Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 26, 2018


Ayden's Eyes 83

When he passed Ayden to me he had nothing but smiles on his face, he knows, and I sort of know what's going on.

"Dah, baby fixes."

"You mean pa?"

"Yes, our champions, it time." What the hell is he talking about?

Evan's my knight, and of course Ayden is too, but that's only a tale Horse made up, or is it? I did see him in his golden chain mail, and I have many paintings of him wearing it. I have much to think about but for now I need to paint.

"Okay bubs, I'll leave it to you." I smiled and kissed him all over again. He struggled down to the floor and ran off into Rita's.

I started adding paint to Ali's portrait first when Evan poked his head out the door to see what I was up to, he grunted then disappeared. It was an easy paint because I got lost in his baby eyes and they compelled me to paint like the wind. Two hours later Ayden disturbed me by pushing on my legs, he was playing swings I think. I looked the painting over and it was half done and so bright, plenty of gold and a streak of red in the distance which were Ayden's shorts.

His elbows lifted him up and his legs parted as he swung up. I think he's exercising now, and doing a good job of it.

"Did you order me a fresh coffee bub?"

"No dah, me gets."

He let go and ran towards the cafe yelling,

"More coffee nanny."

"Coming up baby," she yelled back as some of the diners laughed and Evan again poked his head out of the shop, he then came up and had a look at the painting.

"That's Ali isn't it?"

"Yes bub, that's him."

"Very good, I knew it was him straight away."

"That's the magic bubs," I smirked as he grunted and went back to his few customers. I was done for the day and I covered the portrait with my sheet, it was no ordinary one either, it was the sheet that we used when he first came home from hospital, but now it has more than a few paint stains on it. He was back on my knees again and Rita brought coffee down to me.

"I believe Arras is being a pain in the neck in Kate's shop so I hear."


"He's been following Aisha around all morning, I suspect he will be back for a surf soon according to my reliable source." She grinned.

"How is Mavis?" I giggled.

"Over it Den, she's about to throttle Arras, she said her fingers are red raw from ringing sales up." Then she laughed again.

"Well it gives her something to do instead of blowing her money on bingo."

I showed her the painting and she loved my idea of doing the babies.

"What are you going to do about the little girl Den, you haven't seen her."

"I have in a way my love, Ayden sent me a picture of Aisha and bubs in hospital. She will be born with a mass of black hair and the biggest almond eyes, she will be beautiful, just like her mum."

"Good, I'm glad Ayden's on to it then." She reached over and tickled him and he moved across to her legs to play.

The last customers left the shop and Evan sat with us, he had a big grin on his face.

"No one could sell that much and not have magic Den, I have been thinking about it some more and I'm sorry."

"Sell what much?"

"They bought ten or your art works so you need to box them up, they will send a van to pick them up tomorrow. Something about some raffles for the Star Bright Foundation."

"Wow, did they get a discount?"

"Nope, they didn't want one." He grinned again.

"Den they are going to raffle them off, you know these charities, they make loads of cash on them so they don't need them for free. The ladies told me to charge them full price, it wasn't me that didn't offer because I did."

"Keep your shirt on bubs, I think you have found your moaning voice today, everything you do seems to be a problem, chill out." I laughed at his face.

"Chills pa," Ayden offered some advice.

Rita grabbed him and put him on her hip then danced back to the cafe kitchen. He giggled all the way.

"Seriously bub, he wasn't in any danger, he came back refreshed and happy. The king told me he read the ancient texts to them all. He ran in the forest with his fairy friend and he watched the dancing girls too. He came back with a whole lot of knowledge and even speaks several foreign languages apparently."

"Oh well that explains it all then, I thought he was just talking gibberish." He smiled.

"Bubs, I think that painting you found was done by a fairy artist many hundreds of years ago, I think they have always known Ayden would be coming into their lands."

"You should ask your father about it Den, he might shine some light on the artist."

"Or maybe I should ask our son."

"Has he seen it?"

"Not yet, I didn't think to show him, but I might when we get a minute alone."

