Baby, I'm pregnant!" - *NSYNC Slash

By Pris G

Published on Apr 22, 2003



"Baby! Wake up! C'mon, Lance! Wake up!" "Hmmph. What?" "Wake up!" "Ow! I'm awake! What, Josh?" "I'm pregnant!" "You're shitting me?" "You are SO insensitive!" "Shhh, Josh, baby, calm down, I'm sorry. Shhh," Lance soothed as he took JC in his arms, "Are you sure about that?" "I'm sure this time. I suspected it but I decided to go to the doctor before celebrating." "Why didn't you ask me to go with you?" "I didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing again," JC replied softly as he looked up at Lance with those big blue eyes. "So, now, we can actually celebrate it? For real this time?" Lance asked, his voice even lower than usual, smiling when JC shuddered in his arms. "Yeah, we can," JC replied back, his whole body melting against Lance's as he let out a softy purring sound. "Hmm... Love it when you purr..." *** 2 days later *** "What the fuck?" "Oh! That's so cute!" Justin squealed as he shot up from the couch and hugged JC, causing JC to giggle. "Congrats, man!" Joey said, his smile big as he hugged Lance, knowing exactly what his friend was feeling. "Am I the only one here wondering how the hell this happened?" Chris asked, his voice even higher than usual. "Whatever, man," Justin shrugged, "When has anything related to C ever made sense?" he completed and Chris thought for a minute. "True. Congratulations, guys!" "Thanks," JC replied as Lance hugged him. *** 3 months later *** "Baby, what's wrong?" Lance asked as he entered their bedroom and saw JC on their bed, eating from three boxes of chocolate and obviously crying. "Nothing. I missed you," JC sniffled as Lance took his jacket and tie off on his way to the bed. "I missed you too. I'm sorry, the meeting took longer than planned." "That's OK," JC replied, obviously miserable but unwilling to give in. "Now tell me what brought this on, OK?" Lance said with the most soothing tone he could muster as he took JC in his arms. "I had been missing you and then... nah, it's stupid, you're here now," JC replied, pouting as he buried in Lance's embrace. "C'mon, it can't be nothing if it makes you cry." "Will you still love me when I'm huge?" JC asked as he looked up at Lance, who started chuckling but stopped as soon as JC's lips started to quiver and his eyes filled with tears. "Baby, you won't be huge, you'll be pregnant. And of course I'll still love you, silly." "For real?" JC sniffled as Lance carressed his face. "For real," Lance smiled as he put his hand over JC's abs, "Besides the self-esteem problem, everything OK with you and the baby?" "Yeah. I wish I could feel it already." "Soon, baby, soon." "Do we have pickles? And whipped cream! Do we have whipped cream?" *** 1 month later *** "Do you want to know if it's a boy or a girl?" "Do we?" JC asked Lance as Lance held his hand and stared at the monitor. Their baby. The only thing he could see clearly was the baby's heart but that's not the point. That was their baby. "I'd like to know, I think." "Me too. Are you able to tell us right now?" JC asked he doctor as she started moving the ultra-sound device on his belly. "You see here? You'll have a babygirl," the doctor smiled widely at them after pointing at the monitor. "What do you think of Angelina?" JC asked, grinning foolishly at Lance. "I think it's perfect," Lance replied with tears forming in his eyes. Lance hadn't seen anything when the doctor pointed at the monitor but that didn't matter. Their babygirl. Their Angelina. *** 1 month later *** "Josh, you ready?" "I'll be down in a second," JC replied as he finished fixing his hair and headed out their bedroom, "Do I look OK?" "I want to ravage you. That good enough?" Lance grinned widely at him, causing JC to blush. "Shut up. Let's just go," JC replied as he took Lance's hand and they headed for the door, "They're probably all there already." "Hey, you were the one trying on all your wardrobe!" "Not my fault nothing fits me anymore, you insensitive jerk!" JC pouted just as they got to the passenger side of Lance's car and Lance chuckled as he took JC's face in his hands and pecked his lips. "You are extremely adorable and I love you, OK?" Lance said before kissing JC again, causing JC to grin as he blushed. "OK." "Have you been taking pouting lessons from Justin?" Lance asked as he opened the door for JC and JC laughed. "I'll never get to the level of knowledge that Justin has on the art of pouting," JC replied as Lance made his way to the other side. "I think he's sneaking behind Joey's back and teaching Brianna. She's getting too good at it, man." "Knowing Justin? He probably *is* sneaking behind Joey's back but if he's caught, he'd get his way out. By pouting, of course," JC snickered and they laughed before JC started singing along with whatever music was on the radio until they got to Joey's house. They got out of the car and Joey was already outside waiting for them. "I thought you guys would never get here." "Hi, Joe," Lance said as he hugged Joey. "It was totally Lance's fault. Hey, Joey," JC said as he hugged Joey. "Hey! How was that my fault?" "You knocked me up," JC grinned and Joey laughed as Lance glared, "I'm hungry, let's go." "Only pregnancy to make you say those words, man," Joey said, shaking his head as they made their way to the backyard. "I was never anorexic! Don't start!" JC pouted and then he suddenly stopped with his hand on his abs, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open. "Josh? Baby, what's wrong?" Lance asked, alarmed by the look on JC's face. "Shhhh..." JC hissed and then a small smile formed on his lips, "Give me your hand," he took Lance's hand and placed where his own hand had been, "She kicked me," he whispered and they waited for a while until Angelina moved again, "You felt it?" "Yeah," Lance whispered, a smile slowly forming on his lips, "You think she'll be a soccer player?" he asked teasingly when JC winced after the baby kicked a bit harder than the previous times. "That's not funny. It's not your ribs she's kicking," JC replied as he slowly carressed the area the baby kept kicking till he felt her move and then she wasn't kicking his