Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 17, 2018


Ayden's Eyes 60

"How did Mel and Trip go in Hawaii Donk?"

"They got along really great Den. You do know they were going to get engaged just before her bitch of a mother interfered?"

"I sort of got the gist of it when I talked to Mel one day."

"Yeah it broke Trip's heart, he sort of never recovered."

"What happened with the accident, didn't his girlfriend die?" He looked at me not knowing whether to divulge personal information or not, but he did tell me.

"She wasn't his girlfriend. Trip didn't have girlfriends as such, he slept around a lot. The girl was a local and she always refused to wear a seatbelt. So when the accident happened she went right through the windscreen. It wasn't Trip's fault. A tired driver veered in front of them, it was very sad."

"Oh okay, so he and Mel have a history, do you know when they will be back?"

"No Den, they are whooping it up and making up for lost years. From what Trip was telling us he's thinking marriage."

"That will make the old girl happy." I smiled.

"It sure will, but there's nothing she can do about it Den. Mel's the one with the money and she told Trip she could easily cut it off and her mum would have to go it alone."

"And how is Kate?"

"Great Den, she hasn't long to go and as I told you, she loved the painting and can't wait to get back here again."

"So she's coming back to the bay then?"

"Yes Den, she thinks she will ask Susan for a job until she has enough to finance a small chemist shop in the area."

"In the bay or Longford?"

"She thinks in the bay Den, there's already one in Longford and she's chummy with the owner. I was thinking I might start looking for a property, that's the least I can do for her." He had that far away look again.

"Tell her I will finance the shop and she can pay me back at her leisure."

"Evan has already offered to buy a block of land for us down nearer to the shops Den. Thank you for offering though."

"But you need to build a shop Donk, she can't work it from the back of a van."

"Let's just wait and see, I have been putting money aside for ages now. She had to use some of the tea room's money for her schooling, but there's a chunk of it still left."

"And you're not going to get back together?"

"We don't know Den, it was an appalling marriage and I am fully responsible for that, and I know it. I would love to be her husband again but I have to get my priorities right first."

"Well the offer is still on the table Donk, I don't mind financing you both."

"Thank you Den; I am sure we will need a little help so I will talk to Kate when it happens."

You do so need my help Mr. Donk and there's no way I will let your marriage dissolve over your need to be on the beach all day. Maybe with the new shop things will settle down in both of their lives. Kate would be less stressed and Donk can do what he's always done, surf our beach. I have to think of something to spur them on.

"Bubs can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Den, what's up?"

"Donk and Kate, I'm really worried they will fall into the old trap again when she comes down here. Is there something we can do for them to make life easier?"

"Yes Den, I'm on to it, that's the other thing I have to talk to you about."


"Well you know there's those five old shops in town, the garage, the doctor's office, some sort of antique store and the other two are run down and vacant?"

"Yes bub, I thought Kate would take over one of them, it would be ideal being so near the doc's office."

"Well yes, either one would be ideal but they both have to have money spent on them to bring them into this century."

He smiled at me, no he grinned at me.

"You bought both of them didn't you?"

"Not yet Den, I wanted to talk to you about it first. We can buy them and get Horse to renovate both and when Kate gets here she can rent one at a fair price. I haven't come up with a solution for the other one as yet, but I have an idea. Anyway, Donk and Kate won't have to lay out a load of cash and we can help by buying the shops. You can guess who owns them, he want's twenty-five each and I estimate about another fifteen to twenty to fix them both up. What do you think?"

"Donk said you offered to help bub, will he go for that deal do you think?"

"He's a proud man Den, but he's also realistic. Yes, I think he will be over the moon." He went on to amaze me.

"I also was thinking maybe we could give them free rent for six months, just until they get established, then minimum rent to cover our insurance and outgoings."

"I love you so much Evan Spicer, you warm my heart every time I'm with you." I blushed but then he said,

"You too Den, you make me a better human being every day, now what do you really think?"

"Let's do it. What do you think we should do with the other shop?"

