Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 10, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 5

My hands began his cleansing and the more I touched him the more I wanted. A fire had been lit deep inside me and I don't want it ever to go out, Evan is so gorgeous inside and out. My soapy hands slid over every bump, every shape and every crevice of his body and I kissed his full lips every time my face was near his. His golden tan was awesome and his body was curved in the most sensuous way.

"I love you Evan, deeply and truly."

"Me too you Den." We connected, our stiffs were joined and I was surprised he was about an eight like me. When I'd seen it before at the pool it looked smaller but I was very happy with his size, my god is that another gay thing?

Just then he turned to face the wall and said,

"Take me Den, please take me." I knew what he meant and I was so ready for this so I ducked out to get some grease from the vanity drawer. He lifted his beautiful butt backwards and I so gently slid in, I was shaking all over as the sensation was indescribably awesome. He gasped and moaned deeply and I felt him shudder as I very slowly moved back and forth.

"Den harder please, a little harder." I complied with his wishes and he moaned louder.

"This good?"

"Yes fucking awesome, go a bit faster." I didn't want to hurt him.

I did what he wanted, then I lost it. I slammed him forward against the wall pulling his hips back. I lifted myself up on the balls of my feet and pushed again cramming everything I had into him. He screamed, "Yes, oh yes that's it." in between his moaning, I think he enjoyed it as much as me, a fucking dream come true he was almost crying by the time I finished.

We sat at the table with smiles on our faces and as red as beetroots, sipping on coffee while Ayden banged his way through a rattle tune. I reached over and tapped his hand.

"You really got off on that didn't you?"

"You don't know how many times I wanted you to do that to me, and it was perfect, it hurt but fuck me Den it was awesome; I can't stop thinking about it, thank you."

"All my pleasure Evan, got anymore tricks on your menu?"

"Oh yes, one more fantasy that involves your ass and my tongue."

I groaned because I knew what he wanted to do and my dick was instantly hard in my jock, I think this guy is going to be very good for me.

"When you settle down I want to paint you." I smiled.

"Really, in the nude?"

"No in a twin set stupid, of course nude." He laughed.

"But everyone will see me naked." I think he was blushing, bloody hell he just bared his ass to me and now he's gone all shy?

"You look awesome naked." I had to paint him.

"Will you settle for a photo instead?" He gulped.

"Yes for my wallet, then I'll still paint you." I win.

I wanted to do a portrait of him holding Ayden, both nude but no rude bits, I can work that. The other thing I wanted to talk to him about was Ayden's role in this relationship. He's our son through and through and I know I probably don't need to do this but I have to know if anything happens to me, Ayden will be Evan's to raise.

He explained that he had Spence pack the painting for travelling and he had brought it back as luggage. He pulled a lot of strings to get back to his Melbourne office and now he owes favours to a few people. We touched on Carol and he told me she was just as ashamed as he was for doing what they did, it started out as a joke but then it got serious, they never dreamed it would happen so easily.

I made more coffee and bit the bullet.

"How are we going to work this, like how will we handle Ayden between us?"

"I've thought long and hard about that Den, it's one of the reasons I had to go. And it's not what you think. You are Ayden's father and he may or may not have my DNA, yet he is your and Carol's son and I am never going to interfere with that at all. I left because I didn't want you to feel he wasn't yours, especially with me around as a constant reminder. I promise you Den, I will love and adore him as much as you do but if any major decisions about his life are to be made, you are making them."

"I just don't want you to feel like an outsider that's all."

"I don't because you know what, I have you and that's all I need and all I ever dreamed of, you dreamed of having a son and now you have him. I love Ayden but he's your baby, did you really think I would try to take him off you?"

"No, I knew you wouldn't do that to me, not ringing me is what hurt me a lot more."

"I'm sorry Den."

"It's okay, you're here now. Now how do you want to work this, do you want me to lie face down on the bed or over the couch?"


"You're so fucking easy." I laughed, then wiggled my tongue at him.

We bantered back and forth then I had to do baby things like washing, feeding and changing. He was just being a little ball of cuddly boy while I complained at how much work he was.

Evan made phone calls, took down notes and after we were done we rang Susan, but before we did we sent her a photo of the three of us, in which I was kissing Evan's cheek.

Her screaming on the phone when she answered was an indication she was happy for us. Evan was nuzzling my neck and had the biggest smile on his face as I said something about being happy. We both couldn't wait to see her again and made sure her flight to Australia landed in Melbourne, not Sydney. I'd told Evan of my plan to buy her a small Kombi van to travel in and he said he would go me halves. I thought maybe we could use it to surf the coast when Sue goes back to England and Evan got quite excited at the prospect.

