Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 20, 2018


Aydens Eyes 49

Spud didn't close until eight, he was so happy with his opening day he shouted the Cokes. He then handed a wad of cash to Evan to bank for him.

"I will pay you for the milkshakes later mum, how many did we give away?"

"You wont you know, it's my pleasure to do that for you, there should be more of it, lets just make a deal now. The kids who get the highest scores get one free or an ice cream from now on; not just today."

"Thank you mum, that's awesome." He and Ali slapped hands.

Abs came over and bowed.

"My Prince they are ready." He half smiled as he bowed again.

"Come my love we have a special treat tonight." Ali took Spuds hand.

"Yes my Prince." Spud blushed.

We found out Bubble and Tush had made a special dinner for them on the roof top; the table apparently looked magnificent.

Oh how the other half lives.

I took my son off Horse and again we headed to bed, he was tired because he had another big day, so was Evan he went straight to sleep, I couldn't get settled so I shook him.


"Turn over will ya."


He giggled as I reached over to his drawer.

Now today will be different; absolutely no shop until two; Evan has to surf that's why he's here. When I woke he had already gone so I collected our kid and we went looking for warm milk and coffee.

Alex was again talking about their trip and driving Rita to distraction, she heard it all yesterday. I put bubs in the high chair and said to Alex.

"Tell bubs about your holiday will you. Mum and I have business to discuss. I took Rita's hand and walked her and our coffees down to the table.

"He will be showing bubs how to barong dance in a minute, I'm surprised he isn't wearing a sarong." She gigged.

"How are your plans for Riley coming along?"

"We have to look at a house this morning actually, in Longford he wants to be nearer to the kid's schools and his job."

"Good, are you sure you don't need a hand?"

"No thanks Den, Evans offered again and I told him the same. I have plenty of cash honey you know I don't spend much."

"Okay, well good luck today."

Horse arrived and went to the kitchen to rescue Ayden. I was pleased that Evan wanted to help, that tells me he has a lot more cash than I thought he had.

"No surfing this morning Horse?"

"No Den, I need to get onto Cynthia's house now, Ali's is nearly finished. The workers can move over to Cyns full time. Then I have to get started on Tony's holiday flats, he said to tell you there will be twelve apartments four stories high." He chuckled.

I didn't believe him Tony wouldn't ruin the landscape with high rise apartments.

"How many really Horse?"

"Four Den two upstairs two down, he's going to build a high wall between them and Jays place, so everyone has some privacy."

"Sounds good to me, well I must be away." Rita left to do the school run then she was going to look at the house.

"What's he going to do with the other block?"

"He hasn't decided yet Den, it's a toss up between more holiday flats or a new showroom, he was thinking of splitting his stock. Big stuff and smaller stuff. I think he's working on a new range he thinks will sell."

"God he's money hungry Horse, but it might be too much for him."

"No, Den his motivation is the kill, he loves to win. And you can almost see it on his face when he has a good sale, I think he orgasms." He laughed, Ayden sighed a little because he was having another ten minutes' rest.

Some more caravans came up the road and we watched as they settled into their regular spots. Its only the September school holidays but as I said earlier some folks take extra time off work when their kids have a break. I can't wait to see Mike, and Mavis will be with them.

Kids were running around the place and as soon as they spied Spuds shop they would head there; he's going to be a very busy boy me thinks. Ali has installed Abs in the parlour just to oversee the security side of things. I watched as an excited little kid ran into Rita's he had a token and picked an ice cream he then sat on the steps and ate it.

The boy that was a winner yesterday was sitting in the café eating some chips he was on his phone using the wifi. I saw Blue talk to him then he ran off; ten minutes later he was back with his board and Alex Blue and the kid took off to our beach. I had a good feeling that they will become best buddies. Of course there were also more of the day-trippers and they all wanted photos with Tush and Bubble.

Early in the afternoon the red caravan creaked loudly as it turned into the park and a young man jumped out, I stood and waved then took Ayden over the road.

"Hi Anne Jack, Mike and Mavis, and where is my new niece. Bubs was taken by Mike and cuddled he was telling Mike about Spuds new shop.

"Hi Den, ready to entertain an old lady again?"

"Yes Mavis your room is ready and you're not old."

"Thank you for sending Cynthia around Den, I am very pleased with the out come." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

I hugged her then Anne and shook Jacks hand. Then I was passed a sweet smelling baby who was asleep, what else do they do? She was gorgeous, when I introduced Ayden to her he squealed his delight.