"Well I did think maybe Jack would take it and use it as a showroom. The holiday houses down here and in Longford are fifties style with fifties kitchens. I thought maybe Jack could put in a showroom with mid to low range kitchens in it. I know Tony's going to install his bespoke ones in his showroom, but for the holiday homes he should have a cheaper alternative range. Again free rent for six months then minimum rent. The apartments out the back each have three bedrooms so there's plenty of room for Mike and Emma and if they want, they can install a mobile unit in the backyard for Mavis. I have been doing some digging Den, they can get one for nothing through a government scheme, installed and hooked up to the mains for free." He grinned and I think he was as proud of himself, as I was of him at the moment. All that work he's been doing on the side, what a man, what a lawyer. I nearly swooned at his feet.

"That's so cool, what will Mike do when he's going to doctors school?"

"How about your apartment in the city?"

I cringed but didn't show my cards to Evan as sad memories came flooding back, I quickly pushed them on their way but he noticed, he never misses a trick.

"My apartment would actually be better for him; I just have to work out the logistics of my tenants. They are good ones and I don't want to make them move if they are still there when Mike starts." I felt like the most miserable person on earth.

"Then he should take mine, it's still empty and it makes sense because it's still furnished. It's okay bubs, I had forgotten about it and I should be doing something with it anyway. I will get an engineer to inspect the flat before he moves in."

"There's no need for that Den, it's more than safe for our precious tenant, the only thing is you probably won't be wanting any rent?"

"Hush your mouth, from Mike? No way, he's our family." I was being honest. He was our family and I will make sure the kitchen is fully stocked before he moves in too. We don't want him to have any worries while he's studying.

"Just being over cautious bub that's all, sorry." He leant in and kissed me. Now we have all our friends organized, we have a window of about fifteen minutes before our son wakes up. So I thanked Evan for being my partner in more ways than one. Over the next few weeks Evan was rushing everywhere, making calls and dealing with paperwork that was piled high on his desk. He was getting it done, the last person he talked to was Horse.

"Horse these are my ideas for the two shops, but I will leave it up to you to have the final say." He passed Horse the list of urgent requirements.

"I can do them as soon as possible. Cynthia's is almost finished and Jack will be down next week to install the kitchen, also Tony's holiday lets are more than half done. I can pull a couple of men off that to do these. When do you want them done by?"

"Doesn't matter Horse, just when you have the time. I estimate about three months." Evan smiled.

"Okay, what's it all about you two, something's up?"

"Nothing Horse, we thought we would buy them and maybe put a chemist shop and a kitchen showroom in them. I suppose you wouldn't know anyone that would want to rent them would you?" I asked.

Horse whistled, then he laughed so loud Ayden gave him a sour look. He had disturbed his rest.

"No Den, but you do. Do you want a nice counter and shelving put in the chemist shop?"

I looked at Evan, he nodded yes so Horse had his answer, and he was also sworn to secrecy.

They eventually went surfing and I noticed a grin on Evan's face as he got me to tuck his privates into his suit. They were quickly retrieved and loved before he left.

I walked with my son up to Cyn's place and he was again swaggering like the boys do, then he bent over and picked a wildflower from the side of the road. I looked at Tony's lets and they were going to be unobtrusive yet quite big, but I didn't go inside because there was too much going on.

At Cynthia's I was greeted by a harried looking young lady who had her hair swept up with a scarf and a dish cloth in her hands.

"Good, you have come to give us a hand at last." She smiled.

"If you want Cyn but what's the big hurry?"

"Dusting Den, every time I dust, ten minutes later I get more settling all over the place. It's a never ending job at the moment. Come out the back and I'll introduce you to Michelle."

I looked around the showroom, it was like Tony's, stark white with showcases built into the walls. She didn't have any stock out yet; I think maybe she's waiting for that dust to settle.

A kid walked out, he was about fourteen and a bit over animated. He looked like he didn't know where he was or what he was doing. Then I heard it,

"Yeahhhhh!" Ayden screamed then ran up to him but the kid didn't even know he was there as Ayden hopped around to be picked up.

