Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Apr 20, 2018


Ayden's eyes 54

A gloom settled over the shack once more. I watched as the many caravans and motorhomes left the foreshore and was depressed because my other beachside family were saying farewell once again.

Susan had arrived with a good looking Arab called Harry who stared at Ayden and me constantly. I had gone into the kitchen and he was talking to Tush and Bubble. I over heard, 'Leave it alone, he's taken.' I then left with bubs and with a juice in hand had a small giggle to myself. If I was gay and unattached I could have had as many fucks as I wanted down here, but I only wanted one and he was enough for me, and I know I'm enough for him.

"Oh Anne, did they ring you?" Susan asked as we had our farewell breakfast with our friends.

"Who Susan?"

"The football club, you won first prize in their raffle."

"What, no?" Her hands went to her face.

"Yes my friend, I was at the drawing last night. They will ring you for your bank details shortly, you won twenty grand."

"Oh mum, that's wonderful." Mike's face lit up and Anne was still in shock as Jack kissed her cheek. Mavis stared at Susan, she was pretty much on the ball that woman. Little Emma was asleep; I don't think she cared too much. She babbled on and on so it took a while to sink in, then she started crying. Anne that is.

We all hugged her and she looked a lot better when they drove off down the road in their rickety old red caravan, waving furiously at their friends who are going nowhere. `Until the next time my friends,' I silently said to myself. Mavis had said a thank you in my ear so I told her to thank Spud and Ali.

Our foreshore had settled down a little so Rita was constantly grinning, I suppose she made some serious cash again. The boys surfed and Spud's shop got less busy but there were always the local kids and the ones from Longford to occupy his days. Parents would drop them off and come pick them up later on, it became a sort of cheap day care centre. He told me he did well for the two weeks and it was enough to pay his out goings and have a good reserve of cash. I don't think he was really in it for the money, it gave him something to do apart from his painting, they brought in the big dollars.

I heard through Cynthia that Spencer had taken a few days off to go to Paris to meet Marcel and check on his prices. They had hit it off and put their heads together, so up went Spud's prices. Spencer was keeping mine aside for a special event he was planning. Ayden was terrorizing the cafe; he would walk in and tell everyone off then run up to me at the table. He thought it was a great game when either Alex, Tush or Blue chased him. I again thought about a crèche for him, thinking he needs mates to play with. In my heart of hearts, I couldn't do it but I struggled for ages until I brought the subject up with Evan. He told me to forget it, Ayden would scream the house down if he was parted from his adult friends, and I heard what he was saying loud and clear. Home schooling then entered my brain again so I must talk to Rita about it, she will know.

The next thing I brought up with my knight was his hair. It was looking pretty shabby, I had been nipping an inch off it every now and then, but he still screamed every time I got out his hairbrush. So we both agreed not let him decide and to make it cooler for him we would get it cut. Just to his shoulders, it will be more manageable.

The big day came and Susan brought her scissors with her. Being a nanny she has cut plenty of kid's hair and was confident she could do Ayden's nicely. It was all over before he realized what was happening and he looked so fucking cute, and more like a little boy. He was cooler too but he did have a bit of a moan about it. I told him he looked beautiful like his uncle Blue. That fixed everything, Blue's was almost cut the same length when we sat them down together in front of the mirror. Ayden was very happy, we made sure we told him all the time, he looked like his mate Blue.

I tried to entertain him as much as I could but it's a lot easier when the campers are here. There are loads of kids he can interact with once he finds all those words he has to learn. I started taking him to the games parlour just so he had younger mates there to annoy. Horse was teaching him, Holly and Peter to swim in Ali's pool. Ayden was in his element as he splashed around the little kid's end. Most times I would be with him and we would have an absolute ball.

Hulk was still manning the token booth, he didn't seem to mind and the kids were teaching him new words all the time.

"How you fuckin going Den?" he greeted me one day.

"What!!!" I heard some kids giggle behind me.