"Hop in gran, and I'll get you settled." Mike was ready with the chair, I think he's excited about something.

"Thanks Mike, I will unpack then come up to the café and look for those two naked chefs." She laughed.

"They are wanting to meet you Mavis." I grinned.

"Den I have some news and I can't keep it in any longer." Anne rubbed his back.

"Well tell me don't hold it in."

"I got dux of the school I out scored everyone and was offered a scholarship." He grinned, I hugged him and slapped his back then whispered into his ear.

"I'm so proud of you Mike words can't describe how proud I am; good for you." I teared up because I know it would have been hard for him to catch up study wise. We walked over to the shack and settled Mavis in, she didn't ride her chair to the café she walked out to the porch and through the shop. She did hang on to things but she wasn't at all stressed when she got there. Rita was already back; God that was quick and she hugged Mike tightly then Mavis.

"Welcome back Mavis, coffee?"

"Yes please Rita, Mike do you want something?"

"No thanks gran where's Spud?"

"In his shop next door, and Blue and Alex are surfing." He stood there staring at me.

"Go, we will catch up later on and talk about ducks and things." He laughed down the porch then the stairs.

Mavis automatically took Ayden off me, she nursed him and kissed his head constantly.

"Mavis, so happy to finally meet you." It was Bubble Mavis went quiet; I think she was in shock because he had deliberately taken his tank top off and was wiping his abs with it. Tush arrived with the coffee and sandwiches he had done the same. They were doing a little show just for her. Phone flashes went off everywhere.

"My oh My." She said.

"Funny I said the same thing." Rita cracked up laughing. They both kissed her then sashayed up the porch giving everyone a good show.

"Your new best friends Mavis?" I smiled.

"Oh yes I am going to have so much fun with room service." She grinned. I turned to Rita and asked.

"How did you go honey?"

"We both loved it, actually it was the first one we looked at last week, and it is quite cheap so Riley's going to talk to the agent after school pick up. It has four bedrooms and the kitchen and bathrooms have been updated. It will be good for the kids they have a huge back yard to play in."

"That's good I hope they will be so happy there."

"I know they will Den." She smiled.

Mavis and I caught up on Mikes award and she again thanked me for organizing the circus posters sale, she has already given the money to Jack to put aside for Mikes education. I was trying to figure out how I could get more money to him but like Evan it seemed like an impossible task. I watched as she walked through the shop to go have a lay down then I took my baby and walked him into Spuds. There were kids everywhere lined up to play the games. He only had thirty different ones and they were all being used. I think he should get more but space is now an issue.

"Dah me me." He was pointing to the surfing one Evan had taken him on yesterday.

"Not now bubs look the kids are lined up to play on it."

"Ooh." He was confused.

"Maybe dads will take you for a ride later okay?"

"Okay." He nodded his consent then he threw his arms around my neck.

Mike was on one of the machines laughing, he lost so gave it up for another kid to play. I saw Ali watching him so I walked over to see what was up.

"He is a very clever boy Den, dux of the school is a good thing I know."

"Yes he's come a long way to get to this point Ali, we all love him to bits."

"That football club raffle Anne purchased a ticket in at Longford should help."

"Umm, what raffle Ali?"

"The ticket Susan sold her, you know the one that has the twenty thousand dollars first prize money, Ann bought a ticket on their way through." He grinned.

I stared at him and thought why didn't I think of that with Evan.

"How the hell did you organize that one?"

"Well when Spud told me his story I had a book of tickets printed then got Susan to sell Anne one. Of course Den there will only be one ticket sold she should get a phone call just before she go's home." He laughed.

"Thank you Ali you know you didn't have to do that."

"I know; but it's for the good of the bay that all our customers and campers keep coming back." He giggled.

Mike rolled up with Spud.

"Are we ready?"

"Yes my prince." Mike made a gagging sound.

"Where are you off to?"

"Surfing Den, we can't have Spud overworking himself now can we." He was serious, I was about to laugh.

I looked over at the change booth and saw Hulk with a big grin on his face, he was having a ball with the kids.

"Can I take bubs with me for a swim?"

"Of course Mike I'll be down soon."

