Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 12, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 6

He woke me with that wonderful feeling again and I was wondering how long it would take him to go off doing that for me, I wanted to hold on to that feeling so fucking much and I wanted him to feel the same as I did.

We showered with two bright little eyes looking at us; I hope he isn't damaged for life. Evan held him and I soaped him he giggled when the shower spray hit him. I dried our son and Evan dried me, then we dressed for our big family day out.

I packed my work stuff, nappies, milk and Evan grabbed the flowers then we were on our way. It wasn't a long drive but when we got there I tried to remember where Carol's grave was but luckily Evan knew where to go. We cleared dead flowers off the plot while Ayden played in his stroller, then we placed the flowers in big jars of water on it. Evan took photos to send overseas of me holding Ayden surrounded by heaps of bright blooms. I said my prayers and kissed the headstone then walked away feeling a little gloomy. Like a lot of people, I hate graveyards.

"Den, you and Ayden can wait in the car if you like."

"No, I'm with you baby, let's go visit your mum."

"Just down here then Den." He looked really down and if I didn't know any better, seemed a bit reluctant.

Evan showed the way to his mum's plot and I wanted to thank her for giving him to me and also show her her grandson. I didn't know whether she knew about him and I didn't want to ask Evan but I will maybe when the gloom leaves him.

We came to a neat gravesite and I cleaned off some old flowers. Evan handed me our flowers and I filled a jar with water and placed them to the left of the headstone. I read the epitaph as I dusted it off with my handkerchief and a cold evil chill came over me. I started feeling that dreadful knot in my stomach again, but said nothing.

Evan took Ayden out and sat him on the cold granite grave, he held his hands and waved them at the headstone.

I took a photo of them and Evan took one of us. We left the cemetery not long after that, I wasn't feeling too good and was struggling to get my thoughts right.

I remembered I had forgotten to fumigate the house again so I whispered to him,

"Can we go home; I want to paint."

"Sure Den, we can do that."

He knew I knew but didn't say anything more, what's there to say except how sorry I was.

When we got in I just walked up to my studio and shut the door. I placed Evan's painting against the wall and started another one. It was full of love and rose bushes, I was painting his mum as a little girl tending her rose garden. When I was half way through my tears erupted and I found it hard to concentrate so I sat and cried into the dust cover. I felt his hands massaging my stiff shoulder muscles.

"Den it's so beautiful, she would have loved this painting." I slowly turned to look him in the eye.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You needed me more."

"I love you so much Evan, you're breaking my heart."

"It's because I loved you that my heart didn't break. Come on let's put the brushes down, it's time for bed."

I lay there for another hour not even comprehending the pain Evan was going through then I felt gentle kisses on my cheek and warm hands that surrounded my upper body.

"I'm so sorry," I managed. Grief had blasted itself into my life again and in a powerful way today.

"It's okay Den, I knew she was going to pass away but I also loved you and I had to somehow make you live."

Evan's mum had died the morning Carol had fallen from the balcony. I had seen the date on her grave and the epitaph,

"One beautiful mum and one much loved friend.

Now you sit with dad and I will miss you until the end.

Your loving son Evan."

If ever there was anyone more beautiful in the world than Evan I'm yet to find them. As if nothing had happened, the following morning he woke me with one of his amazing specials. I didn't deserve this sort of attention, especially not from him. He gave up so much for my sanity and there is no way to repay him except let him do what he wants with my body and soul; he now owns me for life. I couldn't even hold back my orgasm and wait for him, he was so fucking good. I gasped to catch my breath as he lifted his head and smiled as he licked his lips.


Later he lay beside me and I asked him,

"Do you want to fuck me? You can if you want."

"You're not ready for that, but if you wouldn't mind, my nuts need cleaning."

With that I cleaned, sucked and rolled them while he grunted out a load of cum.

"What do you want to do today Den?"

"I don't know I've still got to bomb this house at some stage. Maybe we can go down to the park for a few hours? I think it takes four hours to fumigate from start to finish and I don't want you or Ayden near the house while they are going off."

"Okay, why don't we go down to Brighton beach, there's a great cafe there and Ayden can catch some rays for awhile?" Good idea and maybe Evan will take his surfboard and show me his moves.

"Are you taking your surfboard?"

"No Den, it's the bay, there's no surf unless it's windy, and when it is, it's wintery and cold."

"Oh, but you're on the beach, don't you even wear a wet suit?" I was hopeful.

"Den, if you want to do the surfer thing I can arrange that here." He grinned.

"No, I just thought you might like to wear it, like old memories and such things."

