Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 13, 2018


Ayden's Eyes

Chapter 55

By the morning things hadn't changed, Abs was still talking to Tush and Bubble, and Hulk had entered the conversation as well, while notes were being made on a thick pad. I didn't get around to paint because Cynthia had arrived and we walked up to look at her new place. It was gorgeous and she had done the same as Tony and placed two, two bedroom apartments on the second floor, each with their own entry. She is taking the rear unit and is going to rent the front one with the views. We talked about Abs and she was totally hooked on him. She thought they may get married, but if he didn't want to it was okay with her.

"You so want to marry Abs Cyn, it's written all over your face." I laughed as we walked back to the porch.

It's time for bub's lunchtime swim so I grabbed the food basket and we walked down to the beach. Ayden was raring to go as Evan placed him on his board and whizzed him to and fro in the surf. I heard Spud screaming as he skimmed the shore, then I saw Abs walk down with his board. He kissed Cynthia lovingly then walked over to Ali. Later I waded in the water with Ayden and stared at them while Cynthia sun-baked.

I watched as he approached Ali and then they both got on the one board and paddled far out, I think they were going for a tandem. We watched for ages but they didn't move, they were talking more while just treading water and holding onto the board. After what seemed ages they climbed aboard. It was quick and amazing to watch at the same time. Ali all of a sudden was sitting on Ab's shoulders and riding into shore with his arms spread out, my boy screamed with delight. Another painting flashed into my head and I wished I had brought my sketchbook down. I wasn't surprised that had happened and suppose on the island they had more time to perfect that move. The boys clapped and shouted while they came in for some food. They all slapped Ali and Abs on their backs then started eating. After the onslaught of all those fine bodies I picked up my son then walked with him and the basket, wanting to get back to the porch to start on my new painting. But no, he wants to walk his way and that is anywhere but home.

"Wait up Den," Evan yelled.

I wasn't in the mood to wait but gave in to my emotions and stopped.

Evan took his board and lifted bubs then we all walked back towards the shower. I watched from the back porch and Ayden wouldn't stop giggling as he was rinsed off and wrapped in his big fluffy towel. Evan sat him on the shower chair then started his rinsing off. He was giving me a show I think, because I did get a rise in the groin area.

Rita was all smiles when we returned to the porch. Evan had to open his shop and I needed to get some liquids into my boy.

"What's got you all happy honey?"

"Abs has had Tush and Bubble moving Spud and Ali's clothes back into my spare room."


"He told me the king needed their house for six months and said he had asked the boys if they minded moving back here."

She was grinning from ear to ear.

"They have a lot of stuff baby; do you need to extend?"

"No Den, nothing that drastic, they just moved Spud's paints and canvasses and a stack of summer clothes. I think they will be living out of the two houses for a while."

I was pleased for her and I admit I missed seeing Spud and his antics on the porch every day. I took a bottle of water from Ayden's baby cabinet and popped the lid so he could have a drink, he looked a bit thirsty. A smiling Rita took him from me and we sat at our table.

"What's the king got in mind?"

"That I don't know Den, but I suppose all will be revealed at some stage."

"I do know it's going to be cramped in the bathroom." She giggled.

"We will build that second one at the end of the back porch, it will be big enough for the boys and won't take much, I'll get Horse onto it."

"Leave it to me Den, you do too much as it is. I will talk to Horse later on."

"If you're sure honey, we don't mind."

"Leave it to me." She smiled.

I brought Evan up to speed and he thought the shower would be an asset, he also mentioned that he will get Horse to attach hot water to the beach shower while he was at it.

"Why don't we install three shower heads in it, so the boys don't have to wait?"

"You know Den you are such a pervert, there's no way I or the boys are going to go into a communal shower."

"Oh bubs, I just thought you might like to get all naked with your friends." I laughed so much tears started running down my cheeks. Evan tapped me on the head.


When Ayden's eyes drooped we put him in front of the TV, he needs some sleeps and also my dick was standing to attention so Evan gave it a loving wet lick. We laid there for ages because there was that elephant in the room and I still didn't like the way Evan was ignoring my questions, and he knew it.

"Den are you okay?"

"No not really, but on the other hand I understand."

I heard him blow his breath out then he took his phone and sent a message to someone. A minute later there was a musical beep, whoever it was had answered him.

"Den, what I'm about to tell you is very hush hush. You have to promise you won't tell anyone, just keep it to yourself for now."

