Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 7, 2018


Ayden's Eyes 46

My phone rang, it was Rita just calling to tell me they arrived in Bali okay. Blue had gone off to check the surf and to catch up with some mates and she was waiting for her driver who was going to show her around the island. I didn't let on what I thought about the food writer, I will keep that as a surprise for her return.

She also said she missed us but Nuts had her doing something every day and she hoped the boys haven't destroyed her café. I laughed and told her what the boys had prepared for breakfast, she groaned because she knew it would have been good.

Evan eventually couldn't take it any longer so when he came up from the beach, Ayden was dumped in the kitchen with the boys and we rushed off for a quickie. My balls were full and so was Evan's bum when we finished, I then looked at him and he said,

"Forget it."

"Maybe tonight then." I had my hopes up.

"For certain Den, for certain." He smiled as he kissed me more.

Cynthia was a beautiful woman but not when she's angry, she was waiting for us when we walked out.

"So you sold that land to Tony did you?"

"Yes Cyn."

"I was going to buy it to put my warehouse on, can I have the other side one then?"



"It's Ayden's so you will have to negotiate with him." I giggled.

"He's a baby."

"No he's not, he's two years old now, nearly an adult Cyn."

"Oh forget it, where's Abs?"

"Still surfing Cyn, you a little frustrated today?" I had to ask.

She stared at me and said,

"Well I know you two aren't at the moment, but yes a little, fuck he does it for me Den." She breathed out.

"Good Cyn, and do you think your sister will like Hulk, he needs someone in his life too?"

"Oh don't worry about her, she will be on to it as soon as she sees him. That sister of mine is a real right tart."

"Oh and you're not?" I lifted my eyebrows.

"Fuck off Den." She laughed then picked her bag up to go down to the beach to find Abs, I think those bushes will get an eyeful today. I innocently had caught Abs walking out of the backyard shower last week, fuck he's built, we should have called him camel, I wondered if Evan has seen it. He rubbed my shoulders and back as I sipped coffee, then sat with me.

Bubble came down the porch with more coffee and some very delicious sandwiches, he sat for a minute with us and we talked.

"He won't hurt her you know Den, Evan."


"Abs, he's a little in love with her we think, he talks about her all the time."

"Well that's very pleasing to know Bubble, she needs a man in her life and when her sister turns up, Hulk can get a little loving too I think."

He laughed his head off and said,

"Well she will have her work cut out for her, he likes you and Evan Den."


"He's in love with Evan and you my mate, he's gay."

He laughed again and I blushed; not again. I looked sideways at Evan who I think has a boner, better go and check him out again soon.

"Did you see the food critic before?" Change of subject.

"Yes Den, we made sure we were on our best behavior, he got a sample of most of what we are serving and I think he liked it."

"Good, Rita will be chuffed when she gets back."

"Now Evan, what to do about Hulk, do we invite him into our bed or just leave it?" I shocked Evan, he stood up and stared at me.

"It's okay Den, he's just got a little crush, but Tush and I occupy his bed sometimes so he doesn't miss out on much, he's a great friend and a wonderful lover," he drawled then smiled.

"Den, is it night time yet?" Evan gulped and nodded his head to go to our bedroom, then he walked off.

"Coming Bubs," I shouted at him.

We left Bubble laughing into his coffee and my imagination went crazy, I thought, fuck it would be awesome to be in that bed with them, I have read about orgy's but never experienced one myself. I opened the bedroom door and Evan was kneeling on the floor and leaning across the bed, he pleaded with me to do him. I obliged immediately and he groaned his way to another awesome explosion. Ayden was all smiles when I went to get him, Bubble winked at me and smiled while nudging Tush at the same time, he then did the same.

"It's not really what you think Den, Tush and I have an open relationship and it works for us only because we worked in that area for the king. We like Hulk, he's our brother and we both love him, but you had better word Cynthia up, I don't want her sister to be embarrassed." He laughed. I think he was having a lend of me, like trying to turn me on maybe.

Everybody on our beach is getting some except my boys, maybe Cynthia's sister might like one of them? I can only hope so. There was one thing that Tush and Bubble changed, on the third day they lost their loose long pants for tight short shorts and tanks, and it actually worked for the café to have a little eye candy around. Spud had tried it but Ali made him go change back into his board shorts, Spud had goofy smiles for days after that.

The surfing carnival wasn't televised but we got updates from Horse. Blue ended up beating the best and he came in second place, but like always it wasn't reported in the media, only a few obscure lines.

