Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 29, 2019


Chapter 98

Early in the morning I could hear the excitement outside. Ayden was leaving with the boys and Birdy, just in case any of the boys wanted some tips or something again. I wasn't worried because Mel and Rita had gone to watch this time, something Rita never has the time to do at home.

When I finally appeared outside I was handed a basketful of breakfast burgers. I laughed as I lifted it onto my shoulder to walk it down to the boys. The guys start their house cleaning routines as soon as we are out of their way, I just hope there's no leftover cold cuts for lunch today.

They all saw me coming and converged on our dune, Ayden found his special one and handed one to Blue, but Birdy and Hulk were having such a good time swimming in the shallows they didn't notice me, so I will put a few aside for them. Jay was the one to get them moving, and while I rubbed Birdy dry, Hulk stuffed his gorgeous face with a burger. The women's heats started again and I noticed when I went to look, Stevie was on top along with Blue in the men's competition.

"Did you have fun last night Tim?" I whispered to him.

"Yes Den, it was awesome sleeping in the van, it brought back many memories of my camping out days."

"Oh, no hanky panky?"

"No Den, Nuts is straight, I told you that, I can't go there. Anyway it's not fair on him, he has to initiate any kind of relationship he has with anyone in the future; when he's good and ready."

"So you don't think he likes you?"

"Yes he does and I'm grateful to have him as a friend, please Den don't use any of that magic on us, it's not fair."

"What?" I laughed.

"Well I'm scared you will stuff up our friendship."

"I wouldn't do that."

He glared at me. I knew if I only knew how, I could maybe throw a little magic their way.

Stevie was out surfed today but scored well. Blue was next and Alex was massaging his legs to make them supple, and of course I kind of thought I would be good at that job.


"Sorry bubs." I am so ashamed of my dirty thoughts.

"Do you want to sit in the stand bub, or stay here?" Changing the subject.

"Stay here Den, Blue might need another leg rub when he gets back." He laughed and grabbed Ayden, flinging him over his shoulder they were going to go and give Blue some words of wisdom.

He was awesome, his feet manoeuvred that board like a second skin, and he surprised us all by doing a forward flip, coming out of it with a big grin on his face. Ayden and Birdy cheered him on the loudest as they slowly moved down the beach to where he would end his run. I didn't see any streams of gold or glows so I suppose this is the real Blue doing all the moves.

When he reached the beach he grabbed the two little kids for a cuddle then he had to sign some autographs. Our phones were going off with well wishes that we passed on to him.

There was a half hour break so Evan took Ayden out to give him some surf time as Horse and Trip watched them from their boards, it was just like home.

When the media saw him they dropped everything and focussed on Ayden's run. I could see the magic and the big smile on his dad's face.

The motorhome boys brought down some more food and Stevie and her girlfriend joined us with roughly four other kids that Birdy had gathered together, they were going to play football later on. No cold cuts, only hot dogs but there was plenty for everyone, and when we had cleaned up I took the boys for a walk down to the small carnival.

After getting some tickets they started to have a ball on the rides, I don't think Birdy has ever had a ride on the flying swings, he was so funny after he got over his nervousness. They had to try them all so the next two hours were dedicated to their happiness, Birdy's discoveries were awesome and my insides glowed because it was so nice to see them both smiling.

Blue did another run in the afternoon, then starting tomorrow he will do three runs for the elimination finals. After watching that I decided I was tired and wanted to go have an overdue nap and Ayden thought he needed one too so I tucked him and Birdy into bed, touching their foreheads and saying, "Sleep."

Evan arrived just as I had closed my eyes, I heard him strip his wet suit off then have a shower.


"No Den, have your nap first." I don't know what it is with him, on one hand he says have a nap and on the other he's playing billiards in my underwear. Talk about sending mixed messages, but he did get me going and when I had exhausted his mouth he got the same treatment; then we both had a nap.

I dreamt of small folk having a party on our beach, the beach fairy was in my dream and she was almost crying with happiness. I have no idea how long she had been in the human world but she did look better now. A funny thing happened when I heard loud laughing, the folk disappeared and were replaced with millions of butterflies. Their mixed colours were awesome as they flew out playing over the sea. I knew right away that Ayden's butters were the fairy folk.