"I promise, what's up?" Suddenly I was all ears.

"The King is sending ten men here and they will be travelling on temporary Australian passports. Bubble and Tush are going over to Longford to help and the others will keep their eyes out for trouble for a month after they arrive." He took another deep breath.

"These men are the worst affected by the war and they have to be relocated here as soon as possible. Abs has had me doing some legal work and Tiny when he's told, will head the medical and dental treatments for them. I know Ali told Spud so I am telling you. We can't tell anyone; they are here for at least three months until they settle in. They have to be integrated as soon as is possible, the King and the Australian government will see to that."

"No wonder Spud was upset."

"Spud's upset because," he faltered and I heard a small gasp as his throat constricted. His eyes were watery and he looked at me like he was lost and needed help.

"Sorry Den, there's also a small boy coming with them, he's nine. The king found him locked up in a filthy jail with even filthier prisoners. He has been in there for two years Den. This is why Spud's upset." His eyes filling with tears that matched mine.

He had to have a break and we both needed Ayden's cuddles, so I went to pick him up and put him between us. We stroked him as thoughts of the horrors of war exploded fully in our sleepy little bay.

"Den there's something else."

"Please no more bubs, that's enough, I don't want to know anything else."

"I'm sorry, but it's good news sort of, the boy is Hulk's little brother."

I rubbed Evan's shoulders and kissed the back of his head as Ayden rolled over and Evan took him in his arms. I cried for that little man and cringed at the thought of anyone treating a child like that. I definitely have now decided Ayden will never be let out of our sight.

Abs poked his head in and asked Evan,

"You told him?"

"Yes my friend."

What about Rita?"

"I will tell her and Horse soon but no one else is to know. As far as the men are concerned, they are what they are, ex army on vacation and recovering from battle."

"Thank you Abs," I said. I wasn't thanking him for the information, I was thanking him for saving the men and the little boy.

"Well it's the very least we can do Den." He knew what I meant.

When the kids came up Abs sat them at the table and told both of them everything had been done. Spud smiled and asked,

"So what do I do now?"

"You paint, skim board and make curries, collect money when required and leave the rest to us Spud. Your King has plans, some of the guys speak English very well so they will run the games parlour."


"Just be your old lovable self for a few months, just chill Spud, everything will fall into place," he reassured him.

Abs drew another big breath and then he spoke again,

"Spud, Tush and Bubble will still be working in the cafe but part time, we want them to go to Susan's every now and then and also if there's any sign of trouble following, they will know first. Maybe they will do a little bum dancing for Patrick's customers. They won't be paying them; the king will continue with their wages. I think Rita would appreciate your help boys because Blue and Alex will be away. Your house is still yours when you are ready to move back in, but in the meantime it's safer to have you and Ali here. Our visitors will need your house for privacy, security and accommodation. They will also be under the king's protection and of course again he will continue to pay them, also they can't move from this area until the government deems it safe enough to integrate them into the Australian society here." He sat back and looked at me.

"There has been some talk of opening a couple of restaurants in the city so they have work. Of course apartments have already been secured for them."

"Den, it's business as usual and we don't want anyone here to be involved with the men. They are scared, shell shocked and some are well and truly heavily depressed. We are bringing as much help in to the bay for them and as securely as we can." He took another deep breath.

"We had planned to help Horse to finish Tony's and Cynthia's holiday lets in record time, but now your house is free we can start by using it."

Ali was being very quiet but Spud took his hand and his face lit up again. I suppose he's thinking about all his memory paintings being left in the house.

"They will be safe my prince; no one is going to disturb them. We can bring some here maybe," Spud offered.

Ali was thinking while Tush and Bubble set up some food. The boys started coming in and they would be hungry.

"I will bring only one painting light of my life, then we can hang more of yours."

"Okay we have plenty of time to decide that, in the meantime I had better ask Rita if I can have my old job back." As if on cue we heard Rita's voice,

"Spudley, this food won't walk itself to the table you know, get in here," she shouted.

"Coming best mommy in the world." He chuckled all the way up to the kitchen.

Ali at last smiled and I had the chance to whisper to him,

"Which painting?"

"Ayden's eyes."

"It's time then?"

"Yes Den, it's time for me to let go." He did look a little sullen.

"You too Ali, we are still waiting." I heard Rita and Spud giggle.

His eyes lit up again and he ran into the cafe. Let's hope that's the last of any inner struggles for Ali. He really is a lovely young man and I wondered if my fairy folk were in that copy I did for him. I did look but there was nothing, but stranger things have happened, especially around here.