ribs anymore. "I know you love it," Lance smiled as he put his arms around JC, JC's hands automatically going to his shoulders. "That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt," JC chuckled as he rubbed Lance's nose with his before pecking him. "Get a room," Joey groaned, rolling his eyes, "Although, if you think about it, that was what brought this on, huh?" he snickered and ducked when Lance threw his car keys at Joey's head, "Weren't you hungry? C'mon, you know how Chris is, he's probably eaten everything by now." "I heard that!" They spent the whole afternoon at Joey's and, of course, were teased mercilessly by everyone there, even Kelly. Nothing could take the goofy smile from Lance's face though. Later, when they were back home and had already showered, they lay together in bed. Lance had stopped JC from putting on a shirt and made him lay down so he could lay his head on his swollen belly. JC had complained at first but then as soon as he saw the kid-on-Christmas look in Lance's eyes, he nearly started crying. He managed not to do it though but couldn't refrain from smiling at his lover. "You think she can recognize my voice by now?" Lance asked in a soft voice as he traced iddle paterns on JC's skin. "The doctor said she can." "Daddy loves you, Angel," Lance said softly as he kissed JC's belly, "Both of them." *** 2 months later *** "Lance? Lance, wake up. Lance!" "Ow, what?" "My water broke. Ow, ow, ow," JC winced and gasped. "Contractions? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! What do I do?" "Breathe, Lance. We have enough time," JC replied in as soothing tone as he could muster, "Grab the baby bag and mine and the car keys while I call the doctor. Put some clothes on too," JC laughed as he reached for the phone, shaking his head when Lance rushed from one side of the room to the other, trying to put on his pants and t-shirt at the same time. Calls made to their doctor and their families, JC managed to calm Lance down enough to the point where he thought he wouldn't be risking his life by getting in a car and letting Lance drive. The contractions were getting stronger and were coming in closer in time and the last thing he needed was to be worrying if he'd get to the maternity alive. Twenty minutes later, they got to the maternity and JC gasped again when Lance reached to help him out of the car. When the contractions stopped, a wheelchair had been rushed to the car already by the maternity staff and they were able to move JC and wheel him inside. Four hours later, after nearly pulling Lance's hand off his arm, they were finally moved to the room where Angelina would finally be born. Lance had thought that his hand would feel some relief now that they were getting to the end of this but, boy, was he wrong, "Baby, Josh, breathe, baby, breathe." "Fuck you," JC hissed as he tried pushing like the doctor was instructing him, "I hate you for doing this to me, you jerk!" "We're almost there, Joshua, now, when I tell you to, push really hard. I can already see her, OK? Now, Joshua, push," the doctor instructed and Lance nearly passed out when JC squeezed his hand as he pushed, he was sure the bones in his hands would snap at any moment. "Push, baby, she's almost here," Lance whispered in JC's ear as he pushed JC's sweaty hair off his face, feeling JC lay his head back down and pant. "God, I'm so tired..." he breathed out as he looked into Lance's eyes. "She's almost here, Josh. Just a bit more," Lance whispered as he carressed JC's cheek. "Joshua, this is the last one. C'mon, push as hard as you can. She's here, Joshua. Just one more," the doctor said cheerfully and JC wanted to smack her, so he channelled that into pushing. And he pushed and pushed till he could feel Angelina's shoulders getting out and then he collapsed on the bed when he heard her cry. "She's here, baby. Oh, God, she's here," Lance whispered, wonder evident in his voice as he rested his forehead on JC's before kissing him repeatedly, "I love you. So much," it was obvious that he was crying and it was JC's turn to carress his face, brushing away the tears that fell from those beautiful green eyes. "Here she is, gentlemen. Your beautiful babygirl," the nurse smiled as she handed JC the small baby envolved by green sheets. "Hey, Angel," Lance whispered as he reached for Angelina's hand, "It's nice to finally meet you," he completed, causing JC to chuckle. "We love you, little one," JC said softly as he kissed the top of her head before the nurse had to take her to be cleaned, "I think I need to sleep," JC smiled tiredly when they were left alone after the doctors had tended to JC, "I don't care that she's the most beautiful baby in the world, though. The next one you carry," JC completed and Lance cracked up. "Sure, Josh, sure," Lance replied, shaking his head. Like *that* was gonna happen. *** 2 years later *** "C'mon, little one, open up for daddy," JC said as he fed Angelina, "Just one more," he said and she opened her mouth as wide as she could, causing JC to chuckle at her antics, "There you go!" he cheered as he wiped her mouth before taking her plate and spoon to the sink. He came back to her and pulled her from her high chair before he heard the door to the kitchen be opened. "How are my two favorite people in the world?" Lance asked as he made his way to them. "Da!" Angelina exclaimed, throwing herself at Lance so he'd take her. "Hey, baby," JC said softly before he pecked Lance's lips, "How was your day?" "Good. Closed that wonderful deal I had told you about, found out I'm pregnant, you know, the usual." "What?!" "Yeah," Lance grinned as he shrugged, "Baby, I'm pregnant!" The end... or maybe just another beginning? *snicker* I warned that it would be weird *shrugs* I apologize for any mistakes on the whole pregnancy thing since I have never gone through it and just used what I thought it was like. I also apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes since I didn't have time to look it over. And, yes, I used all the cliches that go with pregnancy stories *grin* Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did hehe

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