Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 16, 2018


Chapter 66

I felt his presence before I saw him, Birdy I assumed was on his way home from work. I draped my arm around his shoulders and gave him a head kiss.

"Have you been working hard son?"

"No poppa Den, I watch Tony today, he making table."

"Is it good?"

"Yes good, he's good but table sick."

"What do you mean sick?"

"It not stand right."

"Oh did you tell him?"

He looked up at me shyly and grinned.


I started laughing, this kids getting a real dark sense of humour. Poor Tony, when he finds out he's going to be so pissed off.

He moved over to where Ayden's truck stood all forgotten

then he started to play with it, moving sand to and fro just like my boy did. He really did have fun for the next twenty minutes, his smile told me that.

"Go now."

"Where are you off to?"

"Go see Hulk, then lunch." He kissed me and left and last I saw of him he was skipping up the pathway. He's back to being a little kid again, which is a good thing.

The guys started coming in and because I had no lunch for them they headed for the showers. Evan was the last one off the beach and a thousand insults wouldn't wipe that smile off his face anytime soon.

Bubs stirred and placed his truck behind the tree.

"Everything all right here?"

"Yes bubs, apart from a flat tyre all's good now."

He stared at me for a moment.

"Let's shower then eat, then I just might get the lotion out."

He didn't need to be told twice as he placed Ayden giggling over his big shoulder. I took his board and the towels then we headed home.

The boys were tucking into the pies today with plenty of tomato sauce, I looked at each one of them and thought, fuck I'm lucky to be surrounded with this group of men. Each one has an individual identity, and each one was as talented as the next.

"Well you shouldn't do it like that Donk you could get hurt," Tiny was still ticking Donk off about something.

"Oh, and you're the expert are you?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I am."

"Bah," was Donks answer, then he smiled at me and winked, he was just teasing Tiny.

Blue was sitting with Horse and his face was full of meat pie and I thought of a painting I did long ago with Evan's mouth full of hamburger, it still sits on our wall along with Ayden's chip teeth. I smiled at the thought on Brighton beach that Evan had lost his virginity in the bushes, which wasn't true, then I started to get a rise out of my groin. I grabbed a serviette and placed it over the offending bulge just as Evan groped it. When I yelped the guys all stared at me.

"Sorry." Evan went as red as a beetroot.

Blue was telling us he is going to Portugal to surf the competition there and everyone looked at Evan, who looked at Ayden, who smiled and looked up at me.

"He hasn't said anything yet, maybe tomorrow." I laughed.

Alex is going with him and he's looking for friends to come and he will pay their air fares and accommodation. Tiny and Nuts put their hands up immediately then Trip, who told the other two that they had more money than Blue so they could pay their own fares.

Then he said it will be another great holiday for him and Mel, they might do Spain then pop over to Paris while they are there.

Horse was thinking about it, he and Tony hadn't had much in the way of holidays so he said he will talk to Tony tonight.

Rita wanted to talk to Ayden about numbers and things so she walked him up to the kitchen where she sat him at the table with his pencil and paper. That was my cue, I grabbed Evan's hand and we casually walked into our bedroom. I greased his body until it drove me insane, then I had a thought, I got Evan's fairy skirt out of the wardrobe and slipped it on. I was enveloped in tulle and when it scratched my nipples I nearly fainted from pure pleasure. Evan was in the throes of busting his nut as I pumped my boys into him. When I rolled off I couldn't see him for all the pink tulle, and if it wasn't for his heavy breathing I probably would have never found him.

"Do you think Horse will go bub?"

"Yes, he desperately wants to watch Blue in competition, it's Tony that's holding him back."

"Oh I see, that old money making machine strikes again."

He laughed and nodded yes.

Tony didn't look that happy at tea time, he was fighting with himself over something. Evan had told me in the afternoon Horse had given him a choice about going to Portugal to watch Blue, he could go, or he could stay home. And there's that table he's been working on all week, he found out it wasn't stable.

I sat beside him and took his hand then whispered in his ear,

"Do you love Blue?"

"Yes Den, like a son."

"Do you love Horse?"

"You know I do."

"Then what's the problem? It's just a family holiday, everybody has them so why not you?"

He mulled over it for awhile then relaxed, I think he found his answer so he turned to me and smiled that gorgeous smile.

"Family is more important than money Tony, chill a little."

"Thanks Den, I do get a bit stubborn sometimes."

"That's because you're not used to having someone tell you what to do. Horse is your lover and is supposed to do that sometimes. I think the holiday will do you both the world of good and as for the table, get Birdy onto it, he's a very clever little kid and will work something out for you."