Bubs clapped his hands and I handed him over to Mike. They scooted out the back door to the beach. I gave Hulk the thumbs up and went back to my porch. Looks like everyone's deserted me maybe I had better go see how my big boy is doing.

I waved to Tush and went out through the shop to our track that leads to the beach. When I got there Evan was giving Ayden a board ride, Blue and Horse were attaching his dingy to the Jet ski and I suppose they were deciding who was going to drive and who was going to ride. Horse won the argument and Blue gently rode off with Ayden screaming his head off. He rode out to where it wasn't so choppy and that dingy bobbed along the water gracefully.

Bubs was with me now, and I felt his hand on my back.

"Is the shop busy?"

"No Bubs I closed it earlier there was too much to do, did you restock it this morning?"

"Yes Den, Donk helped we had it done in no time."

"Okay, well you just enjoy yourself I will open it at two."

"No, I'll come up to the house that's my job."

"Bubs do you ever buy raffle tickets?"


"Raffle tickets, do you ever buy them?"

"No Den, no one ever wins those things."

"Oh." I had better come up with another plan then. Maybe I will talk to Ali.

"Den, I have plenty of cash now, thanks to you, my repayments are easily managed and my bank balance looks a lot better."

"I wasn't thinking about that bubs I was just curious that's all."

"Yes you were, I already know about Ali's scam Spud told me earlier on." He grinned, why am I always the last to know?

I walked back with a very excited little boy. Blue had chained and padlocked his dingy to a tree so they don't have to drag it down to the beach all the time. He gave the spare key to Ayden to look after, it had been threaded through a leather thong. As we passed his room I hung it over his bed post. He needs his lunch and milk now then an afternoon nap, another big day for him. Mavis was there having her lunch and Tush was serving her, she was all innocent looking but her eyes were everywhere. I ordered a pie and a small sausage roll for the baby then sat with her.

"Den, do you think Cynthia would be interested in selling my Lalique glass collection, I have ten or so pieces to sell?"

"I don't know much about it only what I've seen on the Antiques roadshow Mavis but I will ask her if you like."

"Please do Den, I've had it for years, my mother collected it; but the kids need the money now and it's a good time to part ways."

I took up my phone and called Cynthia.

"Honey would you be interested in selling a collection of Lalique glass wear?" She screamed down the phone.

"She wants to know how many pieces?"

Mavis had that innocent look on her face again.

"Oh about fifteen pieces at last count, oh and tell her they are all one offs." My butterflies went crazy.

"Oh Cyn, about fifteen, one offs." She hung up.

"She will be down soon." I calmly said.

I know that maker his stuff commands big prices, I wonder what else she has in her cupboards. And I wondered if that was the magic working, she would get a great price for the collection plus Anne's raffle ticket win, they will have more than enough for Mikes education.

"What else have you got stored away Mavis?" I eyed her off because she was holding back.

"Not a lot Den, just some odds and ends a few Art Deco necklaces and broaches. Anne doesn't like them much too old fashioned she says, but my mum loved them, all those diamonds, so much glitter the young ones don't like that now days."

"Where did she buy them from, like was she an antique shop junkie or something?"

"No Den, being with the circus affords you some special treatment, people would use the circus in town to raise money, a bit like a pawn shop, yes that's it a pawn shop, my mum had the money and she had a good eye too, so she would buy some of the more specialized items off people."

I got it, she was a fence for every stolen object de art in the country. I suppose it was long ago nobody would be looking for that stuff now, you bloody old faker. I laughed to myself then Evan came up he was hungry. I ordered him a pie and started cutting up bub's sausage roll.

"No dah, no for bubs." He leant over and picked it up then started eating it with both hands.

"Sauce?" He looked at me, Evan laughed and went to get some. He was happy to eat like the big guys do, most of the pastry ended up on his lap and the floor, but he enjoyed the sauce.

We ate and I was asking Evan what the penalty was for selling stolen goods. Mavis laughed and Evan gave me a bewildered stare. I will tell him later.

"Well must be off to see my granddaughter, I'll see you later Den, Evan and you too bubs." She actually walked down the stairs and across the road into the red caravan.

"She's walking better Den, do you think she was faking it all along?"

"Hard to tell with those Circus types bubs."

The boys arrived then Spud Ali and Mike. Mike took the orders and sent them to Alex's phone, then he asked if we needed the shop swept. Evan said no, but he could open it and check the till has change in it.

