Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 23, 2018


Chapter 72

I rolled onto my side as Evan held me and I could feel his deep breaths on the back of my neck. My dreams were vivid and when my magnificent father came to me he looked concerned.

"Your bay hasn't changed my son; you have."

"What do you mean father?"

"You must learn to relax and have fun, otherwise your imagination will overcrowd your bay, you are the one in control, you are my son the author." I had heard that some time ago from Horse, he does after all know what's going on.

I didn't know what he meant, but in the reality of a new morning I did. While I was contemplating my dream just after Horse grabbed Evan for an early surf, I wondered if it was me who was attracting friends to the bay.

I had made a list of people I had seen in my dreams when I was sick. I pulled it out of my bedside drawer and ticked Arras and Aisha off, the only ones I have yet to see are their four sons, the rest I have met. I lay back and thought about it, then came to the conclusion one day I would meet them, but I doubt very much if they would move here. I will have a talk to Ali sometime today, he will fill me in. I have to also change; I have got to stop organizing everybody's lives for them. In other words, I have to let go of my lifesavers, the people on my list.

"Dah." I heard coming from my son's room. I think he needs a bottom wipe because he's still sitting on his potty.

"Coming." He was just sitting there probably talking to his fairy mates, so I got the wet ones and cleaned him up.

"Shower with dah bubs?"

"Yes dah." His head flopped onto my shoulder, nope not happening yet, we need another ten minutes. I carried him to our bed and put him under the covers then went to have a pee.

With that out of the way I crawled in for a cuddle with our son.

"Okay dah, okay." He was confident everything was going to be okay.

"Do you think so son?"

"Yes dah."

He turned on his side and his little arm cuddled me so we both had another ten minutes.

More and more caravans arrived and I noticed where Jack's red one had been, a new green caravan had taken over the spot. I wondered if the people in it were friends of Jacks. I sipped my coffee as Ayden sat eating some scrambled eggs on toast, covered in tomato sauce I might add.

"What do you think I should do today baby?"

"Dah, paint." He smiled at me with his blue eyes shining like gemstones.

"Paint, well that's if I get a moment's peace that is."

He grinned at me then made a silly face. Rita brought more coffee down and sat with me.

"You feeling a little down today love?"

"I suppose not down really, just thinking about stuff that's all."

"Well don't think so much, life's not that bad you have to get all depressed about it."


"Well I know you're not with us this morning, your head is elsewhere, you did ignore me when I said the boy's breakfast is ready."

"Did I? I'm sorry Rita, my heads in another dimension at the moment, I'll take it down when bubs finishes."

"He has finished and is in the cafe talking to Alex, Spud took the basket down ages ago." She smiled.


"Yes oh, why don't you do some painting Den, that might clear your thoughts."

"I might just do that my lovely, can you look after Ayden for awhile?"

"Of course, he has to do his numbers anyway."

"Oh okay." I'm so slack, I should be teaching him his numbers not relying on everyone else.

She smiled at me again then left to go do some schoolwork.

I looked through my pad and found something to paint, I really wasn't in the mood but it will give me something to pass the time. Sitting for the next ten minutes I decided I needed a pick me up so I went into the lounge room and sorted through my sketch books. One fell on the floor and as I went to pick it up I noticed two very black eyes staring blankly back at me. It was the book I had in hospital with me.

I have never looked through it because Evan said it was a dark place and not to even open it.

I picked it up and started flipping through the pages. he was right it was dark and horrible. My boy's eyes were on every page. The blackness changed to colour in the last ten pages and I came to one I hadn't remembered doing. It was Evan, Ayden and I lying on the floor at his mum's house. Ayden was crawling all over Evan's torso and I was laughing at his pretend crying. My stomach dropped because I would never see my son like this ever again, and it hurt.

Taking my canvas and paint box out to the back porch, I started drawing the scene onto it. I must have taken ages before I started applying the paint, and it came to life. No fairy folk and no party, just a happy family having fun with their son. This had been drawn after Evan got back from England when I was the happiest man in the world. I looked at it closely and Evan's smile was beautiful even though Ayden had dribbled onto his chin. He was kneeling on Evan's chest and they were looking into each other's eyes. My tears arrived and I was powerless to stop them, or the butterflies that crowded my stomach. I felt pure, perfect love, I was in that scene with those two precious people. I heard something behind me and turned. My son was sitting on the sofa watching me.

"Bubby?" he said.

"Yes bubs, you."


"That's you when you were small, playing with pa and me."

"Oh, good now."

"Yes all good now." I brushed the tears away.

Getting up I went and sat with him, putting him on my knees and he leant in to rest a bit on my chest.