"What time do you want to go?" He fucking changed the subject so I slumped and answered,

"In about an hour."

I got the bombs out and organised Ayden's travelling stuff.

Evan cooked us some bacon and egg rolls and we sat with our feet entwined to eat them. I was looking at him trying to remember all his face muscles when I had a funny idea for a painting; I half laughed.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, just had a vision for my next work. It's good living with you because I get a lot of ideas from your antics." I grinned.

"Well make sure I've got clothes on when you do paint me."

The house was quiet I was still thinking.

"What are you going to wear?"

"Just a tank and shorts Den, are you okay?"

"Sure." More silence.

"Have you got any speedos?"

"Oh for god's sake Den, leave it alone. I surfed when I was a teen, every teen does, yeah I missed a lot of school and so did my mates. Mum drove down one day and read me the riot act and was so angry with me for skipping classes. I thought I would be a good son and do what she had requested. I thought I could always go back to it when I got older but I haven't done it as yet; but I'm still hopeful." He stood up and washed his cup and plate then put his hand out for mine.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that."

"Didn't know what Den, fuck me you are driving me nuts."

"That you had any mates." I couldn't hold on

I started roaring with laughter but he looked pissed off, but only for a moment then his giggling took over.

"You're such an idiot Den."

He laughed all the way up the hall to the bedroom where he changed into a tank top and speedos and after he gave me a showing, I groped him as he slipped his board shorts on.

"Do you think I should shave?" I asked.

"Don't you even dare."

"Oh." I made a mental note to not shave.

I found my old board shorts and a tank then before we closed the door I let three bombs off then another one under the barbecue, making sure I turned the gas mains off in the process. Evan drove us down to the beach where he found a park that overlooked the bay, it was a lovely sunny day and Ayden looked so fucking cute in his sun hat and glasses. It took me ages to get him to leave them on so I could take a photo and we got a few in before they crashed to the ground for the tenth time; I put them in my bag.

We placed some towels out and Evan got a bucket and spade for Ayden to play with but I had to watch him because sand had become his latest food source. The beach was covered in white sand and quite a few sunbakers and swimmers were out. I could see Evan was being reflective and probably remembering his surfing days so I let him have the moment for a while then said,

"Tell me about those days' baby."

"Oh, there's not much to tell really, my dad surfed and was pretty good too, he taught me and bought me my first board. After he died in an accident I used to come here and paddle around on my own and would imagine he was with me, I felt safe here. I got to know a few of the other guys then got caught up in their philosophy on life."

He stalled for a bit then went on,

"I figured I would drop out of school and go on the dole then surf the Australian coast line all the way around, but my mum had other ideas. She came here one day when I had skipped school again and she was as mad as hell. After she got me home she sat me down and told me about the dreams dad and her had for me. She said they wanted me to have a trade before I went off to surf the coast. She put up a good argument so I agreed to finish school, which I did with honours and was offered a scholarship at the university. My surfing was forgotten but I sort of missed my mates Den. See that shrubbery over there?"

I looked where he was pointing; there was a dense stand of tea trees and bushes bordering the beach.

"Yeah," I answered.

"That's where I lost my virginity."


"Yes, three of my mates fucked me one day in that brush and it was awesome, all speedos, wet suits and big cocks banging away at my ass, I loved them and miss them." He sat in silence; I got mad.

Then he started laughing and in between gulps for air he said,

"Had you going then didn't I?"

"Yes bubs, you got me going alright."

I wasn't laughing so I moved over to where Ayden had shifted to and started playing with him.

"Den do you want to know how I really lost my virginity?"

"No, it's your life and I don't need to know as long as you're only with me now."

"I am Den and I only did it once or twice at uni and the next time was in the shower with you."


"Yes true fact, I got drunk one night and my room mate gave me fifty bucks to fuck me a couple of times."

"Did you like it?"

"I won't lie Den, I loved it, but it didn't happen again. I had two boyfriends but the subject never came up with them. I think deep down I wanted to save it for the man I loved."

"That's awesome Evan, you make me feel so bloody special."

"Well you do the same for me every second of every day." He kissed his fingers and touched my cheek.

"I can't wait to get you home."

"I will always be there for you Den, I love you."

We started to shake sand out of the towels and gathered up a now tired little boy then headed for the cafe. We sat inside to get some cool air con as we were far too hot. I ordered salad and he ordered a hamburger, I thought about some chips for Ayden but he loved his milk more. We talked about his working days then we got onto my family, like him there was only my mum and we had a good relationship.

