible, no one can paint like that, no one. It's impossible."

"What Den?" Evan took the glass and blew his breath out as I started crying. I have never seen a painting like this, it moved my foundations and dumped me right inside Ayden's Eyes.

"What the hell Den?" Evan was staring at me.

"I don't remember doing it, honestly, it's an impossible feat, no one can do work that intricate and tiny."

"I got you at last you little buggers," Horse yelled.


"This painting started it all Den."

"That's impossible Horse, it's just not possible"

"When you painted this, did you trance?"

"I don't think so Horse but I remember it didn't take me long, just six or seven hours."

"What was happening around you when you did it?" I had to think back and had to think really hard. Evan moved to have another look and gasped again. Then I remembered the trigger.

"Evan loves...," I quietly said.

"What was that Den?" Evan looked at me.

"Evan loves..., I remember thinking it over and over again Bubs. What you wrote in the dust on the table outside at your mum's house."

"You remembered that?"

"Yes Bub, you wrote Evan loves and you surrounded it with a heart. When I started this painting I knew who you loved, I knew it was me, and I also knew I loved you deeply too. I kept repeating over and over again as I painted this.

"Evan loves Den, Den loves Evan."

Tears were flowing down Evan's face and I matched him as Horse looked blankly at the two of us.

"Fuck me drunk," Horse said.

"I never forgot that day. It played on my mind and when I painted Ayden's Eyes I was painting my love for you and Ayden. I was so sad and depressed that you had to go away, and I wanted someone to hold me. I suppose I dreamed up the fairy people to do that so it isn't Carol that's bringing them here, it's me" I suddenly bent over, my tummy was aching.

"Den, what's wrong?" Evan was onto me.

"Butterflies, millions of butterflies Bub, the first time I ever felt them was when I did this painting."

"Are they here now?'

"Are they fucking ever, fuck me, it's not bad just overwhelming, while loving and protecting."

I had the urge to kiss Evan and I did, I kissed him deeply for ages. I couldn't stop and I didn't care who was watching, I had to hold him, kiss him, love him.

"Thank you for saving me, and for coming back to our love."

"I couldn't stay away any longer, you had enchanted me and I had to come back because I couldn't live without you, good or bad I had to at least fight for you."

"You came back to us, I ached so much when I painted this portrait, I think I know now baby, I think I know."

"Know what Den?" I turned and looked at the king painting.

"The king is Horse, the queen is Rita and the little prince is Ayden."

"The king is wise and strong, he protects his children and he commands utmost respect. He is also as soft as a cuddly bear but strong like a horse. That king is you Horse, I know he is, you found the key, you are the wise one." Horse teared up more.

"The queen is the head of the house, she feeds us, runs our home. She protects her children with a strong hand, but is soft like a feather cushion, she's Rita."

"Bubs is bubs; he will never change. He was sent so sad people won't feel so bad anymore, he heals hearts, calms minds and his smile melts the hardest of souls."

Horse was sobbing by this time, he cradled Ayden who was still sleeping against his big chest.

"My god what a wonderful story Den. I loved you so much I was going crazy thinking I was Ayden's father and you would hate me forever." Evans tears arrived.

"Wasn't even on the radar Bubs, I loved you full stop."

He kissed me again and I stroked Horse's arm because his emotions were running wild.

"But who are we Den, where do we sit in all this?"

"I don't know yet Bubs, I don't know."

"That's the easy one Den," Horse got out.


"Evan is the protector, he holds the magic to everyone's happiness, he protects you and Ayden with his strong arms, and you Den have the most important role of all." He smiled.

"What Horse?"

"You are the storyteller, without you there would be no story, no happy endings, no magic." Ayden woke, he kicked and smiled like he's never done before, and we all loved him.

Next: Chapter 44

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