I helped Evan once again to clean up in the shop and he stashed a wad of cash into an envelope and placed it in the safe. I started crating my shadow boxes up and thought he has got a point with Ayden, he can't do that again and the king shouldn't expect him to. If he holds his magic into his teen years he might be independent enough to make his own mind up about travelling into their world. We will see about that later but as for now, I just want him to enjoy his toddler years.

Anyway, I got the crates sorted and after Evan left for a surf I wanted to paint some more, in fact I had to paint. My mind had drifted as I sketched a baby onto a smaller canvas, he wasn't what I had in my head, but he was kind of cute. It wasn't Ayden because his eye colour was a different blue. He was only about a year old and I captured his toothy smile beautifully. I was compelled to place him in a basket surrounded by our fairy folk, and I had a great urge to search for him because I knew he needed us desperately.

"Who is he Den?" Spud was sitting with Ali staring at the drawing.

"I don't know kiddo but I do know we had better find him soon, he needs us so desperately."

My butterflies had returned and I doubled over, so Ali jumped up and steadied me with his arms around my waist.

"Take it easy Den, catch your breath for a moment." I took some deep breaths and sat down.

"Do you know anything else Den?"

"No Spud, all I know is he's coming and he needs us, poor little fella." Those butterflies were telling me it was urgent too.

I didn't finish the painting but I had done his eye colour while I remembered the shade. They weren't Ayden's and it wasn't him anyway. I looked closely at the background where I could see a surfboard, but no one was on it. It was just hovering on a big wave and the baby was clapping his chubby hands as he watched it sway in the wind.

I was stumped because it was unfinished but I didn't have the urge to do it now, maybe after I meet this little cherub.

"I don't have any urges Spud, just butterflies, something wonderful is about to happen I think. I know I have to leave the painting alone for now."

"Maybe he's coming into our bay soon Den, maybe he's Donks' kid or Cyn's, that is if they are pregnant maybe."

Ali rubbed Spud's tummy and smiled.

"No I'm not pregnant Prince stuff a lot." He laughed.

'Maybe after the next one we might hit the correct spot." Spud said something out of character then.

"Maybe if your dick wasn't so big you might get a better flow going?"

"We can only try harder my precious jewel," Ali blushed.

"Any harder and you will end up under my ribs camel boy."

I nearly fainted, where's Evan when you need him? I had better throw a cold bucket of water on myself.

I placed the sketch in the spare room and the baby seemed to laugh at me as I put him where I could see him. Ayden had seen it too and started talking to it, I didn't think he would be one of the fairy folk, he felt too human like.

It would be a week before I found out who he was, and the revelation reverberated through the bay like an atomic shockwave.

I went back to the porch and started doing the second painting, Louie as I called him. He was easy because I had captured his lines when I met him. Today I did more on the unfinished Ali painting and started on the next two son's sketches, but that little baby was on my mind all the time, he was calling to me.

When Ayden was free again from his busy day he sat on my knee and waited for the boys to arrive. We heard the shower going then the back door slam, that would be Evan; he slams the door.

"How surf pa?"

"Good son, plenty of waves happening."

"Oh?" He was interested but not disappointed he didn't get a ride today; I think he's still thinking about his pa's problem. Blue had gone by the kitchen and grabbed the platter of sandwiches from Rita and brought them down for our afternoon tea, I was hungry. The minute he placed the tray on the table I was drawn to his eyes and my butterflies went mental again. Horse, Nuts and Trip were next and I looked at Horse as he grabbed Ayden and put him on his knee. Again my stomach tightened and I almost fainted from the pleasure I felt. I didn't connect the dots this time but I knew I had to know something and it had to do with Blue and Horse.

The conversation started and I lost my train of thought when the girls came back from Kate's shop. Arras found Aisha's cushions and ordered fresh juice for her and the others as Mel and Cyn this time stared at him. I am sure Cyn is going to give him a mouthful any minute now.

"How did she do today girls?"