He did that gladly I don't know if Rita needs him but if I know her she will find jobs for him to do and so will we.

Ali and Spud were deep in conversation and it looked like it was getting a little heated.

"What's up boys?"

"Nothing Den, just trying to work something out."

"What would that be Spud?"

"Ali wants to close the shop at six so we can have some us time but I want to open it until nine." I know what this is all about I have the same issues.

"Boys you need to get out occasionally, you got Hulk and even Mike to help you now, use them. I'm sure Rita wouldn't mind. Then you can have like two hours to yourselves before you return at eight."

I'm so smart.

"We could do that Ali, is that enough time?"

"Yes Spudley more than enough." He grinned, me thinks Ali's a little bit randy.

"Why don't you ask Rita and Mike then he could start maybe right away for a few hours this afternoon." They jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

"They want some time to themselves." He winked at us - Mikes no fool.

"You don't mind helping out?"

"Of course not Den, that's what I'm here for." He smiled.

"So if I ask you to look after the shop for a half an hour you wont mind?"

"No why would I mind you do employ me too you know."

"Come on bubs we have some washing to do, guys look after the small bubs will ya?" Evan laughed all the way to our room.

We arrived back in record time because I was randy. Cynthia had turned up and was chomping at the bit.

"Where have you been and where is Mavis?"

"Doing some washing Cyn, and Mavis is visiting her grand daughter." I smiled.

"Did she bring the stuff with her?"

"I don't know Cyn have a coffee I'm sure she wont be long."

"Horse how far along are we?"

"About a quarter of the way Cynthia, the guys have knocked off for the day but will be back with a full workforce tomorrow, it wont take long now all the guys are free."

I played with my phone and a message slipped from my fingers, within minutes Abs was on the porch giving Cyn a rather smashing kiss.

"Lets go and see what's been done." She took his hand and the almost ran towards the shop; no they detoured into the apartment.

Hulk wouldn't be there he was now having many sleepovers at Jays place and they looked very happy with themselves, Nut's approved of their relationship so all was going well in Jays world at last. No more dramas.

Mavis came back and she was carrying a shopping bag.

"Did I see Cynthia before Den?"

"Yes Mavis she will be back soon, she's just gone with Abs to look at her build."

She grinned at me knowing full well that they were a couple then she said.

"She's a very lucky young lady Den."

"She sure is Mavis in more ways than one."

"Den!" It was Evan.


"Come here."

"Coming, wont be long Mavis."

The guys started laughing because I think I'm going to be yelled at again.

"I will only give you three vases at the moment Cyn, lets see how the land lies first." Mavis handed the shopping bag over to her.

Cyn pulled out three packages all wrapped in bubble wrap, she undid the first one and blew her breath out.

"What the fuck?" She was shocked, the vase was absolutely beautiful.

"Are they good ones Cyn?" Oh you are too good Mavis of course you know they are good even I could see that.

Horse looked closely I could see he was appraising it; he knows his prices I think.

"Mavis this vase alone will bring in maybe twenty thousand, lets see the others." She did the same with the other two they were as good if not better than the first one.

"You have got a shit load of money tied up in this Mavis, I can't guarantee I'll get the same money for all of them but it will go close. Shit where did you get them from?"

"My mum collected pretty vases they were hers now they are mine."

"Well she had a good eye, these are one offs and they are very sought after, what are the others like?"

"I couldn't carry them all Cyn they are too big for my bag."

"You have bigger ones? my God I have to see them as soon as possible when can I call around?"

"When I get home Cyn, in two weeks, oh there's another package I want you to look at maybe you could sell it too, I have some more in the same vein at home you can also look at."

Cyn dug deep and pulled out a purple velvet box, it was very old and when she opened it her hand moved to her throat, I saw her eyes tear up. It was a gorgeous diamond necklace with matching drop earrings. It sparkled in the sunlight.

"How much of this stuff have you got Mavis?"

"Not a lot Cyn truly, my mum loved sparkly things."

"This will probably get you fifty or so grand maybe more Mavis, we have to have it valued first I will take it to a jeweller I know in Warragul."

She was trying to catch her breath it sounded so sexy, and Abs noticed too.

"Its simply beautiful, if you don't mind can I have first dibs on it, I adore it." It was Cyn, and would look good on her, just a simple necklace but the stones were big.

"I will give you a hundred thousand right this minute Mavis." Abs said.