We were all so pleased for him, he is on his way to fame, and the next big championship is Hawaii. I knew that was televised because I used to watch it with Evan sometimes.

We all had a great week and Rita and Evan's cash registers were full most days. Spud was taking twice what he had done before and he was asking me how much he should pay the boys, Ali intervened.

"There are no wages and before you get upset, they are actually on my father's payroll and he pays them very, very well, so don't worry about it. If they have a need for anything I will get it for them, but their apartment has everything we have and more. My king is eternally indebted to them and their families so they need for nothing." He was genuine and serious.

I just couldn't help myself so the next paintings were of the three boys, Tush, Bubble and Hulk and the one after that was of Cynthia and Abs sunbaking on a cruiser and it was fantastic. Evan wanted the three boys painting hanging in the bedroom but I don't know what that was all about; maybe an obsession on his part, okay and mine, I had made their bulges a little bit bigger. I will give it to them and Cyn for their house warming presents.

The rain was pelting down and it was very cool, Ayden didn't like it because I had him dressed in long joggers and a pullover. He stretched it, pulled at it and eventually destroyed it and it fell to the floor, his face was so red by the time he'd finished. He then got his blanket off his bed and placed it over himself and watched TV in front of the fire. I noticed later on that he had lost his pants too. Yep, he's going to be a wave chaser for sure, he's just warming up to looking the part.

The car arrived and Horse and Rita piled out, Ayden was the first to run down the porch to meet his gran and friend. She kissed him endlessly and Horse took him in his big guns and did the same. They looked so healthy and Rita was sporting the start of a nice tan.

Their bags were dumped on the floor and she started on Ali and Spud who was as always tearing up. He had missed his adopted mum and didn't let her go until he had to get coffee for everyone. Tush meandered out with a tray and Rita laughed so much she nearly fainted.

"Wait, wait Tush, I have to do this, sorry," she said as she rummaged through her handbag and pulled out a ten dollar note, she then secured it to the top of his shorts. He thanked her then moved over to me, his hips were swinging in my face so I did the same and couldn't help myself, it was so funny.

"Send Bubble out will ya?" I said.

He got the same treatment, and Rita was still laughing.

"Have you turned my café into a gay bar Spud?"

"No mum, they decided it was too boring around here and wanted to spice it up a bit."

"Well where's yours and Ali's?"

"In the bin mum, where they should be," Ali replied, he wasn't amused.

Bubble winked at me then started on Evan who I know had a big boner, I could see it. He also slipped ten into his tight waistband and lingered. There wouldn't have been any trouble but he did linger. Tush helped Rita carry her bags to her room and I marched Evan to the bedroom.

"I wouldn't have minded but you lingered, did you feel anything?"

"No Den, and I didn't linger."


"I rummaged through my drawers and found my old footy shorts. Going to the bathroom I stretched them on, they were far too small and showed my boner beautifully, then I slow danced over to Evan who slipped a hundred into them. He lingered a lot and wiggled his fingers until I felt them surround my cock head.

It was on for young and old as I whispered nothing but fuck you tunes in his ear, then I stuck my tongue in. He blasted prematurely but I went on to ravish his body, after all he had paid for it and I wanted to give him his moneys worth.

Exhausted we showered, I slipped my regular shorts on and in the mirror I spied Evan staring, so I switched them to my old tighter ones. He was leaning over the hand basin within seconds.

"I know I'm going to regret this but go get the lube Den."

When we finally arrived Ali and Spud were suited up along with Horse and they were waiting for Evan. He went and did the same and as they walked through my lounge to go out the back, I heard Bubble from the porch making squishing noises.

"Bubble, shut it," Evan screamed, Bubs and I laughed.

"So did you have a good time my friend?"

"Yes Den, I got presents for everyone but let me unpack first. I saw most of the island and had a fantastic time with the other contestants and onlookers, they all know about my café now and don't be surprised if we get even busier. Blue and Alex were partying with the others when we left, he is so happy and so popular too Den. I worry for Alex though, he's a little miffed the guys take so much of Blue's time away from him." She smiled.

"He's a very clever boy your son, he will work something out, I'm sure of it." I smirked, then I went on,

"Well it's going to get busy anyway, we had a food critic in a few days ago, but I don't know which paper. The boys had it all under control but we might have to build and extension on the café soon."

"Really, I'm sure it will be good Den, those boys can cook. They can dance too." She giggled.

