Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 16, 2018


Chapter 81

They flew up the stairs, three handsome men in standard shorts and T-shirts and the first one to be manhandled was Spud. He was poked, looked at, checked out and was as red as a beetroot by the time they settled in to be introduced. I couldn't remember their names, they were too long so I called them Huey, Dewy and Louie. They were only a little older than Ali and every time I looked at them, one of them always had an arm over Ali's shoulders. A few tears were happening and a lot of ribbing. David wasn't mentioned, but I felt they were waiting for some private time.

"Well uncle she's a beauty isn't she, we are going to love getting to know her properly." They were referring to Cyn who also furiously blushed, maybe because the three boys were hunks like Abs.

"We are sorry we missed your wedding but for the bride we have a special present, we know you already have everything you need uncle, but our new sister has to be showered in precious jewels." They grinned.

A carry bag was produced and a gold, metal box was placed in front of Cyn. She didn't know where to look and I think she preferred to open it in private. Aisha had the biggest smile on her face as she coaxed Cyn to unlock the solid box. She gasped when she looked inside and took some velvet off the item but it was Aisha that took the item out and placed it on Cyn's head.

"One of the Empress of Iran's tiara's, just for our new princess in Australia." Cyn cried, she was overwhelmed and I know she knew what the item was even before it was released from its holding cushion. A beautiful emerald and diamond tiara, owned and worn by the empress who is no longer with us. I had read her sad story; it was a true love story with the worst possible outcome for the sad eyed princess. The tiara was awesome and Bubs wanted to try it on, that was after he was passed around. The boys forgot where they were and were talking to him in Arabic, that promise was forgotten as he chatted away to them in their language. Abs and Arras couldn't believe it, and Aisha and Ali grinned from ear to ear.

"I told you he's been taking lessons off Tush and Bubble." What could I say, my son's gifted after all.

Tush and Bubble got a whole load of dancing and touching up from the boys, they had us in fits as they ran their hands all over them while promising them they were sleeping in their bed tonight. Did I see Bubble blush; that's a first?

They got to me and pulled me up, the champagne was flowing and my beer had done its job and gone straight to my head. I was fondled, goosed and checked out by all three of them and my son giggled and sent me an image of the four of us in our pyjamas. Last and not least, Rita copped it next as I had to sit down and have a breather.

The music was changed and a slow fox trot saw her danced around the porch more than a half dozen times.

"Your right father, she would look good in your harem," one of them said.

"Spud, get my ladle will you?" Rita shouted and laughed. She enjoyed the attention and the boys made sure she was all danced out before Cyn had to join in, and with her tiara on.

"Tony's going to be pissed off Cyn."

"Tony won't know about it, if you don't tell him Den."

Birdy was held back until the frivolities were over and the guys settled down, they didn't want to overwhelm him. Ali sent a text to Hulk to come up to the porch and I could see all three of them walking towards us from their cabin.

Birdy didn't notice the new men and bowed to Aisha and Arras then stood next to me, Hulk fell on his face and the boys spoke to him in Arabic. Birdy let out a gasp and fell flat on his bum then moved around to his tummy. He had just realised who they were and kept saying, "sorry, sorry," in English.

"Come here little brother, give your big brothers a welcome hug." He stayed with his face flat to the boards until one of them picked him up and kissed him.

"We have a gift for you little brother." They smiled and produced another big envelope full of photos and a letter from his mentor.

Because he was overwhelmed, Aisha again sat with him and calmed him down before she read it to him, he kept looking over her shoulder at his new brothers.

She told Hulk to read it to him again when there weren't so many people around. He was sat on one of his brother's knees and blushed for the rest of the night. Food was provided and and I tried Cyn's tiara on, shortly after Rita was wearing it. Bub was tired out so I excused myself, and the three boys walked us to his room, they wanted to see his painting. When I had his sleeping shorts on and had tucked him in, they laid on his bed and were talking to him in Arabic. When I went to shower they burst in and checked me out but I blushed as my dick wobbled in the wind.

"He's bigger than you brother."

"That's saying something, good one Den."

They giggled as they shut the door behind themselves.

As Bette Davis said in, `All About Eve,'

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride."

I didn't feel like sleeping alone tonight so I crawled in with my son, and it wasn't long before we both had dropped off into deep sleeps.