"What?" Cyn yelled.

"Settled down my princess, I want to buy it for you as a sort of engagement present." Abs smiled.

"What?" Poor Cyn.

"For our engagement baby, I hope you will be kind to me and say yes." He smiled.

Cyn thought about it for just a minute then yelled.

"Yes." She deeply kissed him as everybody clapped and whooted.

"Sold to the hunky Arab called Abs for fifty, and not a penny more young man." Mavis picked a spoon up and tapped it on the table.

"Are you spending your Princes hard earned money again you filthy farm dog?" Ali had heard the proposal.

"No my Prince I am spending your father the Kings money, he told me to buy Cynthia a nice trinket, and I will pay one hundred."

"That's okay then as long as it's not your money, do you love it Cyn?"

"Oh yes its beautiful." Then tears arrived Spud was having a moment.

"We had better go Spudly, times getting away from us."

"Yes my Prince." He flashed his ring in the sun and then put a big smile on his face. Mike followed them up to spuds shop.

Cynthia wasn't in the mood to do anything much she couldn't believe Abs did that. Mavis handed over her bank details and Abs transferred the money. I held Mavis's hand and squeezed it she squeezed it back then whispered.

"I hope they don't get mad when they find out its only paste." She giggled.

"It is not, even I can see they are real." She winked and nodded.

"Just a joke Den, of course they are real, my mum was good at things like that."

The party started and Evan got busy so I left Ayden with the guys and Donk and I took up our positions. It was the clothes that were bringing them in, Cody and Rory's stuff was leaping off the shelves, bubs had better order some more if he wants to trade at Christmas time.

We had to make some sort of plan for Mike, he can't work fourteen hours a day its too much for him. I made up a roster to show Rita and she will fine tune it.

I heard yelling coming from the porch, and when I looked out Tush and Bubble were dancing with some lady customers. I must have lingered because I heard.

"Den!" Coming from the shop again.

We sat at the table and Evan counted his money, he had done well today. He handed Donk some cash, he smiled and thanked him. Mavis, Anne, Jack and little Emma were up at Rita's having dinner tonight, I absconded with Emma and was giving her baby cuddles, Ayden who was still in Horses arms glared at me, then he wanted over. I have to prioritize my cuddles so I took Emma back then grabbed my boy, he looked a lot happier; Horse didn't.

Tony and Jay arrived and said their hellos, then Jay left to go find Hulk as Tony settled in. He ordered a sandwich but Alex said they had a special diner planned tonight it wont be long.

The three boys bought out large plates of fried rice and four different Chinese meals, it all looked so delicious. Evan filled my dish and then he helped himself. He knows I forget to eat sometimes and today I had only had a half a pie.

It was delicious, I don't know who cooked it but it was so filling.

Bubs had some chicken I cut up for him and some fried rice. He fed himself once again and I cleaned up after him. Evan started popping spoonsful into his mouth, he seemed to eat plenty.

"How was the shop today Tony?" Evan asked.

"Good Evan, we got through it okay but I am still behind with orders."

"Tony you have heaps of part timers here at the moment why don't you utilize them?"


"Well Donk for one and there's Mike, I'm sure Rita doesn't need Alex or Blue all the time, put your heads together and come up with a plan."

"It's a thought Evan, I just wish Hulk's English was better he would look good in the shop." He giggled.

"Ahh yes but can he sell stuff?"

"I don't know I only know he would look good." He giggled again, Horse looked at him and said.

"Early night for you I think."

"But seriously he will have Jay with him, and the only way his English is going to improve is to actually talk to people." I intervened.

"True Den I will have to have a think about it."

"The King pays him."

"He's hired." Tony laughed.

That meal we had made me feel a little sleepy and as Anne and Jack said their goodnights I whispered to Evan I was going to have an early night. I bathed our boy, he's growing every day, soon I will have to get him a bigger bath. We didn't have a bath in our bathroom but Rita has one we can use, but for the moment it will be just him and me in his room.

He said goodnight to me then Evan popped his head in and kissed him. His bottle was ignored because he was so full his eyes were droopy before we left the room. I stripped off naked and crawled into bed, Evan was standing there looking at me. I think he was tossing up wether to re-join the crowd or go to bed with me. I turned onto my stomach and the sheet slipped down below my bum. He's going to stay me thinks, because I heard his shorts drop to the floor.

Next: Chapter 50

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