Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 10, 2018


Chapter 70

We didn't expect to see Abs and Cynthia at all for at least a week or two, but surprise, surprise they called by at dinner time. Extra tables were brought down because Anne, Jack and Mike appeared shortly after.

I bowed to Cyn just to see her reaction and she shouted,

"Could you go a little lower Den? I want to look at your bald patch." She giggled.

"What bald patch, Evan come with me?" I was upset because it's Evans job to tell me if I'm going bald or not.

"It's all right Den, she was taking the piss," he chuckled as I ran my hands over my hair and decided to sit and behave for the night. Everyone was getting over last night's party and it looks like they were going for a second party tonight. The boys were drinking so the champagne was brought out again. Ayden and Birdy were in a party mood and they wanted to dance so a few of the ladies swirled them around the porch.

"I nearly fainted when the helicopter turned up," Cyn was revisiting her exit.

"Well it was something special, that's all I have to say."

"It was, but also very scary at the same time." She kissed Abs who went red. Rita once again closed up early and sat down with Birdy on her knee, Ayden was too busy dancing still. I think his butterflies are entertaining him once more, even though I couldn't see them tonight. Donk was telling us again how much Kate had enjoyed herself, and if she didn't have to go back to town today she would have been here too.

Aisha leaned over and said to him,

"Bring her back down soon, I would like to get to know her better Donk."

Jack was talking to Horse on the quiet and wants to hire Donk full time but doesn't know if his business will sustain him long term. I overheard Horse say,

"Just put him on casual rates, he gets plenty of work from me and Evan too, that way there are no locked in promises. If it were me I would get Den to pay you cash and then pay Donk cash so it doesn't go through your books. Mostly everything down here is handled in cash amongst us. I can talk to the other customers that I lined up, they can all pay cash Jack. Leave it to me." Jack slumped, he just doesn't understand how the bay works yet, but he will get it in time, maybe he's paying so much tax because he's too honest?

"Gran is so happy Den, she's going to drive up here tomorrow and have a coffee with you, it's been years since she drove a car. I hope she doesn't go too fast." Mike giggled.

"Where is she tonight?"

"Rehydrating herself with plenty of water, she had a few champagnes last night and sang some really old songs on the way home. They were terrible, mum had to tell her to shut up." He laughed again.

I could see Anne laughing at Mike's comments and I bet she's pleased they moved here, Mavis is going to be a bigger ball of laughs me thinks.

"What are you up to Bub?"

"Dads, me's just play with butters."

"Oh are they here again?"

"Yes dads, they always here wif me's."

"Good, and how is the king today?"

"Go play on beach, he sent butters to me."

"Good, as long as you're not bored with it all."

That glare I got from him was followed by a belly laugh then he skipped off into Evan's shop to talk to his butters.

Another late night so I handed Nuts a key to the stay, he did have a little to drink. I said my goodnights as the party broke up and Abs threw Cynthia over his shoulder and walked her up the road, she screamed but it was all in fun. I didn't find out where Tony was until Horse went to leave. He's also got a dreadful hangover made worse by Cynthia's princess announcement. He knows it's all for show, she's really not a princess, that's just Aisha's way of saying she's family.

Birdy rode home in Hulk's arms, he was dropping off to sleep on Rita's knees but he did want to party and fought sleep for a long time, but eventually he was carted home to his bed.

Monday morning saw just about everybody on board, Blue was up and about and Birdy came by in his school uniform ready to be walked to the bus stop. Rita was singing and banging around in the kitchen and Evan was still in recovery mode from the thorough shafting I gave him last night, oh, and again this morning.

I kept smiling at him and he shouted,

"Shops shut Den, no more for you today." I put my frown face on, but he didn't reconsider.

I actually got to open my paint box after Birdy and the boys left, I wanted to finish Horse's in his fairy dress painting and start the one with the black suit and tie. I did think about putting a few of the ladies in it but had second thoughts, it looked good as it was. Those eyes of Horse's rolling in the air got me giggling again, and I finished the fairy folk I needed to have in it.

Mavis came motoring up the road and I watched her as she parked the car carefully then started up the stairs.