"I hate using him for my work."

"Leave it to me." I smiled and knew Birdy could fix it, if he's seen the fault already he would know the fix.

He pulled Horse aside and they sat at Rita's end and when Blue walked by they told him they were coming. He hugged Tony first and I could see Tony's hands didn't know where to rest, so he put them on Blue's bum. Blue didn't notice and Tony smiled for miles.

I took the bull by the horns later when Mike dropped in. I went to the shop drawer and retrieved Birdy's statue of him. I looked it over and it was perfect, Mike's smile was a true, honest copy. He looked at it and fell speechless, then he got up and ran over to Jay's cabin. I could see Birdy being hugged and kissed at the door before Mike picked him up and danced around with him. Then he went inside and stayed there for the next hour.

The next morning, he came over with his smile beaming, so I gave him his hugs.

"Can you do poppa a favour today son?"

"Yes poppa Den."

"Can you maybe tell uncle Tony how to fix his rocking table?" He grinned but then his face went red and he said,

"Did last night when Mike go, big surprise for Tony."

An hour later after Birdy had gone to work I get a phone call from Tony.

"Den, get your ass over here." He hung up. I grabbed Ayden then started walking towards Tony's and noticed Cyn coming from the opposite direction.

"What's up?" She asked as we walked through the side driveway towards Tony's shed.

"I think Tony's table has just got a lot more expensive." I grinned. I had no idea what Birdy had done but when I saw it, I couldn't stop staring at the magnificent legs and the details around the corners. This should be in a museum, it's museum quality and fucking stunning.

"Look, look what he's done, how could I ever compete with that kind of work?"

Tony was red, he wasn't mad he was just flabbergasted. Birdy had carved magnificent birds at the bottom of the table legs then he had put accents of them around the lip corners. Cynthia took her eye glass out and got down to have a closer look.

"They have his stamps all over them Den. Tony I have never seen anything more beautiful, especially in handmade furniture, ever. It's perfection plus. How the hell do we price this one?"

Tony started walking around in circles and was fighting with himself. I spied my other son giggling in his corner so I went across to give him a big hug and to thank him and he returned the favour by giggling even louder. Cynthia came over and did the same, she had tears in her eyes as her arms went around his tiny body. The magnificence of the table did that to her.

"Tony I feel you have to build a glass cabinet to house it then put on a ridiculous price and watch your customers fight over it."

She really didn't know what to do next, she was in shock.

I put my arm around Birdy's shoulder and picked his hand up and it was red raw so I took the knife out of his other hand, which was cut several times. It must have taken him most of the night to do, I'm surprised Jay had let him and hadn't noticed his hands. This is not supposed to happen, he's a kid and any hurt he feels is our hurt. I shouldn't have said anything; Tony would have worked it out eventually, with a heavy heart I rang Tiny.

"Okay I'll meet you at the shack." I hung up then lifted Birdie off his stool.

"Come on kid, we have a date with doctor Tiny." Cynthia heard me.


"His hands Cyn, they need cleaning; this was too much for him."

She gently took his hands and said,

"Go Den, we will follow shortly." I don't think Tony was aware what was happening because he was still walking around in circles.

Tiny sat him at Rita's kitchen table while she got him a bowl of warm water, then started gently cleaning the cuts. I told them what he had done and Ayden rubbed Birdy's arm, he was saying it was okay, he will be okay. I really didn't think Birdy felt any pain, he just kept on smiling at me, Tiny and Rita, I think he was enjoying the attention.

Jay ran in and was breathless, he hadn't started work yet.

"What's the matter with him?"

He hugged Birdy putting Ayden on his lap as he sat in the chair next to him. I told him as much as I knew and he looked towards the door and screamed,

"Fucking Tony, I feel like smashing all his tables over his head, how could he do this to my son?" He was pissed off and Birdy's head snapped up, I think it was the word, 'son,' that did it.

As if on cue, Tony and Cynthia arrived, their faces full of nothing but concern. Jay lunged at Tony knocking him to the floor, and the words that came out of his mouth were foul as he called him every filthy name he could think of. Tony took the brunt of it before he grabbed Jay in a lock. He held both of his arms tight to Jay's side and talked calmly to him.

"I didn't ask him to do it Jay, he did it all on his own. I know you're angry and it hurts me that you think I could do this to people I love dearly, you Hulk and Birdy. Jay I just wouldn't do that to him, and you know that." Jay started crying his eyes out, he's had a fright. Birdy got off his chair and kissed Jay's face, and he calmed down and let Tony go, then he cuddled Birdy instead.