Evan told me he had a long talk to her and had promised I wouldn't be let out of his sight. He also said she knew I needed friends around me not family because they complicate things by fussing too much. I respected my mum and of course loved her but she was a matter of fact kind of person. It is what it is with her, no grey areas. I will ring her tonight maybe, but I won't tell her about Evan just yet.

At home the house only had a slight odour to it but we opened all the windows and doors to let the air flow. Ayden was fast asleep still so I covered his ride with a bug net and parked him in the shade out the back. Occasionally his lips moved as he sucked on his dummy; I could watch him forever like this. Evan got us an iced tea and when he sat on one of the chairs I straddled him and placed my chest to his. We didn't say anything because I had quietly gone to sleep while he stroked my back.

In bed I made perfect, gentle love to him as his legs squeezed my hips and when I came I thought I had died and gone to heaven, he is so beautiful.

We slept soundly through the night and I was feeling down after he left for work so I left my phone call to mum for later. I wanted to get to the baby health center to get some information on Ayden's progress; it's been awhile since I did that because Susan had taken that chore over when I was sick. I bundled him up and mused at the thought of last night, Evan didn't urge me to fuck him any harder this time and was looking like he was in raptures; maybe it was the different position we were experimenting with?

I shook my head and picked up chubby bubby who really was as light as a feather and placed him in his jogging ride before closing the front door behind us.

I said good morning to the middle-aged lady next door who was checking her mailbox, but without any luck. She cheerily responded with,

"Nobody loves me today, no letters. I even look forward to the bills, how weird is that?" She giggled.

I stopped outside her gate and she made a fuss over Ayden, wanting to know his name then she asked something weird.

"What does your boyfriend do for a crust honey?"

I stuttered a bit but managed,

"He's a lawyer, I'm an artist."

"Yes I know about you dear but I wasn't sure about your friend, I haven't lived here that long."

I must have looked confused so she went on and I just wanted to crawl through the cracks of the pavement.

"Oh darling, don't get embarrassed. It's obvious you're a couple and I know about you because I sometimes volunteer at the council's art gallery, you know the one at the chambers?"

"There are two of your paintings hanging there and I absolutely love them." I smiled at her then struggled with my sort of coming out.

"Oh thanks, well I must be off, I have to get to the health center and maybe I will call into the gallery for a look too."

That wasn't bad I thought, she didn't curse me for being who I am so she must be one lovely lady. I think I will get to know her better; she made me feel more human. I started jogging although it's not far to the shops but yet every little bit helps. Evan loves my body so I must upkeep it otherwise he will be looking for some more mates in those bushes. I cracked a fat just thinking about it. I wasn't really upset with what he had said at the beach and it just hit home that he probably would have had many lovers over the years, but I was proven wrong.

"He's as healthy as a bull Mr. Curtis. Did you want a chart to hang on the wall, it's got mostly all you wanted to know on it? He should be started on solids soon so just get the baby food that's labeled for his age. He might fight it for awhile but eventually he will get the idea." The nurse smiled at me as she passed Ayden's baby book back. That was easy, he even got a rubber ring to chew on when he's teething and I remembered to ask her when that would start. I wasn't looking forward to the crying and moods.

"Den, he already has two bumps, feel here on the top with your finger." She held my finger and rubbed it on his upper gum and I could feel two solid bumps I hadn't noticed before. I must have looked like the goose that laid the golden egg but I was so proud of my son, teeth, he's getting teeth! Another painting popped into my head on the way home which I couldn't wait to get started on. When I got home I grabbed my sketchbook after I checked Ayden's gums again and he happily rolled around on the floor while I drew an awesome picture.

"I met the lady next door today, she's nice."

"Oh, what's her name?"

"I don't know, I forgot to ask her, maybe if we get friendly she will baby sit for us so we can go out one night." I squeezed his tight buns through his suit pants.

"Maybe just put that thought on hold Den, she may not be all she seems and I would hate for Ayden to get stressed with a stranger."

"What do you mean gorgeous?" I was undoing his shirt buttons.

"She might be an axe murderer or worse, a baby basher."

My gut sank because I thought she was really nice, change the subject Den.

"The health center is happy with his progress so we can start him on solids soon. We'll have to go get some at the baby shop, oh, oh, oh and the best news, he's getting two teeth."

"Really, two more?"

"Wadya mean two more?"

"I told you last week he had teeth, don't you remember?"

"No, I didn't know but it's good isn't it?"

"Yes Den very good, you can always tell by their rosy cheeks."

I looked over at my son and he did look a little rosy around the face.