"That's Shannon Den, don't be afraid, he's harmless. Poor kid lives in his own little world. My sister has the patience of a saint." I walked over to him and he was still sort of getting over Ayden's loud welcome. He looked at me and laughed, he was a beautiful looking kid with a great smile that never left his face.

"This is Ayden; Shannon he wants to meet you." Shannon looked at Ayden and laughed, maybe he thought he looked funny. I will get him to hold Ayden later, just to see what happens.

Ayden wasn't going to be ignored so he picked up an off cut of wood and was swishing it back and forth like a pirate does when he's swashbuckling. Shannon found one too, and they both played sword fights. He was a very gentle kid but had no light in his eyes.

"Okay let's leave them to it, now where's Michelle?"

I left them to play, I had no qualms about leaving Ayden unsupervised with Shannon, and his beautiful mum confirmed that when I met her.

"He's okay Den, he knows right from wrong, and a few words. Generally, he's a great kid, he amuses himself all day and he sits with me quietly when we watch TV. I don't know what's going on in his head but I've had no trouble with him. Only the onlookers who don't know him."

"Oh, and by the way that's the longest play he's had in years, normally he will play for a minute or two then forget what he's doing and he goes off to do something else." She giggled at my son's animated growls and grunts as he swished his makeshift sword about.

Cyn made us coffee and got out a packet of biscuits and we sat at her backyard table just talking. Her kitchen will be here soon, there's a big vacant spot for it in the back room. Ayden came running out followed by Shannon then sat on a chair and looked at the biscuits.

Shannon took one and popped it in his mouth.

"Some for the bubby Shan," my boy asked. The kid took another one and gave it to bubs then he laughed, spitting biscuit all over the table.

"What the fuck, what the hell's going on here?" Michelle was confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I looked at Cynthia smiling at me.

"He understood Ayden's request, he's never done that before. Okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing Michelle, but you might see a little improvement in Shannon around the magic baby." Cynthia smiled.

"So that's him, I thought you were joking Cyn. This is very interesting," she mused.

Ayden slipped off my lap and went to Shannon's chair and he actually picked him up and started a conversation with him. But what was said who knows? It was all gibberish. I spied tears running down Michelle's face so I took her hand and said,

"Welcome to the family." Cyn then said,

"Everything I told you is true. Shannon will improve a little around Ayden. I don't know how much, but he will improve Mich, please don't expect miracles or in depth explanations. Just know he may be a little bit calmer around bubs."

Michelle was speechless and by the way she was looking at her son, I truly believed she loved him more than anything in the world. I could feel that through my butterflies, who once again were going mental.

"Remind me to give you the painting I did of him a few weeks ago Mich."

"What painting?'

"I did a painting with your son in it a few weeks ago, it's at home so I'll bring it by."

"How would you know what he looked like?"

"I'll leave all the explanations to Cyn Michelle." I sat back and smiled at Cyn.

"I could get you three hundred thou for the painting sis if you ever want to sell it."

"What! What the fuck is going on here?"

"Michelle, you have read the emails about the fairy folk, you have even replied to their questions and you know a little of what's going on already."

"I didn't believe it Cyn, I just did what I was told."

"Well believe it sis."

There were no more questions and no more indications that Shannon was improving. I really don't want my boy to be the healer of everyone's troubles because I had no Idea what impact it would have on him in the future, but up to that moment nothing has effected him at all.

"Come up to the shack for dinner tonight and I can give you the painting." I smiled as I picked my now big little boy up and kissed him. Shannon made a fuss and wanted to follow us home, while Ayden wanted him to come and play.

"I can sit them in front of the TV and lock the doors Michelle, I will only be on the porch so they won't escape."

"You don't mind looking after him Den?"

"Of course not, you're family and it's my job to help." I grinned as Shannon bolted out the front door with Ayden in his wake. They babbled to each other as we walked home and I had to watch him on the road as I learnt he has no sense of danger from cars and traffic. The beach is another fear because he was drawn to water. They were the only things I had to watch with him. When we got home bubs went and got icy poles for them both. Shannon loved his treat and Rita came down wanting to be in on it.

