Baby, It's Cold Outside!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 31, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I woke up with seven covers over my body and still feeling cold on one side. One side only, because Daniel was pressed up against me on the other side. Man, it was cold in this cabin! I had to get up and make a fire, and wait for it to heat up the place. Wondered if I could do that without waking up Daniel. He was lying on my arm. I decided to just lie there and wait a while, see what happened. It was barely daylight, after all.

A look at the clock puzzled me, it was almost eight thirty in the morning! I looked at the window again, and realized that there wasn't much light coming in because we had a thick layer of snow all across it. Were we snowed in?

I moved to look closer (I was feeling a draft from that window, snow or no snow) and my movement woke Daniel. He stirred and I looked at him as he opened his eyes. "Morning, sunshine." I told him.

He smiled his easy smile and reached up for a kiss. His breath tasted of stale beer, but I didn't care, mine wasn't layered with fresh mint, after all. "Good morning, egghead." he told me. That was a pure jibe at my own profession, I didn't take it personally. My own name is "Edgar" which explains the nickname, as much as anything can explain a moniker like this.

Instead, I said, "Who makes the fire this morning?" It was my turn, but I was more than ready to take advantage if he wanted to be noble. Sometimes....

"I will. I have to get out there soon anyhow." Daniel reached for another kiss which I gave him gratefully, and he rose. He slept nude (and so did I) so I didn't envy him one second of the icy cold air in this room.

"And you have all that fur to help you stay warm." I said. I had almost no body hair, while he had a nice thick coat of it that I loved to run my fingers through when we were making love.

"Yeah." He said. "I'm wearing your robe anyhow." I had a thick long robe that Daniel put on, and he turned to me smiling genially, with his thick thatch of black hair on his head that made his somewhat long face broad and round, looking so fucking hot in that rich red-colored robe. "Back in a couple of minutes." He turned on around to leave and the robe clung to his strong back like it was sculpted to his form, broad shoulders, narrow waist, muscled thighs and calves, all made their own bulge or arc on the robe.

"Leave the door open." I told him. Not to watch him in the living room (the angle was wrong) but if that wood-burning stove was going to heat this room at all, that door had to be wide open.

"Natch." Daniel went into the living room while I considered how lucky I'd been. Daniel and I were what you'd call an "odd couple." Me, I was a free-lance writer (technical articles, I made a damned good living at it, not that you ever noticed my name on anything I've written, more than likely) and I could live and work anywhere. Daniel was a dock worker, who'd taken a month's vacation, the entire month of December. Without pay, but he earned a salary that made it economically feasible. He and I had come up to this cabin with the plan of spending the winter here, fixing it up and making it a luxury cabin, then come spring, we'd sell it to some rich couple wanting a summer getaway. Nice plan, but it meant he and I were camping out, so to speak, in an increasingly hostile mountain cabin.

Daniel and I didn't have a lot in common, he was a big, muscled stud who liked to drink beer, watch television and eat junk food. I was thinner, and I liked to sip wine, read books and cook gourmet food. Yet somehow, he and I were together and things were only getting better as time went by. I looked at it this way; Daniel and I complemented each other. Take this cabin we'd combined our money to buy. Daniel did all the heavy sawing and hammering, while I worked on the decorative details, carving ornate banisters, mantelpieces, cornices and such. If he was watching TV, I was free and able to read a book without interruption. If he was chugging a beer, it meant more of the wine was there for me to sip on. We completed each other, is what we did, sharing our life in an accord of amiable companionship.

Daniel came back into the room and said, "Okay, fire's going. Give it a half hour and this place will be halfway habitable. We'll get up then, have breakfast and then get to work."

I groaned at that. "Work" at the moment meant going outdoors, we needed to finish the front porch. "Can't we let it go for today? It snowed last night, you may have noticed."

"The snow has stopped for now, we have a couple more days before it lays down any more than a couple of inches. We wait longer'n that, and we'll be building the porch in two feet of snow instead of two inches."