I saw Tush and Bubble head towards town. I suppose they are going to talk to Susan and Patrick and it makes sense that they will be keeping their eyes out for any trouble. Half a day here, half a day there, extra eyes, extra help. Rita will miss their antics and so will her customers.

Spud and Ali settled their room and the painting was brought over to sit on their wall, along with at least twenty of Spud's works. Cleaners went through Ali's home and a little more furniture was delivered, just some extra beds. The boys helped Rita and Alex and that gave Blue more time to surf as he will be leaving the bay soon for Hawaii.

And of course it started almost immediately and as if nothing had changed we were back to normal.

Ayden has now nearly destroyed the swing gate at the top of the stairs with his old walker, which now was too big for him, and then there's Spud.

"But Spudley light of my life, I want to go surfing."

"No my prince the seed of his father's loins, you must clean out the freezer first."


"Yes mum."

"Do the freezer yourself, Ali go surfing." Well everything's almost back to normal.

Spud sighed and I detected a slight smile on his face. Ali gave him a lingering kiss then ran out the back.

"Spud! Anytime in the next thirty seconds would be a good time to start." Rita was firing on all cylinders and very, very happy. She walked out to the porch and lifted Ayden and his walker up into her arms, then she looked at me and said,

"That's okay Den, you just sit there and watch him destroy my gates." She harrumphed while Ayden giggled his face off.

What did I do? I was just about to get him before she appeared, Christ woman, give me a minute.

I often think she's happier when she's busy. I could hear laughter coming from the cafe all afternoon but I knew she was really happy because her boys were back.

Now what to do about our son. His battered walker was very rarely used now but sometimes he just wants to be a baby again. So today instead of his big boy's bicycle, he's gone and found the walker then crashed it into everything that's got in his way. He was making car noises, now he's ended up at Rita's probably having an icy pole or a discussion on the meaning of traffic violations. She's very good at distracting him.

Don't ever think he eats nothing but sugary treats. Rita has made up a heap of sugarless ones especially for him, and she doesn't feed him junk. He's a healthy baby but like most babies he does get quite off sometimes, but that's usually like a twenty-four-hour thing. His eyes change and I now have sixteen small painting of his shades which has saved me many hours of guessing. His wall is better than any medical book. I had put the one of his black eyes away in the cupboard. I know that one off by heart, and like Ali I don't need to be reminded of past pains anymore.

I opened Evan's shop and then I remembered I had to pack up some works. I pulled four of my paintings out of the spare room thinking Cynthia will have to wait for more. I attached stickers to the backs of them and made a note in my book. The conversation I had with Spud when I finally caught him had reminded me I needed to get these away too.

"They are screaming for your paintings in Europe Spud. I believe the Guggenheim museum are after some for their collections and they pay big bucks for good works. They already have three of mine and Spencer said they are riding his ass for some of yours. I think when the dust settles we might not display your works in the shop, we can think of other things to sell."

"Well I have been working on a series of small paintings like four inches by five, I could mark them cheaper."

I laughed.

"They would be collectable and Cynthia would get a very hefty price for them Spud, but keep thinking."

"Okay Den, I'll just leave it up to you, I don't need the money but I do need to create my art."

"I know the feeling kid, when your finished your shift we will talk more."

"Can we talk later? I wanted to go to the beach and see if Ali is okay."

"Sure, I hope he's not too upset about the move."

"He's not now, he just wants to be with me. Anywhere I live, he lives, but if he had been against the move I would have backed him all the way." He smiled that beautiful shy smile.

"I get it Spud; I really get it."

He took off for the cafe and I heard Rita say,

"Go but be back for the dinner crowd." Then he bolted out the back door.

Rita came down the porch with coffees in hand then sat with us while once again Ayden's icy pole melted down his chest. We had a good conversation about the boys and she didn't have any concerns that everything was as it should be, and of course she was happy they were now back under her watchful eyes.

I asked how Riley was getting along and she said he was doing great and they would be here on the weekend. She told me Margaret was still writing to him and her letters showed a marked improvement in her mental state. She also said he was over it and really didn't want anything to do with her ever again; but he's got the kids to consider.

"Oh hell, I hope he's not thinking about giving her access."

"No Den, if she really wants to see them she will be supervised heavily, Abs has it all sorted Den. She's being watched I believe." She winked.

"Does Riley know?"