"Good Hulk, but it's how you going mate." He looked confused. I will have a word to Ali about it. I know it's no big deal but some kids don't swear and I don't want Hulk to get into any trouble if their parents hear him.

Bubs was seated on the surfboard game but he didn't understand he had to actually surf. I stood him up and put a token in then held his arms and I think he did pretty well for his first go, until he giggled and fell on his bum. He had four goes then a kid stood behind him and showed him what to do. He laughed his way through another eight games so I thanked the kid and gave him a few free tokens.

Back at the shack he did his usual thing, he crawled up the stairs then waddled into the cafe and secured an icy pole in his broken toddler talk. Most of it finished up stuck to his skin so I got a warm cloth and wiped him down. He was now ready for a nap and I wanted to paint. I drew the scene in the games parlour and put him on the board with his arms outstretched.

I heard a laugh behind me, Spud had arrived and was looking at the drawing.

"It's so cute Den, you are going to paint it aren't you?"

"Yes I am kid, I reckon it'll be a hit with the punters." I smiled.

Spud was more adult, more in charge like, he was turning out to be a gorgeous young man to look at. He amazed me all the time because as grown up as he was he never lost that teenage wit.

He sat down at the table and I asked where Ali was.

"I told him to chill, he's doing my head in, I need some me time." He giggled. Just then I noticed a hand holding a bunch of my roses slowly appearing over the hand rail. Then we heard someone crooning in Arabic. Spud blushed as Ali's face appeared, he was serenading him at full volume. Spud rolled his eyes and moaned.

"Well I suppose the ten minutes I had will be enough, see you later Den, duty calls." The singing stopped and Spud followed by Ali ran next door.

It was so romantic I wondered if I could try that on Evan tonight. Nah, I don't need to do that to get lucky, Evan's always at the ready.

He had gone with Trip and Nuts today to collect the jet skis; they may have to make a few trips to get them all here. We made a space on the lawn out the front of the shop to display three of them. The rest will be stored in the back yard. He told me he would put two aside for the boys to use and the others he will sell for five to six grand each, apparently that's what they are worth.

Ayden, now wide awake again thought it was Christmas when they arrived back. He couldn't choose which colour he liked but he did hug them all. The guys parked the first three out the front, maybe not such a good idea as the holiday makers had gone home. They came with their own covers so they will be kept out of the weather. Also a big chain and lock was passed through the trailers then attached to the big tree trunk, so they don't go missing during the night.

Evan took Ayden for a ride to collect the others, it wasn't far, just a half hour trip but I was told he fell asleep as soon as Evan's car reached the freeway.

I occupied myself by dusting out the shop and restocking shelves then I went to start that painting, I was going to enjoy this one because my boy was in it again. I loved painting him and he appeared in every one of my works. I again thought about a big boy's bed for his room but it terrified me that he might try to climb out. Putting that thought out of my head I concentrated on the painting.

When the boys came back they all wanted lunch. Rita was prepared for them and offered steaks and vegies today. They rubbed their hands together and I was salivating because I was hungry as. Bubby was still asleep when Evan gently placed him in his bean bag, he had slept through the whole trip. Abs arrived and talked to Evan on the quiet, he was wanting to buy a jet ski before they all disappeared.

"I just can't give them away Den, they have to pay for them, and I can't buy one. It's Blue's job to take Ayden for his rides and if I get one then Blue might feel left out."

"Oh so how much are you going to charge?"

"Well I thought with the guys, if they want to buy one, I would put two and a half grand on them, and ask five grand for the public."

"Sounds fair to me, how many have you sold so far?"

"None Den, I'm still in negotiations." He laughed.


I was worried that no one would buy them and they would sit in the back yard rusting away. Something's better than nothing but Evan had it all taken care of, he knows how to do that sort of stuff.

My steak was bloody delicious, once again Rita had out done herself. The boys dug in and again I heard sighs and contented noises coming from the table. Ali and Spud arrived again and they were also fed. Spud looked like he was deep in thought as Ali helped to clean the table up. I moved over to him.

"Is everything all right?"