"Okays dah?"

"Yep okays son." He does that to me, he never fails to calm me down and make me feel loved. I didn't notice straight away but his little hand was stroking my chin, he was making me happy again.

"I sent him out an hour ago Den, Evan is waiting for you on the porch with the boys. He would have sat here with you, but my grandson shooed him away." Rita smiled.

"It's beautiful Den, how old was he then?"

"About three and a half months I think, this was done just after Evan returned to us, I had just met you at the mailbox a few days before. If you look in the background there are no other paintings on the walls, just Ayden's Eyes. That stack of paperwork is Evan's, we had just discussed Ayden's paternity test, you can see the opened letter on the sideboard."

"That's amazing Den, you put so much into this painting, you can even date it to the actual day."

"Yes Rita, I don't know why but it seems I have put everything in it, except you."

"Well that's no matter Den, we got there eventually." She laughed, Ayden jumped.

He was wanting to sit with his pa so I packed up, leaving the painting to dry. Rita made me a coffee while Ayden ran up the porch to see his other dad. I said my hellos to everyone, it looked like a party was going on again.

As the afternoon progressed I held Evan's hand and didn't feel like letting go, Rita's café was busy and it looks like it's going to get busier as dinnertime gets nearer.

I spied Blue and the boys rushing around getting what tables are left ready for the diners. I hadn't said anything to Evan but he went to look at the painting earlier on with my boys. He was constantly smiling because he read it and understood what it was saying. He leant into me and said,

"The paternity day."

"Yes, just after we made love, before dinner time."

"Well you nailed it."

"No, I nailed you." I burst out laughing and Rita came out and gave me the thumbs up. I guess I'm back to normal again thanks to my man, I will give him an extra pump or two tonight.

He had opened the shop and had some lookers and I noticed some bags being carried out, also I could hear the register going. He was doing okay with just Donk and him, but then of course the rush came. Women were coming from everywhere with handbags and purses in hand, they tried on dresses, organized their kids to try on stuff and didn't bat an eyelid at the prices. I did hear one mum say,

"It's so cheap, going on the big write up in Vogue this week."

I asked Evan if he knew about it but he hadn't heard a thing. The question was answered when one mum let me see her magazine and there it was, a big write up done by Maggie, the journalist we knew. She must have ties with Vogue.

I showed Evan and his smile got bigger, the photos were the ones Cyn had taken for her site and and the prices were really over the top. I guess that's why the mums think it's cheap.

I reckon Evan's now become a celebrity, but the write up did give Rory and Cody credit for the designs and me for the artwork.

"Eight grand Den, they dropped nearly eight grand." Horse's mouth dropped as Evan waved a wad of cash around.

"Mostly Christmas presents Horse, shit, where do I go from here?"

"Onwards and upwards baby, I would think." I grinned at him. Ayden had snaffled another t-shirt with Blue on it. I went to his bedroom and got his then put the stolen property back on the shelf, it was too big for him anyway. He looked so fucking cute in it and when Blue saw him he swirled him around the veranda telling him how handsome he was.

Cyn and Abs arrived, she looked a bit happy and said she had to call her sister to take over the website for a couple of hours. She was busy selling her goods directly to customers who had come out of nowhere. She said she has closed for an hour to get some coffee time. She also said Tony was flat chat, he had Jay and Hulk running around the shop helping. Birdy was trying to help Cyn and Abs but all he could manage was a big smile, but he drew a crowd with his carvings and his good looks. The display case looked mostly empty when Cyn closed up.

I asked her about Maggie's write up.

"Shit Evan, I was so busy I forgot to warn you, she's now the home editor of Vogue Australia, and we talked last week but I didn't think it was going to be in it so soon."

"She must have rushed it through Cyn,"

"Yes Den, she wanted it for the top fifty hottest Christmas gifts to buy this year." She gave me a sly grin.

"You deliberately kept it a secret didn't you?" She giggled.

"Yes. Surprise!" she yelled.

Evan talked to her some more while a couple of big plates of salad rolls and fries appeared on our table. No hot food tonight, Rita's far too busy and Tush and Bubble have a show to do in their tight shorts.

The diners were ordering up big and buying from Evan's shop, then some walked up to Tony's then Cyn's, then all the way back to pick up their kids from Spud's. I watched the constant passing traffic as cars pulled up on the roadside, Rita had a queue waiting, she even put some diners on the back porch. We didn't offer our table because we had nowhere else to sit.

"Do you think Anne could do with some work Den?"

"Of course she could Cyn, what have you got in mind?"