As I brought her up to speed, Ayden took his hand and they went to watch cartoons. Rita was in as another carer and she was eager to try and get to know him. An hour later I couldn't hear them talking so I peeked in the room, no not there. They were in Ayden's bed snuggled up and fast asleep, I think he's found a new mate.

Something else happened that was extraordinary. When I gave Michelle the painting, Shannon was talking to it. He wasn't talking to the people, he was talking to the fairy folk that surrounded him and Ayden.

Ayden sat next to him on Horse's lap and nodded his head while saying,

"Yep, yep"

He gave me the impression he knew what Shannon was talking about and thinking.

"Maybe he sees the fairy folk in his dreams Cyn, that's why he seems to recognise them. Ayden is surrounded by them so he would immediately connect with him." I was looking at Michelle who still didn't believe Shannon went off for an afternoon nap, it's unheard of at her place.

"Put the painting in his room at home Mich, just to see what happens with him. I could tell you what I'm thinking but I don't want to get ahead of myself."

She stared at me then smiled. Then she said,

"Today has been a day of miracles for us both Den. Cyn will confirm It's the first day in years I have been able to be on my own. You don't know how valuable that time meant to me. How four hours of peace and quiet could mean to me. I certainly recharged my batteries a bit today, so thank you. I don't know what's going on but I thank you all, and I thank you too beautiful bubby." She leant over and kissed Ayden. He wiped it away as usual.

We had a lovely dinner then they had to leave, something about Abs calling in for the night. The boys kissed and surprisingly there were no dramas, we told them they could catch up again tomorrow.

Cyn was on our doorstep first thing and told me Shannon went straight to bed when Michelle placed the painting on his bedroom wall. She said she could hear him talking to it.

"Is she going to move in with you Cyn?"

"I don't think so Den, I wanted some privacy with Abs and Michelle understands that more than anyone. She's only in Longford so she can still work in my business and maintain her house there. I'm not being selfish, I just don't think it would work having Abs around the house all the time with two others."

"You want privacy Cyn, I can understand that."

"Thank you Den."

I had something in mind, something that was niggling at the back of my brain and I think now I will do it. I should have done this for Flip when he was here, so when I had five minutes with my best friend Rita, I put it to her.

"I'm going to paint a series of fairy folk pictures, small ones with Ayden in them. I want to test them out with Shannon and I want to send Flip and Ian one too."

"Why Den, have you come up with something?"

"Yes Rita, I want to see how Shannon's life goes with just the folk and Ayden in them. He's not interested in himself or the guys surfing, just the folk and Ayden, the two go hand in hand. Maybe small ten by ten paintings, just to see as an experiment."

"I think that's a brilliant idea Den, maybe you should seek out your fans and see if they want to buy them. Just the ones who see them in their dreams."

"I am still thinking about how to help that many people without compromising the bay and our peace and quiet?" But I will do one each for Flip and Shannon, just to see.

I didn't have any small canvasses but Spud had a couple and I'll replace then when I go into town next. I drew the outlines and what I was going to paint, I will make them different and I won't sign them so Cyn doesn't covet them. Ian had left his address with us so I was good to send it through the mail to him. My boy was helping me by being quiet for a change, Horse was teaching him his alphabet today. I think bubs thought it was a game but he got bored with that so slid down to the floor and came over to me to see what I was up to, and screamed,

"Yeah Daaady." Maybe he's been waiting for me to do this all along?

Horse disappeared around lunchtime and I got a call from Cyn.

"I believe he's been staring at that painting all morning Den, it's been a godsend because we have done so much today, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

'My pleasure Cyn, I'm working on another one just for him, it's just of the folk and Ayden." The phone went dead and the next thing I saw was Cyn running up the street. I held my hand up and said,

"They are not for sale; you can look but not touch." Then I explained to a very excited young lady what I was proposing to do. She thought it was a great idea and I should do plenty just for the masses of fans.