"Good morning Den, how are you?"

"Good Mavis, did you handle the car okay?"

"Yes Den, it's a fine carriage for an old lady, now you have to tell me how much I owe you for it."

"Nothing honey, it's a present for you."

"Well I had to offer darling, Jack made me, you will tell him I offered, won't you?"

"Of course I will." I smirked. She's covering her ass I think.

Blue brought down the coffees and some sandwiches and Mavis watched his fine butt walk back to the café. He did give it a scratch on the way, and I wondered if it was intentional.

"I need to snaffle Cynthia sometime in the next few weeks, I've got some things she might be able to sell for me."

"I'm sure you have some things she would want to sell Mavis, what have you got in all those boxes anyway?"

"Just things Den, a little of this and a little of that." She smiled.

"Well I'm sure she would be up for selling them, how's Jack coping?"

"Wonderfully, he gave Anne a hundred dollars this morning so she could go into town with Emma and buy herself something nice. I think the romance has started again. He worked so hard but I think it dropped off there for awhile, and little Emma was a wonderful surprise."

"Well they will be happy here, I'm certain of that."

"He's smiling again which is a big plus Den. So is my daughter and she will thank you, but she doesn't know how to at the moment."

"She doesn't have to Mavis, the shop was sitting there empty for years so it was a no brainer for Evan to offer it to Jack."

We had a very pleasant catch up and Rita sat with us for awhile and I showed them the new painting. Mavis wanted it for her bedroom wall but I said for her to hold that thought and went into my storage and found one I had done of Tush and Bubble, then gave it to her.

"That will be better for your bedroom don't you think?"

"Oh my, my, oh my," Rita said as Mavis ran her finger over Tush's bum.

"I can do one for you too Rita if you like."

"No Den, it will probably keep me awake all night." She giggled.

Mavis left shortly after with her painting under her arm and I watched as she carefully put the car in reverse then backed out onto the street. She will do all right down here, I have no doubt about it. I must go around, maybe tomorrow and see what she's got stored in that garage.

Rita was all sparkles again today and had put on one of her new day dresses, the one featuring Ayden's eye's. I couldn't stop staring at the pattern, it did look awesome. My boy's up and raring to go, he's just had his extra ten minutes and I heard the banging before I saw it. He's on his bike today and killing anything that gets in his way, including my table. He knows better than to bump it or draw on it so I picked the bike and him up and pointed him towards the cafe. The amount of destruction a three-year-old can make is unbelievable. Rita's chairs were everywhere as he crashed through them, so lucky she was still using the op shop ones we bought when she first came here. They worked and were always replaceable at a minimal cost.

Alec came out to see what the ruckus was all about and pointed him back towards me. He grinned, yes I know it's more work for him to settle the cafe seating, and I should really take him out the front and give him a decent ride. But although there's hardly any traffic this time of year, there is always the odd hoon that's lost his way roaring up the street.

"Come on bub, let's take this out the backyard."


"Yes oh, you can get up a bit of a speed out there." I picked up the bike and my son followed us out the backyard. It's looking a lot better since Evan and Donk cleared it up and we now have a concrete slab where the jet skis are housed under its carport. The land behind the garage has been levelled for the container. Horse and Tony's tiny house was blending in nicely since the plants have grown. When Evan did the slab he also did one for the showers and it's all a lot tidier nowadays. I put the bike down and Ayden zoomed around in a circle making I suppose what he thinks are bike noises.

I sat on Horse's small porch in his rocking chair just taking my son's awesomeness in. He went around the yard three times then pulled up in front of where I was sitting.

"Fills her up thanks." He needed petrol.

I got up and found Tony's watering can and pretended to fill up his bike's petrol tank.

"That will be two dollars please Mr. Ayden."

I put my hand out and he slapped it with pretend money, I made a ding sound for the cash register and he drove off.

After about half an hour I saw Rita on the back porch waving me in. I told Ayden to park his bike in with the jet skis, which he did and we both walked back to the porch, I think he had just about had enough anyway.

"There's a container coming up the street, do you want to go get Evan?" Rita said with a big smile, she was as excited as me.