"But it's cold outside!" I moaned.

"It sure as hell is. Scoot over and let me back in." Daniel stripped out of the robe and I saw his cock was standing upright, pointing at me. "It's motherfucking cold in this place."

"I can see you're frozen stiff." I said.

Daniel looked down and grinned. "Just my morning wood. You ought to be used to seeing it by now."

"So get back in bed and I'll warm you up."

He was looking so good as he strode over to the bed and lifted the covers, crawled in. As he bent over, I could see every muscle in his finely toned and athletic body. I could never have a body like this no matter how much I worked out but that was okay, Daniel was more than ready to loan me his as I wanted or needed it.

He got into bed with me and his bare body touched mine and I shivered. "Damn, honey, you are cold!"

"I said it was cold in here. I built the fire, remember?" We kept the wood for the fire just outside a side door intended for that purpose by the original builder, it opened into a small wood shed that was more than ventilated, the walls had two inch gaps between the boards (to avoid wood dust build-up, that can explode under the right circumstances, you know). "You said you'd warm me up, so get to warming."

"It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it." I said as I kissed him and ran my hands over his body. I rolled us both over so that I was on top of him, and he was on his back, sunk deep into our feather-bed mattress. Covering him in warmth. I felt his erection pressing against my body, my own was right alongside it.

"Mmm, nice." he said as I ran my body over his. "Rub on me, Eddie. I need to get a lot warmer."

"Oh, I plan to do a lot of rubbing." I said. I leaned over and tried not to shift the covers as I snaked a long arm out for the nightstand. In the drawer it held was a small tube of lubrication, I needed it.

Dan hissed as I lifted the covers to flex enough to open the drawer. "Damn, man, close the barn door!" he groaned. I felt the chilly air slide into our warm cocoon of covers myself.

I got the tube of lubricant and left the drawer open, let it fend for itself until the room got warm enough to rise from the bed.

"What are you going to do with that?" Dan asked as I ferried it back. A good question, he and I traded off on the passive-anal position, it was a case of whoever decided which way they wanted it and could act first, and I had him pinned down.

"For starters, I'm going to do this." I said as I levered the opened tube toward our midsection. The contents were a clear, fairly runny liquid, when I gave it a hearty squeeze, the lube squirted all over both our cocks.

I hissed. Damn, the lube was cold! Daniel hissed, too. "Shit, man!" he complained. "That's like liquid ice."

"It'll get warm in a little bit."

"It damn well better!" Daniel grumped. "I was just getting warm and you dump that on me and.... Mmmmh!"

I was beginning to rub back and forth on Daniel, with the lubrication and our cocks side by side, my motions were making both our pricks hum happily. "Oh, man, you're so fucking creative, that's what I love about you!" Daniel praised.

I grinned and didn't deny it. Daniel had all the strength and power in our lovemaking, I had the agility and creative verve that kept him on his toes. Like the time I had him hold me with his hands on my thighs, me riding him like that with his cock up my ass, him walking around with me bouncing up and down. If I'd been heavier or he'd been weaker, it never would have worked, as it was, Daniel kept going right up until the moment he rammed my back against the wall and groaned and shot a huge load into my ass. I was planning on one of those, with the two of us buried under the covers, protected from the elements and warm, warm, warm inside all this cold, all the way to climax. I wanted him to cream between us and me, too, mix them on our stomachs and feel the warm come inside our warm covers inside this cold house.

So I got into the serious business of keeping Dan's pud happy and humming while I rolled it back and forth and around between our bellies. I felt his warm thatch of chest fur on my own chest, a wide field of tickling male pelt brushing my ribs and breasts. Dan's arms folded themselves over my back and he began to make small moves himself to add to our pleasure, we soon found a coordinated set of motions that were making me moan as much as him.

"Ah, ah, damn, Eddie, you want me to fuck you, you got to stop, I'm going to squirt just like this!" Daniel grunted. "You're driving me crazy, man!"