"No Den."

That's all she said and I know I must talk to Abs if I want more information. She then went off to do some prepping for tonight.

Mel arrived later that evening looking for Trip. She had some trouble with her car and wanted it attended to immediately and of course Trip nearly fell over himself to go look at it for her. I noticed they did stare at each other and blushed a lot, and my heart skipped a beat when Horse started talking to me.

"They are dating Den," Horse leant over and whispered.

"Oh, I didn't pick that one." I grinned back at him.

"They have been friends for years but Mel is a good one, so no hanky panky while she was married. But it looks like they are on the happy wagon at last.

I must show Horse the drawing I did on the beach of Trip and Mel holding hands by the old rusted ship wreck.

It wasn't really new news. I felt the connection awhile ago when Mel came by after her trip and I have been watching the spring come back into Trip's step.

They arrived two weeks later, what looked like ten shell shocked men. They didn't look anyone in the eyes and with some, their heads bowed all the time. These amazing gay guys have been to hell and back so poor Rita was beside herself, all she wanted to do was hug them. She knows what's been going on and I had wanted to shield her from the story. But alas as usual she was more up to date than me. When Ali walked out the first morning they all hit the floor in respect, but he put them at ease after taking them to the house and having a long meeting with them. Hulk was looking after the arcade shop and during the holiday season he will get more help from the new guys.

An official looking man and his wife were on board to help them improve their English and they had classes on the beach every day. They all pitched in and took over the house duties and they cooked, washed and cleaned for themselves. Rita was taking pies and cakes over constantly and Susan was so happy she had Bubble and Tush arriving every day. She said after three days Patrick put high tea on the menu. The place was full of mums, nannas and single girls, who converged on the tea rooms every day to have a perve at the two boys.

"They are very good Den, sometimes they take their T shirts off and wipe down their bodies, giving the women a little show, and it's awesome."

Of course she was even happier about the arrangement because it meant she could spend more time with us, and of course Ayden. Patrick comes every morning to surf now and his constant grin said it all.

There was no fuss in the town when the men appeared and Abs had them in board shorts and tanks in a very short space in time. There was also more business for Evan's shop as they emptied shelves. It was as if they were eager to lose their jeans and tops, like stripping off the filth of combat. They blended in and beards were trimmed or shaven off and I saw scars on bodies and broken teeth and noses. The horrors these men must have endured is mind boggling.

Everything possible had been pre organized before their arrival. The local surgery in Longford was alerted, check ups, dental fixes and in two cases plastic surgery, to right smashed faces. These were the worst effected of the King's men. He is sending more but these men are deemed to be the most at risk. They had a small bus that got them around and one by one they started using the beach. Initially they were using it to hide away under the trees, but Abs got Blue and Alex to show them how to surf. Evan wasn't happy with it because they crowded the water, but he became more and more relaxed when only a few of them actually took it up. The rest laid in the sun or did running and exercises, which was a pleasure to watch.

Two weeks into the saga, official government agents were sent by helicopters to process the boys and integrate them into Australian society. Passports and birth certificates were issued on the spot as smiles started appearing on their faces.

"He will be here soon," Rita was saying while we had our morning coffee.

"Who Rita?"

"Assad, Hulk's little brother, they lost contact and the King found him in a filthy jail and had him released. They haven't seen each other in three years Den. He's being dropped off this morning, a big surprise for Hulk, so no telling." She grinned.

"Why wasn't I told?" I made out I didn't know.

"You were, but as usual you don't listen." She laughed.

Later that morning a people mover pulled up out front. The driver stepped out and I could see Abs, Tush, Bubble and Hulk standing outside the games parlour. When a boy alighted from the car he looked terrified, he was dressed like any other little boy, shorts and T-shirt. I heard a deep loud scream.


It was Hulk, he started running towards his brother and when he got there he swept him up into his bulky arms. Assad was crying and held on for dear life as his brother kissed his head and rubbed his back. They both held on and no one went near them as if nothing had happened. Hulk lifted him up on his shoulders and danced around the small car park while Assad started to giggle his head off. I suppose it's Hulk's way of reconnecting, or celebrating he brother's return. Everyone left them alone and after a few minutes they headed for the beach. And that was the last time we saw them until the next day. Evan said he was watching them sitting under a shady tree, Assad had fallen asleep and Hulk was protecting him by holding him in his arms.