Jet lag caught up with me and I put bubs on the bed with pillows and we had a lay down while Evan cooked us a meal. I thought about the last twenty-four hours and my feelings as I stroked Ayden, how did I ever get to this place? I was so fucking happy, something that five months ago I would never have believed. I didn't tell Evan that I had a DNA test done just after the park incident, I had to do it for Ayden's sake, what if anything happened and he needed blood or something urgently? But as far as I'm concerned we both are his fathers, end of story. I drifted off holding my son and felt loved and awesome.

"Den there are things we have to talk about before we get too involved in our own lives. The firm have had another offer from the insurance company and they have advised me to tell you the offer is really good and you should take it. You may get more but I think you should take it, just to finalise it all."

"What did they offer?"

He slipped a piece of paper over to me and I nearly fainted but instead nodded my acceptance.

"Can you set up something for Ayden, like some sort of investment thing, I would like him to have most of this money?"

"A trust fund Den?"

"Yes that's it, he could use it when he's older."

"Very generous Den, you don't want to keep half?"

"No, unless you want to buy property or something, do you want me to buy into this house?"

"No Den, it's ours and you have enough money to last you a lifetime or three and enough to invest in a nice home. Just a suggestion Den, with this money pay off the apartment then you can invest the rest for Ayden."

"Okay you handle it but I want to be where you are, so I'm here for now."

"We will re-visit this conversation at a later date okay?"

"For sure."

"Evan, is your apartment paid for?" I had an idea.

"No Den, it will be awhile before it's mine completely."

"Well pay for it out of the money too, I want us to be on an even keel from the start, and don't give me any arguments, it's my way of buying into this house." I smiled at his shocked face.

"Are you for real?"

"Yes; please Evan, I want to do this for us."

"I will pay you back."

"You won't you know, please just accept it."

"Oh." He started kissing me again, looks like we are heading for the bedroom.

"I will have some things for you to sign after work tomorrow."

"No you won't, you're not going into work." I put my shocked look on.

"I have to Den."

"We will come with you then." He laughed his head off but when I grabbed his balls through his shorts he quickly shut up.

"Have you noticed something Den?"

"No, what?"

"We have both laughed more in the past twenty-four hours than we have for five months, it's a good feeling."

"It is." I smiled as I stroked his face.

Ayden was fast asleep by eight and Evan's meal was delicious, I am glad he can cook. We were just sitting on the sofa making out when I remembered something. I jumped up then dropped my shorts and leant over the back of the sofa as I spread my legs.

"You promised."

"I did indeed, didn't I?" He was on his knees and I was in rapture. I had heard about it but didn't ever imagine it would ever happen to me, so fucking mint, this is just the best.

Evan looked so fucking handsome in his work suit and tie that I could have almost eaten him. We had been kissing at the front door for ages; I was still remembering last night's lovemaking when he was almost begging me to cum in his mouth, which I did gladly. I closed the door and went into the lounge room where Ayden was reorganising his soft toys in his playpen; I made another coffee then went upstairs to set up the spare pen then went to collect him. He wiggled a lot as I tried to place him in it and I think he wanted to break out because he pulled himself up and shook the shit out of the cage while talking his head off, but who could understand him? It sounded like gibberish.

My sketchbook was at hand and I started drawing a scene I had done in London, just a random snapshot of a streetscape with Big Ben looming over the shops. The mood was early evening with faceless people running back and forth for trains and taxis, some being picked up from work. I had placed in an alleyway two young men kissing, one a blonde in a suit and one with a three-day growth in jeans. They were the focus and everything that surrounded them was pointing their way. The man with the growth had a baby in a carry sling, which was barely visible as the two bodies were draped so they became almost one.

Ayden started waking up and I looked at my watch, it was twelve already. Lifting the playpen onto its side I took my little man downstairs. He drank almost all his milk and a couple of big burps later, his eyes started getting heavy. I will have to start giving him some solids soon as his digestive system should be nearly fully formed by now. I made a note to go and talk to someone from the health centre about it soon. It's all hit and miss with me, but I'm willing to learn how to give him the best start.

I felt around in his nappy and it was dry so I took him upstairs with his baby blanket and placed him once again on the floor where I kissed and covered him. By this time, he was fast asleep with one eye partially open and his dummy working overtime. I went back to my work. Evan hadn't called me; he must be busy so I will have a talk to him tonight about that, he should be checking in every now and then.