He stared at me for ages then replied,

"Den, I'm so happy I could burst. I was just reflecting on the last few years and the struggles I had. I was saying a silent prayer to God for sending Ali and you all to me."

"So I don't need to worry that he's smothering you."

"Not at all Den, I now have what you have with Evan, and I'm so in love with him it breaks my heart in a good way. If you know what I mean."

"I sure do Spud, my love for Evan bursts into song whenever I see him. It's the only way I have to describe those deep feelings."

"Me too." He smiled dreamily.

"Are you coming down to watch me surf Spudley?" Ali smiled.

"Of course my prince, I like watching you wipe out all the time."

"I bet you ten thousand dollars I don't on my first run."

"I will take that bet my prince, because I know you will."

"Why are you so sure my hot desert dream boat?"

"Because I will drop my shorts as soon as you mount the board my spunky mop top loser."

"You wouldn't!"

"I will and that money will go into my street kid adoption fund." Spud smiled at me.

"I'm still going to do it Den. Rita doesn't know it yet but as soon as I find one, she's going to raise him."

"You don't want to do it yourself Spud?"

"No Den, she's more suited and she's lonely now I have left the nest." He giggled.

"Coming Spudley?"

"Yes my prince," Spud lilted as he grabbed his skim board and they all left me on my own. I painted my heart out as Ayden surfed that game, and I added my folk who were trying to help him stand up straight. My stomach would spasm as it tried to laugh at his antics. It was a good feel painting and I enjoyed doing it immensely. He had woken up and was playing with his feet again, so I went and got some water for him. When I got back he was staring at the painting and laughing then he asked,

"Dah Eban?"

"Gone surfing bub."

"Oh, not me?"

He then stood up and raced to the back door calling Evan's name. Then he did something like it was an after thought, he ran back and headed for the cafe calling Blue's name. As it happened Blue was just about to go down the beach and I could hear him talking to Ayden. They both walked up to me and Blue with a big smile on his face said,

"Give me ten minutes." Ayden was jumping up and down wanting to get down the beach.

"In a minute bubs, Blue's just gone to launch it."

"Now daddy, now," he screamed, my heart broke.

I covered my work then grabbed a couple of beach towels and we headed down to the shore, but no Blue yet. I don't think he's even out of our driveway.

"He won't be long, just play in the water for a minute."

He gave me a horrid stare as if I was lying to him once again. Thank god Trip arrived with his board. He got a long ride and when he heard the jet ski he almost jumped off into the water.

"Thank uncle Trip bub."

"Ta Tip"

"It's okay my little buddy, anytime." Trip smiled then started paddling out to sea.

Blue got the harness onto him and sat him in his seat then he took off out beyond the waves, I could hear them both giggling from the shore.

I heard screaming and laughing as the boys were all up now, grabbing the nearest wave and heading for the shore. Evan came first then ran over to where I was, he sat with me and took my hand.

"Having fun Bub?"

"Yes Den, did you get the painting finished?"

"Not yet but it's about fifty per cent right."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I need to landscape today, it's hard to do but I'll manage."

"I've never seen you do a landscape Den, what brought that on?"

"Not a painting bub, my crotch, I need to landscape it, make it look a bit tidier down there." I pointed.

He was thinking about it and I could see his wet suit was starting to bulge.

"You can't do it Den, I won't let you."

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's turning me on because I want to do it for you, but I really like you natural, just the way you are"

"Oh then maybe you had better check it out thoroughly, just to make sure it's tidy and to your liking."

"You're killing me Den, fucking killing me."

"What's that bub?"

He stood up and squeezed his crotch and said,

"I'll be up in an hour so make sure you're on that bed and naked." Then he ran off to get rid of his now pretty stiff joint.

Blue brought bubs back, he had so much fun and I made him thank Blue for the ride. Blue's smile stretched across his face with pride and I got another glimpse of my new artwork, I suppose Horse will want that one. I put it aside in my mind to do later on, I didn't want to swamp Horse's little house with a lot of paintings.