I missed my boys and started down the track to go see them, Ayden accepted a small t-shirt but nothing else. I had brought his blanket because I knew when we got onto the beach it will be chilly. My patience was tested because he wanted to go in the water.

"It's too cold Bubs."

"Not!" he spat out.

After doing this three times I picked him up and dumped him in the water. He didn't flinch but just laughed and splashed away to his hearts content. Maybe he has no nerve endings, it was bloody cold so when we got back to our tree he reached for the rug and wrapped it around himself, then shivered.

"I told you it was cold Bubs; why don't you listen to dad?"

"Not!" his lip dropped.

I hugged him to me and rubbed his back so he would feel warmer and he fell asleep, it has been a big day for him. I placed him on our oversized towel then watched my big Bubs surf.

After tying the twine on our feet I too drifted off. I had a dream and I won't repeat it but I woke with the hardest stiff I have ever had. Well the first night with Evan was the hardest but this one was close. I also felt someone rubbing it.

Evan smiled as his hand snaked around my dick and he watched the boys while he rubbed me off. I couldn't hold on, that dream of him being fucked by Hulk was so real and it lingered on my mind. I blew a shit load of cum and he wiped me up with the spare towel.

"Bubs let's do something different tonight."

"Like what Den?"

"Let's fuck in the bushes."

"Umm, had a good dream did you?"

"Yes, can we?"

"I'll let you know." He took off to do more surfing so the cold water will settle him down a bit.

I arrived at the café around two, opened the shop and ordered coffee, our food writer was there again with two others, he looked more relaxed today. Bubble and Tush both walked around cleaning off tables and generally talking to their customers, Rita had gone for a nap. They talked to the foodie and I noticed his eyes were on Tush's bulge, he was drooling at the mouth and I don't think it was the food doing it. He wanted photos of the guys so they obliged, and were very good at their craft because they played the camera.

"They are from the Herald Sun Den, the weekend food lift-out, they wanted to meet Rita but we told them she was just back from a food conference in Indonesia and was having a nap." He smiled.

"I hope they don't get crowds of people down here because it will be chaotic, but on the other hand it will be good for you guys and Rita. I think he liked Tush's bulge."

"He did Den, and Tush played it up to the max." He grinned again.

A tired looking Rita waddled out with a strong coffee in hand, she had her one-hour sleep but she needs more, yet she was going to get ready for work. She said the boys banned her from her own kitchen and they didn't want to see her again until dinnertime.

"Ali wanted to remodel your kitchen while you were away, but I stopped him."

"Thanks Den, I like my kitchen just the way it is thank you very much, but I have noticed that the menu has gotten larger while I was away."

"East meets west honey, a blending of two worlds and their cooking is popular and very good. They enjoy it; so go with the flow baby, no harm done and you don't have to pay them, the king does that." I laughed.

"Well it's getting crowded in that kitchen so it will be a good thing when Ali and Spud open the amusement parlor."

"Yes and we know who will be their first customer." I looked down at a sleeping little boy.

The boys came up and kebabs were served on a big platter along with the necessary condiments, everyone tucked in and they smiled and smacked their lips for ages. Tony and Jay had arrived and there was plenty for them too, they were doing a little dance at the table as they served coffee. Tony was getting redder and redder, he and Horse hadn't done the dirty for five days and when he couldn't stand it anymore he screamed,

"Horse I have something to show you, now, it's urgent!"

They ran off with his bags and we didn't see them again for almost the rest of the night.

Jay was in conversation with Ali and Spud, they got along very well and decided to have another movie night soon at Jay's place. He was telling them how happy he was working for Tony and he was seeing someone on and off from Longford. They were taking it slowly and the guy doesn't want to be involved with all of us just yet. We accepted that and wished him well, Donk was looking a little wary and we all were a little concerned when he flinched when Donk touched his shoulder.

"What was that all about Jay?" I had to know, because I somehow felt it.

"Just a sore shoulder from lifting tables today, it will pass."

"Hold him Tiny," Donk shouted.

Tiny held Jay while Donk pulled his windcheater up and I gasped because he was covered in bruises.

"Who did this to you, and don't tell me you fell over shit either?" Donk went ballistic.

"No one, I had a fall," he cried.

"Right Jay, tell me his name and where so I can find him or I'll beat it out of you myself," Spud threatened.

He started crying he was very upset, but he didn't say another word, my butterflies went crazy and I folded onto the table.

"Den?" Evan grabbed me.