I didn't dream again that night and woke up while being slobbered on by a midget who was my son. He was raring to go see his nanny for his breakfast.

"Are you hungry son?"

"Yep dah, plenty."

"Just one more kiss and you go get some food." We did it a few more times then he left to go to the cafe.

I played with myself for awhile, it's not the same, and certainly not in Ayden's bed, it will never be the same until Evan gets home. I hope he's thinking of me like I am of him.

Another sunny day without Evan and I was feeling it, I was so desperate to have him hold me again. He will be home again hopefully in three more days.

I stepped onto the porch and there was no one there except Birdy who had fallen asleep in Ayden's bean bag. I went to get coffee and found Ayden talking to Rita about Blue and his pa, and it made me even more depressed so she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"He will be back soon bubs, maybe sooner than you think."

I didn't know what she meant but had resigned myself to get through the next few days and nights without him, maybe I will sleep with my son again tonight.

Birdy had woken up by the time I got back but I pulled him onto my lap because he still looked tired.

"Couldn't sleep baby?"

"No poppa Den, I thinking about my friend all night, I miss him."

"He misses you too baby, was his letter a happy one?"

"Yes poppa, he's very happy with his daughter now, they are having lots of fun."

"Well you know he could come here anytime he wants, but I don't think he likes flying."

"He never fly before so he's scared the motor will stop." He kind of laughed.

"Well we know what you're going to do today and that's have a big sleep, no working today, just relaxing."

"Okay poppa I will get some sleep, but I wanted to ask you something before I do."

"What's that baby?"

"Do you think if I ask Ayden he could send some magic to my friend to make him not scared?"

"Why don't you ask him, or I can do that for you if you like?"

"Could you poppa, he will listen to you." He looked at me with those big brown eyes. He also melts my heart, as I said before he's nine years old but is like a six-year-old, all because he was shut away in the dim light for years. I had a sudden thought.

"Come with me son, we need to measure you again." He reluctantly followed me into our kitchen where he stood against the wall and I think he expected his height to be the same as before. I measured him and yes, he had shot up another two inches. His smile got to me as he jumped up and down, he is growing fast.

"Now I'll talk to Ayden and I want you to have some more sleeps today, you can stay here and sleep in the bean bag if you like or in my bed."

"Can I sleep in your bed poppa?"

"Of course you can." I took the coffee and Birdy into our room and lay on the bed with him, he cuddled in and surprise, surprise, he went to sleep. I sipped on my coffee while he completely relaxed. I didn't want to sleep because I was too excited that Evan will be home in a few days. I wondered if he had fooled around on me then I lost that thought, he couldn't do it, and neither could I.

Ayden woke me gently two hours later and whispered he needed to go to the beach.

"Okay, won't be a minute Bub."

I went for a pee and then took him into his bedroom and put his suit on.

"Has nanny got breakfast ready?"

"Yes dah."

By this time Birdy had woken up looking lost but a lot better. I thought maybe another sleep on the beach would do him good, so I told him to have a wash and I would meet him back here.

I went to Rita's and grabbed her basket of food which was heavier today, she told me that Hulk had popped his head in to see if Birdy was okay, and the boys had come up several times to terrorise them all. They had all gone down to the beach so there's breakfast rolls for everyone today. I picked up my two boys and Ayden ran ahead full pelt, he's a good runner today but I hope he doesn't trip and scrape his knees.

"Slow down, they won't be going anywhere today, it's a gorgeous day for surfing."

I could hear his screams as we made our way down the seaside pathway.

A beautiful man was holding him and Ayden was crying in his arms when I finally got onto the beach.

"Look dah, it's our pa come home for us." He was holding his arms around Evan's neck and I don't think he's going to let go anytime soon.

"What took you so long?" I had to ask.

"We had to get internet coverage so I could answer your emails, so we stopped over in Singapore."

"It's so fucking good to see you; I will ask questions later but for now can I hug you?" He held his hand out and pulled me in. I have never kissed Evan so deeply as I did then, he tasted so awesome. My arms went around him as I dropped the basket and Ayden was still getting over the shock, he whimpered his, `I love you pa's,' in Evan's ear. I was doing the same as he whispered in mine and also had a very hard boner as I rubbed my shorts against his wet suit.