"Unfortunately Den, they will become collector pieces. Choose well where you place them because when it comes to money it will win every time." I knew what she was saying and I don't want an influx of people wanting them, these will be personal for me and Ayden to choose who gets them.

"Hi Cyn, have you come to help us with the new line?" Evan kissed me and I poured him a coffee. He dumped a lot of paperwork on the table.

"Uh? No just passing, I will talk to you later Den." She laughed as she ran off back to her scrubbing and dusting.

"What's this bub?"

"Paperwork, we have things to sign and double check before I go ahead with creating a company."

"What company, can't I just sign an agreement with you, like on a piece of paper?"

"No Den, this has to be done right, we have copy right laws to follow and our best plan of attack is to form a company. No one will be able to copy your paintings for profit except us."

"Can I be the president?" I smiled.

"If you want Den but there's no payment at the moment, maybe later you might get a free T-shirt or two." He laughed and Ayden laughed along, and he was wanting to get on his pa's knee to see what we are up to.

"Just some paperwork bubs, does he have to sign too?"

"Don't be silly Den, there's a lot to get through so listen carefully."

I nearly went to sleep listening to Evan drone along reading legal jargon, I know our son was bored because his head was resting on the table and he was making toddler snores.

"Bub do we have to go through all this stuff?"

"Yes, because you have to understand it too."

"Do you understand it baby?"

"Yes Den, I wrote it." He's very efficient.

"Where do you want me to sign?"

"You have to listen to all this." I put my hand over his lips then hushed him, and with a gentle kiss I whispered to him,

"Where do I sign?"

He passed me the pen and showed me several places to put my moniker.

"Thank you." God that was exhausting.

"Now, what have I signed in layman's terms?"

"Kiss me again." I did what he wanted and even gave him one for good measure.

"The company is in three names, yours, mine and Ayden's, we pay less tax and have a greater control on our finances. I will shoot this paperwork off to our accountant, he can file it."

"Den I have looked more at these samples and was wondering if we should add a few more styles."

"I suppose it won't hurt bub but I really think we should wait and see what happens first."

"Okay as long as your satisfied with the current situation."

I looked at him again and couldn't stop myself. I leaned in for another smacker.

"Now does this mean Ayden gets more money?"

"Yes, and you too Den."

"Oh goodie, just what I needed, more money." I clapped my hands and Ayden woke and started whining, so I took him and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Ten minutes more bubs, just ten minutes more." He did what he was told as I gently patted his back. Evan got up and left us to it, he wanted to make a phone call before he went surfing.

I spied Birdy sitting on the steps and he kept looking at me so I beckoned him over. He put both his hands on his cheek and made a sleep movement, indicating he didn't want to disturb Ayden's nap. I gently stood up and placed him in his bean bag then I pulled Birdy onto my knee and gave him a kiss and a cuddle. I hadn't realised it until Horse mentioned it but I looked a bit like Birdy's father in the painting, unshaven euro tan, all that, so maybe he is associating me with him? It's a good thing so I have no bones to pick about that one. In the course of our ten minute, `father/son,' cuddle he curled up and went to sleep.

I was looking at his hands and fingers and they seemed okay but if there is any sign of redness, I will get him to have a holiday from his carvings.

I also wondered if Ali could teach me a lullaby in Arabic. Rita saw I had company so she brought a couple of coffees down and sat with me and smiled at Birdy then whispered,

"He's exhausted, Bubble was telling me he didn't get much sleep last night, too many nightmares again. I hope they leave him soon."

"I will talk to Hulk, maybe he will let him stay in with Ayden for a couple of nights."

"Sure Den, if the boys weren't in with me, I would have him in a heart beat."

"I know you would my lovely but then you wouldn't get any sleep, you would be too worried about him."

"That's my job Den, I'm a mum."

"I'm a dad and I can get a babysitter. I mean a real babysitter," I joked then laughed. Birdy stirred but didn't wake, he just took a deep breath and smiled.

After a half hour everybody was up and the boys went and played in Ayden's room while I finished the small painting, and I know who my first experiment will be.