I thought I wouldn't start painting today so I began sketching another scene and my mind drifted to Evan's sleek body. I'd touched every inch of it last night, even licked some spots. I was looking at his shapes and his perfection. After what happened in the shower yesterday morning I was keen to have another crack at it. I'm not up to date on how often we can do it, so it may stop for a while. Later I whispered questions in his ear.

"Den, I will let you know when it's not right okay?"

"Okay, but when?"

"When what Den?"

I nodded and looked down a few times indicating I wouldn't mind going again and he groaned and reached over to his bedside drawer.

"Use proper lube this time." Then I heard a faint muffled giggle.

I rode that pony for ages and his moans were telling me how he was feeling while my grunts were telling me I was more than close. He didn't miss out as I licked his balls and he came gasping for air.

I snapped out of it sporting the biggest boner I have ever had, a smile had formed on my face and I had more questions tonight. Maybe after Ayden goes to sleep; I don't want to embarrass our son. The drawing I had been doing had been forgotten so I scribbled through it and with a darker pencil I started drawing Evan laying in a field surrounded by wildflowers. His legs slightly apart he was almost lifting to one side like he was looking at someone or something in the grass. I started to put tiny smiling fairies and woodland folk among the greenery and the rays from the sun will glitter as they highlight his muscle tone. That one I will paint tomorrow and he should love it because there were no naughty bits in it, except his beautiful blonde wiry pubes that were poking out the side, just a glimpse. The sun was shining through the dormer windows and smiling onto my son, so to avoid sunburn I carefully bundled him up and took him downstairs to place him in his cot. I stared at him for ages thinking how lucky I was to have him.

"Den, I'm home."

I must have fallen asleep because the house was almost dark but I quickly gathered my wits and looked at him standing in the doorway.

"You didn't ring me."

"I'm sorry, I was so busy I haven't even had lunch." He looked like a naughty boy.

"Well let's get you fed then." I looked over at Ayden who was still fast asleep then I moved over to my man and gently kissed him.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I did your nude."


"But you can't see it for a couple of days, it's not finished."

Then I added shyly,

"I thought about you all day and I'm glad you missed me because we missed you so bad." We had another kissing moment and a good amount of ass grabbing.

I looked in the fridge and found some steaks which we will have tonight then started peeling some veggies while he changed out of his work clothes.

"Den can I go up and look?"


Instead I made him go out the back yard to light the barbecue; the screaming started not long after so I ran out the back expecting the worst. Evan was cowering in the back of the yard so I ran to get to him.

"What's the matter, what happened, are you hurt?"

I checked him for blood or any sign of a wound as he held onto me shaking.

"Spider," he urgently said. I stroked his back and kissed his cheek telling him everything's okay but that was before I got a hard thump on my arm from him. I was in tears and think I shouldn't have been laughing so hard.

"It's a spider but you're like a million times bigger than it, it won't hurt you," I said for the tenth time while grilling the steaks inside.

"But I hate them Den, they frighten me, really scare me." I stifled another chuckle because I didn't want anymore bruising.

"I will buy some spider bombs tomorrow and fumigate the house okay?"

"Yes." His face went red.

"You should be embarrassed, that itty, bitty spider won't harm you, just pick it up and put it in the garden next time."

"I'll hit it with the shovel if I see it again." It was then I realised Evan suffered from arachnophobia.

Ayden woke as we ate in silence and poor Evan was still reeling from his big safari into the back yard. I changed the boy and laid him on the floor where he rolled around before sitting up then he fell back and tried to roll over to us at the table. I tried to feed him some mashed potato but he spat it out so I started showing him how to eat it. Our dinner was most welcome, especially when I remembered I hadn't had lunch either.

Evan ended up on the floor with Ayden lying on his chest, he was hitting Evan's face and laughing so I reached over for my sketchbook and put pencil to paper. As the TV presenter announced the news I felt the warmth in the room, it's been a long time since I had any sense of a family surrounding me and that warmth crept into my bones like silky chocolate. I stared for a long time as Evan and Ayden played smiley faces with farting noises. I thought about Carol and what she would think of my situation now, I think she would be pleased. She really liked Evan a lot, they were on the same level, she was seriously into her work and so is he. Rarely did they ever argue over anything, but Carol and I were at it all the time. Nothing too deep just a few digs and friendly banter, maybe a few nit picks. I had an overwhelming urge to join in the fun so I put my pencils down and we three rolled around the floor until Ayden looked tired.