We pulled apart and he looked into my eyes I wanted to dive in for more kisses but he wanted to look at me. It was then I noticed Horse, Tiny, Blue and Alex grinning behind him. "What the fu..?"

"We all flew home in Arras's private jet, the princes picked us up on the way. We had to drive the car home otherwise we would have been here sooner. I stayed at Tony's last night because I saw you were sleeping with Ayden and wanted to surprise you both this morning, that's why I didn't wake you." He smiled.

I cried and couldn't believe they were all back on our beach safe and sound, then my head fell into his shoulder and I wept. I felt so foolish but all my sadness disappeared as Ayden kissed my cheek.

"Surf up pa?" Ayden was rosy cheeked and ready to go get some surfing in.

"Yes son, surf's up, I won't be long Den jobs to do, babies to entertain, all that." While I welcomed the boys back with loads of cuddles, Evan swam out with Ayden to have a much needed father and son surf. Ali's brothers were watching from the shore, they slapped hands as Ayden did his first run then they wanted to help. They relieved Blue, Nuts and Horse who ran up to me and were all talking at once, but I got the gist of their excitement. They were telling me about the jet and the food, and the sleeping quarters. I congratulated Blue on his big win and he said the papers didn't know he had flown home early, so we had a day or two to get some peace and quiet.

Bubs arrived but will have another couple of surfs when he's finished his burger. He dived into the basket and found his own little parcel again, there were biscuits too for Blue and him so I guessed Rita knew the boys were home.

Evan kept grinning at me and I know exactly what he was thinking, so I pulled my tank top off so he could get a good look at what he's going to be kissing later on.

Ali's brothers were teasing Spud again, they kissed, groped and pinched him as they woofed down their breakfasts. Poor Spudley didn't know what to do until Ali put a stop to it. Then they started on their new mates Blue and Alex. Horse of course held Ayden between his powerful legs and it was so nice to have him around, he looked relaxed and very well rested.

"How did Tony go Horse?" I heard groans coming from the others.

"What did he do?" I asked smiling.

"It was full on with Tony there, every time we finished eating he wanted to drag us off to yet another church or art gallery, he had our free days all planned out," Alex said.

"Well I for one had a great time, if it wasn't for Tony I would have spent my days on the beach," Nuts said. They all looked at him and I think they all agreed, they ate at better restaurants and saw some amazing things but it was not much of a holiday because they were on the go all the time, thanks to Tony.

I couldn't stop looking at Evan and when I looked over to my son, he was also staring at him. I wondered why he didn't know he was coming home early, maybe his king blocked that thought.

I cleaned up as the boys took Ayden for some more rides, Birdy was taken out a few times but he hasn't quite got there yet, but he will, I'm sure his brothers will have him standing up in no time.

Ayden was exhausted and looking a bit wrung out so he was dumped in my lap giggling, but didn't forget to give Blue some extra thank you kisses.

"He come da."

"Who bub?"

'Birdie friend, he come, but later."

"Oh good, so I don't have to ask for your help then." He giggled again and fell into me so I got in some more thank you kisses and couldn't wait to tell Birdy.

I took our son and the basket up to Rita's and found Birdy was having another nap with Jay in the shade, so I left them to it.

Rita was all smiles when I got there and told me they all turned up when I had gone to bed, they kept the noise down as they caught up with everything. Evan had sneaked around the back to see us and had gone to Tony's to sleep. She was happy to have her boys back again and was planning a big lunch for them.

Bubs and I sat at the table and he had his juice while I had my coffee, he was still excited his pa was home and couldn't wait to see him again. I moved him to his bean bag after he went off to sleep with his head resting on the table.

I heard arguing coming down the street and it was Cyn and Tony.

"Well I only have to leave you for ten days and already you are giving me a headache," Tony shouted.

"I have urgent orders for you, we have to talk about it."

"Shove your orders where the sun don't shine, I'm still on holidays."

"Keep it down, baby asleep." Cyn smiled at me.