"Okay can you?"

"Look after bubs? Yes of course," she finished my sentence then giggled.

I ran down to the beach and waved him in, so he grabbed the others and we all went back to the shack.

I sat and watched the container being backed carefully into our drive then its cranes lifted it ever so gently and placed it on the ground where it was supposed to be. Evan and Horse were directing it while Ayden sat on the driver's knee and helped. When the truck left, the seal was broken and I'm sure I saw a golden glow emanating from it.

Ayden was jumping up and down and couldn't contain his excitement even though he probably didn't realise what was in it.

Evan had over ordered I think; it was jammed packed full of cartons.

He ripped the invoice off one of the plastic bags that was sitting on top and started looking through it.

"Den it's not as expensive as I thought it would be, but I have to add shipping costs to it too, these prices aren't what Cody had in mind."

"That's good bubs, maybe I will get a tank top cheap then, but we had better check the quality out, maybe they have reduced it since they sent the samples. Rita and Tony are the best men for that job."

The guys were with us plus Blue and Alex and they were all eager to see the finished products.

Each box had a reference number so we started sorting some out to take into the shop. Evan will do Cody's order when he gets his head around the filing system. This is going to keep him off the beach for days me thinks.

We dumped about thirty boxes of what we thought were one of each item into the shop and Evan started opening cartons.

My colours were coming to life as Trip opened a plastic bag and Evan's bum appeared on some board shorts.

"Wow, I've got to get one of these bum ones Den, I can play with Evan's ass all day." We cracked up at Evan's blushing face.

We worked on placing the stock onto shelving and hanging dresses in the ladies' section most of the afternoon. Evan was calling out prices and we were all marking the stock which came with tags with barcodes on them. Evan was also coordinating how much there was to go into the computer and prices. There actually were too many of us in the shop but we didn't fall over each other doing it. I stood back a few times and watched the bright colours rejuvenate the shelves. Rita and the girls couldn't help themselves, they were doing the ladies section just so they could put aside the dresses they wanted. We will get the boys to take what they want at no charge so they can start wearing them around the town.

Ayden was going mental over his new flip flops, they had his eyes on them and yes, he was talking to himself. Cynthia started copying the barcodes into the computer and the stock numbers, she has a bit of experience doing that, and Tony was telling the guys where to put the stock. Horse and Donk were breaking up boxes and throwing them over the back balcony.

By five we were all pooped and everyone had their small stacks of clothes they wanted. I cut tags off and popped them into bags and the guys were decked out in new clothes and the girls were trying on their dresses. The shop looked full again, there were no spaces on the shelving and the racks were full. Tush and Bubble had made roast beef and gravy rolls for dinner and they didn't last long because everyone had missed having lunch.

Evan's grin was priceless and so was Horses when he slid his body into Blue's painted t-shirt, it looked so good on him. Rory and Cody had done well, their designs only covered the left sleeve and went down that side of the shirt, the rest was a plain highlight colour, a perfect match. I deliberately didn't take the one of Evan's bum because I have the original one to play with, but I did take one of Blue's tank tops.

The girls looked wonderful and after a small fashion parade they started taking photos of each other.

"I've never owned so many beautiful dresses Den, I feel like the queen of Sheba." Rita was laughing.

"Well they look good on you baby, enjoy the attention."

Evan was still doing the paperwork and sending off a few emails, he will do Cody's order tomorrow morning. The tags were nice and had, `The Den Curtis Collection,' printed on them. I really don't know why he just didn't call it Evan's surf shop gear, but it doesn't matter.

I have to put aside some of the clothes for my frames Jack's doing but I'll do that tomorrow, it's a bit of a head spinner today.

Birdy and Jay came up and after I collected a big hug they went in to look. I heard Birdy sing out, "awesome." I guess he has seen something he likes. Jay came out with a few items, he took the tags off and gave them to me as I winked and told him we will talk money tomorrow and to go back and get some more. Of course we aren't charging any of our friends, it's not like they cost Evan a bomb.

Both Ayden and Birdy danced around in their new board shorts, it's about time my boy got over his red shorts fixation, and it was nice to see him in something different. Of course they were Blue's shorts he had on, so cute.