"Den, wake up," I heard Evan's voice.

What's up bub?" My head ached.

"You're having a nightmare."

"Oh," I groaned.

"What's the matter?"


"I'll get you something, won't be a minute." He got off the bed and I could hear him searching in the bathroom.

He arrived back with Ayden who jumped on the bed and he handed me a glass of water and a pill.

"Take this Den, it might help."

My boy's hand was stroking my temple and the headache was soothed away. I drank the water and thanked my clever son, then gave the pill back to Evan.

"All over," I told him.

"I won't ask Den." I thought he groaned.

Someone had found a football and Ayden, Birdie and his four mates were playing a contest in the clearing. I set my cake shop window up on the easel to give it my best shot. I felt wonderful stroking each cake, each strawberry sitting in loads of cream, and the taste in my mouth was so satisfyingly delicious.

Ayden had stopped playing and he was beside me as I finished the last of the colours. I looked down at him and he was smiling then he licked his lips probably thinking about the wonderful treats in front of him, maybe he tasted it also?

It was starting to get dark when I finished the painting, everyone of my friends and more people from the camp had a look, and again I was offered money for it but refused to sell. I stowed it away then went to see what the cooks had in store for dinner. The boys were talking about going for an evening surf but Horse put a stop to it saying it's too dangerous. On our beach it's okay because they know it back to front, but here anything could happen. The tables were set up again and the boys brought out a stack of steaks, and I noticed the veggies were cooking away quietly on the coals.

Rita was in charge of making Ayden's burger, she did offer the others but the steaks won.

Blue once again had a following of fans and a magazine reporter to talk to while Horse was in charge of Andy's comforts, so he was cuddled, talked to and loved. Tomorrow are the finals and Ayden's turn to shine, I asked Evan how many times he had to surf and he replied until the last man standing, then he laughed.

"It's something new they have added this year, just for the entertainment value Den. He will surf three times and the winner is the one who surf's the best or has the best run."

"Okay, did we bet on him?"

"I don't think that's a good idea Den, he will be using his magic."

"Not necessarily bub, he's a good surfer at home, even without it."

"Okay, point taken, we can stick twenty dollars for him to win then." I heard a small boy yell out.

"Donts forgets my one hundreds pa."

Giggling to myself I helped him wipe his mouth then I wanted to talk to him about using his magic tomorrow.

"It's not fair on all the other kid's bubby, I would prefer you didn't use it tomorrow."

"Okays dah." He didn't seem to mind.

That's it? No arguments from him? I was so pleased he agreed with me, even having him entering is a win for us.

After our delicious dinner he and Birdy went inside to watch some TV, he wanted to see if his Blue was on. I talked to Nuts, then Mel and she was having a ball camping, and was so excited to watch Ayden surf tomorrow. The boys had been gone for a long time and that buzzing sound was in my head again.

"He's up to something bub, I know it."

"Well we had better go see what it is Den." He took my hand and I stood up, brushing the sandy soil off my shorts. We walked into the motorhome and heard laughing.

They were sitting opposite my painting laughing their heads off.

"What's got you two going?" I asked.

"Yumminess dah," Ayden replied. I looked at the painting and my jaw dropped, there had been small bites taken out of all the cakes. I quickly looked at Ayden who blushed.

"Desserts dah." Then he giggled along with Birdy.

"Well not too much, you both won't sleep tonight with all that sugar in your system." Evan was still getting over the shock then when he recovered he said,

"Edible paintings, what will you think of next Den?"

We both burst out laughing and I didn't mind because the painting actually looked better with the cakes half eaten.

"That's enough for tonight bubby, please don't eat all my cakes." I feigned crying, that got to him. He stroked my head to soothe me and Birdy had a terrible look on his face until I winked and smiled at him.

Evan and I laughed as we went back out to the campfire.

"What's got you two going?" Rita asked.

"Go have a look at what the little mice have done to Den's painting," Evan said.

