Back Home with Old Friends

Published on Feb 15, 2021


Back Home with Old Friends 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

I wouldn't say I became a sexual social butterfly but I was finding new friends. New friends are good; new friends with benefits are better. In the back of my mind, I thought that new, versatile friends with benefits were best.

Of course, I had known men who had limited sexual range. That was rarely a problem. Years earlier I had a friend who only like to be sucked. He was a nice guy, good conversationalist, and a great cook. I had no problem sucking his balls dry following after dinner drinks.

I had also encountered hot, macho, studs who would honor you by letting you suck their cock. It didn't take long before I realized that no one was that hot or macho.

In addition to my extensive knowledge of English literature, I am an imaginative and determined cock sucker. I know how to get the juice out of the tube. I had run into some guys who wanted to be sucked off but had no idea how good it could be. Skeeter, a construction worker, expected to be drained quickly. I did everything short of using his cock for everything short of playing the national anthem on it. He went to places he had never been before. Skeeter appreciated a skilled craftsman.

In a comparatively small town, the word of my sexual interests spread in certain circles. When one of my parents' old friends, Sylvia, died, I went to the best florist in town for an arrangement. She disliked arrangements but loved bouquets of wildflowers mixed with flowers from her garden.

The woman at the front desk only offered stock arrangements, so I asked to speak to the florist. Somewhat unwilling she went on the back room and came out with Daryl. I spoke to him and explained what I wanted. He understood and said he would do what he could in the season. It was fall. I didn't have much hope, but Daryl seemed sincere. When I went to the funeral home, my flower arrangement was prominently displayed and several of my mother friends said it was perfect, Sylvia would have loved it.

A few days later I went to pay the bill and told Daryl it was just what I wantedt. He told me it had been fun to do, a nice break from the usual work. He leaned close to me and added in a near whisper, "I think we many share some common friends." I knew exactly what he meant.

I told him that I had been working on my mother's garden and if he needed garden flowers, he was free to use them. He asked if I had any fall flowers. I said there were things blooming in the garden, but I didn't know what they were. He asked if he could drop by after work and take a look. That was fine for me.

Daryl came by in the later afternoon after work. He knocked on my door and I showed him around the garden. He was impressed by my mother's choices of plants and the maintenance. It told him about Moses. Daryl told me I was lucky to find a man who knew what he was doing.

"You are lucky. Most yard men are strictly lawn mower and weed-whacker types," he said. We chatted and I asked him in for a beer. After a beer, I asked him which of my friends he knew.

"I don't trade names," he said. "My friends are very private men. They were complimentary about you." I said I understood.

"It might be too forward to mention this, but I am a bottom," he said. "I seem to have a problem finding a friend who is a top, and big enough to fulfill my needs."

"Your private friends thought I could do that?" I asked.

Daryl nodded. "I hope I haven't offended you. I can be too direct."

"Being direct is a virtue in my view," I said.

"I had a partner for years," Daryl said. "He died three year ago."

"He met all your needs?"

Daryl nodded. "He was a big man. He was filling and satisfying. He was the first man to shoot off in me. I loved that. He couldn't shoot off near the end, but his cock was still hard. You must think I'm trash talking about such personal things."

"If I told you I'm not looking for a partner, but I do like sex. Would that sound trashy?" I asked.

Daryl laughed. "It sounds just trashy enough," he said. "Would you mind shooting off in a guy you barely know?" He didn't need an answer. We went upstairs to my bedroom.

Daryl talked like a gay television fag. He was a tall, thin, and muscular otter. He must have worked out. His cock and balls were fine.

My cock was all Daryl hoped for. He said I was as long as his partners' tool, but thicker. I asked if that was too much.

He laughed. "Let me be frank. Too much is exactly what I was hoping for!" he exclaimed. He sucked me, then were sixty-nined. His cock was easy to suck and his productive balls oozed percum to assure me that I was welcome.

A little later I eased my well lubricated cock into his ass. His sphincter was tight.