Another celebration tonight, Ali and Spud were wrapped in it and he wanted to put some aside for Aisha.

"Already organised Ali, that bundle over there is for her," Cynthia said.

"Try this on my siren of the sea," he said and handed Spud a dress.

"Oh by all means, but only after you desert dweller."

They giggled their way through the stock then decided they would have a good look in the morning. I think they want to watch a movie.

I sat with Evan who was holding my hand, his smile was huge and I was so happy for him, I know this line will be a big hit.

Abs had turned up looking for Cynthia and he also had a look and Cyn had a bag of dresses and some tanks and shorts for Abs. She also took a lot of photos of Blue and Horse wearing the assorted patterns, she is going to try it on her website and will work on it when she gets back home.

I got a big thank you hug off Birdy while Evan sent pics to Cody, he was so happy they turned out so good. Rita and Tony gave us the thumbs up and workmanship wise they deemed the stock perfectly finished.

I didn't go all out with Evan tonight, I think seeing all that new stock gave him an orgasm earlier, so we actually talked for some time, until I dropped off to sleep. I dreamt of my fairy folk during the night, they all had the stock on and were whooping it up having another party. My father the king was dancing around in his little, `Ayden's eyes' t-shirt and he had the biggest smile on his face, bigger than Evan's.

That smile greeted me again this morning. He had risen early to go into the shop and recheck everything that had been put on the shelves, then he moved the half full boxes into our living room, it will make them easily accessible from the shop. He kissed me deeply as a good morning celebration then he slowly moved down the bed to my very happy member. I loved his willingness to make me feel so fucking good first thing in the morning, and as I stretched my legs apart he also played a fine tune on himself.

"What time did you get up bub?"

"About five Den, I wanted to get an early start. I need to go out to the container and sort out what's what in there to, but that can wait for now, I'm more excited to see what the holidaymakers will think of it. I hope I haven't overpriced it, but Cody and Rory said the prices were about normal."

"The last t-shirt I bought was four dollars so don't rely on me for prices."

I laughed.

"Four dollar shirts suit you Den, I love it when they get a bit of shrinkage and ripped, especially under your arms, they drape off you beautifully." He started sucking on my nipple so I got another round in then. I could hear our morning kisses stirring but then heard the patter of tiny feet, then a spray into his potty. He was ready to start his day again and ran in just in case he missed something, then jumped on the bed. Yes, he literally jumped up and down, I had to move to the side while he had a play. I did think I should get him a small trampoline.

We hugged and kissed while Evan showered then went back into the shop.

I found him sitting behind the counter sipping on a coffee, I have no idea what he was doing but that smile was back.

"Cody said we should unpack the lot and put it in stacks with sizes on them, not to leave them in the plastic because they may go mouldy by the beach."

"Okay, we can do that today." I smiled, but no more painting, it looks like I'm retired.

"No Den, the shops mine I will do it with Donk's help, your coffee's on the table." I kissed him then went to have a drink as

Bubs ran into the cafe to give Blue his order. I heard him give him his list of things to do for the day, but no numbers at all today, instead he wouldn't mind a surf, maybe this morning sometime and this afternoon. Blue agreed and my boy ran out with a big smile of satisfaction on his face.

He headed for my knees then he turned around and planted his face in my chest, his arms went over my shoulders and he had ten more minutes' sleep as I rocked him, something else he liked to do.

Evan sat down and had some toast and coffee, he wanted to get on to his stock so I suppose there's no surfing at all today.

Horse was around and the boys came up for breakfast, they had been down the beach since dawn as they thought Evan might need them this morning, which he did.

"Where's Tiny?"

"Working Den," Horse answered as the others sniggered.

"What's up?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"He's taken your advice and is finishing his studies at Warragul Hospital, his brother in law got him a residency there."

"Wow, that's so cool." I tried to smile, but I wish he had have told me.

"Seven months should see him become a full general practitioner and he thinks he will take over the surgery in town. He needs something to do, and someone he knows said he should finish what he had started," Nuts added to the conversation.