"Well I can't always rely on Michelle to do the website because of Shannon. I was thinking I might put Anne into one of your dresses, like a uniform and get her and Abs to do the showroom, just until the Christmas rush is over. I thought Mavis wouldn't mind looking after Emma, and Anne could do with the break. Oh Abs, you don't mind wearing some very tight shorts do you?" She chuckled as poor Abs cringed, but he also wasn't aware that he would look good in some stretchy tight shorts. Some men just don't get it. Evan squeezed my hand.

"Sorry bubs." I blushed.

Cyn left with Abs to open up again, I could see a crowd waiting outside her door. After five minutes my little mate arrived with smiles for miles on his face. We all hugged him and because Horse had Ayden on his lap, I pulled Birdy onto mine. He was telling me how busy he has been, he had to go home later and get some more carvings to put in his display case.

"Have you got plenty or just a few baby?"

"Plenty poppa Den, just need time to do more."

"Well when they go, they go, don't rush it kid."

"I won't poppa, make and some play time for me too." He grinned.

"Good." I kissed his head.

Evan started getting busy again and he and Donk laughed their way through the many sales. Jack and Anne came by and he had ten more frames finished, so the boys and I helped him unload them and he helped me hang them in the shop. They looked spectacular as I went to each individual one and priced them. I was dodging Evan's customers as they were trying to look closely at the works of art. I noticed a few empty spots where Spud's cheaper works were and will get him onto that tomorrow. We had put some of his cheaper ones up to fill the blank spaces.

I told Anne to go up and see Cyn because she might have some work for her, but she said she would call tomorrow morning, she looked busy when they drove by. Birdy had gone by the time I got back and Horse said Jay had picked him up to go have something to eat, then they were going back to Tony's. He got a message and handed Ayden over to Nuts as he had to go help out at Tony's. I saw a table being lifted onto a trailer by Abs and Horse, God he must be busy. He has taken on a new attitude over the past three weeks and he's not going to take any orders for now. It's a case of what you see in the showroom is all you get; he won't be spending time doing orders anymore. He's just working on creating good furniture and is also bringing in more stuff from Indonesia. I look at it sometimes and think just the designs themselves are awesome.

My little mini breakdown has been forgotten and I feel my fears were unfounded, after Arras and Aisha arrive there won't be any more building or development in our bay. I thought Evan could buy a few of those holiday homes and renovate them into high end lets.

I mentioned it to him after he had closed the shop and all I got from him was,

"I'm working on it Den." And a big smile.

We sat with Ayden asleep on my lap talking to a very happy Rita, she was talking about the customers she had become friendly with last year, and how nice it was to see them return.

"Den I had five staff members tonight and need another two at least. Ali and Spud did the games parlour of course so they will be a no show from now on, but I'm hoping Arras and Aisha will have another Bubble and Tush with them." She laughed.

"Have you thought about getting married again, you're still a pretty good looking woman Rita?" She nearly choked on her drink.

"What?" Evan stared at me and Rita laughed again.

"I guess we have never discussed it Den, but the answer is no, not in a million years would I ever insult my husband's name. I loved him to bits and miss him every day. We had a good solid marriage Den, not unlike Evan's and yours actually. It would take a very powerful man to get into my heart."

"Oh I was just wondering that's all." I actually wasn't wondering; it just came out of nowhere.

"Well Den, when Cal dobbed it on me I was in shock, a bit amused but also shocked. He was even more shocked when I knocked him back." Again that laugh, why didn't I know that?

"I'm content to just sit back and watch the boys shuffle about me, that's my entertainment. I would give anything to get back what my husband and I had but I have my memories and that's enough."

"Okay, sorry."

"Don't be sorry Den, I'm glad we had this talk, I feel like you just sort of complemented me on my looks. It's been a long time since a gorgeous young man like yourself has said that to me."

"Well you are gorgeous inside and out, a rarity nowadays. See, if you met a gorgeous man he might have a few kids and they could help in the cafe."

I had to go and make a joke out of it.

"Den behave," it was Rita that said it this time.

Time for bed, I'm getting silly again. We locked up and I put Ayden in his surfboard bed and he immediately smiled as I kissed him good night. Evan was kissing him next and later I even got a cuddle in as my arms went around him and I humped his tight ass.

We showered and I tried to get him going, it didn't take much effort and as I dried his perfect body I took my time looking into his eyes. Then I dined on his walnut sized nuts, I'm so going to enjoy his company tonight. Maybe not, Ayden had moved to our bed in the meantime. He wasn't awake but he was; if you know what I mean; maybe sleep walking?

"Sorry bubs," he groaned then pulled me back into the bathroom and I had my evil way with him once more.