"Hurts, it hurts Bubs, this has never happened before and it hurts." I gasped out and it was hurting bad, so much energy going through my body.

"I have to paint." Meanwhile Jay had managed to run off and I watched as he jumped in his car, last I saw of him he was turning the corner at top speed.

Tiny got on his phone and was talking to someone quite urgently, he hung up.

"He will be intercepted at Longford; they will lock him up for a few hours so we have time to find out who the cunt is who abused him."

"I have to paint; it has something to do with Jay so I have to know."

"Go Den, I will wait on the couch for you. Donk look after Ayden please. Ali, this is your fairy folk at work." Ali's mouth dropped.

I didn't have to paint, all I had to do was draw a portrait, it only took me a half hour and I looked this time. It was a man's face, a little older than Jay and he was wearing overalls with a garage motif stitched onto them.

"Den, who is he?" Evan asked when he looked.

"Jay's abuser the cunt, take it to Tiny and see if he recognizes him, it looks like he works in a garage somewhere, where's Bubs?"

"Still asleep with the boys Den, are you okay?"

"Yes Bub, this is so much better than painting, but I still hurt all over and I think I'm feeling Jay's pain. He must feel dreadful Bubs; it does hurt a lot."

This was something different and as I walked out to the porch the guys were looking over the poster, none of them recognized the guy so Tiny took a photo and sent it to his brother in law, the local cop.

Tush and Bubble were asking questions, my god I don't need this guy to disappear, I want him arrested and put in jail.

Tush got onto Evan's lap top and typed away at a hundred miles an hour until he found what he had been looking for. I looked over to Ali who was stunned into silence, he held Spud's hand and was looking directly at me. I tried to smile but the punches returned and I screamed in pain.

"Den what the fuck is happening to you?"

"He's got him and he's beating him up, he must be in the bay because he hasn't made it to Longford."

"He's at the caravan park motel, let's go Bubble." The guys stood up and I looked at the computer screen, there was a man's face and it was him. They had somehow found him on Facebook, "What the fuck?" I screamed out then flopped into my chair.

"Don't kill him, just hold him."

Their car roared into life followed by Donk's, who had Tiny and Trip with him. My head fell onto the table, so much pain, Ayden slept but was distressed.

"Help him." I ran to the king and queen's painting.

"Help my boy," I pleaded. I heard Ayden crying so I dashed out and scooped him up.

"It's okay baby, it's only a dream, fuck Evan, take him." I couldn't stand it anymore; the pain was so real, then I passed out.


If this is what I am going to get from now on I don't want it. I woke a half hour later and my pain was all gone, but as usual a sandwich and a glass of water were beside my bed. Ayden and Evan were with me and Ayden had his hand on my cheek, stroking it.

`King help, dah king helps Bubs."

"He did baby, he did good."

"Are you okay Den?"

"Yes Bubs, the pain is all gone, have you heard anything?"

"No Den, just waiting for a call."

I skulled the water and took a bite of the sandwich, it was good and I felt I was back to normal.

When we went back to the table a storm was brewing and it wasn't in the sky. Ali wanted to know what the fuck was happening and he had got himself into a rage; he was more concerned for me than Jay. I assured him it was normal when something was about to happen. Ayden sleeps while I paint or draw, he's just best to leave me alone when that happens. Evan's got my back and Ayden's got his king to soothe him. Evan was massaging my shoulders again and it felt wonderful.

He just wasn't getting it so Evan took over and explained it all to him as a lawyer would. He calmed down and stared into my eyes, I felt something becoming alive and then there were thousands of butterflies filling my whole body again. I smiled and thanked them then I got the biggest shock of my life.

An image; a beautiful image of a boy standing on the shore laughing his head off, he was wearing a crown and Spud and Ali were sliding past him, happy as ever. The boy's hand reached out and touched Spud's heart as he passed, the fairy folk covered the boy and the party was happening.

I rocked again and looked at Evan who smiled and kissed me.

"You go; I will be there in a minute. I looked at Ali and Spud and apologized. They both looked shell shocked.

"This is another first but I have to do it, sorry boys."

I put my sling on and held Bubs to my heart, I know this painting will be brilliant and it's the one that will heal Ali's heart, he gets this one for nothing.

I painted into the night and the single porch light lit up my area, I felt eyes on the work and I knew they were Ali's and Spud's. When I looked over to the couch I saw my Evan asleep and peaceful and Horse was cradling Ayden in his arms and staring at me. I slumped and my butterflies awoke as I looked at the awesome painting.