I got smug then because I knew that someone was me.

The boys worked hard for the next three hours while Blue and I took Ayden down for a surf, and with the help of Ali and Spud we got the backups into place. Bub surfed like an old trooper, his smiles were big and his laughs genuine. Blue was a little more patient than Evan, plus he was having a great time out there. Bub got three extra runs in and Ali and Spud didn't mind standing around watching, they rather enjoyed it. I stood on the shore ready to catch him as he rolled in. He was shivering when his final run finished so I wrapped him in his big towel, I thanked the boys and took him up to the shack. The boys were still at it as I walked into the shower with him. I sat him on the chair as the water warmed up then I placed him under his little kid's shower Horse had installed. I could see Evan watching, I bet he was wishing he was in there with us.

I tried to get him into his red shorts but I'm afraid Blue's boardies were now the flavour of the month. I had just finished dressing the both of us when Evan walked by the bedroom but seems he had second thoughts and backed up. Looking at bubs in his boardies and thongs he smiled then kissed me.

"I was playing with my balls in the shower bubs," I whispered and flitted my eyelashes at him.

He walked off laughing, I suppose that image didn't work for him.

There were more cartons in the lounge room, and Cody's order was completed and taken to Tony's for shipping to his stores.

Birdy had the day off school today and was going to hang with his mates at the footy oval, but right now he was sitting at the table waiting for his hugs, which he immediately got from me.

"Big day today baby?"

"Yes poppa Den, playing soccer with friends." He was deep in thought.

"What's up?"

"Nothing poppa, just reflection that's all."

"Are you happy or sad baby?"

"Yes, very happy."

"That's all that matters kid, everything else that has happened in your life has gone, it won't come back so enjoy yourself."

"Thank you, I was just a little bit sad but okay now." He smiled.

"That's what I want to see, have you had breakfast?"

"Yes with Hulk and Jay, was good." He got his knife out and started whittling an image.

I got my coffee and opened my paint box while Ayden was counting down the hours before his next ride.

After a half hour he got a message and put his things away.

"They are waiting," he said.

"Do you need a lift?"

"No poppa Den, I can walk, the exercise will do me some good." He hugged me again and left for his play date. I must get onto getting him a bike.

I was painting up a storm today because there were no interruptions so finished another one. I want to hang onto this one it's beautiful and has all my mates in it. I might put it on the bedroom wall so I can look at it anytime I like.

Ayden was screaming and I could hear his laughter from the beach, he must have been grabbed again for another surf.

I didn't mind, it was good to have that three hours to myself, but on the other hand it's three hours I don't get to spend with my son.

Some caravans had appeared on the foreshore which will be the grandparents and fathers reserving their spots for Christmas. As I said earlier, they get here early to get their usual places.

The rest of the family come down in a few weeks' time when school holidays start. I went into the shop and sorted out what I wanted to give to Jack to mount, I will use the tank tops and boardies, I think they are the best for this sort of thing. I took ten items and clipped the tags off, I will haggle with Evan later on for prices.

Mixing the right shade of paint, I took to signing them then I went one step further and painted over some of the pattern, just as a highlight which will give them an added dimension. They looked awesome so I hung them over the railing to dry.

I could see the finished product in my head and tried to work out a price for them but after fifteen minutes I went to the safe and got out some cash out for Jack. I will give it to him with the clothes tomorrow. I put that in my wallet and went back to get a drink and found Rita and Tush there today, everybody else had disappeared down to the shore.

"You've been busy today Den, another million dollar painting I see, it's beautiful."

"One for our room Rita, I won't sell it."

"Oh Evan doesn't mind?"

"No, why would he?"

"I just thought with all those men looking at him he might get a little shy."

"Do you really think so?" I'm so dumb.

"Better give it to me for my room Den, I won't get shy." She grinned.

"Okay six months on your wall and six on mine, deal?"


I took a sandwich while I was there, and a pot of coffee then later while sitting at the table I started thinking about my mum again. It was a very sad story and I wish I had have known, I could have been a better son to her. I shook myself and had my meal, it was delicious as always.

Next: Chapter 71

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