"Great Den, she did very well, she will be up later Donk wants an evening surf, they are going to have a picnic on the beach. So the answer to your next question bubby is no." She looked at Ayden who had sat up straight.


He understood her words but wasn't pleased Donk and Kate were taking over his beach tonight without him.

"Too dangerous at night bub, we can't see you," Evan had to say.

"NOT!" he shouted.

Horse whispered something in his ear and he settled down but with an evil smile on his face.

I thought it would be a promise to knock on his window in the morning, but he would spend the whole day down there if we didn't pull him up on it.

"Is Michelle working the website today Cyn?" Change of subject.

"Yes Den, that clever boy Alex hooked her up at home so she can do it anytime and not leave her home office."

"Good, I hope Shan's not getting in the way."

"From what I hear he almost lives next door, the kids love him and he's become a bit of a hero for them. He saved the littlest one from running into the traffic when they were having an outing at the tea rooms. The boy's parents are forever grateful to him. Funny enough Den the neighbour reminds me a lot of Rita, very calm and cool."

"Good, he's a great kid and will do well."

I had lost that nagging feeling and sat just taking in the ambience of it all. Listening to Arras complaining about Aisha's aches and pains was the worst conversation though, everyone was looking at him and he was treating her like she should be lying down for the next six or seven months, until she had the baby at least.

"For god's sake Arras give it a rest will you, she's not going to break, she's only pregnant and she's done that before." Cyn had had enough.

"Why don't you mind your own business Cynthia and I will mind mine." He smiled at her, she rose to the occasion.

"Okay that's enough, go to the play room and don't come back here for another two hours, and take Bubs with you, he needs to get out some more."

"But Cynthia...," Arras tried to say.

"GO!" she shouted.

Bubs struggled down and pushed Arras's arm, he wants to play too.

A red faced king walked down the porch stairs with a giggly boy following.

"Thank you Cyn, he's driving me crazy," Aisha said.

"Well you have to be firm with them, after all they are male." She chuckled and patted my hand.

"Except you Den, we haven't figured out what you are yet." She laughed.

A week later a good looking and well dressed, business type Aboriginal woman holding a baby in her arms, came up the stairs as I was drawing the last of Arras' babies, his little girl. She started to talk to Alex and he pointed towards me. I watched as she walked up and introduced herself as Hildy Sullivan. I shook her hand and looked at the baby and asked,

"May I?"

"Of course Mr. Curtis, this is little Andy." She passed him over and I smelt him, he was all milky and powdery smelling.

"He's so beautiful, how old is he, and please call me Den?"

"He just turned twelve months old Den, he's an adorable little pickaninny isn't he?" He was so small for his age and his eyes were his best feature, bright blue and they were staring at me, then he smiled. I have seen that smile before, I laughed at Hildy's use of a very old word that describes babies in aboriginal.

"He certainly is Hildy, he's going to be a heartbreaker that's for sure, and my son is going to love him. How can I help you, and please have some coffee?" She smiled and poured a cup for herself then offered me some, but my hands were full of baby I let her do it. I knew this baby from somewhere, he had immediately attached himself to me as if I should know him.

"I'm from child protective services, I believe I have to talk to you first, then a champion surfer called Blue?" she chuckled.

"Oh, this sounds interesting, why me?"

"Andy's mother left strict instructions we were to talk to you first, just to see how the land lies with Blue and a man called Horse."

She took a deep breath and continued, "Andy is his grandson; Blue is his father."

I went into shock; my mouth was moving but there were no words coming out, and I felt an enormous surge of love for this little mite. My butterflies were beginning to fill my tummy then I kissed the baby on the forehead. I had tears with many of them flowing down my cheeks and knew instantly who this baby belonged to now.

"I'm sorry Den, this is why I have to talk to you first, we don't want Mr. Horse or Blue going into shock over little Andy's sudden appearance."

"Not so sudden, I have been expecting him, what a beautiful present for Blue, and Horse, this is just so bloody wonderful."

"You were expecting him, how?"

"I trance when I paint, sometimes I see the future. Can you hold him for a minute?"