"Thank you my friend, are the boys still awake?"

"Yes Den, are you okay?"

"Oh yes, yes I'm okay."

I knocked on Spud's window and they flew out the door, hugging me and stroking my aching back.

"You can look now, it's finished. Ali I'm sorry but before you look I have to tell you David was behind this painting. He was here with me and we were doing it together, he's very happy and living with his fairy folk, and he's looking after you both." Ali was stunned into silence. Spud moved him over to the painting and he started weeping as Ali's arm went around his shoulder, they stared at it for ages so I left them there. I wanted a drink and I had to wake Evan up. Going through Rita's back door and after loads of kissing, I encountered Rita, Tush and Bubble having coffee outside the cafe.

"Is there any left?"

"Yes Den, another masterpiece I assume." Rita smiled.

"I didn't paint it, David did, he held my hand as I moved the brush. If you look at it closely you will find they are David's strokes not mine." I lowered my head. Ali and Spud were behind me, I heard Ali gasp and his throat spasm, and I didn't have to look at him to know his tears were flowing. But I did turn around and grab him into an almighty hug, he thanked me a million times and eventually asked if David had said anything. I thought about it for a long time as I looked him in his tear streaked eyes.

"He said this was his last painting, he doesn't have to accept Spud because he's known him all his life and you should love him as much as you loved David."

"Is that all?"

"Yes baby, he loves you both so much. I felt that love as he guided my hand over the canvas, which by the way is his house warming present to you both from him."

Ali fell to bits and Tush took him this time and talked to him in Arabic and Bubble made us all coffee and laid it out on our table. It wasn't late, just past eleven but the calmness suddenly overcame our shack, again I felt it and so did Horse. He looked me in the eyes and said,

`Did you feel that?"

"Yes my beautiful friend, it's the house relaxing, the magic at work."

He blew his breath out and I picked my coffee up to take a drink, I knew there was something I had to do but Evan's eyes were on me so I leaned over and kissed him deeply and with all my heart. I suddenly remembered Jay.

"What happened to Jay?"

"He's in hospital Den, the guys found him pretty beaten up in that motel. They are staying there to see him through the night," Evan told me.

"The guy is a mechanic and works at the local servo, Jay met him at the garage and he literally charmed his pants off. But that's another story. He has a young family and they were very upset and ignorant when the police told them about his other life. He's also in hospital with a smashed ankle and the cops said Jay had done that out of desperation, he used the baseball bat the guy had hidden under the bed. He's a sicko so it could have been very bad for Jay if the boys hadn't got there in time Den."

I looked at Bubble who had an evil smile on his face so I gave him the thumbs up. Tush giggled and then drank his coffee.

"Is he going to be alright Bub?"

"Yes Den, he told Donk he was so lonely and the guy was nice to him but he abused him for hanging around with a load of poofters. He forgave him but when the boys got there he was having another go." I felt so sad for Jay, I know what he went through and all he ever wanted was someone to love in the end.

I drank my coffee in silence and the next thing I became aware of was when I opened my eyes, the sun was out and Evan was cradling me in his arms. His breath smelt minty, he must have woken earlier and brushed. His eyes slowly opened and he whispered to me,

"We didn't do the bushes last night Den, how about tonight?"

I pulled him in closer and replied,

"Pass the lube will ya bubs, I have to catch up."

"No Den, let's just hold each other."

Jay was okay and there were no bones broken but when Tony found out he went ballistic at the hospital; then at the police station. They had to restrain him from going to the guy's family home to have another go. The guy will be charged with various offences and he got a really nice mention with a photo in the local paper. Jay's name wasn't mentioned and the guy's Facebook page and photo meme went viral with comments like, `kiddy fiddler,' mentioned all over it. Tush again smiled as I read the comments then I said a very quiet thank you to him.

"Coffee Den?"

"Yes please Tush my friend. I smiled.

He told me they found Jay's Facebook page then went through his friends, they found the guy and hacked his account. Tush said they do it all the time when they are working for the king, they would post porn photographs of their mark in bed with them. I wondered if I could search their accounts.

Cynthia was also upset when she heard, she and Jay had become good friends through Tony's business sop she turned up the following day. I told her about Hulk and she laughed her head off because she had been talking him up to her sister. Abs later appeared and they went off to look at her build together. I don't think there were any workers there today because they took an hour and when they got back they looked a little flustered.

"Do you need another lay down Cyn?"

"Fuck off Den."