"You didn't ring me."

"Den I'm sorry I got busy again, what is it with you and ringing?"

"You're supposed to ring me from work to see if I want milk or something, or if you have an accident or are going to be late. Your supposed to be my partner."

"Who told you that Den?"

"Nobody, it's just the way it is; it's written into some marriage laws or something."

"I love you so fucking much." He had his hand down my shorts by now and I suspected his finger was poking my butt hole because it felt nice.

I was catching up on my ideas and they were mounting up, and as Evan rested his head in my lap he read some lawyer stuff while Ayden was trying to reorganise his soft toys. I finished drawing Ayden's face full of cartoon like teeth but they weren't real teeth, they were fried chips and I sort of chuckled, I am going to love doing this one because it's so cute.

"Den, how are your paintings going at the galleries?"

"I haven't heard from them babe so I suppose they haven't sold any yet."

"Why don't you pack them up and send them over to London, Spencer would love to show them I'm sure."

"It's a thought but I've got so much to do already, my pad's full."

"Give me a look."

I passed the pad over to him and he smiled as he flicked through the raw product, and lingered on the teeth one then laughed. I still had my fairy folk to start on and I have to finish Evan's nude.

"You're getting better Den; I can see it in your work. These are great ideas and I love your munchkin family, how's my nude coming along?"

"I have more work to do on it but I can't remember how big your cock is."

"You had better have a closer look at it tonight then."

"Yes I was just thinking that." I smiled.

Six months ago we wouldn't dare have a conversation like this and I reflected on my feelings for him, he is the steel rod holding my life together. He never faltered, never relaxed while my life was crashing around me. I was sometimes oblivious to his feelings and took his strength and used it to help with my own misery. My stomach lurched suddenly, coming alive, the butterflies were awakened and I gasped at his beauty, not the beauty I see on the outside but the beauty on the inside. He was looking into my eyes as I fought to get a hold of my emotions. He had woken something deep down inside of me and I felt that steel rod still holding me together. He soothed my heart and filled it with love, love that he stored to give me when I got better. I shuddered again at the thought that when he went away it seemed he was out of my life forever, but even though he was gone from sight I could still feel that rod keeping me strong.

"Den, what's the matter, where did you go?" I heard his voice.


"Den please, where are you?" It was Evan he was still lying on my knees and I jerked from my deep thoughts.

"Here baby, just a moment." I smiled.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes babe, I'll get it." I slid from under him and before I headed for the kitchen I gave him a gentle kiss and thanked him.

I only have one more thing to give him that's within my power and I would give it willingly. But for now I will cook him a good meal, make sure he's safe and happy and try to give him back some of that strength he freely gives to me.

"Evan, can I go to the studio tonight, I have a lot of images I want to get out, do you mind?"

"Of course not, I understand Den, let your brilliance flow. Ayden will be all right with me, but don't make it too late, you need to rest." He kissed me with one hand on my unshaven cheek, how can you ever love someone this deeply?

I kissed him and headed upstairs and would miss him but I had to paint. It would be another six hours before I crawled into bed, mentally exhausted. His big arms immediately enclosed my dead tired body and I moved my ass into the curve of his body, and life was good.

He was trying to be quiet when he got up but I was too quick for him when he was putting Ayden down after a feed. I grabbed hold of the elastic in his boxers and moaned,

"Stay home with us." He twisted around but I held fast and his balls were squashed by the tight fabric so I started licking his lumps through the thin silk.

"Den this would go a little better if you let the waistband go." I looked up and he was grinning. I had to only think for a second before I let go then I pulled out the prize and it looked very happy so I started hungrily feeding on him.

Later as I sat in my studio I looked over the five works I had started last night. One was of Ayden with a mouth full of chip teeth in which I had already painted his eyes because I knew them like the back of my hand. I had oversized his gob so his teeth looked more like a celebration party was happening in his mouth. I had finished the rose garden but when I looked at it again it didn't seem finished so I will think on it again today along with the one I did of Evan with a hamburger in his mouth. Similar to Ayden's but harder hitting and not as soft. My fairy friends consisted of a very ugly gnome with two hefty mates, a very big fairy with teeny wings and her friends looked like movie stars and a dragon that was more of a fish, nothing like the ones I had placed in Evan's painting. I will get back to them maybe next week or when I get the urge to do another all nighter.