We didn't see them for dinner and Spud and Ali went to look after the shop. Jay had their food delivered, and Tush and Bubble took it over to his cabin. They said that Hulk was talking his head off and Assad was laughing. It was a good sign.

He spent the night in Hulk and Jay's home. Jay said they talked most of the night until Assad fell asleep. The next morning, he was sitting with Hulk on the porch having coffee and some scrambled eggs. Rita had loaded his plate up, maybe thinking he needs a good feed from his new gran. He was a gorgeous kid who didn't stop smiling at Hulk, who was still touching him and stroking his head.

I said good morning to them then plonked Ayden down in a chair so he could choose which one wanted to hold him. Birdy immediately swooped him up, much to my son's delight. Rita brought my coffee and Ayden's breakfast down and more food was placed on the table for the boys. Horse appeared, he looked at Ayden and smirked at me, then he went to get the coffee pot.

Abs, Tiny and Nuts came by so Rita sighed and left for the kitchen, by this time Tush and Bubble were on board so she was shooed out to sit with us again. I suppose Spud and Ali are having a sleep in. Blue and Alex will leave in a few days so we will miss them but Evan has the jet ski organised for bub's rides.

Abs told me the king was doing everything he could to find lost family and lovers, but it was becoming a horrendous task and they were lucky to get Assad out of that prison. He was put there when he was seven years old and he's now nine. We called him little Bird because that's what his name apparently means, or that's what Hulk said. When I looked it up it also meant Lion, but we couldn't call him Leo and anyway, Birdy suited him much better.

He was immediately taken under Rita's motherly wing and quite a few times I saw them both having drinks at the cafe. They communicated through signs and the boys translated if they were nearby. It was his size that tugged at my heartstrings, he was nine but had a six year olds body.

He had picked up quite a few English words along the way and my heart was full of love when he also started sitting with me.

Some days he would play with Ayden and his toys and watch me paint, and every half hour he would answer messages on his phone. They were from his brother checking up on him, and each time he would giggle to himself. With his little English he listened intently at our conversations and was saying new words every day. I started again by always dumping Ayden in his lap and they got on like a house on fire. Spud and Ali tried to include him but he was a little wary of Ali, maybe just a bit overwhelmed.

One day not long after he arrived I was in at Rita's organizing Ayden's menu and on her kitchen window sill sat a beautifully carved Robin. I stared at it and it beckoned me to pick it up and she told me Birdy had carved it for her as a thank you. I have never seen so much intricate work and it looked like a porcelain statue sitting proudly in the sun.

All I could think of was that Tony must see this. It was like a dam bursting and I was feeling compelled to show him.

I talked to Rita and she said that she gleaned out of Birdy that that's all he had to do in that hell hole. He had befriended an old man who shielded him from some of the unsavoury goings on and he taught him how to carve wood. That had saved his life, the beatings he endured stopped after the guards realised he was an artist with much talent.

The guards used to bring in wood for him to carve statues for their girlfriends or family. She said it appeared that morning and she was dying to show me and Tony. Ayden's arms stretched out to maybe play with it and I said no. He started his toddler cries and so Rita placed it on his high chair. He didn't actually play with it, he talked to it. That was my cue so I had to do something. I didn't feel the urge to paint and didn't expect to, things have settled down considerably after my revelations.

Later on in the day I found Tony working his ass off in his oversized hanger. I talked to him about Birdy and he was eager to see this beautiful creation. Of course he went mental when he saw it and wanted to hire him to help with his personal handmade furniture. I had to slow him down a bit.

"Just think about it Tony. See it for what it is, not what you can get out of it. Tony this is fine art which I think is a craft long forgotten in our manufacturing world. Maybe you can give him some space in your workshop and maybe some offcut wood, and a few tools. Maybe just maybe a small space in your display cabinets, then sit back and watch the show."

He got my drift and nodded several times.

"Do you think Cynthia could move them, she's the only one with the means to gauge their worth?"

"Absolutely positively, yes Tony no question about it. What do you really think as a friend?" He's no fool this guy.

"If I get him to carve my tables, the skies the limit with prices. My gut feeling is this kid is not mine to use, he must be mentored; he must be encouraged." I winked at him because I knew Tony has a heart of gold and it doesn't matter how ambitious he makes himself out to be. He wouldn't be with Horse for this length of time if he was a prick. Horse would have seen right through him in an instant. He looked at the statue again running his fingers over the smooth surface, maybe he was looking for inspiration, but he would find no flaws.

Next: Chapter 56

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