Abs got the drinks this time and he sat there holding her hand while we bantered back and forth. I will get Ayden ready and go visit Jay later this morning but right now Rita is busy making chocolate cakes and the boys will serve. Tush and Bubble are dancing around each other at the grill and Ali keeps smiling at me, I know he wants to talk but now's not the time. Spud was still upset about Jay's treatment so Ali was concentrating on putting a smile back on his face.

He pulled Spud into the café and must have kissed him because the next thing I heard was,

"Will you too cut it out, either go to your room or do your work." Rita was back.

Cynthia and Abs were blushing and would sneak a look at each other so I thought I'd better give them a push.

"Are you going to move in with Cynthia when the house is finished Abs?" He blushed.

"She hasn't asked me Den; Australian women are so independent."

"She hasn't had the chance to ask you, if you would stop molesting her body, she just might say the words," Cyn answered, she's a bomb.

"I thought I might just force you to scream them aloud."

"Fuck me Abs, let's go down to the beach." She winked at him.

He held her chair as she slipped to her feet then they almost ran across the road to the foreshore and into the bushes, they were lost for another hour.

Talking to Abs later on in the morning, I asked where Hulk was but he didn't look too happy with the question.

"Spit it out Abs, I may as well hear the whole story."

"Den this is between you and me, Hulk worked with Tush and Bubble on secret missions, he was only sixteen at the time but my King wanted him for a particular job, the mark liked younger men. How old do you think Hulk is Den?"

"I don't know, about twenty-five maybe."

"He's twenty-one Den, same age as my prince." I was shocked because he looked a little older, maybe his solid body might have something to do with that.

"He stays close to the guys because the mark beat him up so much he had to have reconstructive surgery after the ordeal. The mark disappeared thanks to Tush and Bubble and they stayed by Hulk's side twenty-four seven until he recovered. They still sleep with him because he has nightmares. Don't get all down Den, it's over now, he's a killer when he needs to be and doesn't let anyone get near enough to hurt him now."

"But the guys said they had threesomes with him."

"They don't, they wouldn't hurt him, he is their brother and friend. He's at home sobbing into his pillow because Jay's beating brought back sad memories for him. His mark was wiped off the face of the earth thanks to Tush and Bubble, they saved his life."

"They killed him?" He dropped his head maybe thinking how much he should tell me.

"Yes Den, now his family want retribution and Ali is their target, this is our business Den, this is our job to protect him at all cost. Our king has left us here because he knows there's magic at work and he's protecting the three guys, also he feels responsible for Hulk's treatment. Tush and Bubble, apart from being trained killing machines, are also educated in psychology and they helped him enormously."

"And Jay's treatment brought it all back?"

"Yes, he has a soft spot for Jay but Jay doesn't see him, that's why he's upset."

I thought about what he had said and I worried more for Rita, Ayden and Evan, and of course my boys, maybe Spud would be better off at the island, but then I would worry about him and Ali.

"They are safe Den, my king has eyes everywhere and he will notify us if something's about to happen, he spends a fortune making this happen." He took my hand.

"I am moving in with Cynthia; her house will make it easier for us to monitor the comings and goings around here and I will speak to Tiny now. I know about his connections, his brother in law the cop especially and I want him to alert us if any strangers are lurking around in Longford. Security is our job Den, we may look like we are living it up but Ali put Tush and Bubble in the café to watch all of you, we are Ali's bodyguards and follow him everywhere. By the way Den, Spud's got a nice ass."


"We have to watch sometimes Den."

"What the fuck, do you watch everyone?"

"In a round about way but my prince comes first, we can't help it if they decide to make love on the beach." He laughed.

"Does Spud know?"

"No Den, but my prince does, it was the same with David."

Fuck me, there's so much going on in my head that all I want to do is sleep, but the touch on my shoulder told me otherwise, Evan and I had to leave to go see Jay. I asked Abs if it would be okay to take Hulk in to see him, he said he is waiting to be asked and we should.

We got Ayden into the seat and then pulled over to Tony's. Evan ran up and collected Hulk and the boys and Rita followed behind as we drove into town. I tried to speak with Hulk but it was more hand signs, I wanted to know him better. In the past he was just there, but after my conversation with Abs I see him in a different light. He was gorgeous and he didn't look his age, and when I looked closely in the hospital light I could see pink scars all down one side of his face. My heart sank, I felt like I had to protect him, not the other way around. Then I thought I would have a word to Ayden's king about it.

Next: Chapter 47

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