Ayden's eyes were drooping again so I gathered up my boy and towels then headed for the shack.

"Yoo hoo Den," I heard a voice calling as I sat down at the table. I looked over at the stairs and it was Merle, she must have just got home from her trip.

"Merle, great to see you, how was your holiday?" She had been away for months and looked years younger, that holiday did do her some good.

"Fantastic Den, do you want coffee, I'm getting one?" She grinned.

"Yes please, just put them on my tab."

She went up to the cafe and ordered our drinks from Alex.

"When did you get back?"

"Yesterday Den, Riley's moving into his new house so I am giving him some space. Today I had to deal with my mum, what I'm about to do has been a long time coming." She grinned.

"Old aged home?"

"Not exactly Den, think retirement village."

"Oh, she doesn't mind?" I was dying to ask her what the story was.

"She doesn't have a choice, she's the only reason I'm home again." She sipped on her coffee then went on,

"Don't think I'm an awful daughter Den. There's a very good reason why I don't get along with my mum."

"I didn't think anything Merle, it's none of my business anyway." I lied.

"Well you know we never got along, she orchestrated my life from the moment I was born. She wouldn't let me date the guy I wanted and forced me to marry someone a lot older. I liked him Den but I didn't love him. He knew that, I think the feeling was mutual but our families forced us together and unfortunately I was too scared of my mum to protest."

"Oh that's sad Merle, and you waited until your husband died to finally set yourself free?"

"Yes Den, in my own way I did love my husband but my mum loved him more. It was the social standing and money that she loved. We both knew that, and he was a great guy but now he's gone. Before he left we talked about it at length. He wanted me to enjoy myself, travel the world get the monkey off my back, if you know what I mean."

"I do, and you look twenty years younger for doing it too."

"The tiny nip and tuck I had in Thailand has helped. I'm only in my late thirties Den, mum's in her seventies but can't move around as much as she did. I'm not going to move in with her to become a nursemaid for the rest of my life. I have just been talking to her and told her she can get in some home help or stay in the retirement village. She has a lot to think about Den." She laughed and the more she laughed the younger she seemed.

"Well from what your saying I think your life has just begun."

"It has Den, I had a few things done in Thailand and I feel like the old me again. It's Merle's time to shine and call me Mel Den, that's my preferred title."

I felt something shift in my world, something's up, I just know it. I looked around the porch then the foreshore, there's something I need to know but can't figure it out.

Rita came down with a coffee plunger for top ups and she sat with us, she and Mel chatted away about Riley and the kids. She had been quite happy with the state of the house and had even offered to babysit so Riley could get out more often, after all he's still young.

"Well you look fresh and rested Mel, that holiday did you some good."

"It did Rita, I went to Thailand then straight to Canada to meet up with some old friends, we cruised up the Alaskan coast, it was awesome."

"Well you look good, younger and fresher." Rita was being a good mum.

After a half hour bubs woke up and Rita went to find him a drink and some food. He stared at Mel for ages. I thought he may have remembered her, but I don't think he met her the first time around.

"Tip dah."

"What's that bub?"


"He will be up soon bub."

"He's adorable Den, and so shy," Mel said.

"Not really Mel, he just doesn't know you well enough yet, give him time."

Shut my big mouth because he struggled and sat up on my knee and held his arms out for Mel to take him.

"Bubs me," he cried.

"Well he's normally shy." I grinned.

"Tip, Tip."

"What's Tip Den?'

"He's saying Trip, Trip's one of the guys that hangs here, he's down surfing with the guys."

"Yes I know Trip, he's worked on my car on and off over the past few years. We actually went to school together. Is he still single Den?"

"Yes Mel, he's looking though." I grinned at her because I knew what that shift in the air was all about, I had better get started on another painting.

After she left I sat with my boy and contemplated what had just happened. I remembered Trip in my dream but not Mel, maybe she will appear in my memory after I paint her and Trip together.

"I am going to look into home schooling Ayden," I said to Rita.