"He will be all right Jay; he's got a couple of small skin breaks. So my prescription is he doesn't carve for a week or so, they need to heal. I will call by every day and clean them." Tiny was onto it.

Everybody had calmed down; Jay was nursing Birdy when he said his apologies to Tony. Surprisingly I think Tony got a big wake up call, he must have because he said he wouldn't sell the table. Instead he would display it in his shop and if he got a magnificent offer then all the money will go into Birdy's account, not his. I will call my friend at the Victorian museum because this is no ordinary table and has to be shared with the world.

When Hulk eventually arrived Birdy held his milkshake and sat on his lap. He wasn't as concerned as Tony because he knows Birdy is going to settle down with his carvings once he goes to school. That big celebration will start on Monday, another adventure and milestone for my other son.

I sat with Cynthia as Jay and Birdy walked home to watch TV and Tony left to open the shop. Birdy's hands were bandaged and Tony was giving Jay the day off so they could chill at home. Hulk had to get to the games parlour because there were kids waiting for him to open. Birdy had told us he sneaked out when Hulk had gone to bed and had worked on the table for hours. Maybe giving him his own room was a mistake but there were no repercussions for him, just kisses and hugs and his promise not to do it again.

"What the fuck do we do with it Den?"

"It needs to be displayed where people can see it, I thought maybe the Victorian museum." That did it, it was like I had unlocked a mystery door with Cyn, she rummaged through her oversized bag and found her phone.

"Leave it to me Den, I wasn't thinking on those terms, but I do have an idea now."

She smiled at me then dialled a number.

"James, Cynthia, I found it. I will send you photos and a write up on its beginnings and the artist, his history is just what your looking for." She looked over and smiled at me.

"Yes I do James, it's the best unique example I have ever seen, and will fit that vast space perfectly."

"One and a half million." I nearly dropped my coffee all over bubs so Cyn held her hand up to me.

"That's right, it ticks all your boxes, I will send you the address. I can meet you there, just let me know when your flight is due and I'll pick you up."

"Government transport even better, see you when you can slot me in." She laughed and talked some more then hung up looking very satisfied with herself.

"He wants to pay that much, is he insane?"

"Den I have been looking for a large piece for him for ages, Birdy's table is, absolutely no question about it, perfect for the spot he wants it for. "

"And where's that Cyn?" I had to ask.

"Parliament house Canberra, in the great hall. They have plenty of money Den, it's fucking perfect. It will be used to hold the visitor's book in the centre of the huge arrivals hall." I did spill my coffee then but luckily Ayden had fallen asleep, he was talking to his fairy folk on the bean bag.

And today as you walk through the great doors of Parliament house in Canberra you will see standing in the middle of the vast expanse, Birdy's table in all its magnificent glory. You see when he carved his birds, he used Australian natives unique to us only, that's what made it so rare and to stamp it all with his little signatures was undeniably even more unique. With Birdy's short history from a war torn country to be resettled in Australia, it was the perfect object and proudly it stands there and welcomes everyone from all walks of life, all nationalities.

Tony didn't argue, he always looked at the table as being Birdy's creation and was so fucking proud of him, he was nearly bursting when James handed Birdy a cheque for one and a half million dollars. Of course Birdy handed it to Evan to bank for him.

James made him promise he wouldn't carve another table like that ever because he would get upset, but it was more him telling Birdy it was too much for his little fingers to do and to settle down. I think Cyn had something to do with that.

His smile was huge when he ran over to the shack on his first day of school. Freshly pressed shirt and shorts, a wide brimmed sun hat and a backpack. We were all waiting for him to show us and he did, so we took loads of photos and he got his morning hugs from everyone. We all mostly wanted to go with him and see him through the school gates, but Jay and Hulk said it would be too much for him, he needs to be treated like a normal little boy. Although the school was only an eight-minute drive away he proudly sat in the back of Jay's car. When the car passed by he waved goodbye to us, he smiled and maybe I saw him wink at me.

We sat around feeling a bit low as Rita tried to cheer us all up. She had come up with a great idea, she would take his lunch up to him every day. I looked her up and down and asked,

"What makes you so special, I can make sandwiches for kids too?" The table went quiet for a second then they all burst out laughing in unison.

"Go ahead Den, the kitchen is all yours, " Rita amused herself.