"Horse, Spud come with me," she ordered then marched them into the van.

I heard Horse yell, "Yes," and wondered if Ayden was giving them a taste of my awesome sugary treats.

Blue was giving out trophies this morning to the junior girls, and Ayden was chomping at the bit to get into the water. We had dressed him in his pink wet suit and green float vest. Earlier on he had waxed his board into the next century so I had to take the tin off him, he was using so much. The biggest drama was when he couldn't decide which colour fairy dress to wear. I tried to talk him out of it but he stood his ground, firmly. He eventually decided on a green one and he did get some looks, but mainly the comments I overheard were positive.

The announcement was made and the four thousand plus crowd moved down the beach to get a good position to watch the event. My son hugged us all then got some last minute tips from the boys, he then waded out with a dozen other kids.

All I saw was beautiful laughing kids who were just as excited as my son. Some wiped out, some couldn't hold their boards and some like my son, did a perfect run into shore. I needn't have worried about him, there was so much security looking out for the kids it was hard to separate them from the contestants. But my boy starred and as the cameras rolled he actually waved to us when he caught the biggest wave. He was a star like his mate, and when he landed on the shore he reached for a bottled water, just like an old pro.

He waved again then paddled out under strict supervision. Horse was with him this time, the organizers had him working today. I think they decided Ayden Curtis, the youngest contestant needed more supervision than the others, they deemed him a wild child. His last run was also perfect and as he sat atop the waves I saw a full burst of light emanating from him. I don't think anyone else saw it but was sure it was magic. He did say he was using the event to call more lost fairy back to the bay, I say back because that's where it all started.

He was carried on Blue's shoulders and wouldn't stop giggling as the presenter gave him a small cup and an envelope. His fellow surfers patted him on the back and I felt no jealousy; well maybe just a little. I was carrying him now because it was getting a little out of hand, thousands of people wanted to congratulate him, but his pa had other ideas.

He took him off me then walked towards our camp and took the long way to throw people off his scent. When I got back he was still jumping up and down talking his head off. Birdy was his second in charge and kept the water up to him while Rita had cooked him a small burger and was hovering with a worried look on her face.

"What if they all come here Den, will we have to leave?"

"I'm sure Ayden's fairy folk have all that taken care of honey, they won't let anything happen to him.

He jumped up into my arms and started crying into my shoulder, he was exhausted and tired as I stroked his hair and tried to calm him down. In his eyes he was a champion like his Blue, and I couldn't have been prouder.

Blue's finals were coming up and instead of him having a nap he wanted to go and watch, so we went to the dunes and watched from there. He had some awesome runs and his score was nearly unbeatable at this stage. He took time out to talk to Ayden and he even hugged and kissed him saying, "well done." He sat with him and they both were interviewed, but Ayden's eyes were drooping and I could see he was fighting sleep.

We got him into bed an hour later and he wanted to talk to me a bit.

"They coming dah."

"Good, how many extra burgers has nanny got to cook?"

"Not many dah, mes going to party now in woodland."

It makes sense that my father would be having a celebratory party for him, but I have other ideas.

With Evan sitting there showing his love for his son I placed my hand on his forehead and said,

"No party today, just deep sleeping." He was out in a flash.

"What was that Den?"

"It appears I do have a little control of my magic, I can give him orders when he's tired."

"Good, I was worried he was going to the party." He took my hand and kissed it as his hair glistened in the afternoon sun, and I had to get him naked soon or I would burst at the seams.

Alex had set up a streaming camera on our porch and it has taken him two days to get it up and running here. We could see everyone having a party at our house, my table was full of familiar faces, even Kate had taken the day off to watch the finals. Tiny was seated next to Cyn who was smiling a lot so I sent a photo of my cake window to her and could see she was looking at it, then I sent the eaten one and she raised her thumb as she laughed.

"What happened?"

"Two little boys who wanted dessert," I answered in a text.

"Still a great painting Den, it's awesome."

"It's yours for sale Cyn, start selling, ha ha ha."