"Of course." I handed the fragile baby over to her then went to my spare room. Those eyes were staring at me and his smile was bigger than I remembered. I picked up the unfinished sketch I had done a week ago and walked back to the porch. I placed it on my easel and she gasped at the likeness.

"See, I was expecting him, I did this sketch last week."

"Well now I've seen everything, that's an amazing likeness Den. It's what we call a dreamtime painting."

"It is him, I didn't know his name then but I knew he wasn't far away and he needed us desperately in his life."

Then I had questions.

"Why? How? When?" I asked. I needed information.

"We all know how, and when was less than two years ago but it's the why we have to discuss." She had a beautiful laugh. This woman's got a sense of humour me thinks.

"Andy's mum put him up for adoption because she's finding it really hard to cope with him. After many visits by us she finally agreed we could try and see if his father would take him, it would be so much better. She gave us his birth certificate and some papers before she disappeared, Benjamin Walker was named as the father.

With some digging we found both Horse and Ben, or should I say Blue living in this area."

"I can't believe this, Horse is going to go ballistic, and Blue, well stuff me, he's going to be as wild as hell. I don't think he even knows about bubby; he's never mentioned him."

"So you think they won't want Andy then?"

"Of course they will want him, he's an absolute dream come true for both of them, but only when they get over their initial shock. Blue will make the best dad in the world, and Horse will be a great grandfather and will be over the moon to find out he has a grandson. This is fantastic news."

"Do you really think so Den? Because if he doesn't take Andy he will go into foster care, we would much rather he go to his real family."

"Horse has money, he owns a big building company and is the most beautiful man you could ever meet. I know for a fact this little bundle of joy is going to complete his life. Blue is a surfing star and has money to burn, he has love to burn too. I'm so happy I could cry."

"You are Den, and now you have me going too." I looked at the tears running down Hildy's face.

"Well this is why I wanted to talk to you first, we found out they lived here and I wanted to know your thoughts on them. You are the owner of this amazing place aren't you?"

"Yes with my partner Evan, and yes Blue is more than fit to look after a baby, he's been looking after my son ever since we met him. He's great with kids.

"How old is your boy Den?"

"Three and a bit Hildy, he's down at the beach having a surf but will be back soon with the boys. Horse and Blue will be with them; they go surfing a lot." I smiled and smiled at the little bundle of joy who was back in my arms. He was doing his gurgling thing, maybe for a feed so I hope Rita has some spare bottles in her cupboard.

"I have brought the relevant paperwork with me Den, do you think Blue will take him straight away? I only ask because I have to find a home for him urgently, we are full up with kids at the moment." I thought of Spud and Ali, and wondered if they could adopt?

"You can bet your pretty angel wings on that one Hildy, you won't be able to prise him away from Andy when he finds out. How many kids can we have?" I had to ask.

She chuckled and answered,

"We can talk on that later but firstly let's get Andy settled."

Rita came up with fresh coffee and sandwiches, she was curious and wanted a nurse too. I introduced her to them both and then passed him over.

"Another grandson for you Rita."

"What Den?"

"Andy's your other grandson, he's Horse's grandson, Blue is his father." I smiled through my tears.

She stared at me and said,

"Bullshit Den, what's really happening here?"

I told her what I knew and she kept staring at the little baby boy, her tears erupted as she held him up and kissed his face.

"My god he's going to be so happy Den, this is a miracle for both the boys, this is just so unbelievable, welcome to the bay little Andy."

She talked more to Hildy and as she talked Rita's smile got larger and larger, and her tears flowed to match mine, she couldn't help herself as she looked closely into Andy's eyes.

"He's got Blue's eyes Den, look at the dear little fella." The colour was exactly Blues, and the same as the sketch. I should have known.

I could hear the guys showering and larking about. When Evan came through the shop he immediately kissed my neck, if Wendy was shocked she didn't show it. Horse was chatting to Donk as he came out, he looked at me then Rita and said,

"You didn't have that little bubs this morning Rita, been holding out on me, give me a cuddle will you?"