I heard it before I saw it, a huge tray truck was ambling up the street loaded with wood. It turned into Tony's next door and he was showing the driver where to dump it down the back of the property. I hope he's not going to start on more holiday lets, the noise is so distracting. It's not so bad now that Cyn's place is finished and the four lets Tony has are up to the fitting out stages. I will ask him later what's going on.

I folded the washing and went to put it away and found Ayden and Birdy lying on the bed staring at the paintings. They weren't talking but they were nodding their heads.

I heard the boys come back and the shower being used, my five big boys were back plus Ali and Spud. Rita had started making coffees and Spud organized the milkshakes.

I snaffled Ali and asked him to ask Hulk if I could borrow Birdy for a few nights. I told him a fib, I said that Ayden wasn't sleeping well and he needs company for a few nights, or for a week.

He stared at me and giggled.

"Den, Hulk is going to talk to you about moving Birdy in here for a few weeks. Tony has given them permission to add a small sunroom and another bedroom to their bungalow for Birdy. He thinks that your fairy folk might ease his nightmares and it will also keep him out of the dust."

"Where are Hulk and Jay going to stay?"

"In with Abs Den, but he thinks Birdy needs to be less reliant on him and wants him to start mixing with different people." He grinned again.

"Good, he's more than welcome to come here, and Hulk is doing the right thing too."

Ali and I talked about Birdy and we didn't think he would ever leave the bay. Hulk is well and truly in love with Jay so they won't leave and I wanted to have Birdy around anyway because I kind of like the kid.

He said Birdy was still talking to the psych and doing alright considering his circumstances, but he still has his nightmares.

We talked more then the guys came out, Evan kissed me and asked why Ayden was in his room and I told him he was healing Birdy some more.

He went with that, he's pretty cool with everything my Evan is, he just goes with the flow.

I told him Birdy would be our house guest for a few weeks so he had better keep his pants on around the house. He just laughed and said,

"That's what I've been trying to do for the past two years Den, but unfortunately you take them off." My turn to blush.

The boys eventually came out and Ayden headed Horse's way so I moved my chair back to accommodate a small boy on my lap.

"How would you like to move in here with us for a couple of weeks' kiddo?"

He nodded his head in the affirmative then grinned for miles, as you do. His hand moved over to mine and he squeezed it, he has some strength in them, probably all that whittling he does.

Later we were all summoned to Cynthia's place to move the rest of her furniture in. It wasn't hard work and Ayden played with Shannon while the adults lifted and placed her goods where she wanted them. While we were there Jack turned up with his van full of cupboards. The heaviest pieces were the highly polished concrete bench tops.

It didn't take him long to get started and Cynthia was kept out of the way by Tony so she didn't interfere.

He was helping her place her display cabinets to their best advantage.

An electrician will hook them and the kitchen up to mood lighting when it's all done and it will look sensational.

Michelle was beaming and said she had the best sleep she ever had last night, and she thanked me again. I told her I was going to paint a more portable painting for him, just to see his reaction. I also talked to her about not telling everybody.

"I understand Den. I can't see this bay catering to thousands of pilgrims, it would spoil it."

"Yes it would. I have started the small painting for Shannon in the hope it calms him down like the big one. If it does you can get Cyn to auction the bigger one, the money might make your life a little easier."

"It's okay Den, Cyn looks after us and I love that painting too much now to part with it." She smiled. Life is looking up for her I think.

Jack worked through the day and two of Horse's men helped him place the benches. It looked fucking awesome, so elegant and so functional, he did a superb job on it. Cyn couldn't stop kissing poor Jack, and thanking us, she was over the moon with Tony's choices and at one point she was crying.

With all that done and her beds made, we converged on the cafe for some late lunch. She had two big pots of stew and salad to go. I was hungry and Evan helped me get mine, he filled up a big bowl of it then made me a side salad dish. Shannon actually sat at the table and ate with Ayden and we noticed his need to be on the move all the time was diminishing slowly.

Next: Chapter 61

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