"For you to fuck me, I'd have to lift the covers." I pointed out. "Too fucking cold for that. You're going to have to shoot with these covers down if you want to shoot at all."

"You lousy bastard." Daniel groaned. "Want me to cream on myself like a fucking puppy!"

"Not just you." I gasped. "I'm going to cream on you, too. Get your belly fur all sticky and gooey and nasty."

"You going to fetch water for me to bathe in after?" Daniel breathed. His breath was heavy, his face so soft and vulnerable looking. The lion in soft embrace, was how I thought of it to myself, Dan with his full mane of thick black hair, underneath me, and his groans of pleasure were like a lion's purring (do lions purr? No matter, if they did, they'd sound like Daniel did then).

"Nah, make you stay all grungy and sticky." I teased him.

"Bastard." Daniel grunted. "If I'm going to get messy, so are you! You get ready for a heavy fucking load, you get me?"

"I get you." I grunted myself. "I bet I'll come more'n you will!"

Daniel held me to him so tightly I could barely move, but he was wriggling under us harder than ever. "Yeah, come on, splash me hard you nasty little puppy! Come on, cream all over yourself. Shoot it all over me, make me sticky, make me stink of your jizz!"

"Ah, ah, shit!" When Daniel talked like this, he drove me mad! "Shit, shit, AH-AH-SHIT!!!" I was lost in my orgasm, I ejaculated right onto the two of us, Daniel's pud was right up against mine, brushing the right-hand side of my shaft, and I was creaming on his body, spewing into the thick abdominal hair, and that gooey mess got onto me and all over me.

"Yeah, that's it, that's the lubrication I needed, shit, yeah, I can feel that hot spunk of yours rubbing all over my cock, ah, ah, AH, AH-HAH-AH-AH-GAH, HUNNNNHHHH!" Daniel's roars were the roars of a lion in full ecstasy and I felt the hot spunk adding itself to mine, and his motions were rubbing it into me, all into me, soaking me, imbuing me with his liquid lust.

"Ah, oh, Daniel, God, oh, oh, oh!"

"Ah, ah, Eddie, you crazy bastard, I love you, man, oh, oh, oh!"

"I love you, too, Dandelion!"

"Oh, baby, oh!"

And at last, we were both silent, and the covers were warm and more than warm, moist with our sweat and our bodies were wet with our jizz and I couldn't tell which of us had sprayed more of it onto us. Probably Daniel, he can really come when he gets worked up, I can almost gauge the amount of his delight by the volume of his come-load. Me, I sort of squirt out the same amount every single time no matter what's going on.

Daniel stirred a little. "Eddie?"


"Did you call me Dandelion?"

"Did I?" I thought back. "I guess I did."

"Where did that come from?"

"Just that, you look like a lion to me sometimes."

"What kind of lion? A king of beasts, or the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz?"

"Uh, sort of the best of both of those." I admitted.

"Ahhh! That's what I get for falling in love with an artistic sort."

"You're sort of stuck with me." I agreed. "Just like I'm stuck with you."

"Stuck with a caged lion?"

"Sort of. Fortunately, I know how to soothe the savage beast when I have to."

"You sure do."

"I think it's beginning to warm up." I said. The sweat on our bodies wasn't entirely due to the seven layers of covers. "You want to take this party into the living room?"

"If you want to. I am beginning to get hungry."

"I'll make breakfast, since you fixed the fire. After that..." I sighed. "I guess we'll bundle up and try to finish that porch before another storm comes along."

"We could." Daniel said. "Or we could leave that until after the spring thaw, leave it for last."

Not having to get out and hold while he hammered in the cold was the best kind of an idea. "You're the carpenter." I compromised. "If you think that's best, that's what we'll do. Give us more time to work on the insides."

"Stay inside all winter." Daniel agreed. "Work a little, fuck a little, work a little more. Best way to keep warm."

"After all," I said, "Baby, it's cold outside!"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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