She passed Andy over gently. I saw Hildy smile; I think she guessed who he was and got her answer. Horse sat down and started talking to the baby like they were old friends, his large hand automatically checked his nappy and forehead and his kisses probably tickled his cheeks, because he let out a big giggle.

I squeezed Evan's hand and whispered,

"Stay close bub, Horse may need us, this is something so wonderful."

"What Den?"

"I can't say yet but stay close." He noticed my red eyes.

"What's going on Den?"

"Just watch will you, the magic is in full flight."

Blue came from the cafe where had been saying hello to Alex and had more sandwiches and coffee in hand.

"Who's this little tacker dad?"

Hildy unfolded a piece of paper and asked,

"Are you Benjamin Walker gorgeous?"

"Yes that's me." Blue looked confused a little.

"Do you, or did you know a Stevie Nicholls?"

Blues face was blank then it went red he was blushing like crazy, he probably remembered his girl's name.

"Yes, I did know her a while ago, just before I came here."

"I'm going to love this Den and Rita." Hildy laughed again.

"Meet your son Andy." Blue looked like he was made of solid stone.

"No, I don't have a son."

"Look at the paperwork son, you are his father whether you deny it or not, but we can do a paternity test if you want, he has your blue eyes."

"What's his name again?" Blue asked.


I was watching Horse's face drop as the tears flowed down his cheeks, he wasn't aware he was crying into Andy's rug. His shoulders shook as he sobbed. Blue looked at the paper and then Horse, he couldn't believe it.

"We only did it the once, it was a one-night stand, and I get this baby for my effort, fuck me, how do I tell Alex?'

"Alex already knows baby, congratulations daddy and welcome to my family little Andy." Alex was behind him and had heard everything.

"Give him to me dad."

"No." Horse wasn't going to let go, his pain must have hurt more than I suspected.

"It's okay dad, there's plenty of time for cuddles later. What am I supposed to do now?" He was looking at Hildy for guidance.

"Do you want a son Blue?"

"Hell, do I ever, he's beautiful isn't he Alex?"

"He sure is."

"Well sign these papers and he's all yours. I have a suitcase in the back of the car with his personal items in it and some of his mum's memories, if one of you boys wouldn't mind getting it for me?" She offered her keys and Nuts took them, he had red eyes too.

Horse's sobs could probably be heard from the foreshore; he was so happy. He eventually calmed down when we all shared Rita's brandy, then the little bundle was handed to Blue for daddy cuddles.

"Blue, there's no room in the van for a cot let alone another bed." Alex was thinking about accommodation. Horse was getting merry, he said,

"I'll start on a house for you all tomorrow and in the meantime take my place, Tony and I can move into one of his apartments for awhile, or better still you move into Tony's. I think Arras still has it leased even though it's empty."

"I have a cot and clothes, everything actually to get you started, all Ayden's baby stuff." I beamed proudly because I knew that stuff would come in handy one day.

Horse had it all planned out in no time but all I could think of was more buildings going up.

A barrage of questions was asked. Yes, he was fed two hours ago and is due again in an hour. His mum had a breakdown and there is no other family willing to take a baby on. Also, he's had all his baby shots, he's crawling and is now getting into the baby trouble stage. When he woke he was looking into Blue's eyes as he smiled and kicked his legs, I remember it so well. The first thing we did was to ring Tony, we wanted one of his apartments for Blue and Alex. He was up on our porch in an instant wanting to meet the little fella. He was followed by Arras and Aisha who came up, then Cyn and the rest of the crowd arrived. I don't know who told them but I did spy Spud on his phone sending messages.

"The painting Den, it was Andy," Spud cried.

"Yes kiddo, Andy."

When Ayden arrived he screamed and wanted a nurse too, but it wouldn't be for awhile because he was passed around so everyone could greet him.

"Well my job is done. I have to get back and file this report then have a much needed rest before I deliver another unwanted baby into a dear friend's arms. I was dreading you wouldn't want little Andy here." Hildy stood up and the whole porch went silent, but Tony broke it by saying,

"You didn't think we would want him; how wrong you were sister." He snapped his fingers laughing.