"Can you relax it a little?" I asked. A second or two later my cock head said hello to Daryl's prostate. Another second later they fell in love.

Neither Daryl nor I fell in love, it was pure sexual compatibility. Fifteen or twenty minutes later I shot off as Daryl shot off hands free. My ejaculations had been strong enough to set him off. We cooled off, got dressed and had a sandwich and the returned to the bedroom. He fucked me before my cock returned to his ass and we had a second round. We showered and then he went home.

It was odd that we both understood what had happened. At one time I believed that love and sexual compatibility were the same thing. It would be great if it did happen, but I knew that sex had its own life and sometimes it doesn't relate to everyday life.

If you need to have a stable, predictable life and your sex partner is a vagabond, constantly moving, constantly changing, it's not going to work out. That happens with marriages when he wants to roam, and she wants a family and stability. Other times, he is steady as a rock and she knows there is a Mr. Right waiting for her. I remember when I commented to a friend that his wife was beautiful. He replied, beauty isn't everything. It was an informal conversation and I think thew comment just slipped out.

Daryl went home. We would connect from time to time and it was always just as good, but we maintained our separate lives. I think we both knew there could be too much of a good thing.

Xavier called me and said he had two friends he would like me to meet. I said I always liked to meet new people. He asked if I was free in the middle of the day on Monday. I said that would be fine with me.

At ten in the morning Xavier was at my door with two young, men Frank and Dominic. I guessed they were between twenty-five and thirty. Dominic was a seminarian and Frank was a choir director. Xavier introduced me as Professor Miller, the former chair of a university English Department. I think he wanted to establish me as an authority.

Frank and Dominic had been working for a problematic priest, Father Justinian, in a troubled parish. The priest had some unorthodox ideas about sex and obedience to the priest. He thought women were dangerous and evil, especially for young men. He also seemed to believe young men were part of a harem that provided for his personal pleasure.

The Bishop found out about the problems, and Father Justinian, was now in an institution. It was an asylum, not a jail. Frank and Dominic were his victims and tended to be true believers. They believed that as long as they pleased the priest and avoided all others, they were saved. The church had people who specialized in that sort of problem, but there were limits. Both men were gay, but it was difficult for church authorities to recommend that they become happy gay men.

They tended to follow authorities, and persons of rank. With my doctorate, professorship and position as chairman, Xavier hoped I could help them. I had twenty-five years of conversations with problem students. I had dealt with misplaced hero worship before.

I had one weapon here that I lacked with students. I knew about miss-directed sexual urges. Frank and Dominic needed to be redirected. They needed to see sex as providing mutually pleasurable sex. If only one member of a couple enjoys it, it is a failed relationship.

Moses was working in the garden and he came in the house to get some water. It was a warm, Indian Summer day, and Moses was shirtless. It turned out that a muscular, shirtless, well-tanned man seemed to appeal to Frank and Dominic. I suspected he appealed even more to Xavier. The men exchanged glances, and then moved on to rearranging their balls.

"I'm feeling playful," Moses said. "Does anyone else want to play?"

"Why don't you take a shower and clean up. Anyone who want to play can join you," I suggested. Moses went upstairs. Thirty seconds later Xavier followed him. I was alone with Frank and Dominic. I was a little worried about throwing them into the deep end of the pool, but I sensed they were interested.

"Would you like to join us?" I asked. "We are all friendly open-minded men. You would be welcome." "A shower might be nice," Dominic said.

"Are there any rules?" Frank asked.

"Do unto other as you would have them do unto you," I said. Dominic was on his way up the stairs to the bedroom. Frank and I went up after him. When we got there Xavier and Moses were naked in the shower and Dominic was stripping. "I did mention this was a friendly group?" I remarked.

"I didn't know it was this friendly," Frank said.

"I don't know who said you can't have too many friends, but it seems to be my motto," I said.

"Is this going to be an orgy?" Frank asked in a whisper.