Ayden slept through the night with us and every time I reached for Evan I got my baby instead. I didn't mind though; he was just as cute as his father.

He woke when the tapping on the window started, we had Horse and Tiny this morning and it was good to see them.

Ayden wanted poos and I needed coffee, Rita wasn't up yet but surprise, surprise Spud was. He had the coffee machine going and said he was giving Rita a break. I took a drink for my boy then moved to the table. I have to get stuck into Evan's shop and start cleaning up, we didn't feel like doing it last night.

"Oh, Evan sold three more of your paintings and needs more Spud." He grinned because his shop paintings were a lot cheaper than his overseas ones. He's become a handsome young man now, and so different looks wise from Ali's David. I noticed it the night of the wedding and had gone to have another look at David's painting. Spud had filled out a bit muscle wise and he did look different. This is a good thing for him, now he won't be compared, not that I think Ali was doing that, but maybe he did secretly in the first few months.

"I'll get some more in a minute Den, I'm expecting a big day at the games parlour, but I wanted to help Rita too. Hulk is working between Cyn's and Tony's now so I guess my holidays are over." He giggled.

"Hopefully when Aisha and Arras get here they will bring a couple of guys that can do it."

"They are bringing two guys Den. I don't know their orientation but Ali said they will probably be gay."

I watched my son drop off for another ten minutes then watched Jack drop Mike off, his constant smile was a breath of fresh air. He said his good mornings and I asked when Jack was going to help Kate with her stock. He said they all did it last night and she even had some customers she could help. He told me that the moving truck will be arriving today to take the furniture around.

I said to Spud I hadn't seen Kate for a few days, not since she moved into the stay. He suggested she was keeping a low profile and was still probably feeling a bit on the outside of the group. I thought about it and I haven't seen any stones being thrown at her, only good things, but maybe she will carry the guilt around with her for a while yet. I still hated the thought though that she felt left out, so I will make the time to go see her today and maybe buy something I need, if I can think of anything.

Cyn, Abs and Tony came for coffee then Abs and Ayden ran off to the games parlour.

"I've decided not to open until late afternoon Den, that way I can get more stock into the shop and clean it up a bit," Tony told me.

"Good idea, I hope you cope with it all."

"I will, once I hire Anne."

"What? Oh no you're not, I have her earmarked for my shop."

"Nope, I need her more than you princess, suck it up." Tony's back.

"Nope, I don't think so Tony, you already have two assistants, I only have one."

"Don't spoil your blouse with crocodile tears Cyn, it's just not going to happen."

"Have you asked her yet?" I asked.

"Not yet but a simple phone call will confirm she's mine."

He flipped out his phone and dialled the number. While he talked to Anne, Cyn leant over and said,

"I rang her last night, she starts today," then she laughed.

He was polite and red faced when he ended the call, I think he was forming some very choice words in his head.

"Did she say yes Tony?" Cyn lifted her perfectly plucked eyebrows.

"You know damn well she didn't say yes princess, fucking Cynthia. Who names a princess that? And anyway, you don't have to work that much, not with all your husband's money. I'm surprised your working at all." He was red, I could almost name the colour, Ferrari red.

"He loves me and it's of no concern if I pay him or Arras does, he pays his way so let's not make this personal."

"He pays his way, he pays his way, the sister and brother in law pay for your house and wedding for a present, what does Abs do with all his money Cyn, gamble it away?"

She stared at him and I think she had the same idea as me, Tony is back and rearing to go.

"He's very good to me Tony, he even shouted dinner last night."

"What, is that all you get, a bloody dinner? What about his six oil fields he owns, doesn't he make any money off them?"

"Don't be silly Tony, he doesn't own oil fields, the king pays him a wage, that's all he gets."

"Bullshit princess, he's having a lend of you. Arras told Horse that Abs was very wealthy."

She had no answer to that, and I got the feeling she didn't know about Abs' secret holdings either, but it was only a feeling. She broke down crying and her sobs were heard from the kitchen. Rita came down with her ladle and tapped Tony on the shoulder.

"Apologise Tony, and I mean it this time, this isn't any of your business."

"You knew too Rita?" Cyn was upset.

"Yes Cyn, Aisha told us when she was here last and it's no big deal, Abs is totally in love with you so don't fret."

"I'm sorry Cyn, I didn't know you were ignorant of the fact Abs is a billionaire," Tony softly said.

"Well you can have Anne if you like, I will hire someone else I guess," Cyn offered.

"It's okay Cyn, I can get Nuts to help, or Trip, they both know my stock."

"Okay, so you don't mind?"

"No Cyn, and I am very sorry." He was eating his words.