Evan put him to bed while I washed the dishes then we sat on the sofa and watched the news. His arm made its way across my shoulders and I leaned on him while the newsreader did his thing. I hadn't realised it but Evan had moved his face closer to mine and he was watching me.



"Oh okay then."

So I kissed his mouth long and slow.

"Do you want to watch TV in the nude?" he whispered.

My clothes were off within seconds; he was a little slower because he was stopping to help me. We both lay down lengthwise and he got in behind me, I think because he wanted to stroke my whole body, which was nice.

"Are you okay Den?"

"Yes why?"

"I don't know, is this whole gay thing okay with you?"

I moved around to face him and said,

"I don't think straight or gay Evan, I'm in love with you and although you're a man that doesn't make any difference to me. I love you for you and I'm hoping to make you as happy as I am at this very moment."

"Oh Den, I love you so fucking much and feel the same. Now you know what I was talking about when I said I wanted to fall in love first. If I had of jumped into bed with Tony I wouldn't have had a pinch of what I'm feeling now, you are so worth the wait."

"Can I tell you something, just between you and me?" I asked.

"Of course Den, you can tell me anything."

"With Carol I felt safe and comfortable and I loved her to bits but it was a different love from what I have for you. It wasn't as deep as this, not as intimate. You have shown me what real love is and I feel it all the time I am around you. I never felt that with Carol, not once."

"Maybe you weren't really in love with her Den."

"I was in my mind but it was nothing like this."

We went silent as I looked into his eyes then kissed him. I was feeling loved and randy because he had started grinding into me gently. I flicked the TV off and took him to the bedroom where I made love to him and as I turned out the light I said to myself, 'I bet Tony couldn't make you feel like that.'

Ayden slept through the night and Evan and I played spooning, taking it in turns to hold one another. When I woke up my hand was resting on his chest and I slowly moved my thumb across it stroking his nipple, it wasn't long before he was moaning.

"Are you staying home today bubs?"

"No Den, I have to work."

"Why don't you chuck it in, we could go surfing, maybe get ourselves a little van and do that coast trip. I can paint, you can surf; Ayden can soak up some rays." I smiled at him.

"Den, I would give anything to live like that but unfortunately I have to work."

"Is there any more coffee Den?"

"Sure, coming up."

I never got a real answer from him, I suppose he's still thinking about it. I painted all day and finished two works, just streetscapes from around London. Ayden started bum dancing for real today and it was so sweet watching him trying to move around the floor.

The phone rang early just after Evan got in and it was Carol's mum, she caught me by surprise and I thought this might take some time. I moved out to the back yard and listened to her crying bitterly over her daughter's death. I watched Evan standing there looking at me and he didn't look too happy so I moved over closer and mouthed, "Carol's mum," to him.

Carol's parents apparently were at her funeral with her brother, they had flown in from Amsterdam. I put them up in a hotel or should I say Evan did, but as I said before I don't remember any of it. I will make the trip over there maybe next year so they can see their grandson and I know Evan sends photos and news through the Internet. It's too hard for me at the moment as all Carol's mum wants to talk about is her daughter and I fully understand why, she's still grieving and it was a terrible shock for us all.

She reminded me it was Carol's birthday on Saturday and suggested I take Ayden out to the cemetery. She asked if I could take flowers from her family and I promised I would. I hung up and sat at the table deep in thought when hands rested on my shoulders and started to massage them; It was so new but familiar.

"A penny for your thoughts." I lifted my hand and covered his.

It was Evan who brought me back, he had also made me live again and as I looked into his eyes I had the overwhelming urge to kiss him very deeply, and I did.

"We have to go to the cemetery Saturday, it's Carol's birthday."

"Do you want to go alone?"

"No, you're coming too, she would want to see you."

"I don't think that's a good idea Den, maybe next year."

"I love you, you are my family so we go nowhere without you. If you don't feel like going, then I won't go either." I kissed his full, perfectly shaped lips again.

I understood his reluctance as he copped the brunt of everything, even down to being hurt badly by the one he loved; me.

We both bathed Ayden, who couldn't believe his luck; a four-handed massage and lots of kisses. I smelled him as I placed him in his cot and Evan was sitting on the edge of the bed watching us; well he was watching my ass moving around in my shorts I think.