"If we are lucky," I said. "Nothing is required or demanded, but nothing is denied either." I knew Frank was uneasy, but I also knew his sexual urges were making demands. He and I stripped. Frank was half hard and I helped him with that.

Dominic, Moses, and Xavier were under the shower heads, with Moses alternating sucking their cocks. Watching men sexually engaged is inspirational. It certainly worked for us. Dominic and Frank got into the flow quickly. They had considerable experience with their priest. They knew how to serve a man sexually. They were not familiar with reciprocal sex, but they were more than ready for new experiences.

I was with Frank on my bed. He was fully erect, and I coated his cock with lube and sat on it. Frank moaned in pleasure as his cock slipped into me. "Does it hurt?" he asked.

"It's a perfect fit for me," I said, "How is it for you?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot," he whispered.

"That's why we are here," I said. "Just let nature take its course. You will shoot when your cock wants to shoot. You can't shoot off at the wrong time." I later found out his Priest was all top and unloaded in Frank's ass but didn't want Frank to shoot. Moses, Dominic, and Xavier were out of the shower and on the floor. Dominic was fucking Moses as Xavier fucked him. A little later Moses was fucking Dominic as Dominic fucked Xavier. I think they tried every possible combination. We had a rest period. I think everyone was feeling good.

"I had no idea it could feel this good," Frank said. "It was so . . ."

"Enjoyable?" Xavier suggested.

"Liberating," Frank said. "I feel free. I didn't know guys could do this. It was a duty I owed Father Justinian."

Dominic laughed. "I thought I was Father's only true follower," he said. "I thought his sperm was a form of communion.

"Well, I'm not after followers or believers," I said. "New friends are fine."

"Is this what friends with benefits is?" Frank asked.

"I have a suspicion you like hard and fast rules. As I told my students, there are rules for grammar and for good writing. These work 90% of the time. Sometimes they cause a problem; they don't work in a particular situation. What is right in a doctoral dissertation is pretentious and stilted in another situation," I said. "Obeying a nation's laws is a good thing, but it was bad with respect to Jewish persons in Germany. If obeying the law turns you into a monster, it is evil. Enjoying sex with men is one thing, using them is another."

"I admit sitting on your cock gave me pleasure. I hope it gave you pleasure too," I continued.

Frank smiled. "I loved it!"

"There are five of us here. I think we share many of the same tastes and inclinations. I wouldn't have a problem sharing intimate relations with any of you," I said. "Remember, none of us are required to participate. You can go home any time you want. For some of you this may be a bad experience, for other this may be a preview of the rest of a happy life."

As I talked, Moses leaned over to suck Frank's cock. That set the agenda for the next hours activities. Both Frank and Dominic relaxed and joined in. Xavier was more than relaxed.

I was next to Dominic. "Did Frank shoot off in you?" he whispered. I told him he had.

"Would you take mine?" he asked.

I said yes and then asked if he liked sloppy seconds. Dominic didn't know what sloppy seconds were. I explained. He then wanted to know if sloppy seconds were good or bad.

"Some guys just think it's messy. Other guys think it's a turn on, especially if a guy they like was the man who made the deposit," I explained in a whisper.

"I'm not sure," he replied.

I stroked his rock-hard cock. I smiled as I stoked his rock-hard cock. "I think your cock knows the answer," I told him. A minute later his cock was deep in my ass and we both knew he answer to the question.

As a teacher it is always rewarding when a student suddenly gets what you have been trying to teach him. One of my fellow professors called it the light bulb moment. Suddenly the lights turn on and all is clear. For Dominic, the lights turned on as his cock penetrated into the darkest parts of my body. I think his pal's still warm sperm helped to flip the switch. He had moaned when his knob popped past my sphincter and sighed as his cock snow plowed deep into me.

Once he got used to the tight warmth of my ass, he tried different positions. All were good. He told me he was continuously on the edge of an orgasm. I told him that knowing he was close added to the excitement. I told him that feeling Frank's sperm tickling my ass as he shot off, had made me shoot off.