She looked at me and said,

"How many do you want Den, and what colours?"

Stupid me answered,

"Two for Spud and Ali, twins I think, another one for me and Evan, Rita can handle three and Cyn and Abs will take six. We don't mind about their sex and assorted colours is fine." It was like I was giving her my lunch order. She chuckled all the way to the car, but it was loving and deep.

The party began in earnest as Hildy drove off waving, and we all wished her a happy New Year. Rita found his bottles and showed the boys how to sterilise them, but only after they'd each had their turn nursing Andy. We all talked at once and Rita seemed like the only one in charge. I sat there wondering when my new son was going to arrive.

"What was that all about Den?" Evan asked.

"She said she was overcrowded with kids at the moment so I said we would take a few dozen." He laughed at my sincere face.

"Quiet all of you lot," Rita yelled and Ayden and I both jumped.

"Now we need things, we need a place for Blue and Alex to live for a while until Horse can get a house sorted out. Arras can we have the empty apartment at Tony's?"

"Yes," he said.

"Tony I will talk to you about rent, but in the meantime we need to move them into it. We also need to go through the garage and clean out everything of Ayden's that has been stored there, everything will need washing so Spud and Ali that's your job."

"The rent has been paid for the next six months Rita, that's our gift for little Andy, and after we have another of your lovely brandies we will get onto moving the boys in." Oh? Arras was now in charge. Horse had ended up with Andy so I winked at him. His grin widened as he saw the drawing behind me and asked,

"You knew?"

"I knew something; I just didn't know it would be this awesome." I grinned back a him and he started sobbing as little Andy's hands took his cheeks and squeezed them.

For the next hour we kissed, looked and held little Andy then he wanted to sleep. He was put into the bean bag and Ayden crawled in next to him, at last he gets a cuddle from his new mate. They both slept but I noticed Ayden's eyelids were flickering non-stop, maybe he's introducing him to his king?

"Right boys, come on," Arras said. Aisha's pampering all forgotten, she jumped up and rolled her sleeves up, then left with them.

That left me with Rita, Horse, Andy, Ayden and Evan, who hadn't said anything, I looked over to him and he was in shock.

"What's up bub?"

He swished his hand back and forth like he was swatting flies.

"These bloody butterflies, they won't go away Den."

"Oh?" I grinned as I saw a few of them hovering around Evan's body.

"Yes Den, they are starting to annoy me." Horse looked at him, Rita was open mouthed and then it happened. Millions of butterflies converged on the porch, they covered us and when I looked over they were blanketing Ayden and Andy. I looked back and my golden knight was beaming from ear to ear when I heard,

"I see them, I can actually see them." he whispered.

"Me too Den, they are so gorgeous." Rita had the biggest smile on her face when I looked.

"Thank you my king, I thought I would never ever see them." Horse yelled and stood up trying to capture one with his big hands.

"Ayden's butterfly's bubs, now do you believe?"

"Yes Den, oh yes, yes, yes." He jumped up and started playing with them his golden chain mail and armour flowed with liquid magic as he twirled around and grabbed me in his arms. He gave me a deep longing kiss and when he finished he looked over at Ayden. He had opened his eyes and was reaching out to them giggling his head off. He then looked at me and said,

"Pa happies now dah."

I saw his beaming azure blue eyes stare straight through Evan's heart, and I felt an enormous surge of love as he showed me his eyes, his wonderfully perfect, Ayden's eyes.

Thank you all for your beautiful feedback on my story. I am having a rest at the moment but I will be back. Ayden's Eyes will continue I'm sure, I have a book three in me. Of course it would also be nice to read about Ayden in his teens, and what of little Andy? A new mate for Ayden or a new journey for both of them.

A special thank you to my friend Duncan for all the editing he did on this story. I owe you one mate, no, not that! Perhaps a coffee or two and a sandwich or a brownie.

And thank you Tony for helping us out too.


Next: Chapter 84

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