"Are you sure Den? He's got to have school mates to hang with, but I don't really know enough about it to comment at the moment Den. I will help of course and I know the boys will too."

"We have heaps of kids coming and going honey. The ones he sees just about every day are the locals in the games shop. He will get to know them but I really think he won't like school. I mean being away from his older mates."

"Umm, you mean yourself, me and Evan Den? I would go talk to Susan, she would know more on the subject."

The next thing I have to do is get Ayden a big boy's bed. Evan and I will have to do another shop in Sale soon, so we can look then.

"How big a bed should we buy Rita?"

"Oh Den, just get a double, that will last him years and when he's a teen you can trade it for a queen sized one if he wants."

"Not a single size?"

"Well my boys had singles and I often wished we could have fitted in bigger ones, unfortunately our house was small."

"Okay, we will take him into town to choose one."

"Good idea Den, he will be closer to the floor when he falls out." She giggled, and she knows me too well. Many times I have caught him trying to climb over the railing on his cot. He succeeded once and came in with us but I don't want him to bang his head or get caught on anything. I think it's best if he gets a big bed, Evan can put foam rubber on the hardwood floor for him.

I went back and sat on my porch. I noticed there was a shift in the air again, then I saw Abs rushing from Tony's apartment up to Ali's house. He waved as he passed but didn't drop in. About ten minutes later Tush and Bubble walked over to the house also. I placed a blank canvas on my easel and started drawing but when the boys came up I covered it and had coffee with them. I asked when Blue was going off to Hawaii and who was going with him. Tiny, Trip and Nuts put their hands up and they said they were looking forward to it.

I asked Trip on the side about Mel and he went quiet for a minute then whispered,

"We were good friends at school Den. I always thought we would marry but her bitch of a mother had other plans. Those plans didn't involve me." I detected a little regret in his voice.

"She's back from her holiday you know."


"Yes really and she looks fabulous, the holiday did her good."

"I might go visit her sometime Den. What's happening with her mother?"

"She's moved her into a retirement village." I smiled at him, he was gorgeous but his sandy blond hair looked like it had a mind of its own. The one thing I really liked about Trip was he is so level headed, softly spoken and respectful to everyone. Now I know they have a history and I just might interfere a little.

I chuckled to myself as Blue came down with a load of pies for lunch and Evan wasn't far behind. The boys he rubbed my neck then reached over to secure a chunky beef pie.

"Do you want to go to Hawaii Bubs?"

"No Den, too much to do here so we can watch it on Sky again. I think this place will be busy when it's on."

Something was definitely up today, Abs was walking between Ali's place and Rita's kitchen. He looked okay but whatever it was he was doing, it sure looked urgent. Spud came up and made coffee for himself and me, handing a juice to Ayden as he swept his eyes over my latest painting.

"Brilliant Den." He sounded a little down.

"Have you completed Spencer's order yet Spud?"

"Yes but it's finding the time at the moment to look them over and pack them."

"I can help you with that kid, no stress. Is everything all right?"

"Yes Den, I'm just a little preoccupied with something else at the moment."

"Does it have anything to do with Abs running around the place?"

He looked over at Tush, Bubble and Abs who were having a sort of meeting.

"I can't say at the moment Den, but yes it does."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"I was told last night in the strictest of confidence. I wish I wasn't included by Ali at all."

"Well whatever it is we can talk about it on the quiet if you want."

"No Den, you will be told eventually, it's just that there's things to be sorted out and plans to be put in place before anyone else is told."

"Okay son cheer up, it can't be that bad."

"Can't it?" I thought I saw a tear in his eye and I wish I knew what was going on.

I waited until he had finished his lunch then said,

"Come on kid, let's do your paintings, at least we can get them out of the way."

I followed him over to his place and put Ayden down so he could go through Spud's kitchen drawers.

Abs arrived and was on the phone, he was talking to someone in Arabic. His hand went over the speaker and he whispered,

"The King," then winked.


"Kin Kin," Ayden was onto it, so before Abs hung up Ayden got to talk to his king. He giggled then fell on his bum, dropping the phone in the process. Abs hung it up after telling Arras the baby was undamaged, but a little speechless today.