"Guys let's go surfing," Evan not only changed the subject, he cleared our porch as bums were dragged into wet suits. Of course I never saw any of them but I have a great imagination. The guys only used the shower and back porch to do that, I think they know me so well.

"Who's that gentleman Rita?" I have seen him in here before but never knew who he was.

"Oh that's Art, the bookstore owner, he sometimes comes in here to get a coffee and to clear his head."

"I thought it was closed."

"No Den, he's writing his next best seller. He only opens the shop during holiday season and some weekends when the campers are here, he loves my brownies." She smiled at the well dressed, good looking gentleman sitting with his note pad at one of her tables. I won't disturb him; I have a very jumpy little boy wanting my attention.

"Now daddy, it time, Pa looking at me."

"Okay, okay let's go." I grabbed towels yet again and we headed down to the beach. Evan was sitting on the shore waiting for us but how he knew we would be down at this time is beyond me.

"Ready son?"

"Yes pa, let go." Another wild ride for Evan but a smooth one for our son. The guys took their places and Ayden whooped it up with his dad.

I heard the jet ski coming around the bend and Blue beached it so it's at the ready for his ride. He's getting the full treatment today.

Evan is forever thinking up new games to play with his son, he placed Ayden on his shoulders and they tandem surfed on the next run. Bub's legs were everywhere; sorry I meant Evan's were as he wiped out, and they both fell in the drink. I immediately stood up, my butterflies were at work again.

Tiny was onto it straight away and grabbed Ayden just as he hit the water. He bobbed him up and down for awhile then shouted at Evan,

"Get it right the next time, it's Ayden's surfing time, not yours."

A red faced long haired man took him on the board again but this time it was his son doing the driving. `Yes Evan get it right will ya,' I said to myself then giggled.

He opened the shop at two, no lookers today so he sat with us and waited for the boy to get home. We saw Jay leave in his car around two thirty, he's a bit early as school is not out until three. I guess he was missing him too.

"Have you heard anything more about the consignment?"

"No Den, the agent will let me know when it's on its way, should be soon." He was smiling because it will be here before Christmas. I suppose he wants me to add up and bag items behind the counter again.

We watched as Jay came back with a small passenger. Hulk had come up to the porch and Birdie ran up to us. He was talking at ninety miles per hour, some in English and some Arabic. He loved school, he loved playing soccer at playtime, and he found some mates who live locally. In short he had a really good productive day. I made sure he got his cuddles and Rita made sure he was fed cookies and had a cold milk, Jay walked up beaming.

"Did you tell them?"

"Not yet." He beamed back.

"Well?" I asked in anticipation looking at Birdie, he got shy so Jay took over.

"He did an exam today and was top of the class." We whooped and clapped for him. Everyone was so proud, but not as proud as Hulk and Jay. I think our Birdy won't be lonely anymore and when the boys came up the party started. But he'd had a big day and fell asleep in Hulk's arms, so he put him in Ayden's bed. Jay told me later on that when they got him home he insisted on doing his homework, then he wanted to go to bed in his brand new room early so he wouldn't miss school tomorrow.

It didn't hit me as bad as I thought it would, we really had never been close. In fact, she scared me half to death some of the time. The retirement home had called me early in the morning to say my mother had passed away during the night. I knew she wasn't the best but I didn't realise she was that bad. I rolled over and put my arms around Evan, his warmth made me feel safe, then I heard Ayden moaning. Throwing back the covers I pulled my shorts on and went into his bedroom. He was still asleep but there were tears on his cheeks so I gently got in beside him and he seemed to calm down a lot as I pulled him into my chest. Something was happening to him and I didn't like it one bit. I wished my son was just a normal kid and didn't have to be feeling sad even when he's sleeping. I woke a half hour later when Evan poked his head in to see where I was.

"Nightmares I think."

"Oh, I'll get us some coffees."

Looking down at my son I was met by the most dazzling azure blue eyes on this planet; he had woken up.

"Are you okay bubs?"

"Yes daddy, just little sad." His little hand reached up and stroked my face.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No daddy, the king tells me, he sad he sad for grandma."

I stared at him until Evan came back with our coffees and a juice for Ayden, who managed to sit up and take the bottle. I pulled myself up and patted the bed for Evan to sit.

"What's up baby?" he asked.

"Mum died early this morning, the king told Ayden and he had a nightmare."

Evan looked at our son and reached over and stroked his cheek, then he pulled me in tightly with his other arm.

"You okay little buddy?"

"Yep pa, just a bit little sad that all."