I learnt how to blow him not long after, it didn't gross me out and I'm sure I will get better at it the more I practice. He seemed to enjoy it though, and I kind of liked it too.

I woke during the night because Ayden was standing up in his cot and rattling it again. I slipped out of bed and warmed his milk but I missed Evan so I gently got bubs and me back into bed where I fed and burped him.

"I hope that's our son and not you farting." I heard a muffled voice.

"Go back to sleep bubs; we are nearly finished."

His arm snaked over to my side and held my dick while he drifted off again then I followed.

In the morning Ayden was still sound asleep in his cot and two big blue eyes were watching me. I looked over at them then the cot.

"I put him there after you went to sleep." He grinned.

I moved over to be closer to him and started kissing his neck, he moaned.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Yes Den, I had some good dreams."

"All with me in them I hope." I lifted my eyebrow.

"Of course."

"What time do you have to leave?"

"Eight thirty."

I looked at my watch and it was seven so I pulled the bedclothes down and showed him my good morning wood.

Today is another work day for Evan so I got my jogger out and took Ayden for a run to the shops. I bought some spider bombs and some chicken as I thought we could do some schnitzels for dinner. I took the long way home and when I got there I left Ayden to sleep. I will bomb the house tomorrow while we are at the cemetery and afterwards we can go sit in the park where I can do some more doodling while Evan plays with Ayden.

I sat in the studio with the baby monitor by my side and started mixing colors, like `Ayden's Eyes,' I had to get Evan's eyes and skin color spot on and it took a lot of layering to get it just right. The wood nymphs, elves and fairies all had large matching blue eyes and I had expanded their role in the painting by adding tiny carnival type rides and my merry go round was brilliant. Evan was smiling as he watched the little fellas enjoy themselves. I heard Ayden stir and I'd finished the first, what I like to call draft. I stood back and took a quick look at it then covered it over with the old sheet.

As I changed my son's poopie nappy I envisioned blowing up my little fairy boys and girls and doing a series of paintings featuring them doing crazy stuff for his room. I thought Evan's painting would end up on our bedroom wall. Just then he walked through the door, I put my arms around him in an instant and my lips were plastered on his not long after. He was holding a big parcel of flowers but I don't think they were for me. He had bought so many and extra paper so we can separate them. We did that after dinner, only he wanted four bunches instead of three and took photos to send to Carol's family.

"Who's the fourth bunch from babe?"

"I want to put some on mum's grave Den, she's in Springvale cemetery too."

"Oh okay bub, we will visit her and I can thank her for having such an awesome son."

He smiled.

After dinner we chilled on the sofa and he was telling me about his day and that the law suit money won't come through for another three months, but he had set everything in place with our accountant. He was talking but not really talking and I noticed several times he looked over at the photo of his mum which had been placed on the sideboard after he moved in.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I interrupted him.

"What Den?"

"Your mum's passing." He leant back and took a deep breath, it was almost like he was thinking whether to tell me or not.

"For a long time there was just my mum and I, my dad had passed away when I was thirteen. She was the one that got me off the beach and into law school and if she hadn't done that I would probably still be a wave chaser. She died after having a major asthma attack Den. I found her sitting in the garden out the side, she could hardly breathe and was very disorientated. The hospital told me she would have been in her own little world for days before I found her, she didn't even know me and it only took ten days before her tiny body gave out. I couldn't even be by her side when she took her last breath."

His tears ran down his face as I held him close and all that rigid lawyer facade disappeared from him, I was left with just a raw frightened boy that was still grieving for his beloved mum.

"I'm so sorry baby, it must have been dreadful for you." He wept for the next few minutes then the lawyer returned.

I went out the back to find her roses and flowerbed but there was nothing but earth.

"I had them all ripped out Den because I was so fucking mad with the world. She loved that garden and spent a lot of time on it and I fucking ripped it apart, acting like a stupid, spoilt brat."

More tears and I thought I will make sure I re-plant her garden if it kills me, he should have a happy place to sit and reflect and it might take some of the hurt away. I got him into the shower after Ayden was put down and held him in front of me then washed him from head to toe. After getting my dreamboat into bed he thanked me and kissed my lips. He was tired and wrung out, this was his equivalent of breaking down and I'm not surprised, he's gone through so much in this past year. I turned him outwards, it's now my turn to hold him and stroke his head.


Thank you all for the wonderful feedback I've been getting with this story. There are 51 Chapters written and I am uploading them as my mate edits each one. Thank you.

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Next: Chapter 6

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