"Well why is he sleeping in the middle of the day? Den take him somewhere, educate him in the arts, do something, he can't sleep all day, has he been to the zoo yet?" He was onto me now and whispering,

"He's tired, seeing Evan took a bit out of him Tony, welcome back. I see the holiday didn't change your crappy attitude too much." I smiled at Cyn. Tush came down and they ordered more coffee. Things settled down as Tony was telling us all about his trip, Rita was in on it and he described every important fact, every church, and every museum he had seen while there; in fine detail.

He babbled on for an hour until Cyn had to go back to work. As they walked away I had to go and say it.

"Show Tony your new Empress of Iran tiara Cyn."

She glared at me as Tony ran her up to her place. I suppose they are going to play princesses together.

The light kiss on the right side of my neck was awesome. He moved behind me and his hand didn't leave my shoulder as he sat down then kissed me fully on the lips.

"Good to be back bub?" I asked.

"Oh yes Den, it was wonderful over there but amazingly better here."

"Good because we all missed you guys, when do you think I can get a fuck in?"

He laughed.

"As soon as I have had coffee and a good talk."

"Oh that will take ages bub, why not now?"

"Because Ayden is waking up and Rita is bringing more coffee down the porch." I looked up and sure enough a smiley Rita was here to welcome Evan home properly. I suppose I have to put up with it a little longer but maybe Horse will take Ayden to the fun parlour for an hour or two.

He mainly talked about Blue's win and how it was obvious on the second day he was going to blitz it. I told him that the shop wasn't busy but even still I had a wad of cash stored away for him. He then told us about Tony's excursions to see everything on his tourist list and he wanted to see Ayden's painting to see if it compares with the photo he took. I told him that my father took it and another twenty of us all in the process.

"God, did you okay that Den?"

"Yes bub they paid for them, well the dwarves did, they had an excess of gold they had to get rid of." I laughed.

"Where did you put it, the safe is jammed packed?"

"In a bag under his bed."


"I shoved it in a bag and threw it under his bed."

"Jesus Den, I had better go and buy a bigger safe."

"I'll come with you Evan." Rita smiled.

"We can give the old one to Jack and Kate," I offered my opinion.

"So all you have are the photos then?"

"Yes bub but I know it's Ayden in that painting but how he got there is anyone's guess."

"It was amazing but not your strokes Den, it was more amateurish."

"My strokes are more tender bub." I blushed because he was starting to get my drift.

Ayden woke up and smiled.

"Pa." He was a little whiney as Evan picked him up like a feather and cuddled him.

"I missed you son, very much." He started kissing and blowing farts on his neck and I so wanted to be my son at that very moment.


"Yes son, I missed dah too."

"Nanny?" He pointed to Rita.

"And nanny but I missed you the most."

He laughed then copious amounts of spit landed on Evans T-shirt.

As the boys started to roll up so did two containers, one for Evan and one for Tony, there goes his princess catch up.

Donk got a phone call from Kate, seems she was in a panic because a forty-foot container had just been dumped in her backyard. He told her he would be home soon and to not attempt lifting anything herself. I felt good, he was taking charge.

The guys had some lunch as Evan showed the driver where to stick the container, then he got him to move the empty one into Tony's place. Ayden helped the driver back it into the drive, well he was sitting on his lap pretending.

He came up and had a pie with us and said he would be back in two weeks to collect Tony's shipping container that he was sending to the US. He will also move Evan's over to it's rightful spot if he wanted.

Ayden wanted to know all about driving trucks and even showed him his large collection, I think the driver was jealous of his colourful plastic fleet.

"How are we going to co-ordinate this boys? Firstly, I think we should go and look see what Kate has ended up with, then we can do Evan's later today. I think Tony wants to do his tomorrow so he's no problem but I will check with him." Horse was the organizer today.

"Sounds good to me, let's go men, there's work to be done,"

Nuts said.

"Den, there is an invoice but no prices, also what do I do with it all, there must be thousands of items in there?" Poor Kate was a bit anxious as we looked at the giant sized container. The boys broke the seal and it was jammed packed with cartons.

Aisha, Arras and the three boys had turned up to help so there were plenty of hands to unload it. She was giving orders and the boys were pulling out the boxes and opening them before they took them into the shop.