Blue had gone to get in some runs before the event and the cameras were all on him. I could just make out the vision on the porch TV, I could also hear the crowd on the beach. The laptop had several faces on it looking at their friends at home, and our porch was packed to the rafters.

We said our goodbyes and Alex put the stream on record, we wanted to see their reaction when Blue won. We also missed them all terribly so I don't want to hang around here after it's over, I really wanted to go home to our quiet little bay.

Blue's final run was perfect and his scores had become unbeatable as his fellow surfers tried in vain to pass or catch up to him. It was a long day for him and when he arrived back after the awards ceremony and the endless interviews, he headed for his bed for a rest, Ayden and Andy had to have a lie down with him. Alex told us they were heading home tomorrow; Blue was feeling quite over it all. He wanted to get back to be with Andy and him for awhile. I think he misses the bay also.

"When do you think we should go home Den?" Evan asked.

"Well if you don't mind I think we should go tomorrow too."

"Good, I was thinking along those lines myself." He grinned.

"It's nice here, but it's not home," Rita sighed.

"Are the boys going too my love?"

"Yes Den, they are wanting to get back, something about Spud being lazy and needing to paint some more pretty pictures." She giggled under her breath.

So it was decided except for Mel and Trip, Tim and Nuts, everyone else was heading to the bay tomorrow. The three boys Apple, Bubble and Sampson would wait around here to clean out the vans and wait for them to be picked up. I have no idea what will be going on in their beds when we are gone, but I did wonder.

Feeling refreshed and showered I went to grab some breakfast, the boys had gone for their last surf and I noticed the tents and food trucks were packing up. We had packed Evan's car last night and I made sure there was plenty of sandwiches and water for the trip home.

Ayden was still on a high and he slept with his trophy at night, maybe he was talking to it, I don't know. We got him buckled up and by the look on his face he was also ready for his real bed at home.

The trip wasn't as long as the one coming over because Evan had booked us on the ferry that takes us straight across the twenty-six-mile bay, then we have a one-hour drive home. Spud and Ali had the same idea and so did Horse and Blue. I sat with my son and Birdy on the deck and because it was a hot day so we sat under the shade cloth. When we passed Seal Rock they went ape shit and ran to the railings to have a good look at the hundreds of seals that were sunbaking on the small island. A painting I had done awhile back flashed in my head. That was the highlight of their day, plus the four dolphins that swam past the boat.

We didn't get a sleeper cabin because it's only an hour and a quick cruise, the time went quickly and before we knew it we were turning into our road. Evan pulled over and got out of the car.

"What's up bub?"

"Smell the air Den, it's so good to be back," he yelled into the air then we continued the journey. The cafe wasn't deserted and everyone had waited to congratulate Blue and Ayden on their wins. Blue walked around with him on his shoulders talking to the guys and girls that were there and Rita headed for the kitchen. A couple of big coffee pots were placed on my table along with the mugs. I sat in my familiar chair and relaxed for the first time in seven days. Evan was relaxing with me and Tony was having a good talk to Cyn trying to convince her to go next year, he had a lot of unbelievable fun he told her. From what I saw he moped around with the rest of us, me thinks he's setting Cyn up.

Abs wanted to know everything and when Ayden was finally released he sat on his knees and told him step by step how it all went.

Birdy's head rested on my leg and I stroked it and as I looked up Hulk complained that he was tired.

"Why don't you go and have a nap son, it's been a big holiday for you."

"Yes, I would like that poppa, can I come back here later?"

"Of course you can, I'll be waiting right here for you."

"Thank you, poppa." He lifted his head and Hulk swept him up to go have a nap. Jay wasn't too far behind as he followed them home.

Sandwiches and a small burger for my boy arrived for us all, I think Rita has taken charge of the kitchen again. She sat with us and had something to eat before she leaned over and said,

"They did very well Den, the cash register is overflowing."

"I had better get Evan to check his too."

"The boys said he's nearly sold out."

"What?" Evan cried then headed for his shop.

"I was just joking with him Den, you know how he is with his precious stock." She laughed, he still did very well though, the boys had hidden his cash under our mattress where he also found an envelope I had hidden there for Kate's banking.