"And the king told you grandma went to god's house, did he?"

"Yes pa, grandpa is upset, he say he needed my cuddle." It's all he had to say to floor both of us. Just those few words hit us like a barrage of army tanks.

My father had died when I was very young, like before I was born. I don't think my mother ever got over it, and she certainly didn't speak about him to me. I would ask her but she would just go off her head and rant and rave, that's what scared me.

"Grandpa is upset baby, when did you talk to grandpa?"

"In my sleeps dah, the king tells me."

I looked up at Ayden's king painting and I felt a sadness emanating from it, no giggles, no mischief making, just sadness.

"What's happening Den, how would Ayden be talking to your dad?"

"I don't know bubs, but I aim to find out." I once again stroked my boy's face then kissed him.

"Everything's going to be alright baby, pa and me have it all fixed."

"Look her books dah," he whispered.

"What baby?"

"look at books." He became tight lipped and shut down for the next hour and needed more sleeps, either that or he just didn't have answers to my questions.

"What books Den?"

"I don't know but mum was sometimes writing in journals, I thought they were her diaries but I never had the urge to read any of them." I indicated to Evan we should move to the porch. He took the coffee mugs while I pulled the blanket up on my boy. Before I left I stared at the painting for a long time, then I said,

"Look after him, make sure he sleeps, please no dreams." Then I don't know why, I kissed my hand and put it on the king's heart.

Rita was sitting at the table with Horse and Evan. I took another coffee and sat looking out at the sky.

"Are you all right Den?" she asked.

"Yes my friend, I'm a bit shocked at the moment, but good. We were never close, mum had her quirks and as far as I could tell she was just there to feed and clean for me. We never had in depth conversations, only sometimes about school work or cleaning my room."

"What were your grades like at school Den?" Horse was onto it.

I blushed and replied,

"Excellent Horse, I was top of the class from the start, some of the kids hated me for it so I would deliberately stuff some exams just to get them off my back."

"So you're academically a genius," Evan said.

"Yes and no, all I wanted to do was paint but my mum wanted me to be anything else but an artist. And as you know Evan, Carole pushed me relentlessly to do more with my brain." I mulled it over.

"What happened?"

"I fell in love with the arts and pushed myself to be the best I could be with it. If I was to be honest I was compelled to paint as long as I can remember. The schoolwork came about naturally; I didn't have to study, just read the text books."

"Umm Irish mother, Italian father, maybe gypsy's blood, very interesting." Horse was still trying to work it out.

"Are you sure you are okay Den?" Rita was concerned.

"Yes honey, I guess we have to go to Townsville in the next few days. I have to ring the village back today. All they said was that mum had everything organised before she went."

Horse got up and went to check on Ayden, he couldn't stand the thought he had been upset. He arrived back with a droopy eyed boy who smiled at him a lot.

"You okay now bubs?" Evan kissed his head.

"Yes pa me okay, grandpa Hoth make baby feel better, where Blue?"

I think he wants a surf, and what's with the grandpa Horse, that's new? I looked at Horse whose face was lit up like a beacon. I guess we now have an answer why he's always nursing Ayden.

"Bubs relax for another ten minutes will you, Blue's probably still asleep?"

"Okays dah." He looked up at Horse and giggled.

"I guess we had it all wrong, I thought you nursed him to make yourself feel better Horse, but it seems like it's the other way around." Rita looked shocked and said,

"That explains a lot Den, a hell of a lot."

Horse was as proud as punch as Ayden cuddled into his wide hairy chest and went off for another ten-minute nap.

I potted around with my own thoughts all morning while the boys took Ayden down to the surf. It was deemed safe for him, and I had no fears. They did say there was a solemn look about him and Blue said he screamed a lot into the wind. Evan had stayed and stuck close to me, he even bought our plane tickets to Townsville, they were for tomorrow and he thought he might get in some surfing while he's there. It will be Ayden's first flight apart from the noisy helicopter ride when the king and Aisha were here.

"Go and have a surf bub, I'm okay, I'm just going to sit and paint. I'm good really, so don't worry, go have a surf with your son."

He kissed me deeply, so I didn't want him to go then, but he pulled away and went to put his suit on.

I sat with my canvas and did a new painting, it was of my mum.

I had painted her a few times but gave up after she snorted and went about her business. She hated Carol for some reason, I knew she did by the way she acted around her, somehow my mum hated the thought we had fallen in love. When Ayden was born she came for a visit, she only lasted two days but at least she got to nurse him.

Next: Chapter 67

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