"Ah, they sent the handbags, good, we can get a few hundred each for these Katie." She picked one up and told us she charged two thousand for that particular style handbag in her shops. As we almost picked Kate up off the ground she started with the tears, she knew her stuff and said she would be pushed to even get a few hundred for them down here. Aisha said, "Have faith in the magic of the bay, I will place an ad in the Melbourne newspapers. Looks like we are working folks again my love, Kate and Mavis can't handle the crowds on their own."

"Looks like it my number one wife." The brothers stared at him then laughed.

"What's so funny desert droppings?"

"She's your only wife silly," one of them said.

Arras groaned then went to grab a big carton.

"Boys, put aside the cartons with red crosses on them for Evans shop, there should be three or four of them."

Evan looked at her and asked what they were.

"Men's assorted sun glasses, Police, Ray Bans, Oakley, all surf styles Evan, Kate wants ten grand cash for them thank you very much." She smiled at Kate and rubbed her hands together.

"First big sale Kate." She grinned and then talked to Evan again.

"Evan you will get a lot more for them when they sell, there should be two display stands for you in there too, but maybe you should put them in your display cases a few at a time. They are worth quite a bit of money per item."

"How do I get around people thinking they are fakes from Indonesia?"

"Your customers will know the quality is right Evan, otherwise they won't be looking at them or paying the high prices on them. Have faith sunshine."

Mavis was helping stack the shelves and Aisha started to enter it into Kate's shop computer.

Cyn and Tony turned up so I guess they had finished playing girlie catch ups. Tony was looking at the massive container, he then started looking in the boxes.

"You got some high quality brands in here Kate, handbags, scarfs, purses, shoes, make up, bloody hell Aisha, what have you done to her?" He laughed.

"Just old stock Tony, I have made my money out of it and now it's Donk and Kate's turn." She smiled.

"What's with the jewellery?"

"Old stock Tony." She rattled off names I have heard and names I haven't heard of, it was mind-blowing.

Kate and Donk watched as the goods were placed in her shop, it was filling up nicely and Aisha priced everything for her with a pricing gun that somehow appeared from nowhere. Mavis started serving a few ladies who I had seen at Rita's, they were local. One screamed as she held up a handbag and said to her friend,

"Louis Vuitton, look Laurel." She lifted the bag up and they both checked it out. They were given space to shop while we all stopped for coffee. Kate walked out crying and fell into Donk's arms, then she looked at Aisha and said,

"They spent twelve hundred dollars, two purses and two handbags, I can't believe it."

"The magic of the bay honey, just sit back and enjoy the ride," Aisha said.

"They are going to tell their friends; I think I might be a little busy tomorrow." Donk kissed her and tried to calm her down.

"Thank you," is all she managed, looking at the queen.

The shop looked great by the time we left and she had a couple of more customers. Rita said she would get onto her Japanese tour group, but I don't think Aisha will do the ad in the paper now. Cyn and Rita bought some things and they got a discount, in other words they were free to friends.

I helped Evan load up the sunglasses and we said our farewells but by the time we had finished it was nearly six, so we won't have any time for his container.

"Wait until she gets to the shoes Den, they will boost her sales," Aisha said with confidence.

"What else?"

"Cosmetics, watches, shoes, hats and assorted bric-a-brac. Girls I think we should go and help her tomorrow and wear Evan's dresses and heels, we should look like elegant shop ladies for the opening. I will start a mailing list; the ladies will want to know when new stock has been unpacked." Cyn, Mel and Rita nodded in their eagerness to help, and it was a good excuse for them to dress up a bit.

I will go over there to help out, maybe be the box boy or something.

I was at my sexual peak tonight and the anticipation was nerve wracking. Evan was going through invoices and writing down prices, he was researching sunnies on the net. His sunglasses were worth a small fortune. When Donk and Kate turned up he went to the safe and got an envelope, he put two bricks into it and handed it to Kate.

"This is too much Evan, Aisha said ten grand and you have given me twenty."

"No that's right, I got four thousand pieces and if you average them out at one fifty a piece it comes to a shit load of money; money I won't take from your pocket. I will make three times that with this stock so I should be giving you more. She gave the money back to Evan.

"I guess I'm on your books now, can you invest this for us?"

"Yes of course Katie, I will get your bank details tomorrow and get started on it on the weekend. Have you more or will we just start with this?"

"She has more Evan, and I have more too so thank you for doing this for us, we don't know much about investing."