"How long has that been there Den?"

"Sorry, I forgot about it, about three weeks' bub."

"I will have to ring her and apologise."

"No problem baby, Donk just pulled up so you can tell him how slack I am."

"I don't trash you to others Den, it's my fault for not looking."

"Oh okay, if you want it to be, then it's your fault." I laughed at his angelic face.

Birdy came back around five for dinner and I hugged him to death then it was Rita's turn, then Tony's. We ate sparingly with him then I said goodnight to everyone around eight. I wanted to get comfortable in my bed, in my home with my man.

Ayden's trophy was placed on his set of drawers so he could see it, and I even had to close the door so he could see Blue's poster as well.

"How much did we win bub?"

"Fifty grand, give or take a few dollars."

"Good, more money for your retirement."

"I don't know why I work Den, there's plenty of money around the bay, maybe I should retire?"

"Good, that will give you more time to attend to my needs then."

"Maybe I won't," he said before I rolled him on his side and gave him his well deserved retirement present.

I remembered during the night something had woken me up. It was a single butterfly and it was resting on my pillow. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her, a red headed fairy so tiny it would be hard to miss. She bent over and kissed my nose then giggled off out of the room. She was my first indication that the fairy folk were coming back to the bay.

I started the washing in the morning and whether it was dirty or not, I washed everything. In Ayden's bag I found the forgotten envelope he had won surfing but he was more interested in the trophy. It wasn't sealed so I took a sneak peak. He had won free rides at the carnival for him and a mate for the day.

I took it up to Ali and Spud's room and spoke to the boys, but they handed the envelope back to me a half hour later.

I found him in the kitchen where Rita was getting him back into a routine. She had made up some words for him to spell out, I suppose he was getting bored with it all because he was shouting out the letters and she was shouting, "correct," back at him.

"Have you got it all hung out to dry Den?" she asked.

"Yes my lovely, it won't take long, not today, it's beautiful out there."

"It is, I might even take myself down to the beach and watch the boys surf." Ayden's head shot up, now he's interested.

Alex arrived looking for some coffee and a sandwich so I took little Andy off him and he started laughing at my silly faces. I asked Alex to bring the coffee pot down because I wanted to talk to him for a bit.

"He's overwhelmed with it all Den, we are talking about him giving it up and just doing what he does best on our beach."

"That's a shame, but I suppose retirement while on top is better than struggling your way through hundreds of carnivals."

"Well Den, he really doesn't need the money, Horse is giving us the house as a present and he's already given Blue the money he had been putting aside for him all those years, it's a very tidy sum."

"So you think he might retire then?"

"His priorities have changed Den; he wants to be there for Andy's every waking moment. He understands why Horse did what he did with him, but he doesn't want to repeat it with Andy."

"And what about you?"

"I'm like a pig in shit Den, if the boys are happy then I'm happy. I love Andy and I love Blue like no other. I get by with what I make and I will always have mum to back me up if I need anything. But most importantly I have Blue to look out for me too."

"Okay, when do you move into the house?"

"Maybe next month Horse says, Jack's working on the kitchen now so it won't be long."

"What kind of kitchen did you order?"

"Same as Cyn's, it's awesome Den, Tony talked Blue into it otherwise it would have been all wood and marble, I like her kitchen, it's so sleek and clean looking."

"Okay, I will pay for that as a house warming present."

"Thank you Den; would you mind if we put a few stays in the backyard for extra income?"

"Not at all Alex, why don't you put a motel in, you have the room?"

"No, we just want four rooms, the bay has already got enough big buildings." He smirked at me.

Ayden arrived and finally he was bored with his letters, so I told him I found his envelope in the washing and to go see what he had won. He rushed off then brought it back to me to read, I thought he could read already, but as I have said many times before, sometimes he just wants to be a little kid.

"Now let me see what you won for being the best surfer." His face squashed up in glee.

"You have won a month's free games for two at uncle Spud's games room. Please present this letter to the operator to get your free games."