I worked until lunchtime then changed my kid's nappy and went for a run down to the shops. I got to the supermarket then went mental looking at baby food. How do I know this is going to be safe for him and it's not full of sugar and stuff that would harm him? Eventually I found the right one for his age group and picked a couple to try but I will read the labels thoroughly when I get home. Grabbing some stuff for dinner I loaded the shop into the basket that came with the jogger and started back for the house, making sure I went the long way. Ayden was asleep by now so he missed a great run, and when I got home I unloaded and parked him beside the sofa. I was tired so I thought I would catch forty winks before Evan came home.

By the time it turned nine his dinner had gone cold and I felt like throwing it in the bin but just covered it in glad wrap and shoved it in the fridge. I rang his phone several times but it kept going to message bank so I bathed my boy and put him to bed then crawled into bed with my hands behind my neck waiting for him to return. I heard his car at nine thirty and he came through the door trying to be quiet so I thought I would burst his little bubble and shouted,

"It's okay, we are both still awake."

"Sorry baby, I got caught up with the partners of the firm as we had to go over some stuff and then they wanted to talk to me."

"Your dinner's in the fridge and my phone is here on my bedside table." I wasn't pissed off, just a tiny bit angry.

"I ate with them at a restaurant, sorry." He was stripping in the dark because he's probably covered in love bites.


"We turned them off, they wanted no disruptions."

I turned onto my side and noticed Ayden kick his legs, he had heard Evan come in and wanted some attention. He will go to sleep soon because he was sucking gently on his dummy. Evan leant over and kissed him goodnight then jumped into bed with me.

I felt him attempting to move over to my side of the bed so slapped him back.

"Den I couldn't avoid it, the partners insisted."

"Why didn't you ring me then?"

"It slipped my mind that's all."

"So that's all we are to you, a slip of the mind, a flicker of light every now and then, well no more Evan, I won't take anymore. In future you ring me if you're going to be late."

"They made me a junior partner today." That sounded important.

"Good, I hope they didn't leave any love bites on you."


I pulled the blanket tightly around myself and he started licking my ear.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes they made you their partner, what in, a foursome?"

"No a junior partner Den, that's big, I'm in the big league now."

I thought about it for a moment and was pleased for him, he's worked very hard for that leg up the ladder.


"Do you get more money?"

"Oh yes, a lot more."

"Good, you can buy me a nice present tomorrow to show how sorry you are for standing me up tonight."

He started laughing then moved over on top of me and my blankets were gone within seconds, he was licking down my body. I suppose I won't deny him his simple pleasures.

As we lay there in each other's arms my breathing became more normal, I could feel his breath in my ear and every now and then he would take a good slurp of it.

"I was worried about you that's all." And I was too.

"Den, can I tell you something, and you promise me you won't laugh?"

"Yes of course babe, anything."

"Well I wanted to ring you today and I wanted to ring you yesterday and everyday since I have known you, but you see there's a problem with me."

"What is it?"

"Well each time I think about ringing you I also get the urge to have sex with you so I end up with a huge boner and it doesn't go down for an hour or so. I can't ring you from work, I sit with clients all day, it can be a little embarrassing."

I didn't laugh but instead just turned around and kissed him some more then I moved on top of him, spreading his legs with mine.

"Pass the lube will ya?" He groaned.

I cooked Evan a large breakfast because he has to keep his strength up and as Ayden tried to move around the kitchen in his baby walker, I helped him by giving him a little nudge every now and then. He was a little unsteady and slow but he eventually got there. Evan came out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist and we have plenty of time because he doesn't have to be at work till ten am today. My boner was rising and I have to have another piece of his ass before he goes off. He sat and started eating while thanking me in the process as I picked up baby and sat him on my knee, then looked at the contents of the baby food.

"Are we going to start soon?"

"Yes bub, I wanted to check the contents because I don't trust processed food in a jar."

He picked up the other one and read it then waved it at me.

"It's got all the health ticks Den but can I suggest something?"

"Of course, he's your son too so go for it."

"Why don't we give him a mixture of this food and blender food? He can have a couple of these when we are busy and we can blend fresh veggies and fruits for when we're not."

"I didn't think of that, I might go back to the health center and ask the nurse."

"I'm sure it will be okay Den, fresh is always better, that is until he discovers chips and nuggets." He laughed.

I sat Ayden in his playpen while Evan finished off his meal then he stood to go to get dressed but I thought not so fast buddy.

I pulled him to me and kissed him then undid his towel and leaned in and whispered,

"Spread em."

It didn't take him long to get the lube and I watched the muscles in his ass punch each other as he ran into the bedroom, so awesome. He had explained his prostrate to me last night and I didn't even know it existed but he sure did like what I was doing to it.

Next: Chapter 7

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