Back Home with Old Friends

Published on Feb 10, 2021


Back Home with Old Friends 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

I was a little worried that I was creating a lonely-hearts club. I then thought to myself that a lonely-hearts club is fine as long as the sex is good. Greg was a lonely man with a cock that fit my ass perfectly. Many personal relationships start with less.

Literature often focuses on grand passions and is filled with grand gestures and emotions. That makes for an entertaining read, but it's hard to live that way. Ordinary, everyday friendships and pleasant relationships are easier to live with. Drama Queens wear you out and drain you.

A week later Greg came by with a younger cop, Buck. Buck had been seen at a cruising place and Greg heard about it from a Cop in the next county. They had an uncomfortable conversation about it and Greg brought him to me. He came to my house because he didn't want anyone else to overhear the conversation. Buck was a 25-year-old guy from a small town nearby. It was one of those towns where the fine dining was in the gas station convenience store and where 50% of the residents were cousins of some sort.

Buck was a nice kid, but he was also a Redneck's Redneck. He was frightened. I recognized the look I saw on face of a graduate student who had been caught plagiarizing. If it was a first occurrence, I told them I could write it off as sloppy footnoting. But I reminded him of what Lady Bracknell said in the Importance of Being Earnest, losing one parent was a tragedy, losing two parents suggested carelessness.

Greg told Buck his sex life was his sex life, but it needed to be discrete and with an upscale class of partners. "I know there are different strokes for different folks," Greg said. "but it's one thing in a hot tub at a pal's house, and another at a public beach." Greg left and I was alone with Buck.

He looked at me and asked, "Is there any chance you have a hot tub?"

I laughed and said, "Hell no, but I have a shower big enough for half the town."

"I'm sweating like a pig," Buck said. Nature took its course, and we were showering together ten minutes later. Buck was 100% straight except for his interest in sex with men. He had a strong sex drive, but he had trouble relating that with his good old boy personality. He looked good, had a gym rat body and a nice cock. Buck wanted a blow job.

I told him I liked 50/50 sex. I started by encouraging him by massaging his cock with my mouth. I had guessed he was used to rest stop quickies, and my experienced mouth would be a new experience. I was entirely correct. He loved it. Cocks tell no lies, and I could taste him get more excited by his cock drool. I pulled away when he was getting close.

"Buck, I'll finish you off if you show my cock some affection," I said. I was hoping he was so excited he would do anything that would get him off. He dropped to his knees, stuck out his tongue and licked the tip of my cock. He was uncut; I am cut. His tongue touched my piss slit and he tasted my sweet cock ooze.

Some men don't like precum. Fortunately, Buck discovered a new food group. A minute later he was milking my cock, and a few minutes later he was wildly in love; not with me, but with my cock. Somehow, I knew this wasn't a passing fancy, his life had a new direction.

"Shit, I felt as if I was on the J.V. team and suddenly was promoted to the majors," Buck said. "I didn't think I would like it with an old guy."

"You're lucky that I like meaningless sex. If I were prone to want deep meaningful relationships, I might be annoyed," I said.

"You don't like young guys?" he asked.

"I was a college professor. Avoiding young men on the make was essential for my career," I said.

"Guys would give you blowjobs for a grade?" he asked.

I nodded. "Some guys seemed to think a blowjob was a substitute for studying," I said. "There was one guy who bragged half the professors on campus had fucked him up the ass. That could have been a problem if his ex-girlfriend hadn't squealed on him. His gay adventures were all fake."

We talked some more and then he went home. He asked if he might come by another time. I said that would be fine. I thought Buck was a straight arrow who had been pretending his trips to the wild side were just little quirks. I had a feeling his imagination hadn't stretch far enough to admit he was gay.

I didn't see him for quite a while. Buck was wounded during a school shooting as he led some kids to safety. The shooter was a wife beater who wanted to teach his wife a lesson by killing their child. He had many run ins with the police and why he was allowed to have a gun was a scandal.

Officially, Buck should have been wearing body armor, but it was what they called a fast-evolving situation. Buck either waited to get the armor or went to save the kids. When Buck was shot, he turned and winged the shooter so he could not shoot again. By the time Buck collapsed the Police, a school janitor and music teacher had the shooter out under control.

He was seriously wounded and was out of commission for two months. Greg spent a lot of time with Buck as he recovered. Buck returned to work on office duty until he was fully recovered.

Buck came to see me a few weeks after he was back on duty. It was eight in the evening. He came with a friend from high school, Duddy Jones. Duddy worked construction. Buck said he told Duddy about how much he had enjoyed meeting me and Duddy thought he might like to meet me too.

"I guess you could say Buck and I got a little playful," I said. "Were you two childhood playmates?"