"Yeah!! He was very happy and ran around in circles.

"Who are you going to take with you bubby?"

"Birdy!!," he screamed.

"Good, I thought you might like to do that."

"Cans I go now dah?"

"Of course you can son, I'll come and watch you in a minute," I promised.

He shot off with the piece of paper in his hand, I think he bought it.

The games parlour wasn't busy today because the kids were at school so Hulk was playing on one machine and Ayden was surfing on his favourite.

"When he handed me the gift certificate I crossed out the one month and wrote six months Den, that prince of mine is so mean." He laughed. I took the racing car machine and put my foot to the floor. I like playing this one, I just go hammer and tong believing one day I might just finish the game without too much thinking. I lost on the third turn and when the machine did the loser noise Ayden giggled at me. He knows I can't play these things for shit.

His kiss was familiar and so welcome on my neck, I could smell the soap he had washed his body with and wanted to eat it off his awesome torso. When I opened my eyes he was standing there in the stretchy board shorts I had bought him for Christmas. No shame and nothing hidden as he posed deliberately in front of me, then he sat on my lap, chest to chest and lapped at my ears. I felt his hardness and so wanted to take it in hand, but Horse and Patrick came out and dampened my fantasy.

Evan got more coffee and I placed a canvas on my easel, trying to hide my hard on.

"I can still see it Den, it won't stay down." Patrick laughed.

"When do you start on the new place Mr. nosey?"

"Soon Den, we have signed everything with the new buyer for the tea rooms so it's real now, we have to go with what we planned."

"Who bought it Pat?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Arras did for Harry and Samson, they will put another guy on plus keep the casuals on board."

"Oh, do you think they are a couple?"

"I don't know Den, why don't you go over to Ali's place and find out, I'm sure Sampson would love to greet you in that state."

I stuck my hand down my shorts and placed my dick in the proper position, then pulled my underwear up and tight.

"Now Alex, you are going to do our linen aren't you?"

"Yes Pat, I emailed the prices off to Susan yesterday."

"Good, I will leave it up to her to organise."

"What about Millie, did you have a chance to talk to her yet?"

"Yes Den, she's already sent us her cake portfolio, she's a genius with decoration and we can certainly use her skills."

"Good, now all I have to do is find someone that would like to run an art shop." I smiled at Evan, then stripped him with my eyes.

"I don't know anyone Den, but I can ask around. Of course this really has Tim written all over it, he could even run restoration classes out the back too, there's plenty of room," Horse offered.

I started thinking about it and yes it would suit Tim, but he said he's always going all over Australia to restore works or art, maybe he doesn't want to be tied down to the one spot?


"What's the matter Den?"

"I just had a thought, Nuts could buy it and Tim could do classes out the back and run the shop too."

"Give it up Den, I don't think Nuts will bonk Tim, he's too into the lady's mate," Horse offered his little piece of wisdom.

"How do you know?"

"I seed him do it." Now he's talking like Ayden.

"Um." I will think more on it.

Of course the paint shop would be another ideal business for Spudley, but I don't think Ali would let him go for the day. It's too convenient in the cafe, their bedroom is only twenty feet away from their work space, and to use Ali's words, he has to paint more pictures, so he's going to be busy.

Cyn looked much better when she called by, she was glowing and I think motherhood will suit her. She asked the boys what it was really like at Bells beach, she was thinking of going away for a few days' holiday. We talked her out of it, saying she already lived on the best beach in the world, so I think she was thinking Tony's take on it was all bull. Get ready for another bitch fight me thinks.

"Where's the painting Den?"

"In the back room, I'll get it."

I did just that and when I displayed it on my easel it looked different to when I first painted it, those delicate little teeth marks were seen on every cake in the window. I giggled to myself and hoped the boys enjoyed them.

"It's brilliant Den, I'll start it at two mil," she said then started to photograph it from all angles.

I sat back and looked at the guys.

"It's only a number, and Horse if you want me to pay for Blue and Alex's house it would be my pleasure to do so."

He shook his head and refused the offer, but thanked me anyway.

Next: Chapter 99

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