"Well most of it will go into a super fund for your retirement, that's the best place for it at the moment." Evan grinned.

Aisha had to take her sons home, they were getting quite tipsy on the champagne and were annoying Cyn and Abs.

"Boys bedtime, and girls I will see you at eight thirty sharp, don't be late we have a shop to run, and Den the blue dress would suit you, I don't know where your going to get heels from but maybe there's a pair in the container that will fit you." She chuckled as the boys said goodnight and left in a convoy. Ali told us they aren't allowed to drink in their country or eat bacon, so they are living it up here while they can, Rita's bacon and egg burgers are the best. We said our goodnights and put a sleepy bubby to bed, he got plenty of kisses and by the time we turned the light out he was fast asleep.

"Why don't you buy some of those heels bub, they would look great on you."

'Would they turn you on Den?"

"Yes, I think they are sexy on a man."

"How about you settle for my thongs tonight."

"I'll settle for anything as long as it involves you Bub." I kissed him as I lowered him onto our bed, tonight I don't sleep alone, I have waited so long for this moment. He was holding my ass as I pumped another shot into him, his grin was awesome and I wanted to go a third time but he was done. We held each other tightly and I enjoyed his breath on my neck as we slipped off to sleep.

I woke with a start around two, nothing to see here I thought as I moved Evan onto his side. I slipped him another one and he protested slightly but I was as quick as a flash. I felt him shaking as I went off to sleep, he was laughing to himself. Welcome home buddy.

Knocking on the window stopped me from going for number four. Horse grinned as Evan automatically shifted and got out of bed, he then went to the toilet and slipped his wet suit on. I was left alone, no I wasn't quite alone as Ayden mumbled in my ear.

"Dah." I pulled him in and cuddled some more with my favourite little man.

He was giggling when I woke up and the image he sent me was of me in my bed snoring my head off.

"I don't snore you little trickster."

"Do Dah, do."

"Don't." I tickled him and he moved into me hoping I would stop. Then he sideswiped me by giving me my morning kisses. His shorty jamas were a tiny damp because he does have accidents sometimes, but no biggie, he's my son and he can do whatever he wants.

I undressed him as he tried to jump up and down on the bed. Looking into his azure eyes I carried him into our shower then dropped my shorts and sat him on his seat. He sent me another image of a hairy bear having a shower under a waterfall and I laughed because I wasn't that hairy, I would know if I was.

I dried us and he giggled his way up to nanna's cafe.

His order was huge today he must be hungry. One hamburger, one cup of chips, some juice and some nuggets.

He received a juice and a small bowl of porridge. It didn't matter because he knew he would get a roll when we go down to the beach, that was a given because I missed Evan already.

The girls came for coffee and they looked so beautiful, make up had been applied and high heels stepped into. The dresses were fresh and swishing around so they did look like ladies from a fine shop, although I thought Aisha's necklace was a bit large.

They were excited to see what happens today, and I was excited to see my boyfriend. I took the basket down to the shore and Ayden was ready for his rides. Blue helped him with that chore but he had just one run before breakfast was served again. He has it all sorted out and is very particular about the order he wants it.

He found his burger and biscuits then started eating them with a big grin on his face.

All the brothers were with us and they dived in to their rather large burgers, smiling at each other like naughty boys.

I didn't have the time to get to know each one personally but they did fit in perfectly with the guys and had an enormous amount of fun. That should last them until the next trip. I found out that only the eldest was married with kids, I somehow thought all three were but maybe I got my wires crossed.

When a good looking girl would jog or walk by the boys followed her and sometimes I would hear a very curt,

"Piss off." Other times I would just see them chatting,

but always laughing and skylarking.

Evan was talking to Horse about his container saying there wasn't any urgency to unload it. He said to the guys that I would help him and they should go help either Tony or Kate get settled.

Ayden went for some more rides and I noticed the guys were leaving him to it, not Horse though, he was watching from the shallows with Blue of course.

He was getting so good at it I wondered how much of it was him and how much was his magic. When he fell off he swam back to his board or waited for someone to help him, so I decided that most of it was just him. If he was using his magic he wouldn't have fallen off, but maybe he's just experimenting?


Next: Chapter 82

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