"We met in high school when we were on the wresting team," Duddy said. "We weren't that playful then. I think you guys may have done more in one afternoon, than we did in three years on the wrestling team." He paused and added. "I think I'd like to try some stuff."

"You know that if you try some stuff, you can't ever undo it?" I asked.

"To tell you the truth, I seriously doubt I would even want to undo it," Duddy said. "Buck said it was really good."

We went to my bedroom. "Buck told you it is naked stuff?"

"He sure did!" Duddy replied.

Buck has some impressive scars on his gut and his right leg. When I noticed the scars he said, "My cock still works." I laughed. Buck stood next to Duddy and I was able to suck both of them. There seemed to be a race to see who could be erect first. Buck won the race, but Duddy was the first to ooze precum.

Buck was a little unsteady on his feet so Duddy steadied him. I was able to get both cocks in my mouth and my tongue liked both. Buck's cock began to drool.

"Can I suck yours?" Duddy asked. I stood up and Duddy dropped to his knees. I was surprised when Buck kissed me. I know that traumatic events can change people. I think he wanted affection and comfort.

"Keep doing what you are doing," Duddy said, "Your cock juices are really flowing." He immediately returned to his cock sucking duties. A little later we got on the bed. Buck's bad leg was getting tired.

"Are you into milking cocks?" I asked Duddy.

"I like it, but I've never drunk the milk," he replied.

"I don't mind it. It isn't a taste treat, I said. "Sometimes taking it from a friend's cock is different. Knowing the man who made it seems to improve the taste." We shared Buck's cock and when he got close, Duddy took his load. by the time Buck's ejaculations stopped, he was asleep. We broke away from him without waking him.

"How was it?" I asked.

"The taste was okay, but nothing to write home about," Duddy said. "The delivery was wonderful. It was like being at the fifty-yard line at the Superbowl."

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

Duddy was silent for a little while. "Buck told me you like it all," he said. "I've fucked a few girls. It was okay, but no cigar." He stopped talking.

"You're thinking you cock would like a trip up my ass?" I asked.

He nodded and said, "A guy told me a man's ass is a lot tighter."

"Did he tell you that guys don't get pregnant?" I asked.

He looked at me oddly and then smiled. "I figured that out myself."

I told him to lie on the floor and I would sit on it. He did as I asked, I coated his cock in lube and straddled him. his cock was on the high side of average. I sat back and it slipped into my ass.

"Damn you're tight. It's beautiful," he said when his cock popped past my sphincter. His cock was a bit bigger than I thought, and my ass was much tighter than Duddy guessed. He loved it.

I was a little worried that Duddy might fall in love with me. A little later I realized that his cock was in love with my ass. That was enough for him and for me. I twitched, wiggled, and bounced until he shot off. Each forceful ejaculation was wonderful for me.

Buck woke up and they dressed and left. Duddy politely asked if he could come back. I said sure, he was more than welcome to visit.

Greg came to see me. Buck was doing well; he was feeling good and his attitude was good too. Greg thought I would be helpful with his sexual problems too. "I think the higher ups in the police think you can talk a man out of being gay. That didn't work with me, I just got more frustrated. My marriage was bad, but I stuck with it to prove I wasn't gay. My wife and I were miserable for twenty years. I finally saw the light when my cock slid into your ass."

"That's a dark place to see the light," I remarked.

"It was warm and welcoming," he replied as his beeper went off. Gregg was off to an emergency in a minute. He did have time as if I would like to get together again. I said yes.

That night on the evening news I saw there had been a ten-car pile up on the interstate. I was cleared up in three hours, but I assumed the reports and red tape would take a week to complete.

With cell phones and e-mail communication is lightning fast. I soon realized that gay smoke signals might well be just as fast. Woody told me that somehow my name was known in every closet in town. I was only known to people my parents age or who went to school with me. Both of my parents would have been in their eighty's.

Since I wasn't well known or suspected of being gay, I was the closet dwellers dream. Everyone had their own lives and are entitled to live it the way they want. out and proud is one option; staying home taking care of your parents is another. Loving to teach or preach may be problematic in many cases.

Greg came to see me a week later and he brought a friend, Leonard. Leonard was the county building official. Larger town had their own building inspectors. Leonard did the rural areas. He was the son of a builder, a former Marine and had lost his left arm, thus he was the Building Official. Even with one arm, Leonard was intimidating. He was reasonable, but firm on the life safety aspects of his job. It took me a few minutes to tell that he was horny as shit.

After brief exchange of pleasantries, Greg said they just dropped by on the way to an evening meeting. I said I was hoping for a little playtime. Leonard said that he wouldn't mind a quicky. There was no sophisticated conversation, but we were in my bedroom a few minutes later and were naked a minutes later. Leonard exercised and was in good shape. His cock had obvious recreational potential.