About fifteen minutes later he popped and injected what seemed like a pint of sperm into me. Xavier, Frank, and Dominic were all drained by then. They dressed and left. Moses asked if my ass was over filled. I told him there was room for another load. As he sipped his cock into me, he said he liked the guys, and it was exciting, but it was nice to be in an old friend. I appreciated the sentiment.

The next few days were quiet and restful. I had been contacted by a publishing house to potentially write an introductory book on Metaphysical Poetry. I had been noted as being able to make the sometimes dense poetry understandable. I worked on a potential outline for the book. This was fun for me going back to it after three years back home.

Daryl, my florist friend, came to see me with a friend, Carlton. Carlton was an assistant minister in a big Lutheran Church in a neighboring city. He was the man who handled the weddings and funerals. Carlton specialty was calming brides, mother of the bride, and distraught family members of the deceased. While the Senior Pastor handled the services, Carlton did the hard work.

Carton was an average looking man, fortyish and beginning to put on weight. He worked with Daryl on the weddings and funeral flowers. It was a fairly wealthy church and things had to be perfect. While Carlton seemed calm, handling the stress took its toll.

If bomb sniffing dogs had the accuracy of Daryl's gaydar, there would be no undiscovered bombs. Daryl has 100% accuracy identifying gay men. Daryl was no fool. He knew that Carlton couldn't be the special friend of a gay florist.

Daryl was looking for a socially acceptable sexual outlet for his friend. Daryl was a good judge of character. As a retired academic, I was a perfect match for Carlton. I had a pile of books out checking on things for the proposed book. These reassured him, as did the house. I had not changed any furnishing since my mother's death. She had traditional good taste with a tendency to use antiques predating the Civil War. There was nothing of museum quality, but it all high quality. Carlton was at home.

I asked him how long he had been at his church. It had been five years. He hadn't met many people other than church members. I told him not to worry, in twenty years the locals would be ready to accept him as a native.

Carlton laughed, "That's a great relief. I thought there was a forty-year probation period," he said.

"Forty-years is only required to join the county club," I explained. "While I was born here, I moved away and lost my official, "okay guy" membership card. I'm back into a probationary status." I explained that most of them didn't realize how they struck new residents encountering them for the first time.

"Is there any way to fast-track things?" Carlton asked.

"The easiest way is to be a winning football or basketball coach," I said.

"I was good at soccer years ago," Carlton mentioned.

"I'm afraid there is some suspicion that Soccer is a Communist plot," I said. We laughed at that.

"I'm new but I have a secret weapon," Daryl said. "While I'm openly gay and they aren't sure what species I am. I can make a wedding, banquet or reception look great. I have the perfect touch for any event."

"My mother's-of-the-Bride think he a floral version of Jesus," Carlton added. "He has been known to be able to save many events. By the way, some think he pretending to be gay. It all just a cute affectation."

"If I can add a touch of vulgarity to our conversation," I said. "As long as he can still get erect, you might say his affections are penetrating and deep."

We laughed. "Well, I am not very adventurous, but I still understand the joke," Carlton said. He paused and added, "Daryl said you were close?"

"We are friends with benefits," I said. "Maybe we might be better described as a mutual aid society."

"I sort of told Carton that we have an open membership policy," Daryl said.

"Daryl told me you have a spectacular shower?" Carlton murmured. I asked if would like to see it, and surprise of surprises he was interested.

We were upstairs, nude and under the shower heads ten minutes later. Carlton was shy and uneasy, he was in better shape than I expected, beefy, moderately hairy, and uncut.

"Damn, you're big," Carleton exclaimed.

"Carlton, don't play so hard to get!" Daryl exclaimed. I dropped to my knees, wrapped my lips around his foreskin and used my tongue to peel it back.

Daryl had his arm around Carlton's shoulder and said, "I told you Jonathan was friendly."

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off," Carlton moaned.

"Don't worry. Jonathan promised not to get pregnant," Daryl said. Carlton relaxed. He was fully erect by now and I tasted the first drops of his precum.

Next: Chapter 5

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