For the next two hours I helped check and pack Spud's paintings while he stuck labels on them and made a list in his notebook.

He didn't say anything else, just helped and Ali kept Ayden out of the way by playing cards with him.

He eventually ended up with a colouring book on the floor. I have no idea how he does it but he bent forward with his legs spread wide. This is his most comfortable position to colour in. I suppose he might be a dancer in his adult life, maybe a gymnast. Whatever I didn't care much because he will be first and foremost, Evan's and mine.

I went and got Tony's trolley and Spud and I loaded it up with crates of his wonderful paintings. I don't know how many he has left but I suppose it's not really an issue where he is concerned. He can paint for hours watching Ali surf, and he could nearly finish a work a day if he really wanted to.

When we finished Spud wanted to go down for a swim. I took my son home for his afternoon nap and caught up with Abs on our way home.

"So you're not going to tell me what all the secrecy is all about?"

"No Den I can't." Abs looked at me and walked down the pathway towards the unit in Ali's backyard.

I sort of laughed but felt like there was something awfully sinister going on. My next step was to draw; I knew my answer would be in there somewhere.

"Do you know what's going on Rita?"

"No Den, but there's plenty happening around here. The boys haven't stopped talking on their phones, all in Arabic so I suppose they are ringing the palace."

"Very strange, very strange indeed," I mused.

"You could ask Evan Den; he has been talking to Abs over at the back unit for the last half hour. I can see them from my window." I looked and sure enough Evan was sitting on their porch deep in conversation with Abs and Bubble. Evan had a notebook and was writing things down.

"Something's up Rita and we aren't included, yet."

"Well you will be the last to know Den, I'm sure of it." She giggled.

I again wasn't amused, the funniest thing about this conversation was we were both whispering.

I took out a new canvas while Ayden had his ten-minute beauty nap and my hand swept over the blank surface until it found the starting point. I had no idea what I was going to paint but Spud and Ali are good subjects to start with.

Evan was next to me when I finally had the base drawing done. He was kissing my neck and Ayden was playing with his cars on the floor and talking to himself.

"What's up Bub, why all the secrecy?"

"Nothing Den, just some logistical things to sort out legally, no big deal."

I looked him in the eye and shook my head in disgust.

"I will let that one go Evan, but you will have to tell me eventually."

"I will Den, and I'm sorry but it's really important we get this just right. I can't say anything yet, not until the King gives us the okay." I clicked my teeth then went back to my drawing. No, this isn't what I was supposed to do, it doesn't make sense.

"Did you mean to draw that Den?"

"No, it's completely opposite to what I was thinking. I don't understand this."

"Den, can you finish it then put it away, I think it's best Hulk doesn't see it for now."

"Why, what's going on?" I said angrily.

"I can't say but it involves Hulk, and this drawing makes perfect sense to me." He kissed my lips and patted my ass.

I looked it over, I had drawn a kid about six or seven holding Hulk's hand on one side and Ayden's on the other. In the foreground were my fairies, they had sticks of wood and were carving miniature statues out of them. It was gorgeous but I didn't understand it. It was like my fairies had made a woodworking shop and were turning out hundreds of little figurines. The saving grace was Hulk and Ayden were smiling from ear to ear but the little boy wasn't. He was dark and broody, almost shocked looking. I picked Ayden up so he could look but he didn't react like I expected him to, he only pointed to a small figure and said,

"Dah," then he giggled.

I could hardly see it, but when I got the magnifying glass out I could see it was me.

I put the drawing away as ordered and will paint it in the coming days.

I tried Evan again that night but he was tight lipped about everything.

"Den we have to get this right, trust us please, it's monumental."

I trusted Evan more than anyone so I let it go again.

"Pass the lube Bubs, I have an itch I have to scratch." He laughed as he reached over to his bedside drawer.

I had my wicked way with him and he shook with complete satisfaction.

But he still didn't tell me.

Next: Chapter 55

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