"Just for your information, Leonard likes to top," Greg said.

"I don't bottom when I first meet a guy," I said, "unless his balls are so fully loaded, he needs immediate relief."

"Bingo!" Leonard exclaimed. He lubricated his cock. I got on the bed on my back and Greg held my legs open. Greg's cock was near, so I sucked it.

"It's odd to be going this sort of stuff with the lights on," Leonard remarked. "I guess we're all guys here."

"Try to take your time," I said. "There is no need to rush."

"I'll pull out before I shoot," Leonard said as his knob slipped past into my ass.

"Don't worry about that. Sperm just adds lubricant," I said. I later found out Leonard had never shot off inside. He loved it. Greg shot off in my mouth as Leonard filled my ass. I was surprised that Leonard kissed me after he pulled out. He tasted Greg's cum and loved it.

Leonard had to get to his meeting. Greg stayed. "I'm sorry my visit was unannounced. I thought Leonard needed you," he said.

"What made you think that?" I asked.

"You are all man. You like sex with men, and you aren't scary. If a guy is scared of being gay, you are the go-to man," Greg said. "By the way, I am here just in case you want a second go around, I am willing. I have an itch in my ass that needs to be scratched."

"You're getting adventurous," I said.

Someone knocked on the door. It was Xavier. I asked him in and introduced him to Greg. Somehow, they seemed to sense they were similar; men in authority who were uneasy about sex with other men. They seemed to understand that they shared the same sexual interests since they guessed they both had sex with me. Unexpectedly, they didn't seem to be as nervous as I would have guessed.

"If you haven't guessed already, we all share a common interest," I said. "You both know I like to share intimate experiences with other men. If you want, we can sit around and chat. I don't want to sound like a horny old guy, but I have noticed that talking can eat into the time you spend in more enjoyable activities."

"I need a shower. It's been a long day," Greg said. The three of us went to my bedroom and bath. The bath had the oversized shower I had installed when my father was sick. We all stripped, and I saw that both Greg and Xavier liked what they saw. They were average men, not male model material, but not even close to being ugly. In the shower their cocks weren't hard, but they weren't soft either. I had an old friend who described cocks as being tastefully interested. You didn't need to suck them immediately, but you knew that was a distinct possibility.

I dropped the soap. It was accidental and not preplanned, but that was not the way Greg and Xavier interpreted it. By the time I dropped it and the time I bent over to retrieve it, Xavier's cock had become fully erect and his cock head was caressing my asshole.

"I had a feeling that you and Jonathan were friends," Greg said.

"Am I trespassing?" Xavier asked.

"No, I have lots of friends," I said.

Greg was standing in front of me. He moved closer so I could suck his cock. Xavier pushed deeper into my ass, then gently nudged his knob against my sphincter. I deep throated Greg's cock and when I pulled back, I suctioned his cock ooze into my mouth. I loved the taste of his sex juices and forgot my ass for a moment. Suddenly Xavier's entire cock was deep in me.

Both men were excited, but not uneasy. I was comfortable sucking a cock in my mouth and accommodating a cock in my ass. I sensed that both men accepted their sexual preferences. It was easier for me to enjoy them too. We broke apart, finished our shower, and went to my bed. I was on my back as Greg explored my ass and I worked on Xavier's drooling cock.

It was pleasant and relaxing. Greg and Xavier seemed to have momentarily forgotten their hang-ups and were just having sex without worrying. They were just enjoying sex with a man and being watched by another man. That was a big step forward for them. It helped that Greg was a man's man. It was also clear that Xavier was not a sex crazed libertine.

When Greg pulled out of me, Xavier surprised me by straddling my cock and sitting on it. His ass was well lubricated, so I knew it was not a spur of the moment decision. We were lucky that my cock and Xavier's cock were a good fit.

"Jonathan has a big one. How are you doing?" Greg asked him.

"It's not what I expected," Xavier replied.

"Your cock is nice and hard; it can't be that bad," Greg said.

"There is nothing bad about it so far," Xavier moaned. Greg leaned over and sucked Xavier's cock. Our little threesome became intensely affectional and intimate. Both men allowed themselves to enjoy a sexual connection with another man. I think they also understood that sexual pleasure is a two-way street, you give, and you take, but most of all you share.

Of course, cocks can only take so much pleasure. That needed to release the pressure. I filled Xavier's ass as Gregg took Xavier's sperm. I could feel him twitch as he ejaculated. Greg took it as a natural event. Xavier moaned and allowed himself to enjoy it. In the back of both men's minds the was a little thought that there would be no mess to clean up.

Next: Chapter 4

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