"Good, because when I talk to Abs he maybe will want to talk to you too. You may not be well enough to even open your shop after that."


"When I tell Abs what a complete asshole you were here today; I have witnesses too."

"You wouldn't do that to me would you Cyn, I'm your best friend?" Omg, he's going to get it real soon.

"I want another table at cost."

"You got it."

"That was quick, not even a fight over prices, my husband can afford it as you already know." She grinned.

"You great cow, you knew all the time and you let me grovel like a pregnant pig. I'll get you back for this Cyn, it may take some time but I will get you if it's the last thing I do."

She screamed laughing, Rita retracted the ladle and I think she was about to tap Cyn with it.

I couldn't stop laughing, it was so funny, of course she knew about Abs situation, Cyn's like that, she has to know everything.

"More coffee Tony?" she asked.

"If I must." He was planning his next move.

"Thank her Tony, manners cost nothing," Rita suggested.

"Thank you Cyn, coffee would be lovely."

Rita went off to make the coffee while Cyn told me she knew about Abs long before they were married. She didn't care, she was more focused on her business than his.

"Well princess you really landed a good one there," Tony was being nice.

As if on cue, Anne pulled up outside Cyn's house, she waved her hand over to the shack.

"Good morning all, what a beautiful day." She put Emma's carry basket on the floor and I looked down and saw two beautiful green eyes looking back, then I got a big toothless baby smile. Mike came with more drinks and picked his little sister up for a cuddle. He was talking away to her and Anne was talking to Cynthia. Yes, she would love something to do and yes she could start this afternoon. They talked about rates then shook hands, it will all be cash in hand, I don't think Cynthia was a big fan of the tax department either. I got like a nurse and started smelling Emma's smells, I could tell she needed changing so I took her into the lounge room, changed her wet nappy and wiped and powdered her. It brought back so many memories and I felt a sadness come over me because I did miss my little baby and his scents. She smiled and cooed her way through it.

She was placed back into her carry basket with her milk.

"What are you going to do with her Anne?"

"Mum will look after her Den, she loves babysitting and when Mike's home he will do it."

"So Mavis isn't going to work?"

"No Den, it was a good idea but she's enjoying the serenity too much and being back in the caravan again, she's still excited. Between her pension and her odds and bods in the garage she will survive easily. Jack is doing really and well we can't think of a time when he took so much money for his work. He will finance Mike's college; we have quite a lot as backup already thanks to mum, she will have all the money from the sale of her goods to live on."

She smiled.

"I've got to go over sometime and see what she's got hidden away in that garage," Cyn said.

"It's all good stuff Cyn, my great grandparents were astute antique collectors."

"Oh, so it's not stolen goods?" I had to say.

Anne blushed then smiled, but became tight lipped after that.

Emma had gone back to sleep and my boy and Abs returned home, while Cyn decided she would go and see Mavis now and Abs tagged along for the ride. Ayden was lifted up onto my knees and I smelt him, he smelled like a little boy, no baby sick or milky smells at all now, but he is still beautiful.

"Would you like a warm milk bub?"

He again looked at me, probably thinking I was being stupid.

The beach was crowded when I went down with the food basket. I had put Ayden's suit and lifejacket on and he was hopping up and down by the shore when we got there. Evan came in and said it was too busy but took him anyway after some very heated negotiations with his son. The guys will move down the beach tomorrow. They watched as he did his thing uninterrupted then they brought a waterlogged little boy back to me, I think they were hungry. I watched as a half dozen other guys surfed as some kids had taken over the shallows. I thought it dangerous having those boards flying around and told Horse to try and get them to move on further up the beach.

Tiny was all smiles when he grabbed his egg and bacon roll.

"How is it going Tiny?"

"Great Den, I haven't lost my gentle touch, in fact I have to thank you. I didn't realize how much I had missed being in a hospital." He grinned.

"Well that's good then, any word on the doctor in town retiring yet?"

"Not yet Den, but he knows I'm ready to take over after he does." I found Ayden's hamburger and passed it to him, he doesn't ask now, he just stares at me, I really should give it to him first, yes I'm the dreadful father.

"What time are you opening up bubs?"

"Usual time, about two Den, it makes for a long day if I open any earlier." He smiled at me then rested his hand on my leg.

The foreplay with Evan is amazing, he's started already and it's not even noon.

I carried my son back today, he wants to be a baby again and couldn't walk anymore, he needed a daddy ride.

He was pointing to the shower so I did my fatherly thing and stripped him off, then we both rinsed and I dried him. No red shorts again, just Blue's boardies.

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Next: Chapter 73

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